HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/2018AT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER July 6, 2018 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information Notable Items  This week, the 5th District Court of Appeal issued its decision in the lawsuit intended to stop the widening of 24th Street. The decision serves as a complete endorsement of the Project’s environmental document and the City of Bakersfield’s ability to construct this desperately needed roadway improvement. In a 48-page opinion, the Court thoroughly analyzed each of the opponent’s arguments and refuted them. Its ruling, which vindicates the City Council’s decision to approve the environmental document and the Project, allows the City to continue its progress in improving this gateway to Downtown. The sound walls on the north side of 24th Street have been constructed, and bidding on construction of the Project is expected to begin this month. The City would like to thank the local and appellate courts and the City’s legal teams and consultants for their diligence in moving this effort forward and the community for its patience during this four-year battle to improve the City’s roads network.  Bakersfield residents who want more information about the Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure that will appear on the November 6th ballot can find answers to frequent questions on a new website: BakersfieldCity.us/VitalServices The Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure would provide reliable, locally- controlled funding that cannot be taken by the State to maintain and enhance community priorities including public safety, retaining/attracting jobs and businesses, and other quality of life services, including reducing homelessness. The site includes:  A presentation on the financial challenges and facts that outline why the City Council was asked to place Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure on the ballot General Information July 6, 2018 Page 2  A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure  A link to staff reports and formal documents related to the placement of the Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure on the November 6th ballot  Information on how community groups or civic organizations can request an informational presentation on the Bakersfield Public Safety & Vital Services Measure  Attached you will find the monthly Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) Status Report for the month of July. The report gives a summary of each TRIP project in construction, in design, and under review. Completion percentages and pictures of projects are also included.  On Sunday, July 1st, 2018, Officers with both the Impact and Special Enforcement Units began testing two different style body worn cameras with the Impact team testing the Lenslock model and the Special Enforcement Unit testing the Axon model. The devices will be tested during a twelve month period.  Kids at Camp King received visits from both the Bakersfield Police Department and the Fire Department this week. The Community Relations Unit provided a bike rodeo and distributed over 40 helmets to children in attendance. The Fire Department brought a fire truck and equipment for display. General Information July 6, 2018 Page 3 Traffic Advisories  Truxtun Avenue inside lane closure from B to D Streets As part of the ongoing tree removal program, the City’s contractor will be removing 3 large trees on the Truxtun Avenue median near B, C and D streets in the morning of Saturday, July 7th. Tree removals will require inside lane closures and possible temporary closure of Truxtun Avenue for safety reasons. Reports  Streets Division work schedule for the week of July 9th Event Notifications  Event calendar for the Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center  Friday, July 6th at Central Park: “Despicable Me 3” Free – experience outdoor movies under the stars with family and friends. Movie begins at dusk. Page 1 TRIP projects are moving rapidly through the various stages of project development. This report is to provide a periodic up-to-date snapshot of each project’s recent major activities and progress. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Janet Wheeler at the TRIP office, (661) 326-3491. Regular project updates are also available on the TRIP website at BakersfieldFreeways.us MILESTONES  The City has received a lengthy opinion from the 5th District Appellate Court in Fresno regarding the appeal filed by the Citizens Against the 24th Street Widening Project. The Appellate Court has ruled in favor of the City and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), denying the appeal and affirming Superior Court Judge Twisselman’s 2016 judgement on every actionable issue. Citizens Against the 24th Street Widening Project initially filed a challenge to the environmental impact report in 2014, which resulted in the preparation of a Recirculated Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (R-EIR/EIS) that included a study of the new cul-de-sacs requested by the residents and additional information on the project alternatives that were considered but rejected. Design and all other work on the project was put on hold during this period. Following certification of the R-EIR/EIS, Citizens Against the 24th Street Widening Project sought to invalidate the new document, which Judge Twissleman denied. The group appealed his ruling and also sought an injunction against moving forward with work. Ultimately, the State Supreme Court denied the injunction after both the Superior Court and the 5th District Court of Appeal rejected the request; design work resumed as the appeal moved forward. Project design was completed earlier this year and the project will begin the bidding process for construction later this month.  TRIP received notification in June of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s intent to grant $50 million for construction of the Centennial Corridor mainline under the competitive Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant program. INFRA supports projects that make significant, long-term improvements to America’s transportation infrastructure. The INFRA grant, coupled with recent California Transportation Commission’s (CTC) awards for other phases of the project, previously obligated federal funds, and budgeted local dollars, fully funds construction of the Centennial Corridor and eliminates the City’s need to borrow funds to complete the project. The INFRA grant culminated three months of funding awards, allocating a total of $169 million dollars toward project construction. Thank you Congressman McCarthy, former Congressman Bill Thomas, and the entire TRIP team (City of Bakersfield, Kern Council of Governments, Caltrans, County of Kern and Parsons) for securing the funding needed to complete this important project. July 2018 TRIP Status Report TRIP Status Report July 2018 Page 2  Congratulations to everyone who worked on the Southbound State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements Project. TRIP has been notified that the Southern San Joaquin Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers selected the project for a 2018 Excellence Award in Transportation. The award will be presented at the Chapter’s annual banquet in September.  The City has advertised for construction bids from pre-qualified contractors for the Belle Terrace Operational Improvements Project (Centennial Corridor). The bids are due by 11 a.m. on July 19th.  The City plans to advertise for Responsibility Statements and Questionnaires (RSQ) for the construction of the 24th Street Improvement Project in July; and for construction bids from pre- qualified contractors in August.  Worth noting: August 2nd marks the fifth anniversary of opening the first 5 miles of the Westside Parkway. More than 40,000 vehicle trips are taken on the freeway each day, reducing commute times for thousands of Bakersfield residents. A motorist who shaved 10 minutes off of both the morning and afternoon commute (by using the Westside Parkway instead of surface streets) would have an accrued time savings of more than 400 hours over the past 5 years. PROJECT STATUS Beltway Operational Improvements Contractor: Security Paving Company 91% complete; anticipated completion: summer 2018 This project includes various improvements along State Route 58, from State Route 99 to Cottonwood Road, and on State Route 99, from north of Ming Avenue to Wilson Road. Work along northbound State Route 99 last month included the installation of an overhead sign structure and storm drain within the median. These two items are expected to be completed in July. Last month on eastbound State Route 58, crews continued working on retaining walls and underground installations. Retaining wall work will continue in July. June paving activities included placing concrete for the freeway mainline and laying asphalt for the eastbound Chester Avenue on-ramp. Paving the eastbound Chester Avenue off-ramp is planned for July. Electrical work continues along both the eastbound and westbound lanes on State Route 58. Work is underway during both daytime and nighttime hours. Nighttime lane and ramp closures may be in effect along State Route 58, Sunday through Thursday nights. Truxtun Avenue Operational Improvements Contractor: Granite Construction 60% complete; anticipated completion: January 2019 The contractor completed the west half of the architectural treatment wall under the State Route 99 bridge in June and plans to complete the east half of the architectural treatment wall in July. This wall replaces the previous slope and allows for new travel lanes to be constructed on the south side of Truxtun Avenue. The contractor plans to install column protection barriers at the bridge next month. TRIP Status Report July 2018 Page 3 Improvements continue at the Truxtun Avenue/Oak Street intersection. Signal poles and equipment are being relocated to accommodate the widening. Selective demolition at the storage facility near the intersection has also been underway to provide room for the new alignment’s eastbound-to-southbound right turn pocket. The curb, gutter and sidewalks on the north side of Truxtun, east side of Oak Street, were completed in June. The contractor plans to pave Truxtun Avenue, on the east side of Oak Street, in July. 24th Street Improvement Project Contractor: TBD Advertise: summer 2018: Construction start: fall 2018 The City plans to advertise for Responsibility Statements and Questionnaires in July; and for construction bids from pre-qualified contractors in August. Centennial Corridor The multi-phased Centennial Corridor project requires four large contracts for completion. The first contract was approved in 2017 and is currently under construction at the eastern end of the Westside Parkway. The bidding process for the second contract is underway and a request for contract approval is expected to go before City Council in August. A third contract will be advertised for bids in August and bidding for the forth contract will follow later this year. By early 2019, the entire corridor will be under construction, with final completion anticipated in 2022. Phase 1 - Kern River Bridge Improvements Contractor: Security Paving Company 47% complete; anticipated completion: summer 2019 This project constructs new bridges across Truxtun Avenue and the Kern River for the westbound exit from Centennial Corridor (future State Route 58) to Mohawk Street and widens the existing eastbound bridges crossing the Kern River and Truxtun Avenue to accommodate the future freeway mainline. The contractor is setting falsework for the future westbound Mohawk Street off-ramp. (Falsework is a temporary structure that supports the steel and concrete during construction.) As the falsework is set, the contractor will then construct forms for the stems and soffit (girders and bridge bottom). This work will continue through the month of July. Next month, the contractor plans to place concrete for footings and walls at the bridge abutments adjacent to Truxtun Avenue. Work on the embankment between Truxtun Avenue and the Kern River is also expected to continue in July. Phase 2 – Belle Terrace Operational Improvements Contractor: TBD Project advertised for construction; Construction start: late summer 2018 The project will demolish the existing Belle Terrace overcrossing (built in 1963) and replace it with a structure that meets Caltrans’s current vertical clearance requirements. The project will improve northbound State Route 99 to eastbound State Route 58 traffic flow by reconstructing the northbound- TRIP Status Report July 2018 Page 4 to-eastbound connector structure over Wible Road and widening it to two lanes. Wible Road and Alamo Court will also be realigned. Completion is anticipated in spring 2020. The City is accepting construction bids from pre-qualified contractors only; bids must be submitted prior to July 19, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. Phase 3 – Bakersfield Freeway Connector Contractor: TBD Advertise for construction bids: August 2018; Construction start: fall 2018 This project will reconstruct the westbound-to-southbound loop ramp at the State Route 58/State Route 99 interchange. An auxiliary lane will be constructed on westbound State Route 58 and the bridge crossing over State Route 99 will be widened. The project addresses bottleneck congestion on southbound State Route 99 by separating freeway on- and off-ramps between the closely spaced State Route 58 on-ramps and the Ming Avenue off-ramp. The project will combine the eastbound and westbound State Route 58 connectors into one branch connecting to southbound State Route 99. The entrance to the Ming Avenue off-ramp will be shifted to the north and motorists will travel on a barrier- separated connector to Ming Avenue. Sound walls will also be constructed with the project. The California Transportation Commission approved a $25 million SB1 grant for construction in May. Phase 4 – Mainline & SR 58/SR 99 Ramp Connectors Designer: Parsons; Design: 99% complete Final design plans for various parts of the project are at or nearing completion; including:  100% Local Roads and Bike Path plans  100% Roadway plans  100% plans for structures in Zones 1 and 2 (Zone 1 includes the roadways and structures from the Kern River Bridge Improvements through the California Avenue Bridge; Zone 2 includes bridges at Marella Way, La Mirada Drive, Ford Avenue, Stockdale Highway, and Real Road  100% submittal for the WB to NB connector structure  Various environmental revalidations have been approved The City is preparing the corridor for future mainline construction. This work includes the installation of drainage systems; asphalt paving; and the construction of cul-de-sacs at various locations. These road modifications are part of the permanent configuration for the Centennial Corridor Project. Sound wall construction along the depressed section of the future freeway alignment is scheduled to begin in July. Remaining sound walls will be constructed in conjunction with the future freeway due to the need to raise ground elevations for overcrossings at California Avenue, Ford Avenue, Stockdale Highway, and Real Road. The majority of the storm drain work has been completed. The contractor completed a paving overlay on Morrison Street in June. Street improvements are underway on Fallbrook Street, Hillsborough Drive and Kentfield Drive. Work on these streets is expected to be completed in July, and the contractor will begin working on Kensington Avenue, Del Rey Court, Montclair Street, and a new parking lot for Centennial Park. TRIP Status Report July 2018 Page 5 Top left: Crews erect falsework for the future Mohawk Street exit Top Right: View atop the structural falsework for the future westbound State Route 58 off-ramp to Mohawk Street Middle left: Bridge abutments for the future Mohawk exit and Centennial Corridor mainline are under construction between Truxtun Avenue and the Kern River Bottom left: Crews prepare to pave the Joseph Drive/Candy Street intersection to the final configuration Bottom right: Morrison Street paving in June PROJECT PHOTOS TRIP Status Report July 2018 Page 6 Top left: Crews place electrical conduit along the new State Route 58 sound walls Top right: Work on various retaining walls continues along State Route 58 Middle left: Paving the eastbound State Route 58 Chester Avenue on-ramp Bottom Left: Selective demolition at the self- storage facility at Truxtun Avenue and Oak Street creates additional space for the widening project Bottom right: The west end of the architectural wall under the State Route 99 bridge on Truxtun Avenue was completed in June Week of July 9_2018_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of July 9, 2018 – July 13, 2018 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Maintenance Grind & Pave on Monitor between White Ln and Fairview (SB1) Maintenance Grind & Pave on Real Rd between Wilson Rd and Planz Maintenance Grind & Pave on Real Rd between California and Stockdale Maintenance Grind & Pave on Fairview between South H and Hughes Maintenance Grind & Pave on Fairview between H Street and Monitor Maintenance Grind & Pave on Planz between Stine Rd and Wilson Rd Reconstructing Streets South Pacheco West of Hughes Sealing streets in the area south of 7th Standard between Calloway and Coffee Rd Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned sewer and storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the City Install storm pipe on Monitor North of Hosking Bus Stop repair at Select and Arrow. Concrete work on Streets that are funded with SB1 money Working on expansion of PD parking lot off of Buena Vista (waiting for Electrical and Water line to go in.) Concrete work in the Old Town Kern, Oleander and El Toro HUD areas installing and repairing curb & gutter, sidewalks, and handicap ramps as needed. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of July 9_2018_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, July 9, 2018 Between So. “H” St. & Union Avenue – Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) – Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Between 99 Hwy. & So. “H” St. – Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. “H” St. Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Between Panorama Dr. & Bernard St. -- Union Ave. & Loma Linda Dr. Between River Blvd. & E. Columbus St. – Panorama Dr. & Columbus St. Between College Ave. & Azalea Ave. – Fountain Dr. & Raval St. Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Allen Rd. & Buena Vista Rd. Thursday, July 12, 2018 Between Carr St. & California Ave. – Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. – California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. – Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. – No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between New Stine & Ashe Rd. – Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, July 13, 2018 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. – Belle Terrace & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. – Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweepers are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM (Excluding Event Days) CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-888-929-7849 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Broadway In Bakersfield 661-852-7308 Week of July 2nd UPCOMING EVENTS July 7 – Comedy Get Down 8:00 PM $135, $79.50, $55, $45, $35 On Sale Now July 15 – Bronco w/El Coyote 8:00 PM $53, $43, $33 On Sale Now August 11 – Keith Sweat 7:00 PM $79, $59, $44, $29 On Sale Now September 8 – Bad Bunny 8:00 PM $139, $99, $79, $59, $39 On Sale Now September 22 – Los Tigres Del Norte 8:00 PM $159, $109, $89, $69, $49 On Sale Now November 8 – Disney On Ice 7:00 PM $60, $36, $12 On Sale Now November 9 – Disney On Ice 7:00 PM $65, $40, $26, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now November 10 – Disney On Ice 11A/3P/7P $65, $40, $26, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now November 11 – Disney On Ice 1 PM/5 PM $65, $40, $26, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now August 18 – Jack White 8:00 PM $79.50, $49.50, $39.50 On Sale Now July 4th Celebration 6:00 PM Free Admission August 11 – Gary Allan 7:00 PM $59.50, $54.50, $39.50, $26.50 On Sale Now August 18 – Ziggy Marley w/Steel Pulse 7:30 PM $79.50, $59.50, $39.50, $29.50, $26.50 On Sale Now September 20 – Kenny G 7:30 PM $76.50, $66.50, $46.50, $36.50, $21.50 On Sale Now Season tickets on sale now! Chicago: The Musical – November 13 Jersey Boys – January 14 The Wizard of Oz – January 28 STOMP – March 3 www.rabobankarena.com - www.spectrumamphitheatre.com