HomeMy WebLinkAbout4901 ashe rd ast closure report)OA11k m2m January 12, 2018 Mr. Shane Gardner Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street, Floor 2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: AST Closure Rel Permit #17 -10001 AT &T DirecTV 4901 Ashe Road Bakersfield, Cali Dear Mr. Gardner: On behalf of AT &T Services, Inc prepared by Aptim Environment at 4901 Ashe Road, Bakersfield, Sincerely, Matthew C. Curtis, PG #6988 Task Manager Phone: 949.660.5495 E -Mail Address: matthew.curti Matthew C. Curtis Task Manager /Senior Geologist Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ave, Suite 450 Irvine, CA 92612 Tel: +1949.660.5495 Fax: +1949.474.8309 Matthew.Curtis@aptim.com ort 696 rnia . and DirecTV, please find enclosed the AST Closure Report 1 & Infrastructure, Inc. for the AT &T/DirecTV Facility located - alifornia. im.com cc: Mr. Gerardo Favela - AT &T Services, Inc. Mr. Daniel Madrigal — AT &T Services, Inc. AST CLOSURE REP Perm it #TA -170245 4#01 Ashe Road, Awgary 1, Presented to: Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street, Floor 2 Bakersfield, California 93301 Prepared for: AT &T Services, Inc. 7701 Artesia Boulevard Room 100 Buena Park, California 90621 Prepared by: APTi Aptim Environmental & Infrast}ct 18100 Von Karman Ave, Suite 450 Irvine, California 92612 Inc. ASTCLOWRER" Perm, it #TA47-02-45 4,901, Ashe Road, Ba P r qjiect Nimber 63121273 3-4009 January, Prepared by: MI Matthew C. Curtis � Senior Geologist, P.G. #6988 AL Po 0 VA= C. 69 C Approved by: L,--- Date: 01/12/18 Rob DeInagro, P.G., C.E.M. Senior Project Man, ger/Quality Assurance 1.0 Introduction On behalf of AT &T Services Inc. (AT &T), Aptim Environmental and Infrastructure, Inc. (APTIM) was contracted to provide environmental consulting services during the closure of one 3,000 - gallon diesel aboveground storage tanks (AST) from the AT &T /DirecTV facility located at 4901 Ashe Road in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The AST was manufactured in July 2015, installed in 2015 and active for loss than one year before being replaced with another larger AST. AT &T plans to refurbish the AS and move it to another facility in San Diego, CA in 2018. 1.? Objectives The primary objectives of this project was to maintain compliance with the City of Bakersfield Fire Department's requirements for diesel fuel distribution and close one of the two permitted ASTs on the site. 1.1.1 Permits Prior to initiation of the AST abandonment activities, a permit was obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department. Copies of the AST closure permit (17- 10000696) are provided in Appendix A. 1.2 Site Description The AT &T facility is located in a mostly industrial area of the west Bakersfield, California. The site is located on the south side of Ashe Road (Figure 1). The site was previously a vacant property but in 2015 it was developed by DirecTV. AT &T purchased DirecTV and the facility which has a large satellite antenna network, numerous electrical underground utilities, and a relatively unmanned warehouse building. The facility is gated with a guard shack. It currently has two standby generators. The 3,000 gallon diesel AST is located in the central portion of the complex (Figure 2). 1 -1 20 Belly Tank AST CI ure Activities 2.1 Physiography and Topography The site is located at an elevation of approximately 365 feet above mean sea level (msl). The topography at the site is a relatively flat area of Kern County, southwestern Bakersfield area. The topography in the site vicinity is relatively flat and very gently slopes gently to the southwest. Figure 1 shows the topography in the vicinity and across the Site. 2.2 Climate The Site has a variable "Medite anean to Desert" climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters. Data from the NCDC Weather station nearest to site is the City of Bakersfield AP station (1937 - 2012) indicate that mean monthly temperatures ranged from 57.4 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) on January (minimum) to 98.67 in July (maximum) during this time period. The highest temperature recorded was 115 °F on July 1, 1970, the lowest temperature was 19 °F on December 23, 1990. More than 90 percent of the yeal ly rainfall for the area occurs between December and April. The mean annual precipitation for . e period of record was 6.17 inches, with measured precipitation ranging from 1.87 (1959) to 13.32 inches (1998). There are have been two recorded snowfall events during this monitoring period of 1.5 inches in March 1994 and 3.00 inches in January 1999. The climate data for Site and thle central Kern County area are available from the internet site at https:// wrcc. dri .edu/cgi- bin/cliMAIN.pl ?caO442. 2.3 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology The site is surrounded on two sides by channelized water levees and the site is approximately 3.75 miles south of the Kern River, and is underlain by alluvial dan deposits comprised of silt, sand, and clay. Depth to groundwater in the region is noted to be widely variable and seasonal. Depth to water at a nearby service station indicates that water ranges from 40 to 58 feet below ground surface (bgs). Approximately 60 percent of the municipal water supply for Kern County is derived from groundwater supplies. A regional confining layer known as the Corcoran Clay is located approximately 200 to 300 feet bgs and has an average thickness of approximately 55 feet. The Corcoran Clay separates a semi confined to unconfined aquifer (above) from a confined aquifer system below. Groundwater flow direction is estimated to be to the south - southwest, mirroring the general topography. 2.3.1 Site Geology Soil encountered during the localized subsurface investigation of two hand auger borings consisted primarily of sandy silt to 6 feet 4s. No groundwater was encountered within the borings and soil moisture was dry to moist. 2 -1 3.0 Field Activities 3.1 Diesel Fuel ATS Clea 'ing and Removal Angus Asphalt Inc. (Angus), un er the direction of R.J. Daum Construction Company ([RJD] the AT &T construction manager), transferred the diesel fuel within the AST to the other onsite AST. The piping was drained back into the UST from the generator and the piping was triple- rinsed by Nieto & Sons ( Nieto, located at 1281 Brea Canyon Road, Brea, California 92821) personnel using a fresh water /detergent mixture a nd a hot water pressure washer on January 3, 2018 (see photos in Appendix B). Following rinsing of the piping and the AST, visual inspection of the AST did not indicate any residual sludge or liquid on the visible portions of the interior. The AST manway was opened and Nieto monitored and certified the AST interior as clean by monitoring the concentrations of flammable vapors (0.0 %) and combustible oxygen (20.9 %) with a calibrated lower explosive level meter (LEL) with an oxygen sensor. The steel double - walled Moderr Weld AST was removed by crane and placed on a flat -bed truck Welding Companies facility in Fresno California on January 4, 2018. for refurbishing at Modern We g p y � � Following removal, the UST was further inspected for signs of deterioration, holes or leakage, with none noted. The rinsate from the piping was @proximately 120 gallons and disposed of at DeMenno Kerdoon Hazardous Waste Recycling Fa ility in Compton and the manifest is provided in Appendix C. 3.2 Soil Sampling A On September 21, 2017, • Two soil samples from • Two soil samples from Each sample location was colle Fire Department, Prevention SE are shown on Figure 3. As the i points at the noth and south en, were to be taken at depths of t collected within with a hand au; in stainless steel sleeves. All of broke off on the second sample site restoration. During sampl sample TS @6' approximately 1 end of the AST, a concrete obstz collected: north end of the AST TN @2' and TN *3' south end of the AST TS @2' and TS @6' ted under the direction of Mr. Shane Gardner of the Bakersfield vices Division (CUPA) and the sample locations he designated .ST and fuel piping were above ground, the CUPA chose sample s of the concrete pad. Per the CUPA AST Guidelines, samples vo and six feet bgs within a single boring. AST samples were er boring. Sample TS @2' was driven with a slide hammer using ier samples were collected within the hand auger as the sampler end was left in -place for the general contractor to remove during Zg, APTIM encountered an unmarked 1" steel pipe and moved !" to the east. During sampling for the 6 -foot sample at the north action was encountered and the CUPA allowed the second sample 3 -1 to be collected at 3 feet bgs. All samples were sealed with a Teflon tape and plastic caps. Photo documentation of field activities are presented in Appendix B. After completion of the sampling activities, the containers were properly labeled, placed in a cooler with ice and transported under APTIM chain -of- custody documentation protocol to the analytical laboratory. 3.3 Soil Sample Analysis All soil samples were transporte ELAP - certified laboratory locat, petroleum hydrocarbons for die compounds (VOCs) via EPA M toluene, ethylbenzene, total xyle ether (DIPE), ethyl t -butyl eth (TAME), and tert-butyl alcohol documents are included in Appe 3.4 Regional Geology G and submitted to Orange Coast Analytical Laboratories, Inc., an L in Irvine, California. All soil samples were analyzed for total ;l (TPH -D) via EPA Method 801513, and total volatile organic hod 8260B. The volatile organic compounds included benzene, Ns (BTEX) constituents, and the five fuel oxygenates diisopropyl (ETBE), methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE), t -amyl methyl ether FBA). A copy of the laboratory report and the chain -of- custody dix D. Hydrogeology Results of the laboratory analysi did not detect any soil samples with measurable TPH D, BTEX, or fuel oxygenate concentrations above laboratory method detection limits. Soil sample analytical results are summarized in Table 1. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports are included in Appendi4 D. 3 -2 3.0 Conclusion Based on the field observations d laboratory analytical data presented in this report, APTIM concludes the following: • On January 3, 2018, the 3000 - gallon diesel fuel AST and associated piping were triple rinsed and the AST was made inert by the addition of carbon dioxide gas per the Bakersfield AST closure requirements • On January 4, 2017, he AST and associated piping were removed from the site with the AST being returned to Modern Weld in Fresno CA for refurbishing. • On January 3, 2018, wo soil samples were collected from the south end of the AST and two soil samples were collected from the north end of the AST. • The four soil sample were submitted to the analytical laboratory for analysis for full range VOCs including BTEX and the five fuel oxygenates. • Results of the laboratory analysis did not detect any soil samples with measurable concentrations above laboratory detection limits. • Following review of the analytical results, the CUPA was notified and APTIM recommends that no further action is required for this AST closure project. • The concrete pads have been removed and the site surface has been restored with gravel to match the surrounding surface conditions. 5.1 Reporting Requiremen s A wet -ink stamped and signed cor y as well as a digital copy of this report will be forwarded to the following regulatory agency: • Bakersfield Fire Depar Attention Mr. Shane G 2101 H Street, Floor 2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 5 -1 (n In C) C) LO CD C) LO 0 z x ci U- F- LO C) Cl LO C) 0 LO C) C) LO 0 0 x ci v lz 6 v ci v 6 v 0 LL n cc ❑ ❑ z z z E Co cn 4) C\l C) C%j C) C\1 0 C) 0 N C) v v v v z z z z In C) C) LO CD C) LO 0 LO CD X_- ci U- LO C) Cl LO C) 0 LO C) C) LO 0 0 x ci v lz 6 v ci v 6 v 0 n ❑ ❑ ❑ z z z 4) C\l C) C%j C) C\1 0 C) C) v v v v z z z z Q LO ('4 C) Lr) C\l Cl U") CN LO C\l C) r C) 6 v C) ci v ci v v r-' 0 r) 0 z z z z C to CN CD LO N CD LO C) U') cq 0 o C) v 9 0 v C? 0 v C? 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IPE SECONDARY PIPE MO'DIFICATI ®NS MIIU{JR I`; MAJ'(1t NKTES 71N., DESCRIF'Tif?N DATE SIGNATURE DESCRtP!TtQN DATE . S #GNAt ,URE UST BEW-V AL ESCRIPl tCIN DPiTE SIGNAT11FtE. DES.GRIPTION iJATE; ` SIGNATURE E R, UPGRADE, PRIt R T� 0►CC.UPANCY OF ANTSY ALL .UST AI.Dt'R AST SYSTEMS SHAL' L BE INTALLED, COMPLETED,, AND AC'C;ERTED BY' THE AKERSFIELD CITY FIRE. EPARTNiENT: `C FI ' J,O,B D.ESCIIPTIO.IrI OCCUPANCY TYPE QINNER PERMIT CONTRACTClR 1lJ► 1.' FD 2165 (Rev:. 3/,20,1:7) Client: AT &T /DTV SAM BKFCAIT Location: 4901 Ashe Road, Bakersfield, CA Photograph Date: 01/03/18 & 01/94/18 Photographic Documentation Page 1 of 3 y r �*"� ,` '4 i� � s,. •„ y � �, & �� a ter s 4� �y�.`�'qr,.�. ' "^ '^a"": «,:� � ����^� � �_ "� 36� - U,:... . a�.� p �,, y 'a „t ry�,�,,,dG 3••9,�"z�- ",,+aa _;. '"`'+ `^r . °y", ,�."`.` f r ln.,!.t9k _ 8y34: _ t'�"x. Yennw. a� am, $`GF 4 fig' �y J k 44'i ' .* Ym �.;:•;:, ;! 1j"°a• ""`'�'".' m� - fi �" -, °6 +'�•...^,A ,� a.r o,..a�i IT A# r a-� "' "b. i�, s�,y, � �..,.3x -fF ,�' ^"a•, n ik a ..'S+7 „^4 �S �T3< � � W}� � M s v 4 s. �d y ,.� ;a.�Yi: � }M�,iy$,n.+. (^.! a+•E��l'�e"?^: �. Av si... !3.4.n y3�-7w , _ �S.�ir `� .� :hanFa .3.' °� ._.. _ �. z"��. _ ., ..-. -.. '' .. ,,. C ,.,.� .., r. ". s• �s:rr °'.n.+��' ..�S2i,� d9:�"�`�'u",°c�„ Client: AT &T /DTV SAM BKFCAIT Location: 4901 Ashe Road, Bakersfield, CA Photograph Date: 01/03/18 & 01/ 4/18 R- F Photographic Documentation Prepared by: APTIM Photographer: M. Curtis & C. Jacques Project No: 631227353 Photo 9 Direction: East Photo 10 Direction: West Date: 01/04/18 Tim : UNK. Date: 01/04/18 Time: UNK. Description: View of CO2 being add d to UST to make it Description: View of AST being lifted onto flat -bed inert before offsite shipment. truck for shipment back to Modern Welding in Fresno. Page 3 of 3 a �' L PEtr, ttl }i�wrx, (aCm,gheti fpP u orr elrle i2 pitefi).Eypewr ter.) _ _ _ . .. _r, rx, _....._ Form l�p�rovet� fJtvl3 Plr� 2`!5 +; t103i> " tt, ! r agc�t ;f 3. Emt r ene Res apse Pli rte t. ir9attffc. um 1,' AefatiSC It} t�[ttCttber �� ' g ) 17 ci st Traclting N Eger " E to `'� # i y�L. y► J� , 4 . t X714) 9 -90 009712800 V�2Swa ,. i i �!ifi� y-3 t' li�py t 'F �.:. ._,..... ..............,.— .— .,........., - , .'w ,: OW-40-MR-4, i Bless Generator's Site Address (if different than ma*nq adds ss) L EPA T - LLC l� d Bakersfield, CA 93313 t i aa� Ft1sy�¢oi r GShitah gpyN� {}y�� (U.SSP}A iD(�Nurnbef Q { 6AiWJj7(f "#Ntr LT '+.!' P: i i 8 4l r a. Designated Facllify Kame'and-Site Address. U.S. EPA Il? Nun,rer. °- ° . AIMIMA ." 1 80.0. fi s�'b y r), t b { Facility,- PlulliC' �* UI t ,. DOr Description {including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID I . a -brr 10, Containers ta To tal ._ I 1'l Unrt a r i asking Group (if any)) No Type :�tiiy iNt 1Ual ?:3 'Nasle Golles , 1 0asoffne fftrture, 3, PG 11 0011 T u . y�, - }.f� lye Yr t' 1 � VXS r 4 S , i e in. Sple .au Hemdting Instructions and Additional Information 1r All Appropriate R VIM 1"116 Clothing 7 157 GCNiiL <.rAyi 0R'SfOFFEROFt'S CERTIFICATION: t hereby declare thak the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and afe classified, packaged, marked and labeledlptacarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable, International and national govemmental regulations. If export shipritentand I am the Prirna,y Eyporter, i certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the arms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent. I ceility that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262,27(a) (if1 am a large quantity generator) or (b), (if I ama.smali quantity.gener tor) is toe. Genei aEr'slofferor s rinted/Typed Name Sign pre v ont 1 ay ear _4 Alk aWga e j f 6. International Shipments ❑ import to U.S, ❑ Export from U.S. Port of enirylexit: _. Transports, signature for ex orts ortl _._ Date. leaving U.S.: 17. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transporter t Pnpiledffyped ame " M . ignature ---Month Day Yet,r a + L11,;. 1 Transparter 2 FrRie yped Name M +Signature Month Day Year 18.Oiscrepar:ry 'I 8q. Discrepucy Indication Space ❑ Quantity ❑ i'ype ❑Residue ❑Partial Rejection ❑ Full Rejection Manifest Reference Number; 5b. Alternate acility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID NUrnber C.y Facility's nco:l:;: ...,_... - ........, Month Day Year U.1 18c. Signature u, Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Q 19.1•lazarcous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for ha 'ardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling,systerns) LU 2 3. 4. t' v,✓ i 20. Designatiao Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by the manifest except, as ed in item 18a PdntedfTypr:d NIa ie Signature Month Day_ Yea a EPA t=orn, 8700 -2 Rev. 3 -05 Previous editions all obsolete. vca�NA D FACILITY TO D tNATION STATE (IF REQUIRED -M Ell T =mm mlil M AM Orange oast Analytical, Inc. IMS 111111111ft 3002 Dow, Suite 532, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 832 -0064 Fax(714)832-0067 4620 E. Elwoo , Suite 4, Phoenix, AZ 85040 (480) 736 -0960 Fax(480)736-0970 "W LABO A TORY REPORT FORM ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. 3002 Dow Suite 532 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 832 -0064 Labor tory Certification (ELAP) No.: 2576 Expiration Date: 2017 Los Angeles County Sanitation District Lab ID# 10206 Laboratory Director's Name: Mark Noorani Client: APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure Laboratory Reference: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project Number: 631227353 -008 Date Received: 1/3/2018 D to Reported: 1/5/2018 Chain of Cust dy Received: C! AnalVtical Method: 801513, 826013 oorani, Laboratory uirector © This report may only be reproduced in full. Any partial reproduction of this report requires written permission from Orange Coast Analytical, Inc. Mr. Matthew Curtis Lab Reference #: APT 23357 APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Project #: 631227353 -008 Irvine, CA, 92612 Case Narrative Sample Receipt: All samples on the Chain of Custody were r ceived by OCA at 3.4 2C, on ice. Holding Times: All samples were analyzed within required t olding times unless otherwise noted in the data qualifier section of the report. Analytical Methods: Sample analysis was performed following the analytical methods listed on the cover page. Data Qualifiers: Within this report, data qualifiers may have been assigned to clarify deviations in common laboratory procedures or any divergence from laboratory QA/QC criteria. If a data qualifier has been used, it will appear in the back of the report along with its description. All method QA/QC criteria have been met unless otherwise noted in the data qualifier section. Definition of Terms: The definitions of common terms and acronyms used in the report have been placed at the back of the report to assist data users. Comments: None © Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 2 of 13 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Irvine, CA, 92612 Lab Reference #: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project #: 631227353 -008 Client Sample Summary 0 Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 3 of 13 1/5/2018 Lab Sample Date Date Matrix Client Sample ID Number Received Sampled axi sant•J,e,a'St.r"i, w,.4, 7+"Y.M,...o;C x.Gch s.x'1y?°" ,,.p �Y"....b� ✓,„:r,.c:.r. .T«C„`e ,.�wa�,:�i�iu x.$ aszefl .,is�:ri?w,i�bw'`u,.�'�` ire: �» S. swk.>% �"' r.": �... '«„x''iv`Tw'xir.Ybw:.n�"..�..�� �w^�wk��S#ik5:i"�' °*: TSQa 2' 23357 -001 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 Soil TSQa 6' 23357 -002 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 Soil TN7a 2' 23357 -003 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 Soil TN@a 3' 23357 -004 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 Soil 0 Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 3 of 13 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Irvine, CA, 92612 Lab Reference #: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project #: 631227353 -008 Diesel Range Organics - DROs (EPA 80156) ANALYTE m. - t DROs <10 Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None C Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 4 of 13 Surrogate: % RC* Octacosane 77 * Acc Recovery: 38 -162 % 1/5/2018 Lab Sample Date Date Date Date Client Sample ID Number Received Sampled Extracted Analyzed Matrix TS @2' 23357-001 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ANALYTE mg /ka ii` 2:., ?A., n,.' c.. thei" vv+ 31"!tMnwsa'"..ru.'w."u"'.VaF'az Surrogate: % RC* DROs <10 Octacosane 196 * Acc Recovery: 38 -162 % Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: S1, TS @6' 23357-002 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ' w"% X"" 5"w u�"�'p+.4'ua�4`5,�a.`Hn.°s.v wa.;x:»"{✓.iei'tibr.�tr .U.rS..My'.i4 ro �.G;✓ awn" :',f��Sac.'G..'..�.yi..w.: ell% aa''^ w. ii�% i1., . %.*k,+ R.. Mree. u. o-s�akdwwiM` �.' kt".' rv`:'S rws'; u»` w'+. +'.2,.ef....±.'�T.w.i.t�lM.si' .. }i�.,l:.'.N""'." wear, L,; ..,�u'u ANALYTE mg /kq Surrogate: % RC* DROs <10 Octacosane 260 * Acc Recovery: 38-162% Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: S1, TN @2' 23357-003 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ANALYTE mg /kg Surrogate: % RC* DROs <10 Octacosane 162 * Acc Recovery: 38-162% Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None TN @3' 23357-004 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ANALYTE mg /kq Surrogate: % RC* DROs <10 Octacosane 159 * Acc Recovery: 38-162% Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None Method Blank MBTSO 03181 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Soil b �.. � � �:�r -� ANALYTE m. - t DROs <10 Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None C Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 4 of 13 Surrogate: % RC* Octacosane 77 * Acc Recovery: 38 -162 % 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Irvine, CA, 92612 Lab Reference #: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project #: 631227353 -008 Organics by GC /MS (EPA 82606) Lab Sample # Ug/kg Date Date Date Date Client Sample ID Number <2.5 Received Sampled Extracted Analyzed Matrix TS@2' 23357 001 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Soil t -Amyl methyl ether (TAME) Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) n- Butylbenzene sec-Butyl benzene tert - Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2- Chlorotoluene 4- Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2- Dibromo- 3- chloropropane 1,2- Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 1,4- Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1- Dichloroethane 1,2- Dichloroethane 1,1- Dichloroethene cis -1,2- Dichloroethene trans -1,2- Dichloroethene 1,2- Dichloropropane 1,3- Dichloropropane 2,2- Dichloropropane 1,1- Dichloropropene cis -1,3- Dichloropropene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane: Toluene -d8: 4- Bromofluorobenzene: CAS # Ug/kg 994 -05 8 <10 71 -43 -� <2.0 108 -8611 <2.5 74 -97- <2.5 75 -27- <2.5 75 -25- <2.5 74-83-9 <10 75-65-3 <50 104-51-8 <2.5 135-988 <2.5 98 -06- <2.5 56 -23- <2.5 108-907 <2.5 75 -00- <5.0 67 -66 -3 <2.5 74 -87 -3 <5.0 95 -49 -8 <2.5 106-43-4 <2.5 124 -481 <2.5 96-128 <5.0 106-93-4 <2.5 74-95-3 <2.5 95 -501 <2.5 541 -73 -1 <2.5 106 -46 -7 <2.5 75-71-8 <2.5 75-34-3 <2.5 107-06-2 <2.5 75-35-4 <2.5 156-59-2 <2.5 156-60-5 <2.5 78-87-5 <2.5 142-28-9 <2.5 594-20-7 <2.5 10061 % RC 92 86 91 -6 <2.5 1 -5 <2.5 Acceptable % RC 37-139% 54-130% 47-130% trans -1,3- Dichloropropene Diisopropyl ether (DIPS) Ethyl t -butyl ether (ETBE) Ethylbenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropylbenzene 4- Isopropyltoluene Methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE) Methylene chloride Naphthalene n- Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride Xylenes, Total Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None 10061 -02 -6 108 -20 -3 637 -92 -3 100 -41 -4 87 -68 -3 98 -82 -8 99 -87 -6 1634 -04 -4 75 -09 -2 91 -20 -3 103 -65 -1 100 -42 -5 630 -20 -6 79 -34 -5 127 -18 -4 108 -88 -3 87 -61 -6 120 -82 -1 71 -55 -6 79 -00 -5 79 -01 -6 75 -69 -4 96 -18 -4 95 -63 -6 108 -67 -8 75 -01 -4 1330 -20 -7 <2.5 <10 <10 <2.5 <5.0 <2.5 <2.5 <5.0 <10 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <5.0 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.0 O Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 5 of 13 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Irvine, CA, 92612 Client Sample ID TS@a 6- t -Amyl methyl ether (TAME) Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) n- Butylbenzene sec - Butylbenzene tert - Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2- Chlorotoluene 4- Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2- Dibromo -3- chloropropane 1,2- Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 1,4- Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1- Dichloroethane 1,2- Dichloroethane 1,1- Dichloroethene cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene trans -1,2- Dichloroethene 1,2- Dichloropropane 1,3- Dichloropropane 2,2- Dichloropropane 1,1- Dichloropropene cis -1,3- Dichloropropene Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane: Toluene -d8: 4- Bromofluorobenzene: Lab Reference #: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project #: 631227353 -008 stile Organics by GC /MS (EPA 82606) Lab Sample Date Number Received 23357 002 1/3/2018 994 -0518 CAS # <10 71 -43- 10061 -02 -6 <2.0 108 -861 108 -20 -3 <2.5 74 -97- 637 -92 -3 <2.5 75 -27- 100 -41 -4 <2.5 75 -25- 87 -68 -3 <2.5 74 -83 -9 98 -82 -8 <10 75-65- 1 <50 104 -51 8 <2.5 135 -98 8 <2.5 56 -2: 108 -9 67 -66 74 -87 106 -43. 124 -48. 96-12 - 106 -93 74-95 - 95-50- 541 -73 106 -46 75-71 - 75-34- 107 -06 75 -35- 156 -59 156 -60 78 -87- 142 -28 563 -58 10061 -0 % RC 92 86 91 i <2.5 i <2.5 7 <2.5 3 <5.0 3 <2.5 3 <5.0 3 <2.5 4 <2.5 1 <2.5 3 <5.0 4 <2.5 3 <2.5 1 <2.5 1 <2.5 7 <2.5 3 <2.5 3 <2.5 2 <2.5 <2.5 2 <2.5 5 <2.5 5 <2.5 9 <2.5 7 <2.5 6 <2.5 1 -5 <2.5 Acceptable % F 37-139% 54-130% 47-130% Date Date Date Sampled Extracted Analyzed Matrix 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ANALYTE CAS # ug /kc trans -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -02 -6 <2.5 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) 108 -20 -3 <10 Ethyl t -butyl ether (ETBE) 637 -92 -3 <10 Ethylbenzene 100 -41 -4 <2.5 Hexachlorobutadiene 87 -68 -3 <5.0 1sopropylbenzene 98 -82 -8 <2.5 4- Isopropyltoluene 99 -87 -6 <2.5 Methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE) 1634 -04 -4 <5.0 Methylene chloride 75 -09 -2 <10 Naphthalene 91 -20 -3 <2.5 n- Propylbenzene 103 -65 -1 <2.5 Styrene 100 -42 -5 <2.5 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane 630 -20 -6 <2.5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 79 -34 -5 <2.5 Tetrachloroethene 127 -18 -4 <2.5 Toluene 108 -88 -3 <2.5 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene 87 -61 -6 <2.5 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 120 -82 -1 <2.5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 71 -55 -6 <2.5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 79 -00 -5 <2.5 Trichloroethene 79 -01 -6 <2.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75 -69 -4 <5.0 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 96 -18 -4 <2.5 1,2,4 - Trimethyl benzene 95 -63 -6 <2.5 1,3,5 - Trimethyl benzene 108 -67 -8 <2.5 Vinyl Chloride 75 -01 -4 <2.5 Xylenes, Total 1330 -20 -7 <2.0 Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None 0 Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 6 of 13 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis Lab Reference #: APT 23357 APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Project #: 631227353 -008 Irvine, CA, 92612 Volatile Organics by GC /MS (EPA 82606) Lab Sample Date Date Date Date Client Sample ID Number Received Sampled Extracted Analyzed Matrix TN@a 2' 23357-003 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Soil ANALYTE _... CAS .��, -� �. . _�;. ..: Gv..,�: # ga /ka ANAL E CAS S #� ggLkg t -Amyl methyl ether (TAME) 994 -05 8 <10 trans -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -02 -6 <2.5 Benzene 71 -43- <2.0 Diisopropyi ether (DIPE) 108 -20 -3 <10 Bromobenzene 108-86-1 <2.5 Ethyl t -butyl ether (ETBE) 637 -92 -3 <10 Bromochloromethane 74 -97- <2.5 Ethylbenzene 100 -41 -4 <2.5 Bromodichloromethane 75 -27- <2.5 Hexachlorobutadiene 87 -68 -3 <5.0 Bromoform 75 -25- <2.5 Isopropyl benzene 98 -82 -8 <2.5 Bromomethane 74 -83- <10 4- Isopropyltoluene 99 -87 -6 <2.5 tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) 75-65-0 <50 Methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE) 1634 -04 -4 <5.0 n- Butylbenzene 104-51-8 <2.5 Methylene chloride 75 -09 -2 <10 sec- Butylbenzene 135 -98 -8 <2.5 Naphthalene 91 -20 -3 <2.5 tert- Butylbenzene 98 -06- <2.5 n- Propylbenzene 103 -65 -1 <2.5 Carbon tetrachloride 56 -23- <2.5 Styrene 100 -42 -5 <2.5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <2.5 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630 -20 -6 <2.5 Chloroethane 75 -00- <5.0 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 79 -34 -5 <2.5 Chloroform 67 -66 -3 <2.5 Tetrachloroethene 127 -18 -4 <2.5 Chloromethane 74 -87 -3 <5.0 Toluene 108 -88 -3 <2.5 2- Chlorotoluene 95 -49 -8 <2.5 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 87 -61 -6 <2.5 4- Chlorotoluene 106-434 <2.5 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 120 -82 -1 <2.5 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 <2.5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 71 -55 -6 <2.5 1,2- Dibromo- 3- chloropropane 96-12-8 <5.0 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 79 -00 -5 <2.5 1,2- Dibromoethane 106 -93 4 <2.5 Trichloroethene 79 -01 -6 <2.5 Dibromomethane 74-95-3 <2.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75 -69 -4 <5.0 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <2.5 1,2,3- Trichooropropane 96 -18 -4 <2.5 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 541 -73 1 <2.5 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 95 -63 -6 <2.5 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 106 -46 -7 <2.5 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene 108 -67 -8 <2.5 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 <2.5 Vinyl Chloride 75 -01 -4 <2.5 1,1- Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <2.5 Xylenes, Total 1330 -20 -7 <2.0 1,2- Dichloroethane 107 -06 -2 <2.5 1,1- Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <2.5 cis -1,2- Dichloroethene 156 -5 -2 <2.5 trans- l,2- Dichloroethene 156 -60I -5 <2.5 1,2- Dichloropropane 78 -8715 <2.5 1,3- Dichloropropane 142 -2 -9 <2.5 2,2- Dichloropropane 594 -2 -7 <2.5 1,1- Dichloropropene 563-58-6 <2.5 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -C 1 -5 <2.5 Surrogate: % RC Acceptable % RC Dilution Factor: 1 Dibromofluoromethane: 93 37 -139 % Data Qualifiers: None Toluene -d8: 86 54 -130 % 4- Bromofluorobenzene: 91 47-130% - 0 Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 7 of 13 1/5/2018 Mr. Matthew Curtis APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure 18100 Von Karman Ste 450 Irvine, CA, 92612 Client Sample ID TN @3' Lab Reference #: APT 23357 Project Name: AT &T DTV SAXNB BKFGCAIT Project #: 631227353 -008 Organics by GC /MS (EPA 82606) Lab Sample Date Date Num er Received Sampled 23357-004 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 t -Amyl methyl ether (TAME) 994 -05i Benzene 71 -43 Bromobenzene 108 -86 Bromochloromethane 74 -97 Bromodichloromethane 75 -27 Bromoform 75 -25 Bromomethane 74 -83 tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) 75 -65 n- Butylbenzene 104 -51 sec-Butyl benzene 135 -9 tert-Butyl benzene 98 -06 Carbon tetrachloride 56 -23 Chlorobenzene 108 -9 Chloroethane 75 -00 Chloroform 67 -66 Chloromethane 74 -87 2- Chlorotoluene 95 -49- 4- Chlorotoluene 106 -4 Dibromochloromethane 124 -4 1,2- Dibromo- 3- chloropropane 96 -12 1,2- Dibromoethane 06-9rc Dibromomethane 74 -95 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 95 -50-- 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 541 -7 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 106 -4 DichlorodifIuoromethane 75 -71 1,1- Dichloroethane 75 -34 1,2- Dichloroethane 107 -0 1,1- Dichloroethene 75 -35 cis -1,2- Dichloroethene 156 -5 trans -1,2- Dichloroethene 156 -6 1,2- Dichloropropane 78 -87 1,3- Dichloropropane 142 -28 2,2- Dichloropropane 594 -2 1,1- Dichloropropene 563 -5 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 - Surrogate: % RC Dibromofuoromethane: 95 Toluene -d8: 87 4- Bromofluorobenzene: 91 # ua /kg -8 <10 2 <2.0 -1 <2.5 5 <2.5 4 <2.5 2 <2.5 9 <10 0 <50 -8 <2.5 -8 <2.5 6 <2.5 5 <2.5 -7 <2.5 3 <5.0 3 <2.5 3 <5.0 8 <2.5 -4 <2.5 -1 <2.5 8 <5.0 -4 <2.5 3 <2.5 1 <2.5 -1 <2.5 -7 <2.5 8 <2.5 3 <2.5 -2 <2.5 4 <2.5 -2 <2.5 -5 <2.5 5 <2.5 -9 <2.5 -7 <2.5 -6 <2.5 1 -5 <2.5 Acceatable % RC 37-139% 54-130% 47-130% Date Date Extracted Analyzed Matrix 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Soil trans- 1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -02 -6 <2.5 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) 108 -20 -3 <10 Ethyl t -butyl ether (ETBE) 637 -92 -3 <10 Ethylbenzene 100 -41 -4 <2.5 Hexachlorobutadiene 87 -68 -3 <5.0 Isopropylbenzene 98 -82 -8 <2.5 4- Isopropyltoluene 99 -87 -6 <2.5 Methyl t -butyl ether (MTBE) 1634 -04 -4 <5.0 Methylene chloride 75 -09 -2 <10 Naphthalene 91 -20 -3 <2.5 n- Propylbenzene 103 -65 -1 <2.5 Styrene 100 -42 -5 <2.5 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane 630 -20 -6 <2.5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 79 -34 -5 <2.5 Tetrachloroethene 127 -18 -4 <2.5 Toluene 108 -88 -3 <2.5 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 87 -61 -6 <2.5 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 120 -82 -1 <2.5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 71 -55 -6 <2.5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 79 -00 -5 <2.5 Trichloroethene 79 -01 -6 <2.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75 -69 -4 <5.0 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 96 -18 -4 <2.5 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 95 -63 -6 <2.5 1,3,5- Trimethyl benzene 108 -67 -8 <2.5 Vinyl Chloride 75 -01 -4 <2.5 Xylenes, Total 1330 -20 -7 <2.0 Dilution Factor: 1 Data Qualifiers: None C Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 8 of 13 1/5/2018 QA/QC Report for Extactab a Fuel Hydrocarbons (EPA 8015B/8015M) Reporting units: ppm Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplic Date of Extraction: 1/3/2018 Date of Analysis_ : 1/4/2018 Dup Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Laboratory Sample #: 23557 -001 MS /MSD Qualifiers: E2, M1, R2, Reference #: APT 23357 I S1, (MSD) Analyte R1 SPC CONC Qual MS MSD %MS %MSD RPD ACP %MS ACP RPD Qual EFH as Diesel 0.00 1000 1090 3700 2790 370 279 28 65 -157 24 Surrogate Recoveries for Spike Sampl s Surrogate ( %RC) MS MSD Qual Octacosane 258 203 RPD Laboratory Control Sample Date of Extraction: 1/3/2018 Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Dup Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Laboratory Sample #: TS0103181 LCS Qualifiers: None LCS LCSD I Qual 80 79 %LCS ACP % RC 38 -162 Analyte SPC CONC LCS LCSD %LCS %LCSD RPD ACP %LCS ACP RPD Qual EFH as Diesel 1000 113C 1090 113 109 4 69 -148 20 © Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 10 of 13 1/5/2018 Vo Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Dupl Date of Extraction: 1/4/2018 Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Dup Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Laboratory Sample #: 23357 -001 MS /MSD Qualifiers: None Reference #: APT 23357 QA/QC Report for le Organic Compounds (EPA 8260B) Reporting units: ppb (MSD) Analyte R1 SP C CO C MS MSD %MS %MSD RPD ACP %MS ACP RPD Qual 1,1- Dichloroethene 0.00 10.0 8.22 9.20 8.41 92 84 9 53 -130 20 ❑ Benzene 0.00 10. 106 10.8 10.3 108 103 5 70 -130 20 ❑ Trichloroethene 0.00 10.0 98 10.2 10.3 102 103 1 70 -135 20 ❑ Toluene 0.00 10. 5 10.1 9.71 101 97 4 66 -130 20 ❑ Chlorobenzene 0.00 lo.6 70 -130 1 11.1 10.7 111 107 4 70 -130 20 ❑ Surrogate Recoveries for Spike Samples Surrogate ( %RC) MS MSD Qual Dibromofluoromethane 92 94 ❑ Toluene -d8 87 86 1,1- Dichloroethene 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91 90 8.22 Laboratory Control Sample Date of Extraction: 1/4/2018 Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Dup Date of Analysis: 1/4/2018 Laboratory Sample #: HT0104182 LCS Qualifiers: None LCS LCSD Qual 92 94 %LCS 88 87 ACP %LCS 92 92 1,1- Dichloroethene ACP % RC 37 -139 54 -130 47 -130 Analyte SPC CONC LCS LCSD %LCS %LCSD RPD ACP %LCS ACP RPD Qual 1,1- Dichloroethene 10.0 8.51 8.22 85 82 3 58 -130 20 ❑ Benzene 10.0 10.6 10.1 106 101 5 70 -130 20 11 Trichloroethene 10.0 10.1 9.80 101 98 3 70 -130 20 ❑ Toluene 10.0 10. 9.67 102 97 5 68 -130 20 ❑ Chlorobenzene 10.0 10. 10.4 105 1 104 1 70 -130 1 20 ❑ 0 Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 11 of 13 1/5/2018 Data Qualifier Definitions Qualifier E2 = Concentration estimated. Analyte e; 23557 -001 8015B M1 = Matrix spike recovery was high, the 23557 -001 80158 R2 = RPD /RSD exceeded the laboratory 23557 -001 8015B S1 = Surrogate recovery was above labor 23557 -001 8015E A calibration range. EFH MS /MSD ,iated blank spike recovery was acceptable. EFH MS /MSD tance limit. EFH MS /MSD acceptance limits. Octacosane MS /MSD © Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 12 of 13 1/5/2018 Definition of terms: R1 Result of un piked laboratory sample used for matrix spike determination. SP CONC (or Spike Conc.) Spike concentration added to sample or blank MS Matrix SpikE sample result MSD Matrix SpikE Duplicate sample result %MS Percent recovery of MS: {(MS -R1) / SP CONC} x100 %MSD Percent recovery of MSD: {(MSD -R1) / SP CONC} x 100 RPD (for MS /MSD) Relative Percent Difference: {(MS -MSD) / (MS +MSD)} x 100 x 2 LCS Laboratory Control Sample result LCSD Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate result %LCS Percent recovery of LCS: {(LCS) / SP CONC} x100 %LCSD Percent recovery of LCSD: {(LCSD) / SP CONC} x 100 RPD (for LCS /LCSD) Relative Pement Difference: {(LCS -LCSD) / (LCS +LCSD)} x 100 x 2 ACP %LCS Acceptable percent recovery range for Laboratory Control Samples. ACP %MS Acceptable percent recovery range for Matrix Spike samples ACP RPD Acceptable Relative Percent Difference D Detectable, Zult must be greater than zero Qual A checked b 3x indicates a data qualifier was utilized and /or required for this analyte see attache explanation. ND Analyte Not Detected Cc Orange Coast Analytical, Inc 13 of 13 1/5/2018 W as as v ample Receipt Report 'Laboratory ReferenceAPT 23357 - - ---- Logged in by . MM Received: _011011 S . V-A 0 Company Nam!a: Method of Shipment: .-Hand..piplive Project Manager: Mr Shipping Container: Project Name: T .-W,5MMB B KFG - CA - IT AW ...Q Shipping Containers: Project 631227353 -008 . ........ Sample Quantity 4 Sol] Chain of Custody Complete ly-11 Incomplete f-I None [_1 Samples On Ice Yes, Wet Yes, Blue ❑ No ❑ Temperature 3,40C Shipping Intact Yes 0 N/A ❑ No ❑ Shipping Custody Seals Intact Yes ❑ NIA W-1 No ❑ Samples Intact Yes FVJ No ❑ Sample Custody Seals Intact Yes ❑ NtA No ❑ Custody Seals Signed & Dated Yes ❑ N/A [V] No ❑ Proper Test Containers Yes I,-/] No ❑ Proper Test Preservations Yes Q No ❑ Samples Within Hold Times Yes IV] No ❑ VOAs Have Zero Headspace Yes NIA � No ❑ Sample Labels complete 0 Incomplete ❑ None ❑ Sample Information Matches COO Yes NIA ❑ No [:1 Notes Client Notified By On