HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-0069RECORDING REQUESTED BY Chicago Title FWKN- TO17000086 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED BELOW, MAIL FUTURE TAX STATEMENTS TO: Wells Fargo X3802 -03A 8480 Stagecoach Cir Frederick, MD 21701 Document Title(s): Documents believed to be exempt must cite a valid exemption on the fac (check applicable) ❑ GC27388.1(a)(2): Recorded in connection with ❑ OC 27308.1: Recordcd in connection with a previous tra transfer tax, recorded on in dean (Mun dmr Men meoMM cony j", An—, ® GC 27399.1(a)(2): Recorded in connection with a andwf owner - occupier; v p"humnory Change of0i w e ship F • CC 27389.1(a)(2). Recorded in connection with a pm to an owner-occupier: recorded on (Min, ncrr Man menANm or • GC 27388.1(3)()): The fee cap of$225 reached; • GC27388.1(a)(I): Thefneapof S225machc in docummus)) _ lIfea he - barn rar„fdaden w Pa.ie„ Amy 1. Bill) • GC 27388.1(a)(1): Not related to real property. Jon Lifquist, Assessor - Recorder BE Kern County Official Records 3113420141 09:39 AM Recorded Electronically by: 620 Chicago Title Bakersfield we #.. smirypan 1 paper: 7 FEES 41.00 II I �11 II I9II I II �II II �I I I TAXES OD IRRI1218yI02891II�II13oIIIII4 N 0111111 aIuacar. PAID 41.00 pre far «m,ding mammalian Documcmvey Transfer Tax S • Computer on full value of prapmy conveyed, or • Computer on full value Mss lice & encumbrances oureioing an time of sale. Signor. afdalarant or agent determining mCarm come. preement of Modification of Deed of Trust I paying the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee he document. The following exemptions may apply: lets to the imposition of documenmry transfer tea; or 3f real property that was subject to documentary of real property (hat is a residential dwelling to an ars(PCOR)0 senifeed with submission; or transfer of real property that is a residential dwelling I document ar Jnmw,y f. tale) or in the following doemarri (s) which were recorded or Failure to include a valid exemption will result in the imposition of the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee. Fees collected are depglIsited to the state and may not be available for refund. MAIL HITURE TAX STATEMENTS TO: Building Hama & robs Act KERN COVER PAGE 01M1118 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Chicago Title FWKN- TO17000086 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED BELOW, MAIL FUTURE TAX STATEMENTS TO: City Engineer City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Jon Lifquist, Assessor- Recorder ere Kern County Official Records 3113QD18 09:39 AM Recorded Electronically by: 620 Chicago Title Bakersfield Doc#-- IA121IpgIpl ''181I�pIIp021I^gI1891IIpII132 IIpI SUTAea: t rages: 7 FEES IIII SNhll INl�lnll VII I I PII I II OTHER 31.00 alsatre. PAID 31.00 wv4ua a apace me Docomendar,TitriferTax S o Computer on PoII value of pmputyeonveyad, or o Computer on fWlvalue less lien @ mmm,Mmccs rcmainin8 u time ofsale. Signamm of doelmsm err agent determining realfirm mm a. Document Title(s): Certificate of Documents believed to be exempt from paying the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee must cite a valid exemption on the face of the document. The following exemptions may apply: (check applicable) ❑ GC27388.1(a)(2): Recorded in connection with ahansfersubjecuothe imposition ofdocamenbry transfer ux; ❑ GC 27388.1: RecoNed in connmrion with a previous tmnsfcr ofrul property that was subjat to dxwnutary tromfor tax, recorded on in document (MVn Bare bur nrwdodon oraflwlanw, 1.1018) O GC27388.1(a)(2): Recorded in connection with a trans @rofreal propmr, that na residential dwelling to an owner- occupitt; a Preliminary CAange ofOwnershy R �rt (PCOR) Is required w(@ mbminlon; ❑ GC27388.1(a)(2): Racorded in timmemlan with a ImWeIrSoRmSferofreal property that is aresidemial dwelling to an owner- occupier, recorded on in doeument (MImh.. Eeen,co da.. orufeNunnury 1, 2018) O GC 27388.1(a)(I): The fx cap of $225 ruched; ❑ GC27388.1(a)(1): The fee up of$225Rochal pierioasly in the following domment(s) which were retarded in documenKs) W..0 Mere Mea—road— wafrerlommry 1, 2018) Q GC 27388.1(a)(1): Not related to real pre,any. Failure to include a valid exemption will result in the imposition of the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee. Fees collected are deposited to the state and may not be available for refund. MAB. FUTURE TAX STATEMENTS TO auildiny Names k Jobs An KERN COVER PAGE 01PHI18 REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Recording Requested by CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OrderNo. \" crnc a C— CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499.20'/x, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 17 -0069 Being a merger of parcels described as Lot 11 and Lot 12 of Tract 2548 recorded August 17, 1961 in Book 12 of Maps at Pages 56 thru 58, filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 4, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: 339 -092 -05 and 339 - 092 -06 Property Owners: Andrew J Antongiovanni & Susan M. Antongfovanni, husband and wife, as joint tenants; Andrew and Susan Antongiovanni JTWRS This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for 1 parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield. Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcels are described on the Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" and associated Exhibit "C. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: June 30, 2017 , —1,0 N;? - THEODORE WRIGHT RCE No. C -33710 Expiration: June 30, 2018 Assistant City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZE) Page 1 of 7 S:LLandC on \Mnw Land DN \MERGERS \ERIT17-0 9wM.de CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CIVIL CODE §1188 Anotory publicorother officer Completing this rertificate verlfes only the identity ofthe Individual who signetl ed, the document to whlcM1 cercftoome is attached, andmat the truthfulness, accurary or validity 4that douument. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF KERN } On July 5 2017, before me, Danitza Rome Narro, Notary Public personally appeared Theodore Dana Wrieht who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be, the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. H. DANT ZA ROMO NARROW 0��' COMM. #2188941 WITNESS my hand and official seal. gOTARYPUBLIC•CAMFOPoIIA N KERNCOUNTY My Cwnm.Ey. Mar. 36, 2021 P Danitza Rome Narfro, Notary Public (Place Noterr Seal Above) ----- ---------- ---- ------ OPTIONAL------- ----- -------- - -- Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document: Title or Type of Document: Certificate of Mereer - Parcel Mereer No 17-0069 Document Date: July 5. 2017 Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: C 'tv(' ) Claim d bgy S' r(O Signets Name: Signer's Name: Corporate Officer - TitJoW: p Corporate Officer - TiUe(a): o Partner - o Limited o Genera] I Partner - o Limited o General p Individual n Attorney in Fact I Individual o Attorney in Fact n Trustee p Guardian or Conservator o Trustee p Guardian or Conservator o Other: o Other: Signer Is Representing; Signer Is Repreeenting: EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MERGER NO. 17 -069 BEING A MERGER OF LOTS 11 AND 12 OF TRACT MAP NO. 2548 IN MAP BOOK 12 AT PAGES 56 -58, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M., 1N THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A BEING THE COMBINED LOTS 11 AND 12 OF TRACT MAP NO. 2548 FILED IN MAP BOOK 12 AT PAGE 56 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. SAID PARCEL MERGER IS ALSO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 12 OF TRACT MAP NO. 2548 FILED IN MAP BOOK 12 AT PAGE 56 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT 2548; I) THENCE NORTH 27° 30'07" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 2548, A DISTANCE OF 232.40 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 11 OF SAID TRACT 2548; 2) THENCE NORTH 850 13' 29" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 11, A DISTANCE OF 137.68 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 11 AND THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VISTA VERDE DRIVE AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT 2548, SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A 90.00 FOOT RADIUS NON - TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY FROM WHICH POINT A RADIAL BEARS NORTH 850 13'29" WEST; 3) THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND RIGHT OF WAY LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 520 19' 07" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 82.18 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 25.00 FOOT RADIUS REVERSE TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; 4) THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID CURVE AND SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTHWESTERLY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 290 35'3 V , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 12.91 FEET; 5) THENCE SOUTH 270 30'07" WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VISTA VERDE DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 87.66 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 12 OF SAID TRACT 2548; 6) THENCE SOUTH 620 29' 53" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 12, A DISTANCE OF 135.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 26,619 S.F., MORE OR LESS PAGE 3 OF 7 PAGES myADW V>Om mp N.�m m ➢(n ODD- DINN�� mmND M.DCOO mmmrm mDT.ONZ� OOp yA-- Zmm�- m A I O pjr7 rl mZpy� x AGDJ OA<m m� ONWm�� X HOOD mlTIon OTy� m?i�orD m AZ 0 _I D y-1, pW— (�O- G <mZ�D ODD (T rp . �T7 W N op<fn cO0 f+i -{m (rJDW A4�tOpr 002 py JOv.vm =TCZ m�r0 G)OmW m" N_ aTDDOA1 m Z pax W �ma Z1 Nmxzmi u>m ppl TpZ Q'>AiN�f °mO °m<Z �m�y .. ZZTZ �.mmmr y0 m OKAN P. 00 mNrr omoo Z 0 WKZ M� O (n mO... Op O D C mN C) z CD j Z_ O T m m Z y A p N p 2 N m ED �mrnZ .ZmIA O m iCl ' z G> A m Z W> D-I ' m =m m D r m - S nwmx p ii Ul m j D Z A M> °A =° r mm m r z A A A °z�rn0 mMoR. r EL RIO DRIVE ° 0 z < o M � O ? A M z 0y D C m N * p O Z O y D O O Z m O Z Z O . D C �-U D{ my m Zooz ° V o D n = NomN �H m m N D O m c m 0. T A ° a z Z r y ° OZ m +' -i > G) E 8 W oT o m A�a?z K x Z m m V o a O D D N A ASHE ROAD ° z m in U) 0 D r m 0 n m m N O V D m W ni N -I � (P � -CPO i ay mg 0 D U) m x I� W m x 2 W 30 \. q m uti i / 02 N \ W N O O Ln Z O < o (7 D c m W oti N1j3 F'UgUc UO�e \ Un \ Vh ��FNTaFR \ >R \ ACr \ �9B \ tir '11 T 0 O \ \ Y O N \ 2 �@ 0 ,M W N —i CTI OD K O f \ ti y�z m 0 vA z � s N D � s m D co D � xr O N O" 1 m -0 0O 0 A Ln m m m r �J C U1 Z O D > z \ \ J C 0 \ \ O W W cD O z r J Z [n O W O U) CO a w p LLJ a p \ \ Wo \ i W a r \ m W - O \ m O o U \ w F Y U) ZO \ \ \ �SZl1.11 F z Q a J L.Lj to r \ b3 U' (if _O Ld N \\ ofz as H N m O a J J Y \ v d W m 3 \ N ry ^ Q \ \ i LJiJ m \ U K Q N 00 -- c n- ^y. 1214 I:J zd ¢oar �� \ N3y50. 00 rl) EL I—NN \ ro ry J Elf m a Wig oc l d m z —Q m W r J X Q W U N RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Chicago Title FWKN- TO17000086 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED BELOW, MAIL FUTURE TAX STATEMENTS TO: City Engineer City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 00OU0001 q/ Kealgcoe(�ry Documentary Treruter Tax $ o Compumron fill value ofpropeM conveyed,or o Computer on full value less lien&r acumbreaces remaining anime of sale. signature of deelemut or agent determining mx/fnn name. Document Title(s): Certificate of Documents believed to be exempt from paying the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee must cite a valid exemption on the face of the document. The following exemptions may apply: (check applicable) ❑ GC 27388.1(x)(2): Rewarded in counection with a transfer subject in the imposition of documentary transfer tax; It GC 27388.1: Recorded in connection with a previous transfer of real property that was subject to documentary Vensfur tax, recorded on in document (Must hove been remded an or fterlanuaq I, 2018) It GC 27388.1(x)(2): Recorded in connection with a transfer ofreal property that is a residential dwelling to an owner- occupier; a Prelfirmary Change of Ownership Repars (PCOR) or required with submvsion; ❑ GC 27388.1(a)(2): Recorded in wnnectim with a previous transfer of real properly that is a residential dwelling to an owner - occupier; recorded on, , in document (Meat have been recorded on or aperisaxary 1, 2018) ❑ GC 27388.1(.)(1): The fee cap of $225 reached; ❑ GC 27388.1(a)(1); The fee cap of $225 reached previously in the following documents) which were recorded on is document(s) , (Mud bow been reeorved on an after✓anuary 1, 2018) 113 GC 27388.1(a)(1): Not related to real property. Failure to include a valid exemption will result in the imposition of the $75 Building Homes & Jobs Act fee. Fees collected we deposited to the state and may not be available for refund. I& I: �tAi .YiU.13Y.Y.bSI.YiRSltrui -�ibA Building Homes &Jobs Act KERN COVER PAGE 01/01 /18