HomeMy WebLinkAbout11148376-RPT-5 Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report (LF) GHD | 7086 North Maple Avenue Suite 101 Fresno California 93720 USA | 11148376 | Report No 5 | September 18 2018 Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report Penske Truck Leasing 2929 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California GHD | Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) | Page i Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Site Information .................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Site Description and Background ...................................................................................... 1 2. UST Removal, Confirmation Sampling, and Over-Excavation Activities ........................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Disperser and Product Line Sampling ............................................................................... 2 2.2 Over-Excavation and Dispenser Pit Sampling ................................................................... 2 2.3 Tank Pit Sampling .............................................................................................................. 2 2.4 Tank Pit Over-Excavation .................................................................................................. 2 2.5 Stockpile Sampling ............................................................................................................ 2 2.6 Sampling Summary and Sample Analysis Methods .......................................................... 2 3. Results ......................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Dispenser Pit Analytical Results ........................................................................................ 3 3.2 Tank Pit Analytical Results ................................................................................................ 3 3.3 Stockpile Analytical Results ............................................................................................... 4 3.4 Tank and Stockpile Disposal ............................................................................................. 4 4. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure Index Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site Plan and Excavation Detail Table Index Table 1 Soil Sampling Analytical Results for under Dispensers, Product Lines, and Tanks and from Limits of Dispenser Pit Excavation Table 2 Soil Sample Analytical Results for Excavation Stockpiles Appendix Index Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix B Disposal Documentation for Tanks Appendix C Off-hauled Excavated Soil Manifests GHD | Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) | Page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Site Information Site Name Penske Trucking Leasing Co. L.P. Site Address 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield CA 93307 Project Consultant GHD Services, Inc. Project Consultant Contact Information Karen Petryna 7086 N Maple Avenue Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93720 Mobile – (559) 545-5040 Direct – (559) 472-5403 Current Owner/Operator Penske Trucking Leasing Co., L.P. 1.2 Site Description and Background GHD was retained by Penske Truck Leasing Co. L.P. (Penske) to oversee the removal of two 12,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass underground storage tanks (USTs) and collect soil samples under the tanks and associated fueling system of product lines and three dispensers at 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield California 93307 (Site) as shown on Figure 1. Penske selected Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI) to secure the appropriate permits, remove and dispose of the USTs and fueling system components, and replace them with a new fuel storage and dispensing system. Penske selected GHD Services, Inc. (GHD) to observe removal of the USTs, take photo ionization detector (PID) readings, and collect soil samples underneath the removed equipment to verify there was no contamination present and/or direct over-excavation to remove any contaminated soil. Dispensers, most product lines, and most of the pea gravel from the tank pit was removed prior to GHD’s arrival on Site, such that the USTs were ready to be lifted out of the tank pit. 2. UST Removal, Confirmation Sampling, and Over-Excavation Activities On June 5, 2018, two 12,000 gallon USTs were lifted out of the tank pit, cleaned and transported from the Site for appropriate disposal. These UST removal activities were completed in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. WPI personnel indicated where the dispensers and product lines had been located and proceeded to dig under those locations with an excavator to gather soil for sampling from the excavator bucket. Samples were to be collected from two and six feet below ground surface (bgs) under each dispenser and at the same depths for each twenty feet of product line with a minimum of one location halfway between the USTs and the first dispenser as well as half way between each satellite dispenser. Per the Bakersfield Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), the Bakersfield GHD | Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) | Page 2 Fire Department, samples were to be collected at two and six feet below the bottom of each UST location at each end. 2.1 Disperser and Product Line Sampling Soil samples were first collected from beneath the former locations of the three dispensers at two and six feet bgs. PID readings indicated samples from locations from under the two former satellite dispensers, D1 and D3, shown on Figure 2, were non-detect, as was the sample from approximately two feet under D2, the former main dispenser location. However, the PID reading from the deeper soil sample collected from approximately six feet under D2 displayed readings of greater than100 parts per million (ppm). And a grab sample from approximately nine feet below D2 showed a PID reading of 264 ppm. One sample, L1-9, was then collected from approximately nine feet bgs between D1 and D2 as a representative product line sample location. 2.2 Over-Excavation and Dispenser Pit Sampling Based on PID readings from the above-described sample locations over-excavation of the dispenser area was conducted and PID readings of grab samples were taken until a pit 14 feet wide by 25 feet long by 16 feet deep, centered around the former main dispenser, had been dug. This created a stockpile of approximately 200 cubic yards. Confirmation soil samples were then collected for laboratory analysis at the bottom in the corners and the center of the dispenser pit. 2.3 Tank Pit Sampling The UST excavation was completed to a depth of approximately 16 feet bgs prior to tank removal. The UST basin fill material consisted of a mixture of pea gravel with sandy soil. After over- excavating the dispenser area, the excavator was used to collect soil samples from approximately two and six feet below the location of the bottom of the former USTs for sample collection, as shown on Figure 2. 2.4 Tank Pit Over-Excavation WPI reported to GHD that on June 5 and June 6, 2018 they further excavated the tank pit to accommodate a new 20,000 gallon UST, which they installed on June 7, 2018. The additional excavated soil created a second stockpile of approximately 250 cubic yards. 2.5 Stockpile Sampling On June 13, 2018, GHD collected soil samples from each of the stockpiles created from the dispenser area over-excavation and the tank pit over-excavation to characterize the soil for disposal. 2.6 Sampling Summary and Sample Analysis Methods As shown on Figure 2, 13 assessment and confirmation soil samples were collected from under the dispensers and product lines and from the dispenser pit, and eight confirmation soil samples were collected from under the former USTs. These samples were collected using TerraCore™ samplers GHD | Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) | Page 3 in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency Method 5035. Four 16-ounce containers of soil were collected from each stockpile to be composited by the laboratory and create one sample per stockpile. All samples were stored on ice in a cooler and delivered under chain of custody to Oilfield Environmental and Compliance Laboratory (OEC). Groundwater was not encountered during excavation activities and was therefore not sampled. The following analyses were performed by OEC for the identified locations, in accordance with the Kern County UST Removal Guidance: Dispenser, Product Line, Dispenser Pit, and Tank Pit Soil Analytical Suite • Benzene by EPA Method 8260B • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPHd) carbon range C13-C22 by EPA Method 8015M • Percent Solids by Method SM 2540B Stockpile Analytical Suite • Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes by EPA Method 8260B • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHg) carbon range C4-C12 by EPA Method 8015M • TPHd (C13-C22) by EPA Method 8015M • Lead by EPA Method 6010B 3. Results Dispenser, product line, dispenser pit, and tank pit soil sample analytical results are presented in Table 1, and stockpile soil sample analytical results are presented in Table 2. Certified Analytical Reports are presented in Appendix A. 3.1 Dispenser Pit Analytical Results Dispenser pit soil sample analytical results indicate that while no benzene was detected, elevated concentrations of TPHd in soil at two and six feet below the main dispenser were encountered. The impacted soil was subsequently removed during over-excavation. Results from the over-excavation confirmation samples from the bottom of the 200 cubic yard excavation under the former dispensers and product lines showed TPHd concentrations of 15, <10, <10, and 12 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), in the northwest, northeast, southeast, and southwest corners, respectively, and 14 mg/kg in the center at approximately 16 feet bgs, These results demonstrate the contaminated soil beneath the dispensers and product lines has been effectively remediated by removal. 3.2 Tank Pit Analytical Results Tank pit soil sample analytical results indicate that while no benzene was detected, a slightly elevated concentration of 30 mg/kg of TPHd was encountered at six feet under the bottom of the west end of the former north tank, as shown on Figure 2. However, the contaminated soil was also GHD | Tank Pull and Over-Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) | Page 4 effectively remediated by over-excavation and removal of approximately 250 cubic yards to accommodate the new, larger 20,000 gallon UST. 3.3 Stockpile Analytical Results Stockpile soil sample analytical results indicated slightly elevated concentrations of lead and TPHd. All of the stockpiled soil has been removed from the Site. 3.4 Tank and Stockpile Disposal As documented in Appendix B, Adams Services, Inc. inerted, cleaned, and disposed of the two former 12,000-gallon USTs at the Azusa Land Reclamation facility in Azusa, California, and disposed of 500 gallons of waste liquid at the World Oil Recycling facility, formerly Demenno Kerdoon, in Compton, California. As documented in Appendix C, MD Concrete Cutting and Demolition disposed of the excavation stockpiles at Avenal Regional Landfill in Avenal, California. One stockpile was clean soil excavated for installation of the new fueling system, and the second was impacted soil removed as part of the interim remedial action. Approximately 270 tons of impacted soil was disposed. The remaining disposal weight tickets are for the clean stockpile. Prior to disposal of the clean stockpile, waste characterization samples were collected to characterize it as a waste stream. Based on the results of the waste characterization samples, the soil was disposed of as a non-hazardous waste. 4. Conclusions Contaminated soil associated with the former dispensers and USTs at the Site was removed and remaining soil are below applicable screening levels based on the confirmation sample analytical results. Groundwater was not encountered during excavation, and based on local groundwater conditions is expected to be at a depth of approximately 90 feet below ground surface. Soil above groundwater was delineated well above groundwater, and therefore impacts to soil encountered during this work is not a leaching risk. Based on this and the results of the over-excavation soil sample results, GHD request closure and a no further action status for the Site. All of Which is Respectfully Submitted, Karen Petryna, PE Senior Project Manager Brian Richardson Senior Project Manager GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Figures 0 7501500ft 1500.000005 0.0007 Coordinate System: California State Plane Zone 5 CA83-VF CAD File:I:\Sonoma.Public\CAD\drawings\11140000s\11148376\11148376-REPORTS\11148376-01(005)GN\11148376-01(005)GN-SO001.DWG Sep 17, 2018 11148376-01 FIGURE 1 PENSKE TRUCK LEASING 2929 E. BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA VICINITY MAP SITE CALIFORNIA Source: USGS Quadrangle Map, Lamont, CA 2015. QUADRANGLE LOCATIONV 0 0 0 Il l ~~ _ ' , - - J I ' l f ~ l Q .., z In, <: ~ I O r, <: .. , l> 11- ; - - - . I _ . 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B R U N D A G E L A N E RO S A P A R K S H W Y ( 5 8 ) HW Y 5 8 O N R A M P PARKING LOT PA R K I N G L O T PA R K I N G L O T PARKING LOTPARKING LOT PARKING LOT PA R K I N G L O T SI D E W A L K DRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYXGATECONCRETEPARKING L O T APPROXIMATELIMITS OFEXCAVATIONFORMER UST TANK 1FORMER UST TANK 2 DISPENSERISLANDS D1 D2D3 AP P R O X I M A T E LI M I T S O F E X C A V A T I O N FO R M E R U S T T A N K 2 FO R M E R U S T T A N K 1 AP P R O X I M A T E LI M I T S O F E X C A V A T I O N P5 - 1 6 @ 1 6 ' L1 - 9 P1 - 1 6 P1 - 1 0 P6 - 1 6 P3 - 1 1 P2 - 1 0 P4 - 1 6 T1 W 2 T1 W 6 T1 E 6 T2 W 2 T2 W 6 T2 E 2 T2 E 6 T 1 E 3 04080ft80.0000000.0125Coordinate System:California StatePlane Zone 5CA83-VFCAD File:I:\Sonoma.Public\CAD\drawings\11140000s\11148376\11148376-REPORTS\11148376-01(005)GN\11148376-01(005)GN-SO002.DWG Se p 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 11 1 4 8 3 7 6 - 0 1 FI G U R E 2 PE N S K E T R U C K L E A S I N G 29 2 9 E . B R U N D A G E L A N E BA K E R S F I E L D , C A L I F O R N I A SI T E P L A N A N D E X C A V A T I O N D E T A I L LEGENDPROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE (APPROX I M A T E ) FENCE LINEX SO I L B O R I N G L O C A T I O N FORMER PRODUCT PIPELINESFORMER USTS AND DISPENSERS D1 DI S P E N S E R I S L A N D 10 f t 5 0 DE T A I L E X C A V A T I O N A R E A -------I I I I~~~ I L ____ _J II I • cau i b 1 II I D II I II I ~ II I D II I II I II I I r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I I II I II I II I II I I I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I I II I II I II I II I ' I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Tables Page 1 of 1 Sample ID % Solids (% by weight)TPH Diesel (mg/kg dry)Benzene (mg/kg dry) D1-2 89 <11 <0.0043 D1-6 88 <11 <0.0052 D2-2 93 1800 <0.012 D2-6 94 7700 <0.0056 D3-2 92 <11 <0.0026 D3-6 90 <11 <0.0022 L1-9 94 <11 <0.0054 P1-16 99 <10 <0.0026 P2-10 92 <11 <0.0057 P3-11 90 15 <0.0057 P4-16 97 12 <0.0046 P5-16 96 14 <0.0045 P6-16 97 <10 <0.0032 T1E3 97 <10 <0.0023 T1E6 98 <10 <0.0027 T2E2 96 <10 <0.0028 T2E6 97 <10 <0.0026 T1W2 97 <10 <0.0028 T1W6 98 <10 <0.0034 T2W2 94 17 <0.0026 T2W6 97 30 <0.0027 Notes: % Solids by SM 2540B TPH Diesel (C13-C22) by EPA Method 8015M Benzene by EPA Method 8260B Samples collected using Terra Core ™ sampler D = Dispenser L = Line P = Dispenser Pit T = Tank Pit D1-2 = Dispenser 1 @ 2 feet below ground T1E3 = Tank 1, east end, @ 2 feet below bottom of tank T2W6 = Tank 2, west end, @ 6 feet below bottom of tank mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram <0.0026 = less than 0.0026 Penske Tank Removal and Over-Excavation 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield California Table 1 Soil Sampling Analytical Results for under Dispensers, Product Line, and Tanks and from Limits of Dispenser Pit Excavation June 5, 2018 GHD 11148376 (5) Page 1 of 1 Sample ID Lead (mg/kg)TPH Gasoline (mg/kg)TPH Diesel (mg/kg)Benzene (mg/kg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Xylenes (mg/kg) Dispenser Excavation Stockpile 2.1 <0.50 240 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 Tank Pit Stockpile 3 <0.50 25 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 Notes: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram <0.50 = less than 0.50 Table 2 Soil Sampling Analytical Results for Excavation Stockpiles Penske Tank Removal and Over-Excavation 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, California June 13, 2018 GHD 11148376 (5) GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Appendices GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Reports Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. Brian Richardson 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93720 GHD 1802382Work Order:Report: June 7, 2018 15:53 Project: 11141376 Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above referenced project. The samples included in this report were received on June 06, 2018 09:05 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, jgerhardt@oecusa.com Jessica Gerhardt, Project Manager TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com California ELAP Certification # 2438 client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: [TOC_1]Cover Page[ Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Sample ID Laboratory ID Client Matrix Date Sampled SAMPLE SUMMARY Date Received [TOC_1]Sample Summary[TOC] Lab Matrix D32 1802382-01 06/05/18 10:00 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid D36 1802382-02 06/05/18 10:00 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid D12 1802382-03 06/05/18 10:15 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid D16 1802382-04 06/05/18 10:15 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid D22 1802382-05 06/05/18 10:45 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid D26 1802382-06 06/05/18 10:45 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid L19 1802382-07 06/05/18 13:00 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P210 1802382-08 06/05/18 13:25 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P311 1802382-09 06/05/18 14:40 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P416 1802382-10 06/05/18 15:00 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P516 1802382-11 06/05/18 15:10 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P116 1802382-12 06/05/18 15:20 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T2E2 1802382-13 06/05/18 15:30 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T2E6 1802382-14 06/05/18 15:40 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T1E3 1802382-15 06/05/18 15:50 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T1E6 1802382-16 06/05/18 16:00 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T2W2 1802382-17 06/05/18 16:20 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T2W6 1802382-18 06/05/18 16:28 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T1W2 1802382-19 06/05/18 16:36 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid T1W6 1802382-20 06/05/18 16:42 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid P616 1802382-21 06/05/18 15:30 06/06/18 09:05SolidSolid TB-Cooler 1 1802382-22 06/05/18 00:00 06/06/18 09:05WaterWater TB-Cooler 2 1802382-23 06/05/18 00:00 06/06/18 09:05WaterWater The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 2 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-01 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-01 (Solid)[ D32 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 92 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )107 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0026 """"( 69 - 122 )115 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )99.9 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-02 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-02 (Solid)[ D36 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 90 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )111 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0022 """"( 69 - 122 )118 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )101 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 3 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-03 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-03 (Solid)[ D12 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 89 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )108 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0043 """"( 69 - 122 )119 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )99.8 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )103 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-04 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-04 (Solid)[ D16 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 88 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )110 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0052 """"( 69 - 122 )117 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-05 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-05 (Solid)[ D22 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 93 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M1800B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 2TPH Diesel (C13-C22)21 """"( 64 - 135 )94.5 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.012 """"( 69 - 122 )118 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )98.3 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )101 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-06 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-06 (Solid)[ D26 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 94 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M7700B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 10TPH Diesel (C13-C22)110 """"( 64 - 135 )108 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0056 """"( 69 - 122 )120 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )89.9 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )87.7 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 5 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-07 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-07 (Solid)[ L19 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 94 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )114 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0054 """"( 69 - 122 )110 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-08 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-08 (Solid)[ P210 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 92 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )112 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0057 """"( 69 - 122 )111 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )103 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 6 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-09 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-09 (Solid)[ P311 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 90 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M15B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )112 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0057 """"( 69 - 122 )113 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-10 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-10 (Solid)[ P416 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M12B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )118 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0046 """"( 69 - 122 )112 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 7 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-11 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382- P516 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 96 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M14B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )107 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0045 """"( 69 - 122 )113 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )99.8 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )103 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-12 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-12 (Solid)[ P116 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 99 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )111 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0026 """"( 69 - 122 )116 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 8 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-13 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-13 (Solid)[ T2E2 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 96 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )103 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0028 """"( 69 - 122 )117 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )103 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-14 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-14 (Solid)[ T2E6 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )114 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0026 """"( 69 - 122 )118 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )101 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 9 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-15 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-15 (Solid)[ T1E3 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )112 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0023 """"( 69 - 122 )116 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )99.9 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-16 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-16 (Solid)[ T1E6 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 98 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )114 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0027 """"( 69 - 122 )118 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )102 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 10 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-17 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-17 (Solid)[ T2W2 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 94 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M17B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)11 """"( 64 - 135 )114 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0026 """"( 69 - 122 )120 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )101 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )104 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-18 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-18 (Solid)[ T2W6 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M30B8F012006/06/18 06/06/18mg/kg dry 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )101 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0027 """"( 69 - 122 )118 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )100 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 11 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-19 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-19 (Solid)[ T1W2 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )112 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0028 """"( 69 - 122 )120 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )101 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-20 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-20 (Solid)[ T1W6 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 98 B8F0139 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01201TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )112 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01341Benzene0.0034 """"( 69 - 122 )119 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )101 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 12 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-21 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802382-21 (Solid)[ P616 [TOC_2]General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods[TOC] General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods SM 2540B (mod.) 97 B8F0141 06/06/18 06/06/18% by Weight 1% Solids 0.50 [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01181TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )102 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/06/1806/06/18mg/kg dry B8F01331Benzene0.0032 """"( 69 - 122 )98.5 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )101 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )95.4 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-22 (Water)[TOC_1]1802382-22 ( TB-Cooler 1 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/07/1806/07/18ug/L B8F01611Benzene0.50 """"( 69 - 122 )94.8 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )100 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )94.7 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802382-23 (Water)[TOC_1]1802382-23 ( TB-Cooler 2 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/07/1806/07/18ug/L B8F01611Benzene0.50 """"( 69 - 122 )95.7 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )102 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )93.0 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 13 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: General Chemistry Parameters by EPA or APHA Standard Methods - Quality Control[TOC_1]General Chemistry Parameters by E Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0139 - 2540 B TS/Moisture Prep[TOC] Batch B8F0139 - SM 2540B (mod.) Preparation: 2540 B TS/Moisture Prep 06/06/18 10:57 Blank (B8F0139-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0139-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight ND 0.50 LCS (B8F0139-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0139-BS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 10 0.50 10.0 70-130101 LCS Dup (B8F0139-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0139-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 10 0.50 10.0 3070-130102 0.690 Duplicate (B8F0139-DUP1)Source: 1802382-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0139-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 92 0.50 92 300.567 Duplicate (B8F0139-DUP2)Source: 1802382-11 Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 96 0.50 96 300.175 [TOC_2]Batch B8F0141 - 2540 B TS/Moisture Prep[TOC] Batch B8F0141 - SM 2540B (mod.) Preparation: 2540 B TS/Moisture Prep 06/06/18 10:59 Blank (B8F0141-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0141-BLK1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight ND 0.50 LCS (B8F0141-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0141-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 10 0.50 10.0 70-130102 LCS Dup (B8F0141-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0141-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 10 0.50 10.0 3070-130102 0.00 Duplicate (B8F0141-DUP1)Source: 1802382-21[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0141-DUP1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:00 % Solids % by Weight 97 0.50 97 300.0264 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 14 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID - Quality Control[TOC_1]Semi- Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0118 - EPA 3550C[TOC] Batch B8F0118 - EPA 8015M Preparation: EPA 3550C 06/06/18 08:48 Blank (B8F0118-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0118-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:56 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet ND 10 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10250.7 LCS (B8F0118-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0118-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:28 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 506 10 500 70-127101 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10552.3 LCS Dup (B8F0118-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0118-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:42 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 509 10 500 2070-127102 0.494 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10552.3 Duplicate (B8F0118-DUP1)Source: 1802374-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0118-DUP1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 13:22 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 54.5 10 64.0 2016.0 "49.8 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10853.7 Matrix Spike (B8F0118-MS1)Source: 1802374-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike (B8F0118-MS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:03 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 774 10 498 64.0 19-182143 "49.8 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10451.6 Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0118-MSD1)Source: 1802374-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0118-MSD1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 14:16 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 742 9.9 496 64.0 2019-182137 4.27 "49.6 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10853.6 [TOC_2]Batch B8F0120 - EPA 3550C[TOC] Batch B8F0120 - EPA 8015M Preparation: EPA 3550C 06/06/18 08:48 Blank (B8F0120-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0120-BLK1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 11:04 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet ND 10 "49.8 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10753.4 LCS (B8F0120-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0120-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:31 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 528 10 500 70-127106 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 10954.6 LCS Dup (B8F0120-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0120-BSD1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:47 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg wet 538 10 499 2070-127108 1.90 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 15 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID - Quality Control Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte Batch B8F0120 - EPA 8015M Preparation: EPA 3550C 06/06/18 08:48 LCS Dup (B8F0120-BSD1)Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:47 mg/kg wet 49.9 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 11255.9 Duplicate (B8F0120-DUP1)Source: 1802382-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0120-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 19:30 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg dry ND 11 8.64 20 "54.2 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 11662.7 Matrix Spike (B8F0120-MS1)Source: 1802382-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike (B8F0120-MS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 19:46 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg dry 608 11 540 8.64 19-182111 "54.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 11360.9 Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0120-MSD1)Source: 1802382-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0120-MSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 20:02 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg dry 586 11 541 8.64 2019-182107 3.72 "54.1 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 11260.7 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 16 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control[TOC_1] Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0133 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH[TOC] Batch B8F0133 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5035/5030B MEOH 06/06/18 09:33 Blank (B8F0133-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0133-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 11:46 Benzene mg/kg wet ND 0.0050 "0.0497 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 94.10.0468 "0.0497 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.30.0493 "0.0497 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.20.0473 LCS (B8F0133-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0133-BS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 09:59 Benzene mg/kg wet 0.100 0.0050 0.100 73-147100 "0.0501 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 94.10.0471 "0.0501 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1000.0503 "0.0501 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.40.0478 LCS Dup (B8F0133-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0133-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:26 Benzene mg/kg wet 0.103 0.0050 0.0994 2073-147103 2.15 "0.0497 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 94.30.0469 "0.0497 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.90.0497 "0.0497 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.20.0468 Duplicate (B8F0133-DUP1)Source: 1802309-19[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0133-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 13:06 Benzene mg/kg wet ND 0.0050 ND 20 "0.0500 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 91.90.0460 "0.0500 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1010.0506 "0.0500 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.90.0470 Matrix Spike (B8F0133-MS1)Source: 1802309-19[TOC_3]Matrix Spike (B8F0133-MS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 18:28 Benzene mg/kg wet 0.0996 0.0050 0.0992 ND 71-142100 "0.0496 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 94.30.0468 "0.0496 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1000.0498 "0.0496 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.80.0456 [TOC_2]Batch B8F0134 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH[TOC] Batch B8F0134 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5035/5030B MEOH 06/06/18 09:28 Blank (B8F0134-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0134-BLK1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:58 Benzene mg/kg wet ND 0.0050 "0.0498 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1100.0550 "0.0498 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.50.0496 "0.0498 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1010.0503 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 17 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte Batch B8F0134 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5035/5030B MEOH 06/06/18 11:28 Blank (B8F0134-BLK2)Analyzed: 06/06/18 19:03 Benzene mg/kg wet ND 0.0050 "0.0499 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1100.0547 "0.0499 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.10.0495 "0.0499 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1000.0500 LCS (B8F0134-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0134-BS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 10:00 Benzene mg/kg wet 0.101 0.0049 0.0975 73-147103 "0.0487 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1080.0525 "0.0487 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.50.0480 "0.0487 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.10.0478 LCS Dup (B8F0134-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0134-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/06/18 18:34 Benzene mg/kg wet 0.102 0.0050 0.0994 2073-147102 0.762 "0.0497 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1100.0546 "0.0497 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1000.0498 "0.0497 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.30.0489 Duplicate (B8F0134-DUP1)Source: 1802382-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0134-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/06/18 12:17 Benzene mg/kg dry ND 0.0027 ND 20 "0.0267 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1170.0311 "0.0267 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1000.0268 "0.0267 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1030.0275 [TOC_2]Batch B8F0161 - EPA 5030B VOCGCMS[TOC] Batch B8F0161 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5030B VOCGCMS 06/07/18 07:55 Blank (B8F0161-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0161-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/07/18 10:00 Benzene ug/LND0.50 "12.5 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 93.611.7 "12.5 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10212.8 "12.5 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.711.7 LCS (B8F0161-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0161-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/07/18 08:37 Benzene ug/L26.5 0.50 25.0 79-137106 "12.5 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 96.112.0 "12.5 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10012.5 "12.5 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.311.8 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 18 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte Batch B8F0161 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5030B VOCGCMS 06/07/18 07:55 LCS Dup (B8F0161-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0161-BSD1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/07/18 09:04 Benzene ug/L25.2 0.50 25.0 2079-137101 5.19 "12.5 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 94.211.8 "12.5 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10112.7 "12.5 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.611.4 Duplicate (B8F0161-DUP1)Source: 1802373-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0161-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/07/18 11:47 Benzene ug/LND0.50 ND 20 "12.5 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 90.511.3 "12.5 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 10112.6 "12.5 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.112.3 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 19 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 [none] Brian Richardson 11141376 06/07/2018 15:53Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802382 WO & Reported: Notes and Definitions [TOC_1]Notes and Definitions[TOC] Reporting Limit (Quantitation Limit)RL Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limitND Relative Percent DifferenceRPD The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 20 of 20 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. Karen Petryna 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93720 GHD 1802519Work Order:Report: June 15, 2018 16:16 Project: 11148376 Number: Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above referenced project. The samples included in this report were received on June 13, 2018 16:32 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, jgerhardt@oecusa.com Jessica Gerhardt, Project Manager TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com California ELAP Certification # 2438 client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: [TOC_1]Cover Page[ Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Sample ID Laboratory ID Client Matrix Date Sampled SAMPLE SUMMARY Date Received [TOC_1]Sample Summary[TOC] Lab Matrix SO-11148376-061318-MCB-001 Composite 1802519-03 06/13/18 11:58 06/13/18 16:32SolidSolid SO-11148376-061318-MCB-002 Composite 1802519-04 06/13/18 12:05 06/13/18 16:32SolidSolid The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 2 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802519-03 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802519-03 (Solid)[ SO-11148376-061318-MCB-001 Composite [TOC_2]Total Metals by ICP[TOC] Total Metals by ICP EPA 6010B2.1 B8F0391 06/15/18 06/15/18mg/kg 1Lead0.49 [TOC_2]Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/15/1806/15/18mg/kg B8F04301TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)0.50 """"( 31 - 162 )86.6 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M240B8F037306/14/18 06/14/18mg/kg 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )102 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/15/1806/15/18mg/kg B8F04201Benzene0.0050 ND """"""Ethylbenzene 0.0050 ND """"""Toluene 0.0050 ND """"""Xylenes (total)0.0050 """"( 69 - 122 )94.0 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )101 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )93.2 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 3 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: ResultAnalyte BatchRL Prepared Analyzed Method Notes DilutionUnits 1802519-04 (Solid)[TOC_1]1802519-04 (Solid)[ SO-11148376-061318-MCB-002 Composite [TOC_2]Total Metals by ICP[TOC] Total Metals by ICP EPA 6010B3.0 B8F0391 06/15/18 06/15/18mg/kg 1Lead0.50 [TOC_2]Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID ND EPA 8015M06/15/1806/15/18mg/kg B8F04301TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)0.50 """"( 31 - 162 )91.7 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene [TOC_2]Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID[TOC] Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID EPA 8015M25B8F037306/14/18 06/14/18mg/kg 1TPH Diesel (C13-C22)10 """"( 64 - 135 )96.5 %Surrogate: o-Terphenyl [TOC_2]Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS[TOC] Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS ND EPA 8260B06/15/1806/15/18mg/kg B8F04201Benzene0.0050 ND """"""Ethylbenzene 0.0050 ND """"""Toluene 0.0050 ND """"""Xylenes (total)0.0050 """"( 69 - 122 )94.3 %Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane """"( 69 - 125 )99.2 %Surrogate: Toluene-d8 """"( 70 - 121 )97.0 %Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Total Metals by ICP - Quality Control[TOC_1] Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0391 - EPA 3050B[TOC] Batch B8F0391 - EPA 6010B Preparation: EPA 3050B 06/14/18 09:44 Blank (B8F0391-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0391-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/14/18 13:59 Lead mg/kgND0.50 LCS (B8F0391-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0391-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/14/18 14:12 Lead mg/kg96.5 0.50 100 80-12096.5 LCS Dup (B8F0391-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0391-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 14:15 Lead mg/kg97.8 0.50 100 2080-12097.8 1.34 Duplicate (B8F0391-DUP1)Source: 1802486-01[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0391-DUP1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 14:37 Lead mg/kg2.19 0.49 1.84 2017.4 Matrix Spike (B8F0391-MS1)Source: 1802486-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike (B8F0391-MS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 14:18 Lead mg/kg97.6 0.49 98.5 1.84 57-13797.2 Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0391-MSD1)Source: 1802486-01[TOC_3]Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0391-MSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 14:21 Lead mg/kg93.7 0.48 95.9 1.84 2057-13795.8 4.04 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 5 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID - Quality Control[TOC_1] Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0430 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH GC[TOC] Batch B8F0430 - EPA 8015M Preparation: EPA 5035/5030B MEOH GC 06/15/18 08:50 Blank (B8F0430-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0430-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/15/18 10:06 TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)mg/kgND0.49 "0.124 31-162Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.40.118 LCS (B8F0430-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0430-BS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/15/18 09:11 TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)mg/kg0.544 0.50 0.499 72-159109 "0.125 31-162Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.10.117 LCS Dup (B8F0430-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0430-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/15/18 09:38 TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)mg/kg0.551 0.49 0.493 2072-159112 1.29 "0.123 31-162Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.10.117 Duplicate (B8F0430-DUP1)Source: 1802519-04[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0430-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/15/18 11:02 TPH Gasoline (C4-C12)mg/kgND0.50 ND 20 "0.125 31-162Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 88.70.111 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 6 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Semi-Volatile Organic TPH by GC/FID - Quality Control[TOC_1]Semi- Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0373 - EPA 3550C[TOC] Batch B8F0373 - EPA 8015M Preparation: EPA 3550C 06/14/18 10:04 Blank (B8F0373-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0373-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/14/18 13:11 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kgND10 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 94.047.0 LCS (B8F0373-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0373-BS1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 12:17 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg48510 500 70-12797.0 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 98.149.1 LCS Dup (B8F0373-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0373-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 12:31 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg48710 500 2070-12797.5 0.433 "50.0 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 98.249.1 Duplicate (B8F0373-DUP1)Source: 1802446-22[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0373-DUP1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/14/18 13:39 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kgND10 ND 20 "49.8 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 95.047.3 Matrix Spike (B8F0373-MS1)Source: 1802446-22[TOC_3]Matrix Spike (B8F0373-MS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/14/18 12:44 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg48610 499 ND 19-18297.5 "49.9 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 95.847.8 Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0373-MSD1)Source: 1802446-22[TOC_3]Matrix Spike Dup (B8F0373-MSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/14/18 12:58 TPH Diesel (C13-C22)mg/kg47910 499 ND 2019-18296.1 1.53 "49.9 64-135Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 96.948.3 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 7 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control[TOC_1] Result RL Units Level Spike Result Source %REC%REC Limits RPDRPD Limit Notes Analyte [TOC_2]Batch B8F0420 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH[TOC] Batch B8F0420 - EPA 8260B Preparation: EPA 5035/5030B MEOH 06/15/18 05:50 Blank (B8F0420-BLK1)[TOC_3]Blank (B8F0420-BLK1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/15/18 07:26 Benzene mg/kgND0.0051 Ethylbenzene "ND 0.0051 Toluene "ND 0.0051 Xylenes (total)"ND 0.0051 "0.0507 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 98.20.0498 "0.0507 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1010.0513 "0.0507 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.70.0485 LCS (B8F0420-BS1)[TOC_3]LCS (B8F0420-BS1)[TOC]Analyzed: 06/15/18 06:32 Benzene mg/kg0.101 0.0051 0.101 73-14799.8 Toluene "0.102 0.0051 0.101 70-145101 "0.0505 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 98.00.0495 "0.0505 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1010.0509 "0.0505 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.10.0480 LCS Dup (B8F0420-BSD1)[TOC_3]LCS Dup (B8F0420-BSD1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/15/18 06:59 Benzene mg/kg0.0993 0.0049 0.0982 2073-147101 1.59 Toluene "0.102 0.0049 0.0982 2070-145104 0.103 "0.0491 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 97.50.0479 "0.0491 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1010.0494 "0.0491 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.30.0478 Duplicate (B8F0420-DUP1)Source: 1802396-11[TOC_3]Duplicate (B8F0420-DUP1)[TOC] Analyzed: 06/15/18 08:22 Benzene mg/kgND0.0050 ND 20 Ethylbenzene "ND 0.0050 ND 20 Toluene "ND 0.0050 ND 20 Xylenes (total)"ND 0.0050 ND 20 "0.0502 69-122Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 95.00.0477 "0.0502 69-125Surrogate: Toluene-d8 1010.0506 "0.0502 70-121Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 93.90.0471 The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 8 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: Project: Project Number: Project Manager: GHD 7086 N. Maple Ave. Suite 101 Penske 2929 E. Brundage Lane, Bakersfield Karen Petryna 11148376 06/15/2018 16:16Fresno CA, 93720 Oilfield Environmental & Compliance, Inc. 1802519 WO & Reported: Notes and Definitions [TOC_1]Notes and Definitions[TOC] Reporting Limit (Quantitation Limit)RL Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limitND Relative Percent DifferenceRPD The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 9 of 9 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 934 TEL: (805) 922-4772 FAX: (805) 925-3376www.oecusa.com client.oec.com\reportsClient Connect: GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Appendix B Disposal Documentation for Tanks GHD | Tank Pull and Over Excavation Report | 11148376 (5) Appendix C Off-hauled Excavated Soil Manifests Karen Petryna Karen.petryna@ghd.com 559.472.5403 Brian Richardson Brian.richardson@ghd.com 248.893.3400