HomeMy WebLinkAbout7201 CONDOR ST, 7303 BALD EAGLE ST, 5602-5724 HARPY EAGLE AVEREQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 James Mapies,Assessor- Recorder Kern County Official Records DOCUMENT #:0201086687 11111.111111111111111111 I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) JASON Pages: 16 6/22/2001 12 :40:18 Fees.... 52.00 Taxes... Other— TOTAL PAID.. 52.00 Stat. Types:1 The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B ", attached hereto and made parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above - mentioned real property is a result of Lot Line Adjustment PO1 -0460, being an adjustment of the boundaries of those portions of land shown as Lots 8 through 21, 24, 25, and the Designated Remainder of Tract No. 5929 per the map filed December 18, 2000, in Book 46 of Maps, Page 123, being portions of the E 'h of Section 13, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Property Owners: KYLE CARTER HOMES, INC., a California corporation, as to Lots 8, 9, 16, and 21; PANORAMA HIGHLANDS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California limited partnership as to the remainder. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 437 - 061 -08 437 - 061 -12 437 - 061 -16 437 - 071 -02 437 - 072 -01 437 - 061 -09 437 - 061 -13 437 - 061 -17 437 - 071 -03 437 - 010 -39 437 - 061 -10 437 - 061 -14 437 - 061 -18 437 - 071 -06 437 - 061 -11 437 - 061 -15 437 - 071 -01 This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 17 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated June 20, 2001 J C S R. LA ROCHELLE o. 40854 Expiration March 31, 2003 Acting City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized G: \sub \SHARED\Land Division\Minor Land Div\LLA\PO 1 -0460 coc.wpd `303 SqW Eaq !-9, 5.4-: S6 o z 3'7 z `f Iqr. P Y Ir Q 6.s n& ,M Pe-s-5 State of County of On X-ne., oU, 94Q2 before me, NtPta f QsC:k Pe C-2 0 (DATE) INAME/TITLE OF OFFICER- i.�."J,ANE DOE, N. �Y /UBLILIC -) personally appeared j q ��u� s / f gN24'(QLZ� e Ile-, INAME(S) OF SIGNER(S)) personally known to me -OR- ❑ (SEAL) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the N rson( ) whose name(#() te-- ubscribed to the within instrument and Onowledged to me that e / . W gis ted the same in er- hear authorized ty(), and that by t' tMleir- signature�the instrument the personM, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal ATTENTION NOTARY ISIG The information requested below and in the column to the right is OPTIONAL. Recording of this document is not required by law and is also optional. It could, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to any unauthorized document. ' THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Type of Document, CrYVA � MUST BE ATTACHED C_/ 0Q&__ t-7h ida9 Q- TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages Date of Document Jr� le c) 1 DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above All) OMe C 51:9 QTY WOLCOTTS FORM 63240 Rev. 3.94 (price class B -2A) Q1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WITH SIGNER CAPACITY/REPRESENTATION/TWO FINGERPRINTS RIGHT THUMBPRINT (Optional) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERIS) ❑INDIVIDUAL(S) CORPORATE / OFFICER(S) (TITLES) ❑PARTNERIS) ❑LIMITED ❑GENERAL ❑ATTORNEY IN FACT ❑TRUSTEE(S) ❑GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR ❑OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name offPPesoonn((s') or Entity(ies) a� c ��l��r� r oAa✓'n�'roy RIGHT THUMBPRINT (Optional) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) ❑INDIVIDUAL(S) ❑CORPORATE OFFICER(S) (TITLES) ❑PARTNER(S) ❑LIMITED ❑GENERAL ❑ATTORNEY IN FACT ❑TRUSTEE(S) ❑GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR ❑OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name of Person(s) or Entity(iss) 67775 "6 G R-#19 8 EXHIBIT "'A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 Being an adjustment of Lots 8 through 21, 24, 25 and the Designated Remainder of Tract No. 5929 as per map recorded in Book 46, Page 123 through 126 of Maps, and by Certificate of Correction recorded February 8, 2001 as Document No. 0201017127 of Official Records, in the office of the Kern County Recorder. Also being a portion of the East half of Section 13, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Parse /Al Lot 8 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 8, being a point on the North Right -of- Way line of Panorama Drive; Thence North 46 050'07" East along the Northwest line of said Lot 8, a distance of 47.72 feet; Thence South 00 005'32" East, a distance of 26.13 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve, concave southerly and having a radius of 1045.45 feet, a radial to said beginning of curve bears North 09 037'14" West; Thence easterly along said curve, through a central angle of 01 05635 ", an arc distance of 35.45 feet to the point of beginning. Together with those portions of Panorama Drive, Condor Street and Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 15,709 square feet (gross) and 14,688 square feet (net) more or less. Parse / B Lot 9 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 9. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 14,707 square feet (gross) and 13,425 square feet (net) more or less. 'Es- Page 3 of 16 pages. Parcel C Lot 10 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 10. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 11,088 square feet (gross) and 8,968 square feet (net) more or less. Parse/ D Lot 11 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 11. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,685 square feet (gross) and 8,905 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel E Lot 12 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 12. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,620 square feet (gross) and 8,904 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel Lot 13 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; Page —4 of /6 pages. The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 13. Together with that portion of Harpy. Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,459 square feet (gross) and 8,769 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel G Lot 14 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 14. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,459 square feet (gross) and 8,769 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel H Lot 15 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 15. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above- described parcel. Contains 10,459 square feet (gross) and 8,769 square feet (net) more or less. Parse/ I Lot 16 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 16. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,459 square feet (gross) and 8,769 square feet (net) more or less. Page S of "Ppages. Parce/1 Lot 17 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 17. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above- described parcel. Contains 10,459 square feet (gross) and 8,769 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel K Lot 18 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 18. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 10,878 square feet (gross) and 9,120 square feet (net) more or less. Parse/ L Lot 19 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 19. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 12,483 square feet (gross) and 10,726 square feet (net) more or less. Parse/ M Lot 20 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 20. Page S of 116pages. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 13,373 square feet (gross) and 11,687 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel N Lot 21 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 21. Together with that portion of Harpy Eagle Avenue adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 19,235 square feet (gross) and 17,843 square feet (net) more or less. Parcel Lot 24 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 24. Together with that portion of Bald Eagle Street adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 20,632 square feet (gross) and 15,332 square feet (net) more or less. Pance/ P Lot 25 of said Tract No. 5929; Excepting therefrom; The West 69.09 feet of said Lot 25. Together with that portion of Bald Eagle Street adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 22,597 square feet (gross) and 20,498 square feet (net) more or less. Parse/ The Designated Remainder as shown on said Tract No. 5929; Together with; Page 7 of /J' pages. The West 69.09 feet of said Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25. Together with those portions of Panorama Drive and Bald Eagle Street adjacent to the above - described parcel. Contains 27.43 acres (gross) and 26.91 acres (net). �,.-- PO UP r �y L.S. 5332 EXR 12 -31 -03 �. :�OFCA Page $ of / pages. . EXHIBIT AB" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 8 THROUGH 21, 24, 25 AND THE DESIGNATED ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" REMAINDER OF TRACT NO. 5929 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 46, PAGE 123 THROUGH 126 OF MAPS, AND BY CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED FEBRUARY 8, 2001 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0201017127 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PALADINO DRIVE PROJECT CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. 9f SITE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 0 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC SEWER: W SL CABLE: pW TELEPHONE: PACIFIC BELL PANORAMA �o ns VICINITY MAP NO SCALE LEGEND 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED PER TRACT NO. 5929, BK. 46, PG. 123 -126 0 6" CONCRETE MONUMENT W /BRASS CAP MARKED L.S. 5332 IN MONUMENT ENCASEMENT PER TRACT NO. 5929, BK. 46, PG. 123 -126 0 2" IRON PIPE TAGGED L.S. 5332 PER TRACT NO. 5929, BK. 46, PG. 123 -126 EASEMENT TABLE < > = ITEM NUMBER PER TITLE REPORT No. 12320 BY AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY DATED MAY 23, 2001 <5> AN EASEMENT FOR TRANSMISSION LINES IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY PER BK. 87, PG. 239, O.R. <6> AN EASEMENT FOR TRANSMISSION LINES IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY PER BK. 123, PG. 494, O.R. <14> A PEDESTRIAN RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PER BK. 6431, PG. 344, O.R. <16> A LANDSCAPE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PER BK. 6495, PG. 2031, O.R. <25> A TEMPORARY TURNAROUND EASEMENT IN FAVOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PER DOCUMENT NO. 0200160315, O.R. LAND SG 00 L.S. 5332 * Exp. 12-31—( ��qTF OF CAi -�F�\� t2z &/v - -N- 70- o HAROLD W. ROBERT ON DATE LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 PREPARED BY PORTER — ROBERTSON ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, Inc. 1200 21st STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 327 -0362 STATISTICS OWNERS: KYLE CARTER HOMES, INC. AND PANORAMA HIGHLANDS DEVELOPMENT CO. A.P.N.: 437 - 061 -08 THRU 18, 437 - 071 - 01,02,03 & 06, 437- 072 -01 AND 437 - 010 -39 ZONE: R -1 WATER: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. POWER: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC GAS: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC SEWER: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CABLE: COX CABLE / WARNER CABLE TELEPHONE: PACIFIC BELL THE BEARING OF N 00'05'37" E SHOWN AS THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M.D.B. &M., ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE OF MORNING DRIVE, PER PARCEL MAP 9541, RECORDED IN BOOK 41, PAGE 148 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP. PAGE 9 OF 'f6 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" "THIS 'MAP IS. PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 CURVE TABLE CURVEI RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DELTA Cl 1045.45' 35.05' 17.53' 01'55'16" C2 1045.45' 175.30' 87.86' 09'36'26" C3 25.00' 12.80' 6.54' 29'19'56" C4 92.00' 8.57' 4.29' 05'20'08" C5 92.00' 60.17' 31.20' 37'28'14" C6 92.00' 47.53' 24.31' 29'35'55" C7 92.00' 45.78' 23.38' 28'30'46" C8 92.00' 223.60' 247.72' 139'15'07" C9 1000.45' 239.52' 102.34' 13'43'03" C10 426.00' 57.94' 29.02' 07'47'35" C11 426.00' 66.89' 33.52' 08'59'49" C12 426.00' 292.52' 152.29' 39'20'35" C13 400.00' 287.51' 150.28' 41'10'58" C14 426.00' 55.21' 27.64' 07'25'32" C15 270.00' 204.90' 107.66' 4328'49" C16 300.00' 226.46' 118.93' 43'15'01" C17 330.00' 248.02' 130.20' 43'03'44" C18 330.00' 145.52' 73.96' 25'15'55" C19 20.00' 30.77' 19.37' 88'09'39" C20 1 1045.45' 139.84' 70.03' 07'39'51" C21 270.00' 135.34' 69.12' 28'43'13" C22 330.00' 76.12' 38.23' 13'12'58" C23 1Q 4 5-4 5'j 70.51' 35.27' 03'51'51" �CTJ LAND SGL W. RpeF� �P o L.S. 5332 * Exp.12 -31 -03 * 'k, �,OF �CO,5�9 � LSD HAROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 RADIAL TABLE LINE BEARING R1 N 13'29'05" W R2 N 11'33' 9" W R3 N 01'57'23" W R4 N 14'05'57" W R5 N 06'39'37" E R6 N 66'05'44" W R7 N 60'45'36" W R8 N 65'52'35" W R9 N 50'44'56" W R10 N 02'23'23" W R11 N 02'09'35" W R12 N 01'58'19" W R13 N 12'22'13" E R14 N 10'04'39" E PAGE 10 OF ! (o PAGES EXHIBIT "B" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 "THIS'MAP IS' PROVIDED FOR AS EXISTING ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LAND v�cic�io W. RpeF/P��PG�•� O L.S. 5332 * Exp. 12-31-03 J'jgTF (jr CA HAROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE � 4 1 11 } II f I LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 I IiN �I I I Y J N 89'54'28" E 204.00' �( 00 I{ 3 �I�I i° 45 I 13 X. IFo to Sq. Ft. to N 89'54'28" E 204.00' I I6 N m fO 10' P.U.E. (TYP) --L I ) I 46 12 0I c' X R I 13,464 {� to Sq. Ft. Ito N 89'54'28" E 204.00'1 N 3 1q �� I� 1� I 47 !`> : I 13,493 C3 { X11 00° W) co Sq. Ft. C4 II Z ( I <5> <6> I Z N 89'54'28" E I 196.95' 60.00' 140.00' I 10 I ���s I III I 48 Sq. Ft. ILO n Sq. Ft. 196. �l \ -- - -- z 4 N X6.2602" \� �1 CONDO - STREET 7- 9 S4,SFt P� r I I 8 rn 15,140 -N- o�rl Sq. Ft. ) M° --C2 — — — — — — — SCALE: 1"=80' = <14> C. 15.00' <16 > —� 0 20 40 80 ,� IC9 PANORAMA z DRIVE ° :\�� w FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT w/ FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ V w BRASS CAP TAGGED L.S. 4831 PER P TRACT No. 5167, M. BK. 39, PAGE BRASS CAP TAGGED. L.S. 4831 PER w ♦- TRACT No. 5167, M. BK. 39, PAGE 0 76 -77, 0.11' NORTH OF CENTERLINE 76 -77. 0.08' NORTH OF CENTERLINE FOUND 6" CONCRETE MONUMENT IN LAMPHOLE TAGGED L.S. 3707 PER TR. NO. 5167, BK. 39, PG. 76 PAGE II OF 'IC, PAGES EXHIBIT "B" "THIS-MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LOT LINE. ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 AS EXISTING LAND SG �+��QO�'O W ROeSP PL�.c L.S. 5332 *kExp. 12 -31 -03 /* HAROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 N 21 73'18'07y 37 wI PAGE 12 OF 16 PAGES n OR f 3 8 ,20 I i�l 1� 11 N 82'17. 757 Sq. Ft. W 209.87' (RAO) 1 g I Itl !il i 39 w N 17,144 L- 1 11 Q I co I Sq. Ft. 11.40' I� Z N 89'54'28" E 204.00' 10' P.U.E. (TYP) --I 40 w 13 0 m I .� 1.0111 13,790 I� �I 1 Y W Qo N 89'54'28" E Sq. Ft. 204.00' I' 1 I�il 1 0 1 8 I o I l 111 II I 41 w Z 0 13,6 IORUI sq. IIj I Q Ft. I`° 111 Ij <5> <6> N 89'54'28" E 204.00' 60.00' 140.00' I 1 I 1 w 42 0 16 fo II co I q. S F t Ico Sq. Ft. 1 II �7 -N- N 89'54'28" E 204.00' -1. Hi III I 15 10 >1 I I 43 0 LO 13,260 to Sq. Ft. I`� 1 .Q 3 01 I I SCALE: 1"=80' N 89'54'28" E 204.00' N M �� I0 0 14 aIII1 44 20 40 80 13,260 1" 1 ° irl I �°� co I Sq: Ft. 110 111 Z 1� N 89'54'28" E 1 204.00' • III 1 j 1� 1 1 45 13 � 1�1i III I PAGE 12 OF 16 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 "THIS-MAP IS PROVIDED FOR AS EXISTING ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LAND w. RoaF���G�� j I L.S. 5332 * Exp.12 -31 -03 k OF CAL I I 2ss ti -o o' R8s IYIAROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE A3 LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 F•� c co .10 38,134 Sq. Ft. ^ p 26 N , I� N_ <25> o rn- w I 29 71 TYP bj S24�� R E`�C \\ \ SCALE: 1"=80' _ \ R.. q. Ft. 0 20 40 80 n S, �1 O \ \7R� 1 \ \ M � i ti .O O �? 191, R \ (� Z N RSA•. 2 3 \ �\ ui A I I 22 / //� \ \` N 43��\ E 60.00 140.00' 86• / / /�% �, /// // ��� /V 30,011 37 W q /�a / 232.0S' ri /// `' / 38 I I 20 , PAGE 13 OF L G PAGES EXHIBIT "B" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR A AS ADJUSTED " ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" Amn L W. RoeF�G'PGF� v d'0 Z L.S. 5332 * Exp.12 -31 -03 O�F' CA1.�F�\� AROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE 30.91' I �I III G I LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 TYP. ► 1111 1 W I I N 9'54'28' E 134.91' 11 W !�I F ho�l M � dil 0 I� 45 8,769 0 'o LO Sq. Ft. (NET) Icp I II, II I) w 1 6 2 •� N 9'54'28" E 134.91' I• I % Ui 10' P.U.E. (TYP) �I �o l �I c1 af I 46 E X m 8,904 I. III I I w �O Sq. Ft. (NET) Ito Q, - N 9'54'28" E 134.91' 3 In 26.91 ACRES (NET) 3 �0 1 M I� I 47 204 '0 D I- �I ?i{ I 1 'BOO -,M� 8,905 C3 0 1 o ( I Sq. Ft. (NET)C4 0 .-N 9'54'28" E 127.86'• R``/Z �,71I I <5> <6> z I 60.00' 140.00' C ���' III I 48 a, 8,968 I0 Sq. Ft. (NET) 125.91' �RAD i a\�1. CONDOR— STREET B \ — 13,425 Sq. Ft. (NET) A 30.91' �6`°� 14,688 N o 7 6 TYP. Sq. Sq. Ft. (NET) -- - -_ - - - - - -. 0 SCALE: 1 " =80' C,2 15.00' �� 7.50' 3 cq PANORAMA <16> DRIVE 20 SO to M P,6 Z o O Z • I Q F- FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT w/ FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT U w BRASS CAP TAGGED L.S. 4831 PER w/ BRASS CAP TAGGED L.S. 4831 PER w TRACT No. 5167, M. BK. 39, PAGE 76 -77. 0.11 NORTH OF CENTERLINE TRACT No. 5167, M. BK. 39, PAGE 76 -77. 0.08' NORTH OF CENTERLINE N FOUND 6" CONCRETE MONUMENT IN LAMPHOLE TAGGED L.S. 3707 PER TR. NO. 5167, BK. 39, PG. 76 PAGE /4 OF PAGES EXHIBIT "B" "THIS 'MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" <5> <6; I 60.00' 2691 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 AS ADJUSTED LAND SG W. RpeF9 �PG�.c Z L S. 5332 *kExp.12 -31 -03 /* r r D 4A�RAOLAW. ROBERTSON DATE LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 30.91'I TYP. Ike / 3 7 15g 0> w 8g. iRgO) 11M 3 8 // // Sq. Ft. (NET) N 8217'57" W 1140.14' (RAD) ICI U I I III II i t 39 L cV 10,726 o6 00 Sq. Ft. (NET) I� �II II I 11.40' I� N 89'54'28" E 134.91' 10' P.U.E. (TYP) ---1 ( I 40 o f K ACRES (NET) 3 r- 9,120 1� I co 8,769 Sq. Ft. 9NET) Iro) 45 I I Sq. Ft. (NET) I. �I III I I r .� N 89'54'28" E 134.91' 3 �� i U o ui I 8,769 1° �' Sq. Ft. (NET) § M o I I 41 to ;o N 89'54'28" E 134.91' I• o Z I I 8, 69 l 1�I I II 11 II' I P 44 m Sq. Ft. (NET) 1co LO t2 , Iii III I — N 89'54'28" E 134.91'-f-, 1 11 II J - N 140.00' 111 1 I II 1 1 I W 42 30.91'1 1 I co 8,769 Sq. Ft. 9NET) Iro) 45 I I -N- ;� N I 89'54'28" E 134.91,4.,W. III I I H Fo 3 �� I� �� I I I 43 o ui I 8,769 1° �' Sq. Ft. (NET) § M o I SCALE: 1"=80' to ;o N 89'54'28" E 134.91' I• ° I I Z 44 0 20 40 80 0 G L 8,7769 I° II III I m I Sq. Ft. 9NET0 1`° 1 11 II - N 89'54'28" E 134.91' 111 30.91'1 1 I !� I 45 TYa I i II�II III I PAGE /5 OF / 6 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. P01 -0460 "THIS `MAP IS PROVIDED FOR AS ADJUSTED ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LAND 0 W. RO &FPG/PG�"� v =� 00 A L.S. 5332 a * Exp. 12-31-03 I•� I ���� OF ti -14- f HAROLD W. ROBERTSON DATE 30.91' LS 5332 EXP. 12/31/03 I Rso, � TV. I I n n I 3 Ft. (N Sq. Ft. (N \ I I ET) ^ p \ M � 26 27 i 28 �,� - �i 29 10' P.U.E. \� ���\ \ c� o (TYP) \`�o `ti Q 0 I O \A8.��' �\ \ \ �Gr SCALE: 1 " =80' 26.91 15,332 \ R SRS` \\ ACRES (NET) I Sq. Ft. (NET) \ �k '� \ \ \ 0 20 40 80 I I \ 23 \` 3 4, \ \�\ M I RCS / 9\ N 41'05'26" E LO N R�Jr•. 22 �� >� \ 35.69' Z I irri� Mfr 30.91' ?90 / �� r`►� TYP. N a'• / / / / 17,843 r / 37 X37 Sq. Ft. (NE1) 7" <5> <6> 8 0 �, 158 89, iRq p 60.00 140.00' M Fi ,;� l/ 38 PAGE OF /6 PAGES