HomeMy WebLinkAbout4501 ASHE RD, 6500 DISTRICT BLVDREQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 i James Maples,Assessor- Recorder Kern County Official Records DOCUMENT #:0202075761 Fees.... Taxes... 90202075761,E Other ... TOTAL PAID.. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 02-0192 SABRINA - Pages: 7 5/10/2002 11:37 :08 Stat. Types:] Being a division of that portion of land shown as Parcel 3 on Parcel Map No. 9233, filed September 6, 1991, in Book 42 of Parcel Maps, Page 153, in the office of the Kern County Recorder, also being a portion of the SE '/4 of Section 16, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: 385- 411- 17 -00 -2. Property Owners: ROBERT O. MARTINand DARLENE E. MARTIN, husband and wife as joint tenants. This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated May 2, 2002 /,2n —/ RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED 1652 S:\Land Division\Minor Land Div \pmw \02 -0192 coc.wpd 1P MAIM" .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF KERN On May 3, 2002, before me, Daniella N. Smith, Notary Public, personally appeared Raul M. Rojas personally known to me --OR -- to be, the personf* whose names* is /a-re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefshef fey executed the same in hisAiei<ftl"k authorized capacity(iess), and that by hisflte#theif signatures} on the instrument the person*, or the entity upon behalf of which the person* acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. DANIELLA N. SMITH SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Commission # 1279870 Z Notary Public - Caffamia ] Kem County OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER X INDIVIDUAL _ CORPORATE OFFICER Public Works Director (TITLE) _ PARTNER(S) _ LIMITED GENERAL _ ATTORNEY -IN -FACT _ TRUSTEE(S) _ GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(63 OR ENTITYK-6) City of Bakersfield P: \forms \Notary Rojas.DNS.wpd DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Certificate of Compliance PM Waiver No. 02 -0192 TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 7 NUMBER OF PAGES May 2. 2002 DATE OF DOCUMENT None SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE PA E 2 Of= 7 RAGES .4■ li LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 02 -0192 Being a division of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 9233 recorded in Book 42 of Parcel Maps at Page 153 in the office of the Kern County Recorder in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California in the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B & M., more particularly described as follows: PARCEL "A" 1.) Beginning at the Southeast corner of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map No. 9233 said point being on the west right -of -way of Ashe Road 55.00 feet from the centerline as measured perpendicular; thence S 00° 28' 48" W along said right -of -way a distance of 251.51 feet; 2.) thence N 89° 12' 44" W a distance of 212.18 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map No. 9233; 3.) thence N 000 47' 16" E along the east line of said Parcel 1 a distance of 251.50 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map No. 9233; 4.) thence S 89° 12' 44" E along the south line of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map No. 9233, a distance of 210.83 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1.22 acres more or less. SATE: 4-1 ? 6 ?-� \,AND 3� ti o No. 3779 u � Nqj� �RVE`l� or CALIF Page 3 of 7 Pages EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 02 -0192 Being a division of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 9233 recorded in Book 42 of Parcel Maps at Page 153 in the office of the Kern County Recorder in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California in the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B. & M., more particularly described as follows: PARCEL`B" 1.) Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map No. 9233, said corner being on the East right -of -way of Borman Way; thence S 89° 12' 44" E along the South line of said Parcel 1 and the easterly extension thereof a distance of 423.85 feet to a point on the West right -of -way of Ashe Road 55.00 feet from the centerline as measured perpendicular; 2.) thence S 00° 28' 48" W along the said west right -of -way of Ashe Road a distance of 149.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly having a radius of 20.00 feet; 3.) thence southwest along said curve through a central angle of 90° 18' 28" an arc distance of 31.52 feet to a point on the north right -of -way line of District Boulevard 45 feet from the centerline as measured perpendicular; 4.) thence N 89° 12' 44" W along the north right -of -way line of District Boulevard a distance of 384.65 feet; 5.) thence N 44° 12' 44" W a distance of 28.28 feet to a point on said east right - of -way of Borman Way 30.00 feet from the centerline as measured perpendicular; 6.) thence N 00° 47' 16" E along said East right -of -way of Borman Way a distance of 149.11 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 1.64 acres more or less. _ DATE: Z 9 4 YD G S, LS 3779 30, 2004 LAND No. 3779 N9j, s�RV E`1������ Page 4 of 7 Pages PREPARED BY: ALTA ENGINEERING HUGHES SURVEYING 218 SO. "H" ST., STE. 203 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 PHONE: (661) 834 -1492 FAX: (661) 834 -1529 PARCEL MAP WAIVER EDO ORPI::](DA &�� BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 9233 , P.M. BK, 42 AT PG. 153, KERN COUNTY RECORDER-IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, T.30S., R.27E., M.D.B. &M. �S,p LAND G`` F� D. y�c p� EXP. yFJ 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 RVE'OR P lqT� OF CALNF J W Q � U X � v� �9, �A 0 a z 0 0 U EXHIBIT "B" W OWNERS: Z WHITE LANE ROBERT 0. MARTIN DARLENE E. MARTIN 6601 McDIVITT DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 SCHIRRA COURT PHONE: (661)832 -0991 FAX (661)396 -2399 PROJECT McDIVITT DRIVE j Z STATISTICS: W a oa a ZONE = M -2 (GENERAL MANUFACTURING) DISTRICT m BOULEVARD 3 D APN = 385 - 411 -17 VICINITY MAP GAS = PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC N.T.S. NORTH ELECTRIC = PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC SEWER = CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER = CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" PAGE 5 of 7 PAGES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD \ BASIS OF BEARINGS LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT / �3 �I PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCE SHOWN ON w ao THIS MAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED . �a ¢ ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD l 1 No 0 PER PARCEL MAP NO. 9233 RECORDED �� DETAIL A M N o w IN PARCEL MAP BK. 42 AT PG. 153 IN THE oMl /N m OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. z ¢ FD. 1" IRON PIPE 1 �� TAGGED R.C.E. 17564 own m ( ( DISTRICT BOULVARD Im w McDIVITT DRIVE �I Ad 30 w a rm w° 1 1 w W in I I a � w w as I I � �� co °L a own m ( ( Im m 41 O N � W I I m ° 33 I M 3D' i 1 a� PARCEL 1 W ui 1 ° P.M. NO. 9233, PM.BK. 42, PG. 153 ;o I1 ao 1 n Luo)COMMON ACCESS AGREEMENT :F PER BK. 5634, PG. 2349. O.R. o° SET TAG IN CONC. z — L.S. 3779 N 89'12'44" W R -1 & ME w 211.67' R -1 & MEA. I � 1 3� o 30' J SET TAG IN CONC. L/ L.S. 3779 B s SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 L Ia wQ �w ISM e 1La� [Lair v co-,0 n I� 1? It ° g in a e e N 44'12'44" W R -1 & MEA. 28.28' R -1 & MEA. B 0 10' P.U.E. PER OK. I 5510, PG. 143 O 5. .R. in 0 6" S �*l '12'44" E R -1 & MEA. 1TERAL A N 2' 44" W R -1 & MEA. 6" LA' s s s STREET DEDICATION PER _BK . 5510. PG. 1441, O_ R. NE CORNER OF P.M. 6963 E. 1 /4 COR. SEC. 16 30/27 PER P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 950.45' K.C.L. CO. BRASS CAP PER R -1 MEA. 1 R/S BK. S. PG. 83 PARCEL 2 R.C.E.6540KED P.M. NO. 9233, PM,BK. 42, PG. 153 / 20" SEWER PARCEL MAP WAIVER R.C.BRASS 4AGGEDi � I 1 I /LINE BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP COMMON ACCESS AGREEMENT IfI PER BK. 6566, PG. 724, O.R. _ NO. 9233 P.M. BK. 42 AT PG. 153, KERN a I ^ S 89.12'44" E R -1 &MEA. 00 COUNTY RECORDER IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 210.83' MEA. 210.82' R -1 -00 ; — S COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE - `n SE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, T.30S., R.27E., M.D.B. &M. E I m m n 59' I 1 w _ I� V) o,5 V) Ud uj F-- W° I a°N a �04 I and Io a ma �r V) I av ` =aci Q V) I IW N >Zd O iic� 1 n oCD m� 0� 1 �a �_ WF— ao a- < (D ao ILq 1� 3m o zv n O W W .t d LL w � nwa v = (i o va w in oa s Q o d el W Z '� r IP.M. NPARCEL PM BK. 2, PG. 1531 fy Y 59' 1 2.86 AC. I A N rn m Im I ro n SET 5/8 1REBAR & CAP TAGGED L.S. 3779 Ism - -� to I° IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. "SEE DETAIL A" I SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 0 = 90'18'28" �I FILL ON LID SET R= 20.00' _ X' ON UTILITY T = 20'11 BOX LID L = 31.52' JR -1 & MEA. I 6" LATERAL--" in „ 510.00'R -1 & MEA" w mw z a W ir w co N w n ap � N O FN o z z55 f I} NORTH a CALF: 1" = Rn $ ss —J_s — 6 "C. M. MAR S 12' SEWER LINE R.C.E. 28471 DISTRICT BOULEVARD "' "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LEGEND O AS EXISTING El = FD. MONT. AS DESCRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 D = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R,C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED �O = FD. 6" CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 0 = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED R -1 = RECORD PER P.M. NO. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 OA = EXIST, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK © = EXIST. CHAINLINK FENCE © = EXIST. CONC. DRIVEWAY OD = HANDICAP RAMP OE = CONC. "V" GUTTER INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, QS = SEWER MANHOLE It — = ELECTRIC POWER LINE MEA. = MEASURED LAND G EXP. tiF� 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 �RVFl( sT9TF CAL PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES I � 1 3� o 30' J SET TAG IN CONC. L/ L.S. 3779 B s SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 L Ia wQ �w ISM e 1La� [Lair v co-,0 n I� 1? It ° g in a e e N 44'12'44" W R -1 & MEA. 28.28' R -1 & MEA. B 0 10' P.U.E. PER OK. I 5510, PG. 143 O 5. .R. in 0 6" S �*l '12'44" E R -1 & MEA. 1TERAL A N 2' 44" W R -1 & MEA. 6" LA' s s s STREET DEDICATION PER _BK . 5510. PG. 1441, O_ R. NE CORNER OF P.M. 6963 E. 1 /4 COR. SEC. 16 30/27 PER P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 950.45' K.C.L. CO. BRASS CAP PER R -1 MEA. 1 R/S BK. S. PG. 83 PARCEL 2 R.C.E.6540KED P.M. NO. 9233, PM,BK. 42, PG. 153 / 20" SEWER PARCEL MAP WAIVER R.C.BRASS 4AGGEDi � I 1 I /LINE BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP COMMON ACCESS AGREEMENT IfI PER BK. 6566, PG. 724, O.R. _ NO. 9233 P.M. BK. 42 AT PG. 153, KERN a I ^ S 89.12'44" E R -1 &MEA. 00 COUNTY RECORDER IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 210.83' MEA. 210.82' R -1 -00 ; — S COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE - `n SE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, T.30S., R.27E., M.D.B. &M. E I m m n 59' I 1 w _ I� V) o,5 V) Ud uj F-- W° I a°N a �04 I and Io a ma �r V) I av ` =aci Q V) I IW N >Zd O iic� 1 n oCD m� 0� 1 �a �_ WF— ao a- < (D ao ILq 1� 3m o zv n O W W .t d LL w � nwa v = (i o va w in oa s Q o d el W Z '� r IP.M. NPARCEL PM BK. 2, PG. 1531 fy Y 59' 1 2.86 AC. I A N rn m Im I ro n SET 5/8 1REBAR & CAP TAGGED L.S. 3779 Ism - -� to I° IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. "SEE DETAIL A" I SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 0 = 90'18'28" �I FILL ON LID SET R= 20.00' _ X' ON UTILITY T = 20'11 BOX LID L = 31.52' JR -1 & MEA. I 6" LATERAL--" in „ 510.00'R -1 & MEA" w mw z a W ir w co N w n ap � N O FN o z z55 f I} NORTH a CALF: 1" = Rn $ ss —J_s — 6 "C. M. MAR S 12' SEWER LINE R.C.E. 28471 DISTRICT BOULEVARD "' "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LEGEND O AS EXISTING El = FD. MONT. AS DESCRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 D = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R,C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED �O = FD. 6" CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 0 = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED R -1 = RECORD PER P.M. NO. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 OA = EXIST, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK © = EXIST. CHAINLINK FENCE © = EXIST. CONC. DRIVEWAY OD = HANDICAP RAMP OE = CONC. "V" GUTTER INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, QS = SEWER MANHOLE It — = ELECTRIC POWER LINE MEA. = MEASURED LAND G EXP. tiF� 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 �RVFl( sT9TF CAL PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES 59' I 1 w _ I� V) o,5 V) Ud uj F-- W° I a°N a �04 I and Io a ma �r V) I av ` =aci Q V) I IW N >Zd O iic� 1 n oCD m� 0� 1 �a �_ WF— ao a- < (D ao ILq 1� 3m o zv n O W W .t d LL w � nwa v = (i o va w in oa s Q o d el W Z '� r IP.M. NPARCEL PM BK. 2, PG. 1531 fy Y 59' 1 2.86 AC. I A N rn m Im I ro n SET 5/8 1REBAR & CAP TAGGED L.S. 3779 Ism - -� to I° IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. "SEE DETAIL A" I SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 0 = 90'18'28" �I FILL ON LID SET R= 20.00' _ X' ON UTILITY T = 20'11 BOX LID L = 31.52' JR -1 & MEA. I 6" LATERAL--" in „ 510.00'R -1 & MEA" w mw z a W ir w co N w n ap � N O FN o z z55 f I} NORTH a CALF: 1" = Rn $ ss —J_s — 6 "C. M. MAR S 12' SEWER LINE R.C.E. 28471 DISTRICT BOULEVARD "' "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LEGEND O AS EXISTING El = FD. MONT. AS DESCRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 D = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R,C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED �O = FD. 6" CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 0 = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED R -1 = RECORD PER P.M. NO. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 OA = EXIST, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK © = EXIST. CHAINLINK FENCE © = EXIST. CONC. DRIVEWAY OD = HANDICAP RAMP OE = CONC. "V" GUTTER INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, QS = SEWER MANHOLE It — = ELECTRIC POWER LINE MEA. = MEASURED LAND G EXP. tiF� 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 �RVFl( sT9TF CAL PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES SET 5/8 1REBAR & CAP TAGGED L.S. 3779 Ism - -� to I° IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. "SEE DETAIL A" I SET 5/8" REBAR BAR TAGGED L.S. 3779 0 = 90'18'28" �I FILL ON LID SET R= 20.00' _ X' ON UTILITY T = 20'11 BOX LID L = 31.52' JR -1 & MEA. I 6" LATERAL--" in „ 510.00'R -1 & MEA" w mw z a W ir w co N w n ap � N O FN o z z55 f I} NORTH a CALF: 1" = Rn $ ss —J_s — 6 "C. M. MAR S 12' SEWER LINE R.C.E. 28471 DISTRICT BOULEVARD "' "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LEGEND O AS EXISTING El = FD. MONT. AS DESCRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 D = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R,C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED �O = FD. 6" CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 0 = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED R -1 = RECORD PER P.M. NO. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 OA = EXIST, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK © = EXIST. CHAINLINK FENCE © = EXIST. CONC. DRIVEWAY OD = HANDICAP RAMP OE = CONC. "V" GUTTER INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, QS = SEWER MANHOLE It — = ELECTRIC POWER LINE MEA. = MEASURED LAND G EXP. tiF� 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 �RVFl( sT9TF CAL PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES JR -1 & MEA. I 6" LATERAL--" in „ 510.00'R -1 & MEA" w mw z a W ir w co N w n ap � N O FN o z z55 f I} NORTH a CALF: 1" = Rn $ ss —J_s — 6 "C. M. MAR S 12' SEWER LINE R.C.E. 28471 DISTRICT BOULEVARD "' "PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" LEGEND O AS EXISTING El = FD. MONT. AS DESCRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 D = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R,C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED �O = FD. 6" CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 0 = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED R -1 = RECORD PER P.M. NO. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 OA = EXIST, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK © = EXIST. CHAINLINK FENCE © = EXIST. CONC. DRIVEWAY OD = HANDICAP RAMP OE = CONC. "V" GUTTER INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, QS = SEWER MANHOLE It — = ELECTRIC POWER LINE MEA. = MEASURED LAND G EXP. tiF� 6 -30 -2004 No. 3779 �RVFl( sT9TF CAL PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES NE CORNER P.M. 6963 PER - E. K.C.L. COR. SEC. 16 30/27 ^ n� N n ��[p W�U W [E n CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.M.BK. 30 PG. 83 950.45' .L. CO. BRASS CAP PER D [ Q o I = � D Q o LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT / P.M.BK. R -1 MEA. t R/S BK. 8, PG. 83 PER BK. 5634, PG. 2347, O.R. w I PARCEL 2 6 C.M. MARKED BASIS OF BEARINGS R.C.E. 6640 nn�\ O ^❑n �^ ¢ I P.M. NO. 9233, PM.BK. 42, PG. 153 ILJA��J JI I U/1 (uJ�1 [��il 0 ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCE SHOWN ON "DETAIL A" 6,-, N °ow THIS MAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED I RC BRASS 4AGGEDI / °I '�'� PER PARCEL MAP RECORDED CORD I COMMON ACCESS AGREEMENT BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP Z a PER BK. 6566, PG. 724, O.R. J KERN IN PARCEL MAP BK. 42 AT PG. 153 IN THE I �- N0. 9233 P.M. BK, ��2 AT PG. 153, OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. — — — — — — — — I w 0 + FD. 1" IRON PIPE S 89'12'44" E R -1 &M r° _ Ln COUNTY RECORDER IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TAGGED R.C.E. 17564 2,0.83' MEA. 210.82' R -1 — u 06 STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE i _ _ _ _ _ _ I i �. o C)t COUNTY OF KERN, �W" SE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, T.30S,, R.27E., M.D.B. &M. DISTRICT BOULVARD 59, I — I w c5 g D a a1 I I = o N McDIVITT ri LEGEND ,O AS PROPOSED I N LD LO Zo I I _ �J m / w I I 0 N Ll N I Y O Lo W a LJ I n m Ld I p = FD. MONT. AS DE�CRIBED PER P.M. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 co Li � a I a I N Q = FD. 2" I.P. W/ BRASS PIN TAGGED R.C.E. 22497 PER I I Y o yj I Li a a O w P.M. NO. 6963, P.AA.BK. 30, PG. 83 I I a I z I PARCEL +A'+ IN z o = FD. MON. AS DESCRIBED PARCEL 1 I �� 0 +,i0 w m 1.22 AC. ' I a W ¢ QO = FD. 6" CONC. MO�. W/ BRASS CAP MARKED R.C.E. 22497 w L6 a a w I = 2 ci PER P.M. NO. 6963, P.M.BK. 30, PG. 83 a I I I P.M. NO. 9233, PM.BK. 42, PG. 153 o a I o r� `n a° z 0 } L^ I � Q 06 O = SET MON. AS DESCRIBED I SET TAG IN CONC. w Q I —.r I_. - "PER L.S. 3779 °0 59' I I O ro w R -1 = RECORD PER P.M, N0. 9233, P.M.BK. 42, PG. 153 w N MON ACCESS AGREEMENT z I a I I BK. 5634, PG. 2349, O.R. SET 5/8 "I REBAR &CAP r i m TAGGED L.S. 3779 I INDICATES ABANDONMENT OF VEHICULAR ACCESS PER K. 5510, PG. 1441, O.R a s _ N 89'12'44" W R -1 & MEA, m w v I 211.67' R -1 & MEA. 212.18' Z �" L•' MEA. = MEASURED 0( I N 89'12 44 W d Zi m LO Q - - -- _ I 423.85' w n°. m — — — — — — — — — — J SET 5/8" REBAR & CAP O Iu¢ TAGGED L.S. 3779 I 7 w I w Im LO c I PARCEL B CITY OF BAKERSFIELD a I FQ 1.64 AC. LINE OF SIGHT EASEMENT ra co N PER BK. 5634, PGJBAR'� ° � o° ' for "SEE DETAIL A" o Z 1,AND I Ig� TAGGED z \�D N� �o SE 30' 30' ,ti NORTH o z as g 0=55' �� cP � 10' P.U.E. PER BK. FILL ON LID SET R = . SCALE: 1" = 80' ` EXP. SET TAG IN CONC. I ry 5510, PG. 1435, O.R. "X" ON UTILITY T = 6 -30 -2004 L.S. 3779 BOX LID L = -- - - - - - -- 4LE No. 3779 � S 9'12'44" E R -1 & MEA. 384.65' R -1 & MEA, OF CAl�F1 a HUGH S. 37 '� o N 8'12'44" W R -1 &MEA. 510.00'R -1 &MEA. � � EXP. —30— 004 � S. ¢ Z� � ,. m / SET 5/8" REBAR BAR 6" C.M. MARKED !/ TAGGED L.S. 3779 R.C.E. 28471 Q STREET DEDICATION PER BK. ++ 5510, PG. 1441, O.R. „ — _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DISTRICT BOULEVARD— — _ `PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY PAGE 7 OF 7 PAGES f