HomeMy WebLinkAbout150, 154 E WHITE LNREQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 James W. Fitch Assessor— Recorder JASON Kern County Official Aecords 4/12/2007 Recorded at the request of 8:00 AM Alliance Title , DOC#: 0207079421 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) Mat Types: 1 Pages: 8 Fees 53.00 Taxes 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $53.00 The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B ", attached hereto and made parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above - mentioned real property is a result of LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 06 -1947, being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land: 1. The east 66 feet of the west 264 feet of Lot 9 of Sales Map No 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin per map dated May 3, 1889 per Grant Deed recorded 11 -10 -1982 in Book 5502 Page 1642, O.R. 2. Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258, recorded April 16, 1974 in Parcel Map Book 9, Page 151 all as filed and recorded in the office of the Kern County Recorder, and being portions of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, T. 30 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Property Owner: Martin N. Milobar and Terry L. Milobar, husband and wife as joint tenants; Martin Nicholas Milobar and Terry Leona Milobar; husband and wife as joints Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 172- 070 -15 -3 and 172 - 070 -19 -5 This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivisio enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may requir, or other grant or grants of approval. ( SD (S Y Dated: April 4, 2007 RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2007 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized Page 1 of 8 S: \Land Division \Minor Land Div \LLA\2006 \06 -1947 coc.doc W , �e �," CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of Kern On April 10, 2007 before me, Maria Rosa Peralez, a Notary Public, Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe, Notary Public ") personally appeared Raul M. Rojas Name(s) of Signer(s) X personally known to me evil� MARIA ROSA PERAtEz Commission # 1698168 eNotary Public - California Kern County My Comm. Expires Nov 6, 201 to be the personfe) whose names) is &Fe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me t at he shaAwi y executed the same in hi herAhefr authorized capacity(.ies&), and that by his e*AHeir signaturel#) on the instrument the persor�s or the entity upon behalf of which the person{* acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,� am!4 L, Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required bylaw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Title or Type of Document: for LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 06 -1947 Document Date: April 4, 2007 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Number of Pages: 8, includes this ack. page No other signer Signer's Name: Raul M. Rojas ❑ Individual IN Corporate Officer — Title(s): City Engineer • Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General • Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal Signer Is Representing: corporation Top of thumb here 0 1999 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 • www.nationainotary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll -Free 1 -800- 876 -6827 EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06-1947 Being an adjustment of a common boundary line between two parcels, the west parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed ", recorded on Nov. 10, 1982, in Book 5502, Pages 1642 and 1643 of Official Records and the adjacent east parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed" recorded on October 22, 1980 in Book 5324, Pages 1218 and 1219 of Official Records, more particularly described as Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9, Page 161 of Parcel Maps, both parcels being a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28, East M. D. B. & M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. PARCEL 1: The East 66 feet of the West 264 feet of Lot 9 of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the map of said Section filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County on May 3, 1889, Except therefrom all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances lying below the surface of said land as provided in deeds of record, And the West 25.75 feet of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9 Page 161 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Kern County, Except therefrom 3/4 of all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances lying below the surface of said land as provided in deeds of record, Containing 2.78 Acres, more or less. 3 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06-1947 Being an adjustment of a common boundary line between two parcels, the west parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed ", recorded on Nov. 10, 1982, in Book 5502, Pages 1642 and 1643 of Official Records and the adjacent east parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed" recorded on October 22, 1980 in Book 5324, Pages 1218 and 1219 of Official Records, more particularly described as Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9, Page 161 of Parcel Maps, both parcels being a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28, East M. D. B. & M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. PARCEL 1: The East 66 feet of the West 264 feet of Lot 9 of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the map of said Section filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County on May 3, 1889, Except therefrom all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances lying below the surface of said land as provided in deeds of record, And the West 25.75 feet of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9 Page 161 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Kern County, Except therefrom 3/4 of all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances lying below the surface of said land as provided in deeds of record, Containing 2.78 Acres, more or less. 3 of 7 PARCEL 2: The East 91.75 feet of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9 Page 161 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Kern County. Except therefrom % of all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances lying below the surface of said land as provided in deeds of record, And an undivided %2 interest in and to that certain well located on the boundary line between parcel 1 and parcel 2 of Parcel Map 1258 in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, filed April 16, 1974 in Book 9 Page 161 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Kern County. Containing 2.78 Acres, more or less. Martin N. Milobar Date RCE28113, Expires 03/31/2008 4of7 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06 -1947 Being an adjustment of a common boundary line between two parcels, the west parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed ", recorded on Nov. 10, 1982, In Book 5502, Pages 1642 and 1643 ofOfildal Records and the adjacent east parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed "reoorled on October 22, 1980 In Book 5324, Pages 1218 and 1219 ofOfiiclal Records, more particularly described as Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1258 filed April 16, 1974 In Book 9, Page 161 of Parcel Maps, both parcels being a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28, East M. D. B. A M., In the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State ofCallfomla. 217 �- % 7�1- �- R�11��L�7 MARTINN. MILOBAR DATE RCE28113 EXPIRES: 03131106 PREPARED BY MARTINN. M /LOBAR 154 EAST WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (6,61)831-6422 BASIS OF BEARINGS MEBEAR /NG OF 007'54'VIAS SHOWNFOR MEAAD SEC RONL /NEOFSEC f7 730S, R28EMDB&MON rAACTMAP MY RECORDED /NBK7OF MAPS ATPG. 27WA8 USED ASBAS /SOFBEAR /NGSSHOWNON MIS SWlBlr. EXHIBIT B STATISTICS PROJECT SITE OWNERS: MARTIN N. & TERRYL. MILOBAR 154 LAST WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (661) 831-0422 APN.' 172 -070.15-01 -8 & 19-029 ZONE: R-S25A SEWER: INDIVIDUAL SEPTIC WATER: CAL WATER SERVICE COMP, PHONE.' AT &T GAS: PG &E ELECTRIC: PG &E CABLE.' WARNER EXISTING USE.' SINGLEFAMILYRESIDENCE &PASTURE PROPOSED USE. SAME IMPROVEME'NTAREA: TYPE RR' CAL WATER SERVICE CONNECTION EXHIBIT B FD2 "IPWITH LOTLINEADJUSTMENTN0.06 -947 ________ 11760' s8s55'15E CLBROOKSTREETCOUNTYROAD#D -495 —196.00 COUNTY TAG 5.15.73 FOR "q+ Being an adjustment ofe common boundary line between two parcels, the west SWCOR TRACT 1509 parcel being an 'Individual Grant Deed" recorded on Nov. 10, 1982, In Book 5502, PER KCSFB 967 PG 23 I Pages 1642 and 1643 of 0lficlal Records and the adjacent east parcel being an 2 "WATER LINE 9ndlvidual Grant Deed "recorded on October22, 1980 In Book 5324, Pages 1218 and 1219 ofOfi9clal Records, more particularty described as Parcel 1 ofPervel Q! a Map 1258 filed April 16, 1974 In Book 9, Page 161 of Parcel Maps, both parcels being a portion of the Southwest Quarterof the Northeast Quarter ofSectlon 17, I Township 30 South, Range 28, East M. D. B. & M., In the Clty of Bakersfield, I County ofKem, State ofCalifomla. Y O II I p W N n3 Z N w m o i WELL SITE NOTA PART" SCALE 1'--150' m a N �(w(°�� ! II 5 w W R L1 X13 ii�U 6 5OW8'HOME / �+� kG��7d a {r'l w �.. o u� O z a a o a 6 /4I' 42' 26' � C C w I m 98, 10' ADD1770J 14L UTILITY EASEMENT BK. 6405 &0542 W U .0541 / 5'ADL I77ONAL RD DEDICATION s WO W W j BK. PG. 1233 Q J1Y/(Y�w" MARTIN N. MILOSAR DATTE_ -- RCE28113 EXPIRES. 03131106 N e; N � N 301 CL EASTWHITELANE WCOUNTYROAD # 782 PREPARED BY MARTIN N. MILOBAR LEGEND 4 N 1 17.5' 154 EAST WHI7E LANE G REC MON PER KCSFB 967 PG 23 ? w 2 j BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 • REC MONSET2"IP TAGGED LS 3238 ( 661 )831 -6422 OO WELL SITENOTAPAR71 II S TRUCTURE DETAIL SCALE 1'=50' BASIS OFBEARINGS rHEBEARING OFS 007'S4WAS SHOWNFOR THEMID SECTIONLINEOFSEC f7 I 730S, R2SEMDB &MON MCTMAP fMRECORDEDINBK70FMAPSATPG.17 WELLS/7E NOTAPART' WAS4USEDASBAS ISOFBEARINGSSHOWNONTHISIXHIBIT. T 10'ADDI77ONAL UTILITYEASEMENT -BK. 6405PG. 05418 0542 15'ADDITIONAL ROAD DEDICATION - SK. 4635 PG. 1233 'AS EXISTING" CTR SECTION 17 T30S R26E �! — 158_ — 40' — - -- -- 66.00' 117.50 KERNCOUN7YSURVEYORS ✓ 198.00 rRaecr: M2oeae[oruNEAO ✓usrneEVr "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" CONC MON WI BRASS PLATE S 89 °55'09 E - -CL EASTWHITELANE COUNTYROAD #782 [ocanorl: earERSriEtD, CA PER KCSFB 967 PG 23 --------------- - - - -- VRAM 0Y.• DAN W. a4RM (RCE 56433) DATYr Ilaw7 60F7 FD 2" IP WITH CAL WATER SERVICE CONNECTION EXHIB /T B COUNTY TAG 5 -15.73 FOR CALCULATED SW COR TRACT 1509 PER _ _ _ _ _ _ 91.75' — l� — — I 91.75 — -- KCSFB 967 PG 23 CL BROOK STREET COUNTY ROAD #0495 _19.6•00 • I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 06-1947 s 6s °55'15"E Being an adjustment of a common boundary line between two parcels, the west I parcel being an "Individual Grant Deed ", recorded on Nov. 10, 1982, In Book 5502, j % Pages 1642 and 1643 of Official Records and the adjacent east parcel being an ` N "Individual Grant Deed' recorded on October 22, 1980 in Book 5324, Pages 1218 and 1219 of Official Records, more particulady described as Parcel 1 of Parcel y Map 1258 Bled April 16, 19741n Book 9, Page 161 of Par e/ Maps, both parcels a I I N being a portion of the Southwest Quarterof the Northeast Quarter ofSectlon 17, East M. D. & M., In the City Bakersfield, W p 2 e Township 30 South, Range 28, B. of ^ N County of Kam, State of California. m RLLlI I w U 20' D00#0207017047 ��' �C� (��� N �'- SCALE 1"-150' a 2J 'W4 RUNE ' 0 d v IR WELL SITE NOTAPART" No C2t 19 3 N p 16 Y I� I W ! 505 W HOME l5' �pp E 131-45 A 29O !4/' •'�. yj - � 10' ADD/T/O UT/LnYEASEMENT 1G. �`L(/�a c fi o I m 56' BK. 6405 05418 0542 15' AD /TIONAL RD DEDICATION MARTIN N.MILOBAR DATE V BK. PG. 1133 RCE28113 EXPIRES: 03/31108 I J LEGEND I LAU 30' 1 �. CL EAST WHITE LANE PREPARED BY o REC MON PER KCSFB 967 PG 23 MARTIN N. MILOBAR • REC MON SET 2 "1P TAGGED LS 3236 d 4 d Q —. _, _ . _. � . —.— COUNTY ROAD # 782 154 EAST WHITE LANE QQ WELL SITE NOTA PART" 9/.75' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Qz (681) 831.6422 I STRUCTURE DETAIL BASIS OFSEARINGS NGOFS00764" WASSHOWNFORTHEM IDSECT/ONL /NEOF SEC 17 ; " THEBEAR/ SCALE 9 =50' 730S, R28EMOB&MONTR4CTMAP f509 RECORDED /NSK7OFMAPSATPG.17 WAS USEDASBAS /S OFBEAR /LAGS SHOWN ON TH /SEXH /B /T. ! j 20'UTILITYEASEMENT DOC#0207027047 L SITE NOT A PART" CTR SECTION 17 T30S R28E –� -- 10'ADD /TIONAL UTILITYEASEMENT - BK. 6405 PG. 0541 & 0542 KERN COUNTYSURVEYORS CONC MON W /BRASS PLATE 15'ADDITIONAL ROAD DEDICATION - BK. 4835 PG. 1233 " PER KCSFB 967 PG 23 '�ISADJUSTED" 15.6' 40' _ — — PROJECT• M1L084RLOTUNEADJU57MfNT "THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" 19.6.00 9 -.75' — T89.76' ' - E - - -- — —. —.— CL EAST WHITE LANE �, LOCATION: BAKfR5FlflD, CA COUNTY ROAD # 782 91.75' _ —. S 89 55'09 - — — — — _ _ _ — — _ DRAWN BY, DAN W. BARTFL O:Cf 564331 DATE.- OW- 7 7011