HomeMy WebLinkAbout6600, 6740 COLONY STr WORDING REQUESTED BY First American Title Company RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY ENGINEER 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED. SEE THE ATTACHED COVER PAGE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLAINCE Parcel Map Waiver 16 -0137 THIS DOCUMENT IS BEING RE- RECORDED TO CORRECT; To add the correct Exhibit "C Dated: September 27, 2016 _ \ " h A (\ A NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No. C -61069 Expiration December 31, 2016 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signatures must be notarized SALand Division \Minor Land Div \RE - RECORD COVER PG.doc USE 62�06., 67'(C Colony s�. T, REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: , CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93301 RECORDING REQUESTED BY First American Title Company /�730.5/71Vs Jon Lifquist, Assessor - Recorder DG Kern County Official Records 912112016 08:00 AM Recorded Electronically by: 734 First American Title CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 16-0137 Being a subdivision of that portion of land shown as Parcel 3 of Lot Line Adjustment 339 evidenced by Certificate of Compliance recorded December 18, 1992 in Book 6779 at Page 202, O.R., filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 25, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number. 515 - 060-14 Property Owners: Michael G. Stier and Catherine M. Stier, General Partners of the Stier Family Limited Partnership This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At'the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land along with associated Exhibit "C ". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated'. August 19, 2016 ,�- V\ - �,_ N1 Q NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No, C -61069 Expiration December 31, 2016 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 11 S:U.and DivisionWinor Land DiOPM02016%1 &0137 coc.doc FEES 46.00 TAXES .00 OTHER .00 00021612a724 PAD 46.00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 16-0137 Being a subdivision of that portion of land shown as Parcel 3 of Lot Line Adjustment 339 evidenced by Certificate of Compliance recorded December 18, 1992 in Book 6779 at Page 202, O.R., filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 25, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number. 515 - 060-14 Property Owners: Michael G. Stier and Catherine M. Stier, General Partners of the Stier Family Limited Partnership This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At'the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land along with associated Exhibit "C ". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated'. August 19, 2016 ,�- V\ - �,_ N1 Q NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No, C -61069 Expiration December 31, 2016 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 11 S:U.and DivisionWinor Land DiOPM02016%1 &0137 coc.doc REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDEb, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED. SEE THE ATTACHED COVER PAGE FOR RECORDING REQUESTED BY RECORDING INFORMATION First American Title Company CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 16 -0137 Being a subdivision of that portion of land shown as Parcel 3 of Lot Line Adjustment 339 evidenced by Certificate of Compliance recorded December 18, 1992 in Book 6779 at Page 202, O.R., filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder, being a. portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 25, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Number: 515 - 060-14 Property Owners: Michael G. Stier and Catherine M. Stier, General Partners of the Stier'Famlly Limited Partnership This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At* the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land along with associated Exhibit "C ". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: August 19, 2016 NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No. C -61069 Expiration December 31, 2016 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 11 S: \Land Division \Minor Land Div \PM\M2016 \16 -0137 coc.doc CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CIVIL CODE §1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the Identity of the Individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF KERN } On August 26, 2016, before me, Lynda K. Skinner, Notary Public , personally appeared Nicolas Fidler who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be, the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. LYN A K. SKINNER Commission.# 20.01735 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary_Public - .Csliforniq. Kern County D My Comm. Expires Feb 15, 2017 °�►r° - -•^— Wei Lynda K. Skinner, Notary Public (Place Notary Seal Above) ------------------- - - - - -- OPTIONAL----------------- - - - - -- Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Descrition of Attached Document: Title or Type of Document: Certificate of Compliance — Parcel Map Waiver No. 16 -0137 Document Date: 8/19/2016 Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s): Signer's Name: Signer's Name: • Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): • Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: it EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 16 -0137 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER; ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING PORTIONS OF PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, FILED OCTOBER 29, 1985 IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 120, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2, FROM WHICH POINT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2 BEARS NORTH 00 037'31" EAST 200.00 FEET, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHERLY 30,00 FEET OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339; THENCE, ALONG THE GENERAL NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES, 1ST: NORTH 89 019'12" WEST 180.22 FEET; 2 "D: NORTH 00 041'00" EAST 200.00 FEET; 3RD: NORTH 89 019'12" WEST 53.00 FEET; 4TH: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 200.00 FEET; 5TH: NORTH 89 019'12" WEST 210.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND SAID PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, 6TH: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 15.00 FEET: THENCE, 7TH: SOUTH 89 019'12" EAST 215.66 FEET; THENCE, 8TH: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 164.25 FEET; THENCE, 9TH: NORTH 89 019'12" WEST 215.66 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND SAID PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622; THENCE, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINES THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES, 10TH: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 115.69 FEET; 11TH: NORTH 89 019'00" WEST 30.00 FEET; 12TH: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 648.20 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, BEING A POINT OF NON - TANGENT CURVATURE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 00'41'00" WEST; THENCE, ALONG SAID CURVE IN A NORTHEASTERLY DIRECTION AND BEING THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, PAGE 3 OF 11 PAGES 13TH: THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34 024'02 ", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY AND NORTHERLY LINES, 14TH: SOUTH 89 019'12" EAST 245.92 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622; THENCE, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, 15 TH : SOUTH 00037'31" WEST 49.29 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECORDED AUGUST 31, 2010 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0210119480, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND DESCRIBED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 16TH: SOUTH 89 016'49" EAST 200.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LAND DESCRIBED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BEING A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622 AND SAID PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339; THENCE, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINES, 17TH: NORTH 00 037'31" EAST 983.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING: 9.619± ACRES. AUG 0 5 NIS PAGE 4 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 16 -0137 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, FILED OCTOBER 29, 1985 IN BOOK 32 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 120, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2, FROM WHICH POINT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2 BEARS NORTH 00 037'31" EAST 200.00 FEET, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHERLY 30.00 FEET OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339; THENCE, ALONG THE GENERAL NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES, NORTH 89 °19'12" WEST 180.22 FEET; NORTH 00 041'00" EAST 200.00 FEET; NORTH 89 °19'12" WEST 53.00 FEET; SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 200.00 FEET; NORTH 89 °19'12" WEST 210.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND SAID PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, SOUTH 00 °41'00" WEST 15.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, 1ST: SOUTH 89 019'12" EAST 215.66 FEET; THENCE, 2 "D: SOUTH 00 041'00" WEST 164.25 FEET; THENCE, 3RD: NORTH 89 019'12" WEST 215.66 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND SAID PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, THENCE, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINES, 4T": NORTH 00 041'00" EAST 164.25 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING: 0.813± ACRES, No. 523V Expiw,06WIV AUG 0 5 2016 PAGE 5 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "Bn PARCEL MAP WAIVER -NO.- 16 -0137 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO, 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. OWNER: STIER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 220 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 SUBDIVIDER: EVERGREEN DEVCO, INC. 2390 EAST CAMELBACK PHOENIX, AZ 85016 602 -808 -8600 ATTN. ALEX GONZALES STA TI STI CS: ROAD, SUITE 410 APN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE SEWER PURVEYOR WATER PURVEYOR EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE ELECTRIC SERVICE GAS SERVICE CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS TOTAL SITE AREA LAND SURVEYOR: DAVID R. GRAY, INC. 621 VIA ALONORA, SUITE 609 CAMARILLO, CA 93012 805 -- 987 - 5 AUG 0 5 2016 DAVID R. GRAY,`A4 5239, EXP. 06130117 515 -060 -140 C -2 GC CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD UNDEVELOPED COMMERCIAL & RETAIL SITE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC BRIGHTHOUSE NETWORKS AT&T 4 10.432 AC. GROSS SS�NNI LAND SG�G R 0F� y1� No. 5239 �k Exp. 6/30/17 �T9TF OF BASIS OF BEARINGS: ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD PER RECORD OF SURVEY FILED ON OCTOBER 06, 1992 IN BOOK 17 PAGE 107 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. FAIRWEW RD. z 0 TE S� 0 EDISON CANAL c8 VICINITY MAP t NOT TO SCALE PAGE 6 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER � NO., 16-0137 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO., 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B, HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. EASEMENT LEGEND: E1 DRILL SITE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ALMA INVESTMENTS COMPANY, A CORPORATION, THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF VIOLET C. HARVEY, DECEASED, THEIR SUCCESSORS & LESSEES AND MARY AZPARREN & JOSEPHINE RAMBAUD PER BK. 3620 PG. 272, BK. 3620 PG. 273 & BK, 3620 PG, 275, O.R. E2 DRILL SITE EASEMENT TO ALMA INVESTMENTS COMPANY, A CORPORATION, THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF VIOLET C. HARVEY, DECEASED, THEIR SUCCESSORS & LESSEES AND MARY AZPARREN & JOSEPHINE RAMBAUD PER BK. 3620 PG. 272, OK. 3620 PG. 273 & BK. 3620 PG. 275, O.R. E3 PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH POLE LINE EASEMENT PER BK. 3863 PG. 406, O.R. E4 SEWER LINE EASEMENT TO C.O.B. PER BK. 5823 PG. 868, O.R. E5 DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO C.O.B. PER BK, 6750 PG. 962, O.R. E6 INGRESS, EGRESS AND ACCESS EASEMENT PER BK. 6768 PG. 562, O.R. E7 PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT TO C.O.B. PER BK. 6912 PG. 982, O.R. E8 INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENT TO JOHN G. GIUMARRA, JR, PER REC. 04 -02 -1999 AS DOC. NO. 0199047389, O.R. E9 PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT TO C.O.B. REC. 05 -25 -2006 AS DOC. NO. 0206129105, O.R. E10 SEWER LINE EASEMENT TO C.O.B. REC. 07 -12 -2007 AS DOC. NO, 0207145833, O.R. i I i PARCEL 1 o�o 0 I �d NiN � D N8979'12 "W 210.00' 180, 00' T.P.O.B. i w Lri r 185.66' LOT 2 3 '� S89'19'12 "E 215.66' I E 0 , � 30= --�E7 W �I I PROPOSED o °I LOT 2 UI I DETAIL "A" MONUMENT LEGEND: AQ-- N.E. COR. SEC. 25, 30127 - 2" IRON PIPE W /K.C.S. BRASS CAP 12" DEEP PER PARCEL MAP NO. 6698, P.M.B. 29 PG. 167 ©- K.C.S. CONCRETE MONUMENT PER R/S BK. 17 PG. 107 ©— 2" IRON PIPE TAGGED LS 5565 PER R/S BK. 17 PG. 107 Dd— 2" IRON PIPE TO BE SET PER RECORD OF SURVEY FILED WITH THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR EQ— 314" IRON PIPE TO BE SET PER RECORD OF SURVEY FILED WITH THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR LEGEND: R1 RECORD PER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339, REC. 12 -18 -1992 IN BK, 6779 PG. 202, O.R. R2 RECORD PER PARCEL MAP NO. 7622, P.M.B. 32 PG. 120 R3 RECORD PER GRANT DEED TO C.O.B, REC, 08 -31 -2010, AS DOC. NO. 0210119480, O.R. O RECORD MONUMENT o MONUMENT SET PER RECORD OF SURVEY FILED WITH THE KERN COUNTY SURVEYOR -N- SCALE. 1"=50' PROPOSED LOT 1 AUG 0 5 2016 PAGE 7 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER - N0: 16 -0137 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE 'KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. _- - (�P8aw� A 1795.02' L"AS EXISTING" _ _ r i lc) L1 456.99' M —__ 16' --- `V - - -A Li NE o , W PARCEL L 2 2 R2 r OLD C/L 46' 44' PARCEL 1 0 0 ° o PARCEL 2 ^ o �1I R1 N o N R1 0 -�J- 114. N89'19'12 "W 210.0 !- 180.22' 0, -.J/ ~'N 180.00' E3 N8919'12 "W -Z— ii i I I g ! . 30" E7 I � " SCALE: 1"=150' I• I SEE PAGE 7 FOR EASEMENT LEGEND, MONUMENT LEGEND &LEGEND. SEE PAGE 9 FOR EXISTING W'LY LINE ' 14 IMPROVEMENTS & UTILITIES. PARCEL 2 R2 i 0 °o E5 W'LY LINE PARCEL 2 R2 NW CW` PARCEL 3 R2 o �o 4' I I i-,- SB9'19'00 "E 1.00' C I EXISTING PARCEL I PARCEL 3 RI I I I �,a= 9'46'10" 10.432 AC. GROSS I R= 955.00' L= 162.84 8,984 AC. NET ' I I •� I ' I i d= 9'46'10" I II r—R= 1045, 00' E1-� i L= 178,18' ' I I I I � I 50' o E8I 1.73'- M +-9 'I--1 3 I I�I Io I li �r I 45' II X45' I c°n — — E2 — II i r �- 184.17' NE COR. I PARCEL • �_ C� S8979'12 "E 245.92' : 3 R2 I�� 5� 1 PARCEL 3 I - S8976'49 "E t200.00�'l 1 E10 R2 I 0 EXCEPMON FRO C 0 Q 0 -20'10 rn I zui E4 LINE & CURVE DATA: THIS SHEET ONLY L1 N8919'12 "W 53.00' L2 N8919'00 "W 30.00' L3 S00'37'31 "W 49.29' L4 S00'41'00 "W 524.94' L5 S00'41'00 "W 230.00' Cl d= 34'24'02" R= 50.00' L= 30.02' T= 15.48' AUG 0 5 2016 PAGE 8 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER, NO., 16 -0137 BEING A DIWSION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER; ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. i OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. PA NAM AAE "AS PROPOSED" _ L 1 456.99' L1 NE E W E PARCEL L 2 2 R2 46' 44' PARCEL 1 ° o ° o PARCEL 2 ^' o OLD c/L R1 oN °N R1 o�Om I 114, v) z —N- n Z; N S00'41'00'W 230.00' p N i 524.94' _________ r ._ N89'19'12'W 210.00' - ?- 180.22' - ! 1'�N i E3 N89'19'12 "W -Z. iL4i i_i____L5 -__ _ % 1 P.O.B. 1 ' 30'; E7 E LOT 1 SCALE: 1"=150' SEE DETAIL "A" •- �, LOT 2 ON PAGE 8 SEE PAGE 7 FOR EASEMENT LEGEND, ' 10.813 AC. GROSS -' 0.700 AC. NET -`� MONUMENT LEGEND & LEGEND. SEE PAGE 11 FOR EXISTING ! '- LID - ! ' � IMPROVEMENTS & UTILITIES. L7 LINE & CURVE DATA: THIS SHEET ONLY �N00'4100 E 115.69 I Ll N89'19'12 "W 53.00' 46'� 4' }` L2 N8979'00 "W 30.00 I 1 S89'19'00 "E 1, 00' L3 S00'37'31 "W 49.29' D I' L2 1 Q L4 S00'41'00 "W 15.00' "E ' Ev L5 589'19'12 215.66' L6 $00'41'00 "W 164.25' "W 9'46'10" I I I L7 N8919'12 215.66' "E I I-' R=955.00' NOO'41'00 164.25' L= 162.84' LOT 1 °j L9 SOO'41'00 "W 115.69 1 9.619 AC. GROSS =' �� L10 N89'19'12 "W 185.66' Lll N00'41'00 "E 164.25' 8.284 AC. NET \ o Cl Q= 34'24'02" R= 50.00' L= 30.02' T= 15.48' d= 9146'10" °z o I i rL=178.18' R= 1045.00' El-7 20'14) `wlr rn 1 o � N E6 50' oo I _ _ --kn VARIES E8I o I } E5 41.73 -1 �-- R lr_jl3 E9 9 W'LY LINE °o PARCEL 2 R2 I i _ �C� o I-- 45' �5' 2 1 °4 Ez U No. 5239 _ 500'41'00 "W I r NE COR ! �- 184.17' �. PARCEL T Exp. 6/30/17 RADIAL C1 ' S89'19'12 "E 245..92'-" 3 R2 5' --r-I E4 qTF OF CA��F�� NW COR. PARCEL 3 R2 i 0 I i PARCEL 3 $897649 E 200.00''• 1, R2 D EXCEPnON10 °, p AUG 0 5 2016 Ll _ _____ ^__�_ _ -- PAGE 10 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER -N0:16 -0137 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSIMENT N0. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO, 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. S89A►119�E LAnIE _ "AS PROPOSED" L1 456.99- WITH EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS & UTILITIES E PARCEL �E -- - -- ( "W 2 R OLD C/L i 6' i 44' i fAR ^^ o A orc 1 A a i^ S00'41'O0 "W-�,f 524.94' i i i i i 8 "SEWER 161,1 N o� a� W'LY LINE - PARCEL 2 R2 NW COR.--1 PARCEL 3 R2 712 "W 210. ! �-4 "SEWER WYE LOT 2 0.813 AC. GROSS 0.700 AC. NET !- L10 - r 1 L7 �N00'41'00 "E 115.69' I S89'19'00 "E 1.00' i 1� -_6 "SEWER WYE �-A-- 9'46'10" R= 955.00' N RI =X. CURB 180.22' N8979'12 "W P.O.B. LOT 1 L= 162.84' LOT 1 9.619 AC, GROSS 8.284 AC, NET IA= 9'46'10" �R= 1045.00' UNDEVELOPED L= 178.18' NO IMPROVEMENTS i EX. CURB r I° 45 c°n �0 lO� CN � N -m^ U) Z N °o z Q � I _cam 1-- � r� NE COR. 184.17' PARCEL _ S89'19'12"E 245.92' 3 R2 i PARCEL 3 '- S89'16'49 "E 200.00' EXCEPTION o ° -N- SCALE: 1"=150' SEE PAGE 7 FOR EASEMENT LEGEND, MONUMENT LEGEND & LEGEND. SEE PAGE 10 FOR EXISTING EASEMENTS. LINE & CURVE DATA: THIS SHEET ONLY L1 N8919'12 "W 53.00' L2 N89'19'00 "W 30.00' L3 S0037'31 "W 49.29' L4 S00'41'00 "W 15.00' L5 S89'19'12 "E 215.66' L6 S00'41'00 "W 164.25' L7 N89'19'12 "W 215.66' L8 N00'41'00 "E 164.25' L9 S00'41'00 "W 115.69' L10 N89'19'12 "W 185.66' Lll N00'41'00 "E 164.25' Cl A= 34'24'02" R= 50.00' L= 30.02' T= 15.48' AUG 0 5 2016 PAGE 11 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO." 16 -0137 4 BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 339 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 6779, PAGE 202, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER; ALSO BEING A POR710N OF LOT 3, SEC71ON 25, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE "KERN COUNTY SALES MAP NO. 1 OF THE LANDS OF J. B. HAGGIN" FILED MAY 03, 1889 IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER. - QP8NAM LANE "AS EXISTING" L1 456.99' WITH EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS & UTILITIES - -- W PARCEL 2 R r' o . OLD C/L 6' 14' 1 PAR E� L 1 , o I 1 1 I! N R1 -N- 1 1 1 l I o �� EX. CURB 7 12 "W 210.00' -. !- 180.22' III j 180.00' N89'19'12 "W _ n 1 1 1 Z I 4 "SEWER WYE -- SCALE. 1" =150' ICI I rn SEE PAGE 7 FOR EASEMENT LEGEND, 3 pia MONUMENT LEGEND & LEGEND. WLY LINE—SEE PAGE 8 FOR EXISTING EASEMENTS. PARCEL 2 R2 i 1 s °SEWER 6 LINE & CURVE DATA: THIS SHEET ONLY �, 4 1 �" 589'19'00 "E 1.00' -� L1 N8979'12 "W 53.00' L EXISTING L2 N89' 731 W 30.00' STING PARCEL - , r Z .� L3 S003731 "W 49.29' I_ 1 PARCEL 3 RI L4 Soo'41'00 "W 524.94' - --6 "SEWER WYE 10.432 AC. GROSS L5 S00'41'00 "W 230.00' Ii I i R- 955.00' 8,984 AC. NET °�°/ Cl 4= 34'24'02" R= 50.00' L= 30.02' T= 15.48' L= 162.14' UNDEVELOPED °' - -- NO IMPROVEMENTS, I 0 I I �R= 1045.00' o l I 1 L= 178.18' EX. CURB I Nt a I I 00 WLY LINE---., i I I Q Q pc<<c G PARCEL 2 R2 8 "SEWER I 45, 45 - - * No. 5239 �k NE COR. Exp. 6/30/17 S0014100 "W I — 184.17' - PARCEL RADIAL II S8919'12'E 245.92' 3 R2 F OF CA��F� NW COR. I 1 I PARCEL 3 R2 I PARCEL 3 - S89'16'49 "E 200.00`' I AUG 0 52016 1 R2 EXCEPTION o ; r R3 __ PAGE 9 OF 11 PAGES EXHIBIT "C" LENDER CONSENT TO FOURTH AMENDMENT TO OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (Wells Fargo Bank, National Association) The undersigned, claiming some right, title or interest in and to that certain parcel of real property located in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California referred to in the Fourth Amendment to Operation, Maintenance and Reciprocal Easement Agreement ("Fourth Amendment ") as the Stier Parcel, consents to the making of the foregoing Fourth Amendment and agrees to be bound thereby and agrees that its right, title or interest is subject to such Fourth Amendment. WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as beneficiary, per that certain Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents and Leases recorded December 16, 2009 as Document No. 0209184039 of the Official Records of Kern County, California, and that certain Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents and Leases recorded April 13, 2015 as Document No. 0215042706 of the Official Records of Kern County, California. By: D Name: Title: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF ) ) SS. COUNTY OF On Ocf -6 6 - dOl to before me, /r Notary Public, personally appeared ran cp'`., w o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that bQlshe executed the same in h_ idher authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraphs true and correct. WITNESS my h 'offs 'al s)al SHERRY ERLEWINE Commission # 2080736 a " -a z Zz Signature (Seal) Z Notary ernlCount California Y My Comm. Expires Oct 3, 2018 Lender Consent CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CIVIL CODE §1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certiflcote verifies only the Identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certif sate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF KERN } On September 29, 2016, before me, Lynda K Skinner Notary Public , personally appeared Nicolas Fidler who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be, the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. IYNDA K, SKINNER Commission N 2007735 -Notliry Public - CsNiornia Kern County LQ'mv Comm. Expires (Oki J201 (Place Notary Seal Above) I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. X. -,I, ',�/i �� Lynda . Skinner, Notary Public --------------- - - - - -- - -- OPTIONAL----------------- - - - - -- Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Descrition of Attached Document: Title or Type of Document: Certificate of Compliance — Parcel Map Waiver 16 -0137 Document Date: 9/27/2016 Original Date: 8/1912016 Signer(s) Other Tha`med Above: Canacitv(ies) Claimed by Signer(s): Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Name: Corporate Officer — Title(s): er ❑ Limited c3 General Indiyi ❑ Attorney in Fact Trustee o Guardian or Conservator Other: Signer Is Representing: Exhibit "C" LENDER CONSENT TO PARCEL MAP WAIVER 16 -0137 The undersigned, claiming some right, title or interest in and to the real property described as Lot 1 and Lot 2 and depicted on that certain Parcel Map Waiver 16 -0137 ( "Parcel Map Waiver "), consents to the making and recording of the Parcel Map Waiver and agrees to be bound thereby and agrees that its right, title or interest in the real property is subject to such Parcel Map Waiver. WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as beneficiary, per that certain Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents and Leases recorded December 16, 2009 as Document No. 0209184039 of the Official Records of Kern County, California, and that certain Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents and Leases recorded April 13, 2015 as Document No. 0215 -42706 of the Official Records of Kern County, California. By. La 0 Name: Title: h A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF 0A- ) ) SS. COUNTY OF Kerr` ) On 69- A I 'Z 1) 14 before me, J /!f>&/ (-1 -1,i t J 11%"x- , Notary Public, personally appeared �-J4 %,?W2 - , who proved tome on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS Aha ff. ci al. 1 SHERRY ERLEWINE Commission # 2060736 Signature (Seal) z , -mo Notary Public - California n Z Kern County My Comm. Expires Oct 3, 2018 4825- 9365 - 0482.1