HomeMy WebLinkAbout9-8801 tat 09e7l _3j R G@ 11 G A 7 M D A V A N D C 0 R 0 M A, H A I L T 0 1 City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue ..... Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 All 1) X (SECTION 66499.35, PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 9-88 BOOK U27 PAGE 0549 05 9'Z b 0 M08 IMIAIV 331 A 8: RECONED BY GALE' S, EUSTAip KERN COUNTY ORS 5.00 SEP 1.00 I&T. FE 100 1h CHE R6 . 9.00 #0264 70 C001 U01 1*09*4 Cj F= I-:_- C3 M 1=9 L- 3: t7- E=-: GOVERNMENT CODE) (Being a Resubdivision of Parcel I of that Lot Line Adjustment shown on Certificate of Compliance recorded in Book 5900, Page 1958, 0. R., also being a portion of Lot 10 of Block 11 of the Homaker Park Subdivision) (Assessor's Parcel No. 2-081-28) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Parcel Map Waiver for the hereinafter- described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. Y IlIffiff'.-F V. Is-111VIVI.-Y R,, Ism are the owners of the described parcels of land. Dated this 24th day of May, 1988. E. W. SCHULZ City Engineer City of Bakersfield o VO)Hss /O��` WAN 2, �r r aoox 6127 PAGE 0550 CIVIC �� Exhibit "A" F OF CAI.,IF� Existing Parcel 1 The West one half of lot 1q, the North 75.50 feet of the East one half of lot 10 and the West 5.00 feet of the North 45.00 feet of the South 124.50 feet of the East one half of lot 10 of Block 11 of the Homaker Park Subdivision, City of Bakersfield State of California, as shown on recorded map in Book 3 of olaps Page 9 in the Kern County Recorder "s Office, as described in the Certificate of Compliance, recorded in Book 5900 Page 19581 Official Records, in the Kern County Recorder's Office. Containes 14,000 sq. ft. or 0.32 acres. Proposed Parcel 1 The West one half of Lot 10 of Block 11 of the Homaker Park Subdivision, City of Bakersfield, State of California, as shown on Recorded map in Book 3 of 1,11aps, Page 9 in the Kern County Recorder's Office, also the West 5.00 feet of the North 45.00 feet of the aouth 124.50 feet of the East one half of said Lot 10. Excepting therefrom, the East 20.20 feet of the North 25.50 feet of the West one half of said Lot 10. Also excepting therefrom the East 34.20 feet of the South 50.00 feet of the North 75.50 feet of the West one half of said Lot 10. Contains 7999.9 sq. ft. of 0.18 acres Proposed Parcel 2 The North 75-50 feet of the East one half of Lot 10 of Block 11 of the Homaker Park Subdivision, City of Bakersfield, State of California, as shown on recorded map in Book 3 of maps, Page 9 in the Kern County Recorder's office also the East 20.20 feet of the North 25.50 feet of the West one.half of said Lot 10, also the East 34.20 feet of the South 50.00 feet of the North 75.50 feet of the West one half of said Lot 10. Contains 6000.1 sq. ft. or 0.14 acres. r E XI-11 -EI T "If a00K6127?AGE 0551 PA GEL MAP WAIVE A REPNI510N OF PAR.M- 1 OF LOT LING ADJU�ijMEN f CERTIFICATE (�j�i ' �v 0 OF COMPLIANCE RFCORMP IN P)OOK 0 ,)00, PAGe 19y6�, OFRFICIAL A6 P20P`� 5 `�D Sam R6CORA5 , IN 1146 KERN COUNTY M- ORD6R5 OFFICE, %INL -, A �: ,+C a 7D PORTION OF L.OT 'IO OF -46 H WAy. PL PARK 5UR�PNI610H _ zN CI-(Y OP PMAK6R5FI6W, IWKM OF CALIFORNIA, RF.tnR da D6P IN e "K 3 OF MAPS , PACE 9 IN Tub KERN COUNTY RECO2D&6 AU-SY = W OFFICE• ° - - � '� � tD - I00.00 (La? 10) (q'C L.) . �at16T. G) m'1�I _ 5aoo' _ Alm 8;3 - 29,80' :20,20 70.20' ' ! L NYV. 0 � 1 o gp� RMc� V 4 7.8' 9' 9' h11JGLE ,! FPMM R65. N iC; 0 m 15. 5 to , 'I J (4u) I -- 20,1 1 fIJJLL PXIJ ED 942 e' It L^ 31M 45 8 PARCeL 1 2's 7999,9 4Q, FT : APARIM bin e g u o Q SCALE ,� 111 ` zCi i y Q 5m 5 it zr QVRFCSSIpNq 90T A APDR?r N �R I A q F 4 ...:: , .�1 gbrc000 0 roG. FT, a \ V �711.IGl.E I� � I f r�V V� 1 F R I. I u� rn O i9'p "• 25�£i 15 c 1 yraLY) { , LL 32.7' EAST 'Lof ]O y , )it 7 So.00' Eri 9YP.?JG CURJj i GUIMA 'FE ( Qo SIm"L-K N . m � N � � �j0 T% STREET po p{((I Essfo ! �q, PREPARED gY No. 25718 PATRICK A14D WE-,WOER50fJ , IW-. * 1999 5D150W NWY. - SUITE 32 f C , Iv �p DATE MC2. 10, IA P�AIGeRSFIELP, CALIFO2NIA S%Ocj .._ I J _ p�0 \ ut cnUF REVI5E0 APRIL 21,19% ii II I II II1 Ex� un