HomeMy WebLinkAbout38-89_Ott LN ....rvE RFCoRDING REQUESTFD BYa WORLD TITLE COMPANY . REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 y2X /6 z BOOK 6377 PAGE 2047 R F� CI D D BY CENSTAD KERIN COUNT`f RECORDER 06 1 729 ; I'M -2 1 R -00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPL,IANCE�`7s` `�� CON PKI r07*0 (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 38 -89 (Being a division of Parcel A as shown on the Certificate of Compliance recorded August 9, 1984, in Book 5683, Page 2249 0. R., also being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.) (Assessor's Parcel Number 394 - 010 -2) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Parcel Map Waiver for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. Certain improvements were required as a condition of approval for this division, but their construction was deferred until further subdivision or development. Those improvements and timing of construction are secured through a COVENANT TO MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENTS - LIEN, recorded in the office of the Kern County Recorder April 6, 1990, in Book 6367, Page 1375 O. R. WESTBROOK CHAPEL is the owner of the described parcels of land. Dated April 25, 1990 E. W. SCHULZ RCE No. 18450, Expiration June 30, 1993 City Engineer City of Bakersfield IMP I 00 RFC..FF X 00, Ur 01?ff x'1001 CERTIFICATE OF COMPL,IANCE�`7s` `�� CON PKI r07*0 (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 38 -89 (Being a division of Parcel A as shown on the Certificate of Compliance recorded August 9, 1984, in Book 5683, Page 2249 0. R., also being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, T. 30 S., R. 27 E.) (Assessor's Parcel Number 394 - 010 -2) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Parcel Map Waiver for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. Certain improvements were required as a condition of approval for this division, but their construction was deferred until further subdivision or development. Those improvements and timing of construction are secured through a COVENANT TO MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENTS - LIEN, recorded in the office of the Kern County Recorder April 6, 1990, in Book 6367, Page 1375 O. R. WESTBROOK CHAPEL is the owner of the described parcels of land. Dated April 25, 1990 E. W. SCHULZ RCE No. 18450, Expiration June 30, 1993 City Engineer City of Bakersfield r r EXHIBIT "A" BOOK 6377 PACL 2046 All those portions of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 4099 recorded June 1, 1977 in Parcel Map Book 18 at Page 120 in the Office of the County Recorder, and those portions of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 Beginning at the North Quarter Corner of said Section; thence along the East line of said Northwest Quarter, S00 018'31 "W, 610.00 feet; thence parallel with the North line of said Northwest Quarter, N89 °52'50 "W, 1326.75 feet; thence N00 °18'31 "E, 610.00 feet to the North line of said Northwest Quarter; thence along said North line, S89 052'50 "E, 1326.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 18.58 acres, more or less. PARCEL 2 Beginning at a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter, from which point the North Quarter Corner of said Section bears N00 018131 "E, 610.00 feet; thence along said East line, S00 018131 "W, 135.00 feet to the centerline of Sunset Canyon Drive; thence along said centerline of Sunset Canyon Drive, N89 052'50 "W, 1461.75 feet to the centerline of Via Iglesia; thence along said centerline of Via Iglesia, N00 018'31 "E, 745.00 feet to the North line of said Northwest Quarter; thence along said North line, S89 052'50 "W, 135.00 feet; thence S00 018'31 "W, 610.00 feet; thence S89 °52'50 "E, 1326.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 6.42 acres, more or less. RICKETT, WARD, DELMARTER & DEIFEL UjkW._-IN Wayne A. Deifel L.S. 5275 Exp. 12-31-91 Wayne A. Qeifet, L.S. 5275 I� •�I 6j a cR 2 0 wD-2 z�3 R Yp I E51T %116 3AW 4151/1 NIVINnCM .,OO "D-VL —:D,, Ice R1,40IN I, " ' `i Iul io I� r , I I �I I =a� I MI I� I •� I II i }+! N - 'J W o N I) my w� I, " ' `i Iul io I� r , I I �I I =a� I MI I� I •� I II i }+! N - 'J W IQ I I I Fj I w IIs NQ 13 a � I a ,J ,e I. Y I; I LI a 1 9 g 4 s� ' aI BOOK 6377 PACL 2049 I? 10 Ia • :; • r' , I I Q CJ I � I I -2-4 - ¢�-Z ZR Z DL �O O joiff be�� J�ol O 3 a a� J Q 8 �V �o LU �N U� u 0 No ( 53G? J_375 ; j C'.STAD 0 Q 8 2 3 2 Recording mquested by tl,. City aF. BakerMeld. f 01,11 When Recorded, Mail to.- City of Bakersfield City Engineer C:i if `J Tf0. 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 EPT TIJFI�,Qyr�V, . ..... .Q MAF 1,7rjEr,TiIAS, WESTBROOK CHAPEL, a, C,,ilifnrnia Corporation; hereinafter called "Owner", is the owner of that real property more particularly described as Parcels I & 2 in Exhibit. "A" atto.ched hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and, WHIEREAS, Owner desires to subdil�'idc i=.1"t,"t re, .1 property by waiving the requirement for a Parcel Map pursuant to Section 6(34')3 of the Subdivision Map Act and thereby incurs an ohlil.gation to install the street improvements identified in Exhibit "B" P.-.ttached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (hereinafter "improvaments"); and, WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield, hereinafter called "City ", requires the guarantee of the installation of street improvements adjacent to Parcel 1 of the property described in Exhibit "A"; and, V11TEREAS, city, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a Certifictate' of e the execution 1 Compliance for said subclivision, requires p of this Lien Agreement with the City; and, w,,,ER•P,S, the deferral of th(� ins!- 1131at ion of ^.id iinprovc-t) e n !"s adjacent to the real property in Exhibit, "A" is a t 'I development on or subdivision of Parcel I described in pprcpriae ,int -ion t ant area Exhibit ".-V'l or until development on or subdivision of the vac, South of White Lane, east of Mountain Vista Drive, as shown on Exhibit 11 C 11. NOW, THEREFORE, Owner does her'ej:>y agree and covenant to construct adjacent to Parcel 1 described in Exhibit "A" the off-site improvements as shown on Exhibit "B" Rttacher.i hereto within 1.80 days of mailing by the City Engineer of a notice to Owner to do so. Should the improvements not be completed within such.; 1.80 day period, or Such additional time as the City Engineer may, in writing, allow, the City may proceed to construct the improvements or have tl-ic same constructed and shall have, and may foreclose and sell pursuant to, a lien on the property described in attached Exhibit "A"" in the amount of the cost of construction of the improvements plus 15% for administrative overhead. k, C1\J ( e, I)0 1 6 �t G7 !'rt �,l. 135"11 G Upon the failure of Owner to construct the improvements within the allotted time, the lien that shall attach to Parcel 1 described in Exhibit "A" shall have the priority of a judgment lien in the amount necessary to complete, or to reimburse the City for its costs in having completed the improvements pursuant to Section 66499(b) of the California Government Code. This covenant is intended to be and shall be conclusively presumed to be for the benefit of the property and. shall run with the hind, binding the Owner, is successors, and assi ins. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agrBement, to be executed this 3Qr..l1 day of - M�relT _, 1990. WESTBROOY: CHALET / STEWART TITLE, Trustee under Deed of Trust Recorded November 19, .1.986 in Boolc 5933, Page 1693 of Official Records By dg:wniverl.irnn STATE OF CALIFORNIA piss. COUNTY OF Kern �9 On this 30th day of �= T in the year 19_9f>, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared a Russell. Elrod OFFICIAL SEEM. •�< , personally known to me } oNE sent t (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the D,IRLENL H�( SCUP! within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged tome that 1,101:1P,'( PUBLIC - CAtIl=ORNN u FrINCIPAL OF uz ira the Corporation executed it. z\N ?i; . P - ^ �4 /)/ � KERN COlIt1TY my commission In. Dec. 6, 1991 WITNESS my hand and official seal. T ac eo'NLEOGMGNT- Corporallon- Y /,koils Form 222Ca z -aev. 5-62 No ?ary Public in and for said State. n1902 YrOLCOrTS, INC. (Drice class 82) (Corporallon) ST1�,VART TI'i'L1�O�Y v ��?� PGf l � � � i .w £ ATG Of CALIFORNIA � ti� [C Kern SS. COUNTY OF �s . &mrnn• / Cn�r.�n April 2 ' 1990 On before me, the ' I R IL i1C INTO II undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Stan., personally appeared personally known to Inc (or proved to a Inc on the basis of satisfactory evidence ) to be the �r.j_ e e _ President, and known to me to he personally XSiRS�tl;} j °a of the corporation (hat executed the within Inslnnnent, known to me to N be (Ile Persons whO CX -ned [Ile within Instrument (111 belnlif of the cor- pola(ion (herein n•Imed, and acknowledged to tile that such corporation "'-" ^P^- exec Iled file withlll ins(wil,cili prlrslntllt to its hy.!aws ora rc Coil :li,m r+f /'""^= 3•, 1 d,1, c, .,tr,rs. r1i1 t •�fl jr! s. i tlty, L...il.l l �/ Janet C. 11 n d s i C ' 7 rrx, 1373 EXHIBIT "A" A1.1 those portions of Parcel 3 of Parcel flap No. 4099 recorded June 1, 1.977 in Parcel Map Book. 18 at Page 120 in the Office of the Count'/ Recorder, and those portions of tile :Northwest Quarter o£ Section. 18, Township 30 South, Range 27 cast, 4.D. id., City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 Beginning at the North Quarter Corner of said Section; thence along the East line of said Northwest Quarter, S00 °18'31 "W, 610.00 feet; thence parallel with the North line of said Northwest Quarter, N89 052'50 "4a, 1326.75 feet; thence N00 016'31 "E, 610.00 feet to the North line of said Northwest Quarter; thence along said North line, S89 052'50 "E, 1326.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 18.58 acres, more or less. PARCEL 2 Beginning at a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter, from which point the North Quarter Corner of said Section bears N00 °18'31 "E, 610.00 feet; thence along said East line, S00 °18'31 "W, 135.00 feet to the centerline of Sunset Canyon Drive; thence along said centerline of Sunset Canyon Drive, N89 052'50 "W, 1461..75 feet, to the centerline of Via Ig_ thence along said centerline of Via Iglesi_a, N00 °18'31 "E, 745.00 feet to the North line of said Northwest Quarter; thence along said North line, S89 052'50 "Vi, 135.0013 ee ; fthence 00018'31 of 610.00 feet; thence S89 052'50 "E, Beginning. Containing 6.42 acres, more or less. RICKETT, WARD, DELMARTER & DEIFEL Wayne A. Dei fel Nla ,,n A. Dei(el �, L.S.. 5275 Exp. 12-31-91 �'SGi3 „/, `v,.,,. , caT! a OF C j'% 80 5) 3 27- 0 6 1 41 -1111" —1EC-1 I"-L, RICKFTT, WARD, DELMARTER AND OMFEL November 7, 1989 3 0 0 X G 3 (3 7 " "''a 3 - 37) 2901 H STREET 8A14ERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 9330I Job No. 12358 PRELIZAiNARY ENGINEER'S EST-LIMATE F HE CONSTRUET—ION LANE OR T BET'15EL Xi VIA IGLESIA AND MTN-. VIEW DRIVE (SOUTH SIDE ONLY) DESCRIPTION STREET PAVEZIENT 3" AC over. 6" A.B. Cur).-) and Gutter. Median (So. 'half) Sidewalk -E,aartliwork pole relocation Engineering (155"5) QUANTITY UNIT PRICE —FXTKNLS-10N- 53,504 SF 1,403 LF 1,408 LF 7,744 SF 2,363 CY 7 EA $]..00/QF 8.50/LF 23.00/1F 2.00/SF 4.00/CY 1500.EA Total 20% Contingency M Grand Total: USE • .20 x (135,316 + 20,297) $53,504 11 '963 32,334 15,483 11,472 10,500 5135,316 20,297 31 1123 186,736 $186,750 RICXETT, WARD, DEL DEIFEL / gancio S. rRcE Fontes, Jr. C_ 26975 Exp. 3 -31 -93 0 VI J A C3 3 G7 I 3 �(,) 0 70 :3 J� IV" �2 N 10- lKi