HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.5-6531 Ph 2CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PROJECT NOTES 1. Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all City of Bakersfield standards and specifications. Contractor will also be responsible for contacting the public utilities to start electrical and water service in time for construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all appropriate public utility standards, specifications and methods of construction. 3. Prior to the start of construction, all utility service meters (water and power) should be installed and fully operational. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for contacting City Recreation & Parks, 661-326-3354, and Public Works, 661-326-3049, for an on-site pre -construction meeting. 5. Contractor will coordinate construction with the appropriate City inspection official so that inspections can be made at critical construction periods but in no case less than: 1). At the start of construction, 2) Prior to any back filling, - 3) Prior to the installation of any plant material. 4) At the end of construction but prior to start of post -installation maintenance, and 5) At the end of post -installation maintenance period for written City acceptance. 6. Contractor will perform maintenance as identified in the specifications. All cost incurred until this time will be at the expense of the contractor. 7. Contractoris responsible for securing final wntten acceptance by the City of Bakersfield for this work. In no case will the contractor be released from maintenance of the irrigation system or maintenance and replacement of dead, dying, damaged, or otherwise unsuitable plant material until the City, in writing, accepts this work. 8. Contractor will field verify finished grades and verify that there is positive surface drainage in all planters, turf areas and away from all planting holes. If positive drainage does not exist notify landscape architect prior to proceeding for written authorization and instructions to proceed. 9. City of Bakersfield standards and specifications sheet, Included with this drawing set, and C.O.B. standard details take precedence over all other specification or details. 10. All trees under utility lines are subject to change per C.O.B. 11. Contractor shall install a 6" concrete mow curb as per C.O.B. standards at each phase line and limit of construction line & a 9" mow curb between wall and turf areas 12. Provide root barriers for each tree within 6' of any existing or proposed paving or structure. 13. All plant material shall be approved by the owner's representative. 14. No planting shall be planted until the installation of the irrigation system is completed, final grades have been established, planting areas have been properly graded, and soil prepared and the work has been approved by the owner's representative. 15. Contractor shall demonstrate to the owner'srepresentative the furnishing and installation of specified soil amendments whether a soils test is required or not. 16. Contractor is responsible for care and maintenance of any existing landscape and irrigation system during construction. - 17. Contractor shalt indicate irrigation sleeves by chiseling "IR" on the face at each location. 18. Priorto installation of any signage, subdivider shall submit two copies of subdivision identification sign plans to the Building Director for review and approval pursuant to BMC Section 17.60. 110 (N). One copy of the signed plan shall also be submitted to the Parks Division for review and approval. Sign plans shall include copy, dimensions, color materials, lighting, anchorage and location of sign(s). Approval of wall plans by the Public Works Director does not include approval of any signage. 19. Uniform development is required for this project. Should any Portion ofany phase or subsequent t hases be constructed at different intervals where the point of connections are located in ari are a other than the current project area, the developer. shall be responsible for all incurred costs associated with the affected areas unfit the project's maintenance period has been completed and a written final acceptance from the C.O.B. has been achieved GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE CIVIL ENGINEERS DRAWINGS FOR GRADING AND DRAINAGE INFORMATION NOT SHOWN IN THESE DRAWINGS 2. UPON EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT, PROVIDE THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER WITH A CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE EACH ITEM, LEAD TIME, ORDER AND INSTALLATION DATE FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, 3. PROVIDE FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF SITE CONDITIONS ARE OTHERWISE MAINTAIN FLOWLINES AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS AS INDICATED ON ENGINEERS GRADING DRAWINGS. 4. VERIFY AND STAKE LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND IS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES INCURRED BY INSTALLATION OF THE WORK. 5. REPAIR AND REPLACE ANY EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION, 6. CHECK DIMENSIONS, FRAMING CONDITIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. ANY DISCREPANCIES OR POSSIBLE DEFICIENCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND THE SPECIFICATIONS WITH FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER, 7. VERIFY PROPERTY LINES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. NO CONSTRUCTION ITEM, INCLUDING FOOTINGS, SHALL EXTEND BEYOND PROPERTY LINE. S. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COORDINATION WITH SUB -CONTRACTORS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK, PIPING, CONDUIT AND SLEEVES SHALL BE SET IN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION ITEMS. 9.. THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE FINISH STRUCTURE, CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS, SAFETY PROCEDURES, BRACING, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, AND SHORING I$ THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, OBSERVATION VIS98 TO THE JOB SITE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DO NOT INCLUDE INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND SAFETY CONDITIONS AT THE WORK SITE. THESE VISITS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS CONTINUOUS AND DETAILED INSPECTIONS. 10. GIVE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS NOTICE FOR REQUIRED OR REQUESTED JOB SITE VISIT, 11. FORMS AND ALIGNMENT OF PAVING SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO POURING. 12, FOR SUBMITTALS,. SAMPLES AND SHOP DRAWINGS REQUESTED, SUBMIT IN TRIPLICATE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WITH ONE COPY TO THE OWNER UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: - 13. PROPOSED SURFACES SHALL MEET EXISTING SURFACES WITH SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS TRANSITION AND FLUSH ALONG ENTIRE EDGE. 14. DIMENSIONS ARE FROM OUTSIDE FACE OF THE BUILDING, PAVING AND WALLS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ANGLES ARE 90' OR 45 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 15, COORDINATE AND COOPERATE WITH CONTRACTORS OF ATTACHED, ADJOINING AND INTERFACING WORK OF OTHER TRADES.: 16,MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP, CONFORM TO LATEST UNIFORM BUILDING CODES AND APPLICABLE GOVERNING AGENCY CODES AND ORDINANCES. NO PART OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO BE IN VIOLATION OF CODES, IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST, NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER - 17. PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION: ALL UTILITY METERS, (POWER & WATER) MUST BE SET & FULLY OPERATIONAL. GRADING NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY EXISTING AND PROPOSED GRADES, UTILITY LOCATIONS, EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AND FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY UPON DISCREPANCIES. 2. GRADING PLANTING AREASTO CATCH BASINSAT 2% MINIMUM, - 3. PROPOSED PAVING SURFACES SHALL MEET EXISTING PAVING SURFACES WITH SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS TRANSITION AND. FLUSH ALONG ENTIRE EDGE. 4. CONCRETE WALKS TO HAVE A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 2% AND SHALL MEET GOVERNING AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. 5. INSTALL DRAIN LINES IN SMOOTH, CONTINUOUS SLOPE AT �Ao (3" IN 50) FALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE INSTALL INLETS IN - PAVING POSITIONED IN ALIGNMENT WITH ADJACENT MATERIAL. 6. PROVIDE PVC PIPE AS SHOWN OR IF NOT SHOWN, AS REQUIRED TO CONNECT DRAIN INLETS AND PROVIDE A COMPLETE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. T CORE DRILL AND DAYLIGHT GRAIN LINE THROUGH FACE OF EXISTING CURB ABOVE FLOW LINE. VERIFY LOCATION AND INVERT IN THE FIELD. 8. ESTABLISH FINISH GRADES IN SHRUB AREAS 21NCHES BELOWADJACENT PAVING SURFACE AND I INCH BELOW ADJACENT PAVING SURFACE FOR LAWN AREAS. 9. REFER TO THE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS NOT FULLY SHOWN HERE. COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF ENTIRE DRAINAGE SYSTEM BROWN ON LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL DRAWINGS. 10. COORDINATE ROUTING OF DRAINAGE PIPE AROUND TREE PIT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON PLANTING PLANS. it MAINTAIN"AS-BUILT"DRAIMNGS OF DRAINAGE PIPE ROUTING. SUBMIT MYLAR REPRODUCIBLE"AS-6UILT'TO OWNER UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK. 12. DO NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION AS DESIGNED WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS, AREA DISCREPANCIES ANIVOR GRADE DESIGN, SUCH EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR NECESSARY REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATION. Know whaft below. Call before you dig. Orewlnp'. CitleasWMcWnneftppdeWo�V&npWPobli�14t3SLI 00 PN2.tlwg Bro CCS Oec IX1, 2018, 1:19pm BAKERSFIELD La L;_�TO "AMI k 'WIPROVEMENT TRACT #6531 38 35 l 22.. 19 F 7 Nn FIRE OPAL D IVE zst }w i LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: LENNAR TRACT 6631-2, BAKERSFIELD, CA SHEE 8 _.- 90 m 37 36 21 20 6 PHASE 2 SQUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF CURB TO WALL: 38,355 +(-. SF 94 89 62 �" HAWTHORN TREE®E SEE 1HEET.5 5 PHASE 2 SOUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF WALK TO BACK OF WALL: 22.707 +/-S 96 88 83 64 65 fib 67 68 69 70 71 72 4 3 .147 148 i 150 TREE ANALYSIS: TR6631-2, °l cm Z BAKERSFIELD, CA 97 Z BAKERSFIELD -` Q l 98 r W PHASE 2 PERCENT OF EVERGREEN TREES: 32% LANDSCAPE SHEET INDEX s A PANAMA LANE 1 1 8 �w 112 ( �r 40 39 38 37 38 35 LL SHEET DRAWING TITLE SHEET NO. SEE SHEET 25 W � N 0- 2.a g,5 gz,1 �1 UJI0.1 Q 101 102 103 104. 105 1 107 108 109 110 115 114 113 112 L1.00 COVER SHEET 1 51 50 4s 48 47 46 45 lz 41 30 29 28 144 14 13 12 142 L4.00 - 4.04 IRRIGATION PLANS 2-6 43 SEE SHEET 3MOONWOOD WAYillg f� , 27 136 W a L5.00-5.01 IRRIGATION DETAILS 7-8 YY 42 31 26 15 ( j 1 EE L6.00 - 6.04 PLANTING PLANS 9-13 52 53 ss s6 57 58 1l 41 32 25 16 0 10 z L8.00 PLANTING DETAILS 14 40 331 z z4 n Ig s z L9.00 - L9.01 SPECIFICATIONS 15-16 S9 IU > 34 0 23 16 a 0 93 92 BLUE C Uv1 1 26Lp .:.. FS r: 38 35 l 22.. 19 F 7 Nn FIRE OPAL D IVE zst }w i LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: LENNAR TRACT 6631-2, BAKERSFIELD, CA SHEE 8 _.- 90 m 37 36 21 20 6 PHASE 2 SQUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF CURB TO WALL: 38,355 +(-. SF 94 89 62 �" HAWTHORN TREE®E SEE 1HEET.5 5 PHASE 2 SOUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF WALK TO BACK OF WALL: 22.707 +/-S 96 88 83 64 65 fib 67 68 69 70 71 72 4 3 .147 148 i 150 TREE ANALYSIS: TR6631-2, °l cm Z BAKERSFIELD, CA 97 Z W -` Q l 98 r W PHASE 2 PERCENT OF EVERGREEN TREES: 32% M � > G N OUa s 129 1 1 8 �w 112 ( �r 40 39 38 37 38 35 LL ad qQ LL W � N 0- 2.a g,5 gz,1 �1 UJI0.1 Q 101 102 103 104. 105 1 107 108 109 110 115 114 113 112 711 110 109 708 707 Q m I - 145 144 143 142 141 140 Z W 137 136 SEE SHEET 16 ` GLEN J Q' 3 EE w 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 =J 58 57 56 55 54. 53 52 51 38 35 l 22.. 19 F 7 Nn FIRE OPAL D IVE zst }w i LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: LENNAR TRACT 6631-2, BAKERSFIELD, CA SHEE 8 _.- 90 m 37 36 21 20 6 PHASE 2 SQUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF CURB TO WALL: 38,355 +(-. SF 94 89 62 �" HAWTHORN TREE®E SEE 1HEET.5 5 PHASE 2 SOUARE FOOTAGE FROM BACK OF WALK TO BACK OF WALL: 22.707 +/-S 96 88 83 64 65 fib 67 68 69 70 71 72 4 3 .147 148 i 150 TREE ANALYSIS: TR6631-2, °l 2 W BAKERSFIELD, CA 97 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 131 -` l 1 l 98 EMPRESS TREE DRIVE `SEE ` w PHASE 2 PERCENT OF EVERGREEN TREES: 32% < SHEET 10 L6.02 129 1 1 8 100 101 102 103 1041105 1060� .147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Ifl 131 -` l L4.02 136 120 SEE SHEET 16 d m _ CARROTWOOD_ AVENUE L6.02 129 1 1 8 �w 112 ( �r 40 39 38 37 38 35 3 33, 101 102 103 104. 105 1 107 108 109 110 115 114 113 112 711 110 109 708 707 i� 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 SEE SHEET 16 ` GLEN ROSE AVENUE l 3 EE w 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 =J 58 57 56 55 54. 53 52 51 50 49 J w' 86 87 Be 89 90 91 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67' 68,' SEE SHEET 12 -' 0 BLUE C Uv1 1 26Lp .:.. FS r: L4.03 r 116 117 ria f19 120 127 AS 723 124 125 726 127i L6.03 126 129 130 1 TN1-32 A 133 IVt 135 ! Z , 132 133 134 135 136 13377H138 139 1400 3 PHA� 1 41 142 � 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 8 11' of L4.01 t ' L6.01 BAGUETTE AVENUE SEE SHEET 14 � J 131 130 129 128 12 �"' 18 6 13 12 11 1, 9 } 132y. 721 122 123 124 ( w 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 131 -` l L4.02 136 120 SEE SHEET 16 d m _ CARROTWOOD_ AVENUE L6.02 129 1 8 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 ( �r 40 39 38 37 38 35 3 33, 101 102 103 104. 105 1 107 108 109 110 111 41 42 43 44 45 46 -3106 4� 48 I gg i OCEAN JASPER D IVE SEE SHEET 16 ` 3 EE w 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 =J 58 57 56 55 54. 53 52 51 50 49 J w' 86 87 Be 89 90 91 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67' 68,' -' BLUE C Uv1 1 26Lp .:.. FS r: L4.03 r L6.03 8483 82 1 80 79 78 71 76 13 75 74 73 72 ` It 70 l 69 sw SEE EEr 22�- ® ® !• RowIDmwn� O Lim TRACT #6539 KEY MAP r -CIVIL ENGINEER SmithTech USA Incorporated 1424 17th St. Bakersfield, California 93309 (661)327-8492 V144I R.C.E NO. 61069 REVIEWED BY: RECREATIIONN&& PARKS DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY: TRAFFIC ENGINEER -3 -/ R DATE DATE M DRAWING TITLE: COVER SHEET ocxmncrs, zole DATE: 1213@018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L1.0 SHEET 1 OF 16 TRACT NASI LM 1.5-6531 Ph 2 i DRAWING TITLE: COVER SHEET ocxmncrs, zole DATE: 1213@018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L1.0 SHEET 1 OF 16 TRACT NASI LM 1.5-6531 Ph 2 GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1 ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR, 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5 THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. 6 DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 7 INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION, 8 ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 9 CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PILOT WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. 10 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL A SCHEDULE 80 UNION AND SCHEDULE 80 BALL VALVE AT EACH REMOTE VALVE, TO BE THE SAME SIZE AS VALVE DOWN STREAM OF THE VALVE AT EACH VALVE LOCATION. VERIFY WITH CtTY'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR EXACT CONFIGURATION. 11 ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED INA SCH.40 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED INA MIN. 2" SCH, 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH.. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. SLEEVE CROSSINGS SHALL BE MARKED ON FACE OF CURB. BY ENGRAVING'IR'. 12 ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES WITHIN 18" OF HARDSCAPE. 13 ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE. APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. 14 CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EXISTING MAINLINES IN WORKING ORDER. COORDINATE ALL INTERRUPTIONS OF OPERATION OF THE EXISTING IRRIGATION TO A MINIMUM. COORDINATE ALL INTERRUPTIONS WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 15 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNECTION OF EXISTING MAINLINE TO PROPOSED MAINLINE, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING MAINLINE CONNECTION POINTS IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BIDDING WORK AND PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. - 16 ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVES CONNECTED TO EXISTING CONTROLLER SHALL BE RECONNECTED TO EXISTING CONTROLLER. CONFIRM PROPER CONTROLLER OPERATION AND INSTALLATION WITH OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1. INSTALL MATERIALS AS CALLED OUT IN DETAILS AND AS PER SPECIFICATIONS, 2. THERE SHALL BE NO DELETIONS OR SUBSTITUTIONS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER, THEIR AGENT, AND/OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 3. ALL SPRINKLERS AND VALVES SHALL BE ADJUSTED FOR REQUIRED COVERAGE WITH MINIMUM OR NO OVERSPRAY. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL HAVE FINAL APPROVAL. 4, COMPONENTS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND DIAGRAMMATIC AS INDICATED. 5. ALL IRRIGATION LINES RUNNING UNDER PAVED SURFACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVES. NO DIRECTIONAL CHANGES M THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER PAVEMENT OR HARDSCAPE AREAS. ALL SLEEVES SHALL BE A MINIMUM 2 TIMES LARGER THAN THE IRRIGATION LINE.. ALL SLEEVES CROSSING LOCATIONS WILL BE INDICATED BY CHISELING 'IR" ON THE FACE OF THE CONCRETE CURB. VERIFY WITH C.O.B. FOR APPROVED METHOD AND TYPE. - - 6. ALL SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE AT 30 & 35 PSI PRESSURE. 7. DEVELOPER SHALL PROVIDE ELECTRICAL. POWER TO THE CONTROLLERS' LOCATIONS. CONTROLLER LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY. FINAL LOCATION SHALL BE DECIDED AT CONSTRUCTION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL CONNECTION. 8. POINTS OF CONNECTION SHALL BE TO EXISTING WATER LINE, SEE WATER LAYOUT PLANS AND PLUMBING PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONTROLLERS IN ENCLOSURES IN A STRONG BOX MODEL 22 -SS. VERIFY WITH C.O.B. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. INSTALL AS PER C.O.B. SPECIFICATIONS. 10. QUANTITIES INDICATED ON IRRIGATION SCHEDULE MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSTALL ALL MATERIALS AS PER PLANS. 11, ALL IRRIGATION VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SQUARE STANDARD BOXES AND QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 10" ROUND BOXES, APPLIED ENGINEERING OR APPROVED EQUAL (PER C.O.B.). EACH BOX LID SHALL BE HEAT BRANDED. VERIFY WITH COS FOR EXACT CONFIGURATION. 12 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TWO HOT WIRES TO EACH VALVE. CONNECT ONE (BLACK) AND THE SECOND (RED) WILL BE A SPARE. ONE (BLUE) WIRE SHALL BE USED FOR THE. MASTER VALVE. VERIFY WITH G.O.B. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TWO ROOT WATERING SYSTEMS PER TREE. VERIFY WITH C.O.B. FOR EXACT CONFIGURATIONS 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL A SCHEDULE 80 PVC UNIONS AND BALL VALVE, THE SAME SIZE AS THE VALVE, AT EACH VALVE LOCATION. VERIFY WITH C.O.B FOR EXACT CONFIGURATION. 15. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING THAT ANY CONCRETE FOOTINGS FROM THE ADJACENT BLOCK WALL DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE INSTALLATION AND/ OR L F H RI A R O CATIO N O THE IR G TIO UANDRS. LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESSURE TEST MAINLINE AT A MIN, OF 125 PSI FOR (2) HOURS. TO BE VERIFIED BY WITH C.O.B. SPLICING OF 24 VOLT WIRES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED EXCEPT INA VALVE BOX & CITY'S APPROVAL, SPLICES SHALL BE INA VALVE BOX. LEAVE A 24" COIL OF EXCESS WIRE AT EACH SPLICE LOCATION. LABEL ALL WIRES WITH WATERPROOF MARKERS AT ALL SPLICE, VALVES, & CONTROLLER LOCATIONS. 17. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES, OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE DESIGN. ANY OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHALL BE BROUGHT UP TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT IN WRITING. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL MANUFACTURERMODEL/DESCRIPTION QTY PSI A 1®Z A I ®e RAIN BIRD 1804 -SAM -PRS -WI HUNTER PCN NOZZLES 1,139 20 1461 1404 SPRAY 4.0 POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH CO -MOLDED WIPER SEAL. 112" NPT FEMALE THREADED INLET. WITH SEAL-A4VIATIC CHECK VALVE. PRESSURE REGULATING FLOOD BUBBLER, 4.0" POP-UP, FACTORY INSTALLED DRAIN CHECK VALVE (1) HUNTER PCN -25 BUBBLER 17 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR/MODIFICATION/REROUTING OF ALL ADJACENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOZZLE PER. SHRUB, AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR SAID SYSTEMS TO A LIKE NEW MANNER, PROVIDING NO N, ry '� RAIN BIRD RWS-B-C 142 20 LESS THAN 100 SYSTEM LAYOUT AS APPROVED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL AREAS 1401 tam4 REQUIRING MODIFICATION WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BIDDING WORK AND PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 1402 1408 ROOT WATERING SYSTEM WITH 4.0" DIAMETER X 36.0" LONG WITH LOCKING GRATE, SEMI-RIGID MESH TUBE, 18 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AFFECTED AND CHECK VALVE, RAIN BIRD BUBBLER OPTION AS BY THE NEW CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS, IF NESCESSARY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED AND INDICATED WITH SOCK: 1401 0.25 GPM, 1402 0.5 GPM, 1404 DISPOSED OF IN FIELD PRIOR TO BIDDING WORK AND PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 1.0 GPM, 1408 2.0 GPM. WHEN SOIL CONDITIONS EXIST, A 3RD (RB 1804 W/PCN NOZZLE) IRRIGATION HEAD MAY BE 19 CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BIDDING WORK AND AGAIN PRIOR TO REQUIRED, PER THE C.O.B. PARKS DEPT. (TYP.) Oramrgi: Z10LDIb Dcegn�e ftTre 8531NHASE TSHEETS49 P2dwg L1t: L4.W Dec M, zuta, 12opm COMMENCING WORK. VERIFICATION SHALL BE DOCUMENTED AND DELIVERED TO OWNER S REPRESENTATIVE. HYD&)N INFORMATION TABLE HYDROZONE* 25HEi99 20 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PLACEMENT OF ALL SCH 40 PVC SLEEVING UNDER PAVING, WALLS AND CURBS AT NO LESS DESIGN PSI VALVE gr.P,.tpifurina?i'o1r , A24 THAN 24" BELOW GRADE AND NO LESS THAN 2X DIAMETER OF IRRIGATION PIPE IN AREAS WHERE PIPE CROSSING WILL OCCUR: .SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODELlDESCRIPTION.. - QTY 21 EXISTING IRRIGATION IN ADJACENT AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED IN PLACE FOR CONTINUED USE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXTENT OF A25' RAIN BIRD FEB 15 104 THE EXISTING SYSTEM AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO CAP OFF OR MODIFY THE EXITING SYSTEM TO MEET THE NEW LANDSCAPE CONDITION IF A26 1", 1-1/2", 2" PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL VALVES. LOW FLOW B SiteTyge 3 NECESSARY. A27 OPERATING CAPABILITY, GLOBE CONFIGURATION. 8 22 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND IF DAMAGED, SHALL A11nua1 E4f5�t1ll�he5�j21'�i` MW 57:9" 400 REPLACE WITH SAME MANUFACTURER AND MODEL. A29 RAIN BIRD 33-DLRC 21 23 THE CONTRACTOR MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE EXISTING IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ON PROPERTY. ANY DAMAGE OR ADJUSTMENTS A30' 3/4" BRASS QUICK -COUPLING VALVE, WITH ', Wrta.. e•- REQUIRED INCLUDING REPLACING OR RELOCATING IRRIGATION LINES, HEADS, VALVES, WIRES OR ANY UTILITY THAT OCCURS ON THE PARCEL A31 CORROSION -RESISTANT STAINLESS STEEL SPRING, i' .Wxfci.Fa¢€oP(Pp) 424 DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE PERFORMED AT NO iPFxfIE'.; LOCKING THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER COVER, DOUBLE Totalwater 396 ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MUST REVIEW ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THESE AREAS PRIOR TO A33 TRACK KEY LUG, AND 2 -PIECE BODY. INSTALLED AT IS ? COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THESE CONDITIONS OR ANY A34 EACH STREET CORNER. tilar':artdsc� Lisre�i DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. A35 MW Br 400 0.07,8247 A36 NISCO T-113 7 24 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL SITE CONDITIONS, PROPERTY DIMENSIONS, ETC. PRIOR COMMENCING WORK. ALL EXISTING A37 CLASS 125 BRONZE GATE SHUT OFF VALVE WITH WHEEL _ 355 396 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL START OF OF CONSTFIELD. ILL TI ALL EXISTING MAINLINES, RCVS, ICES' VERIFIED IN THE FIEALL AT BE �tA25- HANDLE, SAME SIZE AS MAINLINE PIPE DIAMETER AT fotiuu 352 VI VERTIE L BEBACKFLOW- CONTROLLERS, METERS, SERVICE LINES, ETC. SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD, ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEARLY EXISTING EARLY SAC #C4 iD4" I 49.55 5112 - INDICATED INCLUDING SIZES AND MODEL NUMBERS TO SCALE ON AN ACCURATE BASE DRAWING AND SUBMITTED AB A SHOP. DRAWING. SAID 03 VALVE LOCATION. SIZE RANGE - 1/4" - 3" 24.75 DPi SHOP DRAWING SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, AND OWNER'S AUTHORIZED. REPRESENTATIVE FOR. REVIEW AND 3.3 - 32{I•.� .`: 48.94 0T - APPROVAL. NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND. NO WORK SHALL MV , KCPFLOW-COMBO-200.2" • : 1 Rei _ PROCEED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF SAID SHOP DRAWINGS, Use Plants; 2" MASTER VALVE AND 1-1/2" FLOW SENSOR COMBO. A24", . 0.5 RAIN BIRD PEB V PURCHASED FROM KERN TURF SUPPLY. B = Bubbler 25 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS -GUILTS FROM OWNER'S AUTHORIZED 25.35 03 kotiv .: REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL CONNECTION POINTS AND EXISTING IRRIGATION BF FEBCO 825Y 2" 1 100 SYSTEMS AFFECTED IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS ' REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER • LAW A38 REQUIRED TO IRRIGATE AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK AND TO ADJUST AREAS ADJACENT TO THE LIMITS OF WORK SHALL BE INCLUDED AS .'Ci:8.4 4,4 175 18.00 72 PART OF THIS CONTRACT. NO ADDITIONAL COSTS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE PROPOSED IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS OR ADJUSTMENT OF THE 0.3 RAIN BIRD ESP8LXMEF WITH (08) ESPLXMSM4 1 Drip. EXISTING ADJACENT IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. 6.4,; " 424 40 STATION COMMERCIAL CONTROLLER. WITH STRONG 24.75 26 ALL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AND PIPE ROUTING SHALL BE STAKED IN FIELD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL LAYOUT Moil, A6e:. BOX SB22SS AND KCP 113 GROUNDING ROD, FLOW DIY" � ,: SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, AND OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NO EQUIPMENT 1-1/2" SENSING AND WATER MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES. 22.00 0.3 SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF LAYOUT. 20 PURCHASED FROM KERN TURF SUPPLY. 4s"` 27 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, RAIN BIRD RAINGAUGE KCPLXME-RG 1 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO R.C.V. CONTROL WIRES, ELECTRICAL WIRES, CONDUIT, REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, ETC. ALL LAYOUTAND RAIN SENSOR WITH VANDAL GUARD FOR MAXICOM OR 43.2 LOCATIONS SHALL BE CONFIRMED. WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ' :^A5" SITECONTROL. CUSTOMIZES WEATHER DATA BY - - Ola PROVIDING SITE-SPECIFIC RAINFALL MEASUREMENTS, 28 CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST AND CAP OFF EXISTING ADJACENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS REQUIRED. SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE 100% AND SENDING TO CENTRAL CONTROLLER DAILY HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE IN ALL AREAS AS APPROVED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE- ALL LAYOUT SHALL BE CONFIRMED. WITH "061 S4 ,,. 298 ':; - OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ® EZ-FLO FERTILIZING SYSTEMS EZ010-FX 1 29 CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO CORRESPONDING ON-SITE WATER AND SEWER PLAN FOR UNDERLYING WATERLINES, EASMENTS, AND OTHER Otis.. ONE SYSTEM FEEDS ALL ZONES, DRIP OR SPRINKLER, ,'. %ml RELATED EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS IN FIELD WITH OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE - USED FOR SMALLER COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPES, Drip PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 352 RESIDENTIAL, HOKS, MODEL HOMES, AND GROWER 30 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS TO EXISTING IRRIGATION, LANDSCAPE AND HARDSCAPE DAMAGED BY ROUTING NEW APPLICATIONS. INSTALL DIRECTLY IN THE IRRIGATION WIRES TO CONTROLLER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. SYSTEM MAIN LINE AFTER THE BACK FLOW PREVENTER. lath, SEd FAreaS" . TANK CAPACITY: 9.4 G 31 CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION OR ANY OTHER WORK, AND WALK SITE TO LOCATE EXISTING CONTROLLER AND LINES AND OTHER IRRIGATION TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE, SU STUB UP 1 32 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE IRRIGATION OF EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. ANY DAMAGE POINT OF CONNECTION FOR PH. 2 IS AT STUB UP DUE TO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT ANY LAPSE IN IRRIGATION OF THE EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL. ANY PLANT INSTALLED AT PH.1 REFER TO PH.1 PLANS MATERIAL AND/OR IRRIGATION DAMAGED AS PART OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED TO A LIKE NEW CONDITION AS PART OF CONTRACT. 33 ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVES CONNECTED TO THE: EXISTING CONTROLLER SHALL BE RECONNECTED TO THE EXISTING CONTROLLER. Lit WATER METER 2" 1 CONFIRM PROPER CONTROLLER OPERATION AND INSTALLATION WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. NO DISRUPTION OF EXISTING ADJACENT IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WILL BE ALLOWED COMPLETE AUTOMATIC OPERATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR ALL. ADJACENT EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. ALL ADJACENT SYSTEMS SHALE IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 8,056L.F, MAINTAIN AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMED WATERING SCHEDULES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION.. ----- - - IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 2,780 L. F. ® Know whairs - - - - - - - - below. • g0�$31',= __ PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 44.8 L:F. Call before you (2X) DIAMETER OF PIPE dig. Valve c.1 W Valve Number . icyy�tAFxAreie4n#ivliiTtAeeasMAv�AK�4ffrenY¢rt Vetere flow #" Valve size Oramrgi: Z10LDIb Dcegn�e ftTre 8531NHASE TSHEETS49 P2dwg L1t: L4.W Dec M, zuta, 12opm -- - HYD&)N INFORMATION TABLE HYDROZONE* 25HEi99 IRRK3ATlt8N AREA(Sq. Ft) %T LANDSCAPE AREA DESIGN PSI VALVE gr.P,.tpifurina?i'o1r , A24 RAIN BIRD PES A24 LN[ B 356 0.06964 A25' LW t£MNARTWAG735SYPHRSE2 104 0.020344 A26 LW B SiteTyge 3 Residential A27 MW 8 260 0:054773 A11nua1 E4f5�t1ll�he5�j21'�i` MW 57:9" 400 0,078247 A29 LW tiydeoxanemr, 400 0.478247' A30' LW` ', Wrta.. e•- EStillfat8d A31 LW' i' .Wxfci.Fa¢€oP(Pp) 424 0.082942 iPFxfIE'.; 4' Totalwater 396 d"Pa§laeAtiilig A33 LW IS ? A34 MW tilar':artdsc� Lisre�i 0.080595 A35 MW Br 400 0.07,8247 A36 �AZ'1-, '.1 0.3 288 0.056338 A37 0�-Ift".-:-:0.4 _ 355 396 0077465 �tA25- 0.3 fotiuu 352 Aei` SAC #C4 iD4" I 49.55 5112 RAIN BIRD PEB 03 kAW-' _'. 24.75 DPi Irrigation Method 3.3 - 32{I•.� .`: 48.94 0T - 0.5 bA AY&, BUBBLER - Or.. Rei _ &, 28Ff 133: i Use Plants; 28.32 A24", . 0.5 RAIN BIRD PEB V BUBBLER B = Bubbler 400 _- 247. "# 21295 25.35 03 kotiv .: RAIN BIRD PEB Drip ABY,. 0,14 `` 40014i;.=,, ,. 100 2,346 ' 0.3 • LAW A38 Drip: .'Ci:8.4 4,4 175 18.00 72 :cA31 :.. 0.3 - -; 46.01 Drip. _ 7 6.4,; " 424 BUBBLER 24.75 `AII 0,5 Moil, A6e:. 27.99 DIY" � ,: ,. 00, 396 1-1/2" BUBBLER 22.00 0.3 tow". " 20 Dri 4s"` 404 -s 2.780 43.2 ' :^A5" 0.5 t �A Aw).,. Ola Drip "061 S4 ,,. 298 ':; - R 7 0.3 bow.- ;. Dr7 Otis.. .'i 0:4 ` -,: 396. i58. '- ,'. %ml LAW '; Drip 352 lath, SEd FAreaS" . iaNmatedTo#alfhiaeerp(T4Vtt # 835' ,"Npexiflliirfl.AllOiireSl�OtAt+A1[Oi1ta1{i�' i1iK11yA "� • g0�$31',= Ck Regular-Untlscape Area . icyy�tAFxAreie4n#ivliiTtAeeasMAv�AK�4ffrenY¢rt #retageETA£' ; < t 4- Aterag gAfs a isc creme fitr'tiris53ee[Yp , , " `. "' • i�L16C3p� kir?�S ;' . TOW ETAF9,Area�,A# 6gt�uYefpt#f�F�%JeadJd{��`�irYS, To4a) Area ', �. ,> :'. x,112 ," 'ifNsZplcJaaef%r'm"mtd'in,YAazw'eS n4Yy ,.. ` , , -- - HYD&)N INFORMATION TABLE HYDROZONE* 25HEi99 IRRK3ATlt8N AREA(Sq. Ft) %T LANDSCAPE AREA DESIGN PSI VALVE METHOD A24 RAIN BIRD PES A24 LN[ B 356 0.06964 A25' LW B= 104 0.020344 A26 LW B 324 0:06336 A27 MW 8 260 0:054773 A28 MW B 400 0,078247 A29 LW IS 400 0.478247' A30' LW` B 176 0,034429 A31 LW' B 424 0.082942 A32' MW B 396 0.077465= A33 LW IS 404 0.07903 A34 MW B 412 0.080595 A35 MW Br 400 0.07,8247 A36 MW B 288 0.056338 A37 LW B` 396 0077465 ASS LW B 352 0.068858 20 28.52 49.55 5112 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" Hydroaone 24.75 99 Irrigation Method 20 HW = High Water Use Plants 48.94 M$ = Micro Spray RAIN BIRD PEB MW = Medium Water Use Plants BUBBLER - S = Spray 101 LW = Low Water Use Plants; 28.32 R = Rotor A34 RAIN BIRD PEB V BUBBLER B = Bubbler 103 21295 20 25.35 D = drip A35 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 0 = Other NUMBER MODEL SIZE TYPE GPM HEADS WIRE DESIGN PSI PSI PSI (d POC A24 RAIN BIRD PES 1" BUBBLER 22.25 89 653.3 20 26.01 43.85 A25 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 6.50 26 751.8 20 22.78 39.43 A26 RAIN BIRD FEB 1" BUBBLER 20.25 81 817.8 20 26.84 44.67 A27 RAIN BIRD FEB V BUBBLER 17.75 70 998.8 20 23.38 41.13 A28 RAIN BIRD PEB i" BUBBLER 25.00 100 1,064 20 25.17 44.4$ A29 RAIN BIRD PEB V BUBBLER 25,00 100 1,194 20 28.18 47.75 A30 RAIN BIRD FES 1" BUBBLER 11.00 44 1,424.._ 20 25.36 4259 A31 RAIN BIRD FEB 1" BUBBLER 26.50 106 1,581 20 28.52 49.55 A32 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 24.75 99 1,806 20 28.03 48.94 A33 RAIN BIRD PEB V BUBBLER - .25.25- 101 2185 20 28.32 50.32 A34 RAIN BIRD PEB V BUBBLER 25.75 103 21295 20 25.35 47.67 A35 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 25,00 100 2,346 20 25.04 47.31 A38 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 18.00 72 2,474 20 26.34 46.01 A37 RAIN BIRD PEB 1" BUBBLER 24.75 99 2,528 20 27.99 50.56 A38 RAIN BIRD PEB 1-1/2" BUBBLER 22.00 88 2,769 20 27.32 49.05 Common Wire 2.780 NOTE TO CONTRACTORS: CONTROLLER, CONTROLLER ACCESSORIES, P.O.C. AND P.O.C. COMPONENTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED DURING PHASEI. ALL COMPONENTS ARE TO BE EXISTING AT THE TIME OF PHASE 2 INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CRITICAL ANALYSIS Generated 2018-12-03 12:18 a 0 old P.O.C. NUMBER: Ot CO 04 Z 2 lit Water Source Information: City of Bakersfield ,2 LuM CID,p FLOW AVAILABLE M F_ W U) yrt� F_ w U ¢ ooti m LL CL 3 m H in Z Flow Available: 120.00 gpm J F - co a 0 old P.O.C. NUMBER: Ot Water Source Information: City of Bakersfield FLOW AVAILABLE Water Meter Size: 2" Flow Available: 120.00 gpm DRAWING TITLE: PRESSURE AVAILABLE Static Pressure at POC: Elevation Change: 70.00 psi 5.00 It IRRIGATION LEGEND CALCS. & NOTES. Service Line Size: 3" Length of Service Line: 20.00 R Pressure Available: 68.00 psi DESIGN ANALYSIS Maximum Station Flow: 26.50 gpm Flow Available at POC: 120.00 qpm Residual Flow Available: 93.50 gpm Critical Station: A37 Design Pressure: 20.00 psi Friction Loss: 3.46 psi Fittings Loss: 0.35 psi Elevation Loss: Loss through Valve: Pressure Req. at Critical Station: Loss for Fittings: Loss for Main line: Loss for POC to Valve Elevation: Loss for Backflow: for Loss for Water e Meter. 0.00 psi 4.18 psi 28.00 psi 0.53 psi 5.31 psi 0:00 psi 11.33 psi 4,80 psi 0.59 psi �IyiDSCAp�, r * Dieu i, 201% or,O,nRao,zotLoss 9TA �FIXPCALYY04� Critical Station Pressure at POC: 50.56 psi Pressure Available: Residual Pressure Available: 68,00 psi 97.44 psi DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L4-00 SHEET 2 O 16 MC'r 6531 LMo 1.5-6531 Ph 2 EMPRESS TREELANE I :.�. ,�, 1 m a 0 ' l I I PHASE 1 UP TO f i CONROLLEI ? su BOUNDARYIPM P.O.C. COMP BE INSTALLE 1. COMPONE EXISTING AT PHASE 2 INS O.C. CONTROLLER S, P.O.C. AND )NENTS ARE TO ) DURING PHASE VTS ARE TO BE fHE TIME OF ALLATION. � TO VERIFY MILLINGTON DRIVE STUB UP PHASE 1 me mlll� I I 11111111 PHASE 2 TO TIE INTO ML PHASE 2 IRRIGATION SCALE= 1" = 30'-0" 0 Know what's F - below, 0 ® ® Call before you dig. 20' 0' 5' 10' 20' Draw"in8'Z W.J.DIa D¢sgn JabsLLe ne TMU 653t1PH SE lllETSLLP 00 PH2.Nv0 Ley-, -601 D¢eoa 2a1e, 1:20" 1111MAMOTIMMATO BAKERSFIELD Y KT ,.. � 3�r. ,rr (1) 6" SLEEVE FOR MAINLINE (1) 4" SLEEVE IRRIGATION WIRE (1) 4" EXTRA SLEEVE - -- + CARR F — Ii AVE 7J 3/n 44:� '" z,.0 1" BUBBLER 1%" N 1Ya. 1Y' 1Ya I 1 LW J qct s� PHASE 1mmmmm LU S I I I. �llods I mm mm Mimi I moll w PHASE 2 � LI. oa CL WW o $ X2,1 < X Q ��LL f $ Q (1) M IB �/ i- z W t �I 1 2 —J l r 1 1 I i d�4 1 I 1 U I . 0 0 I �s I w 1 � I 3, I w i 1Yn' co A24 22.3 BUBBLER U LW �,. a _c) !I � I 1 �d� DRAW WG TITLE: I ti,�4DSC,gpE �4� � C Decemt 3, 2018 c0� ovamb.rag20i �R �P CA�14 DATE: 12/3/2018 2>2'I I SEE MATCH LINE SHEET L4.02Ir L.01 SHEET 3 OF 16 I I JE I A25 6.50 1 1" BUBBLER LW I I I I� ' I I 3V4 rr 1V4"I !� I 11Ar ' A26 20.3 Ll.l 1 ,.r" 1" BUBBLF>- ' I LW I I Q z ✓I ® i Q a° t ii z " I f C V 3�n I 2Yz" I I SEE MATCH LINE TOP RIGHT ,(Y,, IMI - II II II ® I ,.. � 3�r. ,rr (1) 6" SLEEVE FOR MAINLINE (1) 4" SLEEVE IRRIGATION WIRE (1) 4" EXTRA SLEEVE - -- + CARR F — Ii AVE 7J 3/ 3/n 44:� '" z,.0 1" BUBBLER 1%" N 1Ya. 1Y' 1Ya I 1 LW 1^ 3/ 71 '" z,.0 1" BUBBLER N Z L� I 1 LW qct LU S I 0Od U w gM LI. oa CL WW o $ < X Q ��LL f $ Q (1) M IB �/ i- z W t �I 1 2 —J l 1 I . 0 0 I I I w co � I 1 �d� DRAW WG TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN ti,�4DSC,gpE �4� � C Decemt 3, 2018 c0� ovamb.rag20i �R �P CA�14 DATE: 12/3/2018 2>2'I DRAWN BY: SEE MATCH LINE SHEET L4.02Ir 71 Te C,T b 631 WE 1.5-6531 Ph 2 N Z V a Lu LU M ! Q N 0Od U w gM LI. oa CL WW o $ < X Q ��LL $ Q (1) M J z i- z W 2 —J Te C,T b 631 WE 1.5-6531 Ph 2 V Y gm 2 0 w DRAW WG TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN ti,�4DSC,gpE �4� � C Decemt 3, 2018 c0� ovamb.rag20i �R �P CA�14 DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: 1".20'-0" DRAWN BY: JOB NINABER: 1510700 SHEET: L.01 SHEET 3 OF 16 Te C,T b 631 WE 1.5-6531 Ph 2 TRACT i 531 LIVID 1.5-6531 Ph 2 BAKERSFIELD i I SEE MATCH LINE SHEET L4.01 I I r r, r II c==*,r---7 It H rr I 1 —x— Z ° s.. 2P o' s' 10, 20' M1Ya^ r I I KEY MAP NT I A__30 11.0 I Z = Lu ° I.r 1" r 1" BUBB R LW I W M> >ti� I � O U � z �I r r �WE Q JM so LLI (n* w° d F L' rQYQ rcm� m %iJof rI < co W r r r 1 WLIJ U, I II r 00 r r r I, t-21' C-0 SEE MATCH LINE BOTTOM RIGHT wm Id 2 - 1 �I 14' I r ® / \ 7\/ � �a r r A31 26.5 1" BW BIER \ l a r r c V4 v 1++1W \ 2z E 5,.15,1, 11 II r r _ _ r ° A32 24.8 1+/a' r r $ WUA - . a - . 4 BUBBLER re a °,' Z CONST. TYPE "B" CURB & GUTTER / I r r " DRAWfNG TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN —� �/� / i, r r �2Y2" WITH 5.5 COMB. SIDEWALK - TYP. i I r w r ct Q TAT BOUNDARY w WII L L 1 FO D. 9 ' o. Ak EMIL— / S�i ' a r ff Decem6 c3.2018 he � -2k" CALl�� } 211 I DATE: 12IW2018 1 SCALE: 1"=20'-T' SEE MATCH LINE TOP LEFT DRAWN BV: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: \ l ® ( Orewllg:ZwlDla DeiBnJWs0.enna TmO8531WHHSEZSHEETSLL4WPH2Owg tayou1. L402 . al r (Aj '//'//r)r)�� Y a®6� Dec 03. 2018, 11 SHEET 4 OF 16 TRACT i 531 LIVID 1.5-6531 Ph 2 Know what's below. Call before you dig. Drawg: za0LDnODaago JobsLLevATret QZI)P SE a3xE O.WvnzdI,g. L,y . u.03 0-03,2018,120,. 76 % 3/+ O a W f ° e3/++ ° m 1114 A.I _ Zl z 72 k" �A35 /E R 1" BUBBLED L C) MW Q T, _ 3 1V4' 21 (1) 6" SLEEVE FOR MAINLINE U'i 1 (1) 4" SLEEVE IRRIGATION WIRE u) (1) 4" EXTRA SLEEVE a 7 2 4 -75� � N 3/. 3/" 3/+r 1++ 0/4+i 3/„ QQQ III UJ ° °—� __—e✓_ _ v e W- 21T Z A34 25:8 A33 25.3 2 1" BMS BLER 1" BVUBBLER TRACT BOUNDARY W W 701, 7 y u 0 a 8 7/ / o 7F w [t t— LL J1� q" r 1t�3/•s/+• L/-S/�3/+W W _ 1 z__ tyi"1�/L"to 3/"3�4" — — W. _ Z ®2 ® r( z 2'�++ CONST. TYPE "B" CURB & GUTTER IIIA3a 2z.o WITH 5.5 COMB: SIDEWALK — TYP. / A37 24.8 A36 mo U Qc 9Y" B BLER T' B BLER 1" BUUBB R Q G LW =--- CENTERLINEJ L .m '! is is � � D vJ - 2+ U) 3/4. I -- - N Z 2W 3 n 2 r W 0qc, L0 U n. O 2 W C) Q� m Q' W_= 17Q LuU oow Q 0mu < V) ZW// LL. U3 y u 0 a 8 7/ / o 7F w [t t— LL J1� q" r 1t�3/•s/+• L/-S/�3/+W W _ 1 z__ tyi"1�/L"to 3/"3�4" — — W. _ Z ®2 ® r( z 2'�++ CONST. TYPE "B" CURB & GUTTER IIIA3a 2z.o WITH 5.5 COMB: SIDEWALK — TYP. / A37 24.8 A36 mo U Qc 9Y" B BLER T' B BLER 1" BUUBB R Q G LW =--- CENTERLINEJ L .m '! is is � � D vJ - 2+ 3/.r e 3/4. ® - W 3 3 3�jn 3 DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN m * Dme=a,z0�s *. `r7 'wemnR 3gzot+ tiQ h 9T6 -Opp � AL Z4OPF DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: t" = 20'-0•• 20' a' s 0 20 DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L4.03 SHEET 5 OF 16 TRACT 46639 lMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 r\C I 9V9PYr- 3D 84M 83 1 92 J 3/n p, 1^ 1Yn° IYn,•a/a,,.1Yx" 11i i j 4 W �sz=Z a,p m 11 11 LU LLI UJ 3D 84M 83 1 92 J 3/n p, 1^ 1Yn° IYn,•a/a,,.1Yx" 11i i j 4 W �sz=Z g&40 Know whets below, Call before you dig. D sWng: Z10_LDIq Design Jo6sLLenrcm\Tnc(6531\PHASE 215XEETS16Op PH2Mg L ycm: u.na Decp3, 2616. Yxppm T 2W' < 5� L W 'W/^� VJ 1 L BAKERSFIELD F 0 4zo 1"=20'A" 20 0' 5' 10' 20' a,p LU LLI g&40 Know whets below, Call before you dig. D sWng: Z10_LDIq Design Jo6sLLenrcm\Tnc(6531\PHASE 215XEETS16Op PH2Mg L ycm: u.na Decp3, 2616. Yxppm T 2W' < 5� L W 'W/^� VJ 1 L BAKERSFIELD F 0 4zo 1"=20'A" 20 0' 5' 10' 20' a,p g&40 Know whets below, Call before you dig. D sWng: Z10_LDIq Design Jo6sLLenrcm\Tnc(6531\PHASE 215XEETS16Op PH2Mg L ycm: u.na Decp3, 2616. Yxppm T 2W' < 5� L W 'W/^� VJ 1 L BAKERSFIELD F 0 4zo 1"=20'A" 20 0' 5' 10' 20' DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN DATE: 12/32018 SCALE: V=20'-0- DRAWN '=20'•0"DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L4.04 SHEET 6 OF 16 TRACT #6531 WD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 U LU UJ LO L>QN C,®<a a� U P -2W Off' Q s LL W U? m a 0 .^., w i d w U Q x oow �mw QcUnm1 w z i - P111111111 VO DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN DATE: 12/32018 SCALE: V=20'-0- DRAWN '=20'•0"DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L4.04 SHEET 6 OF 16 TRACT #6531 WD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 P111111111 DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION PLAN DATE: 12/32018 SCALE: V=20'-0- DRAWN '=20'•0"DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L4.04 SHEET 6 OF 16 TRACT #6531 WD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 rs' eovarsw rayAil inn ter 417 1( fm� ed cdu� SS4', Yom. smeeLle BD PNG Faoide — / ... h aertrore control Yave Adafs• � '� YNw m Tog 6 / QSdsmle 80 PYG AdewMe 60 w, A. keraT PLAN VIEW 1IPPta (T%T) }/ ''` ✓'.: Wo Awet (Alm Ain, tuhr [yp' ®VALVE "°"aa�e ^^ Tik of wh€ me, Z5ogPosar Late O 90' ELL `—. {rete aft 13 m kr m w"s, - Y/ © 45' TEE Pas meet). 'ere TR REMOTE CONTROL VALVE usMJ mmntoalwer'a wavanrns Womfatmsta: NOTES. festmg vark dtmns A0114, Acumated ntd t Aq er5atkw waled eros ohm ndude a $srabde M do ode d ?J�Sfxfrh , . amGd .. Cmtmi S era N1re `.' v; atm rawKIM w the ebwai PAIT s0a SdmWe 80 Rosrlrmf 8m YNw m the linea oFoadr.wfnr &7pr Nis #0 (80 y t %F) 'old Caonm. Sae Odtm B m this shin! hr fom!lm d ami and rein adv¢. and Female Ian f0 mer, RabbbQNWHcaf all b syaYBP a speatteQ Nk Fhm ,r,0e w dumetc !hell tr Nass 3L'8 beg-!ik P 7 AR rW a Am bw5aAedde 80 PVC Ad Naarr Ad Adapt+ iimtdad debt -T mol -S': 2 14ure the Rambxd Atawmm o- RJMIJatAYI system AT b. WOuOPe VFW Lee':IeAm tape On off fivow 01, >' S Fretted mart maete vW Tor 6xust `y/'toted 1 AA' i'WiAs axaraf dam shin be placed In a pfaslic _ A>� __ ,Mina- ray WNrI Cmrrd ba4' 1P'tA'bredia tda,nN'rarian tag �`/¢h LRk'- \. Of rMWO"Idleek gymmiMerrill xbbor, lodrab a lyd ow w TRRLCA MY- by Me mwa,(aeIwer. 4.. a Pic (00 slia6 be 1711 Add-te Or egpmear e4td Prima a needed a m .%v MIA If, W mafCeM Used Short be nem 0 hour been: jw0hrit&Y,s 4 AT MkOff torte ki, toes) Iwgr thm 12 So gMarvFd headxmpr and wrfgorim pkrs:ma /VOM "a"'of "I `*a bar ow To stet at Real garde bink Bwust breaks n ammdmce *bb ma+umaWrps ® 45' ELL n turf oar ear 2" above Mb gra a A pbnhr Neo( . la Po rprt-myabm mi .4r p/pglg shill be 0#00d wrT7m the � Remofwn and'Farks Diecta IV/phade Pill bores.mdfxb shin be wRM Swigs 6: Prev spm sfrm MIS we, regnrbed lc hot.# ureas Ifioe or weveld egad lerrsdm be hent &aarled In ' �/'C ': to" rete robe rv/mtx. REMOTE CONTROL, VALVE 4. Yews eawterW hardgege, she# be Milord n v renfwced R Mae Parrett; tta(e rebus n the planta meap crm,ha box with At MVIDf is Tv{hesa(a a conalbeir P•N'AY..... AV <wkfel, bin hale "to boded V16kIW by be 10. Ad Mgah'm kWaVotiee sero# be n ocmrdmee wet ammutK'mm. Cmaefe hones shag be D#AtyLIM type p City deer lk Me Nast gwowe' Milian of Nr, Win" WPmev1 road pts tmv Cpft mmVRctews rearmnendalwrW, swive S knstdbGm of aim (eppb) hnplwn weird wba fram Za at the S(mldwd-Speedieotim% and as d#octad by tier drigdim amlrol Sed to +reale central rre, is ravew Resseulew osd Pak3 Dxee@!p rut mob fde Fetra,lop a) we, shop he red We If. N new md* upended aPgahen orteeseiaf iakde. (emird) woe share be ti Canmm ITT sem be NM(, a master farce ear now swear as nppmced by fire Remsali7, list eteidi n of extw {spore{ Movam wim (e,6R.1 s m*rxed and Fees tlwefw. ant sem be ndoded wA 25`so rke trip at each edea. biz'. 7 AN Wei free xambe merle ail Steel we a 12 AT wlafdo+arW Na'f to+row and free flan detects 6 41• a ptbn!intra+wires {cmdd ,it camrm) Ad PIPING, TRENCHING, be 14 gauge alt AWe Strand COW urea tared Art LL Aey and m dm gz :Aid be up"ted by Me RaYaaeOa bewa'ad at 10'»ands abet ptaceOnea Me broba, old Am.Dreefw MYm tb:MplanaatbNm; mavPe, o' Me a a'akrd pos iaa ionhectar .shah wave 14 see: mvM areas lensed o a6N WndwNs/elm wre gorge m everes" kr piny we mos ell ran psi6a morN mfltDws vin pwnhpy mdwdwJwas, ea I Ar #*a mmwetwns Aeu be ere"rmt aha Near of and fmlural rar.Werafe rx.Mwr; r_-Ttev by the `Pw wd w and Fears Ofttor. $&W Wil trot On OLS � G wdh th@ Mkst tppae6d edJ,na of Mr MaTmm qvm I' anm -15 be 0o"d mires, qW r.d by be, Reammn oad fore. STANDARD probe fdierrm Me woew outs wN"aa Me DETAILS FOR DEILS AO aawr ase of Ft mho bore /!oiled "spine m Metier: aonxn 8 rtal remote re DETAILS FOR REMOTE s srwx . be crikel cmtfd (cmc M tmtulYWJ w7endmme. lAon All es t CONTROL VALVES wee aura be bstaded in the same rwaefai. aPPaosm w•rrv4 it ii Z%Av ores ire ®VALVE "°"aa�e @ TEE O 90' ELL ANCHOR fhuttBlackN 1 AN naimme Flsiewed dw ft m ssrse lested Y/ © 45' TEE m pe' p4sR. hitxg matsdrmt (»flee sei is r�`' `•Y ?'. usMJ mmntoalwer'a wavanrns Womfatmsta: (V festmg vark dtmns A0114, Acumated ntd �1 `: YtiYry ELEVAriflN Mep oxtplan and gdm Ftgtz ti 2 AN b,00lTWWhW 20'a dlar9ty ext / ran' shmY.6, 5dvwN, d0 RYC ArRwitan marzrlTes g edtw f0 mer, RabbbQNWHcaf all b syaYBP a speatteQ Nk Fhm ,r,0e w dumetc !hell tr Nass 3L'8 beg-!ik m *two, drearier tier /a Ave, witow 2 Al bevrolmy dpPa dWtl be or My .. ' .. .. . iimtdad debt -T mol -S': 2 14ure the Rambxd Atawmm o- RJMIJatAYI system AT STANDAR' ti. S Fretted mart maete vW Tor 6xust wTA the Pour supply r rete wring. Mark tete Na+t M tate, neat Pe mmm too at Me $o'dcd'positive. \ / btt&*s shedv be fibers 'B`nr pm eppbirmee proasreas Of:SKYrm RO err IDs bimew - .• / >\\; !, `. "• So beffmaabf Me tW*01i tlpparbml \. Of rMWO"Idleek gymmiMerrill xbbor, Remmeaa rad Pwhs threat+,. 4.. a Pic (00 slia6 be 1711 Add-te Or egpmear e4td Prima a needed a m .%v MIA If, W mafCeM Used Short be nem 0 hour been: jw0hrit&Y,s 4 AT MkOff torte ki, toes) Iwgr thm 12 So gMarvFd headxmpr and wrfgorim pkrs:ma /VOM 7.0" n dkrdatte ewdl be waxed:,;* amoreta O REDUCER. Bwust breaks n ammdmce *bb ma+umaWrps ® 45' ELL tammmmrtlmn Or a d'rected by ft . la Po rprt-myabm mi .4r p/pglg shill be 0#00d wrT7m the � Remofwn and'Farks Diecta /\y c`\ . \ � \�; 6: Prev spm sfrm MIS we, regnrbed lc hot.# ureas r\w� :\ J� ' �/'C ': • \ D� 22 1/2' EU red "hoof (ori sate et h, 0,4 mufthr.6 TwdIev&.x sr -n and w.dBacffie.by art iNy inorew • . P•N'AY..... O GRO55: � PLUG NOTES:-: z Ft.,&e4 mww6olum's '..rowel serPon 20 of. 1 AN naimme Flsiewed dw ft m ssrse lested Y/ © 45' TEE m pe' p4sR. hitxg matsdrmt (»flee sei is 45' TEE. usMJ mmntoalwer'a wavanrns Womfatmsta: (V festmg vark dtmns A0114, Acumated ntd �1 `: YtiYry ELEVAriflN Mep oxtplan and gdm Ftgtz ti 2 AN b,00lTWWhW 20'a dlar9ty ext / ran' shmY.6, 5dvwN, d0 RYC ArRwitan marzrlTes g edtw f0 mer, RabbbQNWHcaf all b syaYBP a speatteQ Nk Fhm ,r,0e w dumetc !hell tr Nass 3L'8 beg-!ik m *two, drearier tier /a Ave, witow 2 Al bevrolmy dpPa dWtl be or My .. ' .. .. . iimtdad debt -T mol -S': 2 14ure the Rambxd Atawmm o- RJMIJatAYI system AT STANDAR' ti. S Fretted mart maete vW Tor 6xust wTA the Pour supply r rete wring. Mark tete Na+t M tate, neat Pe mmm too at Me $o'dcd'positive. \ / btt&*s shedv be fibers 'B`nr pm eppbirmee proasreas Of:SKYrm RO err IDs bimew - .• / >\\; !, `. "• So beffmaabf Me tW*01i tlpparbml \. Of rMWO"Idleek gymmiMerrill xbbor, Remmeaa rad Pwhs threat+,. 4.. a Pic (00 slia6 be 1711 Add-te Or egpmear e4td Prima a needed a m .%v MIA If, W mafCeM Used Short be nem 0 hour been: jw0hrit&Y,s 4 AT MkOff torte ki, toes) Iwgr thm 12 So gMarvFd headxmpr and wrfgorim pkrs:ma /VOM 7.0" n dkrdatte ewdl be waxed:,;* amoreta O REDUCER. Bwust breaks n ammdmce *bb ma+umaWrps ® 45' ELL tammmmrtlmn Or a d'rected by ft . la Po rprt-myabm mi .4r p/pglg shill be 0#00d wrT7m the � Remofwn and'Farks Diecta /\y c`\ . \ � \�; 6: Prev spm sfrm MIS we, regnrbed lc hot.# ureas r\w� :\ J� ' �/'C ': • \ S nut Mgrs sbm be 9560 atthagn of red "hoof (ori sate et h, 0,4 mufthr.6 TwdIev&.x sr -n and w.dBacffie.by art iNy inorew • . diamine (bamh tem), caeorp of rckdty prm,@rt 0ms red spanTw Item wont wovAY aB argbbm mart Toes (pessme, rMal 15. * orad mrace be roomed by Me Reverl lmga Mm ze x, 40 w e, error be s*Zrirn3 with (xttLtaps %Anel and pipe dead: Ali aarrfe thrust YM*5 n accui ndh moykclwws < reCnrmaadab* A7y5tmdad Dkta7 L -i w'GR I6 Mho Paw btorks am ese4 Av sin role ��rcv. s5ected 4 Me Raareotim and Pinks Brsh, t at the dolt awed be bash ale ype dig the \ `l• `� � maaisam Mrtisf fare expected Ad the Popr7-. \ \ �\, /.%. '. I bLwrooy avaity of the art. DETAIL5 FOR: 7 AN Wei free xambe merle ail Steel we a El 1 v . a mwmxn afa5' o dramedr: PIPING, TRENCHING, �, Schedde 40 Pyo' s reww AN ft4ofw ims FIND SACKFILL wLz k£attd ands' a hind sprrace ohm M Adhow n e STANDARD e AN imti@le birder Stan rel 0yitlLbriCe. suhedde 40 P'A' omeepo vardxd Bafoo L -J On OLS � G wdh th@ Mkst tppae6d edJ,na of Mr MaTmm qvm I' fore. P kmtiNy Earle DETAILS FOR DEILS AO aawr Retried Glide O- ELECTRICAL CfMtDpd! NGIE& �YT IT II" a — aaddaor/Haaa® t of aur 5eew R� r -6f at_Way tit cmdXl/Ppe PLAN WEAL r ore¢ ttew a.• 1. rfim amting oda rbaMayl of my OYW fired sYdacC aV 'Par wimg aril wale 1na5.AYm ret %I*d .0 7$' of crpr, n 0 s�bOrra 40 PW 9'Rere S+nv6"M tern f Me call of theoNmA0m a'acfrkd amen $rs! ber, f" ahs orb. Are Ute q o .11% b. Me Ta lbw adage $ slow shin adem LO' beyond Toni TO df ides bdHb .brala1 abate maw m Me axb bw and aPmorege by ubemg It, kilter' VR a mkrowmmte wlhn are repealed sf2et*1-of-wy00 m4eft a Strol Pani! Check wdb hi CRy ArNk ll OgiMmmt a4ddaiM SYtim /rr regrimi A Mme AM eats are "Owed to taetsa earvs anyone, am PRA7ILE WEW Witte, wren of sfreu pa&Abg wdhn fie Gly nof-M-way. Am be a otcwm afth WWI 0ryr Amdwds all a arrow by the Of &It-... Q 5. Aay Pod m e4wl um be elopraree by Mr x«.maNwr real Pits aradapre, to uww•nmbtim:.. G AT dedbkd iretuddim thud he b aeamhnce mP olly z Ft.,&e4 mww6olum's '..rowel serPon 20 of. the slow eN vidtfaetwn& ant m wpm by rte Rem ohm uad An*s 015th+.: 7 All mara&d ow Vlav be naw av w Area Mperfenims (V Ab d6cbkd ndadetias wifhre Parka a Awkwoys &W be Setwolet by Aber*lTzio'kKat revm46w. ' aur 2lhtmr Tr4wimt *it arpAiS sw be sloeAwWdd1 2 AN b,00lTWWhW 20'a dlar9ty ext 4esfad a real lie irWchkg- ran' shmY.6, 5dvwN, d0 RYC ArRwitan marzrlTes g edtw f0 mer, RabbbQNWHcaf all b syaYBP a speatteQ Nk Fhm ,r,0e w dumetc !hell tr Nass 3L'8 beg-!ik m *two, drearier tier /a Ave, witow PW Satedde 46 w agarow d eW,1 by the ltaz mom s,eirwo ca„mmirdhm crateadEYew sun6a cook be Wu ft" Ptectar Mrgatla( "Allow 4" a 9601 shut 2 14ure the Rambxd Atawmm o- RJMIJatAYI system AT STANDAR' ptewaf kdm a I'soomra.fl eWdal ,WmM wd,w ere wTA the Pour supply r rete wring. Mark tete Na+t M tate, neat Pe mmm too at Me $o'dcd'positive. DETAILS FOS slim' be oat bwwkmd gam it cam. GtyItaii Me !deaf maroww erd+ma of the hadmm I ff more Mm meEa akadedPa (nmh, Wom'k omimr. 'mcnfru An MAW [TNE ReckAr ad rampart Memoi. to stmdam 0001 57-11 ns ,macs; fir s,,*ce pmdirec¢ed ply alma mrd Pinks tt Mw LATERAL LINE (SHOWN IN MULA LINE LREAii Gude Lbckmt / •..tat Forge �/.. _ tWt ('bad' l' VALVES THRUST R SLEEVES A TRENCHING N.T.S. N.T.S. '^r N.T.S. N.T.S. tit° /a• *ply fkwb. NOTES' Ca9dm Mlmno ---- 70" s Fa' a f5odres {See t Bse Teem INTO lap@ m m t erdNl Amts - /'-- m� �� 'o` Nue, 15). IrFau Ips is not regufrrd a Nada fifbigs Steer c .Sk, Eee T "Cmlydkr Ercs+wwts> .. finish faadefrrp d tf k1r/sh : \/ T Z AT rkas and rrVptes strap be Sm 60 Pit AAirSttiig5. Xwdwam , vwN be Sud 40 PVL 10' Faore ww bar with Caw Yed,.%d 'tA.'Y" or cow r. � /� /: L _ �' AulmkrYx CmkaVeY Pst feis'asc' a't ell Plgple (r/i) s Ar rareo's .awN ne FYnss ?t1B Pvc n as raP,m m t+'ms. eplerga bn, mous tR1c*-fA,rryn9 YmVe; w/ir"w cvw.. e `! �L\r. &eded by Rerrmiwn I—rr uw trek \ : Ty? �•. fR jSf% a 4. Nfrm irWitz, hooks ere wskdted ANT meboldrae ;. a and Pups Bkeeta' CmtMa .9W-A4senWy S1WAIaN Meed Ger ,COMM ;* red (53T) &w, eau 5e eha * atm u rkW4md to Peeld! Vaster, J. rerx U � 1 { (GtAj dtdutlGs tY` t R AutdmatF flu AV side an (1>-10° Rand Wtv So, and tial Feet Bread 'GV :an 7 of hid:. Lale'd Zito wo and/w al lahe5 Ad be Mored at ,bcatiws � to cm?'" ! p . '' •\, \ ` 1e, fid plans e, mmurabxrs maannrdolm4 ae trmnd t N(A (Make wk. to It hw,rnd su' PVC SCH Edd Adgde .. ¢e'u p GaWd tug (idrka wie m short ',p p'a4A'Ss. 'Ipxrd sand fiend aha' 5e tP"pgrap /ar spiny drew em 4"' attbvrOtte cmMYtm% and vs:dwArfrd by the featnrtroa fTmgtp per FequiC) Pt9-up ler budGkr Pte d Aewrrrrs shin m as derailed red and parts my pJmcla and emias pnzaBN). Arrow by Re[teotwn ono Pinks Dr'.edur.. Paned 0.. Sew 3'tawa, d/4-tmSb Nkdao ajef((�� S Ad hecde and df &W be PXWed 2' (d4") hall weaMs r Bred r1 at 2) 1�1..&M.1fRl5HRUR SPRAY HEAD ant Goat ams :.AN tone mdrra kvlgo& hoods (Pat crop) Fw,stad tree& Am beip*-*{ad) egad oll of o rMR Rao Rbc IS, rote swkg .art .a � 6w wf.aam 11" /a swab SMOY ens;: I 9Mfe .5w1 Rene ri I _ . III 16-111 B• DAvdr Whito PW qmw eth > Ai,Ai;AijA1 . j" for babbkfs W lei .90, ei 1`67 fan c_ ;;; tourct awird Sbf NEW :. 3" M o Ih aro'. ream fr cm Nd s notch a fit oar m9hlWe ppe P{4' SQd 40 � AP f -ti �°Wished ��� aa� � ' manta wyfw and �w ) Brass.Cab Yav6 as par mppofwd P%onx. �r1 Grade 6. Kee port wide kri Are heads ere @doom to a.&wT I.V-wy sd.,itt m, -^ PIC yokee Pipe '\ �(\�ss ; rd: hate hinds t.0• MAINAn ham We ofbadYtg ind to baati: !" Spf 60 mvdrit \ f,: •- or head A*artost to pmept W@'apr,y pr are. to'r9Rvil of we Sling "0`t \ PW Searle for &PwalOg op. ire a ngobed T AY trees Shok rein* a deep root wlteing system rfiW%bnd PR0Y7 IdEW is kNm' win stoploss steel ^tea.. / `/' RAS.snlrs all qv mwd M@4 two R)'Aw tee sea stmdad Plum L #0 for tltrmps m EW reldli AdtPmrt SAtan y ' / / / GamGna 661aN AfOlfilit' 5b NOrE.' PIC WaratAe Ppe sued as ow Film LutmN Life / ` \ 8 7r¢de aw,4 P'hl oa'arp^MY vsm be Nee90nd SA Seiar lat SIMF/O$AY 6Y W7 Amcu: bxPO.�'D 76 Yew 17AWIR4 607 p4e qS ant /3J -.sates ran refers mary.Yafmd arya kOIRfPAD1 OF ~L52sPAAY. OP APPROlfO MW lona' Top of Haw 025" mom F.E fw raters n taw:a . Instal. R Any and d chava Fpm ft, atmdgrd ddm aket&W 4: 3' uryrr air 3/4-bch Yhdred a�oyef rep of Head 1" aba.14 earpbarea.. ro uta Ov rorkh is asap. by QtNow'd by the: Recall and Parks Dactw. NO FES: bstab Tap or timd e,5"more W ofarwad. AQ IRRIGATION CONMXL£R ENCLDS(K2E WIT abetter {1 of 21 NA sea apposed veliree me angdba pba% teymds and t faint@ Rump red Pp''Iorr,naaRyo dti�rtict. B :LARGE RADIUS HEAjuBottMyn MDu»f).: filmobatfars bad Perkl mote vo f(s) tick .y+vAdiy) Canmm B*k (I of 2) to anoitpt wk* ewp" wAw beet aver mtaWhttmrr, and pafonrtOnrn reprda imts :t10ra FmstrN-G%B he,& mete/M urea W( Maw At hoe btm Fnisnta Grade! ftp W mwhJ.:: 1 W kill &1 PlC'cd+dFt aYrt a mail Foresee 6 Ad muends w1a4 be aep,wd Lee baa deAeis .. inprleaftas r\ i� / r� aAnyodmMmgessoovmgmbwvdrtAe 8'tmknggate(wI aCor,'het6•dd WAOenMwavedebb41rowbtd$ 6.Seevow, h0ayartta"naspasadmePwvopees ReaepfJas and Paler 1h Mw reeeice 'he ptdntd mauf,d aLgAn a i a aYrak C'anptwt sdb @add rtuats, vie y'rmtit¢r, mowlmbna`s vial orkvmome :NOTES' Ppw to 6npt°rwgNha-'' , lfdn Brd:t l R25 g-nr Bubbfe'(nduded) /r\ 'j rase rob, Two a&* aurin loo de9A 96'(031. txtmd&d4 rs4vianmfs N4, e( PF$" ; ' A Acomia 6' bay'Nd mtspk Cmmsirns m m<IaVwe ektr !%?X a'gme Rrypie (r/f': . = h„ (w drarage T. Mynd a@ ohonges ham.Mir atmdmd shall be gpraeed by Me: F me Bm shot he 1/2"about misted grade err / " Remullret me teaks owtw P'& w treyW of cmdeartrm.:: !wr ran me VV row beat al kp4wr ams 12" smog dscak.Ny *n Jdr*. '/ � J AN h+Wwsr cmtrablere as Ad m trial overt, at a'wrdd Trak Smmg Sant \, aur a atha resist@( store end mreolkh rid ertidy of M plea & fid, Lbht bas streams yvaeadurg mgairral to dadmm 2 All mo7m'd eardsW AT row Ad km berm r—r/2' awe 'Nt befit (a'rduk0) n stales steel fmdasai stmt he Shing Sax .2-7255 m d7sttst% Cwlrasta ax✓ be reywxmda W mh's/1rq m oFReb Openestiat, ' ' U'r/ ermak timed by W Pmdices m gpmed equal, Bid's fdf leerier and nstmoEbn reyrarAmfs sin say Sfmmm'1-10 Pro' $of 40 ream h0 Y `` and akW Ron "Rowienvefs $e CmkrVa rraudig RMy and m Manges slay be 4yawvM by Me :rind Ibre- / / 4 AYigo Pie not re,, , mm be o cehejr t PPP Mw Sfarvdwd4 Raaenfia mtl Perks=Dattfn F%a' fo WpTavwrfotrb2 - .` • Ale bleat ew(ka d fhe C'NCmrFn fOf the Cods and nmaehcdM o 9. lArs Pro� tk fflf at tut tale Raprircenmts of the fatmM LAa' ( PDP UP SPRAY HEAD. h(es! rmawmmda6dr, SerAin 2b of Mt .4imdads. v`fWdirAR rsW CmYMae kpmlmm" 01 Acte+ R.AmmpWSWeVd Neper EMepAt ((Bottom Mount es zlYwIrd ty Of RemevAl and Pines Detector c oormx I)II )and my atxx ApleemMa stile ) rep at.Sm. Cmttabtmr', RapMWO for 4` weae t A' fang mg bervet Fr mor! turf aeon scrub *vymeee =it pp -.p MWr arq:; Camplr'mm mM these. Aelee rdaits. wraM 6MR{Cr {n"'iaami) FlIFMAw[: 1 -fit L-,5 eaaw'oYE' L-t<EY. FlLErywE: i-]REY STANDARD ..5/,m waw ams *&,d{RAs-ark) Em STANDARD are rzr 04 Awt STANDARD wrem/oc STANDARD a..„ w,a GATE VALVE WITH BOX' axaxm QUICK COUPLING VALVE ream «� DETAILS FOR TOP MOUNT www,• re, m Ron Ord RA5-f1-C-1461 (adudea:rw'toir@; .>d" teft DETAILS FOR VARIOUS' s a"' " STAINLESS STEEL t t225 -0m bu6Ma-& mtogreted 60* edA a gale-. IRRIGATION HEADS'. rvv£.. CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE aeaAR. a,rxsm xxw. AppgapRa: ern wma,xw cersot2e svng'ossembly Wth l/2"m: npf iMe)AtFMTEO. sxww ma k0;ry anwm a,w: CITY Or MK5MFELD L_16.: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD G-15: Q 80T WAMfflt: :SYSMW CITY OF SAKE1119FIELD, L-$ SOFBAKEMMELD L-7 -M1YGal PdB1Y el.. osPzvruexr air mvNMi PJ&Y:MING mFPAataEMT CRY EwaaEEe PJBLR'YYJekS IPIRM Eur. OW MGNUR wJBL wiles Dvlek W aw,� UeN mm��ePe,aW� emeaw„ GATE VALVE QUICK COUPLING VALVE /l- IRRIGATION HEADS CONTROLLER L�r:eaw o -M 2.10 tZapm N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. \ N.T.S. z �jSNhoWr NOTE 1 had srlm4 sitwtJ (V ar8 reel+ 1� EhnY de n3faNm n b idxtWk/� BG PW'.dttrp wNA o nrisim„m at 2.5' d 4orr as Gly aur Starred 1 3 m err dackd ply lbt viy Ea+Un' #W Mort" 2 AN b,00lTWWhW 20'a dlar9ty ext beim Rorer Pe AmOter of the rbacLRjpya AN ftK-pk- ran' shmY.6, 5dvwN, d0 RYC ArRwitan marzrlTes g edtw mork4 shill be t'milft m Alva, far 110 whomal Fhm ,r,0e w dumetc !hell tr Nass 3L'8 beg-!ik m *two, drearier tier /a Ave, witow PW Satedde 46 w agarow d eW,1 by the ltaz mom 1 Wu ft" Ptectar Mrgatla( "Allow 4" a 9601 shut 2 14ure the Rambxd Atawmm o- RJMIJatAYI system AT wrhde 3mrde t/m RY(jlp%, hibet Pre Mamma orl motet not cow Ab amtaot wTA the Pour supply r rete wring. Mark tete Na+t M tate, neat Pe mmm too at Me $o'dcd'positive. 10. 141 w9oNm Adovehm she# be n Maadmre eA a— GtyItaii Me !deaf maroww erd+ma of the hadmm I ff more Mm meEa akadedPa (nmh, Wom'k PM0n91� MmuTarlxersNnWT+rrndo!%ms<Srn"wl«. 2l1 of the -:Zone 4vdt=bi and as *Odd by Me 03' hwkwo and rented srp"60. Remmeaa rad Pwhs threat+,. 4.. a Pic (00 slia6 be 1711 Add-te Or egpmear e4td Prima a needed a m .%v MIA If, W mafCeM Used Short be nem 0 hour been: jw0hrit&Y,s 5: rmdstope and erVahim krgmeearl lei Nie 12 So gMarvFd headxmpr and wrfgorim pkrs:ma /VOM wkbi stwt IVt-W-wa3' mby tevere m rem la, vec* mode risme r, &4 4UMNA mmmtshnxu. and awtmaorce rc keAw,'& !treat peri. Chad: wM My 5,0wr%n9 Dpwfmmt: N 6 m /epnima .. #r inter . la Po rprt-myabm mi .4r p/pglg shill be 0#00d wrT7m the efeetia pang Or oared Pare tract 6: Prev spm sfrm MIS we, regnrbed lc hot.# ureas ungrtrer leeswrdfr won e,6 sbretpte*4 eithir 14. Ar Mo N70 aletm6d eav#to p igigave JOS teda paiax. Staq Pa CS(y ht-d-merv4fi ea r; m to stmrmd beret. red "hoof (ori sate et h, 0,4 mufthr.6 TwdIev&.x sr -n and w.dBacffie.by art iNy inorew effkar Poi 's (osfwg. epvxvSmex sw be kcaramead into be, 7 NAW there is a atnwgr n pledOlredilw, aim,;rr prm,@rt 0ms red spanTw Item wont wovAY aB argbbm mart Toes (pessme, rMal 15. * orad mrace be roomed by Me Reverl lmga Mm ze x, 40 w e, error be s*Zrirn3 with and Pads ltrmtm�to Prpfematfaffas. aarrfe thrust YM*5 n accui ndh moykclwws reCnrmaadab* A7y5tmdad Dkta7 L -i w'GR +adore! ��rcv. s5ected 4 Me Raareotim and Pinks Brsh, STANDARD w "a Sm 8 AN krlgdrba bled rum dud be ahsa'700 Fit: DETAIL5 FOR: p�; >• F It a Mfrd Me a !abed mor a Awa 6pr/ay, PIPING, TRENCHING, �, Schedde 40 Pyo' s reww AN ft4ofw ims FIND SACKFILL wLz k£attd ands' a hind sprrace ohm M Adhow n e NPFamrEa :owxawa,u, suhedde 40 P'A' omeepo vardxd Bafoo L -J On OLS L—Z VALVES THRUST R SLEEVES A TRENCHING N.T.S. N.T.S. '^r N.T.S. N.T.S. tit° /a• *ply fkwb. NOTES' Ca9dm Mlmno ---- 70" s Fa' a f5odres {See t Bse Teem INTO lap@ m m t erdNl Amts - /'-- m� �� 'o` Nue, 15). IrFau Ips is not regufrrd a Nada fifbigs Steer c .Sk, Eee T "Cmlydkr Ercs+wwts> .. finish faadefrrp d tf k1r/sh : \/ T Z AT rkas and rrVptes strap be Sm 60 Pit AAirSttiig5. Xwdwam , vwN be Sud 40 PVL 10' Faore ww bar with Caw Yed,.%d 'tA.'Y" or cow r. � /� /: L _ �' AulmkrYx CmkaVeY Pst feis'asc' a't ell Plgple (r/i) s Ar rareo's .awN ne FYnss ?t1B Pvc n as raP,m m t+'ms. eplerga bn, mous tR1c*-fA,rryn9 YmVe; w/ir"w cvw.. e `! �L\r. &eded by Rerrmiwn I—rr uw trek \ : Ty? �•. fR jSf% a 4. Nfrm irWitz, hooks ere wskdted ANT meboldrae ;. a and Pups Bkeeta' CmtMa .9W-A4senWy S1WAIaN Meed Ger ,COMM ;* red (53T) &w, eau 5e eha * atm u rkW4md to Peeld! Vaster, J. rerx U � 1 { (GtAj dtdutlGs tY` t R AutdmatF flu AV side an (1>-10° Rand Wtv So, and tial Feet Bread 'GV :an 7 of hid:. Lale'd Zito wo and/w al lahe5 Ad be Mored at ,bcatiws � to cm?'" ! p . '' •\, \ ` 1e, fid plans e, mmurabxrs maannrdolm4 ae trmnd t N(A (Make wk. to It hw,rnd su' PVC SCH Edd Adgde .. ¢e'u p GaWd tug (idrka wie m short ',p p'a4A'Ss. 'Ipxrd sand fiend aha' 5e tP"pgrap /ar spiny drew em 4"' attbvrOtte cmMYtm% and vs:dwArfrd by the featnrtroa fTmgtp per FequiC) Pt9-up ler budGkr Pte d Aewrrrrs shin m as derailed red and parts my pJmcla and emias pnzaBN). Arrow by Re[teotwn ono Pinks Dr'.edur.. Paned 0.. Sew 3'tawa, d/4-tmSb Nkdao ajef((�� S Ad hecde and df &W be PXWed 2' (d4") hall weaMs r Bred r1 at 2) 1�1..&M.1fRl5HRUR SPRAY HEAD ant Goat ams :.AN tone mdrra kvlgo& hoods (Pat crop) Fw,stad tree& Am beip*-*{ad) egad oll of o rMR Rao Rbc IS, rote swkg .art .a � 6w wf.aam 11" /a swab SMOY ens;: I 9Mfe .5w1 Rene ri I _ . III 16-111 B• DAvdr Whito PW qmw eth > Ai,Ai;AijA1 . j" for babbkfs W lei .90, ei 1`67 fan c_ ;;; tourct awird Sbf NEW :. 3" M o Ih aro'. ream fr cm Nd s notch a fit oar m9hlWe ppe P{4' SQd 40 � AP f -ti �°Wished ��� aa� � ' manta wyfw and �w ) Brass.Cab Yav6 as par mppofwd P%onx. �r1 Grade 6. Kee port wide kri Are heads ere @doom to a.&wT I.V-wy sd.,itt m, -^ PIC yokee Pipe '\ �(\�ss ; rd: hate hinds t.0• MAINAn ham We ofbadYtg ind to baati: !" Spf 60 mvdrit \ f,: •- or head A*artost to pmept W@'apr,y pr are. to'r9Rvil of we Sling "0`t \ PW Searle for &PwalOg op. ire a ngobed T AY trees Shok rein* a deep root wlteing system rfiW%bnd PR0Y7 IdEW is kNm' win stoploss steel ^tea.. / `/' RAS.snlrs all qv mwd M@4 two R)'Aw tee sea stmdad Plum L #0 for tltrmps m EW reldli AdtPmrt SAtan y ' / / / GamGna 661aN AfOlfilit' 5b NOrE.' PIC WaratAe Ppe sued as ow Film LutmN Life / ` \ 8 7r¢de aw,4 P'hl oa'arp^MY vsm be Nee90nd SA Seiar lat SIMF/O$AY 6Y W7 Amcu: bxPO.�'D 76 Yew 17AWIR4 607 p4e qS ant /3J -.sates ran refers mary.Yafmd arya kOIRfPAD1 OF ~L52sPAAY. OP APPROlfO MW lona' Top of Haw 025" mom F.E fw raters n taw:a . Instal. R Any and d chava Fpm ft, atmdgrd ddm aket&W 4: 3' uryrr air 3/4-bch Yhdred a�oyef rep of Head 1" aba.14 earpbarea.. ro uta Ov rorkh is asap. by QtNow'd by the: Recall and Parks Dactw. NO FES: bstab Tap or timd e,5"more W ofarwad. AQ IRRIGATION CONMXL£R ENCLDS(K2E WIT abetter {1 of 21 NA sea apposed veliree me angdba pba% teymds and t faint@ Rump red Pp''Iorr,naaRyo dti�rtict. B :LARGE RADIUS HEAjuBottMyn MDu»f).: filmobatfars bad Perkl mote vo f(s) tick .y+vAdiy) Canmm B*k (I of 2) to anoitpt wk* ewp" wAw beet aver mtaWhttmrr, and pafonrtOnrn reprda imts :t10ra FmstrN-G%B he,& mete/M urea W( Maw At hoe btm Fnisnta Grade! ftp W mwhJ.:: 1 W kill &1 PlC'cd+dFt aYrt a mail Foresee 6 Ad muends w1a4 be aep,wd Lee baa deAeis .. inprleaftas r\ i� / r� aAnyodmMmgessoovmgmbwvdrtAe 8'tmknggate(wI aCor,'het6•dd WAOenMwavedebb41rowbtd$ 6.Seevow, h0ayartta"naspasadmePwvopees ReaepfJas and Paler 1h Mw reeeice 'he ptdntd mauf,d aLgAn a i a aYrak C'anptwt sdb @add rtuats, vie y'rmtit¢r, mowlmbna`s vial orkvmome :NOTES' Ppw to 6npt°rwgNha-'' , lfdn Brd:t l R25 g-nr Bubbfe'(nduded) /r\ 'j rase rob, Two a&* aurin loo de9A 96'(031. txtmd&d4 rs4vianmfs N4, e( PF$" ; ' A Acomia 6' bay'Nd mtspk Cmmsirns m m<IaVwe ektr !%?X a'gme Rrypie (r/f': . = h„ (w drarage T. Mynd a@ ohonges ham.Mir atmdmd shall be gpraeed by Me: F me Bm shot he 1/2"about misted grade err / " Remullret me teaks owtw P'& w treyW of cmdeartrm.:: !wr ran me VV row beat al kp4wr ams 12" smog dscak.Ny *n Jdr*. '/ � J AN h+Wwsr cmtrablere as Ad m trial overt, at a'wrdd Trak Smmg Sant \, aur a atha resist@( store end mreolkh rid ertidy of M plea & fid, Lbht bas streams yvaeadurg mgairral to dadmm 2 All mo7m'd eardsW AT row Ad km berm r—r/2' awe 'Nt befit (a'rduk0) n stales steel fmdasai stmt he Shing Sax .2-7255 m d7sttst% Cwlrasta ax✓ be reywxmda W mh's/1rq m oFReb Openestiat, ' ' U'r/ ermak timed by W Pmdices m gpmed equal, Bid's fdf leerier and nstmoEbn reyrarAmfs sin say Sfmmm'1-10 Pro' $of 40 ream h0 Y `` and akW Ron "Rowienvefs $e CmkrVa rraudig RMy and m Manges slay be 4yawvM by Me :rind Ibre- / / 4 AYigo Pie not re,, , mm be o cehejr t PPP Mw Sfarvdwd4 Raaenfia mtl Perks=Dattfn F%a' fo WpTavwrfotrb2 - .` • Ale bleat ew(ka d fhe C'NCmrFn fOf the Cods and nmaehcdM o 9. lArs Pro� tk fflf at tut tale Raprircenmts of the fatmM LAa' ( PDP UP SPRAY HEAD. h(es! rmawmmda6dr, SerAin 2b of Mt .4imdads. v`fWdirAR rsW CmYMae kpmlmm" 01 Acte+ R.AmmpWSWeVd Neper EMepAt ((Bottom Mount es zlYwIrd ty Of RemevAl and Pines Detector c oormx I)II )and my atxx ApleemMa stile ) rep at.Sm. Cmttabtmr', RapMWO for 4` weae t A' fang mg bervet Fr mor! turf aeon scrub *vymeee =it pp -.p MWr arq:; Camplr'mm mM these. Aelee rdaits. wraM 6MR{Cr {n"'iaami) FlIFMAw[: 1 -fit L-,5 eaaw'oYE' L-t<EY. FlLErywE: i-]REY STANDARD ..5/,m waw ams *&,d{RAs-ark) Em STANDARD are rzr 04 Awt STANDARD wrem/oc STANDARD a..„ w,a GATE VALVE WITH BOX' axaxm QUICK COUPLING VALVE ream «� DETAILS FOR TOP MOUNT www,• re, m Ron Ord RA5-f1-C-1461 (adudea:rw'toir@; .>d" teft DETAILS FOR VARIOUS' s a"' " STAINLESS STEEL t t225 -0m bu6Ma-& mtogreted 60* edA a gale-. IRRIGATION HEADS'. rvv£.. CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE aeaAR. a,rxsm xxw. AppgapRa: ern wma,xw cersot2e svng'ossembly Wth l/2"m: npf iMe)AtFMTEO. sxww ma k0;ry anwm a,w: CITY Or MK5MFELD L_16.: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD G-15: Q 80T WAMfflt: :SYSMW CITY OF SAKE1119FIELD, L-$ SOFBAKEMMELD L-7 -M1YGal PdB1Y el.. osPzvruexr air mvNMi PJ&Y:MING mFPAataEMT CRY EwaaEEe PJBLR'YYJekS IPIRM Eur. OW MGNUR wJBL wiles Dvlek W aw,� UeN mm��ePe,aW� emeaw„ GATE VALVE QUICK COUPLING VALVE /l- IRRIGATION HEADS CONTROLLER L�r:eaw o -M 2.10 tZapm N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. \ N.T.S. G B o 0 N W rc DRAWING TITLE: RRIGATION DETAILS txlm,�11 rti4 DATE: 12/8P2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.00 SHEET 7 OF 16 TPtACT *5531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 (V Z aur 1 M > G N 0xv IL a— z Q O ULLCO 51;2 Q W (f% N 6 m �LLwg0 a oa.4 w 3 Q 4 Q L~c z Q m Z W W J F- U) G B o 0 N W rc DRAWING TITLE: RRIGATION DETAILS txlm,�11 rti4 DATE: 12/8P2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.00 SHEET 7 OF 16 TPtACT *5531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 IL G B o 0 N W rc DRAWING TITLE: RRIGATION DETAILS txlm,�11 rti4 DATE: 12/8P2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.00 SHEET 7 OF 16 TPtACT *5531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 F41W L N1 kr olio aata/aFm seYaPbe k mmv" a-wfd 07Y40h ork the Woe edfgl a thetwem bfsambkg Coy'e, mmWvdocer's West m fflm0eatn w1ke niaf the SYwA#rrn �atildadmo4 mhos ANs4d orme B¢nv&tt and h O; ih m 2 A# mtvi* mar bs xe>md tragi 6Aa dIAvir 3 See mewed a%rit5»dmr ploor and tigwas ta.yswlk Nsdd Q bw, :tics qum,NLisS wm^wfa iurm's and pmfbParywe "iotmmds 4 Anymd dt chmges baa ttb at&"dw be Wp dby the &weatkaw PmRS YWcetrrpm to my W of enwh tim b. Foe, gkd 6. re mwi. gatowav'vAtOam?s7or Faun. sp'wma Cwitmdai AW be,rppmstle fia, xdafNog d/ of gee, &de ka8 Teals md"rwWallkai: regw mmis kxt Nuy ieW* m wwtkm to the 6etd iastaw'm. GROUNDING UW,, Xawia9: C:\Uaapy ee MCNorne111ePPtlale\bceNemP Pab14°h 19235LLSCO PH2.tlxq Layout UP, Dec m, Me, IzW up Sbmw "Pay, Onto s6ln/se, IW IrafaJ v Ppmw+ate ased Pam Re`P_r[w. -hoOlm Cage SW per{Ams mod'.. to m msdbbtg o" * sbonly p 090fiM4 m wow amaR. mo af/e hrkmg.Swmgepb' ( mamted f0 mchdr bqW1 Foack Proleftf"e Coe Padenk £ndwuc swwf: pan! &Wed to bw6k;w phame eacynt" base &Akw. secured la owe (6 0'e,) v 8a s ab u os w R ROW nancreta oosa 4° ram num. _1�Itl "' li I f—jLI L 1 Wkkrdss Flmd 9' N)wd mlrik Liq =1 I I= l odawrs,aw of moM SIDE WEW ----------: a PLAN WEW" Ma'mkg bone Iytod: m emetete WO %J belts (a pgeesf" 6MI emwee edneis -N need to +/a"+: i" re* wd when SMOOTH MUCH ANCHDR.a SE AW-UN4T PiENP\Y:.. L�PB STANDARD aww ar" BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE y..aea oc N.Ya. APPRO$a atlMP,b.D'.W CITY OF CALFOFMt-18 MY'.w"WOR POOLE WORKS IPPARY W ( F.shvd Pods / 36 -mm Loom o: soled Wire to Sobve Cm4oYes Atasles flare Ram / Ron &Y Pa S$i Mos"w W w JSo ed v Be, ✓f lookmW 1149E � tbuna "k✓ w t "f5" m g, of tat dF" tmgih of aw oU-Cswe to qar &,seg N,fl. al 6w/� ( SetdlAe imudler.Assemaf / l4DY ragr ssasm 4,m aid r✓ FOAL �% n U \ ° FLOW 5k 111 '0%: DIAMETER p{pMETER. OF PIPE CF PIPE - 3"toyer of d/4-bvb IKxW GYayd Sm p arab smvPWm NI .xv*n6 1. PAA P& Selves MPyW Vdw sF=-MA8 la F 3 W,Y eke b4o5 be I/2' 00. tobw gb Wood edgatw Xtas:NmudoeAvad by Lye Aon bed W Cao and IA'.6.m hO makb.?.plmmAs vodz sivPaww &W meed as Pw omyaedpk's and W mLvlpw APosler end. gibe 2*0 be sk* $.led 8 Ad mM&bt »ssd SAdt be aecr w,d ben hpn (14) Aw'War eye wile bba madalla, and It IV 2: Ras Sid fS So te, Row Sm,SOr stens° or Wmw"d:. Any aN.90 m mtea, a be awvwby the Fb% hs"P and nmafoatww's y vvmn *&U Rerrwtlm and APOS &Wkr poi fa MVINI sato M Row tens# cedes eW be (16) AW q pok mill, em. eke wiromed=.imalha Wwr. WWNed ad m wmC as "'Aw lw wo by pow awlyk LA, J yOm a nor mw cobto ew be a oaft'0 a I':sdaaak 40 *det wen 49 fag. .... . FN2MHIE;. L-13. ens'a'3/15. STANDARD �P,a MASTER VALVE AND ;mm— FLOW mmFLOW SENSOR:..: APPIUMa SM1W,wi. Rsnt MoF L-1.7 CAUFORMA am MM POOLE its OFPM1RFAi N.T.S. DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION DETAILS s� .a"�eeoo.zm lQ op CA:l" DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.01 SHEET 8 OF 16 w (h > N SOU= a p ® o d U W`O a� /W to wag M LU ISI L.1..LU C) �wP, �aQ< z Q U) m ♦ - w Z LLI W. DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION DETAILS s� .a"�eeoo.zm lQ op CA:l" DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.01 SHEET 8 OF 16 ISI DRAWING TITLE: IRRIGATION DETAILS s� .a"�eeoo.zm lQ op CA:l" DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L5.01 SHEET 8 OF 16 Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dl w 0WF�Mma,"emspadeteUoraM Mpv Kmbn 193WWMPn2.d� Le , L,O oeeaa, zma, tw,. GENERAL PLANTING NOTES 1. REFER TO PLANTING PLANS, PLAN NOTES, PLANT LEGEND, AND PLANTING DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL PLANTING INFORMATION. REFER TO IRRIGATION SOIL AMENDMENT NOTES: PLANS, NOTES AND DETAILS FOR RELATED LANDSCAPE WORK. SOIL PREPARATION PER 1,000 S.F. 2. NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (REP.) 48 HOURS MINIMUM PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK TO COORDINATE PROJECT INSPECTION 4 CU. YDS. NITROLIZED WOOD SHAVINGS OR EQUAL SCHEDULE 15 LBS, 15-15-15 FERTILIZER ROTO -TILL TO DEPTH OF 8" (FOR SLOPES 3:1 AND 3. VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS: BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OWNERS _ LESS) REPRESENTATIVE OF FIELD CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AND SEEK CORRECTIONS AND DIRECTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY CORRECTIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO REPORT KNOWN DISCREPANCIES BACKFILL MIX 4. LOCATE AND MARK ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT. PROTECT FROM DAMAGE ALL UTILITIES, AREAS AND STRUCTURES B PARTS OF NATIVE ON-SITE SOIL IN AND AROUND LANDSCAPE WORK AREAS. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE FOR REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY 4 PARTS OF NITROLIZED SHAVINGS OR EQUAL CONTRACTOR. 18 LBS. OF GRO-POWER PLUS PER CUBIC YARD OF MIX 5. LOCATION OF N.I.C. CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS SUCH AS LIGHTS, SIGNS, VENTS, HYDRANTS, TRANSFORMERS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES OR ELEMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT. WHEN SHOWN ITEMS DO NOT AGRIFORM 21g PLANTING TABLETS CORRESPOND TO FIELD CONDITIONS, REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO OWNER'S REP. FOR CLARIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING ONE (1) per each 1 -GALLON PLANT WITH WORK TWO (2) per each 5 -GALLON PLANT 6. PLANTING ACCESSORIES & MATERIAL THREE (3) per each 15 -GALLON PLANT FIVE (5) per each 24" -BOX PLANT A, TREE TIE: CINCH TIE, BY V.I.T. PRODUCTS, 800-729-1314 OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. TREE GUARD: V DIA. X 9" HT. PLASTIC TRUNK PROTECTOR, "ARBOR GUARD" BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS, 800458-7668 OR APPROVED EQUAL. FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY PENDING C. FERTILIZER TABLETS: AGRIFORM 20-103, THREE 21 -GRAM TABLETS OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR 15 GALLON OR LARGER SIZE TREES, TWO 10 -GRAM SOILS TEST AND RECOMMENDATIONS, TABLETS FOR 5 GALLON SIZE PLANTS, ONE 10 -GRAM TABLET FOR 1 GALLON SIZE. D. ROOT BARRIER: LINEAR 18"x20' ROLLS, OR APPROVED EQUAL E. MULCH: W LAYER WALK- ON BARK MULCH iN ALL PLANTER AREAS. SUBMIT SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL 7. PRE -PLANTING PREPARATION: A. PROCEED WITH PLANTING WORK ONLY AFTER IRRIGATION WORK IS COMPLETED, TESTED, AND APPROVED BY OWNER'S REP. PROTECT IRRIGATION SYSTEM FROM DAMAGE. B. CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM SOILS TEST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH PLANTING WORK. C. ROUGH GRADE PLANTING AREAS UNIFORMLY SMOOTH, DEVOID OF DEPRESSIONS, TO CONFORM TO THE GRADING PATTERNS ESTABLISHED BY CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. ENSURE POSITIVE WATER REMOVAL TO DRAINAGE ELEMENTS OR STRUCTURES PROVIDED BY OTHERS. NOTIFY OWNER'S REP. WHEN ADDITIONAL AREA DRAINS AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE ARE REQUIRED FOR PROPER DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS. D. ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS FOR PLANTING AREAS ADJACENT SUCH STRUCTURES. E REMOVE ALL ROCKS GREATER THAN 2" DIAMETER AND ALL DEBRIS AND DELETERIOUS MATERIAL FROM PLANTING AREAS. F. PREPARE PLANTING BEDS PER SOIL TEST REPORT'S RECOMMENDATIONS, ADDING AMENDMENTS., FERTILIZER, AND OTHER MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED TO SITE TOP SOIL. 8. PLANTS: ALL PLANTS OF THE SAME SPECIES/CULTIVARNARIETY SHALL HAVE MATCHING FORM, FLOWER COLOR, AND SIZE, IN HEALTHY AND THRIVING CONDITION, FREE FROM INJURIES, DISEASES, PESTS AND ROOT -BOUND OR GIRDLING ROOTS. REPLACE REJECTED PLANTS WITH MATCHING SPECIES, SIZE AND FORM. 9. LAWNS: INSTALL VARIETYAS SHOWN ON PLANS AND IS SUITED FOR THE LOCAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO OWNER'S REP.'S APPROVAL. A. ROTOTILL TO 6" DEPTH AND GRADE SOIL TO SMOOTH GRADIENT AT 1 INCH BELOW FINISH GRADE. - S.INSTALLPLUGSPER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. G IRRIGATE LAWN THOROUGHLY AFTER INSTALLATION, ADJUST SPRINKLERS AS NECESSARY FOR UNIFORM COVERAGE. CONTINUE REGULAR IRRIGATION UNTIL SOD ROOTS ESTABLISH INTO SOIL AND THROUGHOUT MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 10. PLANTING: A. IRRIGATE PLANTING AREAS TO BRING TOP G" OF SOIL TO FIELD CAPACITY. ALLOW SOIL TO DRAIN. DO NOT WORK SOIL.UNTIL IT RETURNS TO A MOIST FRIABLE CONDITION. TREE EXCAVATIONS MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION. FLOOD TREE PITS AS REQUIRED TO MOISTEN SUBGRADE B. PLACE PLANTS IN THEIR CONTAINERS AT THE LOCATIONS PER PLANS FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER'S REP. MAKE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS AND TO ALLOW OPTIMAL IRRIGATION COVERAGE. C. PLANT QUANTITIES GIVEN ON PLANT LEGEND ARE FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE ONLY. PROVIDE THE SPECIFIED PLANT SPECIES IN THE QUANTITIES AT THE REQUIRED SPACING TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN EFFECTIINTENT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. D. PLANT GROUND COVER AND SHRUB MASSES ACCORDING TO TRIANGULATED SPACING DIAGRAM. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED. E. FOR TREES WITHIN 5 FEET OF PAVEMENT AND SLAB FOUNDATIONS, PRIOR TO TREE PLACEMENT, INSTALL ROOT BARRIER FABRIC WITH ROOT INHIBITING PELLETS 18" DEEP ALL AROUND THE PLANT PIT, WITH 4" MINIMUM END OVERLAP. F. PLANT TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND GROUND COVERS AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. G. INSTALL 3" DEEP WALK-ON BARK MULCH IN SHRUB BEDS. - 11. WARRANTY: WARRANT PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR ONE YEAR FROM. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK. REPLACE DEAD OR DYING PLANTS AND BROKEN IRRIGATION COMPONENTS WITHIN THIS PERIOD_ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. PREMIUM QUALITY PLANT MATERIAL IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, NO PLANT MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR. THIS PROJECT UNLESS IT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE UPPER END OF THE INDUSTRIES STANDARDS FOR THE SIZES SPECIFIED, ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE OF EXCELLENT FORM, SIZE, HEALTH, AND CROWN DENSITY. ANY PLANTS THAT DO NOT MEET THIS STANDARD WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ARCHITECT OR THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. 2. TREES SHALL BE STAKED AS PER THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATION 3. THERE SHALL BE NO SUBSTITUTIONS OR DELETIONS FROM ANY PLANT MATERIALS WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, THE OWNER, AND THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE. 4. THE DEVELOPER SHALL CONFORM TO ALL CITY CODES AND REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING ALL INSPECTIONS PERTAINING TO THIS INSTALLATION. 5. ALL LANDSCAPE DETAILS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.O.B. STANDARD DETAILS AND AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6. ALL TREES SHALL BE PLACED BEHIND THE LINE OF SIGHT AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. VERIFY WITH THE C.O.B. OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR TREE INSTALLATION, TREE AND SHRUBS WITHIN SIGHT LINE AND TREES OVER SIDEWALKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE DETAIL T-12 SHOWN ON PLANTING DETAILS SHEET. 7. PRIOR TO THE FINAL C.O.S. ACCEPTANCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY A PRE -EMERGENT WED CONTROL AS RECOMMENDED BY A CERTIFIED PEST CONTROL ADVISOR AND APPLIED BY A CERTIFIED PEST ADVISOR APPLICATOR. CONTACT THE C.O.B. FOR VERIFICATION OF APPLICATION. 8. LANDSCAPE AREAS WITHOUT AN ADJACENT WALL AT REAR OF LANDSCAPE AREA SHALL HAVE A CONCRETE MOW STRIP AT THE BACK OF THE LANDSCAPE AREA. REFER TO C.O.B. STANDARD DETAIL. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ON ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS A 3" LAYER OF MULCH: 3" REDWOOD BARK CHIPS SUPPLIED FROM A FRESH WATER MILL. MULCH SHALL BE UNIFORM IN COLOR AND FREE FROM WEEDS, SAWDUST, SEEDS, CONSTRUCTIVE MATERIALS AND SPLINTERS. ANY DYED PRODUCTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE O.O.B. SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL. 10. QUANTITIES ON THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE; THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSTALL ALL PLANT MATERIAL AS PER THE DESIGNED PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE. 11. ALL TREES UNDER UTILITY LINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER C.O.B. 12. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE C.O.B. PRIOR TO PLANTING. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE PERIOD NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO PERFORM WORK DURING THE POST -INSTALLMENT MAINTENANCE PERIOD, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ADEQUATE WATERING OF PLANT MATERIAL AND CONTROLLING WEEDS, RODENTS AND OTHER PESTS FOR A MINIMUM PERIOD OF THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE (365) DAYS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE PROJECT ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS FROM THE FIRST DAY AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETED, UNTIL FINAL WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECREATION& PARKS DEPARTMENT. 3. COST INCURRED DUE TO DAMAGE OR REPLACEMENT DURING THE POST -INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 4. ALL AREAS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO TURF, GROUNDCOVER AREAS, CONCRETE WALKS AND SLABS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AND FREE OF WEEDS, LITTER, AND DEBRIS. 5. BEFORE WEEDS EXCEED TWO (2) INCHES IN HEIGHT; THEY SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. SERIOUS WEEDS PESTS (I.E. BLACKBERRY, NUT SEDGE OR BIND WEEDS) SHALL BE SPOT SPRAYED WITH A NON-SELECTIVE POST -EMERGENT HERBICIDE AS SPECIFIED BY A WEED ABATEMENT COMPANY, AND LEFT IN PLACE FOR (7) SEVEN DAYS. AREAS SPRAYED SHALL REMAIN UNWATERED FOR A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS. DEAD WEEDS SHALL BE REMOVED SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER APPLICATION AND DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 6. CONSTANT DILIGENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE ADVENT OF DISEASES, INSECTS, ANDIOR RODENT INFESTATIONS AND PROPER PREVENTATIVE OR CONTROL MEASURES TAKEN. SHOULD THE CITY, DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD; DISCOVER THAT THE TERMS FOR THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD AS STATED HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN STRICTLY ADHERED TO, THEN THE DAYS ACCRUING TOWARD COMPLETION OF SAID MAINTENANCE PERIOD WILL BE TERMINATED. THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD WILL BE EXTENDED ONE (1) DAY FOR EACH DAY THE AREA IS OUT OF ITS MAINTENANCE PERIOD. AFTER THE AREA HAS BEEN BROUGHT UP TO CITY STANDARD, THE CITY WILL REQUIRE A RE -INSPECTION BY A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECREATION AND PARKS REPRESENTATIVE, WHEN THE INSPECTION IS COMPLETED, AND THE AREA IS IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION; THEN, AND ONLY THEN, WILL THE CITY RE -ACCEPT THE AREA IN WRITING. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPERLY AND COMPLETELY MAINTAIN ALL PARTS OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR DELIVERY OF WATER IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES AND ADJUST WATER APPLICATION TO COMPENSATE FOR SEASONAL CONDITIONS. 9.(3) THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION OF WORK. ANY REMOVED PLANTS NOT IN SATISFACTORY AND HEALTHY CONDITION FROM THE SITE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF LIKE KIND AND SIZE AND IN A MANNER SPECIFIED FOR ORIGINAL PLANTING. IF THE REPLACEMENT PLANTS DO NOT REPRESENT A SIMILAR FOLIAGE REPRESENTATION OF THE ORIGINAL PLANTED MATERIAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE PLANTS WITH NEXT AVAILABLE UP-SIZED CONTAINER. ALL GROUND COVER SHALL HAVE A TWELVE (12') INCH CLEARING FROM ALL STRUCTURES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SIDEWALK AREAS, WALLS, FENCES, MOW CURBS, VALVE BOXES, TREE BASES, SHRUBS, ETC: 10. BEFORE THE START OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT ON A (NEW) SET OF BLUE LINE PRINTS AN "AS BUILT' DRAWING. THE DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE ALL DEVIATIONS FROM THE ORIGINAL BID DOCUMENTS MADE DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT AFFECT THE MAIN LINES, CONTROLLER LOCATIONS, REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, QUICK -COUPLING VALVES, ALL SPRINKLER HEADS AND ALL PLANT MATERIAL. THE DRAWINGS SHALL ALSO INDICATE AND SHOW APPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS OF SIZE MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURER'S NAME AND CATALOG NUMBERS, ALSO, (2) SETS OF 11 X 17 LAMINATED "AS BUILT' WITH HIGHLIGHTED COLOR CODED IRRIGATION REFERENCE CHART AND SCHEDULE, KEYS TO THE CONTROLLER, AND TWO QUICK COUPLER VALVE KEYS WITH GATE VALVE HOSE BIB ATTACHMENT, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CIN. 11. BEFORE THE START OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ALL UNEDrFED INVOICES OF SAID RAIN BIRD EQUIPMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECREATION & PARKS REPRESENTATIVE FOR THEIR MAXICOM DOLLAR FUND. PLANT SCHEDULE (TREES BOTANICAL I COMMON NAME CONTAINER WUCOLS. QTY 1 I LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA'DYNAMITE' 24"BOX LOW 34 DYNAMITE CRAPE MYRTLE LAURUS NOBILIS'SARATOGA' 24" BOX MODERATE 11 SWEET BAY ✓' PYRUS CALLERYANA'ARISTOCRAT TM 24" BOX MODERATE 10 ARISTOCRAT FLOWERING PEAR .QUERCUS ILEX 24" BOX LOW 15 HOLLY OAK U) SHRUBS BOTANICAL l COMMON NAME CONTAINER WUCOLS QTY N Z O. BERBERIS THUNBERGII'CONCORDE' 1GAL MODERATE 139 Z W JAPANESE BARBERRY a W Ln > QN CALLISTEMON VIMINALIS'LITTLE JOHN' 5 GAL LOW 70 O U -C s DWARF. WEEPING BOTTLEBRUSH a O d 0 OSty� `o;i°��'°' DIETES BICOLOR 5 GAL LOW 358 Q W FORTNIGHT LILY a W C o z m ~ Q Q.� ��LL 0 LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 5GAL LOW 161 Q U5 TEXAS SAGE z }- Z W O UGUSTRUM JAPONICUM'TEXANUM' 5GAL LOW 200 WAX LEAF PRIVET W LOROPETALUM.CHINENSE RUBRUM 5GAL MODERATE 38 CHINESE FRINGE FLOWER `L_s' RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA'ORIENTAL PEARL' 5 GAL MODERATE 44 INDIAN HAWTHORN 0 ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS'COLLINGWOOD INGRAM' 1 GAL LOW 51 ROSEMARY m i WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSR'MORNING LIGHT 5GAL LOW 58.. v MORNING LIGHT COAST ROSEMARY 2 !r O z 20' D 5' 10' 20' DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN IMem� � NI8 DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L6.00 SHEET 9 OF 16 TRACT N531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 0111111111 DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN IMem� � NI8 DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L6.00 SHEET 9 OF 16 TRACT N531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 TRACT #9531 LMS 1.5-6531 Ph 2 BAKERSFIELD PHASE e, SEE MATCH LINE BELOW LEFT PHASE BOUNDARY ■ IUj 7 PHASE 2 .._ -i I `e,..— I {J I I i I � I a 4'. °. LU 1 DO f— zo -x- s W o 50 M3S s KEY MAP N Z � W v ( ,r9 o=m o r W 0 N �.IKo m 0 v a ffi J M F 4� Q 0,� i"l'i ao � K H z a _ �o =o� F7Q Y Q smLL U sZ W W W �J U) a 4 NUEe U I I b W n �.; m a' �Oi _ I m 1 i I� [L > L e . Lf f � li •. F- U� Ir z /I A. e Uj \ w o a / / @ °.e 6LJ / - DRAWING TITLE: ® i PLANTIN PLAN G ® i I 1 I i -4 I f e' ® I I �DSC V /I G� G 7®IFRIVE-_—�VOFCAL\4�4 -e ® Know what's �� below. ® Call ® I ��' ' Z DATE: 12/3/2018 ® before you ®- m ®.. S 1i 11il M t. 1 =20'-O" SCALE: V=20'-0" dig. SEE MATCH LINE TOP RIGHT n SEE MATCH LINE SHEET L6.02 20' 5 10' 20' DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: I L 6. 01 Drawing. C'Wsere\Mike McDonnell\eppdao\i calYempWrou011eh 2544\L6.00PH2.dwg 1,4p t L6.01 Dec21, 2016.1650am ' SHEET10OF i6 TRACT #9531 LMS 1.5-6531 Ph 2 7 M C)_ J W U) W z LU W a SEE MATCH LINE BELOW RIGHT ilm i; I II rl If I li` I d d a • .e • • 4 ,P INE OF T / CONST. TYPE "B" CURB & GUTTEIR WITH 5.5 COMB. SIOEh/ALK — TYR — o —1— 77747F� ° r �7 ! SEE MATCH LINE SHEET L6.01 �Im Lij �m m / 4 d Ui 17� ca / m I m I m� mI , I I I B I I , "• I j B I I I 'a ,• I m m I•, m I m m �I m I II m I m I ck� m / 1 a - m 1m--FU r BAKERSFIELD - 0 SEE MATCH LINE TOP LEFT Know what's z below. Call before you �=201-0• dig. - 20 0' 5' 10' 20' Dtawing_C]Uaers\Mika MCDonnell\apptlel0\I0mN1mp\ACP1b1,&h 2546\ WPH2Lwg L,l Lfi 02 Dec 27, 2018,1050am TRACT #6531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 I- �w 1 W M 0 N Lo O U a z Qc oo dITUJ L) o IT U <m Qcn°'� w Z I— ZW Ui J F- H U) m V F 0 m �II w s, IL L--`-- DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN \ZDSCA y * Demmbv,3,IDM8 �% Narunb0.30_201' �� 9rF �r CAL%F��� DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" DRAWN By: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L6.02 SHEET11 OF 16 TRACT #6531 LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 l Uj U) W dC cam &�Gu rT�F� WITH 5:5 COMB. SIDEWALK - TYR --- W------------------------------------ W -- �'r hi pi --' Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dmwin onUaer Wm m000nnon%apeaata%mraivemvww�ionsh—a6aaa6 ao PH2 mvg Layout L6.03 cec zz 2013, +osoam N 0q W W W U) Z J 2 Q W W R p I- LL W J ® ct W z ~ J 2 U cy W W c ['Cliff-IMMIM 0 z V=2D.-D.. 20• D' 5' 10, 20' � z Mr� 0 z S W J it 2 1 {— W W Z_ i J coO�a (Yo -2 W W U) U W Lo l Uj U) W dC cam &�Gu rT�F� WITH 5:5 COMB. SIDEWALK - TYR --- W------------------------------------ W -- �'r hi pi --' Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dmwin onUaer Wm m000nnon%apeaata%mraivemvww�ionsh—a6aaa6 ao PH2 mvg Layout L6.03 cec zz 2013, +osoam N 0q W W W U) Z J 2 Q W W R p I- LL W J ® ct W z ~ J 2 U cy W W c ['Cliff-IMMIM 0 z V=2D.-D.. 20• D' 5' 10, 20' w � 0 0 N W DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: V = 20'-V DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L6.03 SHEET 120F 1G TR cr #8531 LN 1.5-6531 Ph 2 z C14 z S W LL 2 1 {— W CO i Q N coO�a (Yo 0 U W Lo u=m U- LLJ NLL CL UJ 3 =ua t ¢ �WLL Q z QfnmF z i - J 2' CO w � 0 0 N W DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN DATE: 12/3/2018 SCALE: V = 20'-V DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L6.03 SHEET 120F 1G TR cr #8531 LN 1.5-6531 Ph 2 1.5-6531 Ph 2 � Know what's b@IOW. ® ® C811 before you d19. -T IXating: Z\D_Wlb OesiO^ Jo�S\Lm:nat1T2d653i\PFWSE 2\SHEETS1L8.00 PH2tlwg Layout'. L800 flec03, 1013, 140pm ..aeras semi�'.Ipaw Baal. For CENW A4Ea 9WL 6a 94V8)A7:OP � (787$8 AHYWf11n} 6MAlY.e]' r VRWaEm (AOSaO GP69PO4 ftR:' l,@E5-/RC S/RMS RAan-$qfl SYT3n3nnj/4l1' aaRi AAa A�iSAFR RIDg46' RSAlII, 9WtfiiE4ra8 !g0[,SV.T"tK No "MINT PE►AaNJ 7'RiA}W �'A�W.YN' aanamlraue L'alGpir M4iFaY rzLanseFi(a!arRRpu cw aw LF acre {" �WAN `fto"e STANDtX1 CUM rtaerarRaq.axav , J.- I irC1£RC FWU =TYPICAL SIGHT KH.PLANTER AREA Eff MAX. PLANTER, ARE� r STANDARD PLAN NO. AF�D L-12 QMOW RAMP NO PLANTER PLANTER 4 TURr AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVISIONS DETAIL FOR ar 10. WALL H01R RW AT AL. PEDIM =W6VIUM&Y AT 11PT TM POOCEM AO� TO L" ARM) IL ur LANDSCAPE MEDIANS L-12 MEDT N.T.S. l I aACRCF t/ER i�(8f 6YA RUXN .. I �TR,rr SIGHT LINES N.T.S. OS' OS'RAD. (IamJ OF FHYE flRYI® i0.la� ttfl4A1 ALL 56i5 6Rolff r, GUM{1HC NYE A'(2*rmJ K�fULE F3! LR f'YCO NILE • a NOH STaP iJl GfXJG1EETE MOW 57RIP 05' RFD. (8MU SEPARATE 71hfi PROM NI.RdII£Nt (SHO � TMLM1L ALL SM AY 9A' OS' W. Axu�l P6 (TRF (A.79pJ (OTvrJ iYPIGAI. TOP 5148 §� WMm-Z%MAK PALL . wPWRY FWRt PIAY6PPAD SMD � Sv715y 4PYM cawRcreA � 60 M0iV S1RP E1RR!- I MOW 37WP AT CHAIN LINK � � .• P)it�E AND WOOD FENCE o / &OGKYW.L� (Did COMPALTcL EARM OR NICE LpYF4iPNK Q� 1-14YEiRO1MD SIDEWALK tm NOTEB: OS°RAD. (15mm1 «eppE I.OlACa1RI:TAD®+.LOPE JaNTAi AT&IXYFBYE POST A\D TYPLN.iCP510Es eames'(4AM ox RLL onBeeANeREtEwFAes. JA'(�A.mJ I.,YL AAF/S TO Mtf1YE [QYFEtE'a61t11£LOMPKI✓D TO (�N01EW NA` 40A �4ATA108W1Y FORR➢NMOF 03°fBWmd ORPS W2nJ taPKRD aY 11l �f.>ffAiYm A°p PNVS GRtFG10R S. TOP OF kkV S'IRM'Jt+dLtP ID'tBmd AspeFRH91® ORALE WBI MllOPNf M1tT6 A�O3A'i40me A5fNE 6A°(1505eiJ - FOO11Na FlI-051@WiBl AD.4VBIFtO flINiBi 1NYK COWAl1E '� 4. YIFigctrl6RADFLNTtE Ebf SmEOF'RE W1L 5W5FBf MOW 41RfP MAM TE bPlDE Op ilE59REETSDEOF ilEW41. WATER \ PPG10'IM)GREXRED 9@GST 9TP1,9MD5R2T L-9>RYAN-W ' Pta YW'IHt PROOPRS fSliIX1@@115. BUXKFXL TIO 5A9A't0ZIn1 YL0E LOR:RE(E M%V SINP KP89APID FOR ALL ORFPYE LAYN AREAS FDJAGlM Tp Ab EN5TIN5 At Rp!'�PBlLEM41 OM51A1DASD 511EET X11, pETAY. M'1 N 79rA." ERVI�N1WAVH1BYINE REGIFANM PI&lPAPKSDIREOTAR POORTAfAWiRYM$tT.Attcc»:RtTE�JLW.EeOL45Ga°mxcowArePwrNPBt pry STAW/ipi,TI LATESP EOIPAM OFSFAMM t3�11E siMDAeO 9KFILATMW AVD l6 N'PRJrTD BYT E RAIFAT 'FAi MOW STRIP AT AR)PAPoS DIWLTAR WALL AND PELAGE 8. Mpi 51RR NA918 Vi41'aW111lYd1LE WA518t 9. MOW 51RP 51W.L�11L5T.WJID AT ALL P%RBtIYLRB. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVISIONS DETAIL FOR CONCRETE MOW STRIPS & PLAYGROUND SIDEWALK STANDARD L-1 PLAN NO. SUSOF I✓ — e �'�J ♦ �J eV� I ?�J� �� r . _ to nrtl = I KH.PLANTER AREA Eff MAX. PLANTER, ARE� r STANDARD PLAN NO. AF�D L-12 QMOW RAMP NO PLANTER PLANTER 4 TURr AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVISIONS DETAIL FOR ar 10. WALL H01R RW AT AL. PEDIM =W6VIUM&Y AT 11PT TM POOCEM AO� TO L" ARM) IL ur LANDSCAPE MEDIANS L-12 MEDT N.T.S. l I aACRCF t/ER i�(8f 6YA RUXN .. I �TR,rr SIGHT LINES N.T.S. OS' OS'RAD. (IamJ OF FHYE flRYI® i0.la� ttfl4A1 ALL 56i5 6Rolff r, GUM{1HC NYE A'(2*rmJ K�fULE F3! LR f'YCO NILE • a NOH STaP iJl GfXJG1EETE MOW 57RIP 05' RFD. (8MU SEPARATE 71hfi PROM NI.RdII£Nt (SHO � TMLM1L ALL SM AY 9A' OS' W. Axu�l P6 (TRF (A.79pJ (OTvrJ iYPIGAI. TOP 5148 §� WMm-Z%MAK PALL . wPWRY FWRt PIAY6PPAD SMD � Sv715y 4PYM cawRcreA � 60 M0iV S1RP E1RR!- I MOW 37WP AT CHAIN LINK � � .• P)it�E AND WOOD FENCE o / &OGKYW.L� (Did COMPALTcL EARM OR NICE LpYF4iPNK Q� 1-14YEiRO1MD SIDEWALK tm NOTEB: OS°RAD. (15mm1 «eppE I.OlACa1RI:TAD®+.LOPE JaNTAi AT&IXYFBYE POST A\D TYPLN.iCP510Es eames'(4AM ox RLL onBeeANeREtEwFAes. JA'(�A.mJ I.,YL AAF/S TO Mtf1YE [QYFEtE'a61t11£LOMPKI✓D TO (�N01EW NA` 40A �4ATA108W1Y FORR➢NMOF 03°fBWmd ORPS W2nJ taPKRD aY 11l �f.>ffAiYm A°p PNVS GRtFG10R S. TOP OF kkV S'IRM'Jt+dLtP ID'tBmd AspeFRH91® ORALE WBI MllOPNf M1tT6 A�O3A'i40me A5fNE 6A°(1505eiJ - FOO11Na FlI-051@WiBl AD.4VBIFtO flINiBi 1NYK COWAl1E '� 4. YIFigctrl6RADFLNTtE Ebf SmEOF'RE W1L 5W5FBf MOW 41RfP MAM TE bPlDE Op ilE59REETSDEOF ilEW41. WATER \ PPG10'IM)GREXRED 9@GST 9TP1,9MD5R2T L-9>RYAN-W ' Pta YW'IHt PROOPRS fSliIX1@@115. BUXKFXL TIO 5A9A't0ZIn1 YL0E LOR:RE(E M%V SINP KP89APID FOR ALL ORFPYE LAYN AREAS FDJAGlM Tp Ab EN5TIN5 At Rp!'�PBlLEM41 OM51A1DASD 511EET X11, pETAY. M'1 N 79rA." ERVI�N1WAVH1BYINE REGIFANM PI&lPAPKSDIREOTAR POORTAfAWiRYM$tT.Attcc»:RtTE�JLW.EeOL45Ga°mxcowArePwrNPBt pry STAW/ipi,TI LATESP EOIPAM OFSFAMM t3�11E siMDAeO 9KFILATMW AVD l6 N'PRJrTD BYT E RAIFAT 'FAi MOW STRIP AT AR)PAPoS DIWLTAR WALL AND PELAGE 8. Mpi 51RR NA918 Vi41'aW111lYd1LE WA518t 9. MOW 51RP 51W.L�11L5T.WJID AT ALL P%RBtIYLRB. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVISIONS DETAIL FOR CONCRETE MOW STRIPS & PLAYGROUND SIDEWALK STANDARD L-1 PLAN NO. SUSOF I✓ — L-1 N.T.S. -.�'--EQUAL--�'- NOTE: ALL SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER TO BE PLANTED AT EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. PLANT A MINIMUM OF 18" FROM SIDEWALKS, CURBS OR DRAINAGE SWALES. FA AMMALM STAKE STEW Amu PLANT SPACING C N.T.S. to LL LU 1 e �'�J ♦ �J eV� I ?�J� �� r . _ to nrtl I SII a_a r VIII I III W_, V (n °I 1 ANTINS _ e -7z D9 rY PLCITY OF BAKERSFIELD DETAIL FOR ME AND SHRUB PLANTING F 1 j +111 L-1 N.T.S. -.�'--EQUAL--�'- NOTE: ALL SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER TO BE PLANTED AT EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. PLANT A MINIMUM OF 18" FROM SIDEWALKS, CURBS OR DRAINAGE SWALES. FA AMMALM STAKE STEW Amu PLANT SPACING C N.T.S. to LL LU 1 e �'�J ♦ �J eV� I ?�J� �� r . _ to nrtl I SII a_a r VIII I III W_, V (n °I 1 ANTINS _ e -7z D9 rY PLCITY OF BAKERSFIELD DETAIL FOR ME AND SHRUB PLANTING F +111 1RVVIENE2 A10 APPROVED IW CITY` P� DIVIWkMMEOR1A LAJCITY OF BAKERSFIELDTYPICAL LANDSCAPE ALLOR FENCE SC L-1 3 WALL OR FENCE SCREEN- e �'�J ♦ �J eV� I ?�J� �� I SII a_a W_, (n DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING DETAILS ����were�b5v�i4 aot��y'\F OF CALlF4 DATE: 1273/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: J08 NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L8.00 SHEET74 OF: 1.5-6531 Ph 2 SII W_, (n DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING DETAILS ����were�b5v�i4 aot��y'\F OF CALlF4 DATE: 1273/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: J08 NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L8.00 SHEET74 OF: 1.5-6531 Ph 2 SII DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING DETAILS ����were�b5v�i4 aot��y'\F OF CALlF4 DATE: 1273/2018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: J08 NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L8.00 SHEET74 OF: 1.5-6531 Ph 2 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PART t - GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: Provide all labor; materials, transportation, and services necessaryto furnish and install irrigation systems as shown on the drawings and described herein. 1.2 Quality Assurance: - A. Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this Contract furnish directions Covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. B. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything Contained in these specifications shall not be Construed to conflict with my of the above rules and regulations or requirements of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings tail for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. C. Explanation of Drawings: 1. Due to the scale of the drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc., which may be required.. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatie and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features. 2. The word Landscape Architect as used herein shall refer to the Owner's authorized representative. 3. All work called for on the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the. specifications. 4. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences, or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the irrigation design. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorized representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revisions necessary. 1.3 Submittals: A. Material List: 1. The Contractor shall furnish the articles, equipment, materials, m processes specified by name in the drawings and specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Landscape Architect. 2. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to. performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number, and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Copies of catalog information shall not be substituted for the materials list, and will be rejected as unacceptable. 3. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Landscape Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 4. Approval of any dem, alternate, or substitute indicated only that the product apparently the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted 5. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Record Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up to date a -complete "record" set of blue line ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original drawings and specifications and the exact locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets and shall be the basis for measurement and payment for work completed. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. 2. The Contractor shall make neat and legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for inspection and shall be kept in a location designated by the Landscape Architect. 3. Before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shalt transfer all information from the record prints to a sepia mylar or mylar procured from the Landscape Architect. All work shall be neat, drawn in waterproof ink by a technical ink pen designed specifically for use on mylar material. Work completed in felt tip pen or ball point pen will be rejected because of the non -permanent nature of both devices. All work shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect. 4, The Contractor shall dimension from two permanent points of reference the location of the following item& a. Connection to existing water lines b. Connections to existing electrical power c Gate valves d. Routing of pressure mainline pipe e. Sprinkler control valves I. Routing of Control and common wire _ g. Quick coupling valves It. Other related equipment as directed by the Landscape Architect. 5. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the contacted and completed mylam to the Landscape Architect Delivery of the mylars will not relieve the Contractor at the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints he compiled at the site. C. Controller Charts: 1. Record drawings shall be approved by the Landscape Architect before Controller charts are prepared 2. Provide one Controller chart for each Controller supplied. 3, The chart shall show the area controlled by each automatic controller and shall be sized as designated by each automatic controller or as designated by the Owner's authorized representative. 4. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual record drawings. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it Shall be readable when the Controller chart is Completed. 5. The chart shall be a bloacline or btueline =slid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each control valve stafion. 6. When Completed and approved, the chart shall be sealed by a plastic laminating process. the plasstic laminating shaeets shallbe a minimum of 10 mil. thickness each. D ..lg:CW5e,5Vrtike McDon„ellbppdalaYoraNempVwPWIi51Lt9I38LL900 PH2.dwg t l.9W CecO3,c03, 2018, LPgpm D. Operation and Maintenance D. Galvanized Pipe Fittings: 3. Coordinate installation of sprinkler irrigation materials, including pipe so there shall be J. Sprinkler Heads: I- no interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, Z 1. Prepare and deliver to the Landscape Architect within ten calendar days prior to 1. Where indicated on the drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 mild steel and groundcovers. 1 Install the spnnkler heads as designated on the drawings. Sprinkler heads completion of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings each Containing screwed pipe. to be installed in this work shall be equivalent in all respects to those the following information: 4. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely itemized in the irrigation equipment legend. 2. Fittings shall be medium galvanized screwed beaded malleable iron. Galvanized proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. a. Index sheets stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment couplings may be merchant coupling. 2. Spacing of sprinkler heads shall not exceed the maximum as indicated with names and addresses of local manufacturer's representatives. Ugw m 3.2 Preparation: on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum b. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed 3. All galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade shallbe painted with two costs of recommended by the manufacturer, - under this contract. Koppers 50 Bltumastic. A Physical Layout: IY C. Guarantee statement (Section 1,05). - 3.4 Temporary Repairs: The Owner reserves the Tight to make temporary repairs d. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major pieces of equipment E. Gate Valve: 1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stakeout all pressure supply lines, routing, to keep the sprinkler system equipment in operating Condition. The exercise W and location of sprinkler heads. of this right by the Omer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities 2. In addition to the above mentioned maintenance manual, provide the Owners 1 Gate valves 3 -inches and smaller shall be 125 -Ib. SWP bronze gate valve with screwtim J under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified, maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipment and show evidence in bonnet, non -rising stem and solid wedge disc, have threaded ends, and be equipped with 2. All layout shall be approved by Landscape Architect prior to installation. writing to the Landscape Architect at the conclusion of the project that this service has bronze wheel handle. 3.5 Existing Trees: Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the been rendered. B. Water.Supply: Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Z Gate valves 3 -inches and smatter shall be similar to those manufactured by Nibco or Excavation in areas where 2 -inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. E. Equipment to be Furnished: approved equal 1. Sprinkler irrigation system shall be Connected to water supply points of connection as All roots 2 -inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or shown on drawings. conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to 1. Supply as part of this contract the following tools: 3. All gate valves shall be installed per installation detail prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run close to 2. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shownon the drawings, trees having roots smaller than 2 inches in diameter, the wall of the trench a. Two sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling, and F. Quick Coupling Valves: Quick Coupling valves shall have a brass two-piece body Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site Conditions. adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve installed under this Contract. designed for working pressure of 150 PSI operable with quick Coupler key. 112 inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of tree seal, or Key size and type shall be as shown on plans. C. Electrical Supply equal. Trenches adjacent to trees should be closed within 24 -hours, and where b. Two five-foot valve keys for operation of gate valves (as required). this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept G. Backflow Provender Unit 1 Electrical Connections for automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of shaded with budap or canvas. c. Two keys for each automatic Controller or enclosure. d. Six quick Coupler keys and matching hose swivels for each type of 1. Backflow prevention units shall be of size and type indicated on the irrigation Connection as shown on thedrawings. 3.6 Field Quality Control: quick Coupling valve installed. p � drawings. Install the backflow prevention units in accordance with the irrigation 2. Connections shatl be made at approximate locations as shown on the drawings construction details. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. A. Adjustment of fine System: 2. The above mentioned equipment be timed over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final inspection can occur, evidence that the Owner has received 2. Wye Strainers at backflow prevention units shall have a bronzed screwed body with 1. The Contractor shaft flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum material must be shown to the Landscape Architect. .100 mash monel screen and shall be similar to Bailey 100A or approved equal. 3.3 Installation: performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings as much as possible. 1.4 Product Protection, Storage, and Handling: H. Check Valves: A Trenching: 2. it it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will 1. Swing check valves 2 -inches and smaller shall be 200 lbs. WOG bronze bronze 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor may A. Handling of PVC Pipe and The Contractor andfioned to exercise care in construction and replaceable composition, neoprene or rubber disc, and shall meet or even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on the drawings also include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. ,and St handling, loading, unloading, and storing of PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be exceed Federal Specification WW -V-511 D, Class A, Type IV, and as noted. transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to fie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any pipe section of that has been 2. Provide for a minimum cover of 18 -inches for all pressure supply lines. 3. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contract shall be accomplished within ten days after notification. by Owner or Landscape Architect. dented or damaged will be discarded; and if installed; shall be replaced with new piping. 2. Anti -drain valves shall be of heavy-duty virgin PVC construction wnh F.I P. thread inlet and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel with Buna-N seals. Valve shall be 3. Provide for a minimum cover of 12 -inches for all non -pressure lines. 1.5 Analysis of samples and tests: None. field adjustable against drawout from 3 to 40 feet of head. Anti -drain valve shall be 4. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grade similar to the King Bros. "CV' series or approved equal. 4. Provide for a minimum Cover of 1&inches for all Control wiring. unless otherwise designated on the plan or as required for proper (slopes, etc.). 1.6 Guarantee:coverage I. Control Wring: B. Backfilling: B. Testing of Irrigation System: A. The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation system shall be made in accordance with the 1. Connections between the automatic controllers and the electric Control valves shall be 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are performed. Trenches attached form. The general conditions and supplementary Conditions of these made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. volt. sharing the same frig, shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved fors, 1. The Contractor shall request the resence of the Lands Ar 9 cepa Architect specifications shall be filed with the Owner or his representative prior to acceptance of the automatic Controller shall be the same Color. Common wire shall be white in color with a Common im shill b consisting of earth; loam, sandy day, sand or other approved materials, free from free inventing at least 48 hours in advance of any testing a irrigation system, stripe to match the pilot wires with which it is circuited on the same Controller. Provide large clods of earth or stones. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in 2. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 PSI and B. A copy of the guaranies form shall be included in the operations and maintenance different colors for each controller installed on the same project. Install wire in accordance with valve manufacturers Specifications and wire chart. In no case shall P landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Backfill will Conform to adjacent grades without di 9 cis, sunken areas, humps, or other prove watertight. manual Section 1.03, D . ( ) wire size be less than #14. surface irregularities Note: Testing of pressure main line piping shall occur prior to installation C. The guarantee form shalt be re -typed onto the Contractors letterhead and contain the 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as 2. A floe granular material backfill will be initially placed on all lines. No foreign . of electric control valvesor quick Coupling valves. following information: pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. matter larger than 112 -inch in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. 3. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 psi and proved watertight, prior to paving. GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM 3. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at 3. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with approval of the Landscape Architect. 4. Sustain pressure in tested tines for not less than two hours. if leaks We herebyintervals guarantee that the sprinkle system we have furnished and installed is flee from often feet develop, replace joints and repeal test until entire system is proven defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. We. agree to repair or replace any defects in material or - 4. An expansion cud shall be provided each wire connection. Expansion curl shall 0e of p 4. If settlement occurs and subsequent essary,men he in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn, or planting, or other construction as necessary, the Contractor shall make all required watertight. - workmanship which may develop during the p y p g period of one year from the date of acceptance sufficient length at splice connection at each electric control valve so in case of adjustments without cost to the Owner. I 5. All h y tic tests shall be madeonlyb the presence of the and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such beach repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to surface without disconnection of the y ction o cape Landscape Architect. No pe pipe shall be backfilled until has been a defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall make p within a repairs or replacements control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching of G. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving: g 9 observed, tested, and approved in writing. pp reasonable time after receipt of written nn a naso the Owner. a the event of our failure to of our make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice control wore conductors. i. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete or concrete will be 6. Contractor shall furnish force pump &alt other test equipment necessary. from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements 5. All splices shall be made with .Rainbird ST-03UL Snap-Tite wire Connector with PT/S5 installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layer six -inches below the pipe and 3 -inches - - When the sprinkler irrigation system is Completed, perform a coverage made at our expense and we will pay the Costs and charges therefore upon demand, sealer or approved equal. Use one wire Connector per wire splice. above the pipe), and Compacted in layers to 95% Compaction, using manual or test in the presence of the. Landscape Architect to determine if the mechanical tamping devices. Trenches for piping shall be Compacted to equal the water coverage for planting areas is Complete and adequate, Furnish (The above statement is to be followed by the project name, location, signature, address, Compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and shall be left in a firm all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies and telephone number of Irrigation Contractor, in addition to the date of acceptance). 6. Field splices between the automatic controller and electric control valves will not be unyielding condition. The sprinkler irrigation Contractor shall set in place, cap, and of Coverage due to the deviation from plans, or where the system has PART 2 -MATERIALS permitted without prior approval of the Landscape Architect. .pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. been willfully installed as indicated on the drawing when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape 2.1 General: Use only new materials of brands and types noted on the drawings, J. Automatic Controller: 2. Where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and/or Concrete is necessary it shall be Architect. This test shall be accomplished before any groundcover is planted. specified herein, or approved equals. 1. Automatic Controller shall be of size and type shown on the drawings, done and replaced by the Contractor as part of the contract cost. Permission to cut or PVC pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings: breA sidewalks ncretteishalllbe Concreteobtained fromthe Landscape Architect. 6. Upon Completion of each phase of work, the emire system shalt be 2. Final location of automatic controller shall be approved by the Owner's authorized nnd/oor No hydraulic undew Y 9 pe paving. tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. 1, Pressure main fine piping for sizes 2 and 1/2 inch and larger shall be PVC Class 315. representative prior to installation. D. Assemblies: 3.7 Maintenance: 2. Pipe shall be made from an NSF roved Type 1 Grade 1 PVC compound conforming fP 4PP YP P g 3.. Unless otherwise noted on the. plans, the 120 -volt electrical power to the automatic 1. Routing of sprinkler irrigation fines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic: Install. A The entire. sprinkler. irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven days prior to any and for 90 to ASTM resin All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Controller location shall be furnished b others. The final hook-up of the automatic y p lines and various assemblies in such a manner as to conform with the details ( ) per plans planting days after inspection to begin maintenance S-22-7 (Sol ent W Specification PS -22-70 (Solvent Weld Pipe) with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R) controller to the 120 -volt source shall be the responsibility of the irrigation Contractor. 2. Install no multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. � p y period.. B. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to waive or shorten the 1 Pressure main eine piping for sizes 2inch and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 K. Electric Control Valves: 3. Install allassemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. M absence of operation period. with solvent welded joints. 1. Electric control valves shalt be of the size and type shown on the drawings. detail drawings or specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with the best standard practice with prior approval of 3.8 Clean-up: Clean-up shall be made as each portion of work progresses. 4. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1, Grade 1, PVC Compound Conforming to 2. Unless otherwise noted on plan or Construction details, all electric control valves shall have the Landscape Architect. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site. All walks and paving ASTM resin specification D1785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in a manual flow adjustment, shalt be broomed or washed down, and any damage sustained on the work Federal Specification PS -21-70 (Solvent -Weld Pipe). 4. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and moisture of others shall be repaired to original Conditions. 3. Provide and install one Control valve box for each electric control valve. before installation. installation and solvent -weld methods shall be as 5. PVC solvent -weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1.2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to L. Control Valve Boxes: recommended by the pipe and fitting manufacturer. 3.9 Final Observation Prior to Acceptance: ASTM test procedure 02486. 1. Use 10" x 10 1/4" round box for all gate valves,. Carson Industries 910-12B with green 5. On PVC to metal connectiors, the Contractor shall work the metal Connections & The Contractor shall operate each system in its entirety for the Landscape Architect at the fine of final inspection. Any items deemed 6. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent -weld pipe and fittings shall be of the type and bolt down cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve shall be PVC-&fich minimum size. first. Teflon tape, or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, not acceptable by the qualified observer shall be reworked to the installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. and on ail threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is all that is complete satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. 2. Use 9-12" x 16" x 11" rectangular box for all electric control valves, Carson required. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC 7. All PVC pipe must beer the following markings Industries 1419-12B with green bolt down cover or approved equal - adapters into which the pipe may be welded. B: The Contractor shall show evidence to the Landscape Architect that a.. Manufacturers name M. Sprinkler Heads: E. line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance 6 inches from ce o the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings and b. Nominal pipe size c. Schedule or lass 1. All sprinkler heads shall be of the size, type, and deliver the same rate precipitation other and from lines of other trades, Parallel lines shall not be installed directly equipment as required before final observation can occur. d. Pressure rating in PSI with the diameter (or radius) of spray, pressure, and discharge in G.P.M. as shown over one another. 3.10 Observation Schedule: e. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval on the drawings and/or specified in these special provisions. F. Automatic Controller Install per manufacturer's instructions. Remote control valves A. Contractor shall be responsible for rwtifying the Landscape Architect in. f: Date of extrusion 2. All spray type sprinklers shall have a screw adjustment. shall be Connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the drawings. advance for the following observations according to the Time indicated: 8. All fittings shall bear themanufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, G. High Voltage Wiring forAutomatic Controller: 1. Pre -job conference - 7 days. applicable I.P.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. 3, Riser/swing joint assemblies shall be fabricated in accordance with the irrigation Construction details shown on the drawings. 1. 120-voit power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by 2. Pressure supply line installation and testi 48 ppY ng - hours. B. PVC Non -Pressure Lateral Line Piping: 4: Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same size as the riser opening in the the Irrigation Contractor. 1 Automatic controller Installation - 48 hours. 4. Control wire installation - 48 hours. 1. Nan -pressure boned lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 with solvent -weld joints. sprinkler body. 2. All electrical work shall Conform to local codes, ordinances, and union authorities having jurisdiction. 5. Lateral line and sprinkler installation - 48 hours. 6. Coverage test -48 hours 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type 1, Grade 11, PVC Compound Conforming to PART 3 - EXECUTION H. Remote Control Valves: Install where shown on the drawings and par detail. 7. Observation to begin maintenance period - 7 days. . 8. Final Observation-7days. ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal 3.1 Inspection: When grouped together, allow at least 12 inches between valve boxes Specifications PS-22-70withan appropriate standard dimension ratio. Install each remote control valve in a separate. valve box. B. When observations have been conducted by other than the Landscape 3. Except as noted in paragraphs i of 2 of Section 2.010, all requirements for non- pressure A. Site Conditions: I. Flushing of System Architect, show evidence of when & b: Y whom these observations were made.. lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent -weld pressure main line 1. Alt scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify all site 1 After all news rinkler i fines and risers are in lace and Connected all p C. No observation will commence without record drawings. In the event the pipe and fittings asset forth in Section 2.018 of these specifications. dimensions and receive Landscape. Architect's approval prior to proceeding with work under this section. r P necessary diversion work has been completed, and poor to installation of - i Contractor calls for an observation without record drawings, g ; without. C: Brass Pipe and Fittings: -OMIT sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water completing previously noted corrections, or without preparing the system 2. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall used flush out the system. for observation, he shall be responsible for reimbursing the Landscape P 9 pe 1. Where indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe Conforming to Federal be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. Architect at the rate per hour (portal to portal) plus transportation costs, Specification WW -P-351. Check existing utilities drawings or call utilities Companies for existing utility locations. 2. Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been for the inconvenience. No further observations will be scheduled until accomplished accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. this charge has been paid. 2. Fittings shall be red brass conforming to Federal Specification WW -P-460. DRAWING TITLE: SPECIFICATIONS ��\ Uccmm�3>zots /@I DATE: 12/32016 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L9.00 SHEET15OF16 TRACT #6531 WD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 U) I- 04 Z Z W (� 2 t W Cr) %N m®OT TICY Ugw m vC�To LL 0. 2'. j.- WX U 9 IY UQ�WLL Q fPJ Z W W W J � DRAWING TITLE: SPECIFICATIONS ��\ Uccmm�3>zots /@I DATE: 12/32016 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L9.00 SHEET15OF16 TRACT #6531 WD 1.5-6531 Ph 2 MAINTENANCE PERIOD NOTES: 1. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment to perform work during the post -installment maintenance period, as specified herein including but not limited to: adequate watering of plant material and controlling weeds, rodents and other pests for a minimum period of three hundred.. and sixty-five (365) days 2. The contractor shall maintainthe project on a continuous basis from the first day after planting is completed, until final written acceptance by the City of Bakersfield Recreation & Parks Department.. 3. Cost incurred due to damage or replaimment during the post -installation maintenance period shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 4. All areas including, but not limited to turf, grmmdwver areas, concrete walks and slabs shall be kept clean and free of weeds, litter and debris. 5. Before weeds exceed two (2) inches in height, they shall be removed and disposed of off-site, Serious weeds pests (i.e. blackberry, nut sedge or bind weeds) shall be spot sprayed with a non-selective post -emergent herbicide as specified by a weed abatement company, and left in place for (7) seven days. Areas sprayed shall remain unwatered for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours. Dead weeds shall be removed seven (7) days after application and disposed of off-site. 6. Constant diligence shall be maintained for the advent of diseases, insects, and/or rodent infestations and proper preventative or control measures taken. Should the city, during the maintenance period, discover that the terms for the maintenance period as stated herein have not been strictly adhered to, then the days accruing toward completion of said maintenance period will be terminated. The maintenance period will beextended one (1) day for each day the area is out of its maintenance period. After the area has been brought up to city standard, the city will require a re -inspection by a City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks representative. When the inspection is completed, and the area is in satisfactory condition, then, and only then, will the city re -accept the area in writing. 7. The contractor shall property and completely maintain all parts of the irrigation system. 8. The contractor shall provide for delivery of water in sufficient quantities and adjust water application to compensate for seasonal conditions. 9. (3) Three weeks prior to the conclusion of the maintenance period, the contractor shall contact the city's representative to perform a final inspection of work. Any removed plants not in satisfactory and healthy condition from the site shall be replaced with material of like kind and size and in a manner specified for original planting. If the replacement plants do not represent a similar foliage representation of the original planted material, the contractor shall replace plants with the next available up-sized container. All ground cover shall have a twelve (12") inch dearing-from all structures including but not limited to: sidewalk areas; walls, fences, mow curbs, valve boxes, tree bases, shrubs, etc. 10. Before the start of the maintenance period. The contractor shall prepare and submit on a (new) set of blue line prints an "as built" drawing. The drawings shall include all deviations from the original bid documents made during construction that affect the main lines, controller locations, remote control valves, quick -coupling valves, all sprinkler heads and all plant material. The drawings shall also indicate and show approved substitutions of size material and manufacturer's name and catalog numbers. Also, a set of 11 x 17 laminated "as bui8" With highlighted color coded irrigation reference chart and schedule, keys to the controller, and two quick coupler valve keys with gate valve hose bib attachment, shall be submitted to the city. 11. Before the start of the maintenance period, the contractor shall submit all unedited invoices of said rain bird equipment to the city of Bakersfield Recreation & Parks representative for their maxicom dollar fund. Drawing. CAUserAxke emonnauawaata%W um,Pwa Uu !,192ML9.00 Pn2.mg Laywt Min ox W, 201 e, c2o . LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: t The work included in these specifications shall consist of the furnishing of all labor, tools, materials, permits, appliances, taxes and all other costs, foreseeable and unforeseeable at the time of contracting necessary and appropriate for the installation of the accompanying drawings. 2. No deviation from these specifications or from the agreement or from the general conditions is authorized and no such deviation shall be made unless the written authorization, therefore signed by the Owner or his duly authorized representative, has been obtained in advance. 1.2 Interpretation of Plans and Specifications: A. The Landscape Architect will Interpret the meaning of any part of the any plans and .specifications about which any misunderstanding may arise, and his decision will be final B. Should there appear to be an error or discrepancy in or between the plans, specifications & planting lists, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the Landscape Architect foradjustment before proceeding with the work. Should the Contractor proceed with the work without so referring the matter, he does so on his liability. 1.3 Quality Assurance: A. Quality of work: The Landscape Architect shall be notified at least two days prior to work commencement, by the Contractor and prior to inspection visits by the Landscape Architect. All work shall be done in a good workmanlike manner in accordance with all plans and specifications and best considered practice, shall meet with the approval of the Landscape Architect and Owner and shall be in accordance with the requirements of local building codes and laws. Any defective work will be redone at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Landscape Architect. B. Permits: The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary building permits from the city of other governments[ authorities. C. License requirements: The Contractor shall carry necessary Contractor's California State License or Certificate for type of work listed, such as the Landscape Contractor's License. D, Insurance coverage: The contractor shalt carry all necessary compensation and liability insurance to cover his workmen and work to protect the Owner from any possible damage suit or lien on the Owner's property in the course of the work by the Contractor and will show the Owner such evidence of above indicated insurance coverage prior to initiating work. E. Property, etc., Damage responsibility: 1. The Contractor is to protect at all times all existing utilities, structures, trees, plants and other features intended to remain on and adjacent to the job site and to repair or replace any damaged items in a neat and good workmanlike manner during and due to his work on the job and he shall assume all damage or injury that may result to all such property and/or to persons where such damage or injury is caused in connection with his work or is due to his negligence or to his leaving open or unprotected portions of streets or other property. 2. Should any part of the work under this contract be damaged by other contractors, the Contractor and party causing such damage shall make adjustments between themselves and not with the Owner relative to the repairs or reconstruction and payment for same.. F. Knowledge of site: It is assumed that the Contractor has visited the site and familiarized himself as to the site conditions and shall have verified all dimensions as well as ascertaining the means of getting Into the site and any other factors affecting the work. 1.4 Costs: A. Segregation of costs: At the time of execution of the contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the office of the Owner, for purposes of accounting and scheduling, a segregated cost schedule or breakdown of the contract price, listing the various components in the plans as well as unit prices of each component Specified in a form satisfactory to form the Owner. These schedules shall also be used as the basis in formulating the progress payments to be made to the Contractor and these cost breakdowns shall be part of the contract. B. Extras or changes: Any extras or changes from the contract on the job shall have the prior approval of the Landscape Architect and must be approved in writing by the Landscape Architect and Owner. C. Increased costs: If the extra or change is to be done at increased cost over and above the contract fee, the Owner shall sign the Contractor's written request for such additional funds for extra work prior to actually doing this work. 1.5 Product protection, storage and handling: A. Site condition: The Contractor, in the course of his work, is to keep the site in a neat and tidy condition as much. as is practical so as not to disturb the normal usage of the surrounding areas by the Owner or by others. B. Site clearance: Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shallproperly clean and tidy such work and the surrounding areas used by and remove any or all excess materials, dirt, debris from the site or to dispose of same as directed by the. Landscape Architect. C. Owner's materials: During the course of the work, any materials, equipment and services may be provided by the Owner and used by the Contractor inthe job, for such materials, equipment, and services, the Contractor is to give credit to the Owner at the standard current rate for such items, Such credit, if any, will appear in the final billing by the Contractor to the Owner. D. Plans and specifications: All landscaping including plants, ground covers, soil additives and other miscellaneous landscape items shalt be provided and installed - in strict accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Owner. E, Changes: The Owner shall have the fight to make minor changes in the landscape design and installation to insure practicality of design and for aesthetic reasons at no additional cost. PART 2- MATERIALS 2.1 Grading: Grade all areas by filling and/or removing surplus sop as needed to ensure proper grades and drainage as indicated on the plans. Unless otherwise noted, finish grade shall be below hardscape as follow: 2" for ground cover areas, 1" for lawn areas. 2.2 Moisture content: The soil shall not be worked when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur nor shall it be so dry that dust will occur and form in the air or that clods will not break readily. Water shall be applied, if necessary, to provide ideal moisture content fortilling. 2.3 Weed removal: Weeds, Pius bermuda grass, etc., shall be dug out from all planting areas by their roots wherever possible and removed from the site: Where necessary to discourage moccurence of this material the Contractor shall a one or more treatments of a satisfactory ry chemical per manufacturer's directions in regard to concentration plus allowance of an ample period of time for effective performance prior to cultivation. The site shall be maintained in a weed and litter free condition during the maintenance period. Weeds shall be removed at frequencies adequate to prevent the maturation of weed seeds. 2.4 Plants: A. Inspection: Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval or rejection by the Landscape Architect at place of growth and/or the project site at any time before or during progress or work for size, variety,' condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shalt be removed from the site immediately. B. Conditions: Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests or their eggs and shall have healthy normal root systems, well filling their containers, but not tn. the point of being root bound. 2.5 Protection: Protect and maintain all plants from sun, drought, wind, theft, rain and heat at all times before and during planting operation. 2.6 Planting requirements for trees and shrubs: A. Plant materials in quantities and sizes specified shall, after grading operations, be spotted approximately as shown on the landscape drawings and are to be approved by the Landscape Architect before being removed from containers and excavating soil for planting. B. All backili materials shall be mixed thoroughly on site before using. See soil anslasyst from soil engineers for exact compaction rates. PART 3 - EXECUTION 39 Planting: A. Container -grown plants to be planted in plant pits two (2) times widw than plant container and a depth of twice the height of plant container. Plant crown to be slightly higher than its natural growingheight after settlement. & Pruning of plants will not be tolerated. C. Ali plants shall be watered immediately, before balling planting pits. D. All areas receiving plants and/or hydroseeding shall be moist to a depth of 6" at time of planting. E. Plant all plants 5' minimum from irrigation heads (slopes only). F. Scarify the sides of each root ball prior to planting if circular root is evident G. Plant quantities on the plan are for the Contractor's convenience and not guaranteed to be accurate. H. Plant symbols take precedence over quantities specified. 32 All work shall be as directed by Owners field representative, who shalt be appointed prior to the commencement of the work. 3.3 Contractor shall submit all material receipts to Landscape Architect. 3.4 Maintenance: A. Maintenance period shall not begin until entre installation is accepted by the Owner. B. Maintenance period shall be for the following duration: 90 Days. 1. All plants and planting shall be guaranteed for the following durations beginning at the first day of the maintenance period. N Z Trees and shrubs, 15 gallon and larger.... 1 Year Potted plants & pottery............ _ ....... 1 Year Shrubs, 5 gallon and smaller. . . ...... .... 90 Days Ground rover.. . . . . .................... 90 Days Lawn ............................. _.... 90 Days 2. All dead, damaged or broken plant material, including sodded and Beetled lawns and ground cover, shall he replaced at two-week intervals. C. .Fertilize with 2 lbs. actual nitrogen per 1000 sq, ft. at end of 30 days. Landscape Architect will specify type, depending on season. Perform last fertilizing at end of maintenance period in the presence of the Landscape Architect. PART 4 - PLANTING NOTES 4.1 Landscape Contractor shall repair and/or replace any damaged plant material which is damaged due to his negligence. - 4.2 Landscape Contractor shall be backcharged for Landscape Architect's time in locating any landscape material as requested by the construction manager. 4.3 Landscape Contractor shall submit all amendment quantity receipts to construction manager and/or Landscape Architect for approval. 4.4 Contractor shall perform all fertilizing in the presence of the construction manager or Landscape Architect. Soil test per contractor. 4.5 Contractor is responsible for maintaining all areas in a weed and debris free condition throughout the maintenance period. (See specifications). 4.6 Plant symbols take precedence over plant quantities. 4.7 All plants shall be protected against heat, sun, wind and frost during transportation to the site. and while being held at the site. Do not store plants in total darkness for more than one day. 4.8 Wilted plant material shall not be planted or used on the project. 4.9 Do not damage plant root during transportation or planting process. 4.10 Plant material may be rejected at any time by the Landscape Architect due to condition, form or damage before or after planting 4.11 Landscape Architect shall approve final placement of all trees, shrubs and Area; prior to planting. 4.12 All surface rock and debris 3" and larger shall be removed from planting areas and then from the site. 4A 3 Crown of plant shall be slightly higher, after settling, than adjacent soil. 4.14 Prune trees as directed by Landscape Architect after inspection 4.15 Remove water basins from all trees located in lawn areas prior to hydroseeding installation. 4.16 Any and a6 damage in new and existing paving caused by the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and be repaired by the Contractor. 4.17 Installall trees and shrubs prior to planting of groundcover and/or hydroseeding. PART 5-HYDROSEEDING MATERIALS. -OMIT 5.1 Seed: A, Label seed and furnish in sealed standard containers with signed copies of a statement from seed vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with California State Agricultural Code and is equal to or better than requirements of this section. B. Contractor shall submit all seed labels and certification letter to landscape architect for verification and approval. C. Seed which has become wet, moldy or otherwise damaged in transit or storage will be rejected. 5. Fiber Mulch: A. Composed of green colored wood cellulose fiber containing no germination or growth inhibiting factors. B. Mulch is to be manufactured in such a manner that after the addition of seed, fertilizer, water and additives in a special 1,500 gallon slurry tank, the fibers and above materials will become uniformly mixed to form a homogeneous slurry. C. Weight specifications of this material from the suppliers and for all applications, shall refer only to the air dry weight of the fiber matenais. Absolute air dry weight is based on the normal standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp Industry for wood cellulose and is considered equivalent to 10 moisture. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the namufacturers to show the air dry weight content. D. Acceptable. Manufacturer. Comved, 5.1 Seed: A. Dry, organic powder hydrocoilofd formulation. B. Hydrate and disperse in a mixing tank with ckculating water from a homogeneous slurry; either alone or in combination with other materials. pH to be stable in presence of fertilizer. G Application of soil and mulch tacldfier to be made at a minimum rate of: a. Flat areas -86 pounds per acre b. Sloped areas (3:1 or steeper) -120 pounds per acre. D. Acceptable Manufacturer: Ecology wntrobM Binder by Conwed. E. Chemical germinating additives shall be " Catalytic Pre -Emerge" or approve equal. F. Urea formaldehyde shall be a pelletized commercial fertilizer for hydromulch slurry END R1 N Z d W W > lCD Q 04 OUQ �U X2 vF p o a LL Wa. a' tYF-zy ~ < LYue Q � 03 Z I - Z W H v 0 I I k` i I 3 w t 0 z „ z 0 M_ rc DRAWING TITLE: SPECIFICATIONS �,MIDSCAp6 Qa o. M -Epi, �G 5669 n berl2618 S� � �.6er8o, aroi9 1� op CA DATE: 121312018 SCALE: NA DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: 1510700 SHEET: L9.01 SHEET160F 16 TRACT ke531LMD 1.5-6531 Ph 2