HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/15/19 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDAITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ..... :t01S HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION —1Tv CLERK'S OFFICE] MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 2019 AGENDA MEETING COG P.M City Hall North, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor, Conference Room B A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the October 16, 2018;meeting for approval. D. CLOSED:SESSION None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS None POSTED ON 0y City Clerk's Office City Of leld b, NEW BUSINESS t. Historic Property and Community Outreach: The Commission to discuss community outreach activities and materials. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted. gl_C ' I jA,vt� Jac uelyn . Kitchen Development Services Director It anyonewantsmoreinformation on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Principal Planner of Economic. Development; Development Services Department at 16611.3263788. s:smcogw«nro �'v xocveG rnebirpN II-esty wcwy=,wo<z+ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OFOotobw 16, 2018 MINUTES Vice Chair Montgomery called theregular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, at 4:00 p.m, at Conference Room B, 1600 Truxtun Avenue. Roll Gall was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy Cathy Butler MEMBERS ABSENT:. Scott Fieber STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Joshua Rudnick Vid King Nicholas Vu PUBLIC STATEMENTS: Two college -students. one from CSUB and another from BC, were in attendance. Commissioner Montgomery asked for introductions and welcomed them. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes from the August 21, 2018 meeting. CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None REPORTS None OLD BUSINESS: Mills Act Program Update: Cecelia presented. updates for the progress of the Mills Act Program: • A draft for a letter was approved by the. Commission for use to contact potential historic property owners. • Mills program will likely be brought back to Leg. & Lit, Commiftee, next year. • Program development will resume after letters of support for the program are compiled from the community. • Once all is completed, a possible approval by City Council in Fall 2019. NEW BUSINESS None COMMISSION STATEMENTS: Commissioner Buffer. Kern County Fire Department has established a partnership with the Fox Theater Foundation to renovate a warehouse facility behind the Fox Theatre in downtown Bakersfield. The facility will be converted Into a museum document the history and house memorabilia of fire department. Commissioner Montgomery: The California Office of Historic Preservation has responded to inquiries regarding the status of The Dome. They offered toprovide. local training on the Mills Act and other historic preservafion took. Commissioner Stussy:_ Outreach for the Historic Preservation Commission may want to include printed maps and pictures to use as posters. She will reach out to Kem County Museum on using historic photos and asked staff is there is a budget to get them printed and framed. Additionally, one plaque remains unmounted on the Monet Building. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. by Commissioner Montgomery. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Dale: January l.5, 20:9 Agenda Section: New Business I Agenda Rem: L T. TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Development Services. Department WE January 8, 2019 suRJECT: Historic Property and Community Outreach Staff has drafted the attached letter to historic property owners with information on cultural designation and development of a Mills. Act program For the Commission's historic property and community outreach activities. Staff as also printed two historic photos and historic map for display and public. education at community events.. Prints of the phoios and map will be brought to the meeting. Recommendation: For Commission: Discussion. s:!toeo_si.rocrs v�oJ+.'€o nrcwac m.emaeuwci:r e—mm 4anmeh tion i yy i G I November30,.2018 BU.1118 tliLD PS COLE LLC HI&TCVIC PO BOX 2411 ppg;w"TIpy BAKERSFIELD CA 93903 ll wcrr w: Re: Your Historic Property located at hQ2 19th $treat. rr.uaiw ion Dear Historic Property Owner: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that you possess a property that is either eligible to be designated or was designated by the City of Bakersfield as a cultural resource due to its cultural and/or archifecturol qualities that are significant and/or unique. In on effort to preserve Bakersfield's various historic and cultural resources, the City isconsidering adopting a Mills Act ordinance that would allow the City to enter into an agreement with an owner of a qualified historical property who agrees to rehabllhate,.restore, preserve, and maintain the property in exchange for property tax seductions as calculated in accordance to state law by the Kem County Assessor's Office. As background, the Mills Act was enacted in 1972 to help preserve properties designated as cultural or historical properties: and provide tax savings thatbenefit both the property owner and the community at large. The advantage of owning a historic property Many at the communities that have a Milk Act ordinance have seen benefits to the overall increase In propertyvalues with a corresponding Increase in tax revenue to the community endincreased profits to property owners at the time they sell their homes or building. Information about the rights of the properly owner In a Mills Act community, the owner signs a contract that, in exchange for tax reassessment: agrees to maintain the qualify of the property that resulted in tis cultural and historical designation. The granting: of historic or cultural recognition by the City does not restrict a property owner's rights to Improve-qnd/or repair the property. If the City grants historic or cultural. designation to o property and the owner modifies the property in a -manner that removes that quality that resulted.in its special:designation, then the cultural a historical designation may be removed in accordancewith the City'$ existing historic preservation ordinance. If the property owner who has signed a Milts Act contract and then decides It's in their interest to either concei their Mllls Act contract'qnd/w modify their property in such a manner that the historic quality is lost and is no longer eligibleto be an the Chy's cultural resource register, the. property's assessed value returns to hs pre -Mills Act assessed value. and - pays a one-time 12,5% assessment penalty. Tax benefits to the community A'Mills Act ordinance that encourages and incentivizes properly owners to preservetheir historic properties fosters: greater community pride by encouraging the citizenry at large 1715 Chester Avcnue.. flak-ersfield, California 93301 to take care of their property. Citizens that have pride in their community take better core of both public and private property thereby reducing costs, such as Cleanup, code enforcement and removof of alight expensespaid: by the taxpayers of Bakersfield. Consulting the Commission We invite property owners who are thinking about the prospect of rehabilitating and/or restoring their tusloricproperty to contact members of the Historic Preservation Commission to coFsult on thematter and send in leiters of support for the City to create a Mills Act Contract program, Please address letters to Bakersfield Historic Reservation Commission, 1713 Cnester.Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. Supporting the adoption of the provisions of the Mills Act If you agree that the adoption of a Mills Act ordinance would be a benefit to you and the community,please contact the City Council member representing your Word and share your interest Office: 16611326.3767 Email: City_Council®bakeistiektcfiy.us Bakersfield City Council Members:. Ward 1: Willie Rivera Word 2: Androe Gonzales Word 3: Ken Weir Ward N Bob Smith. Vice Mayor Ward 6: Bruce Freeman Word 6: Jacquie Sullivan `Hard 7: Chris Pariier Sincerely, Scott Fleber, Chair Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California