HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4966ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 6 6 ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 15.78.060, 16.16.010, 16.16.060, AND 16.20.060 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 15.78.060, 16.16.010, 16.16.060, and 16.20.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 15.78.060 In -Lieu of payment. A. An urban development permittee may transfer title to land in lieu of payment of a portion of the H.M.F. applicable to a predetermined area under development, if preservation of the proposed land is consistent with the habitat management land acquisition criteria set forth in subsection B, and is acceptable to the implementation trust as set forth in subsection C. B. Land is appropriate for acquisition as all or part of habitat management lands and may, at the discretion of the implementation trust, qualify in lieu of payment of H.M.F., if it is: (1) within one of the potential habitat management lands acquisition areas identified in the implementation/management agreement, and CDFG, USFWS, The Nature Conservancy, or other habitat management entity approved by CDFG has provided written notification to the implementation trust that they are willing to accept title and act as the management entity for such lands; or (2) in an area determined by the implementation trust and the CDFG advisor and USFWS advisor to the implementation trust to provide benefits to one or more of the species of concern, and CDFG, USFWS, The Nature Conservancy, or other habitat management entity approved by CDFG has provided written notification to the implementation trust that they are willing to accept title and act as the management entity for such lands. Notwithstanding this section and subsection C, the transfer of title to land in lieu of the payment of H.M.F. shall not be included in the calculations conducted pursuant to Section 3.1.8 of the implementation/management agreement for the purposes of determining the cumulative amount of habitat management lands, unless the transferred land qualifies as habitat management lands. C. Landowners proposing transfer of title to land in lieu of payment of mitigation fees shall submit a petition for a transfer consistency determination to o�0AKeq s — Page 1 of 11 Pages -- uORIGINAL the implementation trust. The implementation trust shall be responsible for determining the completeness of the petition. The petition shall provide a description of the land proposed for transfer and, when land is not within a pre - approved area, a report prepared by a qualified biologist on the value of the land as habitat for species of concern. Additional information which may be required by the trust group includes a preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the trust group, a preliminary site assessment for hazardous waste contamination, and correspondence from CDFG, USFWS, or any habitat management entity approved by CDFG and USFWS, regarding their ability and desire to accept title and management responsibilities. The petition shall be processed in accordance with the following time limits: 1. If, upon review of the petition, the implementation trust finds the information provided to be inadequate for determining consistency, the trust shall, within forty-five days of receipt of the petition, provide the landowner with a written statement of the additional information required. The forty-five day period can be extended if both parties agree. 2. Upon receipt of an adequate petition, the implementation trust shall, within forty-five days of receipt of the petition, issue a written determination with respect to the acceptability and consistency, and amount of credit of the land proposed for transfer with the habitat management lands criteria set forth in subsection B. The forty-five day period can be extended if both parties agree. 3. If the implementation trust fails to make a written determination of consistency or lack of consistency within the forty-five day period, the land proposed for transfer will be deemed to be acceptable and consistent with the habitat management land acquisition criteria set forth in subsection B. The forty- five day period can be extended if both parties agree. D. The implementation trust is under no obligation to accept land that does not, in its sole discretion, provide benefits to one or more species of concern and does not benefit the MBHCP program. E. If, in consultation with the USFWS and CDFG as advisors, the implementation trust determines that the land proposed for transfer is acceptable and consistent with the habitat management lands acquisition criteria set forth in subsection B, the transfer may be used in lieu of payment of the portion of the mitigation fee attributable to the estimated cost of acquiring habitat management lands on an acre -per -acre basis. This means that an acre of in -lieu land may be accepted for each acre of the project requiring payment of the H.M.F. Only the acres sufficient to satisfy the H.M.F. for the project shall be permitted to be transferred prior to issuance of an urban development permit. The in -lieu land and payment of the mitigation fees is not transferrable to the other project. Failure to develop the project shall not result in a refund of either the in - lieu land or related fees that were previously paid. Therefore, a property owner utilizing land title transfer in lieu of payment of the land value portion of the H.M.F. �gAK''9 shall pay a fee in the amount of the H.M.F. attributable in the uncodified dT -- Page 2 of 11 Pages -- m v o ORIGINAL ordinance to the cost of fencing the habitat management lands, the cost of ensuring the management and enhancement of the habitat management lands as specified in the implementation/management agreement and the administrative costs attributable to the MBHCP program, as those fees exist at the time of payment. The H.M.F. shall not be satisfied for a project until these fees are paid and a grant deed to CDFG or its designee is recorded. In instances where the implementation trust determines the land being transferred represents unique habitat values or assists in achieving specific preservation or management goals of the MBHCP, the implementation trust may choose to pay all or a portion of these fees. 16.16.010 Filing. A tentative map (tract or parcel) for which approval is sought for any subdivision shall be filed as follows: A. Each subdivider shall file or cause to be filed such copies of the tentative map as may be required by the planning director with the planning director of the city of Bakersfield, California. B. Every person submitting a tentative map shall pay a processing fee as set by city council resolution. C. The copies of the tentative maps shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal from the subdivider or authorized representative specifying all documents or papers being filed, including required information not shown on the map, and such other information and documentation as may be required by the planning director. D. Every person submitting a tentative map shall also submit copies of a preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by, and as required by the planning director, dated no more than sixty days prior to the subdivision application submittal date covering all easements, ownerships and title with respect to all lots or parcels of the subdivision, including mineral owners and lessees of record. E. Every person submitting a tentative map shall also submit two sets of postage prepaid, unsealed envelopes addressed to all mineral owners and lessees of record appearing on the title report as shown in the state of California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (herein this title referred to as D.O.G.G.R.) records as operator of who have not waived their right of surface entry underlying the subdivision. The applicant shall submit a copy of the letter from D.O.G.G.R. identifying the operator of record, if any, with the subdivision application. The letter from D.O.G.G.R. shall be dated no more than thirty days prior to the subdivision application submitted and shall list the name of operator of record and their addresses as shown in D.O.G.G.R.'s records or a written statement from D.O.G.G.R. that there is no party of record 0AKF9 with D.O.G.G.R. relative to the site.Fn o NT r -- Page 3 of 11 Pages -- JORIGINALL F. A request for waiver of signatures pursuant to Section 16.20.060 shall accompany a tentative map submittal. The request for waiver of signatures shall be in typed letter form addressed to the city of Bakersfield and shall describe the ordinance provisions under which the waiver of signatures is being requested and the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area. G. Every person submitting a tentative parcel map who desires consideration of deferral and waiver of any improvements in accordance with Section 16.32.080 shall submit a written request which details what deferrals and waivers are requested for consideration with justification for each requested deferral and waiver. H. Every person submitting a tentative map who desires modification of standards required in Chapter 16.28 shall submit a written request for the modification. The request shall detail each substandard design feature, the applicable ordinance section, and justification for each request. A diagram showing typical setbacks and building envelopes may also be required. I. Every person submitting an optional design subdivision shall also submit a letter of justification. J. The subdivider shall specify in a statement the intent to file multiple final maps. K. Every person submitting a tentative map and requesting private streets shall make a specific request for each deviation, with a citation to the pertinent ordinance or standard requirement from which a deviation is requested and submit cross sections of the private streets and other appropriate details shown on the tentative map for all the requested deviations. L. Every person submitting a tentative map shall submit a completed "Indemnification Agreement" as allowed by Map Act Section 66474.9, in the form approved by the city attorney. M. A tentative map submittal shall include a completed "Mitigation Measures Agreement" form, if applicable. N. Information set forth in Section 16.16.030 which may not practicably be shown on the map shall be contained in a statement accompanying the tentative map. O. The applicant shall file a completed application for a tentative map, together with any required fees, preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, and required data, information, and documentation. The determination of completeness shall be made by the planning director. O�gPKF9.(, s -- Page 4 of 11 Pages -- 0 p ORIGINAL 16.16.060 Public hearing. A. The planning director shall, not less than ten days before the date of the hearing, give notice of the date, time, place of hearing, location of the property and the nature of the request including any request for waiver of signatures pursuant to Section 16.20.060(A) in the following manner: 1. By publishing once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city; and 2. By mailing a notice, postage prepaid, to the applicant; to the owner of the property to be subdivided or the owner's duly authorized agent; to the owners of interests in mineral or hydrocarbon substances where combined with right of entry; and to lessees of mineral or hydrocarbon substances, using for purposes of notifying owners, mineral owners and lessees the names and addresses as shown on the preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, required by Section 16.16.010(D) and shown on information required by Section 16.16.010(E); to the owners of all property Within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the property involved, using for these purposes, the names and addresses as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll; to each local agency (if not the city) expected to provide water, sewage, streets, roads, schools or other essential facilities to the project, whose ability to provide those facilities and services may be significantly affected; and any other person filing with the planning director a written request for notice; and 3. In addition, not less than twenty days but not more than sixty days prior to the hearing, the applicant shall post signs on the property indicating the date, time, and place of the hearing on the proposed tentative map. a. One sign shall be posted for every three hundred feet of street frontage, or portion thereof, with a maximum of two signs per street frontage. If no portion of the property fronts an existing public street, at least one sign shall be posted on the property nearest the point of legal access from a public street or as otherwise directed by the planning director. b. The size of the sign shall be eight feet wide by four feet high. Lettering style, formatting, mounting, and materials to be used shall be as set forth in the administrative policy manual approved by the development services director. C. The applicant shall file with the planning department, on a form provided by the city, photograph(s) of the posted sign(s) and a declaration, signed under penalty of perjury, that the property has been posted according to the requirements of this section. d. If the applicant fails to post the signs within the specified time, and if the photographs and declaration are not filed with the planning pKF al 9 9m --Page 5 of 11 Pages -- to I 0ORIGINAL department within five days of the signs being posted, the public hearing may be postponed until the signs are posted and proof of posting has been submitted. e. The applicant shall remove all signs posted pursuant to this section within ten days after the appeal period for the hearing has expired or ten days after final city council action on the tentative map, whichever is later. Should the applicant withdraw their application for a tentative map, all signs posted shall be removed within ten days of the withdrawing of the application. f. Should the applicant fail to remove any sign within the specified time, the city may remove any such sign and the costs thereof shall be borne by the applicant. B. After notice as provided in subsection A, the advisory agency shall hold and conduct a public hearing. C. Following the public hearing, the advisory agency shall either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the tentative map and shall take such action within fifty days after certification of the environmental impact report, adoption of a negative declaration, or a determination by the local agency that the project is exempt from the requirements of Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code, unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. Where a subdivider has specified his intent to file multiple final maps at the time of filing a tentative tract map, the advisory agency shall consider and may impose reasonable conditions relating thereto. D. After the public hearing and decision by the advisory agency, the planning director shall, within thirty days after the date of decision, return to the subdivider one copy of the map with the resolution setting forth the action of the advisory agency. E. At the same time the advisory agency shall designate the improvements which will be required under the provisions of this title and the dedications and irrevocable offers of dedication and the form thereof, which will be required under the provisions of this title and shall designate any other requirements lawfully authorized to be made. F. If multiple tentative maps covering the same parcel of property are filed at the some time, the action of the advisory agency shall relate only to one such map. For purposes of this subsection, a lot line adjustment or parcel map waiver does not constitute a different tentative map. G. The decision of the advisory agency shall be subject to appeal as provided in this title. 16.20.060 Statements of parties having record title interest. A statement, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property subdivided, consenting to the preparation and gAKF9. O J^ -- Page 6 of 11 Pages ORIGINAL recordation of the final tract map is required, except as omitted pursuant to this section. A. The signatures of each party owning a recorded interest in, or right to, minerals, including, but not limited to, oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances, not including lessees of such rights, shall be required unless his or her name and the nature of his or her respective interest are stated on the final map and the advisory agency determines, or on appeal the city council finds, at least one of the following applies: 1. The party's right of surface entry has been expressly waived by recorded document, including, but not limited to, quitclaim deed and/or reservation. 2. The party's interest is less than twenty percent of the mineral interest estate and the signature or express waiver of right of surface entry by recorded document, including, but not limited to, quitclaim deeds and/or reservations of one or more parties having a combined interest of more than fifty percent of the mineral interest estate has been obtained. The subdivider shall comply with the notice requirements listed below: a. At least thirty days prior to the date of hearing on the tentative map, the subdivider has given written notice, by registered mail or if impracticable as determined by the planning director, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation; b. Notice shall be given to each mineral owner and lessee and operator of record who has not waived his or her right of surface entry underlying the subdivision as set forth in the preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, as required by Section 16.16.010(D) and as shown in D.O.G.G.R. records as operator of record as of thirty days of the date application of the tentative map; C. Such notice shall include the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area, and the tentative date, time and place of the hearing; d. A copy of the notice and proof of mailing shall be provided to the planning director within ten days of the mailing/publication date. 3. The subdivider intends to reserve a drill site or sites as defined in Section 15.66.080(C) on or within a practicable distance of the subdivision as determined by the advisory agency, and as to which the owner of the mineral interest has a right of access and use that is or has been reserved and is delineated and labeled as such on the approved tentative map for the subdivision or, if outside the boundaries of the subdivision, is specifically described on the approved tentative map; and is subject to the following notice requirements: �eAKPq o T M -- Page 7 of 11 Pages -- ORIGINA� a. At least thirty days prior to the date of hearing on the tentative map, the subdivider has given written notice, by registered mail or if impracticable as determined by the planning director, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation. b. Notice shall be given to each mineral owner and lessee of record who has not waived his or her right of surface entry underlying the subdivision as set forth in the preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, as required by Section 16.16.010(D) and as shown in D.O.G.G.R. records as operator of record as of thirty days of the date application of the tentative map. C. Such notice shall include a statement of intent to reserve a drill site or sites as defined in Section 15.66.080(C) on or within a practicable distance of the subdivision map as determined by the advisory agency, and as to which the owner of the mineral interest had a right of access and use, is or has been reserved and is delineated and labeled as such on the approved tentative map for the subdivision or, if outside the boundaries of the subdivision, is specifically described on the approved tentative map. Said notice shall also include the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area, and the tentative hearing date, and time and place of the hearing. d. A copy of the notice and proof of mailing shall be provided to the planning directorwithin ten days of the mailing/publication date. The advisory agency may require the subdivider to install a wall or fence and landscaping around any or all reserved drill sites and that adequate provisions be made for maintenance thereof. Drilling within the reserved drill site shall be subject to compliance with all conditions and mitigation required under applicable regulations and processes. e. Such drill site reservation(s) shall remain in effect for a period not less than ten years from approval of the tentative map. The commencement of drilling and/or extraction of minerals upon that site shall automatically extend the ten-year time period until operations on the drill site are properly abandoned to the satisfaction of the D.O.G.G.R. If no drilling and/or extraction of minerals occurs on the drill site within ten years and the surface fee owner has provided notice and documentation as required in Section 16.20.060(A)(4), or upon the planning director receiving proof of well abandonment to the satisfaction of the D.O.G.G.R., the surface fee owner may apply for tentative map approval on a drill site(s) or, by written correspondence to the planning director, may request that the planning commission conduct a public hearing to consider the filing of an amending map to remove the drill site(s) reservation designation from the final map. Said request shall be processed as an amending map in accordance with Section 66472.1 of the Map Act. Such request shall include a preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, covering all easements, ownerships and title with respect to the drill site parcel(s), including o'�eAK4q� -- Page S of 11 Pages — t ORIGINA� mineral owners and lessees of record as set forth in the preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, required by Section 16.16.010(D), and two sets of postage prepaid, unsealed envelopes addressed to all mineral owners and lessees of record appearing on the title report. Notice of public hearing shall be in accordance with Section 16.16.060. 4. The subdivider submits with the subdivision application competent, technical evidence that production of minerals from beneath the subdivision is improbable. The subdivider shall comply with the notice requirements listed below. If the advisory agency determines to its satisfaction that production of minerals from beneath the subdivision is improbable, the advisory agency shall make such finding. a. At least thirty days prior to the date of hearing on the tentative map, the subdivider has given written notice, by registered mail or if impracticable as determined by the planning director, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation. b. Notice shall be given to each mineral owner and lessee and operator of record who has not waived his or her right of surface entry underlying the subdivision as set forth in the preliminary title report, or other similar document acceptable by the planning director, required by Section 16.16.010(D) and as shown in D.O.G.G.R. records as operator of record as of thirty days of the date application of the tentative map. C. Such notice shall include a statement of intent to present at the hearing competent, technical evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the advisory agency that production of minerals from beneath the subdivision is improbable. The notice shall also include the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area, and the tentative date, time and place of the hearing. d. A copy of the notice and proof of mailing shall be provided to the planning director within ten days of the mailing/publication date. B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall be applicable to any final subdivision map unless each lot or parcel created has a gross area of twenty acres or more. In addition, the provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply where the initial gross area of the final subdivision map is less than five acres in a residential zone or less than two acres in any zone other than a residential zone. In addition, the provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to parcel maps creating four or fewer parcels. C. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not be applicable to any tract map or final parcel map which is fully developed or further subdivides property which has been previously subdivided and to which the requirements of subsection A of this section were applied at the time of the previous subdivision, unless the tract or parcel map proposes subdivision of a drilling site. o�gAKg9� T -- Page 9 of 1 I Pages u o ORIGINAL D. For purposes of subsection A of this section, a party's ownership of a fractional portion of an undivided interest in minerals shall be considered a separate interest in the minerals estate. For example, ownership of 1 /100ths of a one-half undivided interest in the mineral estate shall be considered ownership of one-half percent of the mineral estate. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. oQ�AKF9 T �- m -- Page 10 at 11 Pages -- uORIGINAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JAN 2 3 1019 by the following vote: AYE COUNCILMEMBER: RIVE AR , GON A Z LES, WEIR, SMITH, REEbHtlJ, SULLIVAN, PAR ER NOES: COUNCILMEMSER: O(\0. A COUNCILMEMBER: N ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: Qe a(` LIE DRIMAKIS rt"'� CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: JAN 13 1019 By: "lam KAREN GOH Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: v/ -Z- l - RICHARD IGER Deputy City Attorney Rl:pd SnmurvaLwm:va19v5.7e 060 emsobal—.11.BW d.— ok�AKF9`P.n � m — Page 11 of 11 Pages -- JORIGINALL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) JULIE DRIMAKIS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 25th day of January. 2019 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4966 passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 23rd day of January, 2019 and entitled: ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 15.78.060, 16.16.010, 16.16.060, AND 16.20.060 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION. JULIE DRIMAKIS, CMC City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By. dezi pba-A DEPVTY City Clerk SiDOCUMENT ORMSWORORD, pd