HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4967ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 6 7 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16.20 SUBSECTION 16.20.040 AND CHAPTER 16.22 SUBSECTION 16.22.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FINAL TRACT MAPS AND FINAL PARCEL MAP. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 16.20.040 and 16.22.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 16.20.040 Form and contents. A. The final tract map shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester -based film. Certificates, affidavits and acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester -based film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be indicated on the map in a commonly used one inch to feet relationship, and shall include a bar scale and a north arrow and shall be large enough (not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet unless otherwise approved by the city engineer) to show all details clearly. Enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. B. All survey and mathematical information and data necessary to locate all monuments and to locate and retrace any and all interior and exterior boundary lines appearing thereon shall be shown, including bearings and distances of straight lines, radii, arc length, central angle, and tangents for all curves and segments of curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves and ties to existing monuments used to establish the subdivision boundaries. C. The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated. The map shall show the definite location of the subdivision, and particularly its relation to existing, adjacent subdivisions, records of survey, legally divided parcels, and dedicated Q�BpKF9N T -- Page 1 of 5 Pages -- M U ORIGINA� streets, and shall comply with the Land Surveyors Act (Section 8700 et seq., of the Business and Professions Code). D. Each phase or unit shall be numbered in consecutive order, beginning with the number "1." For each phase or unit, each buildable lot shall be numbered in consecutive order beginning with the number "1." Each nonbuildable lot shall be lettered in consecutive order beginning with the letter "A." Each street shall be labeled with the name approved by the planning director. E. When a soils report, a geologic report, or soils and geologic reports have been prepared specifically for the subdivision, such fact shall be noted on the final map, together with the date of such report or reports, the name of the engineer making the soils report and geologist making the geologic report and the location where the reports are on file pursuant to Section 66434.5 of the Government Code. When no final soil report has been prepared prior to recordation of the final map, this fact shall also be noted on the final map. F. The title of each final map shall consist of a tract number as secured from the appropriate county agency, conspicuously placed at the top of the sheet, followed by the words "Consisting of ... sheets" (showing the number thereof), followed by the words "in the City of Bakersfield or partly in the City of Bakersfield and partly in unincorporated territory." G. The name of the engineer or surveyor, his or her license number, and seal, shall be shown on each sheet and the scale of the map and north arrow shall be shown on each sheet. H. The total acreage being subdivided and the total number of lots being created shall be shown on the first map sheet. The total area shall be shown for each lot. J. If the final map is for a land project as defined in Section 11000.5 of the Business and Professions Code, a statement identifying it as such shall be included. 16.22.030 Statements on map. A. The engineer or surveyor who made or under whose direction the parcel map was made shall execute and wet sign the following statement on the map: Engineer's (Surveyor's) Statement This map was prepared by me or under my direction (and was compiled from record data) (and is based upon a field survey) in conformance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance at the request of (person authorizing map) on the day of , 20. This parcel map substantially conforms to the approved tentative map and the conditions of 1�gAKF9 approval thereof. ° T -- Page 2 of 5 Pages -- r U ORIGINAL (Signed) R.C.E. (or L.S.) No. If a field survey was performed, the certificate shall also state that all monuments are of the character and occupy the positions indicated on the map, or that they will be set in such positions on or before a specified date prior to issuance of a building permit, and that the monuments are, or will be, sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. B. Subject to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Map Act, unless otherwise determined by the advisory agency, a separate certificate, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map is required; provided, however, that for good and sufficient cause shown by the subdivider, the advisory agency may waive any or all such signatures and/or names and nature of the respective interests otherwise required by Section 66436 of the Map Act at any time after the tentative map is submitted for approval. Such waiver shall be certified by the city engineer. The provisions of Section 16.20.060(8) shall apply to the waiver of signatures of parties owning a recorded interest in, or right to, minerals, including, but not limited to, oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances, except where the initial gross area of the final parcel map is less than five acres in a residential zone or less than two acres in any zone other than a residential zone. C. There shall appear on the parcel map a recorder's statement for execution by the recorder, as follows: Recorder's Statement Filed this day of , 20, at _ a.m. in Book of , at page at the request of Signed County Recorder D. The parcel map, and evidence of record title interest, shall be submitted to the city engineer for his or her examination prior to filing. Within twenty calendar days after receiving the parcel map, such officer shall examine it for the survey information shown thereon and if satisfied that it complies with this title and all required provisions of the Map Act, and that such parcel map is technically correct, the following certificate shall be executed on the map by the city engineer: City Engineer's Statement This map conforms with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance. F8AKF9 Dated: o %P --Page 3 of 5 Pages -- 0 o ORIGINAL Signed City Engineer SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o�0AKe %P s m -Page 4 of 5 Pages ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JAN 21 2019 by the following vote: ✓ ✓ / ✓ ✓ / AYES: COUNCILMEMBER: RIVERA, GON2ALES, WEIR, SMITH. fREEMAN, SULLIVAN, PARLIER NOES'. COUNCILMEMBER: n m`a ABB COUNCILMEMBER: BSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: Q4 i'VL C� (Jzx, A C� JOLIE DRIMAKIS CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: JAN 2 3 2019 By: '7f M �tv-% KAREN GOH Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: �4 " RICHARD GER Deputy City Attorney RI:pd S.\COUNC IL\Orris\1&19\16.20 U0816,22 030 FInaRmdMaps.'Ina Idocx o�BAKF9,n N � m - Page 5 of 5 Pages -- o ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) JULIE DRIMAKIS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 25'h day of January. 2019 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4967, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 23rd day of January, 2019 and entitled: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16.20 SUBSECTION 16.20.040 AND CHAPTER 16.22 SUBSECTION 16.22.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FINAL TRACT MAPS AND FINAL PARCEL MAP. JULIE DRIMAKIS, CMC City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By: Q�ml 4�-A DEPVTY City Clerk S0OCUMENnFORMSWOP. ORD Wpd