HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2018  B A K E R S F I E L D Committee Members Staff: Chris Huot Councilmember, Bruce Freeman Chair Assistant City Manager Vice Mayor, Bob Smith Councilmember, Chris Parlier SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 17, 2018 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember, Bruce Freeman, Chair Vice Mayor, Bob Smith Councilmember, Chris Parlier City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Steven Teglia and Chris Huot, Assistant City Managers Brianna Carrier, Management Assistant Richard Iger, Deputy City Attorney Nick Fidler, Public Works Director Stuart Patteson, Assistant Public Works Director Ryan Starbuck, Public Works Traffic Engineer Ed Murphy, Public Works Civil Engineer Jacqui Kitchen, Community Development Director Phil Burns, Community Development Building Director Kevin Coyle, Community Development Planning Director Paul Johnson, Community Development Planning Principal Planner Whitney Jackson, Community Development Associate Planner Mike Hale, Bakersfield Police Captain Dianne Hoover, Recreation and Parks Director Ken Trone, Recreation and Parks Superintendent Devin Daugherty, Recreation and Parks Construction and Facility Planner Additional Attendees: Members of the Public Members of the Media /S/ Chris Huot   Planning and Development Committee April 17, 2018 Agenda Summary Report Page 2   2. ADOPT NOVEMBER 7, 2017 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The report was adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Regarding Streets Standards and Speed Limits – Fidler Public Director Fidler introduced Traffic Engineer Starbuck who provided two Power Point presentations summarizing the speed limits and design standards, and the proposed city design standards changes. Committee Chair Freeman inquired about speed limit signage posted on residential streets throughout the City. Traffic Engineer Starbuck stated not every street has a sign; areas that are profiled having issues with speeding have a sign posted at the entrance the development. City Manager Tandy added that newer developments are encouraged to eliminate long stretches of road and use variances of curves to deter speeding. Committee member Smith asked if the Caltrans Class IV standard had been reviewed and if they would be included in the proposed design standards changes. Public Works Director Fidler stated the Class IV standards will be referenced in the updated subdivision design manual along with National Association of City Transportation Officials design standards and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices standards as an optional choice of design standards. Committee member Parlier inquired about installation of speed limit signs and stop signs with flashing LED lights as an added safety mechanism. Public Works Director Fidler stated installation and long term maintenance of flashing LED signs is very costly. A pilot program is being developed to identify areas where it would be beneficial and to be able to seek state funding. Committee member Smith requested staff review the possibility of narrowing the traffic lanes on arterial and collector streets in order to widen sidewalks and landscaping. In response, Public Works Director Fidler stated that reduction of the center lane on arterial and collector streets to 11 feet to accommodate a wider bike lane is common practice. Renee Nelson, a member from the public, asked if the new street standards had any effect on parking. Public Works Director Fidler responded that there is no parking allowed on arterial streets and parking collectors vary; the new streets design standard would allow for parking pockets. Committee Chair Freeman asked if countdown timers at crosswalks would be in installed on all traffic lights throughout the city. Public Works Director Fidler stated there would be; half of which had already been installed.   Planning and Development Committee April 17, 2018 Agenda Summary Report Page 3   B. Discussion Regarding Private Development Landscape Standards – Kitchen Community Development Director Kitchen provided a Power Point presentation summarizing the standards for landscaping in parking lots on commercial properties information provided in the memorandum of the agenda packet. Committee member Smith asked if the new standards would affect all developments. Community Development Director Kitchen and Recreation and Parks Director Hoover responded that the changes would affect all new commercial developments. Dave Dmohowski with the Home Builders Association (HBA) agreed with staff recommendations and stated that reducing the tree ratios to 15 feet is constricted for the trees and that 10 gallon shrubs are not commercially available which could be an issue in the future. He stated the HBA membership would provide additional written comments to the Planning Commission when the item is before the Commission at a future meeting. Ryan Freeborn with Landscape Development Inc., also agreed staff recommendations and reiterated Mr. Dmohowki’s comments. He suggested changing the shrub standard to 40% five-gallon shrub and 60% one-gallon shrub for a fuller appearance. He suggested the current tree list also be updated. Scott Heilman, also with Landscape Development Inc., added that for a soft appearance, screening of walls, parking lots, etc. with shrubs would be an ideal look. Committee Chair Freeman asked if there were any type of enforcement policies for maintenance standards. Deputy City Attorney Iger responded that there is an administration citation process in place, and added that additional processes can be reviewed and implemented in the future. Committee member Smith asked if the new standards would affect the downtown area. Community Development Director Kitchen stated it would. In response, Committee Chair Freeman requested staff review and include options that allow flexibility within the standards for the downtown area. Committee member Parlier made a motion to present the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission. The motion was unanimously approved. C. Discussion and Committee Recommendation Regarding Adoption of the 2018 Committee Meeting Schedule - Huot The Committee meeting schedule was adopted as submitted with the exception of the August meeting, which was removed from the calendar. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:27 p.m.