HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/19 CC MINUTESI A "° RS BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES �"9 ® MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2019 0 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 iruxtun Avenue Regular Meetings- 3:30 p.m. and 5:15 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 3:30 PM 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Parlier, Councilmembers Rivera, Gonzales, Weir (seated at 3:37 p.m.), Smith, Freeman (seated at 3:34 p.m.), Sullivan (seated at 4:20 p.m.) Absent: None. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. WORKSHOPS None. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (1) regarding DCM Assets Management, LLC v. City of Bakersfield Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV -17-100311, JEB b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (2),(e)3 regarding Claim No.: 19-02-041, Date of Loss: June 25, 2018, Claimant: Shinsuke Nakamura Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to adjourn to Closed Session at 3:32 p.m. Motion passed with Councilmembers Weir, Freeman, and Sullivan absent. The Closed Session meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 4:24 p.m 3215 3216 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 2 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel —Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (1) regarding DCM Assets Management, LLC v. City of Bakersfield Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV -17-100311, JEB By a 6-0 vote, with Councilmember Sullivan absent, the City Attorney was given direction. b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)3 regarding Claim No.: 19-02-041, Date of Loss: June 2S, 2018, Claimant: Shinsuke Nakamura By a 7-0 vote, the City Attorney was given direction. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the 3:30 p.m. meeting at 4:24 p.m. REGULAR MEETING- 5:15 p.m. 7. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Parlier, Councilmembers Rivera, Gonzales, Weir, Smith, Freeman, Sullivan Absent: None 2. INVOCATION by Bishop Bernard Wallace of Church of Christ Christian Ministries. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Ariesy Lopez, Senior at Golden Valley High School. 4. PRESENTATIONS None. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Robin Robinson spoke regarding the launch of City Serve in Bakersfield, a partnership with local churches and non-profit organizations; and submitted written material. b. Terri Palmquist and Tim Polmquist spoke regarding their 22^d prayer vigil at 2500 H Street; and submitted written material. 3217 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 3 5, PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued C. Bishop James Francisco expressed concern with threats he has received from other church organizations. d. Mary Helen Barro and Kimberly Kirchmer urged the Council to select a woman to fill the vacancy for the Public Safety Vital City Services Citizens Oversight Committee. 6. WORKSHOPS a. Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee Update. Public Works Director Fidler made staff comments. Community Relations Specialist Felix and Heather Pennella, Chair of the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee, made comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation 7. APPOINTMENTS a. Appointment of one Regular Member and one Alternate Member (Ward 7) to the Bakersfield Youth Commission due to vacancies (terms expire July 20, 2020). City Clerk Drimakis announced applications for appointment were received from Merari Banuelos and Ada! Merino. Motion by Vice Mayor Padier to appoint Merari Banuelos, as the Regular Member, and Adai Merino, as the Alternate Member, terms to expire July 20, 2020. Motion passed. b. One appointment (Ward 1) to the Planning Commission due to the termination of David Strong (term to expire April 30, 2023). City Clerk Drimakis announced applications for appointment were received from Michael Bowers, Gilberto De LaTorre, and Yazmin De La Torre. Motion by Councilmember Rivera to appoint Michael Bowers to the Planning Commission, term to expire April 30, 2023. Motion passed. C. Appointment of one Regular Committee Member to the Bakersfield Public Safety/Vital City Services Measure Citizens Oversight Committee (term to expire February 6, 2022). City Manager Tandy made staff comments. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to open recruitment for an individual to fill the vacant position on the Bakersfield Public Safety/Vital City Services Measure Citizens Oversight Committee. Motion passed. 3218 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 4 8. CONSENT CALENDAR (Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar items.) Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the February 6, 2019, Special and Regular City Council Meetings. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from January 25, 2019 to February 21, 2019 in the amount of $36,508,721.07, Self Insurance payments from January 25, 2019 to February 21, 2019, in the amount of $1,079,975.72, totaling $37,588,696.79. Ordinances: C. Zone Change No. 18-0386: First reading of ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a C-2/PCD (Regional Commercial/ Planned Commercial Development Combining) zone, on 10.59 acres located at southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road (11301 Stockdole Hwy). FR ONLY 2. Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. (ZC # 18-0386 - KSA Group Architects, representing ABS Surplus -O, LLC). RES 026-19 d. Adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code within Chapter 17.32 A (Agriculture Zone) relating to the Agricultural Zone regulations. ORD 4970 Resolutions: e. Resolution requesting the route transfer and adoption of the Westside Parkway and the Centennial Corridor as the new State Route 58 alignment. RES 027-19 j 3219 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 5 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued f. Sewer construction fee assessment for 7900 Kimberly Avenue: 1 . Resolution confirming assessment for sewer construction fee and authorizing the collection of assessment by the Kern County Tax Collector. RES 028-19 2. Agreement with Kody J. Allred, 7900 Kimberly Avenue, to pay the sewer construction fee through the Kern County Tax Collector. AGR 19-032 g. Fire Station 2 Bathroom/Locker Room Remodel: Resolution dispensing with normal bidding procedures and determining that Sourcewell Formerly National Joint Powers Alliance-(NJPA)) is the most efficient way to obtain contract pricing from a cooperative procurement bidding process, and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding thereof, not to exceed $422,000. RES 029-19 2. Accept and approve agreement with Haus Construction, Inc. ($382,383.71) for said project. AGR 19-033 3. Appropriate $250,000 from the Facility Replacement Reserve to the Fire Department Capital Improvement Budget within the Capital Outlay Fund. h. Amendment No. 23 to Resolution No. 44-93 setting salaries and related benefits for the Temporary Unit Wage adjustments - Animal Control Officer) RES 44-93(23) Resolutions of Intention to add the following areas to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report for each: 1. ROI No. 1993 adding Area 2-72 )4250 Ashe Road) -Ward 6 ROI 1993 3220 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 6 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ITEM B.I. CONTINUED 2. ROI No. 1994 adding Area 4-191 (2443 Oak Street) -Ward 2 ROI 1994 3. ROI No. 1995 adding Area 4-192 (1705 Baker Street) -Ward 2 ROI 1995 4. ROI No. 1996 adding Area 4-193 (1836 Orange Street) -Ward 2 ROI 1996 5. ROI No. 1997 adding Area 4-194 (3130 24th Street) -Ward 2 ROI 1997 Agreements: j. Sale of Surplus Property at 3531 Adanac Ct. in the amount of $15,000. AGR 19-034, DEED 9000 k. Agreement with Nearmap US Inc. (not to exceed $5,000), for trial subscription service of aerial imagery. AGR 19-035 I. Agreement with Corolla Engineers, Inc. ($80,000) for providing consulting services for odor control in the wastewater collection system. AGR 19-036 En. Final Map for Tract 6297, Phase 4, located North of Redbank Road, between S. Oswell Street and S. Sterling Road. n. Agreement with United Way of Kern County ($67,388) for Homeless Youth Services. AGR 19-037 o. Agreement with Brown Armstrong Accountancy Corporation ($58,000) for a full scope annual audit of the 2018-19 fiscal year. AGR 19-038 P. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. CA18-006 with Clifford & Brown ($110,000) to provide outside legal services in the matter of Yunk v. City of Bakersfield. AGR 19-039 3221 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 7 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued q. Amendments No. 3 & No. 4 to Agreement No. 06-023 with Avenu Insights & Analytics for Sales Tax Consulting and Auditing Services. AGR 06-023(3), AGR 06-023(4) Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. PW 17-235 with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. ($25,000; revised not to exceed $62,500 and extend term by one year until July 31, 2020), to provide design and engineering services for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Primary Clarifiers #5 - #8 Rehabilitation project. AGR 19-040 Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 17-053 with Solenis, LLC ($500,000; revised not to exceed $1,360,000 and extend term one year to April 30, 2020) to provide dewatering polymer for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 and to acknowledge a price increase from $1.105 to $1.16 per pound of polymer due to rise in raw material costs. AGR 17-053(3) t. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 16-036 with Gilliam & Sons Inc. ($1,000,000; revised not to exceed $8,857,300 and extend term one year), for the continued service of earthmoving and hauling. AGR 16-036(3) U. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 17-043 with Burtch Construction, Inc. ($800,000; revised not to exceed $2,410,000 and extend the term one year), for the continued service of asphalt rejuvenator sealant. AGR 17-043(2) V. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 18-051 with K & I Services, Inc. (extend the term one year), for the continued service of hauling wood chips. AGR 18-0510) W. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 18-052 with J. Garcia Trucking, Inc. ($100,000; revised not to exceed $200,000 and extend the term one year), for the continued service of hauling wood chips. AGR 18-052(1) L 3222 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019— Page 8 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Bids: X. Reject bid for the Pedestrian Countdown Timers - Part 7 project. Y. Accept bid and approve contract to Kemira Water Solutions, Incorporated ($85,000) for the annual contract to supply ferric chloride. AGR 19-041 Z. Accept bid and approve contract to Pacific West Controls, Inc., Visalia, California ($183,000) for the legacy control module upgrade at the Rabobank Arena, AGR 19-042 aa. Accept bid and approve contract to Argo Chemical, Incorporated ($45.000) for the annual contract to supply pool chemicals. AGR 19-043 Miscellaneous: Successor Agency Business: ab. Receive and file Successor Agency payments from January 25, 2019, to February 21, 2019, in the amount of $1,100.00. City Clerk Drimakis announced a staff memorandum was received regarding item 8.a., correcting a scrivener's error in the minutes; and an additional memorandum was received regarding item B.C., stating the Developer has agreed that the meandering sidewalk along Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road will be 8 feet in width rather than the b feet that is shown on the site plan, and the landscaping will remain at a minimum of 10 feet in width. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to adopt Consent Calendar items 8.a. through 8.ab. Motion passed. Councilmember Rivera left the meeting at this time. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS (staff recommends conducting Consent Calendar Public Hearing and approval of items.) None, 10. HEARINGS None. J 3223 Bakersfield, California, March 6, 2019- Page 9 11, REPORTS None. 12. DEFERRED BUSINESS None. 13. NEW BUSINESS None. 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Gonzales expressed appreciation to the Streets Division for their effort in addressing flooding issues due to the recent large amount of rainfall. Councilmember Rivera returned to the meeting at this time. Vice -Mayor Porlier requested staff draft a letter in opposition to SB 246, which would impose a 10% wellhead tax on the petroleum energy sector; and requested staff prepare a resolution, for Council consideration, in opposition to SB 246, and expressing the importance of this regional industry, noting the thousands of jobs it has created including high paying jobs for underserved populations including non -college educated, minority populations, and those released from prison. Mayor Goh advised she recently had the opportunity to meet with the Governor and his staff to discuss the City's ongoing need for help with the homeless situation and other issues important to our community. 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the meeting at 6:01 p.m. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA A11TTTESS��T^^�:�� AQ CITY CLERK and Ex Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 3224 Bakersfield, California, March 6,2019-Page 10 --.,*-THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK**** j j J