HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 050-19RESOLUTION NO. 05 0- 19 RESOLUTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE OF THE WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED SOUTH OF MING AVENUE, BETWEEN HIGHGATE PARK BOULEVARD AND THE FUTURE WEST BELTWAY ALIGNMENT (GPA NO. 18-0452). WHEREAS, McIntosh and Associates representing Castle and Cooke, Inc., filed an application requesting an amendment to the Parks and Open Space of the West Ming Specific Plan to reconfigure the shape of the public park from a compact rectangular shape to a linear shape as shown on attached Exhibit "C", located south of Ming Avenue, between Highgate Park Boulevard and the future West Beltway Alignment as shown on attached Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the Public Open Space Plan of the West Ming Specific Plan will provide a linear park along Ming Avenue, the future West Beltway, Kern River Canal, and Highgate Park Boulevard in southwest Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9, Parks and Open Space, of the West Ming Specific Plan, and various other exhibits are proposed to be updated as shown in attached Exhibit D; and WHEREAS, the above said project is an associated project of on approved general plan amendment / zone change (General Plan Amendment / Zone Change/ Specific Plan Adoption No. 03-1544) for which the West Ming Specific Plan EIR was certified on August 15,2007; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 7, 2019, and approved Resolution 40-19, which recommends that the City Council approve the Project: and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Council set Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before the City Council to consider the proposed Negative Declaration as required by Government Code Section 65355, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, during the hearing, the City Council considered all facts, testimony, and evidence concerning the staff report, Specific Plan Amendment and the Planning Commission's deliberation and action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bakersfield City Council as follows: 1. The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The Planning Commission's findings as contained in it Resolution No. 40-19 are hereby adopted. 3. The Project is hereby approved, the project is located on the map as shown in Exhibit B, and updates to the West Ming Specific Plan as shown in Exhibit D, which is incorporated herein. 4. The Project approved herein is made part of the 2^d amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan for calendar year 2019 in accordance with Government Code Section 65358(b). -------000------- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on April 10, 2019, by the following vote: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ AYES COUNCILMEMBER: RSYP/N, GONZALES, WHR, SMITH. FREEMAN, SULLIVAN. PARLIER N COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: HSE COUNCILMEMBER: A AAMC 1\kWt'/Yl.�V2 JULIV DRIMAKIS, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROV APR 10 1019 4 0 KAREN GOH MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: V v �2- RICHARD IGER Deputy City Attorney Exhibits: A. Conditions of Approval B. Location and Zoning Map C. Site Plan Map D. Amendments to the WMSP Text and Exhibits S:\Advance Planning\01 GPA,\01 Active\2019\a2\1"-0 21 WMSP)\Admin SR\02 CC_10 Reading\Prep\GPA Res.docx OPJi�:^ Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT) NO. 18-0452 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECREATION AND PARKS 1. Prior to recordation of the first final map within the project site, subdivider shall have entered into a Park Development Agreement with the City of Bakersfield concerning development, park land, trail plans and specifications, and improvement requirements pursuant to the West Ming Specific Plan for Village A. Orderly development. 2. Prior to recordation of each final map, the subdivider shall construct a 6 -foot masonry wall along the park boundary adjacent to residential lots as shown on the tentative tract. Wall to be measured from the highest adjacent grade. 3. Subdivider shall be responsible for improving streets adjacent to the park site to City standards and the West Ming Specific Plan. Orderly development. 4. A portion of the linear park located south of Ming Avenue, along the west side of Highgate Park Boulevard is a private park and shall be accessible to the public and maintained by the HOA to City standards and the West Ming Specific Plan. Orderly development. WATER RESOURCES 5. Prior to recordation of the first final map within the project site, the subdivider shall submit a letter from the Kern County Water Agency verifying the accessibility of the parcel located at the southeast corner of Ming Avenue and future West Beltway. Orderly development. CITY ATTORNEY In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners and boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. Exhibit "A" VTTM/VTPM Page 2 of 2 This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. Prepared by Tlapuerl S:\Advance Planning\07GPAs\01_Aawr\2019\Q2\18 0452(WMSP)\Admin SR\01PC Prep\Ezh A_Conditions.doa ci O C; LEGEND SPA (ZONE DISTRICTS) 18-0452 `Foa •., ---- - p F prp Nq \ .pppw0.ntnl, N. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ••}c FP-0' \' FP-0 FP-0 wnwnmmywm.A FP ^' FP-0 EO.Onnmmla,a EXHIBIT B y k]MM.N.IMMOq `f�/S AfP3 llpoowNMxnnqum FP-0 •;S/O AFPS Rm rne,a,l�onsueMma� •. Np AfP3 txSRulommimwe •� IF2lm N Itlpl F ny nNMlhq FP-P FP-0 FP-0••N.E, A 'Mow A A A n. nrtingWxmNN ••••••.• FPS : emo wrt - w.ImomxnlM — MING AVE — z-ppwx Mx«mx.umq un0. FP3 — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ NxuRpN,anMr.MwNwFeoq CPF 60pOg0.l e T BPNK MMEBARBp/BYAAYF Lnowxioraawxn famiM,D N Mlge om,TyxuNple 1ptWluq e000 wnm,nlmth. 6.,p ,Hdd, liy unM1 nN p,vEerNal XelEinq 30a[ rw A •,FP3 M. MAI Ia.M0M, mminxre A3pR AgrculWrt ............ .... . ` SPA 18.0452 mo°n..wwnoNexPMm i L]Fm.xthile,PelY YX NOMxeame ; •• L-0%ehnleralaneAemhiA4ve°le® •, CI M,igeeomml [emm,rtlal MIIA.. 4iRpenalbmmercul L{LommneulGhr MAI eeamalRminett FPA A / rto norma Wmmerculoerwgmen /= YI IgMNanuYe kP31 � IF34enenl YaNfxemlq .�..�..�..—.......A , ........ w-]xmrvlmmWal • Pbhmoeile Pa,Gnq a WMA2 RE et IlMu0N UP.rt yeNy 0 1 � - MM.Ri M°]P NmpNIMeIIN Z ,i I➢ Al 0W,lel,O.wMy 1 � ZS• TPFmEpxin Pnmery UA,rp lAppwO inkmnesy � t u: ••••••• of vAly Irons rc Vehe wmEMMr .[nmeimnq FP-51 , O: WNRQ WM�Rt sssniorawenv.mn WMR] %: Xp Nillttle M'Neom—lcI.ininq y, 1M- Y.AYInq Sp,[ifi[Pen WM31 h MMA2 WM-R2 N 1 A q - , 1 FYret i 0 600 1,200 puB PARK AREA .M ACRES FWATE PARK / A 428 AQ .*PRODUCT SUMMARY a xm wxm wxm AFEA H 42 70 w t97 q24 70 &91 TOTAL LOTS IIEAC PIAI MXK YC1M [)1' I I /0111FM PNd 1'RTN YC1M ,"t TRW YIMM e.yz �uw PMR n°r_u ssrnx f _ uca P�cnx JCEPTUAL AND SUBJECT TO REVISIONS EXHIBIT C /nIIMM PNIX 1KY'N 4CIg1 U tiJ' e x r0731�`' EXHIBIT D PARKS AND OPEN 9 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Parks, Open Space, and recreation facilities are very important elements in the West Ming Specific Plan. The parks and open space include water elements, open space areas, parks of various sizes, and trails. The West Ming development will provide public and private parks, open space, and water elements. Residential areas will include features such as water elements, "pocket parks", and green strips to be determined by the developer at the time of subdivision mapping. These public and private parks, water elements, and "green strip" open space areas, provide park area significantly in excess of all City requirements. Implementation Measure P-1 All park and open space areas will be improved by the developer. 9.1 PUBLIC PARKS A minimum of 56 acres of public park area will be provided for the West Ming project. Public parks will be provided in accordance with the acreages and general locations established by the Public Open Space Plan (Exhibit 9.1). The final locations and sizes of the public parks will be determined at subdivision approval. However, the location and sizes of the individual parks must meet the general parameters established by the following provisions and the Open Space Plan. Public Parks will be provided within Villages A, C, D, E and F. These parks must be a minimum of six (6) acres in size but may be sized greater than six (6) acres in order to provide a total of 56 acres of public park area. Typical amenities include bathrooms, tot lots, courts with no sport lighting, water elements, trails, shade structures, landscaped areas, and/or other park or open space elements, or combinations thereof. The Linear Park in Village A will be a minimum of 6 acres and may include but not be limited to tot lots, trails, shade structures, and landscaped areas and will be determined in consultation with Park staff. A Park Development Agreement may be entered into for the development of the park. An Active Park will be provided in Village B and will be a minimum of 15 acres in size. The Active Park will count toward the total public park acreage requirement and may be sized greater than 15 acres. This park will be primarily used for znio o`` AND OPEN SPACE active, organized sports to be determined in consultation with the developer and the City. Public parks will be improved by the developer and will be dedicated to the City. The exact locations and sizes of the individual public parks will be determined at subdivision approval. However, unless otherwise approved by the City of Bakersfield, these parks must be located and sized in accordance with the Open Space Plan. To meet the 56 acre total public park requirement, one or more of the public parks must exceed the minimum size requirements. The following provisions have been established to ensure that the public park requirement is met and to provide a mechanism for monitoring construction timing. Implementation Measure P-2 Public parks will be dedicated to the City. The exact locations and sizes of the individual public parks will be determined at each applicable subdivision approval. Unless otherwise approved by the City of Bakersfield, the public parks must be located and sized in accordance with the Open Space Plan and/or in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.1.1. Implementation Measure P-3 The developer shall submit a table that monitors the public park acreage provided with each applicable tentative subdivision map. The monitoring table shall require at a minimum, the total acreage of public park area provided in the village(s) and the remaining acreage necessary to reach the 56 acre total. Implementation Measure P-4 Public park improvements within the individual villages shall be completed on or before the time approximately sixty percent of the area within a village has been approved for tentative subdivision. The area of each village is defined in Table 3.1. This provision shall be monitored by the developer through the annual progress report required by the Development Agreement. Implementation Measure P-5 Subject to approval by the City of Bakersfield, the developer may propose to have the public park areas maintained by the homeowner's association and/or maintenance district 9.1.1 Minor Adjustments to Final Park Locations The public parks shall be located within the Villages indicated by the Open Space Plan. Minor adjustments to the final park locations are subject to review and approval by the Planning Director or his/her designee and the Parks Director or his/her designee. Minor adjustments to final park locations do not require an amendment to the Specific Plan but must meet the following criteria: 94 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE • The park must be centrally located within the village and adjacent to a collector street to ensure it is easily accessible to the area it is intended to serve. A central location can be near or adjacent to a village boundary if it is located in such a way that it also serves the adjacent village. • Minor adjustments to the locations of the public parks within a village will be considered if the change will continue to provide a logical location for the park, as determined by factors such as accessibility and more functional boundaries with the surrounding residential area or ° 95 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN LEGEND AREATOBEAN MED - V UAGE BOG DARY RPMRCPL BOI DARY EXHIBIT 1-1 o,ANNEXATION AREA SCALE:1••2000' 1000' 5005(10 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN z A \DE RM -IN WM-1A V6LAGEA - ! wT6aLa M1M1N. % `\ ROIR1DrbR0U1 j Y/M-IMR .h VILUGED VILLAGEC \.� VILLAGED WM-LMRI WM-i}A n\ WM.LMR VILL3GEE EXHIBIT 3-I,�� GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNAnOP YlL GEA 800 1,403 KI GEB 300 598 K6 GEC 300 140 "I GED 400 995 VIWGEE 150 652 V GEF 100 1.995 VILLAGE CENTER 100 ;323 D27RXT Specific Plan Boundary 3i1£AL No maned 1,450 G WHI EuKn WM-LMR WM-LMR VILLAGE F VNpN MCIFlCRAILMMD LEGEND — west Ming Genial Csnmetcim Wen Ming High MMium Density — — West Ming High Density WM-IMR West Ming Low Medium Density WM-LR West Ming Low Density West Ming Mixed Use — West Ming Once — West Ming Special Use _ Village Boundary Specific Plan Boundary NDiF_- 1) lHE4ELN:O VSE DEEIGNATIONSARE DEFlNEDM CX/.Y'IF.43,'tANDISE'.OFTXES i1P1C PIAN vsacouvE i SCALE: 1'-1200' 1200' boa a 1200' 24 Sans, 2019 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN Q VlL GEW \ Porcntial _� `\\{\R011{dGdNp . aA� oFXHIBIT 41 VILMGE'A' i ■ LEGEND ■ ■ S ��1�■ Arterial (FahiL'ti K.-laia5.a4at1 v ■ i _ ----------- - --_ _L_R'_M_➢ .-0 COIIGCIOf � ■ ----- City CoRaror Local Coll=w SII .-, .. Town Center Sues OR..d bout F (EWtia al)1 wx rtl 0 Iv[en:havge ••'.��..�rrM{a■aa■■■aa■■■'+■■■■■■a■.■■■■aa.a� 400a _____. Off Sim Streets ' ,��.j ... _.._... Specific Plan Boundary •• .. Kern River Canal i --CC -C)6 c\aouaeAxrwty■ r- ___________ a a � ----------- -�'�-mlmea.aevrudtiw C POTENTIAL LIGHT RAIL SCALE V-2000' STATION LOCATION ,000• soak . PLAN ,aaan,mig 110 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN LEGEND ----- lo•mu[.n-euBeosErBA¢ s KEBNBIYEBBIUPAT GBADESEPABA CROSSNG ...� YILI GEBOGNDABY SPECD'ICPL NBOONDABY EXHIBIT 4-20 o° GRAILS PLAN v G /n "��ala5a SCALE: P2"' IBOB500, Jeouery 1019 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN \>�0 r\\ t \, \ \ O I \ I f � I f ! i I EXHIBIT 5-1 STORM DRAIN PLAN �oi3l�Sa fO� STORM DRAM nis Vlm is conte dual in rami, -The Brat drainage syrnms will be bead m uNel deign pammnea and ralculniom to be prepared at Ne rime of development. Tae storm drain f ilines Will be croshucted W "City of Bakersfield Subdivision and Engineering Design Mmml.• Diision Two. Dmimge shall be pmvideE Mrougb a series of d nap dnentim and twontim basins, inIns, concrete conduits, v outfall stations. Projmt water features may s e as "dnmtim beim for peak flows, wiN mtfdl to ahimale "retention basins" mdlor the Kem River Canal. 1 LEGEND 0 DETUMONBASM• �+ OUTEALVPU60• STATIONm KERN RIVER CANAL O RETENTION BASIN —� MW DRAM CONOUTD DIRECTION OF FLAW -'-'- SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY •Detention Basin may be mW wiMin t fxliilitojen area Ilvse deteodm riea my be ivcorymated within Me w»ter features ofthe ptojmL SCALE: r-2000' 1000' SOD D' 10DD 2D00' ■ WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EXHIBIT 8-1 CONCEPT PLAN - WATER NOTE: THIS LAYOUT IS CONC=AL ONLY. LEGEND: W WATERLINE I2' WATERLINE 8' WATERLINE EXISTING 16 WATERLINE SCALE: 1•2000' 1000 500' 0' 1000' 2" WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EXHIBIT 8-2 CONCEPT PLAN - SEWER NOTE: THIS LAYOUT IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY. 7715 BASED ON THE ARFAWIDE SEWER STUDY DATED MAY 2W4 WHICH WAS INTENDED TO VERIFY CAPACITY IN THE FXLSUNG TRUNK FACILITIES. GRADE CONSIDERATIONS SUCH AS CLEARANCE FROM EXISTING CANALS, GASUNES, ETC., AS WELL AS COVER OVER THE SEWER LINES HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY STUDIED. ADDITIONAL LIFT STATIONS AS WELLASREAUGNMENTOFCERTAIN PROPOSED SEWER LINESMAYBE REQUIRED TO ACCOUNT FOR THESEADDHTONALGRADE CONSIDERATIONS. LEGEND: G NEW SEWER MANHOLE G EXIST. SEWER MANHOLE NEW SEWER •- �- EXIST SEWER SCALE P-2000' Iona, sta IF Y WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN MON b:nFda Public Park Summary Mi.,.. A. by YiuW' Tw111ibe Yl�i M1kAwTa A 1 C O E F ra. 61YIMY Public Puts 6 IS 1 6 1 6 1 6 6 %c 'RamsfiePWYl.��lieilYYlYi�r��YYI.Y.e.�e%RpYiphq��.6.4 PAS RW b5aa9.1 YYVFpi6[FYir�i�iY^id VILLAGE A X11 gn LEGEND VILLAGE ` " wxmunT PUBLIC PARKS CENTER DISTRICT y •••— VILLAGEBOUNDARY SPE MCPLA WB DARY V1LL.IGEF .. _____ e.IvaovlvF SPECAL VEI+� DISTRICT jMUGEE 1 VH"GED eua�mw uxwx..sarc.evAo.u SCALE: V-2000' '9-1 1000' 300 0' 1000' 2000' OPEN SPACE PLAN WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN O POTENTIAL II m m \ VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT VH.UGEE A B C D E F C�1� SV�a4 Rttmtioa C. 2 2 2 2 2 to. SPECBIC PLAN BOUNDARY Weu Ming Crmial Ff3 30 20c �, cw,x1aEa w�ltEVND O y �ii 3�t n .mow wxneun VILLAGE F O �.. .. —.._. O _.. SPECUSE UL \ DISTRICT \ 1 M"GED mamaorc wuo.�o Tart WS LEGEND GKKBP.W(PRM SCALE: 1'•2000' EXHIBIT 9-2 1000 300' D' 1000' moa PRIVATE OPEN SPACE PLAN �19 WFST MING CENTRAL PARK OCAKE ORECREATION CENTER •••— VILLAGE BOUNDARY SPECBIC PLAN BOUNDARY GKKBP.W(PRM SCALE: 1'•2000' EXHIBIT 9-2 1000 300' D' 1000' moa PRIVATE OPEN SPACE PLAN �19 WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN PHASES. EXHIBIT 11-1 FOR NM SCALE: 1'-2000' loan' 5w o• 1000 2000' WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN LEGEND NM -RI DWELLING UMTS WM-RI West Ming Ow Family Dwelling Zone WM-Rl rcn� �Y 3+Q WM-R2 West Ming l.imite6 MulGPle %' HUAGEA E00 1403 Fangly Dwelling Zone VILLAGEA W'M-Rl V AGE 300 5M / V AGEC 300 740 Ww Ming Limited Muld- 7. WM-R2 Family Dwelling Zone /' VILLIGED 400 993 POTENTIALV AGEE 250 651 West Min, Pmfcsnovel& ROU A -BODY NFF-.,/ Admins tm Office Zooe WM-R2 — —�.. 'tiinMEe'x".... V AGEF 700 1.993 / eoueayAm V G£CENF£R )00 2.313 West Ming General Commvcial Zone +'.% \ / VILLAGEB wM-RZ 'S TGlAl No+ro erred ).450 ® WmMMBT� Zone Wen Ming Dnll lsland Zone Wert Ming Special Use Zone WM R2 VILLAGE _ CENTER �vyrt[u�e D��' . V/LLAGECISTRICT � pvillage Boundary s mfi. Plan Boundary WM-R2 9 `\ wM-R2 I WM-R2 — i VILLAGEF WM-R2 \ VILLI GED WM R2 I Wm -R2 V/LLAGEE .1 Pncarco eo+D EXHIBIT 13-1 ,ZONING SCALE: I'-QBD' Id10' 600' d 1100' 2400'