HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 OPI RESULTS1 Danielle Blackburn Subject:SA004, AT&T Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Location:1918 M STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-4635 Start:Fri 11/2/2018 11:30 AM End:Fri 11/2/2018 1:30 PM Recurrence:(none) Meeting Status:Meeting organizer Organizer:Simplex Communication Required Attendees:RENUK, ALLEN L; 'SANDERS, SEAN T'; CHAMBERS-OLIVER, KAMBRIN; 'ATTCATesting@taitenv.onmicrosoft.com'; 'HAYN, CINDY H (ATTSI)' (ch1921@att.com) ; Brian Harmon; Carlos Cardenas; Jennifer Pruitt; Maria Figueroa; Adolfo Aguilar Categories:Drop Tube Inspection, Legacy S Site There is an AT&T Drop Tube Inspection scheduled for this location on the date and time indicated. SA004 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD 93301-4635     PERMIT REQUIRED for TESTING      Please contact the Compliance Manager with any questions and/or comments at:  simplexcommunication@tait.com    714.560.8200    Environmental Health/CUPA Contact Information:   Bakersfield City Fire Department  2101 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301  Method of Notification: Email  Contact: Kristopher Karns KKarns@bakersfieldfire.us    1 Danielle Blackburn From:Carlos Cardenas Sent:Wednesday, October 31, 2018 1:53 PM To:Kristopher Karns Cc:Jennifer Pruitt Subject:***Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Attachments:FedEx Shipment 773561221107 Delivered; SA004_Drop Tube Inspection Permit Application_20181102.pdf Importance:High TrackingTracking:Recipient Delivery Kristopher Karns Jennifer Pruitt Delivered: 10/31/2018 1:53 PM Hello Kris,    Per our conversation last week, I show that the permit application was submitted for the Drop Tube Inspection that we  were hoping to conduct on 11/2/2018, after our morning testing at SA002. Hopefully we’re all set, but please let me  know if there is anything I will need to provide. Thank you for your help in getting these scheduled.    Carlos E. Cardenas Tait Environmental Services, Inc. (714) 567-6418     There is an AT&T Drop Tube Inspection scheduled for this location on the date and time indicated. SA004 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD 93301-4635     PERMIT REQUIRED for TESTING    Please contact the Compliance Manager with any questions and/or comments at:  simplexcommunication@tait.com    714.560.8200    Environmental Health/CUPA Contact Information:   Bakersfield City Fire Department  2101 H Street  Bakersfield, CA 93301  Method of Notification: Email  Contact: Kristopher Karns KKarns@bakersfieldfire.us    1 Danielle Blackburn From:Mail Delivery System <MAILER-DAEMON@dispatchb-us1.ppe-hosted.com> To:kkarns@bakersfieldfire.us Sent:Wednesday, October 31, 2018 1:53 PM Subject:Relayed: ***Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Delivery to these recipients or groups is complete, but no delivery notification was sent by the destination server: kkarns@bakersfieldfire.us Subject: ***Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield 1 Danielle Blackburn From:TrackingUpdates@fedex.com Sent:Friday, October 26, 2018 10:32 AM To:Carlos Cardenas Subject:FedEx Shipment 773561221107 Delivered To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.FedEx® Your package has been delivered Tracking # 773561221107 Ship date: Thu, 10/25/2018 Carlos Cardenas SANTA ANA, CA 92705 US To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Delivery progress bar Delivered Delivery date: Fri, 10/26/2018 10:23 am Fire Prevention Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 US Personalized Message This is for the SA004 Drop Tube Inspection for 11/2/2018 11:30 AM (After SA002 testing) Shipment Facts Our records indicate that the following package has been delivered. Tracking number: 773561221107 Status: Delivered: 10/26/2018 10:23 AM Signed for By: L.LU Reference: SA004-ATTMC - DTI Signed for by: L.LU Delivery location: BAKERSFIELD, CA Delivered to: Receptionist/Front Desk Service type: FedEx Priority Overnight® Packaging type: FedEx® Envelope Number of pieces: 1 Weight: 0.50 lb. Special handling/Services: Deliver Weekday Standard transit: 10/26/2018 by 10:30 am 2 This tracking update has been requested by: Name: Carlos Cardenas Email: ccardenas@tait.com Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 12:32 PM CDT on 10/26/2018. All weights are estimated. To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above. This tracking update has been sent to you by FedEx on behalf of the Requestor ccardenas@tait.com. FedEx does not validate the authenticity of the requestor and does not validate, guarantee or warrant the authenticity of the request, the requestor's message, or the accuracy of this tracking update. Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money-Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative. © 2018 Federal Express Corporation. The content of this message is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and international law. Review our privacy policy. All rights reserved. Thank you for your business. &(56 &DOLIRUQLD(QYLURQPHQWDO5HSRUWLQJ6\VWHP,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ867 8QGHUJURXQG6WRUDJH7DQN,&& ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RGH&RXQFLO$9 $XGLEOHDQG9LVXDO 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 29(5),//35(9(17,21(48,30(17,163(&7,215(3257)250 3DJHRI  7\SHRI$FWLRQ,QVWDOODWLRQ,QVSHFWLRQ5HSDLU,QVSHFWLRQ0RQWK,QVSHFWLRQ , )$&,/,7<,1)250$7,21 &(56,''DWHRI2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW,QVSHFWLRQ %XVLQHVV1DPH(Same as Facility Name or DBA-Doing Business As) %XVLQHVV6LWH$GGUHVV &LW\ =,3&RGH ,, 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1.6(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1,1)250$7,21 1DPHRI8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ3HUIRUPLQJWKH,QVSHFWLRQ(Print as shown on the ICC Certification.) 3KRQH &RQWUDFWRU7DQN7HVWHU/LFHQVH ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ([SLUDWLRQ'DWH 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW,QVSHFWLRQ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.) ,,, 29(5),//35(9(17,21(48,30(17,163(&7,21,1)250$7,21 ,QVSHFWLRQ0HWKRG 8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the inspection procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 7$1.,'(By tank number, stored product, etc.) :KDWLVWKHWDQNLQVLGHGLDPHWHU" (Inches) ,VWKHILOOSLSLQJVHFRQGDULO\FRQWDLQHG"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R ,VWKHYHQWSLSLQJVHFRQGDULO\FRQWDLQHG"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQXIDFWXUHU V  :KDWLVWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWUHVSRQVH ZKHQDFWLYDWHG" (Check all that apply.) 6KXWV2II)ORZ6KXWV2II)ORZ 6KXWV2II)ORZ 6KXWV2II)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ5HVWULFWV)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ $9$ODUP$9$ODUP $9$ODUP $9$ODUP $UHIORZUHVWULFWRUVLQVWDOOHGRQYHQWSLSLQJ"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R $WZKDWOHYHOLQWKHWDQNLVWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQVHW WRDFWLYDWH"(Inches from bottom of tank.) :KDWLVWKHSHUFHQWFDSDFLW\RIWKHWDQNDWZKLFKWKH RYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWDFWLYDWHV" ,VWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQLQSURSHURSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQ WR UHVSRQG ZKHQ WKH VXEVWDQFH UHDFKHV WKH DSSURSULDWHOHYHO" <HV<HV<HV<HV 1R (Specify in V.)1R(Specify in V.)1R(Specify in V.)1R (Specify in V.) ,9 6800$5<2),163(&7,215(68/76 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ,QVSHFWLRQ5HVXOWV3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO 9 &200(176 Any items marked “Fail” must be explained in this section. Any additional comments may also be provided here. 9, &(57,),&$7,21%<8676(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1&21'8&7,1*7+,6,163(&7,21 ,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWZDVLQVSHFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&DOLIRUQLD&RGHRI5HJXODWLRQV7LWOH 'LYLVLRQ&KDSWHU6HFWLRQDQGDOOWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQLVDFFXUDWH 8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ6LJQDWXUH If the facility has more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of this page may be attached. SA004 10023349 11/2/2018 Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT&T California 1918 M St. Bakersfield 93301 Adolfo Aguilar 714560-8200 588098 5238610 5/26/2020 OPW / 100804 PEI RP 1200 SA004U001 113.75" OPW 71-SO 102" 94.55% Ball valve was removed from the vent line. UST Tank Also Equipped w/ Overfill Alarm. Adolfo Aguilar Identification of Inspection Procedures for Overfill Prevention Equipment To Whom It May Concern: Tait Environmental Services, Inc., utilizes the following procedures when conducting Overfill Prevention Equipment Inspections: 1) Drop Tubes with Overfill Prevention Valves a) Verify information based upon Manufacturer installation instructions and follow their inspection procedures. b) If manufacturer information is not available, we conduct the inspection per PEI-RP1200-17, Section 7.1 2) Audible/Visual Alarms a) Verify programming or installation per manufacturer guidelines and test the system per manufacturer specifications. b) If manufacturer information is not available, we conduct the inspection per PEI-1200-17, Section 7.3. 3) Ballfloat Inspections are conducted following the procedures in PEI-RP1200-17, Section 7.2 California Environmental Reporting System: Business Jennifer Pruitt's Account Sign Out Tools Reports Help Submittal Finished: Submittal Finished: AT&T California - SA004AT&T California - SA004 Home »Draft Submittal »Submittal Finished (10023349) Print Submittal You have submitted the following elements on 11/27/2018 to Bakersfield City Fire Department • Underground Storage Tanks • Facility Information What's Next? • Return to the Draft Submittal page. • Return to Facility Home. Version 2.25.0002 | Enhancements | CERS Central Diagnostics | Conditions of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact | Help California Environmental Reporting System: Business | © 2018 California Environmental Protection AgencyCERS Technical Support: Request Technical Assistance Unified Program/General Assistance: Contact your local regulator(s) Home Home SubmittalsSubmittals FacilitiesFacilities ComplianceCompliance My BusinessMy Business CERS Help Settings My Business: PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY d Page 1 of 2Submittal Finish: CERS Business 11/27/2018https://cersbusiness.calepa.ca.gov/768/Facility/10023349/Submittal/1255194/Finish CERS Help Settings My Business: PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY d Page 2 of 2Submittal Finish: CERS Business 11/27/2018https://cersbusiness.calepa.ca.gov/768/Facility/10023349/Submittal/1255194/Finish