HomeMy WebLinkAbout3220 MING AVENUE FMC 2013HOODS ALARMS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SPRAY BOOTH AST UST Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. File Number: 3-2 7A Address: , Bakersfield, CA 933 Permit No. Permit No. i3-c M 30 Date Received: Cm - 2 Business Name: 4rc d SYSTEM: BUILDING SQUARE FEET: INSPECTION LOG New Mod. Commercial Hood System Fire Alarm System Fire Sprinkler System Spray Finish SysBam Aboveground Storage Tank Underground Storage Tank minor modification Underground Storage Tank removal Underground Storage Tank Building Sq. Feet: Calculation Bldg. Sq. Ft: M,- Other. 1. 2. 3. 4. Date Time 3'li3 zo- W_aez Signature Signature Comments: F04-?C oN i 7A,'s S;W -5 a VP// sYsz2!4,) R,euc e iec 9 &324,9 -k Cam'. Sl3%/3 VA ',Iq f'25212 C,40 -1211y, 3 VM ; 7tP 23 o2 ? ro /20/13 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD / LINE TESTING SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION TANK TIGHTNESS TEST A S A D JuRe AV ANTR I r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 X LINE TESTING SB -989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING X TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION Cathodic Protection Testing SITE INFORMATION FACILITY ARCO NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS 3220 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. OWNERS NAME Same OPERATORS NAME Same PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED? YES NO TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS 1 87 UL 2 87 UL 3 91 UL TANK TESTING COMPANY NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Advanced Compliance Bruce W. Hinsley 661- 706 -4321 MAILING ADDRESS 3704 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93312 Bruce W. Hinsley 661- 706 -4321 CERTIFICATION #:A25212 DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED Icc #: 8032698 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ` DATE 6/26/2013 APPROVED BY DATE FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT PEttMIT,# FIRE wRrN BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Oknna• 441 -174-1070 . Fav• AA1 -AS7 -7171 INFORMATIONSITE LOCATION OF PROJECT ARCO PROPERTY OWNER Same STARTING DATE COMPLETION DATE NAME PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PHONE # PROJECT ADDRESS 3 2 2 0 Ming Ave. crnr g K _ ( STATE CA ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CONTRACTOR NAME CA LICENSE # Advanced Compliance 971259 TYPE OF LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE C61 D40 3/31/2014 PHONE 661- 706 -4321 CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Advanced Compliance FAX # 661- 589 - 9329, ADDRESS 3704 Littlefalls Ct. CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93312 All permits must be reviewed, stamped, and approved PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 1 Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) $280 ONLY Over 10,000 sq ft 0 .028 x sq ft Sprinkler - New & Modification (minimum charge) 280 Over 10,000 sq ft 0.028 x sq ft Minor Sprinkler Modification ( <10 heads) 96 (inspection only) 84 Commercial Hood (NeW & Modification) 470 Additional hood S8 Spray Booth (New & Modification) 470 98 Aboveground Storage Tank (1 Inspection per installation) AST 180 /tank 82 Additional Tank ATI 96 /tank 82 Aboveground Storage Tank (Removal, Mod,or Inspect'n) ATR 109 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (installation/Inspection) NI 878 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD 878 /site 82 Underground Storage Tank (Minor Modification) MTM 167 /site 82 Underground Storage Tank (Removal) TR 573/tank 84 Mandated Leak Detection (test) /Fuel Mont Cert/SB989 NOTE: $96 /hr for each type of test/per site even If scheduled at the same time TT 96/hr (2 hrs minimum) =$192 82 Oil well (Installation, Inspection, or re- inspection) X 96 /hr 82 Tent # 96 /tent 84 After -hours Inspection fee 121 /hr (2 hrs minimum)=t$242 Pyrotechnic (1 permit per event, plus an inspection fee of 96/hr during business hours) Py NOTE: After hours Pyrotechnic event InsipmtIon is @ 121 /hr 96 /hr + (5 hrs min standby fee/insp)= $576 5 hrs min standby fee Ins 605 84 Re- Inspection /Follow -up Inspection 96 /hr 84 Portable LPG (Propane): # of Cages? 96/hr 84 Explosive Storage 266 84 Copying & File Research (File Research fee $50 /hr) 0.25 /page 84 Miscellaneous 84 Advanced Compliance 1233 Bakersfield Fire Department 6/27/2013 Date Type Reference Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192.00 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192.00 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192.00 Check Amount 576.00 y -% _ g f 1..11 I , '. i, • .' x• ' i . L3 Ih t'•r. ";3'r'F }4y` -,. °} r r•Y .,?ir }",w3 t ; .n'1. t.. rd •ct. i c. y "?'. C =E:s - - a ,:i;.' t' } d ,i ?.t ,c'. f2 j:E'_:. a ,. , . .a^'^ 'ant t', rye' i u,.: E t r 4` ` "vuy c x,..'c".:•e Y`i'io?•. lA.ce.r'."n. . _,,._t_._,c :.,.rirc .3,t '.i^_-. `.. .4`n ;k' r.. ....0 c`.e w., ,.. a, ..._r.... .. r._.,. yv ,,... r- .x. -a ,.a Advanced Compliance 1233 Bakersfield Fire Department 6/27/2013 Date Type Reference Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192.00 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192.00 6/27/2013 Bill 192.00 192.00 192:00 Check Amount 576.00 YY f y ..`J .L,ud Y _ `kis lr" F( •, 1}:9 u.SCI.. . ) Kl: e .4 - f -x 1 1 r fit.— 'SIi x{' yi =rc} I "'GS,,=esr= 1 r z J; ; :x,:tiL.F;;;i2 t;i x'r.i?,`r4•t', 'fn :e'J .--.r, ,. mlh'r d ., i. + r .. i + t ~ !n:. K.. •y' x r 1 __Ir' t t _ .t.T f V4ktr 'X :G': n _,, °.. ...,z<._25...a.,a`R t.ki; =".hr_ .a,_,r_v'tl,'..`.c '''_;:i_i..!. -z .. 'i .r.s:tT'.+'2- }r.E' ;. .,fb.,.. girt e', '', _. - .. :... e_;..- .'x1.,:l9Yn .ti'3yy.,:. ..r Appendix W Copies of Monitoring System Certification form and UST Monitoring Plot Plan avallable at MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For fJse By AftJurisdictions Www) the State of Gafitomia Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each muruloring system control panel by the technician who performs the work, A copy of this form must be provided lu tint tank systemuwner.,'operator. The owner /operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date General Inlormation , 1 ;7 irocllllyName: ! ALLE. +... _ C.. 7 .1.. ... Bldg. No.:... . Site Address: _Zo–L ..0 Cnr &A KE7._ZFjE0 zip: X13 311 3 Facility Contact Person: R y Contact Phone NO.: („6,6,1 ) 5 %A a a 1 Maka(MOdel of Monitoring System:' Xr;,0M- jZ Q7r )J LS- 3.5 -0.... Dato of Testing/Servicing: 8 /a% i AQ 1 3 Li Inventory of Equipment rested/Cer0fied r•r.e..,, rr.e s.....A.t. kA.— f., InAlnnFa . _llln an,dnmaM Inranactad /sarvlced! Tank ID. f'tA1l.. l._. LEaDE. p Tank ID:_ In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: _ I In -Ter* paugirp Probe. Model: Annular Space or Vault SWSOr. Model: y 0 –'boy Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: Piping Sump I Trench Sansor(s). Model: Fill SumpSeneun(s). Model:. .... ..._ . Fill Sump Sensor(s). model:... Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model- Mechanical Line Leak Datectur. Model: F.Wronic Line Leak Detector. Model; _,. 1 Electronc Une Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill/ HighrLevel Sensor. Model: _. _ _ _ I Tank Overfill I High -Loyal Sensor. Model: other spopify equipment t and model in Section E on Page 2). t Other ($pKIfy M20rnent type MCI model in action E an Pa 2). Tank 10: Tank 10: _-- ....._. In -Tank Gauging Probe, Model:..___, _ In -Tank Gauging Probe, Model: , _ , , Annular Space ur Vault S0080r. Model: Annular Space or VaultS6nsoi. Model: Piping Sump I Trench Sonsor(s), Model: PI Ing Sump/ Trench Sensorial. Model:..__.___.. Fill SuntpSOnso((e) Model: I FIIISurnpSrmaor(a). Model: Mecllariwal Un0 Leak Detector. Model: , , ____ – I Mechanical Line Leak Deteotor, Model; Elecvunic Line Leak Detector. Model: i Electronic Une Leek Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / High -Loyal Sensor, Model: -, _ Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Modal: Other (specify atfuloment type and model in Section E on Pe 2). 1 Other (speCIN 9quipmerti type and model m Section E an Pace 2 . Dispenser 10: _ ._.. _ ... Dispenser ID.. __._ – ...... oisperraer Containment Semor(s), Model: ...,.._ ....... — I Dispenser Contaltunern Sensor(s). Model: Shear Valve(s). I Shear Valve(s). I ns r Qontalriment Floats and Charlie), 1 Dispenser CoMpInmem Floss and Chains . Dispenser ID: __.. Dispenser 10: –... 1 Dispenser Gontairrnertt Sensor(s), Model: Dispenser Containment Sensorial. Model: , SI)ow Valve(s). I Shear Valve(s), Dta eiw& Containment Float(s) and Chalk a . t 01apanser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser 10: Mgwnser 10:..... ... . Dispenser Cureainmern Sensor(s) modal: 1 Dispenser Containment sensor(t). Model:.., , Shear Valva(s). 1 Shear Volve(s). Dis roar Corriafnmem Floa S and Chain a I Dispenser Containment Floats and Chain e . It Ifte facility Contains inure Lanka or dispensers, Copy tnly Iona. InCluge information lot every Lank and dtspeneer ai the ,awury. C. Certlificatlon - I certMy that the equipment Identified In this document was Inspected /servlded In accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. AMached to this CaHhiestiofl Is Information (e.g. rnanufacturere checklists) necessary to verity that this Intonttatlon Is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of m rilloring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports. I have also attached a copy of the repon; (check all that spply): I System set-up -1 Alar tory p I Technician Nance (print): ! a -r6CK TT Signature:. Certil"ton NO : Pl. i_ :_ _ ...... Ucense. No.:. ._ 11.] OZ `U _ ....... ..._ . Testing C:umpuny Name: PhoneL+._ . Phone No.:(461 ) TeeGng Company Address' 6 63_Q___R.O.%EbA L_E HW It ..3_ _12L - ... Date of Teating/Servieing: g /a.t' 61Ctt,3 Monitoring System CsRlflcation Page f of d 12/07 2/21/07 S/Z d aaAADS XPj « 8 SV80 EZ- 80 -£I0Z W30 Rosedaie Hwy 0 B Bakamfleld, CalHomla 83308 Phone: 661 SW2777 Fax: 681 568 2786 Fax To: Bakersfield Fire — Emie Medina Fr+on+: KeNy Tackett Fora 852 -2171 Data 8 -23-13 Phooa: - Paga: Re: Test results CM -- O llrgeM[3 For Review O Please Conwneat Pls a RWy Please Recycle Co n nset -s: Hi Emie, Attached are test results that you have witnessed reeentN after we made repairs Arco AMlPM Taft Hwy UPS -- 3800 Siiled 7.11 1701 Pacheco Arco AM/PM Ming Ave Please call l( you have any questions. GA d aanaa5 XPA C< 8 00 :90 £r- 80 -Eloz BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT - INSPECTION RECORD Post this Card at the Job Site and DO NOT Remove for Duration of Work Inspection Request Phone No. (661) 326 -3979 UST NEW INSTALL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE BACKFILL PRIMARY PIPE SECONDARY PIPE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SENSORS AUTHORIZATION FOR FUEL ELECTRICAL SEAK -OFF TANK TESTING. UST REMOVAL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE AST NEW INSTALL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE MODIFICATIONS MINOR [MAJOR AST REMOVAL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE EVR UPGRADE PRIORTO_OPERATION_OF ANY_S_YSTEM, ALL;UST AND %OR_AST SYSTEMS -SHALL BE INSTALL:COMPLETE AND ACCEPTED BYE MISC. ACTIVITY THE BAKERSFIELD -CITY FARE- DEPARTMENT: F,,-FIR,E_YDEPARTMENT(FINAL) REMARKS: BUILDING ADDRESS: 3,2- Q JOB DESCRIPTION: ,C.iu p % gi ".0 -f ,,vlC., OCCUPANCY TYPE: 2_15 OWNER: A PERMIT NO. 13 - 10660 30 CONTRACTOR: A,y,v `l, C , ,, PHONE # FD 1743 Appendix VI Copies of Monitoring System Certification form and UST Monitoring Plot Plan available at http: //www.waterboards.ca.gov.) MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited. Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner /operator. The owner /operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: Valley Plaza ARCO Bldg. No.: Site Address: 3220 Mina Ave. City: Bakersfield Zip: Facility Contact Person: Contact Phone No.: Make/Model of Monitoring System: Veeder -Root TLS -350 Date of Testing /Servicing: L /3 1/ 2013 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested /Certified Check the appropriate boxes to Indicate specific equipment Inspected/serviced: Tank ID: 87 UL T -1 Tank ID: 91 UL X In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: Man, X In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: Mao. X Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794380 -301 X Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794380 -301 X Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: X Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Series 8484 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Series 8484 Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: Other (specify equipment and model in Section E on Page 2). Other (specify ui ment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Tank ID: 87 UL T2 Tank ID: X In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: Mao. In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: X Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794380 -301 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: X Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Piping Sump/ Trench Sensor(s). Model: X Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: X Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: Other (specify ui mart type and model in Section E on Page 2). Others i equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Dispenser ID: 1 -2 Dispenser ID: 7 -8 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Shear Valve(s). X Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Floats and Chain(s). Dis nser Containment Floats and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: 3-4 Dispenser ID: 9 -10 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Shear Valve(s). X Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Floats and Chain(s). Dispenser Containment Floats and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: 5 -6 Dispenser ID: 11 -12 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 X Shear Valve(s). X Shear Vave(s). Dispenser Containment Floats and Chains Dispenser Containment Floats and Chain(s). If the facility contains more tanks ordispensers, copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified In this document was Inspected /sery iced In accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is Information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this Information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also attached a copy of the report; (check all thatapply): X System set -up X Alarm history report Technician Name (print): Bruce W. Hinslev Signature: %r Ul Certification No.: A25212 License. No.: 971259 Testing Company Name: Advanced Compliance Phone No.:(661) 708 -4321 Testing Company Address: 3707 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93312 Date of Testing /Servicing: 7 / 31 / 2013 Monitoring System Certification Page 1 of 4 12/07 2/21/07 D. Results of Testing /Servicing Software Version Installed: 129.02 Comolete the followina checklist: X Yes No` Is the audible alarm operational? X Yes No' Is the visual alarm operational? X Yes u No` Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? X Yes No' Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation Yes No' If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? X N/A X Yes No' For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system n N/A detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut -down? (Check all that apply) X Sump/Trench Sensors; X Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut -down due to leaks ODA sensor failure /disconnection? X Yes; No. Yes No' For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no mechanical overfill prevention X NIA valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank rill point(s) and operating property? If so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? % X Yes' No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section E, below. X Yes' No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) Product; Water. If es describe causes in Section E below. X Yes No' Was monitoring system set -up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, if applicable X Yes No* Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? In Secuon a below, describe now and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Comments: The sensor in the 87 UL T -2 STP sumo and the vent pan annular were replaced. A small amount of water was removed from the T -2 STP sump. Monitoring System Certification Page 2 of 4 12107 2/21/07 F. In -Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: x Check this box iftank gauging is used only for inventory control. Check this box ifno tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in -tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: Yes No' Has all input wiring been Inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Yes n No` Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? Yes No' Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? Yes No` Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? Yes No' Were all probes reinstalled properly? Yes No' Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): Check this box if LLDs are not installed. Complete the following checklist: X Yes No' For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all WA that apply) Simulated leak rate: X 3 g.p.h.; 0.1 g.p.h ; 0.2 g.p.h. X Yes No` Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? X Yes No` Was the testing apparatus property calibrated? X Yes No' For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? N/A Yes No' For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? X N/A Yes No` For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or X N/A disconnected? n Yes n No' For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions or X N/A fails a test? Yes No' For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? X N/A X Yes No* I Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Monitoring System Certification Page 3 of b 12107 2/21/07 Monitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: Vallev Plaza ARCO 3220 Mina Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93304 I ......................... .... I1T . . . . . . . . 12 .10. . . .MOr] -it Oz 11........9. ............. .......... ESO....... 8. 6.. .......... .......... UDC UDC. . 7.........5.. ............ .......... N........ ........... ........... .......... t. ......... .......... ............. ...... Stare . 3.........1 ................ .......... Siphon. Sump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 K '91 ' 10'K $ 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PG K r ........................ Annular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suzn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. ................................. Fill' Sump ......................... I............... Ming Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date map was drawn: Instructions If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in -tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page of 05100 Advanced Compliance 3704 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 661 - 706 -4321 Fax# 661 -589 -9329 VAPORLESS MANUFACTURING, INC. LDT -890 Leak Detector Test Record Contractor: Advanced Compliance Customer: Valley Plaza ARCO Date: 7/31/2013 Location: 3220 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Product: 87 UL T -1 Technician: Bruce W. Hinsle Submersible Pump Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Model No.: Serial No.: Notes: Leak Detector Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Description: FX -1V Diaphragm-type: Piston-type: Tamper -proof seal installed: Other Style Leak Detector: Notes: Leak Detector in Submersible Pump Test at Dis eraser Operating Pump Pressure (psi): 35 para. 15 Gallons per hour rate: 3.0 para. 22 Line pressure with pump shut off (psi): 15 para. 23 Bleed -back Test with pump off (ml): 360 para. 26 Step-through time to full flow (secs): N/A para. 30 Leak detector stays in leak search position (Yes/No): N/A para. 42 Leak Detector Test Pass / Fail Notes: Pass Complete thermal expansion test before failing leak detector Advanced Compliance 3704 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 661 - 706 -4321 Fax# 661-589-9329 VAPORLESS MANUFACTURING, INC. LDT -890 Leak Detector Test Record Contractor: Advanced Compliance Customer: Valley Plaza ARCO Date: 7/31/2013 Location: 3220 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Product: 87 UL T -2 Technician: Bruce W. Hinsle Submersible Pum p Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Model No.: Serial No.: Notes: Leak Detector Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Descri tion: FX -1 V Diaphragm-type: Piston-type: Tamper -proof seal installed: Other Style Leak Detector: Notes: Leak Detector in Submersible Pump Test at Dispenser Operating Pump Pressure (psi): 35 para. 15 Gallons per hour rate: 3.0 ara. 22 Line pressure with pump shut off (psi): 15 para. 23 Bleed -back Test with pump off (ml): 380 para. 26 Step-through time to full flow (secs): N/A para. 30 Leak detector stays in leak search position (Yes/No): N/A para. 42 Leak Detector Test Pass / Fail Notes: Pass Complete thermal expansion test beforefailing leak detector Advanced Compliance 3704 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 661- 706 -4321 Fax# 661 -589 -9329 VAPORLESS MANUFACTURING, INC. LDT -890 Leak Detector Test Record Contractor: Advanced Compliance Customer: Valley Plaza ARCO Date: 7/31/2013 Location: 3220 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Product: 91 UL Technician: Bruce W. Hinsle Submersible Pum p Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Model No.: Serial No.: Notes: Leak Detector Identification Manufacturer: Red'acket Descri tion: FX -1V Diaphragm-type: Piston-type: Tamper -proof seal installed: Other Style Leak Detector: Notes: Leak Detector in Submersible Pump Test at Dispenser Operating Pump Pressure (psi): 37 para. 15 Gallons per hour rate: 3.0 para. 22 Line pressure with pump shut off (psi): 16 ara. 23 Bleed -back Test with pump off (ml): 165 ara. 26 Step-through time to full flow (secs): N/A para. 30 Leak detector stays in leak search position Yes/No : N/A para. 42 Leak Detector Test Pass / Fail Notes: Pass Complete thermal expansion test beforefailing leak detector SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form Thisform is intendedfor use by contractors performing annual testing ofUST spill containment structures. The completedform and printoutsfrom tests (ifapplicable), should be provided to the facility owner /operatorfor submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Valley Plaza ARCO I Date ofTesting: 7/31/2013 Facility Address: Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Facility Contact: Phone: Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing: Name of Local Agency Inspector (tfpresent during testing): Ester Duran 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Advanced Compliance Technician Conducting Test: Bruce W. Hinsley Credentials: X CSLB Contractor ICC Service Tech. SWRCB Tank Tester Other (Spec) License Number(s): 971259 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic Vacuum Other Test Equipment Used: Visual Equipment Resolution: Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank Number, Stored Product, etc. l 87 UL E. T -1 2 87 UL W. T -1 3 87 UL T -2 4 91 UL Bucket Installation Type: Direct Bury X Contained in Sump Direct Bury X Contained in Sump Direct Bury X Contained in Sump Direct Bury X Contained in Sum Bucket Diameter: 11" 11" 11" 11" Bucket Depth: 1 ]" 11" 11" 11" Wait time between applying vacuum /water and start of test: 10 min. 10 min. 10 min. 10 Min. Test Start Time (Tj): 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 Initial Reading (Ri): 9.50" 9.00" 09.00" 9.25" Test End Time (TF): 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 Final Reading (RF): 9.50" 9.00" 09.00" 9.25" Test Duration (TF — Tj): 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. IHr. Change in Reading (RF - Rj): 0.0" 0.0" 0.0" 0.011 Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.25" 0.25" 0.25" 0.25" Test Result: X Pass Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail Comments— (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 1 hereby certify that all the information contained in this report is true, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. Technician's Signature: fir/i Date: 7/31/2013 State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may be more stringent. Monitoring System Certification Form: Addendum for Vacuum/Pressure Interstitial Sensors I. Results of Vacuum/Pressure Monitoring Equipment Testing This page should be used to document testing and servicing of vacuum and pressure interstitial sensors. A copy of this form must be included with the Monitoring System Certification Form, which must be provided to the tank system owner /operator. The owner /operator must submit a copy of the Monitoring System Certification Form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. Manufacturer: Veeder -Root Model: TLS -350 System Type: Pressure; ® Vacuum Sensor ID i,ore.ii Imp Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Unleaded 1 Product S9 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Unleaded 1 Vapor s10 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Unleaded 1 Vent S11 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Product Manifold s12 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Unleaded 2 Vent 03 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Premium Product/Vent s14 Sensor Functionality Test Result: ® Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor: Sensor Functionality Test Result: Pass; Fail Interstitial Communication Test Result: Pass; Fail How was interstitial communication verified? Leak Introduced at Far End of Interstitial Space;' Gauge; Visual Inspection; Other (Describe in Sec. J, below) Was vacuum /pressure restored to operating levels in all interstitial spaces? ® Yes No (lfno, describe in Sec. J, below) J. Comments: Page 4 of 4 If the sensor successfully detects a simulated vacuum /pressure leak introduced in the interstitial space at the furthest point from the sensor, vacuum /pressure has been demonstrated to be communicating throughout the interstice. UN -036A -1 /1 www.unidocs.org Rev. 01/26/06 J I.IL :31 - S 1"": S- 59 f I"I ENC;L 1:H 2,YSTEN I'l-IF *Fi 'F* -111" T t , .:' HLID 82-,910 MING AVE - 0, 8 Cr 9 1304, 1 2, 00 111-1SHIFTTIME11. '. SHIFT TIME 2 U(SO,LffkH-i FT T I HE 3 mbAbLED SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED I tSH-I F' r B-I R- F,R I IqT0IJTS d BLEb DAIL%` -ITS TI,CK'ETED EirLIQER'r- DI',,,ABLED " ' 1. TANK PER - TEiT NEEDED 1,42-11 D I SABLED, TANK, -ANN NEEDED WPN DjFABLED, ', A kIJ NE. RE bjAf5CE7'NETti0D F'A22' L 11• 49 TEST L I NE PER TST, NEEDE6 )JP14 DISABLED L I NE ANN T8T NEEDED IAIRN DISABLED PRINT TC '-,10LUMES 1:71-4AE, tjEC, TEriP VF LUE F 60. Cl E I I IT FF-`,r_T D ISABLEO' ART R UEEI? 21. sul'i QCI AH END DATP WECI., 21,11,1 END TINE 2: Cli-i At-] F,E--E1IREi1-I* L!) AL PRINTOUT 111 SABLEE, EURO PR%'_YI*OCxA,, PREFIX I.•Ja4-19 11-K) o.Lnv 03']848 111 kld FIV N-HUMI-1 '40SN21S QU1Vv 03184S 111 aOSUS 0111H 03718V2, 1 a i,io incji%ji c5,i,nv 037113421. I G 71HN-N31X3 0.1,1-1V fITIVS] G A•ill 1331,11 o1r1H G3719YISIG rjoi oinv G319ws iiwn (.)inw* J.1411 N31VM H!:,1H o.Lnv 03719vs I a 111411 W?H4'TV 71v3-i umo 1-11,111131:3 11IdSl`,IV8,L oi.nH 31VLS IVI-16014 NM 31,11011 Ai. I d"d 0096 3.1.421 GAH8 FFZ-SN VJ,Vlj R :1-U'AJ37 "JVtl 1:101S I : I 1 .9 K111-s 3140N AZ 1;.qVJ 0C196 31V3 qnHe wwoo 11J,3F,. J.NC)d I 1-4--TAIIII! T I :U1,11-CADET, R 1. THERVIAL (:0EFF Ci0CU00 TANK. DfAmETER I .2c.f. CIO TANK PROFILE I PT FULL 200010 11ETE'P firiTA I.J(D. SIPHON MrAll-11 F."'ILDED TFillill"S TO '. I`I(_JNE LINE HANIFOLDF.I.) THNJ(:-,)* T # : 0,2* LEAD; 111 N PER I Of, I 200 LEA11-.' MIN ANUILir-it- 1114 200 PERIODIC TE.:`,'T TYPE ANNUAL TEST PAIL ALARI-1 DIS"'BLED PER IOE11c, Tf-:2T FA - L P'LARM DISABLED 4RC1' - S-, MST FM,'- 11. ALA-R11 HNIq TES.T N."EPAGIN6: OFF F-FR OFF TANV MST 110TIFY: OFF TIC TST 'S.11PHON BREH1X:OFF DEL I VER,` DEI_A`/ I MIN PUMP THRM'FIOLD 10-00% 1. WATER 1 N"; HIGH WATER 1-111IT. 3.00 OR Lr"IBEL 11' 01_: I OVEPFILL LIMIT X10% 18000 HIGH PROEILIC'T 951/4, 19000 DELI VERY L I I"I I T 10% 000 L4 PRODLICT 500 LEAV ALARI"I LIHIT: 99 2UPD111• LIMIT 300 TAIQ TILT 13.00 PROBE OFF,'-:;L-:I' 0.00 SIPHON MrAll-11 F."'ILDED TFillill"S TO '. I`I(_JNE LINE HANIFOLDF.I.) THNJ(:-,)* T # : 0,2* LEAD; 111 N PER I Of, I 200 LEA11-.' MIN ANUILir-it- 1114 200 PERIODIC TE.:`,'T TYPE ANNUAL TEST PAIL ALARI-1 DIS"'BLED PER IOE11c, Tf-:2T FA - L P'LARM DISABLED 4RC1' - S-, MST FM,'- 11. ALA-R11 HNIq TES.T N."EPAGIN6: OFF F-FR OFF TANV MST 110TIFY: OFF TIC TST 'S.11PHON BREH1X:OFF DEL I VER,` DEI_A`/ I MIN PUMP THRM'FIOLD 10-00% T '- UNLEADED R V'R6DIJC-,T (*EJE I THERHAL i-:0EFF 000700 TANI, DlkimETEP 190.00 TANK PROFILE I PT FULL %mlll, I Cl000 METER DATA IIK'. FI-Oh'r SizE: li.lr*','TER WAPNH-ju HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERF I LL L I HI T HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LIHIT 3.0 1111. T -,':Ul- PRE111011 FLOAT SIZE: 3.0 WATER WARN 1 111:' HIGH "WATER 1-111IT: I WOO 90% 9 9500 10% 10110 L(A-3 PRODUl,-T 500 LEAY - ml-ARM L I M I T: 99 f'UDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 300 TANK TILT 0.00 PROBE OFFSET 0. CIO SIPHON MA141FOLOEr, TAI•-jY:3 TO: 111CdIE LINE MAN IF-."ll-DED TANKS TO: 01 LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 1-1 too LEAF, MIN ANNUAL 1% too PER IODIG TEST TYF'E sTAND.-pr, ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM D I PER I OD I C; TEST FH I L ALARM DISABLED GR0:-:;,j TES'l, FAIL AL,. "a.11 At-IN TEST iWERAGING: -:')FF PER TEST OFF TANY TES-Y NO, 1. 1 F."': OFF TST SIPH011 BREAE:OFF' flELv,-pER,i r)ELA-- ' PLI11P 'THRESHOLD 10.00'1 Mr'X OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT HIGH PRODUCT DELIVER",' LIHIT 3. Cl 11d LOW PRODU(I'T I LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN L-C-2,23 1-111IT: TANK TILT PROBE OFFSET 12000 90% 10800 95% 11,400 ex , 1000 500 99 300 cl. CIO o.130 1 I SIPHON TANKC,% TO: NOME LINE MAN 11'OLVED 7'HNK-3 TO: NONE LEHK H I N PEP M/DIC, LEAE HIN 0"', i Ou- LE""I" TEST PIE"1110D TEST ('1111 f0l-L : "'A-L TANK. JUL I - 210(39 START TIME : TEST RATE :0,20 DuRAT I cjN -. 2. HOURS i*,.-,T EA,RL',l 2T0P:0l';----rAB'Lf-Xl LEAK TE-`T REPORT L' I :VENT Ins"- TPI -STATr:'i (SINCLE FI.,-,,)mT) CATEWR-•i' P I F. I lqG sumi:, L 2:%JENT MUA hIll'i riR i -STATE :1 1-•IGLF FLOHT 1',ATEC,*RY A111,10LAR L :: UI--jL I H14H 0% DljHL POI(NT I CIO CATEGCiRY : ANNULAR SPACE PER IC'-DIC TEST TYPE 3TANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALA MRI`l D12m,4BLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM D112 rWLED L 4: PREI-I 0141- T,-1 ANN ElUr'L POINT f;4jl,-IULr-4.' SPA-(;E L 9'P111L 2TV, TRI-STATE ('1'41'11-31-E FL` 11, 1'i C*2,23S TE:2'r 1--AIL l--'ATEG,0RY : 21? SN-IMP DI23ADLED TANK PR-,-FILE I PT FIJLL V()1- I x'1'10'1_'1 HETER DATA I 140 FLOAT SIZE: 3.0 WATER WARN 1 111:' HIGH "WATER 1-111IT: I WOO 90% 9 9500 10% 10110 L(A-3 PRODUl,-T 500 LEAY - ml-ARM L I M I T: 99 f'UDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 300 TANK TILT 0.00 PROBE OFFSET 0. CIO SIPHON MA141FOLOEr, TAI•-jY:3 TO: 111CdIE LINE MAN IF-."ll-DED TANKS TO: 01 LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 1-1 too LEAF, MIN ANNUAL 1% too PER IODIG TEST TYF'E sTAND.-pr, ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM D I PER I OD I C; TEST FH I L ALARM DISABLED GR0:-:;,j TES'l, FAIL AL,. "a.11 At-IN TEST iWERAGING: -:')FF PER TEST OFF TANY TES-Y NO, 1. 1 F."': OFF TST SIPH011 BREAE:OFF' flELv,-pER,i r)ELA-- ' PLI11P 'THRESHOLD 10.00'1 Mr'X OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT HIGH PRODUCT DELIVER",' LIHIT 3. Cl 11d LOW PRODU(I'T I LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN L-C-2,23 1-111IT: TANK TILT PROBE OFFSET 12000 90% 10800 95% 11,400 ex , 1000 500 99 300 cl. CIO o.130 1 I SIPHON TANKC,% TO: NOME LINE MAN 11'OLVED 7'HNK-3 TO: NONE LEHK H I N PEP M/DIC, LEAE HIN 0"', i Ou- LE""I" TEST PIE"1110D TEST ('1111 f0l-L : "'A-L TANK. JUL I - 210(39 START TIME : TEST RATE :0,20 DuRAT I cjN -. 2. HOURS i*,.-,T EA,RL',l 2T0P:0l';----rAB'Lf-Xl LEAK TE-`T REPORT L' I :VENT Ins"- TPI -STATr:'i (SINCLE FI.,-,,)mT) CATEWR-•i' P I F. I lqG sumi:, L 2:%JENT MUA hIll'i riR i -STATE :1 1-•IGLF FLOHT 1',ATEC,*RY A111,10LAR L :: UI--jL I H14H 0% DljHL POI(NT I CIO CATEGCiRY : ANNULAR SPACE PER IC'-DIC TEST TYPE 3TANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALA MRI`l D12m,4BLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM D112 rWLED L 4: PREI-I 0141- T,-1 ANN ElUr'L POINT f;4jl,-IULr-4.' SPA-(;E L 9'P111L 2TV, TRI-STATE ('1'41'11-31-E FL` 11, 1'i C*2,23S TE:2'r 1--AIL l--'ATEG,0RY : 21? SN-IMP DI23ADLED ANN TEB:T OFF LlCI:PNl- STP iLM'41`4 PER TEST AVERAl3INl'.,: OFF c;H11131-13 FLOAT) OATEGORY i4INULAR TH11•ile TE2,11, NOTIFY: OFF 111K T2T 'SlPHON BREAK :OFF L I I : UNL I FILL CIELOIERY bEL.AY I I-IIN TRi--sTATE SING.LiF, FLU" I` PUMP THRESHOLD I C, - OW; offb)R'Y' PIFIIII, SUMP L24 LINL --, s'rp ANN TRI-21'ATE iqIl--IGLF FLOAT) CATEGORY : ANNUL.r"IR SPmi-E L*H:DISfl I TRI -STATE 4SI11ALE FLOAT) 0*ATEC-,',DRl' I : F.1I2PEW--.ER PAN 1-26'DISP I ANN TRI-STATE O-Dllll-,LE PLOAT, CATEGORY .: ANI,•JULAR SPACE 1,27:DI13P 2 t'ATEGOP', DISPENSER PAN 1-28:DISP 2 AWN NORMALLY CLOSEri 11A'rE,',oR!/ : ANi,•4ULAR SPACE L2,9:DISP ' TRI -STATE ;::;IN(4LE FLOAT) u:i'rFG()R-,' : Lif:'PENSER PAN 1-30:1DIISP-3 ANN TRI -ST" TE (,S-INGLE FLOAT'. C,'ATE,,O'R"*L' : Alql'.JIJL.AR SPACE L31 * E; ISP 4 TPI -STATE e.SINGLE FLOAT) CATE+ ?OR`J` : [,lSPEI--J,3ER PAN 4 H1,11• TRI -STATE FLOAT) SPACE CATEG(',R"' : ANNULAR l-sPr"l,, E 1-1:3:UNL *2 FILL TRI -STATE JSINGLI"' FLOAT, PIPING SI-111F. 1-14:1.111L 2 FILL TRI -STATE -'SINGLE F1.0"T.' TEk',O9"' ANNULA , SPACE k L 15: PRFJl FILL. TR 1 -STATE S I NGLE FI-4'.)HT CATEGOR's' F. I P 1 II.J.-4 SUIllf, LI6:PREH FILL W4111 TRI-STATE (::'l i• FLOAT) CATEGORY : --111HULAR ':D!Phl':E LI7 :1:113P 5 TRi --STATE --2.11-4GLE FLOAT) CATEGOPY DISPENSER PAN 1-IFj:f.*jISF' 5 0,11-4 TRI -STATE (2-'41,1GLE FLOAT', CATEGORY : ANNULAR 2PAJ;E. 1-19:fllcip 6 - TRI-STATE -'SINGLE FLOAT, PAN 1-2CI :DI'SP 6 AIIIl TPI -STATE (SIlI,';LE FLOAT) CATEGI)RY ANNULAR SPACE TRI -STATE (SI1,11-31-E FLOAT) CATEGORY STP SUMP I.,'-12:UNL I STP r"11,111 TRI—STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) C-r"ITEGORY : ANNUI-r-'IR SPACE L2:3:LiP4L 2 3TF,', TR]-'.;TATE tSIIIGLE FLOAT ATE,36 SETUP UNLEADED F., TANK 9: 1 0 z: I SPENSE MODE: MAN I Ful-DEll: 3 2:1.11- PREMIUM L'I'SPENSE fl'DE: STAI + IDn RD OUTPUT F.ELA"" BETUP R I I TYPE: PUI',IP CONTPOL. OUTPUT TANK 9: 1 IN—T"'14K T I :LEAI-" ALARM T !:HIGH r1,LA141 T I :L'-'-W ALARM LIOUID SEN:: ..`,'P Al-113 L 17: FI-IEI " ILARM L 19: FOEL ALARM L,--, I :FUEL ALARME35 : FUEL ALARM L.27: FUEL ALARM L'29 : FUEL '-`I-ARM L671 :FUEL r, LAR,,,, 1-17: SENSOR OUT AL.rlRM L 19: SENSOR OUT Al-hRI'll L21 : SENSOR OUT ALAPI-I 1-20:SENSOR OLIT ALARM L05 : SENSOR, ::;U1' AL.Apm I - 2 7 5E1, 1S P OUT ALARH 1-29SENSOR OUT ALARM 1-31 :SENSOR OUT ALARM L 17 : S HORT ALARM L 19: Fj HORT ALARM 1-91 :SHORT ALARM L 23 : S H0RT ALARM L25:SHV'-'RT r 11-ARI'l L27:SHORT ALARf"I I,,29:2;I+-JRT ALARI• I L'O I :SHORT ALARM ISE, SITE Al-mRMS I SD GROSS PRES FA 11, 1S DEGRE, PRES FAIL 1S VAPOR LEAK FAIL ISD VP PRES FAIL LIGUIL, SEV-12OR ALIll.3 L 9:FUEJ hLARMISDHOSEAI-i-011S L 17: FIJFE AI-Apf-iALL :GROSS r;OLLECT FAIL LID:FUEL ALARM ALL :DEC,RD COLLEC:T FAIL L':'S: FUEL ALARMALL -:FLOW C'01-LECT FAIL I.27:FLIEL, ALARM 1-1 L-'9:FUEL ALARM 2:1--iLEADED 21 PE: PUIIIP CONTROL OUTPUT PIK 0 - 2 N-TANY ALARMS T :LEAIf ALARM T 2:HIGH WATER ALARM T 2:1-OW PRODUCT r,)LARH IGUID SENISCR ALMS L I FUEL ALARM L I FUEL AD,Rrl L21 : FUEL ALARM I.,23:FI-IFL ALARM 25:,FI1EL ALARM FUEL -ALARM 29:FUEL ALARM 31 :FUEL ALARII CWT ALARM 9:SEI%:r:0R OUT ALARM ALARMIScopOUTAMrDTOUTALARM 2?:.20120P OUT ALARM pq:SENSOR OUT ALARM 31 *,SENSOR OuT ALARM rIL11RI"l I --SHORT ALARM i :SHORT ALARM 5:811ORT ALARM 7:SHORT ALARM 9 -'SHORT ALARVI I :23HORT ALARM SITE ALARMS GROSS PPEI--1 FAIL DEGRD PRES FAIL VAPOR LEAV FAIL VP PRES FAIL VP STATUS FAIL liC,SE ALARMS GR0,2S COLLB-`f FAIL DEGRD CIOLLDA' FAIL FLOw t-:OLI-E(,"r FAIL, PREMIUM P u: L31 :FUEL ALARM L 9.SENSOR OUT ALARM L 1,7: SENSOR OUT ALARM I.. 19: SE14S C)UT ALARM L25:SFNS,OR OUT ALARM L2? : SE111--50, P CWT ALARI-I L29-.c3EI1tS0R OUT ALAR11 L31 :SENSCA OUT ALARM L 9-SHORT "ILARII L I ?: SHORT ALAP11 L I 9:21-IORT ALARM I P25:HORT ALARMLARM L27:SHORT ALARI'l L'-:'9,: SHORT ALARM SHORT ALARM I SD GROSS: FA I LPRES ISD DEORD PRB-3 FAIL SD VAPOR L&O' FA 11. ISD VP PRE2.'! FA I L I SD vp s-rAnS FAIL ISD HOSE ALARI"IS LAC'OLLECT FAILA D C0 LI. E (-, r FA, I LALL:DEGP ALL:FLOW COLLECT FAIL R 4:OVERFILL ALHRI-I TlZPE: IloprIALL.", OPEN TANK it: ItK) NI- I N-TANK Al-HRMS ALL :OVER)"IlLI, ALARM ALL :HIGH FRON-ICT At--HF'l PRODUCT ALAR11 k F-C, I Ili I : G LkAILY L" I MIIIIE: A HUT() -' I Au'ro SHIFT 02 -:LQSIN1-1 ef 11,1E'. AUTO HIFT F11-1E, DISABLED AUTO SHIFT 04 CLOSIt'IG TIME: 12:00 AM PER I I L I f;*HON mODE', I-icniTHL' DISABLEE STANDARL METER GAL .I OR"' Ol" OFFSET' 13. Ew-2; SLOT FUEL IIETEk l'jHM L AA METEAAIRFLC Ft"I AIR 171,00 I-)IF'I'ER I Sp CIORYc.wu- cl FM ij I R FLOW MMETER 5:1)ISP 55 FI" I --IETERAIR CATEG 1ETEP C;ATE--;ORY VAPOR PRESSURE 9: ul,lLD I - PPOD CATEGORY VAC SEWSOR PUMP 0: R I : UNLEADED I VOI_U,,,E: GALL` N21 RELIEF slO:Ul'.JLE-, I VAPOR ATEGORY VAC SENSOR FILIMP 4: R 1:1-INLEADED I V0LUhE: 360. 0 CaALLON2 RELIEF VALVE: : NO 511:UNLEEI I VENT ATECd)RY PUMP 0: R I:UNLEADED I VOLUME: 300.0 GALLONE; RELIEF VALVE: : 'NO 5 12: PROD. MAI-1 I FOLD CATEGORY VAC SENSOR PUMP 9: R 2:10-11-EHADED VOLU!"IE: 300.0 GALLObJS REL I EF 'kir'I'LVE: : NO 13:IJNLD 2 VENT CATEGORY VAC SENSOR PUMP 0: P ":UNLEADED VOLUME: 300.0 GHI-1-0142; RELIEF VALVE: : NO 14!PREMILIM PROD. VENT ATEGOR',) VAC SENSOR PUMP 0: R 3:PREMIUrl VOLUME: 301.1.1-1 GALLONS RELIEF VALVE: : NO s 16: ATm CATEGORY . ATM P SENSOR EvRo• 1S SE.-Illp EVR *]'*"'F-E: VACUUM vh-ruum tsstsi T..'PE HEAL',' VAC NO'22-'LE H./L RANGE MAX: I . 15 1"11 N: 17.95 VAPOR PWI',,-ESSOR, T'-"PE NONE ANALYSIS TIMES TIME: 10:00 All DELAY 111 NUTES: I ACCEPT I-I I GH OR! 'R: E•r'-"BLEFj ISD HOSE TABLE ID FP FL HL AA RR j 01 01 0 1 C12 01 ULI 02 02 02 02 0) UU 03 03 03 02 02 UU 04 04 04 02 0 UU 05 05 05 Cr:1 Cl j U1.1 06 06 06 0. F13 ULI 07 07 07 02. 04 LIU 08 08 OB 02 04 UU 09 09 09 02 1:15 UU 10 10 10 02 C15 LIU It 11 11 oll 06 111-1 12 12 12, f12 06 UU k 1131) AIRFLOW IlETER 11AP ID SERIAL NUm LABEL 1 30454 DISP I Fll 2 30431 DISP 2 FM 3 25122 DISP 3 FH 4 25082 1) 1S cl Fri 5 251385 D ISP 5 FI'I 6 95130 DfSP 6 FIll 121) FUEL' CPADE HOSE ll iP 1 5. :1 43 FP 11HI-I HI-11-1 IIIHFI riA 01 101 301 191711 U U I C12 1132 t,U W12 2 U 1 03 103 M:.3 '' Fl; U U 2 04 104 304 '904 U U 2 05 305 905 105 2 U 3 U6 106 31-w, 906 U U 3 07 107 3071901 I U 4 08 108 •oclo 908 U U 4 09 109 309 909 2 U 5 10 110 310 '310 U U 5 11 111 311: 91 1 Ll U 6 12 112 31 21 912 0 U 6 LABEL TABLE I LINASS I C411ED BLEND3 REGULAR 4 MID GRADE 5 PREM I UM 6 COLD 7! BRONZE 6: SILVER 9: BLEND-9 10: BLEND4 P1,10 SETUP Fill', VERSION: 171 . F.12 PRO'GESl'oi)R Pi -'PE NONE ALARM HIST(Ilk"i' REPORT 2-',EI,2OR Plb431 L I:VENT BOX F. I P 1 I.C4 1131.11IP sais•',p OUT f;LARH JUL 311 - 2013 It :47 AM FUEL ALARfll JUL 3I - 20 1 *13 1 1 : 10 A[l FUEL ALARM AUC; I - "Cl I r * x ; E X Ern : * '-- t EN2.")p ALARI'l - L 2:%-'E[••IT B-C-X AP•111 ANNULAR SENS,DR OUT ALARI•• JUL 31 - 2C113 11 : 47 AM FUEL ALARM JUL 31. 21-113 11 :30 t-111 FUEL ALARM JUL 121., 8:31 PrI ALARM HISTC.-P'! REF 1k`f ENSOR Al-ARl• L 5: L *'-j:1-INL I ANN OTHER BENISOR'37 i iLARII HISTORY l%EPdR'F ANNULAR PH-CE SENSOR OUT ALARH ----- SEPIS,R AbARI-I3LIL201 -'D I . I :47 A1, 1 L 0: OTHER :SENSORS LOW LIQUID ALAPM JUL 201":: 11 :33 Alhi L(A• LIGUID HLARN AUG 1. 2012 1 i : Ci6 Am X e ;s w n END :E )t • x ri M Hl2T-L*)R"-' PEPORT SENSOR ALARI•ll -- L 4: PREv-i 1-11'& T2 FOIN AMIULAR SPACE SENSOR OUT ibARll JUL 31, 201: 11 :47 Arl LO6d LIGUID Al-Apm JUL 31 . 2013 11 :33 Alml LOW LIOUID ALppll AUG I "21 =11'2 11 :06 HI-11 A * A '- END ';. X :t -. ) END END ALARH L G: THEP :,ElIJE;(, FIR A"FpORT SEH'2,DR 41-HRII L 'zi:PHL STP S.,fp i uml> 20-43OR OUT ALAPI"I JUL 31 - 2013 11 '47 All FUEL AbARtl. RIL 31 2013 10:49 All E14D FUEL Al-PiRl JUN 29. II13 6 :2111 Arl ALARM REPORT ENb SEf•121..iR ALARM oTHER x ;k '*: , END X A -1LARI"I HISTORY REP"Wr SEI,20R AL"Ril LI0:PNL STP ANN At-4NULr'1R SPACE ENc,OR OUT ALARM J I-IL 31. 2013 11 :47 Hill FUEL .il-ARM JUL 31, 201'1 10:48 HM FUEL ALARTI DEC, 19. 201 1 1 : 14 AH r x x* x END x. T; rt HLARH HISTORY REPORT ALARH ------ LI1:UNL I FILL F, I PING SUVIP SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL '31. 2013 1 1 q., AM FUEL ALAR11 JUL 31 2u13 11 09 Atli FUEL JAN 25. 21.113 4:54 Pill END x I x x x - END -: % t > ) ALARM REF-,,)R'I' 1 ALARM ms-roj*v REPOKI SENSOR ALARM i , iLARH Ra or,,T ALARI-I REPORT mRl LI'2:l,lv-lL FllrL I AN11 L 14: UNL 2.;F I LL ANN ANN.)LAR SP Q F SEWSOROUT ALARM ANNULAR SPAC:E FUEL. ALAF.,MT 1 1 :47 tim FUEL ALARM JUL 31,. 21-113 11:11 AM RIL 31 21711.0 1 :55 PH FUEL ALARI-1 JUL 31; 2013 I FUEL RLARri JUL 31, 201:1- M-120R OUTVALAR111 DEC 27. 2ril*2 I:09 FIM JUL 21 At FUEL ALARM FEB 14, 21-11 3 FUEL ALIN UG 28 21:11 121 22 Art iJULJUL -3 1 , '2Cl I 10 5 4 " f-1 END x I x x x - END -: % t > ) ALARM REF-,,)R'I' 1 ALARM ms-roj*v REPOKI SENSOR ALARM 2 FILL L15:PRE11 FILL PIPING CA- 111.1p PIP1111' ' st-1111F, SENSOR Au Rl-1 SEWSOROUT ALARM JUL 31.- 2 Clio 1 1 :47 tim JUL 31. 21711,3 11:47 At"] FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARI-1 JUL 31; 2013 11:1 Fj AI 'l JUL 31, 201:1- 111:50 Al"I FUEL ALARM FUEL HLhRli FEB 14, 21-11 3 1 1 :47 A-1 JAN 26. 20-13 4: 05 At"I END M! END k ALARM Fill"MDR/ F!EP(.'-Rf SENSV'R r'-;I.ARI'l ------ ANNULAR SPACE SENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 31. 2>0 13 1l :47 AM FUEL ALARll JUL 31 . 2013 11 :27 AM FUEL ALARM DEC' 1, 2012 4:19 AM x n x n END X x x UIIJL I STP STP suillip SENSOR OUT ALARI-1 J 1_11.. 31 13 11 :48 AM FENSOR OUT ALARM JUL 31 '20113 11 :47 AM FUEL Al_ARrl JUL 31. 2013 11:05 AM ALARM H12TC.R". RrPORT SEf-.r2.:OR ALARM ALA0,1 REPORT iL19: D1 SP 6 SENS-.')R ALARH -- L16:111 IP 5 SENSO'K' ALARII ANNULAR 1-16:PREP-1 FILL ANN SENSOR OUT Al..'ARI'l ANP.IULAP SPACE JUL 31 . 2i-11 3 '1 1:47 mill SEN.1-30P OUT 'ALARM FUEL ALARM JUL I'll, 201;3 11 :47 ii'll"I FUEL "-LARI--i FUEL ALARM JUL -,1, 2013 11 Hl"I FUEL. ALAPH SETUP Dr"i'ri, WARN INC JUL 2010 10:50 F41 FUEL ALARM S-ETUP C'r"1*1*A WARNIN,' DEC 13. 20I 12' 1 :50 All FUEL ALARP'l NOV 7, 2217i1 2 1 :31 PH X. IIISTOWl REPORT END rI iF f x i t END k SEf-.r2.:OR ALARM iL19: D1 SP 6 SENS-.')R ALARH -- ENO L.17:DISP 5 ; SENSOR OUT ALARM DISPENS-EP PAN JUL 31 . 2013. 11 :47 AM SENEU)IR ou'r END rI iF f x i t END k SEf-.r2.:OR ALARM iL19: D1 SP 6 SENS-.')R ALARH -- DISPENSER PAN L.17:DISP 5 ; SENSOR OUT ALARM DISPENS-EP PAN JUL 31 . 2013. 11 :47 AM SENEU)IR ou'r JUL :-11 , 201 :' 11 :17 R-1 FUEL ALARM JUL 1.. 21J12 11:'23 AM 1 FUEL ALARM JUL 31m 2013! 1 1 :'29 All SETUP Dr"i'ri, WARN INC OCT 3, 2012 10:411 AN S-ETUP C'r"1*1*A WARNIN,' OCT 3. 2012' 10:41 AM END rI iF f x i t END k ALiLO'l HISTORY 1"EP6. ISENSOR, ALARM ALARN •lc-;*l*,"K`,' L''2l-:U1,4L, I ISIT. .11411 L2;1 :,UNl- '-,' SIT` r"n-1-41• t;N -JULAR 2PA- hNNULAR SP-hGE EN2OR C'UT ALARMBEN SENSOR 0 !LARMUT JUL 31 - 2 Cl 1 47 HH JUL I I • 2fl I i I I :4b AM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALHRI'l 8:51 All JUL :31 - 21313 1 1 :04 AM FUEL ALARM FUEL ALARM iiUG 2012 8:41 Al•i I JUL 31 10:5t:- 611 DID END X 1 ALARM ALARN •lc-;*l*,"K`,' REPORT SER,30P ALARH L'2L---':UNL STP STP SUMP POSPENSER PAN S2ENSCR OUT ALAPH FUEL I LAPH JUL 31. -1-013 11:47 All j JOL 21, 2111:3 il :215 rlif,l FUEL ALARM mSkTLIPDATAW'RNINU JUL '2013 11 :22 Aill I I D--,T - ;3, 2L11 ' 10 : 4 2 All FUEL ALr"'IRI"I FUEL ALARII JOL 31 • '2011 I IY2 AM AUG j ?01 2. 9:46 HN zk END -PE HLAFJ-,-1 H12*.T(PY REPOPT L'26:1)(IMF I AN1• FUEL JUL 31 - 2013 1 1 ; 25 iO SETUP DATH WARNING oc,r • 2- 217112 JID:4*-'-' i4l FUEL ALARM AUG I - '20 L '-d 946 AH w r = END X 4 n li ALHRll HISTORY REPORT SEi,120R ALARM DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARI-i JUL 31 - ;21"11: "1 1 :214 All'i FUEL ALARM 2 i '2 7: 5'7 141,1 FUEL ALA" Rh, I OCT , B. ?:5-5 AM END FiLAPll HI-STORY REPORT ENSC R 6:1, DAc'ER PAN FLIEL; AUARI'l JUL '31 - 2-010 1 1 :26 A-11 SETL P DATh WAR141 NG OCT - , 3. '21.112 10 : 4 2 AM FUE.[Z'. UGO END iLiwikll, H I REP('JR'f ALA1711 VHi-;UUM AU-1-RI-I 311. 2013 12:23, P11 iv"o ALARII A 1 21-112 1'1:44 PI 3171472;ENSOR ALARM 0: UNLE, I 1%1 - 11 - Im ALARM 31 12 _4 Pm Iwo W1(XILII-j riLARM JUL, 0 I. I-T) I a I Pill 5:49 P1 END y I UNLED I VEI,4-f- AL( Rl,I JUL 31 12: 24 Pil NO JUL 31 3 12: AUG 1 , 211I? .3 : 4 8 pri 1 W ) END ALARI'l HISTV;"R;' REPO D3 --k"OR hLARM H I STQR" REPOPTL.22:jfin. _:. AN N SFNE;C.'•R ALARI-1Ai-Apii L32: Djsp"'I AI lP! JUL•t3l, 2013 1'1:24 +41 HNNULAR SI '- I 'E FIR.L. ALAPH SENS'QP our JUL 13 11 AMC20 ETNSI`I5R OLIT ALi43-1 FUEL 61-ARI'l DEC, j9. 2002 '3:50 F-11JUL '16. 2013 1:49 r"ll"I FUEL, LA]Rll SEP 7, 2Fj 1 •:43 PI'l ElIf) El'-ID W FiLAPll HI-STORY REPORT ENSC R 6:1, DAc'ER PAN FLIEL; AUARI'l JUL '31 - 2-010 1 1 :26 A-11 SETL P DATh WAR141 NG OCT - , 3. '21.112 10 : 4 2 AM FUE.[Z'. UGO END iLiwikll, H I REP('JR'f ALA1711 VHi-;UUM AU-1-RI-I 311. 2013 12:23, P11 iv"o ALARII A 1 21-112 1'1:44 PI 3171472;ENSOR ALARM 0: UNLE, I 1%1 - 11 - Im ALARM 31 12 _4 Pm Iwo W1(XILII-j riLARM JUL, 0 I. I-T) I a I Pill 5:49 P1 END y I UNLED I VEI,4-f- AL( Rl,I JUL 31 12: 24 Pil NO JUL 31 3 12: AUG 1 , 211I? .3 : 4 8 pri 1 W ) END SIIARTS'ENS"'-rR ALARM I ALARM H-IST(-'.R-? NO ME)CUUH ALARM 1 11 JUL 31, 2'013 12-:26 Pill 'SENSOR ALARII NO 'u'ACUUM ALARM AIIIIJULAR SPACE JUN 228- 2013 2:49 Al'I Fl-!FL' ALARH NO VACUUM hLARPI J' UL 31 - 2013 1 1 :25 ;41 JUN 27- 21113 12:51 AM r--UEI' P'LARII DEC, X19. 2U 12, 3:37 PH k FUEI,,''ALARH il-ARM HISTOR"" REPORT AUG 2012 3:30 PM 3-I-Ir-'IRT.2-0124 ALARM 5i4:PREl`lIUI-1 PP()D- IIGIA 1.101-110 AL ARM 1 UL '31 , 201 3 i 2: 19 PM 10 VAt:IJUPI ALARM END 31-IL 31 - 2013 12: 19 PH li JAC.1-11-11"I WARNING iUG 2. 2012 8:50 Al"I r,'IbARl,l HIS.T%RI/ REPORT ALARM END 3 : U141-11 VENT D, VACULT1 ALARM ALARM 1-1110f0pv JUL 31. 2013 1 PH Elq DR33C NO VACUUl"I ALARM 1-3] :DISP 4 PAI'lHA- 20. 2013 6: 06 Pm FULL A]-t4RH VACUUM (.-• RNING I 2.1, 2013 All'] WCG ^_01 '2 3:27 PIl ALARII A110 -I • *-,-'01 2 9:40 AM rI.JEL ,ALARM I ID: -,I AM 4i END X El',ID. k