HomeMy WebLinkAbout3221 H STREET SB-989 2013HOODS ALARMS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SPRAY BOOTH AST UST Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. 3Z -/0009 5( - File Number: - Address: 3.Z-1 ( Sc) - / 5 Bakersfield, CA 933 Date Received:j — •— / 3 Business Name: i SYSTEM: BUILDING SQUARE FEET: r INSPECTION LOG New Mod. Commercial Hood System Building Sq. Feet: Fire Alarm System Calculation Bldg. Sq. Ft: Fire Sprinkler System Spray Finish System Aboveground Storage Tank Underground Storage Tank minor modification Underground Storage Tank removal Underground Storage Tank a Other. Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Date Time Signature BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT -- INSPECTION RECORD Post this Card at the Job Site and DO NOT Remove for Duration of Work Inspection Request Phone No. (661) 326 -3979 UST NEW INSTALL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE BACKFILL PRIMARY PIPE SECONDARY PIPE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SENSORS AUTHORIZATION FOR FUEL ELECTRICAL SEAK -OFF TANK-TESTING---- --- - - -d UST REMOVAL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE AST NEW INSTALL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE MODIFICATIONS MINOR / MAJOR AST REMOVAL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE EVR UPGRADE PRIORTOOPERATION OF-ANY SYSTEM, ALL UST - AND /OR AST SYSTEMS SHALL &E INSTALL; COMPLETE -AND ACCEPTED BYE MISC. ACTIVITY THE- BAKERSFIELD-CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT. AFIRE- DEPARTMENT- (FINAL)? _ of REMARKS: BUILDING ADDRESS: 5 JOB DESCRIPTION: g - c7 72 OCCUPANCY TYPE: OWNER: . kT -- i —I PERMIT NO. 13 - /,!r000 CONTRACTOR: --T- PHONE # FD 1743 7 4 TAIT ISINO TO TITS CMAtSSMG1 p:71 A/%6018222 September 27, 2013 VIA FED EX: 7967 8804 4090 Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield CA 93301 W ta.t.C..0111 Re: Secondary Containment Testing Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT &T California 3221 S. H STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA GEOPAR: SA098 I To Whom It May Concern: 2131 S. 0-,poni Dtiwi, Annhnim, CA 92806 Enclosed are the results for the following tests completed on September 20, 2013: 1 Secondary Containment Testing Report Form Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. I Very y Yours i M h w enison Pr ` gram Manager CA lick 588098 1 AZ lick 0959841 NV licp 00496661 TX lick CR0000041 f i Secondary Containment Testing Report Form Thisform is intendedfar use by contractors performingperiodic testitiq of11.4T secondary containment systems. (Ise the appropriale pages ofthis form to reportresultsfor all components tested 77te completed form, written test procedures, and printoutsfrom tests (tfcq)plicable). should be provided to thefacility of ner/operalorfor.subminal to the local regulate v agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility ID: SA098 Facilit Name: Pacific Hell Telc hone Co. dba AT&T California I Date of Testin : 9/102013 Facility Address: 3221 S. Ii S'IREET', Bakersfield, CA 93304 I Facility Contact: Grant Armstrong Phone: (661) 327 -6903 r Initial r Repair Test Date Local Agency Was Notified Of Tesling: 8/302013 r 6 Month Other 11Name ofLocal Agency Inspector (if present during testing): Erne Medina f 'Triennial 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Tait Environmental Services Pays Fail ITested Technician Conducting Test: Richard Harrebomee { Repairs Made Credentials: r CSLB Licensed Contractor r SWRCH LicensedlTank "fester i ICC UST Service Technician License T e: A B ASB C -10 HA7 Not Tested License', Number: 588098 Annular- SA098U001 ManufacturerTrilninit j" Manufacturer r Component(s) Date Training Expires 1CC r 8- I' f 1282014 Franklin Fueling lnctm STS jM3 701 4/52014 _ r r r- r Piping Sump- SA0981J001 T r 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Component Pays Fail ITestedNot Repairs Made 1 Component1 Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Annular- SA098U001 j" r r j r r f Fill Sump- SA0981J001 r r r r r r- r Piping Sump- SA0981J001 T r r r Vent Secondary- SA09811001 r7o f' r r r r r r Supply Sec. -SA09811001 jv r r r r r- r r Return See-SA098U001 r r r r r r r r r r r r I r r r r r r l r r r r r i[ r- I r r r r If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of_tests: Nest water retumed to'I'ai–Cs shop _ _ —_ For any equipment capable ofgenerating a printout of test rest certitleatioo r System printout attacl CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPOD To the best ofmy knowledge, thefacts stated In this document Technician's Signature: f you must attach a copy ofthe test report to this ILE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING accurate and infull compliance with legal requirements Date: 9/202013 4. TANK ANNULAR TESTING Test Method Developed 13y: r—Tank Manufacturer FO Industry Standard r— Professiorrdl Engineer Othcr(Specift Test Method Used: r— Pressure F' vacuum F Other(Specify) Hydrostatic Test Equipment Used: 4" I)ial Gua c Equipment Resolution: .2 Tank SA098LMI Tank I Tank Tank Is Tank Exempt From 'Testing? r— Yes F No F Yes rl No r— Yes F No r— Yes r— No Tank Capacity: 6000 Gal 1Tank Material: Clad Steel Tank Manufacturer. Modem Welding Product Stored: Diesel Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/waterand starting test: I Hour Test Stan Time: 10:00 AM Initial Reading (R,): 10" 11G Test End Time: 11:00AM Final Reading (RF)-. 10" 11G Test Duration: I Hour Change in Reading (R.-R,): 0 PasA:ail Threshold orCriteria: 0 Test Result: F Pass r— Fall r— Pass :'r— Fail r Pass r— Fail r— Pass r— Fail Was sensor removed for testing? F0 Y. r No f NA 1 — 4rY.r NJ A I Y. r r NA r YJ J NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? r— Y. F r- NA r— 1. r— NO r— I r .a r r NAr r .. r Nor Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to lestitg,j andrecommendedfollow -upfor failedlests) ISensorwas reinstalled at lowest point but not verified functional. i) Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring a6tornatical ly monitors both the primary and secondary containment, such as systems that am hydrostatically monitored or un&r constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment testing. (Cali fomia Code of Regulations, Title 23, SWioA 2637(aX6)) i S. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING ITestMethodDevelopedBy: F Piping Manufacturer F-1 Industry Standard r- Professional Engineer F Other(Spectfv) Test Method Used: fl- Pressure F vacuum r Hydrostatic F Other(Specify) Test Equipment Used: 4" mDial Guage Equipment Resolution: .2 3 Nk, Piping Run Piping Run Piping Run Piping Run SLM SUC. SA0991 JOOI RdurnSecISA0981joul Vcnt Sec. SAOMMOI Piping Material: Poly Poly Fiberglass Piping Manufacturer: Western Fiberglass Wcstcrn,l-iberglass A.O.Smith Piping Diameter: 1. 1.5" 3" Length of Piping Run: 35' 35' I 35' Product Stored: Diesel Diesel Diesel Method and location ofpiping-run jisolation: Test Boot Test BooI t Test Boot Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting test: 15 Min 15 Min 15 Min Test Stan Time: 9:00 AM 9-00 AM 9:00 AM Initial Reading (R,): I 5 PSI 5 PSI I 5 PSI ITest End Time: 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Final Reading (RF): 5 PSI 5PSI I 5 PSI Test Duration: 1 Hour I Hour I Hour Change in Reading (RrR,): 0 0 I 0 Pass/FailThreshold orCritcria: 0 0 0 IlTest Result: r,-' Pass r Fall P_ Pass Fail r%O Pass r- Fail r- Pass F Fail i 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Pest Method Developed Ay: r Sump Manufacturer r Industry Standard r Professional Frigincer F Other(Specify) Test Method Used: (— Pressure r vacuum r Hydrostatic F Othcr(Specifv) rest Equipment Used: Incon STS Equipment Resolution: .0006 S i , Sump Sump Su mp Sump SA0981JOO1 Sump Diameter: 48" Sump Depth: 51" Sump Material: Fiber ass Height from'rankTop to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: 22„ Height from Tank Top to lowest. 15" Electrical Penetration: Condition ofsump prior to Goal testing*: Portion of Sump Tested (1) 2" above penetration Does turbine shutdown when j sump sensor detects liquid (both rYarN "'- NA r1 Ya r No I— NA r Y., r No r NA r Yo 1 No I— NA product and water) ?' j Turbine shutdown response time NA Is system programmed for fail- r Y. r No F NA 1 Ye I NoI NA I Ya I No f NA 1 1'a r No It NAsafeshutdown ?' Was fail -safe verified to be rrYerNor NA r Ye r Nu r NA r Yo r N" r NA r Yo r Nu r NAorational ?• Wart time between applying pmssure/vacuum /water and 15 Min starting test: Test Start''ime: 9:44 AM IO:OOAM Initial Reading (Rt): 4.6704 4.6704 Test F.nd Time: 9:59 AM 10:15 AM Final Reading (RF): 4.6703 4.6703 rest Duration: 15 Min 15 Min Change in Reading (RtR,): 0001 1.0001 Pass/I?ai Threshold or Criteria: 002 I.OD2 Test Result: P Pass r Fail r Pass r Fail r Pass r Fall r Pass r Fall Was sensor removed for testing? 1_ Y. r Nor NA F Yo r Nu r NA r Ya r Nn r NA r Yo r Nor NA Was sensor properly replaced and r' Y. No r NA r Ya r N. r NA r Y. r No r NA r Y. r No r NAverifledfunctionalaftertesting? i Comments — (include information on repairs madeprior to testing l and recom was reinstalled at lowest point but not verified functional. 1) Ifthe entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much wa with an asterisk (•) is "NO" or "NA", the entire sump must be tested 4iledterty) d Ifthe answer to any of thequestions indicated SWRCB LG -160) 1 S. FILL RISER CONTAINMENT SUMP TESTING Facility is Not Equipped With Fill Riser Containment Sums r Fill Riser Containment Sumps are present, but were Not Tested r Test Method Developed By: r Sump Manufacturer r Industry Standard r Professional Engineer r Other(S ecj&) Test Method Used: (— Pressure r vacuum r Othcr(5 eci r Hydrostatic Test Lquipment Used: Incon STS E i ment Resolution: .0006 NOXF, Fill Sump Fill S amp ISA098tA101 ill Sump Fill Sump Sump Diameter: 48" Sump Depth: Height from Tank'fop to Top of I lighest Piping Penetration: NA Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration 12" Condition ofsump prior to testingj Good i Portion of Sump Tested: 2" above pen . Sump Material: Fiberglass I Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum /water and starting test: 15 Min j Test Start Time: 9:44 AM 10:00 AM Initial Reading (RI): 2.0119 12.0121 Test F,nd'1'ime: 9:59 AM 10:15 AM Final Reading (RF): 2.0121 2.0122 Test Duration: 15 Min 15 Min Change in Reading (RtRI): 0002 0001 Pass/Fai I 'Ihreshold or Criteria: 002 1.002 Test Result: r Pasts r— Fail r Pass r Fail r Pasts F Fail Pass r— Fan Is therea sensor in the sump? Y. 1r No Y. IN. 1 Y. I No Tr 1 Y. I No Does the sensor alarm when either product or water is detected? r" Ym '- No NA Ya 1 b NA Ym No — NA r Yes r No r— NA Was sensor removed for testing? r r— r Ya 1 No 1 NA r r Ir Yes 1 r 110 1 NA r r 1 Yes r No 1 NA r r— I Ym 1 No NA Was sensor properly replaced and ved fled functional after testing'.) r— Y. r No r NA I Ya r r NA r Y. r No r NA r Y. r N0 r NA Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to testlpg, jandrecom Sensor was reinstalled at lowest point but not verified functional. From: (714) 567 -6404 Matt Denison Tait Environmental Services 2131 S. Dupont Drive Anaheim, CA 92806 Origin ID: FULA SHIP TO: (714) 345.8080 UST Compliance Dept. Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 EMI - BILL SENDER Ship Date: 10SEP13 AcOgt 1.0 LB CAD: 783377811NET3430 Delivery 6tiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiimuIII Ref # SA098- ATTSB98913 permit. keg Invoice # PO # Dept # TRK# 7966 50391694 0201 SE BFLA Page 1 of I THU -12 SEP AA 2DAY ** ASR 93301 CA -US ONT 11111111111111111111111 w d i 11 11d After printing this label: 1. Use the 'Print' button on this page to print your label to your laser or inkjet printer. 2. Fold the printed page along the horizontal line. 3. Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment so that the barcode portion of the label can be read and scanned. Warning: Use only the printed original label for shipping. Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the service conditions in the current FedEx Service Guide, available on fedex.com.FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non - delivery,misdelivery,or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorney's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental,consequential, or special is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented Ioss.Maximum for items of extraordinary value is $1,000, e.g. jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our ServiceGuide. Written claims must be filed within strict time limits, see current FedEx Service Guide. https: / /www.fedex.com/ shipping /html /en//PrintIFrame.html 9/10/2013 TA I T x41140 TO.TH1 CHALLING1 p:714/56018222 www.tait.com Transmittal Fed EX Number: 796650391694 TO: UST Compliance Department COMPANY: Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX: 661 -852 -2171 RE: AT &T Triennial SB989 Testing GEO: SA098 2131 S. Dupont Drive, Anoheim, CA 92806 F - , 4f ! i ay FROM: Matthew Denison PHONE: 714 -560- 8200x404 FAX: 714 - 978 -2615 DATE: 9/10/2013 Hello. Tait will be on -site at the date and time indicated below in order to conduct the Triennial SB989 Test. Following this cover sheet will be the application and check in the amount of 192.00. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. SA098 3221 S. H gAKERSFIELD 93304- 9:00 STREET 5649 9/20/2013 AM CA Lic #588098 - AZ Lic #095984 - NV Lic #0049666 2131 South Dupont Drive - Anaheim, California 92806 - 714.560.8222 - 714.685.0006 Fax 11280 Trade Center Drive - Rancho Cordova, California 95742 - 916.858.1090 - 916.858.1011 Fax www.tait.com UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD / LINE TESTING I SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. ES ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ES TANKTIGHTNESS TEST B B R 9 F I D P/Re ARrN I T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 A5 LINE TESTING g SB -989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING 25 TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) 1-1 SITE INFORMATION FACILITY Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT &T California NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON Grant Armstrong (661) 327 -6903 ADDRESS 3221 South H Street OWNERS NAME Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT &T California OPERATORS NAME AT &T PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED? z YES a NO TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS SA098UO01 6,016 Gallons Diesel TANK TESTING COMPANY NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Tait Environmental Services, INC. NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON Matt Denison (714) 345 -8080 MAILING ADDRESS 2131 South Dupont Drive, Anaheim CA 92806 NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR Adolfo Aguilar CERTIFICATION #: Incon TS -STS 173253702 DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED ICC #: 5238610 -UT TEST METHOD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 09/3 / 2 0 13 APPROVED BY DATE FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) 1-1