HomeMy WebLinkAbout3221 S H ST MINOR MOD 2012HOODS ALARMS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SPRAY BOOTH AST UST Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. Permit No. io?- 16000 33i File Number: 3 / &V Date Received: / /-- /! — / 2 New Mod. minor modification removal Address: / S . f -s-- Bakersfield, CA 933 Business Name: A,-T- SYSTEM: BUILDING SQUARE FEET: Commercial Hood System Fire Alarm System Fire Sprinkler System Spray Finish System Aboveground Storage Tank Underground Storage Tank nderground Storage Tank Underground Storage Tank Other. Comments: Building Sq. Feet: Calculation Bldg. Sq. Ft: tee' ,. 2. 3. 4. INSPECTION LOG Signature STARTING DATE/ oN.: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Prevention Services 7m 2101 H Street PERMIT APPLICATION "M TYPE OF BUSINESS Bakersfield, CA 93301 TO CONSTRUCT-INSTALL NEW TANK (NEW FACILITY)/NEW FIRE ARTY r Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax; 661-852-2171 TANK INSTALL (EXISTING FACILITY)/MOD-MINOR MOD ZIP C DE cqffrRAcTbR Page I of 1 lPermit # V, . ADDRESS.. Y-0 4- TYPE OF APPLICATION: NEW TANK INSTALL/NEW FACILITY NEW TANK INSTALL/EXISTING FACILITY CHECK ONE ONLY) MODIFICATION OF FACILITY 99 MINOR MODIFICATION OF FACILITY STARTING DATE/ oN.: PROPOSED.COMKETION DATEAMY 3P. FACILITY NAME r pflev'r"e- EXISTING FIAMITY PERMIT FACILITY ADDRESS .322 5. CITY ZIP CODE TYPE OF BUSINESS APN TANK OWNER PH?NE d& ADDRESS 67OM 11,C, 47 0,61 01;40A( 1,2177 3,;e ZIP C DE cqffrRAcTbR ENsE. CA LICE 1. 73 I if ADDRESS.. Y-0 4- CITY, I-1AX ZI CODE JB*RSFIELD.6rry BUSINESS LICENSE 4 WORKM NNS CDMP4, ISURER BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE: ,v WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY DEPTH TO GROUND WATER SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED 1ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL? YES NO SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTERMEASURES PLAN ON FILE? YES NO THIS SECTION IS FOR STORAGE TANK IDENTIFICATION TANK.# VOLUME UNLEADE . 0 REGULAR, .........PREMIUM:. DIESEL OTHER Tank Testing Company NAME OF TESTING COMPANY/? PHONE NUMBER MAILING ADDRESS Y'qz C- C:5)qw'. Ikq A 92 20 NAME OF TESTER ICC& THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERIURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. NAME OF TESTER ICC# THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONyr'\ DATE APPROVED 7/ APPROVEb- r FD2086 (Rev 00/09) BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT y.• BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT K J Y I,ft U Prevention Services PERMIT TYPE Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) PERMIT # FIRE "''` DBPARTMeNr 2101 H Street Over 10,000 sq ft Bakersfield CA 93301 Sprinkler - New & Modification (minimum charge) SITE INFORMATION LOCATION L2 / PROJECT a 0 r 7 0 .028 x sq ft PROPERTY OWNER 7 T STARTING DATE cOMPLEION DATE NAME 96 (inspection only) V Z6,0017- JVI)V 30 26/Z Commercial Hood (New & UL 300 Upgrade Modification) Additional Hood 470 56 hood PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PHONE # PROJECT ADDRESS QTY F ,AK.ER..SFI1ELD STATE C A zm CODE 9330/ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 98 NTRACiOR NAME O/2n/i9 , /NZ lrzOo cS V • CA LI NSE # 7,3 8,- TYPE OF LICENSE f /%IZ ExPgATION DATE -PHONE i` - ZO / 7/ -9y j. CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Additional Tank ATI 96 /tank FAX # ADDRESS 00-06- S. k1)7Z_E 'T. CITY fIArA Gi/CI 109 /tank 2I CODE252704 All permits must be reviewed, stamped, and approved PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. I r r i:•r, PAY TO 71 E ` ORDER +r J ( C r` C4 RIZED h. W4• r rt ? 46005' DATE, "4Ko!1!1h! F,4 • fr r*' Y S K AP rZ PERMIT TYPE Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) FEE CALCULATION 280 TOTAL DUE TREASURY.. ACCT Nr7 Over 10,000 sq ft D.028 x sq ft Sprinkler - New & Modification (minimum charge) 280 Over 10,000 sq ft 0 .028 x sq ft Sprinkler - Minor Modification ( <10 heads) 96 (inspection only) 84 Commercial Hood (New & UL 300 Upgrade Modification) Additional Hood 470 56 hood Commercial-Hood - Minor Modification add /move nozzle 96 (inspection only) 84 Spray Booth (New & Modification) 470 98 Aboveground Storage Tank (1 inspection per installation) AST 180 /tank 82 Additional Tank ATI 96 /tank 82 Aboveground Storage Tank (Removal, Mod,or Inspect'n) ATR 109 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (Installation/Inspection) NI 878 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD 878 /site 82 X Underground Storage Tank (Minor Modification) MTM 167 /site 82 r r i:•r, PAY TO 71 E ` ORDER +r J ( C r` C4 RIZED h. W4• r rt ? 46005' DATE, "4Ko!1!1h! F,4 • f r r*' Y S K AP BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT PERMIT # 9 AvK h N Y Y I,ha4 f+ PEPAR rAtamr BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phnnp• RAI -17(, -141741 a Fay- f,A,l -R';?-7171 All permits must be reviewed, stamped, and approved (PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) $280 SITE • LTIQ I r3Zf 'S. L ! _C7 PROPERTY OWNER 7 7- STARTING DATE COMPLETION DATE V 26 oil lt V o Zo /Z NAME, PROIECT NAME ADDRESS PHONE # C' E m 5 c CITY F7 FiRCSFIeL -D STATE CAFlT PC NTRACTOR NAME - i orl iq /r9z4&ooc4s r5 . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CA LI NSE # 73 8,¢ TYPE OF LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE A- /z Zoi, PHONE # zip -9 CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME FAX # ADDRESS ZZO5' S. /,gz-E 5'r CITY i Gi/rI ZI CODE Z-)D4 7 All permits must be reviewed, stamped, and approved (PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) $280 Over 10,000 sq ft 0 .028 x sq ft Sprinkler - New & Modification (minimum charge) 280 Over 10,000 sq ft 0 .028 x sq ft Sprinkler — Minor Modification ( <10 heads) 96 (inspection only) 84 Commercial Hood (New & UL 300 Upgrade Modification) Additional Hood 470 58 /hood Commercial Hood - Minor Modification (add /move nozzle) 96 (inspection only) 84 Spray Booth (New & Modification) 470 98 Aboveground Storage Tank (1 inspection per installation) AST 180 /tank 82 Additional Tank ATI 96 /tank 82 Aboveground Storage Tank (Removal, Mod,or Inspect'n) ATR 109 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (Installation /Inspection) NI 878 /tank 82 Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD 878 /site 82 X Underground Storage Tank (Minor Modification) MTM 167 /site 82 Underground Storage Tank (Removal) TR 573 /tank 84 Mandated UST Testing: Fuel Mont Cert/SB989 /Cath. Prot. NOTE: $96/hr for each type of test/per site /per UST system even if scheduled at the same time 96 /hr (2 hrs minimum) _ $192 82 Oil well (Installation, Inspection, or re- inspection) X 96/hr 82 Tent # 96 /tent 84 After -hours Inspection fee 121 /hr (2 hrs minimum) = $242 Pyrotechnic (1 permit per event, plus an inspection fee of 96 /hr during business hours) Py NOTE: After hours Pyrotechnic event inspection is @ $121 /hr 96 /hr + (5 hrs min standby fee /insp) _ $576 5 hrs min standby fee /ins = $605 84 Re- inspection /Follow -up Inspection 96/hr 84 Portable LPG (Propane): # of Cages? _ 96 /hr 84 Explosive Storage 266 84 Copying & File Research (File Research fee $50 /hr) 0.25 /page 84 Miscellaneous 84 FD2021 (Rey 05/11) 819to Ot Caftnia sc;ONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOAFM ACTIVE LICENSE 734854 F.,P4 CORP LL CAL FORNIA HAZARDOUS SERVICES INC A HAZ 04130 2013 wvw.cslb,ca.gov STATE OF CALIFORNIA Pursuant to Chapter 9 ofDivisioin 3 of the Business ind Professlom Cody and ;he Wes and Regu],Ydorl: of the Contractors State License Board; the -Re istrir of Contractors dock hereb i issue this license to-, INC rb engage in the bp h*-'stor of a Contractor in A • GEMMAL',ENC4 O- ING. CONTRACTOR p AtROTM-i ;VS, VAL witne5s 1-f)Y Cj,!:Y, artt•ary 5, 2,004 Is.sued April 10, 1957 TM lice(,,(. (i the PT(V-(Arty Of fh, Kqistmr ai Coll (r -,tctdrs, s not lj,,irsjp-rrabl% and shlif Lie rttumW ib thO Registrar tqo damitiM when 4-awnded, ee.vok_d, >r invalidated for any reason. h bvc=05 void it not resit-wed, e? Rem-isticar Of (qattactoe-.s I February 1, 2012 Belinda Bain California Hazardous Services, Incorporated 2205' South Yale Street Santa Ana, CA 92704 Re: Barrett Business Services, Inc. ( "BBSI') Letter of Self - Insurance for Workers' Compensation Coverage As the named addressee of this Letter, your company's required workers' compensation coverage is provided through BBSI's state approved Self- Insured Workers' Compensation Plan by way of your . co- employment contract with -BBSI. BBSI's California customers can also verify BBSI's state certification at wmA,.dir.ca.gcv.,SIP /sie.html; click on "Self Insured Employers °; then click on "Roster' then scroll down to Barrett (the list is alphabetical by company name). Additional information is as follows: Self- insurance Certification Number: California: Oregon: Washington: Delaware: Maryland: Colorado: 2246 1068 706.116 152 11365 463 Additionally, BBSI's self - insured program is further supported by an excess workers' compensation insurance policy with National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburg, PA. A copy of certificate is available upon request. For additional information, please contact your local BBSI office at (949) 255 -5322. Very truly yours, Michael L. Elich President and Chief Executive Officer BBSI Office: SANTA ANA doc: LOSI -2 1936 East Deere Avenue, Suite 210 Santa Ana, California 92705 949.255.5322 fax 949. 255.5332 www1arrett6usiness.cam CERTHOLDER COPY . SC P.O. BOX 420807, SAN FRANC{SCO,CA 94142 -0$07 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION iNSURANCE ISSUE DATE: 01 -01 -2012 CALIFORNIA HAZAR=S SERVICES,IW_ SC 2205 S YALE ST SANTA ANA CA 22744 GROUP: 004238 POUCY NUMBEFL 0004688 -2011 CERTIFICATE ID: 1 73• CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 01 -01 -2013 01-01 - 20112/01 -01 -2013 This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period Indicated. This policy ig not subject to Cancellation by the Fund except upon 30 days advance written notice to the employer. We will also give you 30 days advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of Insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or after the coverage afforded by the policy iigted herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or to which it may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions, o1 such policy. C. Authorized Representative President and CEO EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LIMIT INCLUDING DEFENSE COSTS: $1,040,000 PER OCCURRENCE. ENDORSEMENT #1600 - BELINDA BAIN, PRES - EXCLUDED. ENDORSEMENT #1600 - RON BAIN, VF,SEC,TRES - EXCLUDED. ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 01 -01 -2009 IS. ATTACHED TO AND F01141IS A PART OF THIS POLICY. EMPLOYER CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS SERVICES,INC SC 2205 5 YALE ST SANTA ANA CA 82704 812,SPj PRINTED : 01 -113 -2012 REV.B -2010) C-ER'TlV-tGAYE Of:-tfA&jIjjY INSURANCE 1,uufh? r.jtm- p CF CH uv TAKr cry 1 Pfatt' tic :caFVei/tGV:saOeCrt,;rN -ytri. 1!15:19 -ED. TA% ky per. 5af.,d,- P PtwtaGAkaxxa aq Te WHCCCtMMPiCF w-Apcc M/-TXK 5xy-x-,.)cv- lw= Mlf ALr% AttaAl'42u)lxll s F-1 k-c, pijxs 6,i --,wx-fj 5,DCd6, On Home > My ICC Certified Professional Information: Last, First MI: Harridan, Jamel Certified under this name: Jamel Hamdan Address: Ca Hazardous Services 3132 W Adams St City, state zip: Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: (714)343 -9995 Certification Type(s): California UST Service Technician (expires 06/07/2013) " UST Installation /Retrofitting (expires 06/30/2012) Vapor Recovery System Installation and Repair (expires 05/19/2012) Listings here may not reflect today's changes, additions, exam results, or certifications from organizations other than [CC (including BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI). Listings are updated nightly on this web site, so please allow a full 24 hours forchanges to be reflected here. [CC certification for code enforcement professions attests to competent knowledge of construction codes and standards in effect on the date ofcertification or renewal. CC does its best to maintain the privacy requests of its members and constituents. If you believe that phone number or address information listed here should not be displayed please contact us at 1- 888 - ICC -SAFE (422 -7233) between Barn and 7pm (CT) for personal assistance. Terms of Use: This listing is provided as a service to the constituents of [CC for these purposes: locating a certified professional or contractor in your area, or confirming status for individuals. Any other use, sale, transfer, or reproduction in any form without the express written consent of [CC is strictly prohibited. ]CC reserves the rightto incorporate some false names to detect improper use of this service. Page 1 of 1 Contact Information 1 -888 -ICC -SAFE 422 - 7233), ext. 5524 Contact Us https:// ay. iccsafe. org/ eweb/ DynamicPage. aspx? WebCode= ICCCRTDetail&cst_key=042cf51 d- 88ee- 4cOb- 85b4- caaaa5e959f9 6/5/201: 8/7/12 Cettirtation Detail ra re >NIV Contact Certified Profess lonal.laformation: Information Last. First Ml: Hamdan, Jamel 1- 888 -ICC -SAFE P 4i *red und*r this name: James Hamdan (s22- 7293), a :t. city, sate Zip: Santa Ana, CA 92704 5524 certificationType(s): UST tnstallation/Retmfitting (expires 062912014) Vapor RecoverySystem installation and Repair (expires 0410312014) Vapor Recovery System Testing and Repair (expires 02/0112014) Li;frg here may notreflect todays changes. adoiaans. exam results. orcertificahors from crganiecons other than ICC (including BOCA IC80. and SBCCI). Ustinga Ora upsiatiu rbghdy on this .veb site. so please Mimi a full 24 hours forchanges to bereflected here. ICC ce4 fra for tarcode enforcement protessioas- attests..ta6ampeient knoxledge Ofconstnicfion codes and standards in effector the date ofcertification or reneviat. ICG dues its beaita MaiWain ineprivacytequesis ofits members and constituents. It you believe that phone numberoraddress Information listed here shrNild not be displayed r,iesse contact us at 1- 188 -11CC -SAFE y4?2 -7233) between Sam and ?pm (CT) for persoral assistance. Terms of Use: This listing is provided as a service to the constituents of lCC for these purposes. locating a certified professional or contraclorin yot,r area, or confirming status forindividuals. Anyother use, sate, transfer, or reproduction in any form without the mpress written consent of ICC is strictly prohibited. ICC resetvss die rightto incarcerate some false names to detect improper use of this semce. t ittps:// ay. iccsafe- org/ eweb/ Dynamd )ageaspx?webCode= KCCRTDetalkst key= 2eledle1- 2364-4d... 1J1 A - I I ei ttesis:titini tF e inditridieal.natned.ou this tei !cafe h'assu, actnri Alv AA: mm T {i' Tntgrncrtionai` Cade,Coun. { .........'.' • .',.:.::.:. dcmonsir ated *ilmvlotXgc asrequircd.bythe'int rnatioriaF Cod :C`ounciG'by.successfuliy cotnpletir 'theprescrcbcd' written exaiirinutioi: based 6n codes, artd'siaritiaids. tliei . in;efect, at tl is Hereby tssue;d:ti;is:certi Calfforni .. - S: ry c :' 'echi r Given this day of,Turie 11,209 C eY-tifgate. No., 5249728 -UT Adolf 7utii:t Ri.c'Wd P. Weiland' ' r Presidcrit, IiOurd of X}ircctoars: Chief Exe64d. C Officer mm`— '" r ' 1 i r (I (i I I :, I { { Il { i• {I I I '. I . I. PJdr, i .. , y . ;. :.+ t..• . f . -tj. t.N } ..)al. ti:+• {7'. 't,.%l• -- -1 •.:-+' J j:1ti.. ;'J ,' ,J..'. thttertdtatelstAopraeertyottG ond,nustt+ernWrdedto =illthev rcnfwspemtonarremotionofthewdkom Technical Training Certification This certificate is issued in recognition that 7amel Hamdan Technician #A24647 has satisfactorily completed Veeder -Root Startup & Service Technician (Level 4) In TLS -3XX UST Monitoring Systems including Secondary Containment Vacuum Sensing - CA 0,117) 4120/2012 lnwls b.R, T h:aJ T-T" Manager Daledissue 4/19/2014 VENDER -ROOT ExpraknDate GENERAL NOTES: I . PREPARE AND SECURE AREA AS REQUIRED FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK TO BE COMPLETED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND TESTING PER GOVERNING AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL PARTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 4. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED OR SUPERVISED BY AN INDIVIDUAL WHO POSSESSES ALL APPLICABLE VALID I.C.C. MANUFACTURERS CERTIFICATION. 5. ALL REPAIRS TO BE MADE FROM INSIDE SUMPS. NO EXCAVATION 15 REQUIRED. G. PRIOR TO DISCONNECTING THE VEEDER -ROOT TL5-350 MONITORING SYSTEM FOR ANY REASON, CONTRACTORS MUST NOTIFY CAM (CALIFORNIA ALARMS MANAGER) AND RECEIVE WRITTEN CONFIRMATION 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ACTIVITY, CONTRACTORS MUST AL50 PROVIDE 15 MINUTE ADVANCE NOTICE TO THE CAM @ I - 800 - KNOW -EH5; PROMPT 2 -1 -2 ALL VEEDER -ROOT WORK, INCLUDING DISCONNECTS, MUST BE DONE BY A VEEDER -ROOT CERTIFIED LEVEL 4 TECHNICIAN. 7. ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL REMAIN EXISTING UNLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE SCOPE OF WORK: 0. ANNULAR 5EN50K (L 1) TO BE REPLACED USING SAME MODEL. SEE DETAIL AND PARTS LIST. 2. AFTER COMPLETION OF WORK ALL BARRICADES AND DEBRIS TO BE REMOVED AND 51TE RE5TORED. TANKANNULAR 5EN50K 4 CAP I. A PIPING SUMP W/ VENT TRANSITION SUMP w SENSOR VENT RISER PAN 5E SITE PLAN GEOPAR 5AO98 NOT TO SCALE W Lu Z 0 WILSON RD. N PIANZ RD. SITE VICINITY MAP CONSULTANT STAMP BMD SERVICES FOR CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS SERVICES, INC. 2205 S. YALE STREET, SANTA ANA, CA., 92704 C51-13 Llc. # 734854 PHONE # (714) 434 -9995 REVISIONS / AUTHORIZATIONS REVISIONS / AUTHORIZATIONS DATE I BY III I I PROPRIETARY AT &T INFORMATION NOT FOR GENERAL USE OR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF AT &T I THIS INFORMATION MAY ONLY BE USED BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN CONNECTION WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMITS AND AUTHORIZATIONS FOR BUILDINGS, CONSTRUCTION, AND/ OR ZONING CHANGES, III= PARTS LIST DRAWINGS PREPARED FOR ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. O 794390 -420 VEEDER ROOT INTERSTITIAL TANK 5EN50K I at&t CORPORATE NOTE: ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND REAL ESTATE I STANDARD CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE. PROJECT TITLE, AT T C 5A098 III= 322 1 S. "H" STREET DAKERSFIELD CA., 93304 II III III `_ ANNULAR SENSOR CROSS VIEW DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TITLESHEET , 51TE PLAN ru ANNULAR SENSOR REPLACEMENT AT &T PROJECT NUMBER, DATE, I 1 / 15 / 12 SCALE, NOT TO SCALE GEOPAR 5AO98 DRAWN BY- E. BRAVO ICHECKED BYi T AUTHORIZATION, AUTHORIZATION_SIGNATURE SHEET, OF, SHEETS DRAWING NO.j 12-257-01 SHEET N4 I smr_miaa SP N O i N 9 N U UJ U Iv w n 0 m m U Z_ t51TELOCATION z 3221 5. H ST. Lu J W Z Z 0 Z N PIANZ RD. SITE VICINITY MAP CONSULTANT STAMP BMD SERVICES FOR CALIFORNIA HAZARDOUS SERVICES, INC. 2205 S. YALE STREET, SANTA ANA, CA., 92704 C51-13 Llc. # 734854 PHONE # (714) 434 -9995 REVISIONS / AUTHORIZATIONS REVISIONS / AUTHORIZATIONS DATE I BY III I I PROPRIETARY AT &T INFORMATION NOT FOR GENERAL USE OR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF AT &T I THIS INFORMATION MAY ONLY BE USED BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN CONNECTION WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMITS AND AUTHORIZATIONS FOR BUILDINGS, CONSTRUCTION, AND/ OR ZONING CHANGES, III= PARTS LIST DRAWINGS PREPARED FOR ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. O 794390 -420 VEEDER ROOT INTERSTITIAL TANK 5EN50K I at&t CORPORATE NOTE: ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND REAL ESTATE I STANDARD CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE. PROJECT TITLE, AT T C 5A098 III= 322 1 S. "H" STREET DAKERSFIELD CA., 93304 II III III `_ ANNULAR SENSOR CROSS VIEW DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TITLESHEET , 51TE PLAN ru ANNULAR SENSOR REPLACEMENT AT &T PROJECT NUMBER, DATE, I 1 / 15 / 12 SCALE, NOT TO SCALE GEOPAR 5AO98 DRAWN BY- E. BRAVO ICHECKED BYi T AUTHORIZATION, AUTHORIZATION_SIGNATURE SHEET, OF, SHEETS DRAWING NO.j 12-257-01 SHEET N4 I smr_miaa SP N O i N 9 N U UJ U Iv w n 0 m m U Z_