HomeMy WebLinkAbout7901 ROSEDALE HWY (2)HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services piss t a 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR n Aslr f Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Prone: 661- 326 -3979 . Fax: 661- 852 -2171 f/ Facility Name C7 r M L- 1 ( % AN A Date 4-f-1, Site Address C% % ( Z Q S e D4.4_ Q ti 'ti / Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phone Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # Routine Re- inspection/Follow -up Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility ID# CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name /Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination ofcompliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. 1 - Class I Violation, 11 - Class 11 Violation, M - Minor Violation Pa e of 1 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS YII NI N/AI COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in docurnentadon GROI Generator has an EPA ID number t GR02 azardous waste determination made for all wastes ` Analysis £d`Generator Knowledge \' GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone `< GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate trainin awareness k GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete I GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment K 3 GR08 Bills of Ladin recei is available s GR09 LDRs available and complete GRID I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GC01 Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing F a GC03 Empty containers are empty C, • i + 1 GC04 Containers inspected weekly GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point ofgeneration GC07 I Satellite containers under control of operator c+ GCO8 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance I' with local ordinance /hazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 u GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than t year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year 1 n GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 l year if <1 ton) GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 I yr. if < I ton)' Labeling/Marking GL01 Containers are ro erl labeled I ,y GW2 Satellite containers have 2 ASD marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly ' GL04 Universal waste container properly labeled GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" 41 GL06 Date written on s Ent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks/containers GL08 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment, Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only receipt of report. GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (gen. eligible) GDOI Waste disposed ofto authorized point/party GHOI Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept:, Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date FD2179 (Rev 10/21/08) White — Prevention Services Copy Yellow— Business Copy V N " tin! Nl ci_i,tll u)9'68ISZ JSH. 'JU!0 paz!.loylntiun UC Ir:)ISCM SUOP .1177gq.lo Pasocs!P Aul!3rl 21L1. I0C19 091 SZ /(c)S91 cZ JSH. I DIq!B!ID IOU o .1aA1 A311) ua4,u alsrm palrp!losuoa to .131.10 suC.rt v pasnpoliO stiml po.la)si o.l r. )Sn of pol!r.,{ Au1!3rl 24.1. ZOID IP)c'68157 JSH 'alsgm 91701) .1rzrq {o nlaugra.q .101 uo!Igz!aapnr, .Iayto ao nu1.IDC r. u1C1g0 01 pal!rl . 1!P3r1 04.1. 1019 Dlaaaag aauv!1c !; payu.r 3" n .co pD!ly.IDO oq of uo!/"Jllc n !n) DUG 01 ryl11gns /.cnut n1111JV/ d11l ' (c)Z I ZSZ JSI -1] aaur!lddu 3qI Jo Su!sodslp .10 Su!Alrs 'a'UIPpa.1ys `Guyrq'9Un!sn.13 01 JOLICI 31uw!ddr Ur 1110.4 aAOUla.1 01 Papgl X1!!!311 240. 101-10 7)dll 1IJ DJUp Jill tl /!M Slall n11too 117y,115111 (7)L" 19Z99 `NJJ `ZZ DI1!,L. 'Pa!I( 1113 omp 3q1 lI)1A9 slou!citlo3 Pa)Cllllll3hl0.1 JJCn1 OI PDI!UI A11113C•1 240. 60-19 11)1171 .yunl dill y.nnu nI.a01J Units :4!pDn% DILL 10)h£Z99'NJ,3'ZZ ,111111 ' ay1 tp!AI .10 .yurl alp y.Irw 01 p3pg1 "1!!!31.1 Dq,1. 8010 o pasn„ Sp.lOAt 0111 1l1!J1 V.IdIgVjH00 pun S.yuvl llv.y.Ioul j.lndlJ L(C)6'£hI SZ JSFI] ,I!o pasn„ sp.Iatl ayt yt!m paulls3p l!o P3SII JO 1au!UIU03 /.yuC1 C .y-ICw 0) 1)3IIrl n11I!3gl aq.1. LO -ID I.IDUvq food uo an7p,3l1 y.a flA 11vgS:ll!pd "/ dllL ((I)(9)(c) I S'99Z99 `NJJ `ZZ ap!y. 'PaA!a33.1 scA1 A .1Dnnq 0.4) 43!gm UO a1CP 0111 y.Irw 01 pa!!c! APl!3rl Dq.1. 90-10 c.lal /y l!O pacu patnn.Ip„ .V)JO t dill I l!m .c.011!011100 .lay!/ 11n .11.111111 IIvII•s •I)!pJu1dlLL [(£)(D)0£ I "99299 `21DJ `ZZ 111!,1.] "'s-1111 po pasn p1wc1p„ SPaoAS ayl g1!,%% s.1311!) PO pasn Pau!c.Ip_IO aaumluo3 C ,y.lrw of Pa!!rI nly!3rl aqJ. SO -ID alsni11 lns.ra:l!un„ sp iom Dill 11)17" dnsnJl 1vs.lD:uun 3111/2/01/ 9.011!1)1100 1117.yJOUI I /dnnpaulul!!Im/S :0y!J1)fdILL 'IHd'1 .1111 h£'£LZ99.10 I-16S IR{ hl'£LZ99 `21JJ'ZZ al1111 ',Cl.1ado.1d 31SPAN Igs.lannln 10 JaU!Clllll3 r )I.trul of 1)31!C1 ,(Ig13r.1 x1j, tho-ID wo l snopanzD11,.10 pivull! „1"!.1,3117111 DIgn10AJd.1 pdpnlJA *3„ .cp.10M dill 1l1 m pdy.11)11 f/.7va1J 0.q 11"1131 slvzlanvwfo s.taup)n1oJlsyuvl Di / l(g)6'£h 19Z JSH] Xl .1aclald slguDlCUI algrl3,C33J p3pnl3xa_Io (s).lau!Clt103 /syugt y.ICUI 01 paprl nUl!3g1 04.1. 0 -I6 77711 S! .Id11!U111O0 dill alnp aryl Sn Ildal v) pdppv ISA!l SI amait Jlvp ?ill iiapt uopollu moon d1! /Iall1.5 /Iv 1131 "ill 11"119 nilpJn %ally I(fl)(I)(a)h£'Z9Z99 `21,3,3 `ZZ all!.L] eaac u0!lrinwnaac al!Ilales dill woal pan0w scnl .laumlu0a 0tp alrP dill .y.Irw of pal!g1 Cul!ara ay.L Zo-10 01171) 1.1191.c uo!IVluunuJ" (S pun 11/.10 .csdJllly pun aulvu nl.ld o.lp p.11lanll (1 '811319lnJiS.11 /d 1)111) 7101 /1.000II(lOJ ( ' „a /571,31 SIIOp.IU'lll.I„ Sp.IOJI dip (/ ,mtollo /Dill Ip!J1 9'.1811!U111oJ 1113 y.10111:II.aDIJ lllll /9 A)'I1!J"ldllj I(I)t>£ C9C99 NDD `7Z 3p!,L] 'Ard snp•10 1110 {I 0111 UO Paxx1 3.111, UOnguuOlu! SuISSIIII puc slualuoa's.Iaummo,O -s.Iau!Cluoa Ile laggl nl.lodo.1d of Papr{ S!p3gl 0111 1010 suoyoa.l.lo.7 .tol at 101 D ddS (9)(c)18'89Z99 2j DD ZZ ali!y I '.1uaA Duo /sArp 081 uryl .1ir.DjB .1q{ sauaneq p!3c Pul PI24 A)!pD41 04.1. 90vo SII011Jd.l.I0J Jql d.IOgt) 101 /D aDS 6)1)(0)0£ 1'99Z99 `NJJ `ZZ all! 'Jv3A 3UO /SACP OS I ucyl .latga.la .101 s.lallLI po pasn p3u!mp Play AuI!3g1 243E 50\+0 cu0l10a.IJO0.IO1 dAOgn /0ND ddS Mg E' £LZ99.10 (C)5I'£LZ99'NJJ `ZZ 3111.E ' .1gaA Duo uryt .ialezoii .101 salsrAC lrs.laA!Lin Play Allagl Dill hOt+D suonJDLroJ.ro/ a.logl) 1Oh'D ddS (UL' Z9Z99 `21JJ `ZZ alu,l '.ICDA I u!ggm s .1mquitio3 P3lcunuClu03 a1PuP.y A1.1ac alC 01 p3pC1 AMP111 )III 0\ +D SII0!IJd.IJO,7.101 atogv 10 1,,D daS I .(q)( 1)(3)h£'Z9Z99 `21JJ `ZZ ;)IIllI •./Cat 3110 UC4t .lalCa.ld 10,1 sake," uo!ig!nuIn33C On113JUS PIa4 All 3rl 'III Zov9 9:Ivp 11!11)!"1 lVAOUID.I xlluau.cuoutop Au, pnl .lo ll!q .10 190 / /7inin alp to :CdO.) v :llcldng 11nils pun 'd1S17,11 DII/ /O f ":101110./ JI // ./0/ aSIMI.In A /al"/pd1 //71/! llvgS :l /IIIJlI/al(L [(g)t7£ C9L99 11JJ `ZZ Dp!.L] "11 uO Pay.Irw 10 ;up pals UC pry ,10.13u!C1u03 V •(IRU .1Dd r. lnogiim 3013.101S) sPtug Own p3Awpr ug41 .IDILD12.101 alsgm pa)Clnuw33r nU1!3rl ;)ill IoND Aq Dpo,) of u.uua.l 1117/9• n11POO/ dill. ((3)6'£)11 SZ JSH] saPOa slcu3111.w SUOP.1ezgy /aPoa a.ly /33UCwP10 117.101 41!AS aaurpaoaar to 1011 sle!.Ia)gw algglaria3.1 papnpxa palols Xiii!lgl ;)ifI 60,30 IlD11S011 01 alvS.lo /Vay"maC loll S7 I! IM/I dlv.1/.51101110p 111)119.10 nd.10 IloynInualoan all/ Inay.IDII!7111100 atlO niq 111) 0.10110.1 Aldil111MIU11 /I IIIJI/S 1)1 /017 / dll . [( I)(3)h£ "Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ 311!.L] 'ca.Ir. u0!lr.lntunaae at,ylatCS r, le ,lo aawcluoa alylalrs duo ucyl wou1 /day ril!l!agl ay.L SoJD 17d17po aulaq ond) 1 /0 do.ip 1S.Iy •/O 9d "p 0ZL7 /(),1'110)1 Intlj! I pa.lolua.1 s7 alsnm Dill /17th a.asua 111)119 .lo uollnpumoJv to ju!od dip .ivou .lo In Sl .1011).10 O 11I) will a.11lSIID Il"I /S.Q.J.DUI al/L l(N)11)12))1£'29299 `NJJ `ZZ ap!,I,] .101clodo Un.10 lo.quo3 aill.1apun 1011 ZMOAt sapu UOpr.Inutn32C al!I131p.s'u!z!I!In s.13u!cluo') LOJD pdw.idud D.iv 'Y ()OI /uun Tivis lou sa0p 11.7010 all/ '3Y ()O/ mull ssal SDiv.l,3ud3 nnponl aln. p) poppy u!aq an.cnm 10 11o.11) ITIg _10 sdvp OLC /ON / /06 II!Iln:lt PdAOUld.19'I dISl7J1 0111 J"t11 0. 111.VId Ip)1 /5.10 110110.01108lb m. ioddill.ind11.1011) S! IDI /l 110!1770011) O/ S! "1/o11./d1ipmi0J Dill Da011111n1Is ")111,3" %arl. /, l(V)(I)(a)h£,Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ al)!.L] 'uo!Im31K19.lo 11110d ay) .Iran 10 Ig IOU WOO saint u0!IClntuna1c al!Ilalcs 5u1z11!In s.lau!CIUOJ 90,39 Innp pDod sin aiv?19"171 3tnploq S.yunt Ivy) ' uIgmogs- 901 n dday /Inn /s:q!IIJn %011,3 [(N)( I)(r)h£.Z9Z99 '21JJ `ZZ ah!_l.) 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L. of anp sampa3o.Id RuypLiq alsrm.lado.1d yu,u.I34!1UCI oinm Xogi will Dimisuoulap IOU p!P 10uuosild nt!Pcd 10210 duo11 v oil rvau uollnu dgpq alogn Dill lso pun d.0. d.i l (Z)(P)h£ "Z9Z99 `217,3 `ZZ ap!.1.. 'ouoyc olol ayl of 1x3u pats .1agwnu au04c alas 1113ul1 .1r. 1P 3.1y 341.10 `11.13uldlnlla Iomo3 Ipds puC s.1ays!n9u!lxa 3.111,10 110!11.301 Dill `.1013111) .1000 ,C3UP51OLu3 ayI.lo .1agwnu auoycl pup. autru 041 ang4 lots p!p nu1!3g! DqI ME) IO/ ds:gnun of qnl dill 1151 pDlOnpuoJ S! null uros11 syA1VIIU.lo1 :1.701n.10gOI pa!l!n.laJ dl7)J9 n 01 nl09 pia pd1cluins dl9V,U dill dADII JO (d7,911 Jqf5111011111001) 301110 JOSi%S /'V dSn 1100 IIO:O dSpa1AlOUy .ulo:i uo pa.cng ansnJl 9111.10 u0!nnu!IU.lalap n aynl.P ( I I "Z9Z99 `N;)J `ZZ al)!,L] Oil) u! P31ou ayl Jql UOrtcu!ul.latap atsgAt r. djrul 01 1)31!11 nnp314 aq,p 7011D d;iVtl 9711.10 1710.!/ dill 110 „ # QI Nd711 Pdy.10111 a.7n s alp u! .lagluuu alp 011.411 'S6,PN-966-Sl t, 1)d # GI Nd9 ".100 7)169- .1'l9-00R -1 1t) lodiuOJ sdJ1101SquS J1.1'Odf0111Jtul.111daQ dill 001110D # (7I N[13 O!IIJq !p)3 ".toj 1c I Z9L99 `NJJ `ZZ Dlt!,L] .1aqumu CII Vda ug u!rlgo oil PDI!gl ,CUI!Drl OLIJ I ONO uoj 110 1411!"101 „ y,, aq/ u.1 pay.lnu) silogn /o!1) .1011!111 ao uaynl aq o/ suopan a,t!1Ja.1aoJ um7c7!3 A to {1771. {s /A to rim ail uo!7clol,% jo uo!7 l.t3s1n su0110V 3A11001103 pup suoijujiD niojr.jmmd