HomeMy WebLinkAbout6601 MING AVENUE (8)UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program B E R s F I E q i/RE RTM ; T BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME ^^ LLC !, INSPECTION DATE o f a INSPECTION TIME 67;1 a"-1 ADDRESS 6601 M N9 i}VC rj %L.S „C C ('9 PHONE ) _ / 2 NO OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND O "tJO2 % —c W'5- Consent to Inspect Name/ ' ci - v Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ROUTINE COMBINED JOINT AGENCY MULTI - AGENCY COMPLAINT RE- INSPECTION C v C= Compliance) OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BMC: 15.65.080) Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE CCR: 2729.1) VISIBLE ADDRESS CFC: 505.1, BMC: 15.52.020) X CORRECT OCCUPANCY CBC:401) VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS CCR: 2729.3) VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES CCR: 2729.4) VERIFICATION OF LOCATION CCR: 2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL CFC: 2704.1) VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING CCR: 2732) VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES (CCR: 2731(c)) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CCR: 2731) CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34(f), CFC: 2703.5) HOUSEKEEPING CFC: 304.1) I FIRE PROTECTION CFC: 903 & 906) SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND CCR: 2729.2) ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ES NO Si nature of e' t Explain: l - 3a gal C " ivs2 (s T Lc 1 120 ale wr_ s e-r '1%0 POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days ofcorrecting all orthe violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 TvSPcc,c/By : While — Business Copy Yellow — Business Copy to be Sent in alter return to Compliance Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Pink — Prevention Services Copy FD2155 (Rev 6//10) C2 ©moo 12y3/3 lg liz, / KERN BUSINESS FORMS - (661) 325-5818 - 176013 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST "- R.- S- ' " -' -E 2101 H StreetFIRE EBAR/M T Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: '.Business Plan and Inventory Program Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME p 7 ADDRESS Mi/i/ PVC / mss %t / n PHONE \ NO. / Z NO OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER 0 /g- - vai -C,000//"5- Consent to Inspect Name/Titl BUSIIIeSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ROUTINE COMBINED JOINT AGENCY MULTI - AGENCY COMPLAINT RE- INSPECTION C v C= Compliance OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BMC: 15.65.080) BUSIIIeSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE CCR: 2729.1) VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BMC: 15.52.020) CORRECT OCCUPANCY CBC: 401) VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS CCR: 2729.3) VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES CCR: 2729.4) VERIFICATION OF LOCATION CCR: 2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL CFC: 2704.1) VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING CCR: 2732) VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES (CCR: 2731(c)) L EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CCR: 2731) CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34(f), CFC: 2703.5) I HOUSEKEEPING CFC: 304.1) FIRE PROTECTION CFC: 903 & 906) SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND CCR: 2729.2) ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? RYES NO Signature of Recei t Explain: i - 3 (5Ta2Tf T'j// 2 2 /GCvT r c %a r) POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days ofcorrecting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 N5pc6T-18y : ERiv;G White — Business Copy Yellow — Business Copy to be Sent in tiller return to Compliance t Signature (that all violations have ,been corrected as noted) Date + t Pink — Prevention Services Copy 171)2155 (Rev 6//10) C E(/2o'v FACILITY NAME: L/eF c46FAs 1 /6 C i33o Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION DATE: —1 o—hyhO Routine Combined Joint Agency Multi- Agency Complaint Re- Inspection Type Xnk 4S ANF Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring Type of Piping t)&J OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner / operator data on file Permit fees current x Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations x Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) If yes, does tank have overfill / overspill protection? C = Compliance V = Violation Y = Yes N = No Inspector: tC tlF22z 43 Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326 -3979 White — Prevention Services Pink - Business Copy KBF -7335 FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ARUM r Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 •Fax: 661- 852 -2171 Facility Name Site Address Owner /Operator C r—LIRG of Phone Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation Routine Re- inspection/Follow -up XCombined Routine Inspection 0 Joint spection Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name/ Title): .1/L01 Date 1DZ%V)10 Time In `; g i Time Out Complaint Misc. EPA ID # C 43400 / Focused Other Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of recoNg, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste Ifandling requirements. I - Class 1 Violation, 11- Class 11 Violation, M - Minor Violation Page of 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS Y I N N/A COMMENTS /NOTESIDOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GR01 Generator has an EPA ID number GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Analysis X2nerator Knowledge GR03 Contin gene Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate trainin Z awareness GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDFsigned copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment GROG Bills of Ladin recd is available GR09 LDRs available and complete GRIO Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GCOI Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected week) GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator GC08 I One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinancethazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than 1 year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (I year if <1 ton) GA06 j Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 I yr. if < I ton Labeling/Marking GLOI Containers are ro erl labeled GL02 Satellite containers have 2" ASD marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly GL04 Universal waste container properly labeled GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers GL08 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt f this report. Signature does not i greement with tindin , on receipt ofreport. GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (gen. eli Bible GDOI Waste disposed ofto authorized point/party GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 rNs c/ 8y : ;en/JE /D1i While — Prevention Services Copy Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— Business Copy FD2179 (Rev 10/21/08) Regulatory Citations and Corrective Actions L Descri tioIt of violation I Re ulatory /statutory citationI Corrective actions to be taken fiir minor violations i nuked in the "M" column on 'rout) O ]to 1 The facility failed to obtain an EPA ID number [Title 22, CCIt, 66262.121 Fora Califa-nia EPA 1D # confac•t the DepartmenI of Tonic Substances Control at 1 -S'OO -618 -6942. For a EPA 1D # call 415- 495 -8895. lvrite the number in the s ace;narked "EPA 1D # "ow the front ofthis fiage, GR02 The facility failed to make a waste determination for the noted in the Title 22, CCR, 66262.11 ] tl lake a determination ol7he waste based on your knowledge (von can use HS'DS or other documents for help) or have the waste Sampled and sent to a sine certified laboratory for anal,sis. 11 *scan pling is conducied tell the lab to analyze for GR03 The lacility did not have the name and phone number of the emergency coordinator, the location of fire extinguishers and shill control equipment, or the lire department telephone number posted nest to the telephone. ITitle 22, CCR, 66262.34(4)(2) Pre are and post dre above in /ornmtion nevi to a phone. GR04 Facility personnel did not demonstrate that they weic familiar with proper waste handling procedures due to Title 22, CCR, 66261-.34(cf)(2)1 Provide training to ersmmef r-egarding GIZ05 The facility failed to properly complete a hazardous waste manifest. Manifest # was missing fide 22, CCR, 66262.23(a)(I )]. Correct the inlfornuuion on the manifest in Bo.r(ec) . initial and date. Submit a letter to DISC. G1SS:; P.O. Box ,Y06 Fh I -l; Sacramento, CA 95812 -0806 stathT the manilesl #, the ship date, your EPA ID #. the Box # and correction made and your signature. Carrectionl for more than one uranilist men+ be included in the sane letter GR06 Facility l tiled to submit a copy of the manifest to DTSC within 30 clays ofshipment. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.32(a)(4)] Iblail the blue color gl'maWjest to: DTSC. PO Box 400, Sacrontento, CA 95812 -0400 or a hotoco v orthe TSDF co m to: DTSC. PO Bar 3000, Sacramento. C.4 95812 GR07 The facility failed to file an exception report to DTSC after not receiving the signed TSDF copy ofa manifest within 35 clays. 1 "Ifitie 22; CCR, 66262.421 Make a copy of file ;Manifest and send if wllh a le(te' to DTSC PO Bo.v :YWX Sacramento, C.4 95812 slating what you are doing to find out why .you have not received the final, signed ca v of the ma ilesl. Include a SI nalure and v'oul- /India .1' while looking or the munifes't at the cover letter. GR08 The facility failed to have copies ofreccipts for the removal of . [I-ISC 25160.2 - Consolidated manifests/ 66266.81(a)(6)(B)- lead acid batteries /66266.130- oil fiftersi The facility shall contact and request copies o/'recei is between & GR09 The facility failed to complete or maintain a Land Disposal Restriction notification for manifest # [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(4)] The lcilih- shall delermine i1'its waste is subject to l_DR requirements, and if'so. ensure that a LDR is prepare( and submined with each shipment ol'waste. GR10 The lacility did not submit a recycling report [I -1 SC 25143.101 Thefacility shall complete andsubmit the UPC'Fform "Recvc•lable Materials Report ". The Torun can befomnd at wWw.Ca1epa.cq.gov/pub1 icatioiis/title27/defiult.litii2 (fnvli•ecvc. pdi) 0001 The lacility failed to maintain containers holding hazardous waste in good condition. The container of was hide 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) llle cotuerris of the container of shall inunediately be transferred to o container in good condition GCO2 The lacility I'ailed to keep containers closed except when adding /removing waste. The container of was observed open [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) . The facility shall inunediatelt, close all cowainers and ensure that c•auainers remain closed except when adding. or removing waste. GC03 The lacility is handling contaminated containers as empty when they are not. A container of was noted as not meeting the definition of empty. [Title 22, CC IZ, 66261.71 Thefircillh- shall mark the container as hazardous waste or consolidate the contents ofdue container with a like waste and ivanediately label the emptied coluainer with the words "en h- "and the date. GC04 The facility could not demonstrate thal containers were being inspected weekly. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A)] 7 tefacilim shall develop and implement a plan that ensures that all containers holding waste ure inspected week-1v GCO5 The facility could not demonstrate that tanks were being inspected daily. ["Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(I )(A)l Thefinciliq- shall keep a log showing that tanks holdhi.Q waste are inspected dally. 0006 Containeis utilizing satellite accunnhlation rules were not tit or near the point of generation. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )(A)j The facili(y shall move tire container holding to a location that is at or near the point of generation or shall ensure that the waste is removed within 9011,01270 days of lir•st afrop ofwuste being added (il'the fucility gceneizoes less than 100 kg. the clock does not strut until 100 kg. arc eneraled) GC07 Containers utilizing satellite accumulation rules were not under the control of an operator. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )(A)] Thefacilirn shall ensure that an operator is cu or neur the point of accumulaion or shallensure that the waste is removed within 9011801270 days of' first drop of waste being tickled GC03 The facility kept more than one satellite container of at a satellite accunwlation area. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(c)(1 )I Thefirc•ility shall immediately remove all but one container j-ont the accumulation area or shall demonstrate that it is not practical m- safe to do such. CIC09 The facility stored excluded recyclable materials not in accordance with local ordinance /fire code /hazardous materials codes J HSC 25143.9(c)l Thefacilily shall return to code by GA01 The lacility accumulated waste for greater than allowed time limits (Storage without a permit). A container of had an start date of marked on it. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(x) l The lacilip- shall inlmediduely arrangefor the removal of'the waste, raid shall supply a copy ol'the manifest or bill or lading deln'lonswatilt femoral within days. GA02 The facility held satellite accumulation wastes Tor greater than one vcar. ITitic 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )(B)l ,See GAOL above for corrections. GA03 The facility failed to propel Iv handle contaminated containers within I year. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.7(t)l See GA01 above lot- corivCtroils. GA04 The lacility held universal wastes for greater than one year. ITitle 22, CCR, 66273.15(x) or 66273..35(a)l See G1101 above for c•m•rections. GA05 The facility held drained used oil filters for greater than 130 days /one year. Title 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(4)1 See GAOL above lbr corrections. GA06 The facility held lead acid batteries for greater than 180 days /one year. ITitic 22, CCR 66268.81(a)(6) See G2101 above for correctons. G1-01 The facility failed to properly label all containers. Containers, contents and missing information are noted on the front of this page. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(1)] Thefaciliti sha!! clearly mark all containers with the followhtg: 1) the words "Hazardous waste ". 2) composition and physical state 3) hazard pro perb. 4) name (nt( address ofthe generator. and 5) accumulation start date. GL02 The facility failed to mark the date the container was moved from the satellite accunnilaiion area [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(c)(1)(B)] T1lefac•ili(r• shat mark all saellite accumulation with the date waste is first added as well as the date the container is fill. GL03 The facility tailed to marl: tanks /container(s) ofescluded recyclable materials properly 11-ISC 25143.9(a)I The tanks /containers ofmaterials shall be clearly marked with the wads "Excluded recyclable material" instead of "hazardous waste ". GL04 The facility failed to mark a container of universal waste properly. ["title 22, CCR, 66273.14 for SQI -I or 66273.34 for LQI I j. The facility shall immecliatety mark all containers holding universal waste With the words "Universal Waste- " GL05 The facility failed to mark a containerofdrained used oil fillers with the words "drained used oil filters ". [Title 22, CCR, 66266. 1 30(c)(3) I Thefcilifvshall mock all filter containers with the worcls "drained used oil filters" GL06 fhc lacility tailed to mark the date oil which the batteiv was received. ITitle 22, CCR, 66266.81 (a)(6)(D)l The facility shall v mark the date on each battery. GI-07 The facility failed to mark a tank /container of used oil destined for recycling with the words "used oil" [hISC 25143.9(a)I Clearly mark all talks and cmuahners with the Words "used oil". GLOB The facility failed to mark the tank of with the ITide 22, CCR, 66234(1)] Thefieditr shall cletn-ly mark the tank with GL09 The facility failed to mark contaminated containers with the slate emptied. jTitic 22, CCR, 66261.7(t)l wish the dale ear Hied. G1 101 the facility tailed to remove from an appliance prior to crushing, baling, shredding, sawing or disposing of the appliance [HSC 25212(a) l. The lucilirn nurst submit ro DTSC al a plicatiorn to be certified as a .1Certilied:l ppliance Recveler" GTOI lie facility failed to obtain a permit or other authorization for treatment of hazardous waste. I1-ISC 25 189.50)] GTO2 The facility failed to use a registered urns oi'ter /useef a transporter or consolidated waste when thev were not eligible 1-ISC :25 165(a)/25 1601 GDO I The facility disposed of hazardous waste at an unauthorized point. I -ISC 25199.5(x) 4,- 1 I HAZARDOUS WASTE 13AKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS It R 9 P 1 9 D Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Ave 1 FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR A'FJVNX! r Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 •Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name Site Address Owner /Operator (,! 1 9 Vl/ CA.) Phone Tyne of Inspection Inspection Consolidation Routine Re- inspection/Follow -up/ Combined Routine Inspection Joipylnspection Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection l lElCONSENTCONSENTTOINSPECTGRANTEDBY (Name /Title): 1 Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of reef ds, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. Date Wl Ll/ /0 Time In Time Out EPA ID #elk i - Complaint Focused Other In j CUPA Fa i i ID# I - Class 1 Violation, II - Class 11 Violation, M - Minor Violation Page of 1 11 M IHAZARDOUSCode WASTE REQUIREMENTS I Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GR01 Generator has an EPA ID number GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Anal risk Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency lan information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available Win 35 days of waste shipment GRO8 Bills of Lading/receipts available GR09 LDRs available and complete GRID I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GC01 Containers are in rood condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected week) GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator X GC08 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance /hazardous materials codes A Accumulation 'rime Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 I ear if <l ton) X GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 I r. if < I ton Labeling/Marking GLOI Containers are ro erl labeled GL02 Satellite containers ha ASD marked once fullve2" GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled u GL05 Used oil tillers marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers GLO8 Tank marked with °haz waste" , contents, start date GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt -of this report. Signature does not /impNagreementwith finin/ o'ly receipt of report. t // iG; ( / J' r`-'"' , /LpV GT01 Have ermit/authorization ro do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport en. eligible GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/party GH01 wFailedtoproperlyhandleappliancewastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 White — PreventionServices Copy Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— Business Copy FD2179 (Rev 10/21/08) I I , li111, , 1.111 101K'691 SZ JSI I 'Ultod pozpoyp)ru" ur to olsrm snop.lrzeq Jo paso( sip 01!1!03..1 111.1. I OLIO 091 SZ /(3)591 SZ :)SI-11 a(gp5iIo tou 0.100\ nays u3yA\ )ISrn\ p '3jrpyosuo0.l0 a '3taoc sue.q r, p'3sn/.Ial.loc rural pa.Iatsraa r as" 01 p '31!ej nIII! ,1rl 111.1. 2010 P)S'6R 1 SZ DSH] 'atsrm snolurzey J0 jll3LlgC3.1I aCI u0grzuoyIIIr..I.)g10.10 11ul.7c r u!rlgo oI I)' )1! AI!I!ar.l 011.1. 1010 IdIJrIJa?/ 7 ?uvy j pr7!/1od,) , 17 .577 pd!1!m,?J dq OJ Itopnoy((n I /17 .,SI(1 of iptill l,c J.crllll ,ij -ipoi 1 dIII (C)C I LSC JSI 131uelldde '3111 JO "1u!so(Islp ao "1u!mrs `9mppan!s `911!13.1/ ` "1un(sna0 of ao!ad a .3113,1/113 uC 1111).11 3AOLLIaI 0I p31!rl Xj!I11r1 1y_I, 101-19 p7uc ula dn)p dill I11p11 .SJdII!OJIIOJ 1/1) )/JDU1 ryo)a1.7 ))L' 19299 51,7cZ 011!,1.. 'Pint 111'3 3131) alp IIUAv S.I3LIIrILIO1 p3lrunurluOO y."7u1 01 pal!gl 51111131 1y.L 60'10 IlI!dl )llu)I Dill 31.11711I A1.I0d10 rr,JgS.,;y,Jlfdl/!. 1(J)tb£Z99'2IJJ 'ZZ 111!.1:1 Mil LJUAv Io yurl1gl y.Irul01 1)3(I3J XIIj!1rj 011.1. ROlO 130 /57711„ .517./0,11 dill I /5'U S. /d /II17J(tOJ puo.5.yum III) )IJVw:t I(r.W t SZ JSI'I.l „1!0 Pas"„ spaon\ 1111 LIUA% 911111,100.1 aoJ pawjsap (!o 11150 Jo.I3lnrluo0 /.111131 r y.mw 01 pal!rl Xt!I11r1 111,1. LO 1'J eD,')nVq 1/0177 uo 11011 dill Y.10111 A lings' AJIlId1N dllL I ((1)(9)(3) I R'99Z99 '2IJJ 'ZZ 1111.1 'Payalal SCAv n.I311rq alp y0!gnv uo 01ep 3yt y-Imu 01 pallrl nuI!1ej aqJ. 9010 S.Idll!l III) pasn 17011117711„ Sp.10.11 dill I/jIm voulvillo../Dlpl1112 y./mil Ilvys Ajlpdn(aul. 1(£)(1)0£ 199Z99'11JJ'ZZ 1II1,J] "S.131I11 1!o p3sn paulmp„ spaom ayl ill!,\\ Sa31171 110 pasn pau!rap jo a3u!ej"O3 r, yaeLU of 1101!31 llp-n'.1 011,1. 50 "10 dID),!1 In.c.ldrliiln,_ S /5./OA, dill I/11M d/SAlt Il)s•.fd,l!Ir! Iltp1011 S. /JtllDl3107 II!) 11.111![1 ydvly)auuln 11oilsAjYloly dl/,l 'I 110-1 .IOI K'£LZ99.10 1-1OS aol bl'£LE99 `)IJD'ZZ 111!.1) - XI.Iado.ld atsrm IUs.13A!"n J0 MUIrIIt03 e y.leul 01 P31!rl ,(1!1!031 111, 1. t7o'10 0170"11 .577017.11)ZDl/ „, /017nd1Slrl jill.0111l1/ d/(IVIJA0d31)dpnpr:I„ .Vj). /OAI Dip 1 /1111 pdy.mil/ 1I.IVd/J d(I I /nl /S VIV!.ldjVIII 10 SJdII! 0111001DIIIn1 dlll 1(11)6 £t?1 CZ JS1.11 1.I3(1O.Id SI31.la13111 '3IgC1:lXn.i p '3pnl3N3.10 (S),I31IlPILL 03 /SIIIeI y.imll 01 P1I13I , j1II .3rI 3qJ, 079 7111/ s!.lalnn /uoo dip clop dill S0lldnl .n) pd /)1112Is311.51 a1SUA111121) dill glp11 U511Vp11U)IJDV dII11d1US /lo y.nnu 11vq.S All 101 ? /'aILL I(8)( I)(1)b£'Z9Z99 '2IJJ'ZZ 111!.11 ralr UO!lrpnun.3le ijgjows -)Ili 1110.1.1 panom SLIM.nlnrl"o,1 3yt 013.11 ayt I.IVLL[ 01 p3jm,I :(111!03.1 011.1. ZO10 dl/7l7 1.11715 110!!l)I)IIIO?0dl7 (S pill? %lolaidud< 51/1,10 .SSd.lppll pun miji l (p '"11•/7( 0.1( I)JO-DI/ ( F' d1U1 .SlOJ!SAIId /71IOIIO!ILSOdIIIOJ (C 'r,i)jVMA S110I),IVZVI1„ Sp30A1 dill (I :S17I,nollgl'dill I/I!At 6JaunJIIIO.) III) ? 130111 Al.nldlJ11nlls:QlpJ1?l'a1ll, l(I)t7£'Z9Z99 2IJJ'ZZ 117!7.1 '3 "1rd slyl Jo 110.13 NIL uo paJOU -),Ir. LJOIJruuoJu! SUISSIIII pur, SJU31uo.3 `S.I2UI0jUOJ'SAMUV1u01 pr (3grj Spxlo.ld of paur.l ,Ctll!1rI 111.1 1(11ID IIOl1JdJ.IOJ .101 dAOgv /of,.) ddS (9)(3) I R'S9Z99 '2C)J 'ZZ '311!.1.. '.lean duo /SnrP OR I ueyj .I',)JM.15 .101 sau3ueq p!.3e pral play nly!1rl 1y,I. 90V0 sa0uJd.r./o0.1ol5,LO(pl 10FD ddS' WO)0£1'99Z99'2IJJ `ZZ 3711,1 '13'37 )UO /SnrP OSI ump.Iatra.la.iol s.latly po pasn p7gmp play 111!03.111/.1. SOVO SUOI/JaJJOO 30l a:LSgv IoFD ddS (110 £ £LZ99 .lo (r)5I'£LZ99 `21 ,)3 'ZZ 0111.1 '.11310 duo u3yJ .13130.1$ .10.1 s3lse,n Ir.S.lan!un Play nly!0rl 111.1, t7OV0 vIlondd.IJ0d.101d,logolllNJddS (I)L'19299'2U:)'ZZ111U.'.13. 00111011! ms. laumtuo.3 pajrunu3ulolalpuryn (.Ia(0.co1p11!rinul!lrjdyJ. ONO SUoUdd.i.loo .iql d,logn /op,D aaS (8)( I)(1)t7£'Z9Z99 '2177 `ZZ 1111.1. •.13,003110 urgj .1 '3lraia .1oj salSem uonr,11nunl.3e;)UIlatrs play t!I11r1 ^11.1 ZOVO V..I vp ltlil /lm /V;l01l17.1 iii /1117.1J.t'1!OlIl.17711!1101 .10 pIq 30 Jsa%ulmu alll,lo ridoo n ,Ijdrhls 110115 pun •dl.cOAI 11/1 /b /VaOI! /d./ dill JO/ d3110J.117 AjdlVlpduuu! 110119 A-11pJ0/ dIIL J (r.)t,£'Z9Z99 `2177 'ZZ 111111 'I! uo p3yar.ul Jo 01111) 1.Ir1S ur, pey 10.1ou!eluol V '(j!uua(I r. 111Oyt!m a "1rm1$) squ"j aunt p3mOI111 1113.111 a3je3a9 a01 )ISCAv 1)alrinuu)10e , 11p1rI ay.l. 10V9 Acl dllod 01 !/Jn7dJ 1lmr A)11!dv/ x111, 1(J)6*£t-. I SZ )Sill sopo.3 s(r,!.Imeul s"Oparz3y /0)po0 1.11,1 /0n1euy).10 (r.1O1 yi!Av 1.3urpaola3 u! lou slr!.I '3jmu 1lgr.(0,(zvm p)pnpvo po.ims ,(jg!.3rI .y.I. 6070 117117 op 07 ,IIJS .lO 1UJl1Jn.lC JOII .5111 11711) d117.USII011ldp 11DIlS.I0 !10.117 11O!JV1)UIIIIJdV dill wail .oup;moo duo inq 1117 dAOIUdd A1d1171pdilllll! 11rJil.S niI11JV /d1L6 I(U(1)t7£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ 1ll!.L.I 'vale uo! IV, lnLUnz)m ajgjales r Ir J0.13u!r1u00 011II31CS duo u3yt alOUI j(bj ,CUpog11yJ. ROJO pdppv q,?q di.vaUjO O. /p /s.l!l. /0 P11711 OZE11PI106 "NIJIM 170A011l7.l S! dISO:II dill Will ..111.51 /d 11171IS .lo uopopluniodnlo pqod dlp.11ldll Jo /1).51.75117.1. 3 10111 a.01sua plus:\)lpvj dI/ 1(V)(1)l1)h£'Z9Z99')IJJ'ZZ 31J1J'I -AOJW. IdO Ur,Jo lo.IjUO13111. 1011110 1011 3.13"1\ S3111.1 UOnrpuun313 auI13)rs ou!z!I!In sjzumluo,) LOJO 7dnz/auaB d317 '1y (IIJI 1!11171 l.n)IS Jo11 swop .yaOIJ dill ';3.y o0/ unill 5511 sdlv3auda' A»IIJO/ Dill,/!) 110111117 01001/ 01512"11 /o c 71) 7.11/ 10 Sd U/5 0ZC10PI106 II!gJ!dl pJ.loludd S7 dlSM11 d111101/1 d.11l.crld III)IIS.10110!In.ldtldx 10lit*to /dill. /17711.10117 S! will I /o /IU,)O/ 17 OI S11111011.Id11!V1110.7 dill d,10111 1pnlS Ajlpdn/ dyJ. ((V)(I)(1)P£'NZ99 '2IJJ `ZZ 111!.11 'uonr.Iaua"1 lO tu!Od dip .Iran to tr, iou'3aa,n sapl.I UO!Ielnu11131e a11paleS "1u!zy!p) s.ianiimuo3 90J0 pd1Ja ..VIII d.n) aisoal x1ii1ploll 5)linn Ivy) 3u1Al5gs 901 v cldd)l 11011S A)l /IDII /'dill I(V)( I )(3)t7£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ 111!.11 'xprp pato3dsut "1ulaq -),IIA% 5,111131 leyl 3je.11S00010i) 1011 ppml (jg!orI JILL SOJO rllydaA1 /5.I05c Sin a.rV 015001 < u1P1oil .r./argVlrloO III) Joili 9.IUSUd )Vil7 un/c v 11101101chin pun (101..111) 11Vq.5 A?!/nV% dill (V)( I )(3)b£'Z9Z99 '2IJJ 'ZZ 111!.1.1 ', <Lyaaw pelOadSU! 9u!aq aa3m s.laun;luo,1 Irgl )IV,.psuoul1I) IOU 1)[1100 ,(01!031 ay.l. t70J0 dADp dill 11!11) „AJC 1131„ syl.10A1 dill llllm . +.utv7uoJ pauc tu7 dill IXIDI :II.JVlpaurun puV dID11i d)1H V i/Nm IdU!V1IIOJ dill ,/(1 .SJ1IdI 110J all dIOp!/OSlIOJ .IO disn'll snop.lvzvll sv 3dln17Jn5J Jill .YJIM1 111711.5 N!ljF,)111 dill (L' 19Z99 ')I)J ZZ 1tU 1) 'Mdll13 Jo 1111111Ul lip 2yl 91 L11133L11 Inn SC paJOU SCm I0.IaLI1C11103 V 'loll air ,Cale U3yA\ XIdum Sr S.M111r11101 j) '3jCUILUVIUO'3 "1U111RICL( SI 3(111131'1 dyJ. OJ dlSOM Fli.mo11/d.1.10 31311 /5» 11011:11 J( 00.1'7 /5dcOIJ il!Ullld.l S.IdwOIIIO. mill 5.1/17117 pill) ,Toll!1111100 /lO dSO10 tlldIV!l5dlullll 1117115 IU!/! 1?1 d1 / ()( 1)(e)p£ CgZgq 2137 ZZ 111!.1.1 11 '3dU pa \.13Sgo SID\\ .10.1311!1211103 dyJ, '31Srn\ 9LIIAOIU '3.I /a'UII)pr Llayn\ Id-xmo p1Sol1 s.muprjlloa 10011 of pallel Xiij del 0111, ZO.)J 110111,01107 1150, u! J71fI7711100 V o/ pa.u.?lsuna dg A1d1r3lpduuul 11vils to ddlnnnl0.) 5y1.10 .Sludulo:) aild (V)(I)(3)t£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ 111!.1. srm I0 .I3U!rltt03 dyJ. 'uu!J!puol poo9 u! 3Is3m snopar mi "1uy)10y sa3utrluo0 U!rlluruL 011)11! rj AllI!3r.J 1111 1030 j7 JA a.(l;,ly) 111/11 '11n1'.aP /LZa1al) /suoge lign jnol,•L•ti a1e•n n m In pwlojail 1107 Iluo/ dill ,13od.y V1nudjV1,jf dlgojJ:C.3d& auOlJ. ,)cl/l dill !Iulgns puv dldIditioJ 11vus Aj!pJnfauj [01 '£t71 SZ JS -111.10(13.11.10(13.1 "1111(,1,(.30.1 r 1!LUgns IOU 1)!p ,(111!137 111.1. 01210 dj.VVAl l0lrld!!I /!ls I/JUd 1/71"17 /5a /711frg11S pun pD.ID(dJC SI ?1C17 IJ Jv1p a./Ii.SllB 'O.0 1! 111111 '.c /lldllld.l /i17a.1 ?1O7 OI 1Jd1g1LC Si disim SJl /7 BII!IIJdd171) IIUII.S eQII7J» 1 dIII. 1,(t')(r *i: C9c99 21,77 C,C' 1)lu) # IS,)lILI3LLI 1011 LI0111111j!JOU U0111ulso)I [rsodsi(J pllr-I C IUVjUIm] .10 3131dtL100 0) pallrl ,II(I1 'j :Jill 6010 1, udomidq .cJ Idada /o 5011 of Isdn la./ 17117 JJnwoo Iluils:Ulpdiy dill s.mij!j I!o -0£ I'99Z99 /so!A0JIrq I)pr 113.0( 8)(9)(3) I R'99Z99 /sjsallumu palrpl(osUOJ Z'l.)91 SZ JS11) Jo (rnoulal alp .IO.1 slch,,)xm,jo sa!do1 an3y of pallel XIII!1r1 aq,l, MID 3djidl JdAOJ dill In J.Sdp1117r11 ?I/) t01 nl7!)lool dpilm s' u!puj1.mo;t pile d.n1111u IS 17./571/77/1 '1.571171nLU 1)111,10 rl OJ 1771! IS 11771111 all! lJdrliddd./ IOU dr11)11 110:1 :II /AI 1)10 pit!/ 01 911101) d.ln 110,1 IUl /A7 371111715 C lkS6 J j '0I101117.IJns' ,`1 .1'o£I Od ,77.1(1 01.011d/ 1) I /ll.tt 11 pIIJ..V /7!177 ISd /1111)1(1 dip 10 :Id0.7 0 7.yn1'11 tzvzOZ99'21)J 'ZZ 111!.11 step S£ u!g1!A% Is311urut 3,10 ,C({01 d(1S.L p3u9!s dyJ 9utnt3la.1 IOU .La)I3 J',".1(1 o) 1.10(13.1 u011da3x3 Ur 3111 o) p11!rI C1!I!1rI 1gJ, LOAD US'Sl 1 D '01101110JOVC '00of A-o8 ol 'JSLO : of Ac o0 JaSj dill,lo ii 000iollc n .lo 000-21NCh h'.-) '001011l0.00S pOh -cog Od '. -)UCI :01 # Isy(IIIVW.lb Ad0J d111q dill /n)PP 1(b)(3)Zt'Z9Z99'2IJJ'ZZ 1IUJ.) 'luaunhySJ0 s,Crp 0£ u!ynA\ JS.1(I 01 Isaj!urul alp JO IWO:) r 1!LUgns of pallrl Suplyd 9021') lalldl awns alp 111 p.pnl7nl dg now Js, ?lllrVm duo mnp o.iow iol uo!oo.uo:)) d.vum/d19 JIIo.i puv dp12111 1151J7d.tJOd /)10) # a:o11 dill '# 01 Nd9 .1110:1 'dlvp chlls dill '# ISd/!I/17l!/ dill Sln/VI.S WNO-C /NSh N.7 'oludulalovS : l /'1/d 9170' aroH O'd ::4SID '.DSLO of ondl iJ llwgnS 'du?p pw71v111uI (s.).rnf1 u! Isd%luviu dill 1/0 IIO!Ivuu(? iu)p! od.uoJ '[( 1)(r)£Z'Z9Z99 ')IJJ 'ZZ 111!.1.1 OUISS1uI srm # 1s ;TUr.1N 'ISaJnleul .1)SUM S"Op73zry r 31a1duu» i(podaid of p11!rl Igprl 111.1 Mlo 3urp.OAv/7ullosJac of fiqu!I7.11 apleo.ld (Z)(P)h£'Z9Z99'21J7'ZZ111!,1. 01 Mlp s3711p300ad 9u111)u3y alsr.Av .1a(Io.Id yum.1r,11!wrj 0.10m ,(lilt imp'3jr.gsuoulap IOU 1)!p (auuOS.lad XUp'.)3.1 b0210 au5gc V O7 L1du uollnw3o1111 0"171/0 aq1 i.co( 11110 d,m aJd (Z)(P)b£'Z9Z99'21JJ Z7(-1-- Z 111!,1 'auoyc '3101 0111 0j 1 3u patsoc .Iaguunl auoyc alas uI '3wl.Irc all 3.111 3111.10'UN)LUdinba (oauma IpdS pur S.I3gsn19unxa a.u,j Jo uograo( 3111 `aolruq)aooa (0110 "1.101110 aql Jo.I3quuw aurnld pur OILIVU alp 3Ary IOU pip (1111131 14.1, 0210 30/ 000/01112 oI 1101 dip 1101 115100111100 s•I 3111 /c 1111)5 // 515"1 /5JUV .IO/ A3olnJOgv/ /5a1lll.t7J 011777 U Ol IlI.S111117 1701 1!/177 alsom alp denq Jo (1171/3ol'.clualunaop .1d1p5.1o.5'U.S'lN dsn 1107 IlOeQ aSpalAlornl.mod uo pasnq oismst ail)% uounullu.Idldl) 0 dyo141 [ I I'Z9Z99 '2IJJ `ZZ ayt ut palou oyt .IQ1 uoljrun11aa13p 31sem r ayeul of pal!r1 Xlil! .3rl ILIA. ZO)II 0,03d 51117'lo IuoJq 'Up Ilo„ # O( Nd9„ Pay.lnul don Saul ul .Idq["U" alp a)!.IA1 'Sh1'l' S(h'SI h HOD #G] Nd9 DAM '27'69-8/9-00,0 -/ V /03/uo') saJUn7sgnS J!.trod /o illdlIII./UdJ(J dill IJINUOJ # (1I h'cLV O!It.to111IgD 17 30g [Z I'Z9Z99 `2IJJ 'ZZ OIUJ] .IagulnLI (I I Vd9 uc u!elgo of p1113J X1!1!031 dyJ. 10210 111(1"1 110 1/1!111/0.7 „NS, ,711111! IJd)IJni// ) suO!jP1Ol'I douwt .ill uayw 711 0) SII0!jJn aAI/Ja.Lm,7 uo!)uI11 uojnjrjs /X.iojrjn a21 IIOIIrlOIA J0 0017 1.1,051(1 Su01j')V 3A11031103 pur suoqrliD )ciovrjnla-j