HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/18/19 HISTORIC PRESERVATION AGENDACITY 07 BAKERSFIELD JUN 13 2019 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2019 AGENDA MEETING 4:00 P.M City Hall North, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor, Conference Room B A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the May 21, 2019, meeting for approval. D. CLOSED SESSION POSTED ON f�,IR�1G/ by City Clerks Office City Of Bakersfield by Pr� None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS None POSTED ON f�,IR�1G/ by City Clerks Office City Of Bakersfield by Pr� NEW BUSINESS 1. Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Goals Recommendation: Review and approval of Final Goals. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Phil Burns, Interim Development Services Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Principal Planner of Economic Development; Development Services Department at (661) 326-3788. 5\M Share EDPmlec\ED HPC\HPC Mrelings\ 19\HPC618.19\6.18.19HPC AendaA— CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 21, 2019 MINUTES Vice Chair Montgomery called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 4:09 p.m. at Conference Room B, 1600 Truxtun Avenue. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy Cathy Butler MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Nicholas Vu Viridiana Gallardo-King PUBLIC STATEMENTS: Neil Galyan owner of the Jastro House inquired about the possibility of a bronze plaque placed at his historic property. Commission members will send inquiry to the Kern County Historical Society. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the January 15, 2018 meeting, Minutes approved: Motion made by Commissioner Butler; Second by Commissioner Stussy. APPROVED: All Ayes CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Bakersfield to consider the building permit application by Neil Galyan for an alteration of property located at 1811 20th Street, also known as the "Jastro House" listed on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places in the City of Bakersfield. Public statements: Emily Hogue spoke in favor of the project. Building permit application approved: Motion made by Commissioner Stussy; Second by Commissioner Butler. APPROVED: All Ayes REPORTS: None OLD BUSINESS: 1. Community Outreach: The Commission to discuss community outreach activities and materials. Staff provided update on outreach materials produced and status of materials in development. NEW BUSINESS None COMMISSION STATEMENTS: • Commissioner Butler: A joint mixer should be organized with DBA and historic property owners to discuss formation of historic district, • Commissioner Stussy: Commissioner Fieber's service should be honored during the July city council meeting. Staff will send a request to the Mayor. • Commissioner Stussy: Requested HPC goals are placed on the agenda of next HPC meeting. • Commissioner Butler: The creation of the Mills Act program is still the highest goal for the Commission, with the creation of Historic Districts being the second. • Commissioner Montgomery: Rules should be amended regarding residence within the City of Bakersfield to allow for qualified candidates to be appointed to positions despite technically living in Kern County. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m. by Commissioner Montgomery. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: June 18, 2019 Agenda Section: New Business Agenda Item: I. 1. TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Development Services Department DATE: June 10, 2017 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Goals: HPC review of the FY 19-20 Goals and approval. Staff recommends review and approval of FY 19-20 Goals. BACKGROUND: in preparation of Fiscal Year 19-20, staff developed draft goals for the Historic Preservation Commission fHPC) to help guide HPC activities for the upcoming year and to identify action items in implementing the HPC's goals and objectives. Staff is requesting the HPC to review the goals, discuss any changes and approve. ATTACHMENTS: . Draft Fiscal Year 19-20 Goals R CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Goals Per the City's Municipal Code, the object of this Commission is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by providing for the identification, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improvements of buildings, structures, signs, objects, features, sites, places and areas within Bakersfield that reflect special elements of the City's architectural, artistic, cultural, engineering, aesthetic, historical, political, social and other heritage. Each of the following goals and action items align with Commission purpose and objectives as stated in the Municipal Code. Goal 1: Establish a Mills Act Program Actions: • Develop a Mills act program, per California Government Code, for historically designated properties • Create program materials (application, agreement, guidelines, brochure) about the City's Mills Act program • Recommend to City Council Legislative and Litigation Committee for consideration Goal 2: Establish New and Preserve Historic Neon Signs Actions: • Consult with City Planning Department regarding sign ordinance • Develop criteria on what is considered a historic neon sign • Develop parameters to create two historic sign districts in the City of Bakersfield - Downtown and Old Town Kern Goal 3: Conduct New and Update Neighborhood Surveys Actions: • Research areas where 70% of homes are over 50 years old • Pursue grant funding for neighborhood surveys • Conduct neighborhood surveys per established guidelines • Partner with BHS Driller Service Academy to assist in the update of neighborhood surveys Page 1 Goal 4: Public Education and Encourage Historic Pride in Bakersfield Actions: • Attend community events to educate the community about the City's historical resources and properties • Partner with Kern Historical Society and Kern County Museum in organizing walking tours of historical sites • Enhance and update website as needed • Conduct outreach presentations to community organizations • Support public art which celebrates our historic character • Encourage the reuse of historic buildings • Partner with Kern Historical Society and DBA to develop an award system to property owners that successfully repurpose historic buildings • Update the Rehabilitate Bakersfield Right guidebook Goal 5: Erection of Historic Signage for Route 99 Actions: • Continue collaboration and complete phase 2 installation of historic signs by public right-of-way agencies: City, County and Caltrans Goal 6: Identify Potential Grants and Partnerships with Non profits to fund Historic Preservation Projects Actions: • Research grant opportunities and develop a working document of funding sources • Contact non -profits to partner on historic preservation activities Goal 7: Establish Historic Districts/Neighborhoods Actions: • Conduct outreach to gage residents support for a historic district • Recruit more property owners to join the Historic Register • Develop recommendations to amend and improve the historic district component of the Bakersfield Municipal Code • Establish new historic districts within the City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 2018 — 2019 Accomplishments: 1. Historic public education: Commissioners attended the Downtown Business Associations Third Thursday event in October 2018. Printed historic photos for display at public events. 2. Update Neighborhood Surveys: Continued update of East Bakersfield survey of historic properties. 3. Historic Sites: Approved solar energy project at Jostro House. 4. Preservation: Sent recommendations to owners of The Dome on steps That could be taken to preserve the structure. 5. Mills Act: Drafted and sent letters to historic property owners to encourage support of a Mills Act program. Page 2