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4550 COFFEE ROAD (5)
HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION REPORT BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT JL_9 A A_FD Prevention Services FIRE n-SiTY—TrU=n ^AVe-1S-T9FLR 2, A Rrs 1 Bakersfield, 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 9 Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name N E: Site Address V Co f r l / DateDate / Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phone f7" J CJ ` ' ' Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # Routine Re- inspection/Follow -up\qp Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility ID# CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name/ Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. I - Class I Violation, 11 - Class II Violation, M - Minor Violation Page of 1 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GROI Generator has an EPA ID number GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Anal sis<N Generator Knowledge a GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate trainin awareness GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment GR08 Bills of Lading/receipts available t. GR09 LDRs available andcomplete 7 GR 10 Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GC01 Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing u G ':` • ._ s I - GC03 Empty containers are empty o V GC04 Containers inspected week) GC05 Tanks inspected dailyy GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation c GC07 I Satellite containers under control of operator GC08 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinancethazardous materials codes O Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 Q GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year X! GA03 Empty containers managed within one year v GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year C' GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 1 year if <1 ton)C GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 l yr. if < I ton)G Labeli rkin GLOI Containers are pro rl labeled Q GL02 ve 2Satellitecontainersha AS D marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly rd GL04 Universal waste container properly labeled Y GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" 0 GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks/containers V GLO8 Tank narked with "haz waste" , contents, start date M GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied k Treatment Trans r4 and Disposal/Other t Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does -, not imply agreement with findings, only receipt of report. il. GT01 Have rmit/authorization to do treatment j GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport en. eligible) GDOI Waste disposed of to authorized point/ party i GHO1 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back ofthis inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date While — Prevention Services Copy Y.1lu — BusinessCopy FD2179(Rev 10/21/08) IS" tIul -INI`t -Ial l 0)5'69I SZ DSH 'unoc pozuogpleun uc Ic alsmll SIIOparzry,10 posoc s!p' lIlvnr1 341. I OLIO 091 SZ/ 0)991 Si 151 -I algpalla IOU clam nays u3ym 31Sm11 111lcpgosuo3 Jo Jaucx sucil c p3snpomoc sucii paJals! o1 r asn of 110//1/ nu1!3rJ a4J. ZO.LD Pk'68 I SZ JSFI 'alsenl snopJezry Jo JUXII1c311.101 uo!lrz!.lolpnr. Jay10 Jo 11ul.la r. ulclgo of 1101!1/ nl!l!ar{ X11 I O.LD I01.XI0ad aduull h' 1)a!l!1JdD„ v 917 palpmoo aq oi uolmoy v 110 JSI,O a 1!ugns l.rinu :1///1101 SILL ' (POT IZSZ JS[I] a3uegdclu acp,lo 5u!godsg7 Jo Snlnle", `Swppa.lgs `Sugcq'Su!ysrui of Joud 3aumlddr. Ur u1o.11 anoula.l 01 P3prl SUl!ac{ OLIJ• 101-19 pap 1110 0/1711 ail1 ynnl sdau!nrooJ JJO.y.nnu :y.lnalJ .0W 19299 '21JJ'ZZ 3117.E pant 1113 3lrp aql ql!n, S.1au!e111o3 P01PU!ulrlu03 .y1eu1 0) 110//1{ ,n!l!acl X41. 60 -10 7lllm yIRJI alp 11./171)/ 111.1ndIJ r)gs.li!1!JU %aq I(I)h£Z99 `NJJ `ZZ all!.L] ' ayl 1p!nl JO ,fuel dill .y.mw of pal!c{ rit!I!ae{ 011.E 8019 170 pOSn„ Spdoll ?I /) t /)!'111 S.lall)n11rOJ pun syun1111) y.mu/:I).mal.) [(r)6'£hl SZ JS 1-11 ,I!o pasn„ Sp.1on1 alp yl!nl'duila,<aal JOI P3u11S1p 1!0 pasn JO I0U!UjUO3 /.,UPI c .y.lrw 01 1)011!1) XI!p3rl 34.1_ LO-10 LlanOq 1100110 dn)p alp y.mul A 11171/9 AJ!pJ1J1 dill I ((j)(9)(13) IS'99Z99'21D'J'ZZ 31111..1 - P3,710331 ",em n.laucq aq1 g3!ynl uo 31ep agl JJeu1 01 110//1{ pupae{ 311.1. 901D JtldlJy 110 pare paunalp„ sp.lom dill 11!!01 SJatvunrOJ JOily lln 11.11)111 luyS.iPI!X? /ay.L ((£)(a)O£ I'99Z99 '2IJJ `ZZ 0111.1.1 '.s.Iall!I I!o pasn 11011!¢/11„ splonl 01311 1111,// SJ;)111 1!0 pasn 11011!0/11 Jo 1XIU1juoa c j.mul 01 110/!11 Stg!arl ay.I. SO -IJ d /s0,1{ I9S'ddlit1n„ S1110,11 dill I111A1 d1.SDA1 Ji7S.Idll1/!1 11//)108 .S./dll!VIIIOJ 111711.1771!/ r1jaln!J7afuun 11vlls!I)!1ynydU '1 FIO-i JOI h£'£LZ99 JO FIGS .w{ hl'£LZ99 `2IJJ `ZZ 31111.1 ', <[Jado.ld 0IRCAN Ics.IayLill Jo 1au!r.111o3 c J.mul 01 pllcl XIII!1c1 011.1. 1`01D al.rnm snop.rvzml„ fopvaisu! „pl!.lalvlu a19u10AJd.r pdpnpl3„ spdO.0 dill Iplm pdY30111 il.lvap dq limp slv!.raluul Jo s.idup)1lrOJ1syul)1 dyJ. [(r)6'£h I SZ JSFI] XIlacloid slc!.Iatew algela,Caa1 papnpxa Jo (s).lau!MUO3 /syu131 .1111311/ 01 papcl Al!I!3c{ 04.1. 0 -10 1111/ Sl .Idll!l)lllOJ 0111 dll)l) dill 97) Ilal, SI7 pdppt) 19.11/ 9! d /.Slim dlVI7 dl /! 1/1!111 !IO!Ivl)IIIII".W) al! /Ja1vS //77 11.10111 1101/9 pdn/ dill 1(9)(1)(3)h£•Z9Z99 `21J3 'ZZ 311111 ra.1c u011r[nullJ33e 3111131P.S .1g1 LUO.tJ panoul SUM 1auquo3 acp a1rp 041 141ru1 01 Pa1!c{ Cly!3r[ a4J. ZO'ID clop moos uounpllunJJn (c puv %loln.lauaa ailJ. /o ssddppn pun auu)u •:717 ofp 1)JVZVI1 (t 'dlul911)!s.L-i1d pun lloniS0d1II00 (Z „dl.SO'll .VIIOjMVZV111„ Spd0:11 dill (I :'1I1,1101101d1p 1plll S.IdlllnlllOJ III) 11.177111 A1./vap IIUIl.C:11111Ji11 all/ [(1)h£ Z9C99 219191 `ZZ 31111] '15rd S141 Jo RIO.1J ayl Uo palou air, u011ruu0{u!'RUIS51l11 pue SIWILIO3'S.IalllelllOJ 'S.13u!cIUO3 1113 lagcl ,Clladaid of paps{ SUIMrl X41 IOID SIIO!od.I.IOJ JO/ alogn IONJ daS (9)(r)1 S'89Z99 '2IJJ 'ZZ 3111j' -Jun'1 duo /seep OS I ucgi lalca.la .101 sal.11nP.q p!3c peal plaq nup3eJ 39.L 90VD SuouJa.r.uw .rot alog0 JOl %0 d9S (h)43)0£ 1'99Z99'210J'ZZ 011!,L 'lean duo /Sncp OS 1 111141.131031 .10,1 S.131[t{ Po pasn paulc.lp play nu!!3r1 3q.1. SOSiD suopJad.roJ dot alogn 1OV9 daS r)9£"£LZ99 10 frig I'£LZ99 'U:) 'ZZ 1111,E 'non duo ucgl Ja1ca1 Jo{ satsem lr.Slan!un Play nul!ar) 3q,L hOdO suo!0d.IJOJ dot dAO(1n IOVD aaS WL' 19Z99'21JD'ZZ 011111 I u!gum SJOUIe1u03 P3leunucluc» a1puP.g Ap,)(t0.lCt 01 P31r1 nly!3r{ 04.1. OVD suopJalloJ Jot anogn Jllh'J aaS (fl) U (X)h£'Z9Z99'21J:)'ZZ 311!,1. 'Jr3n .1UO ucyl .miva.Ii; Jo{ satsem uo!lcpnun330 011110/19 11[011 nul!3r{ 34.1. ZO \/0 S.1DJl /n:10110.1 a;r!117J19uoll/ap alllJm JO 1pq .10 ).Salumul dIp./O ddoo v djd/1v911nys pm) •dl9nm dill. /O IVAOIllad dill 100911D.I.117 np1n!pdnuln 1Jvys:iippn/ dill I (c)h£'Zc)Z99 '21JJ 'ZZ 3[I!.L] 'u 110 paylctu ar ammnaac nullarl 34.LJo311.11 111/9 ur pry pou I OVD 1Iq apoJ oI toma.I llvys A)!l!JV/ayl [(3)6'£h] SZ DSH] S3p03 Sleu31cu1 Snopuzeg /apo3 1n{ /30Umi!p.l0 le.)ol qunl33urp.1033c u! IOU sleu31eu1 a[qupXoaJ popnl3xa 1)3.101", S11I!1eJ X41 60.)D Ipns 01) 01 a1wr 10 lvo!ol).r 1011 '711 mq1 amus- itowdp puys.lo va.ry uopnlnfu mon dill wo.y.lalllnmoo duo 1nq Ilo 2AOIUdd:11dID.1pulti /1 Jlnlp i!1!Jn/ayl [( l)(3)h£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ 'ZZ 111111 'eam uonrpnunne alglales 0 lc ,10.1011!1311100 aJ!1131P,S duo uegl .110UI Ida>f X4.1. SOJD pappu aulaq alsnm l0 dap i.vy .lo .awP OLZ /11,1'//06 unlnnl pdnotua.l .r! 01.111 a,1) ingl 01179110 /11)99.10 u0uuJv7uvJJU /01)no alp ludo JO !v s! 10/11./') o 111) Hill dJllsua llvll9:prpJU /d11l I(V)( l)(a)h£'Z9Z99'2JJ'ZZ 3P!.l] Toledo UcJO 10.!1101 acp Japun IOU aim s3[nJ LIO!mInwnaa -11!pales Su!71[nn s.13u!rmoJ LORD palv.lau9 d./v ' Y ()Ol llnul lams 1011 slop .yaOp 0111 ' Y Ol)/ unlp 9101 YOID.1d11da Al!p iil dip l!) pdppv T udq dlsnm 1O C OJp 1s.nl )0 SAVp OLZ10YI106 u!I/J!M pa.101udd S! a1Snm dill nnp dinsud pnils.ro ilopaidua8.1b lulod aill Jndu.lo 117 s7 imp uoymaol v 01 gu!p1011 xmpn a? dill dAOl11llm1S 1)i! /1)n /alfl [(V)(I)(3)h£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ 311111 'UO!IW3UoSJo unod ayl imm Ju 1r Iou ;1-111 sapc.I uo!I `.IUUI l33e -1ullales SU!zy!In S.13UIP.jU0 :) 90.)D Ipnp pa1Ja 9111 aJn')lsalt a71!plol/ s.y11n111)lp BlnAlogs X01 n daily IJ011s:url. dill [(N)( ])(r)h£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ 11111J -,Cpcp pal3adsui a'U!aq aim S'Juni 1041 31e11suoulap IOU P11103 Clg!3c{ a4J, 5010 A/.y9am pd10d .rin d./v dlsnm u717/oy s.laignmoJ 11v imp salnsua mill unlc v Illdwaldul! pmt dold:lap pegs di!pJV1011') [(V)( I )(0)h£'Z9Z99 '2IJJ `ZZ all!J.] ',C1jaam palaadsm #umq a.Iam s.Iacncluoa tcy131W)SUO uap IOU 1)[11001C111I3c{ 34.1. hOJJ 9lvp gill 11110:/// 1110„ 91110/1 dill Ip!m ddll!VIIIOa pau fus till 1ogv1 Alalnlpdunu! pun dlsvm 9.y!/ v q /!m 011!711100 dillfo S)I1dl110J dill alvp! /OSUoo.ro alsom s,lop.m:vq.vo Idulniloo 011111.miu 1 /vq.r:li!11l!/dlfJ. [L' 19299 '2IJJ'ZZ 311!1../ 'CUfwa JO uo!7!u1lap 1111 2.11!19-1111 Iou Sc 110/011 Senl JO JameIU03 V 'IOU air ,Cay1 uaynl rildu13 sr. SJa11m111o3 P31cu1111MU03 Suypucy s! ,CUP3e! OU O91D oisnm afu:lowdd Jo ulppv ual/m 1 dlxd paSOIJ ,/lvllla.l S.lallll7nrOJ hill 0.1llS7ld pull SddI11m11Od 1117 9SOIJ Alalvlpdfllil /r 1/771/5 A111101)J dl/J, '[(V)( I)(0h£'C9C99 2];)91 'ZZ -11111] undo p3,1.Iasgo srnl .10 J3n!rtuo3 34J. '11SP.m 9m,wwaySulppr, uagm 1')0390 plsol3 SJBn!rlllol daay o1 P31!rl rilll!XCI X4.1. Z091D IIO!t!pIIOJ p00a u! Jd1nn11loo 1) of 110')./0 /sunJl dq Aldlu!pa,ulu! JIvIIS /0.1011!)11100 aill.10 SluanlOJ dill (N)( 'ZZ 3111.17 srm Jo J3u!vIUo1 a4J. -uO!I!Puo3 pooS 111 alscm snopJezry SuIP[Ot{ s.1au!'IUO1 u!elUIULU 011101!13{ xUlpq{ 04.1. 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