HomeMy WebLinkAbout4500 COFFEE ROAD (2)HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services RE 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ARM, T Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Facility Name \ I C.. j © ` /4f. -- V 3 Date I / — Site Address S00 y `Ct C Z Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phone rj 7 iJ ±/ iJ Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # Routine Re- inspecUon%Follow -up .4z Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility 1D# CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name /Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. 1- Class 1 Violation, 11 - Class It Violation, M - Minor Violation Pa a of 1 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTSI I Y I N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordikeepingtolocurnentation GROI Generator has an EPA ID number GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Analysis ::Q Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone w GRO4 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness a GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete ' GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment 4 GR08 Bills of Lading/ receipts available GRO9 LDRs available and complete GRID I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GC01 Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GCO4 Containers inspected weekly GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point ofgeneration GC07 Satellite containers undercontrol ofoperator GC08 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance/hazardous materials codes I Accumulation Time Limits GAOL Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 ki GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year lr, GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 1 year if <1 ton)K. GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 l yr. if < I ton)i Labeling/Marking GL01 Containers are pro rl labeled k GL02 Satellite containers ha ASD marked once fullve2 GL03 Excluded rec clable materials marked properly GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled t GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" o GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks/containers GL08 Tank marked With "haz waste" , contents, start date GLO9 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment, Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only receipt of rerrt. GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport en. eligible) GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/party GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date White — Prevention Services Copy Yellow— Business Copy FD2179 (Rev 1021/08) .. • Iq 11 -11 NiI I - Jill l 13)c'681 SZ JSH I 7ulo paz!.lolllllgun uc In 31srm Sn0p.ltzry,lo p3s0c sIP nl!I13g1 349. I OCID 0915ZACK91 SZ JSH. 31q! !l3 lou amm Aalp u211A+ alsem paltpyosu03.l0 ilijO sur.n r, pasn /.1-01.10 Suc.n p3.131s19aJ c asn 01 1)01!130 Al!I!ar! aq.l. ZO.Lo P)9'68I SZ JSH '3tsum snop.iezry.lo lualulrall .I(1J uopupoglnr. aaglo Jo 1!1093 r ulrlgo of pal!gl , op,')gl 3q.1. I 01 lajDA0a9 d3UI l/ p' pdy!lddJ„ n sVPaypJaJ dq of uoptJ5yaav un JSd (7 o/ lrwq»s lsnul 1311 /19131 dyl ' (r.)Z I ZSZ JSF11 a3ue!lddc agl,JO OUISOClsq) ao 2u!mrs `2u!ppoays `2u11rq `2uu1snJ3 o1 Joud 3,ligldde uc Luau 0A0LLI0J of pope] ,Cigpu1 3q.1. 101-10 pdn 1140 011)1) 0111 illpn s.idurvuloJ 914 .11.131314 :1191301, (1)C 19Z99 '2191) `ZZ 311!,1-. 'Pa!IC ilia 0113.1) Pyl 111-!13\ saau!cuiO3 palrwulrluo3 .11.113.10 o1 1)01)13.9 AulpCl 311.1. 6019 1/1!M yuVI dill y. /Ills/ A/./VRl. -) IPn1s ai!Inr)farll. [(Ot'fZ99 `21')9 'ZZ all!.l] ' 0111 lll[A% to 11.101 3111 .11.113,10 01 pallrl S11113cl 311.1, SO ID po pdslr„ sp.lom dill 1/11,,1 9.1.,11!1)11100 p!n)..V:yuvl pv.y./vlu:y.mdlJ [(1316 fhlSZ JSF11 J!0 pasn„ span,+, ay yvm'wpX3aa.IOj Pau!ISOP l!o pasn µ1.lalneluo3 /111413.1 c .1.113141 011)al!tl ,S111!3rI PILL L01D ud /mil Iona uo amp dill .y.nna A 11Dil9:tl!1!Jr)1 dill (4)(9)(r) I S'99Z99 `N9J `ZZ 311!1 '111113!0301 sm++ A.lomq aq1 113!11m uo 11P.P x111 .ymu1 01 P31!ej A11113g1 311.1. 9019 c.rdlly /!o Pdsll pdu!o p„ sp.Iom dql illp V."ll!ynroo .101/9lly ydmu llvq.r:illllwfdill. I(f)(3)Of 1'99299 `NJJ `ZZ;)III' ] ' „saall!I 110 Pasn Pau!CJP„ spJ0A\ alp yvn\ saall!I I!o pasn pau!C.Ipjo.lau!tvlo3 r y.lrul 01 popej .(11 1!11131 31.11 90 -19 0191),11 1US. /d,l )13/11„ ,Vl),10,1 dill IlllJI dISDm 1DS.ldalll7) ill /7!1011 V.ldll!VIIl0,7111) yJMlI A.1dlVlpaulllq 11mjs:4ylJDf"Ill '1 F10 -1 Iql hf'£LZ99.10 HOS JoJ P1 TLZ99 `NJJ `ZZ 211111 'Xl.la(lo.ld PLSCA\ lts.laAiun,j0 K)U!CIu03 c y.1cu1 01 Pal!rl ,(IlJpri 3L11 11019 dlsnat .cnopJVZOIj„ fo pnalsuI „ V!JdlmU djgVl. AJdd PJPn/o'a, sprout 0il1 1113:14 pdydvu/ ij.roalJ ail jp)gs s1ol.raJVlu fo s.ldluvluo /syuut aqJ. 1-(13)6'£1192 JSF11 <l.ladold slr!lalrlu algrl3,(aal papnla 0,lo (s)aaumluoa /syuciy.IruL of pallrl rCly!aq{ 3LL 019 11111 SI Jdll!U/IIOJ Jill ?11)/) dip tin / /dAl sn 1)dj)121) I9. 1!l Sl d1S0At all]) 0111 110A, 110pi)plrlmoov dig los 111) y.unu 11mis Ailponfmld I (H)(1)(3)thf'Z9Z99 `NJD `ZZ 311111 1311.113 u0!lVj n33c anllalrs Pql 1410.1,1 p3,wu1 SCA\ Jautcluo3 0111 alep ay •.1.113141 01 P31 !n] Allacl 311.E Z010 dlllp ldnis Iloynp ll/11. 917 (S pilV '.10JR/ duaai alp 10 99.,.1111)9 pill) dlHVll 'Aod C7.1 111113 -nil (t 'd1V)s jvo!s.01d pun u0!n.codmoJ (Z '„ disval .c1lop.lvzny„ 91).10M dill (j :8141)1301 /o/d111 1P1m s.raulDllroJ 111) .y.rolll ApLidjo //m/s, :0.11pllfaril/ [(I)hf Z9Z99 NJJ `ZZ 31141,9 '0213.., sitlijo luo {j oyl 110 p0101.1 M. u011MI1.101M SUISSILL1 Pue sluoluo3 `saau!tlug) 'siou!cluo3 lie logrl Xp;)do.ld of pallrl Xul!arl 041 10 "19 suOipd./roo Jo/ dAOgv 10VD adS (9)(r) 18'89Z99 "dDD ZZ 3111,1 'JCPA alto /SAep 08 1 ucgl .1010098 JqJ sal.lanrq p!at peal P1aq A)!I!3gl 3tjj. 90HD S!lO1JJa.l.IOJ J0/ alogv 1/169 JdS (j-)(:))0f 1'99299 `2199 `ZZ 311,1. '.1rm 3110 /SACP 081 1413.111 J01eaJ Jo,J saaq!I PO pasn p3u!c.Ip 1)1311 At!1!arJ 041 cONO ilouodr.mJ do/ a:logv jor,) adS (r T fLZ99 Jo Mg I'£LZ99 `2199 `ZZ -1111,1 '.ICaA duo urge 1.)ICAM IQl Sa1SCA\ IMMAllnl play AvpacJ ay.L ho11D suou3d.l.lo:).ro1 a:togv 10NJ dJS OL' 19Z99 `21:)') `ZZ 011!1 'acaA I tiMim s.laum)uo3 Paleu!uleluo3 alpuml Alaac 0J 01 1)apeJ A111!314 3q.L fot+D rua1JJ./.loJ.1301 atop jOI D ddS (fl)( I )(3)hf'Z9Z99 `NDJ ` "cZ 3111.1. •Jrm 3uo ucyl Jatcaaa JoJ salsum uonulnuin3ag a1110113s Play At!I!3r.J 011.E Z0N9 rsvp rnlp!A1 All!pnl.lo 11rq.lo I9Jf111DUl dill f0:fdoo v.11ddllS 1117119 Pill) 'dJ.EOM dip fO JVAOIlizu dill .lol o ;3u in A'jdIl)!j)dllllll! !11)119 - (JllIJIfalld I(r)h£ Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ 3111.1.1 'I! 140 1)01.1111-11 Jo omp wns uc pcq Jo aaulgluo3 y '(vuuad r lnOLIJIM a2ea01S) sl!unl 311114 paA\ollr. 11cyt 9014:092 J0l 31SMM p ir.Inun133r. ,Cig!3C1 011.1. 10\19 tq dpoo o1 ualgaJ pmis U1lron0111 [0)6'fhl SZ JSH1 S31)03 slru31ru1 snoparzrq/apo3 my /ooticupo Iraol ql!n\ o3urp.10aaC 141 IOU Slrualtul algcpri30l popnpx3 paictis ,(11pogl aq.L 603ID 91139 017 OJ ?IVY.101UJ1017.1 1011 Sl 1! Mill a1D.11S110111a1) 1113119 JO Vd.II) ilopoplullu).w) dill way.011!V1110d dllo lrlq 110 d:101110d A10IO!pd1lr1I111101 /s Ll7110l71 d11j [( I )(a)hf c9L99 `NJJ `CC 3111.1-1 'rair L1opuln1111133e 3111131rs C In ,Ill Janlrill0;1 31111310S x110 Lleq) 3.I01.11 1(1011 ,(Illlael 11.E snJ9 pdppn uldq div)m to daip Js.n1.10 savp 0LZ1(iN11O6 InlprAl pa:LOluJ.r Si a190M Jill Jvlp amsud 11)gS JO uo!lnjnluuoon lO 11110d dill .Im?u ao lv s! .13019.13., O uv m1) adlislid j /ngs Ailpmfa1 /d [(V)(I)(3)hf'ZC)Z99 `NJJ `ZZ 3111.1.1 'Joltamdo ug,lo loamo3 aql Japun 1011 3.13A\ solm u0!lrin1-unaac avllalrs fuizi11111 s.1ouiumoJ LOJD Pawdal d.lD ' y 0()l 111th mvnJ 1011 sdop.yoop alp ' y 00/ urn/) ssal salV.lauaa nypi?l alp,/!) 'pdppv auldg al.rnet 10 C o7p is./l/ to OZLEI N1106 illrj!!,u 1)d.IOIUJ.I ., l also dill 1171/1 ddnSUd 171)1/9.ro ll0!Jra1dua8fo /mod drll.mau .io m p Imp uopDool o of 8lr1P1Ol1 Jdu!nnrOJ dill ddOm 11vrys:u111JL7farll I(H)(I)(3)hE'Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ -111111 'u0!1r.Jaua2,J0 1111011 ay1.11011.10 )c IOU aaa,++ sapla 110nrpuun33C a1111310s 2lliz! IIn saaumluoj 9099 y!Uj) Pd"dC sll! d.0) dlSVA1 syllnl JDIIJ 8ul:uoils 801 D dday jjngs.fppolIJill [(\1)( I )(r)hf'Z9Z99 `)1')9 `ZZ 311111 ''(IMP p3103dS111 2ulaq aaaA\ syutl leg! 31g.nsuoul3p Lou p1lo3 ,Qgpej oqj. SOJ9 Alyaaat Pd10d ,Cllr d.rn I)SOM 11!/)1011 S1d1/!0IUOJ 119 hill Sd.l1lSlrd Mill unjC V udulajdlu! pun dola:tap 11olp A-111!ol?fagl [(N)(I)lr)hf'Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ 311111 '-tlya3,\+ pow3dsu! 2u1Pq aJPm SJauleluo3 icyi at¢nsu0ula1) lou pino3 C11l1arl 3q.1. 1099 d)Vp alp pun ,,:t1 trld„ sP.IOAI dill 1ppa1 iduy)juo.) Pap ito dip jdgvj Ajdiv!pamuq pun alsvm ay!l n I/J1At 1Ju!vluoJ d11116 SJlid) 11OJ dill 91171711OSUOJ.10 alsalI swo/. mm/ so ldlqnIll0,7 dill 1.117r[l llnllSllJ7pJ1)l dI /L IL' 19299 `NJJ `ZZ ap! ',Qdula Jo u0111u1iap 3111 21.111a)M lou se p3101.1 MN\ )o aauleluo3 V -IOU We SOLil 1I3yA\ :Cldula sc s.1au!eluo3 Pa1cu111n71uo3 214!11911=11 s! X111pgl 3119. M)D alsom gliptollo.1.10 aulppv 11011:13 Il 853.5 PJSOIJ lgvilld.l 77511!131503 Imp 1.1119117 puv .Cdd1I!VJIl00119 dS01J A /dID1PJURl /1 jlmfS AlllidD/ dill ' ()( I )(r)t'f L9c99 NJJ `ZZ 011I,L1 140.,0 pa, +J3sgo smn 10 J3LI!C1L103 aq 1. •31st,\+ 2upwLtioi /2ulppe 11311,\+ xla3xa pasop SJauiulllo3 daay of poprl ,Ctlparl aqj, ZOJ9 il0y!pIlOJ pOO; ul dau!muoJ v of pa.l.ldlsumi Jq :yallnpauau! 11Vils /o .IouloluOJ agJ.10 sllyduioJ aryl R1)(U(r)hf'Z9Z99 2199 "cZ 311!.1-. srA\ ,JO Jau!rmon aq1 'uolupuo3 pool ill atscm snopmral 21111)1oq saaulg1u031nt1u!CLU 01 p3prl C1!l!3r.1 -111.1. I039 llP 'JAbDa! /my) iu)q'lln 1ap /LZ311!1 /suogeoilgn /AO-, 'eO'>? aleD'A Amnm n) p nq1 dq uno uug1 aryl ' „l.loddH s/n!.rdlylp o19vjo:(.)d& mrofJJcjf) aip lluulns pim didjdmoo jings Aly!onfaq.L [o I'fhl SZ JSFI] taLlda.1 21411),130.1 t vulgns lou pp Xp[Pgl 3111 O I ND JISnAI /0 lrldul 111E 11.)I)d 111!JI poll!uJgns pun pa.a7C i s! X(77 1) Imp 0.171911d 'OS /! pill) '9111d11 /d.111i 7a./ 807 OI iozggns Si also 511 /1 drnul./aldp j /VilS' A/! /ion/ dill h)(r)h£'Z9Z99 `21J) `ZZ 3111,).1 # lsal!urlu JQ4 u011e3i1!L0U uoy31J1saN lesodsl4 puel r u!tlu!tu( JO opidwo3 m pallrl S111I3g1 mu, 60N9 ill uadaudq S1 !3.,0.13 to sal of Ison )a.l puv JJVnroo 1lm1s nl!pagj dill siii1y I!o -0£ 1'99Z99 /sau0)trq ppr. prof fl)(9)(r)18 99299 /slsal!umu palepllosuoJ Z 091 SZ JSF11 ,Jo lrn01.111.1 0111 Jill s1d10jjo sa!do3 anty 01 P31!117 ,1)1113131 311.1. So21D Idlldl ddAOJ 11/) Ill I•ra11I177111 dip .rot dlrry001 dlrllAl S 11Ij71111.1110a pis!) a.1niv !S 1) dpilpill IsdPliDlll 0111,10:1 OJ poll 15 '177111/ Jill pdAiddd.l 1ou d.tvq no:i aipt mo puffOI SIgop a.1v no 1VilM SIniv/S Z 1 RS6 6'J 'Olud"IMIDVS 'AAA.-+.OH Od 'JSL(l 01 .IdJldl r) lllJ, Il plldSpuv 1Sdf lIVlll dljl f0 9(100 D ayv /.p Zh'Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ alI!11 'SAUP Sf u!gvA\ JS, J!urul c•lo ,+(1011 d4SL P0112!s a11 2u!A1333.1 lou .ml,le JSj(] of laodaa uolldooxo uc Ply of popgl Xl!I13g1 311.E LOAD Ub'S6 F'J '01101110,IJUS '00oF YOU Od .79,10 .01:1(09 JOSE dIp.10,t odo1o11 1) 000-ZI,PS6 VJ 'olumuDJdvS '11111" YOU Od 'JSLO :01 # Jsd_fluvw fo :tdoo onlq alp pr)1Y [(h)(r)Z£'Z9Z99 `NJJ `ZZ 01119.1 'PJauldnjS,JO SXrp 0£ u!quA\ JS14 01 IsaJ!ueul 0111•Jo ,Cd03 P. 11ulgns o) pPgl :CUpord 90219 Idllal dmDS dill u! pd1mlau! dq Amu lSdj!IIDlll duo 1101/1 d.I0111 Jot II0I)Jd.1.r0O) a.1111vw 19.1110:1 plli) dpDIU 110!lOdd.100 Pill) # .+'09 dill '# (11 Nc13 .IlIO:t 'd1Oj) digs dr11 '# J9dfitivia dip ginivis )II,VII C 1,1'91 1'J 'o1/rJ111MODS :l -1.l /J (J11, .1'09 O d SSIJ DSIG ol.iolldl n 1/Urg1rS •alvp pun lnnml • (Sd).Co9 it! Isdjrlrv/ll aill 110 11011vill.ig(i /1 91111Ja.IJO3 '[( 1)(r)£Z'Z9Z99 `21.) LZ 31IJ.1 2LIISSIlL1 SUM # ls0,J!UgAj 'ISal!ugul a1SCA\ SnoP.ineq c al3lc1u103 ,tlJado.id o1 pop! j Xpl13r4 P11,1 COND I!j).O&d.l lamrOS.Id Ol ;IjllnuQ ap!AO.I'l (Z)(P)hf'DZ99 `N )D LZ 311!_1.. o1 anp Salnpa3oJd 21111ptiq olsem Jadoad qI!A\ JC!plurl 3J3AN X-MIl lryl ate.nsuoLUap toil 1)!p lauuoS.PCI ~141)313. { 10219 014011 n 0114014 uollnul.ro /ill aAOgv aryl JsO Plm a.lv dad (Z)(P)hf'Z9Z99 `2199 `ZZ 311!1. I ")LIC)qL131ol aql 01 )x014 1)31s JPqulnu auoy alas luaLUUC ap oly 0111 .lo `i11awcinlha lojluo3 11!ds pur. Saa11Sm2uyx3 :)JII JO u0!Ig3ol ayl `Jotclnpaooa XnuP2.1aum aql to mquintl 3uoycl PILL? MUM ayl 3Agy lou p!p :C1pel 3q.L 0 19 rot az -11nuv of q1)l 0111 1101 paJJnpuoJ sl hulk ums lj 'slsAlrnm dot ndOlndognj pal /11./09 dly /.r v 01 114.,.13 1)1417 pal 11413.13 alsnat ailI anvil.io (dldil.rof.cJuaunloop Jdlllo.IO SOSl11 0911 unJ )IO:O d8pd1Jl0uy.n10A' O pasnq dISMIt ail {10 11011DInuUaldjp v ayV1V [I I'Z9Z99 `21:)9 `ZZ al1!J.1 3111 ut palou alp aq1 u0nc11uuJ0131) PISCA\ r 01..111141 01 pallrl wl13gl 3q,L ZOND a Od slijo luny alp uo„ # (71 6'd3„ pay.mlu d017119 dill !I! .ldgiilml aip a11J.gj SOW-S66-C1h I/vJ # O/ Nd3 1) JOJ 'Zh09-N19-00b'-1 m lo.mio,) sdJunlsgnS o!.t%/.lo /natiu mddC1 alp JJV /uoJ # (7l 11c13 vlu.igfyl) j D./ °J [Z I'Z9Z99 '2199 `ZZ alv,ly] .L3gwnu (11 Nd3 uc u!r)go of paprl Sjtpnrl ayJ. 10219 1110.1 ml Illr//1loa tll'1!„ alp u! pa)lJVll1) su011D /Ola Comm J0 I"y"I aq 01 suo!tan d,L/1JdJ.IOJ uo!JrjlJ Aaoinlnis /A.lolrin ,)HI 1IolJrlm,1 jn uo!1 1Jasao su0110d aAIJOOJJOD pur, suoillmiD A-iolulmo-d