HomeMy WebLinkAbout11200 OLIVE DRIVE (2)HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services Nt -`iSO'- Truictun „Ave157- FLR = i I HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ARPs Vs Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 •Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name ^ 1 I T((* Date I Z/ 1 Site Address ' Z Q0 Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phones, <— t ` Misc. Tyne of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # Routine Re- inspection/Follow -up” Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection tt 1 CUPA Facility ID# @ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRAN'T'ED BY (Name / Title) "yRd { `'i Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous )waste handling requirements. 1 -Class 1 Violation, 11- Class 11 Violation, M -Minor Violation Page of I 11 M HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTSCodeI Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION / UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GR01 Generator has an EPA ID number NJ L i- GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Anal sisC Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency lan information posted near phone GRO4 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness I GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available Win 35 days of waste shipment GR08 Bills of Lading/receipts available GRO9 LDRs available and complete GRIO Onsite recycling reported using UPCIF Container /tank management GCOI Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty > GCO4 Containers inspected week) GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator O GC08 One container per wastestream at satellite area f GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance /hazardous materials codes ' Accumulation Time Ltmits GAO Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 I> GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than 1 year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year j GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (l year if <1 ton GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 I yr. if < I ton) Labeling/Marking GL01 Containers are ro rl labeled GL02 Satellite containers have 2 ASD marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly C' GL04 Universal waste container properly labeled GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" isJ GLO6 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries 4 GL.07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks/containers GLO8 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date t GLA9 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Dis Other Print and sign in this box for receipt ofthis report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only receipt of report. N-1 _ r GTOI Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (en. eligible) GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/part GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for reg,ulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by \ % I 1 I 1 Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy ofthis page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxlun Avenue, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date FD2179 (Rev 1021/08) White — Prevention Services Copy Yellow— Business Copy 11 I .I A II, - I:II I r)S'6915Z 3SI -Imoc paz!Joytnrun We lc alsmv snOp.ICZr.I•)O Paso sg) All IMa l 311.1. IO(1D 091 SZ/(r)59I SZ JSHJ a1gp5lla loll o1aM Ati tp Uayec 31SUM pa1ep!I0suo3.10 mmoc sumI c pasn /.1al.toc surlt palats!aaJ r rill of P31!rl nu113e1 311.E 2077 P)9'68 I SZ JSH 'alsmu snop.ICzut1jo luaugca.q .1111 uo!juzpoylnc .13111010 uwJa c u!mgo of Pa1!rl X11113C.1 34.E I O.LD AD / .)3331/ aduvr/ r h pdyvAd,„ v s» palplAaJ ail 01 u011vJ1/ Min JSLQ 1)7 /lt/lgna l.cntu :11111 .)n / Dill ' (r,)Z I ZSZ JSH] Doucgciclu;)gi jo Smsodslp.lo Su!mrs `1.uippaags `flu1ICq `Aun{sn.l3 of loud 03ucgddc ue LUO {I aunUOJ 01 pa1!c{ ,(111!3gI aql I OHD pan !ud alnp a+/I Ipl:n s.lamvuloo 111) Y.vnu :tljvalJ 70W 19Z99 "21)D `ZZ 37-177-77C 153 3irp 3111 qpM S.125Ie1llo3 palcmwclum 11rUI 01 pa{!cI ntil!arI '0111 60-10 ylr:n .yll1)l Dill .11.10111 AIJOdIJ IvrysailpJV /a! / [(I)h£Z99 `21JJ'ZZ 311!7.1 0111 411,1) qu111 3111 y.ICw 01 pal!rJ 1 111!acI DILL 8019 Po Pasu„ .cpA0a1 dip 1/11,11 .QdlnnJuo.) pun syuvl ill) 11.11)111 aj.rodlD Ilr)6'£PISZ JSFI.I „Po pasn„ spJO,cl3111 y1!M fu!p,(3aJ 101 11311!19311 I!o pasn 10lautrluo3 /.lilrt r, .yJCU1 0l p31!rl (uIt' 34.E L019 n.lallnq +land uo Dmp aq1 pvlu :t 1jVI1S 31)1101)/ dill (4)(9)(1) l S'99Z99'2IJJ `ZZ op!7_ -panla3H.1 seM moneq alt y314M uo a1Cp alt yJrw of papr.I n1!1!ael 34.1, 90-19 1!0 PDS11 l)0II!I q)„ S /).10,11 Dill 11JIM VJdII?VIII00.lal /111 /1) 11.117711 111)11s ail /iJI? all! [(£)(3)0£ I'99Z99 `dJJ `ZZ 011111 ' „91311!1 PO pasn p3ule.Ip„ spJOA\ alp 4101% s1311!1 I!O pasn pau!Wp jO.laulel11o3 C .l1Cw 01 p31!cI ,g11PUl 311.E S019 dISnAi 109.1dallln„ Sp.lont dill 1p!,1l alsv:n InS.la quil II!p/otl s iquluoD llv.yavlu ajalvlparu1u11 /1)q.cailllJ + ?! d +lL 1.H6-1 10.1 P£'£LZ99.10 HdS 141 PI'£LZ99 `21JJ `ZZ 0111.1.] 'ri{.13dOJd alsrm 1cslan! Lill ,Io.I3u!r1uo3 r. 1111.111 of pal!rl Ct!I!3rl 011.E 1,019 Olga" Sli011.ln_nll,, 1011l)d1S1l!„ p7!.Ialnlll d19171dADd.I Pdl)I! /.X177„ SP.l0a1 dip I /1131 paydVIIi y.mdlJ aq Ipn /s s11)1.lDlvul (o s.rdulnluoJ/syuvt DqL [(C)6'£h 1 SZ JSH] Xpodaid s{C!Jalew ajgrIo (aa1 popnl3N3.10 (S)Jau!cluoa /syurt 1.11Iu1 of pal!rl ,(1!117111 a4.L 011J 11!1 Sl .ldll!1)Jt/0.7 Dq1 dll7p Dill Sn 110M So PDl)1717 l.c.11l 11 D1.1•ndt DWI) Dill 1 /11,11 IlOn171111111"00 al+lldll)S 1111 y.lvui //nits:gyldn! d +LL I(8)( I)(3)P£'Z9Z99 `UD `ZZ 311111 talc uonnlnuw33n 0111131rs alp 1001,1 panow SCM JaU!PlUOO oy1 alep 3111 l.ICw 01 pa{!gI ,(up3e1 a11 Z0719 dlvp 1.1vis uopl7pt/u,1JJ1) (S 111117 :roln.rduah' dgl,lo ssaAppv pill) MUM/ (p 'A1.1D 0.l 11.11 -,1q (£ 'd11)JS lvd!sfrld pun uoypl odiuoo (Z ' „dts',1M 9)I011.11 -nl1„ sp.loM Dill (l :8imuollo1'dlll q/1M SAalgvlllod 111) y.mlu : jAnal .)110gs aiillJnldqJ I (I)P£ "Z9Z99 2177 `ZZ Dpi L] 'aSvd silkp maid alp uo patou 3113, UO!ICUUOIU! SUISS1u1 pun slualuoa `slaulcluoJ 's.1au!rtuo3 111 pgcl Sp,xiold of pa{!C! AIIH e1 DLL 10 -I9 suollddA.ioo.101 aaogn IOND "Ids (9)(r)1 F'S9Z99'MDD ZZ ally, I '.)Cam Duo /Sncp OS I ucyl.131ca.13 Jot sauanrq 1)!3r, peal PIaI n111!3cl'011.1 90V suouaaJ.loJ .101 d.togv 10 VD ddS (17)(3)0£ I'99Z99'2]D "J'ZZ 11TU -1133A OUO /SACP 081 Unyt .PlCala .Igi s.10111I po pasn pau!Wp plaLI A1.1 e1 311.E 9OV9 suouaal.roJ.rO/ Daogv I(1NJ ddS (r)5£"£LZ9910 (e)g1'£LZ99 `2179 `ZZ 3111.E 'lean Duo ucyl Jalcals 1oi salsrm 1CS1al!un Play nuI!3R1 DiLL POND SUO!IJD.I.IOJ .Iql daogv 10FD DOS (1)L' 19Z99 5155 `ZZ 311!7, 'Jean 1 u!q,!A% S.1aWlrulo3 p31CUmICµlO3 alPueq Aj7 o1c of papci nl!{!ac1 311.1. OND SIIo11Jd.uod .I0j aaogn 101 "D DDS (fl)( 1)(3)P£'Z9Z99 `21JD 'ZZ 311!.1. 'lean .1110 UCtp 1aleaJa Jot salsrM UOilepnun3an D11110ILS Play nup3el DLL Z0vo snvp Iv1lJ!M 11)1toura.r II!jaIJ.cuoIIIDp Bu1Pvl.lo lllq .io 1sgfiumu Dilifo ado.) n alddlu 1117119 pill) -DISOM d11J.1611)Aollial dq( IMP 0111 [(1))P£ C9Z99 2)JJ ZZ 31111] 11 110 pa)IJual 10 31rp puts ue pry •lo iou!ujuo,) V -(mtu3) c inoy iAt aa'eJOIS) SAun1 awls PaelO11r, uch .I31ra.1fi .10.1 01SCm palp.lnumon ,(1!I!3c! 311.1. I Ot D 11/ apOJ 01 I13tild.r 111)1 /S' WIRI? ail,/ 10)6'£P1 Z JSH] sap03 SInu31cu1 snOPJrzey /apO3 31y /13unu!p.IO {r.3oi ynM a3urP.IOX1U U! 1011 SIc!.131cul o19uIa nai p3pn{oxa palols ,(1!I13r1 3117. 60JD Ions op 01 ap)s.lo lvdpoarc lot/ sl q Imp a1v.n.cuolimp 111)1/S .10 va lv uopnpuunJJn dill 1110.! / .laulnluo.) duo !nq lln alowo.l apiRipamlu! 11vgs 1i111J+7fa+lL [( I)(3)P£'ZW99 `2197 `ZZ 311111 'colt uonpinutn3ac 3ii1pius c IV p 1aupuoJ milples Duo Limp a1ou1 idol !t!parl DILL SOJD Pdpp1)8inaq alsrnl lO o.lp Is.11/ to snnp (ILZ1(1N11IIIi u!Ipuu pdA0111d.1 S1 al.rnM dill Mill a.nlSUa llvip to uounlnunum to jujIod a!p .ivau to !v sl .iolula o uv 117111 0.11lSUd 1pnls :t)ypvl'dgJ. [(N)(I)(3)P£'Z9Z99 `21JD `ZZ op!,11 'lolrlado uc,lo jailuo.) all .lapun toll 113M s3I11.1 UO!lepuunO3C 01111a1rs Su!z11!111 SJau!CjUOJ LOJD polaidila D.Ii) ' .y Ilol plilll I.IVIS loll SDOP pop Dap 'wj OOl twill SS01 SdIIMDIIdh nllpdgl alp /1) pdppn hularl dlsvat 10 c 0.11) ls.gl ./o sanP OZE10,Y1106 JlllhlM 17d.1O111a.1 s! Y)SOM 3111 Jv1I1 DMISlld 1117+ /9.10 110p J.lDII01 1o Illiod alp .11)dli .lo Iv SI I ,1111 110dodo/ 1) of 8111P1011.1a11,1)1lroo 0111 DA0111110119 aJ1I!J1)/ dill [(H)(I)(3)P£'Z9Z99 `21JJ `ZZ 3111•1.1 'UO!1r.13ua5 •10 iwcxl HqI Jrau Jo tc lou 3.121)1 SaIn1 uo!lepiwnaar arlpalrs 911!7!1!111 slau!ptuoD 90JD Ipny pa1Ja su! Din dIsom 8ulp /oil syunl lvyl Sumtoils Sol v delay 1117+ /s.ulpal)l'dI1j [(\l)( I )(n)P£'Z9Z99 `NDJ `ZZ 1P11] -Xpep paloodsu! 9upq aJaM slues lryl 31c.gsuauap toll pino3 ,p!I!3 l 3111 OJD tlyddJl pDlde .ell? d.0) dISI)M I11P /OI/ S.larrl117110.) //171171// Sa.IIISUa 11111/ Itlya Il J7ldulaldul! pill) dola.lap / /nys:fllp .)v/ alli. [(v)(I)(u)P£•Z9Z99 `2107 `ZZ 3111.1] '.(Ilaall p3100dsU! 9waq H.Iam s13U!Cluo3 lri{I alC.11SUCnuap sou p{nO3 X111uc1 ayy P009 Inp dill pun,,:tl I11D„ sp.IOM dill llipt .raulnluoo pall wa dill lagvl gD1v!p unul pro) a1svM dyll 17 qhM ldu!vluod dip o 911131110 .)all dlvpyosuoJ Ao (1191):11 snoP.rnzl)q .ry Adull)proJ dill .yAnul 110119 ailllJnl'aiLL [L' 19299 '2177 `ZZ 3111111 '~1(1103 10 UO!t!uilap all 9uirmul loll sr patou sum 10 Jaupuo3 V 'sou om ,(iql wp% Xjdwa sc SJ21111CU1O3 p31CwwC1uO3 9u1pwny s! ,py!3rl 34.E OJD dlsnat ulaoulaA Ao hulppv udyM 1 -M-d pds010 u!vlrlai S'Jdt/ VIII001nt(1 a.mslld pun ,Q0II!,11i10J 111) ds01J ApjV!Pdt/11111 lll)lpr nJ1pJl)l Dill .[(V)( I )(()P£ Z9Z99 21JJ `ZZ 311!.1] undo pa,vasgo sem Jo Jou!viuo3 ayy '3lsrm 9lM011laJ /au!ppr WHIM 1(133x3 p3sop s.1aU!ejuoo daal of pallrl tI!3cl 3g.L ZOJD uopymoo pooh u! AaupJjuo.) v o1 pa.l gisiin.n aq :IlDl1)!p,?unl!! llvgs /o .la1/!n11100 d1I110 911101+10.) dllf I (N)( I)(C)P£'Z9Z99 `21DJ `ZZ 311!,1. SCe1 JO J3u!r1UO3 .111 -uO!1!puO poO9 111 aISCM snop.lrzcy 9U!plOy SJau!ctuoa 111C111!cul of P3I!rl ,Cly!OCl 34.E I ODD p d:lja.! /My) way•l[nejDP /LZOI)i) /suoi)ez)1[gn /Noll -Lz) -e alL5•Mmm In puligl aq uno ru.iol dill ' „uodall s1u!.Idlnl {1 algnpA.)d? ,, 1u.rof3JVn dg11!II1q,1s puv dldlr/t/lo.) llvgs ailllJn! D +ll [01'£P I SZ JSH] 1!0(131 9U111X33.1 c 11utgns IoW pip nuI!OCi Dill 01219 9191),11101110111 11IS lldilD ilipt Pdipitigns- pill) pa.lv(a.l S! 11(77 v will d.I11SIrd '09/1111/!) '91118"Id./1l1 )8.! H(77 of 1Jd /q+IS Si iisatt .d! p Duplualap 11,11/9all /rJV/ al /J. P)(V)P£'Z9Z99 21JJ `ZZ 311!.1] # Isa1!urw 101 UO!)cOi1!1oU U0113uls3yl Icsods!(I pue-1 r. 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LOID ZiNS6 NJ •0111dill .1Jl7S 'OOO£ .cog Od '.,S.I,(7 : of It of 1111111 aill,lo a ooviotl v do 00/, l-ZI,PS6 F:) '0,11101110,01N 'OOP -1'Og Od 'MG 01 # lsal!unlll fo ado.) dnlq dill 1!+)191 [(P)(0Z£'Z9Z99 'ND,) `ZZ 3111.11 'JUMUdu!S,10 SXCI) O£ U!11lIA\ )S,IA of 1sa,I!UCw aqi 10 Xclon r )mgrs of pallrl xlljmr3 90210 Id11dl ownxDili r1) paptipiq aq muu /.S9/luDw duo 111)1/1 ),IOIU AOl Iloyod.l.l0.7) a.mp)mS1s.vi0:C puv Dpnia 110loaAA00 puv # sog alp '# Q/ I %d3 Ano:i '11vp (1qs alp .# Isa %luv+u dip Slglnl.c 9(l,t'o -Z /,Pi6 NJ 'olualunA VS : l l 11 ! 911>' .1'011 O d -•SS'ID DSLO Oj Adnal 1) piugnS• 'D117p pill) Inypi! ' (Sd).vog it! ISa /i Ilvll! dip no 110youl Iglill dill ;003.103 '[(I)(r)£C (.9C99 2177 CC 311111 9WISSIIII SUM # lsapuclN 'ISalwrul alsem snop.lezcy c ata{dwO Xj.mdolcl of papcl 'C11I!3cl 34.1. S021D ulp.mha.11auuos.la of hut/n!).n Dpiao•Id I (Z)(P)P£79Z99 `21DD'ZZ 3111.1. of anp salnpaowd 9uypucq alsmcl .iaclold Ip!M Jr!pwcl amAN Soy )Cgs IICIISUCnuap IOU p!p 1auuOS.l1d SlilpCd PONS diioqd n of 1Cdt/ uop,1ur.lo1ill 330111) alp !so Pu1) am a.rd I (Z)(P)P£ "Z9Z99 `2199 `ZZ a11!7,. 'auOgc 3{31 )III of txou polso .Iagtunu ouol alai IUHUn.Ie(ap aJy oqi Jo `Iuawcllnba lomoo p!dS put s.mgg!n2U!1x3 11)1.10 UO!jMOJ all `J01rug)JO03 (DWa9JHlU3 aI1,1O Jaquinu 3uogd put. awru all 3ncy sou p!p ,Q!I13r.1 341 MID lolaaalnun o1 q1)/ dill pal pal .),1puoa p 8t/111 wm ll 'sls:gvun AOl:I.lolulogol palj!Mdd alms n of nras pun pa/ unn 91SDAt alp 0;101/.10 (djdI1 Ao/ .cluet/vlJOp Adglo .l0 SOSI'V acv uno vo:Q dBPOJMOUy .olo:f 110 Pa9l)q dlstim a11110 H0!loII!UI dId1) n Dyn141 [ I I'Z9Z99 `2177 `ZZ 31117] all u! palou Dip JQJ UO!ICU!uual3P alsrm c aleiu 01 p.1pel Xlljpel 3qj Z0219 d.0)dslip l0 1113./ dill !lo „ # Ol I''d3„ Pdy.IDIII dell) S 011) u! Aaglunu aq1 dl!.l,11 Y6,PR-S66-Sih Hod # OI I d3 n .103 'Zh69-RI9-(10 l 11) lo.l1110D soouwsgnS J!1'0,1.10lildlulAnda(l dill lovilloo # QI Nd3 v!IJ.IOji1),7 v.lo_q [Z 1 Z9Z99 `N0J `ZZ ijull lagwnu (11 Vd3 up. uggo of paprl I!p'rl 34.E 10219 itioij Ito ufunln.) „ /.p„ dip IqPDy.Inul SilOpnlopl .!0111111 d0j uayoJ dq of 9110/7.311 M!jJOAAOJ uolle)p kjojnlrls /Xjojrjn aN I u0!Tr.10!.c,10 uo!T u3san suoTIod anll- X)Jr03 pug suouclio naolulmmN