HomeMy WebLinkAbout215 21ST STREET (4)05/31/11 TUE 14:27 FAX 6618351184 PEPSI BAKERSFIELD WRNS 01003 State of Calffomla For State UseQ* State Water:Resourcee Control Board Division ofFinanolal Asslatini e r P.O. Box 944212 Searomenta, CA 84244 -2121 Inabuetlone on teverce stele) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I ainroqu4tid to demonstrate Financial ResponslbilRy Inthe requIrad amoumi as specified In Coftrnia Code ofRegulations (COR); 7h$e 23. mtsion 3, Chapter 18, SeCOM 2807.. 5o0Aoo dollars per occurrence 1 mflilon dolars annual agoregate or AND or 1 dollars occurrence © 2 mnGon dollarsm8donper annpgt aggregate g Bottling Group, LLC hereby certifies that it is In compliance with the requirements of S'actlon 2807, N.Me ofrank own.. orOpareto0 California Code ofRagu1atrons, Title 23, 01"on 3,; Chapter 18, Article ,3, Section 2807. The mechaniams used to demonstrate Nmncfelresponsibility as regLq. red by Secflon 2607 ere as follows: C. tvlecharTlatn MQOhart)em Coverage Govottige Corretxive fhird•ffaity.. Type Name and Addrese:of]Ember Number Amount Period Action Comp' Insurance Cliartis Specialty losurenco Company ST 5844250 SI.OMWoeamencel 0413N2011 Yos Yrs 17S WeterStteet S2.OMMJegSn:PrZ to 04fs012012 New York, NY 1008 Note: Notef: Ifyou are, usfrrA.the State Fund as anypart ofyour domonsfration offinancialresponalbAi5y,yourneye dlon and submission of this car0frcaliorr also oertrfias that you are in compliance and shaU maintain oompllanao wlM of conditions fqojolt flclpaUon in the Fund. Sea instructions. A. Facility Nance Pcpsi$evcrag Company (Bakersfield) Facility Addraas 215 East 21 "Street Bakersfield, CA Facility Name FAcilityAddress Facility Name FacilityAddress Signature ofTank Own peralor Date Name andTitle of Tank owner or Operator b j'/ nevld FI.'Patrick, Csq, Managing Direolor:pcicgattx Signtura of Wltrtou or Notary Date Name ofWitness or Notary Alhii 6j rr.r a) CFR (Rw,voed 11108) Fit -E: anotrsat- t.ncal Agency Cop(gs - Fpcprtyl5lt¢ia) 05/31/11 TUE 14:27 FAX 8818351184 PEPSI BAKERSFIELD WRHS CERTIFICATE OF fN$URANCE NAME: PEPSICO, INC. ADDRESS ;. SEE SCHEDULE BELOW POLICY NUMBER: ST 5844230 ENDORSEMENT: Not applicable PERIOD OF COVERAGE: APRIL 30, 2011 TO APRIL 30, 2012 NAME OF INSURER: CHARTiS SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY ADDRESS OF INSURER: 176 WATER STREET NEW YORK, NY 10D38 NAME OF INSURED; PEPSICO, INC. ADDRESS OF INSURED. 700 ANDERSON HILL ROAD PURCHASE, NY 10.577 CERTIFICATION: 1, CHARTIS SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, the Insurer, as4clentifled above, hereby certifies that it has issued Mbility. insurance covering the following underground storage tank(e): See 'Item 5. Covered. Storage Tank System(s)" on policy rsferanced above, for - taking corrective action and 'compensating third partles for bodily InjUry .and property damage caused by accidental releases in accordance With and subject to the'tlmits of Ilablltty, exafuslons, conditions and other terms of the polloy arising from operating the underground-storaga tankis) Identified above. The: limits of I ebllity'are 1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 annual. aggregate, exclusive of legal defense costa, which are subject to a separate limit under the policy. This coverage is provided under ST 5844250. The effective date of said policy is April -30, 20:11. 2. , The Insurer further certifies the following with respect to the Insurance described In Paragraph 1_ a. Bankruptcy or insnivency of the insured .shell not relieve the insurer of its obiigatlons under the policy to which this certificate applies. b. The Insurer is liable for the payinent of amounts within, any deductible applicable to the policy to the providar of corrective action or damaged thirdparty, wi.th.a right of reimbursement by the Insured for any such payment made by the Insurer. This provision does not apply with respect to that amount of. any deductible for which coverage is 103197 (11/09) IM 004 05/31/11 TUE 14:28 FAX 8818351184 PEPSI BAKERSFIELD WRHS Q005 demonstrated under another mechanism or combination of mechanisms as specified in. 40 CFR 280.95- 280.102. C. Whenever requestsd:by a Director of an.implementing agency, the Insurer agrees.to furnish to the Director a signed,duplicate original of the policy and 011 endorsements. d. Cancellation or any other termination of the fnaurence by the Insurer, except for non- payment of premlum or misrepresentation by Insured, will be effective only upon written notice and only after-the expiration of 80 days after a copy of such written nottcs is teCeived by the Insured. Cancellation itfr non- payjuent 0 ptemii m or mierapresentallorl by the Ensured .'will be effective only upon written notice and only after expiration of a minimum of 10 days alter a Copy of such written notice Is received by the insured. e. The Insurance covers claims otherwise covered by the policy that are reported to the insurer within six months of the, effective date of .Cancellation or non- renawel of the policy except where the new, or renewed policy has the same retroactive date or a retroactive date.earilerthan that of the prior.polloy; and which arise out of any.covero occurrence that.aommeneed after the policy retroactive date, if applicable, and prior to such policy renewal or terminatlon date. Claims reported during such extended reporting period are subject to 1h.,e terms, conditions, limits, including Ilrnits of liability, and exclusions of the policy; I hereby certify that the wording of tbIS instrument is Identical to'the: wording In 40 CPR 280,87 '(b) '(2) and that the lnsurer4s. eligible to provide insurance g4 4n excess or surplus I s r.' d or,. ore stat6s,. Signature of Authorized, epresentativ,e of insurer Robaace Silberman Roglonal Manager Authorized Representative of Chards Specialty Insurance Company 32 Old Sllp, 1911 Floor New York, NY 10005 103197 (11109) TOTAL NUMER OF PAGES COMPANY- FAX NUMBER a FRIOMC 1NA-REHOU6E DEPARTMENT FAX NUMBER(661) 635-1184 REMARKS: Z ool T) 05/31/11 TUE 14:28 FAX 6818351184 PEPSI BAKERSFIELD WRHS fj002 PEPSI BEVERAGES COMPANY May 18;, 21711 Balcersiteld Fire Department Prevention Services 900 Truxton Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA.. 93301 Re: Financial 'Pest of Self- Insurance For Bottling Group, LLC Operating as Pepsi Beverages Company Bakersfield Facility #954 near Prevention Services, This is a follow -up to my letter dated Apri.128, ZQI t regarding demonstration of financial responsibihty.:for the underground storage tanks weoperate in the State of CaIifomia. Please be.advised that the Company has elected. to use insurance to satisfy our financial responsjba ity obli -gatipm..I am- enclosing a Certification of Financial Responsibility and a Certificate ofInsurance as proof of compliance. T- realize that using insurance to demonstrate financial responsibi4ty.i9 a change in strategy from my last letter, and I apologize for arty Confusion or inconvenience this may have caused, SwitchiugAo the insurance Inechanism.presented uswith: aii opportunity to emciently. aebieve:compliance across the organization: more quicklyversus the other mechanisms of 'an irrevocable letter of credit and standby trust. If you have any questions, concerns or wish to clarify some point, please give ire a call at your convenience to discuss. Sincerely, David I3..Pkick Senior Director; Legal ice: K. Winston 1. Pepsi Way Somers, NY 105.89 Tel: 914 - 767.6000