HomeMy WebLinkAbout2600 WHITE LANE (3)MONITORING SYSTEM,- CE' RTIFICATION dForUse '11Al! ro Withrnfhe State: ofCalifornra Aulhoriry. Cite&,Chapler:6:7; Healtkan code,,. Chapter , M,' bNhii6h3, Tide '2'1,'-Cd1jif(or*a- Code ofRegulations This1ohn,'thust-be used to'docu ent testing: d— servicing ;of ohitbriog equipment certification otrdbort nuk: bg,prpared for erf A-co ofthis ficinn musibe providedmonitoringsystemcontrol =el,by,the.technician.,4o'P orms the work copy to the tank,system-ownedopemor., The ow-ner/operator must,subm-tta copy of this.1orm Jo; hq local-agO6y-regtilaiftgUST.§yst6fis withiri"30 days of t6si'dat6. A. General Information Facility Name: wwrt.WSAELL Bldg. No:;` Site Ad&e'ss: :2600 WHITE LN! CiW. BAKERSFIELD zip: Fdci1ity1Cb'htactPer§onf LOUNG..dWAO Cohtact Phone N6;:.'( Kike/Model 6fM6nit6rhig-,SystqM-,.'TLS-M jDate,o,fTestitig/$ervicii.ig: ,9/31/2011 B. -filventory of Equipment. Toted/.Ceetilfed, Check the.appropriaie,boi6`6 indicafi40eclfl6tcl61biicnk Tankib. UNL87 Tank-ID.: PREM91 Z Ifi-Tank .0a4inAProbe. modci;- mAdi:, 91h-Ta&Gauting Probe. Model: MAGI ZAnpulaf Space or Vault Sensor. Model:`1.363.— Annu* lar Spaceor VaulUSefisor. l';' Mode 303. 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). ModeL :wt Piping . Surrip PTrench Sensor(s). Moddl:,20 - 8 9 F'IlBurnp Sensor(3), Model 208. g.Ffll S6rnpsensor(s). Modeh 204 Mechanical'Line•Leak'Detector., Model: El Mechanical Line1eak Detector. model: Z,Electronk11tfe Udk Detector. Modcl 'VEF-DER-A06T 0 Electronic Line Ixleak Detector. Mo&i: VEED911460T C9 Tank Overfill,/ High -Level Sensor. Model- BALL FLOAT 0 Tirtkbverfil I High-Level Sensor. ModeEAALLTLOAT 3 Oth i ( ' . Sr spccuf equipment,t)pe and model in Section E:on,Pag;2). E]Othcr(speci Tank ID: DIESEL 0 In-Tank Gauging Probe; Model: MAGI I 4ankbaugipg`Probc., Model: 0 Anri6lar,SOadi.&'Va:61tsSebscir., Mcidel: 103, Anum]ilar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: S'Piping Sump /.Trench Sensor(s). Model':. 268 Cl Piping Sump /.,Trench Sensor(s): Model: Fill Suinp Sciftsor(s), Model' 208. E] vi4 Surnp'Sensoqs. ModeL C! Mecfianicaliinei;eak- Detector:' Model:: Elmeciianical-Line1eakbetectI or. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model':AED'ER-ROOT. dectronit'Line Leak betect6r, odel: Model: Tank Ove*fi*ll /High-Level. Sensor. Model: BALL FLOAT Tank;.Overfil.l'/' High -Level Sensor: Model: 130ther'(s fye-quipme'ni',qpe,and,mockl,.insection;E6nl.pige2):: r-l.oi4er.,(speci.6,equ!p.men'ttype:an,dmodel':in SectionEon.,Pagp2)., Disotinser,][D: 2 bispenser '113: 3-4 0 Disoebser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 208 bispenscr. (tontainment Sensor(sj. Model: 208 g:Shear Valve(s). DlnFr tontaininent.Flov(). aqd Chain(s . w Dispenser, Containmenti Floigs) and Chain(s).. Dispenser .11b: 5.6 Dlspe'nserl][D.- 7-8 ZDispcnser Con'tainment Sensor(s). Model: "208 Dispenser,Containment Sensor(s). Model..208. J@Shear Vaks), ashW'Valve(s):, Obispensertontainmcnit Float(s),and'C.hain(s). E Vis4xnscr'Containrricnt Floats) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: - 94 0,- Dispenser W: EDispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model-.2'0'8 3 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). M661: I ve(s). Shear'VaI J 0 Shear ValveO. Q:NpenseContainni Flt)d Chent. roa(s,an-ain(s).- El Di'spensff tontainment Fibat(sj;and Chain(s),: --------------- Ifthe-fia' Mi c6 rs more tanks Ja inf6matioh.fbi every tank ,end dispenser at . the facility. C Cei fification !':ctrtify'that,the6 ed- s document was inspecteMserviced: in accordAnct:,ith,the.inanlifileturtts' quipment4dentifi in this guidelines. . Attached,Ici ithis .CeMflication- is Information (e.g.,manufActureirs', checklists) necessary to; verify that'this; information is it, j, I . ; , I_ For , I , ' ' Its) , ' c - 1. I . — - c6rrect'andl.a,Pldt,P.I n,s'howingibe'layouidf:mon orng ipment. For any.:equi 7meiit- capable ofgenerating such reports,! ,have talso: P attached a.copy-ofthe-report; (check,afflhaiap System set =up Alarm hist OpDttp#, Techn'iciin:.Narfte-.(prifit)-, RIMPHILLIPS :SJgnatuxe: ' .00060-e- 001" C61ift4tibft..No.;' A29084.11032169. -UT License. Na.' C611'D40,' 8098 Testi.n&Com.' Pany.Narne: RICH ENVIRONMENTALL Phone No, 6B1 TeWAt Company. Address: 5643 BRO.OKS*C , T . IBkKEASFIELD, cA.03309, Pat6.6fTesting Page ,1 of. 4 UN-036— 1/4 www.0 idomorg Rev. 911/17/08'. 9 Monitoring.System Certification 0. Results of Tes0ng/Sery cling Software VersiohJnstalled: 327.04 irmmnlete the fnllnwin4:rhnrkliiat- 4',2d , Yes 13 No' Is.the audibleralarm operational ?. 0 No* Is .,the:visual alarm operational? 2 Yes No* Were'all.sensors visually inspected, functionallyiesied, and.,confrmed operational? to Yes NO Were'all.sensors installed;at lowest,porof:of secondary positioned so that other -equipment will not interfere' with. their proper operation? " Yes No* ' If. alarms` :are "relayed to 'a, remote. monitoring station; is, all communications :equipment (pig modem) N/A operational? Yes p No* For pressurized piping systems, does -the turbine automatically shutdown if the- piping.secondary:containment" N/A monitoringsystiem,detecis aaeak, :fails to operate, or. is electrically ,disconneated2:.Ifyes-, Which sensors initiate'. positive shut= down ?, ( Chect all:that apply); ® Sump/Trench. Sensors;. ® Dispenser Containment. Sensors. Did;you confi ii positive.shut down,due;to, leaks: acid 'sensor'failureldiscorinegtion? : ®.Yes; No. Yes T1o* For ,tank systems that utilize the. 'm6nitoring system as :'the primary tank :overfill 'warning .device (Le..,. no E :NIA mechanical overfillTreventiomvalve "is installed} .is the overfill -warning .,alibiv visible and audible at the'tank, fil_point(s) and,operating.properly? Ifso, ai what percent of,tank:capacity does'the alarm trigger? % Yas *' No Was any. monitoring equipment<replaced? Tfyes, `identifyspecific °sensors; ;probes; or other equipment: replaced and, list the manufacturer name`and model :for allxeplacement parts in Section E;, below. E Yes* No Was liquid found mside•any secondary containment systems, designed:as drysystems? (Check all that apply) I Product; , Water. 'lf: es; describe, causesin;SectionE below. Yes' No' Was monitoring stem ; set = sy up; renewed to;ensure'proper;settings? Attach set up reports;: if -appli "cable..' Yes J.n No" 1. Is all,molutoring- equipment operadonal:per manufacturer.'s specifications ?` 1n Section E below, describe how.and when these deficiencies were or will b6.corrected. E. Comments• Monitoring System Ceetification, 3 Zo F In- Tank;Gauging./ SLR Equipments , , ly.frnvenry control, ; of u o p Check this box;if no tankgaugmk or SIR.equipment is installed.. This section rrtust bi completed if in -tank gaugingtquipment is used to- perform leak detection monitoring. Complete: the following checklist: Yes No* Has:all input 'wmng been ;inspected for:eroper ;entr and tetmm ion,, including,tepting for. ;ground faults? Yes No* Were all tank gag visually inspected for damage andresidue buildup? Yes No* Was aceuracyof system,product leyeLreadm. gs tested? , Yes No* Was'accuracyof system..waier:level.readings tested? Yes p .No* Were all probes.reinstaIled .properly? Yes p -No * Were; all items. on.the ;equiprn ii abufacWr&4s maintenance checklist completed? In Section tl below,describe how and-when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G, Line Leak Detectors: (LLD): Check this box ifLLDs- are not installed: Coinplete.the followingchecklist:, Yes 0 No* For. equipment 'start -up ,or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify I:LD performance? NlA Check alf,ihat: apply) Simulated leak rate:- 0:3 &p .h.; '6A.. g p:h ; 01621. P6. Yes No* Were, all LLDs confirmed operational. and accurate- withiwregulatory requirements?` Yes No* Was:the testing apparatus pioperly calibrated? Yes p No.*' For mechanical Ubs, does:the LLD restrict productsflowif:if detects aAeak? N/A S 'Yes No* For electronic LLDs,,does the turbine automatically shut off ifthe:LLD`detects.aaeak? Yes Q NO J;oi,electronic LLDs„ does the,turbine automatically ;shut off:if.anyportion . ofthe monitoring system is disabled` N/A or disconnected? , Yse For elect does. thturbine•automacallystof if montoring system:malfunetionsy N /A. or fails attest? S Yes No' Fop-electronicLLDs, have alll ;accessible Wiring connections-bech visuallyinspected? p N/A Yes NoO Were ;all items on,,the ;equipmentmanufacturer's maintenance checklist :completed? In'Section H, below, describe ;howand.when these deficiencies were 44ill be eorrected:. H. Comments: Mon +torin. g Sj'steza.Ctrtit"icttt34tt .` .. Us"T. mopk;otift Bite P 6. " Site Address:, 26W MITE :0. MkJVRSFWLD,. CX $ W i]sie,mep,was ;drawn: ;f2'}9: atruetioiu3 lf:VOU ;already° have 'a d;agraae that shaves ail sepuired information; yonsnay incltrit, rattier t}istt'this page;iill your Tvioni[ort S }stem, °CertirTcat on..t3n ytsbt she plgn ; ;.sltow}ie geral lavouf oftarlcd piping ..Izarty identify locano n of d e.Yollowing= equipment, if, instatied Monitofiing Systt n eontrol patiets. sensors uior stonng "tank :annular crOce5„ sumps, :dtsQens?r pans, spilk containers," other secondary C'Ovtw meat area ; Ynechanical or ele banFe ;littC iealt detertors; and -in -tank ligwid.levrl.pri ties (if used far leak4cde tionj. In the„ vttied; i4otc Ttie'dau tlii §:S te.Plaes Was_Fsryparod> FYge $ of'= Rte: Q111'NM( m-036 -414 is`wwa ntdoa or6:.. I SWRCB, January 2606, dc . Spill B. Thisform is_ intendedfor use by contractors performing, a . nnu'&4estin' g,ofOTspill eontmfnmeni structures.: The completedform and from applicable) 'yprintouts , om te i§ plica ,'.ho4O',OO'pMv ded 6,4gfqciliiyo vnqrlop rq orf Aforsubmittaltoe local regulatory. agency: 1. FArHJTVr"n_UM.0rJrdT4: Facility Naine' WH -' IAIN__SHELL' bad of testing: 8,131/11 Facility ..Address'. 260(1 W.H1TE LANE B KER_FI' A ELD Facility C6fiikit C1 Direct Bury XODntainedhi Sump bate LocalAjency WasNotified of Testing :'. 7/19/11 present dyeing testing: Name of 1,6cil ApncypspecIlorlAO 2. 'T,,ESTING:CONTRACTOIRINFORMATION' Company.Name.,' RICK.EWIRONMENTAL. Technicia'n:Conductmig, Test.- RICH PHILLIPS Credentials,: CSLB'Conttactor XICC.Service,Tech. 0 S",CB:Tahk Tester Other .eSpeeify), Lic'6n'se'Numbef(s): : .16351'694UT 3., qP.YT,,T..RTTr.kF.Ir,rF.'RllNP.,YN'V()RMATION Test'Methbd Used: )(Hydroitatic Dbihff. Test Equi Used: VISUAL Identify: Spill; Bucket, (By Tank Number, 9tored -Product, etc) , UNL87. PRE Equipment Resolution 0;00"" 3! 4 DIESEL Bucket installation Type: C1 Direct Bury XODntainedhi Sump UDir6ct Bury. x Contained in Sum O'Ditect Bury x Contained i'n.:S"urnp, 0:13irect Bury ontair. eOtin-ajn"Sump Bucket' Diameter: 12'$ Bucket Depth:, 16,, 1,6" Wait time betwee'n applying v cuum/wAter, and start oft6 t: 3, 0.MTN 10MIN 36 MIN Test: Start Time'. (T.1): 1:45. Initial. Reading (Rj): W 167 Test End1ime (Tt):- 2:45 It (RF): VV 16" T-dsCQuMtio1f(TF — T): I -Hb1,M 1 -HOUR 1 -HOUR. Cfiange in Re ding (RF - Rj):. 00 00 00 Pass/Fail T-hresh6ld or Criteria; 0.0 0.00 T' i + 4M Cbb1n!6n1t$, -7include information on repairs Made prior t6 testing, :and co4me)144follow -upforfaileil'(eSts) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNI RESPONSIBLE FORcON6UCTING THIS TESTING 1-hereby certify that all tftel rowdo 1s true,accu ,andln,uffconipfiance with legal requiremeniLM- this 'Mpor( --roe". Date:: 8/31M. I State laws and ;regulations. do notcurrently. require .te'sfiog,16 be perforined.b or. Howdver,locatrequirementsyaquanecontract maybe-, more°stringent r RICH EIVYIROIVAft AL 5.643 BROOKS" CT BAKERSFIELD,:.CA. X93308 OFFICE (66:1)392 -8687 FAX. (661)392=0621 PRODUCT_.LINE LEAK DETECTOR TEST WORKSHEET FACILITY NAi; . 'WHITE LANE SHELL, FACILITY ADDRESS 2600 WHITE LANE. BAKERSFIELD. PRODUCT -:LINE TYPE: PRESSURE . PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR :TYPE TEST-' TRIP PASS' BELOW P J. OR, SERIAL NUMBER 3 QP.M FAIL UNL87 Lip TYPE : ELECTRONIC PASS, YES 11SERIAL # VEEDER -ROOT PREM9.1: JD ;TYPE.::. ELECTRONIC- PASS YES:.. 1:1SERIAL # VFEDFR =ROOT DIESEL L D TVPE': ELECTRONIC PASS. SERIAL.# VEEDER -ROOT L/D TYPE YES PASS SERIAL# NO FAIL I CERTIFY' THE, ABOVE TESTS WERE CONDUCTED ON THIS DATE;A.CC.ORDING TO RED: JACKET PUMPS.>*IELD TEST Al PARATUSTESTINGPROCEDURE:AND LIMITATIONS. T1-IE:MECHANICAL.LEAK DETECTOR TEST'PASS'LEAIL IS DETERMINED.-BY USING .A LOW FLOW THRESHOLD TIUP'RATE OF 3 GALLONS PER:HOUR.OR LESS AT'10 P S:I.1 AG KNQWLEDGE. THAT AL' L. DATA ,COLLECTED .IS. TRUE` AND CORRECT .T-O ;THE .BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. TECHNICIAN: RIC .PHILL SIGNATURE: DATE:_ 8/31111 LEVEL VERSION 327.04 c,30FTWARE0 34832 _ ,l 00=E CREATED S= MODULEO' :330 1 60-'lD04 S'IsTw TEAT STPERIODIC ' 1N: -TANK TSE1. tiwmi laT IN -TANK' TESTS XSTEM WIT. YSTEM LANGUAGE ENGLISH: YStEM DATE /TIME FORMAT ON DD,VYyy HH'-MM-SS 'Mx HITE LANE SHELL 00 WHITE LANE AKERSPIELD'' yIFT TIME DISABLTT), WIFT TIME 2 DISA8LIHIFT'T'IME' 3 DISABLTlj* RIFT TIME 4 -DISA'BLE'D 4NK PER TST NEEDED WRN. f,SABLtb1. NK ANN TST. NEEDED, WPN SABLED NE RE- ENABLE :METHODASSLJINETEST kE PER TST 'NEEDED WRN fNE ANN' %T-ST NEEDED WRNGABLED - INT TC: VOLUNEg ABLM MP JbOMPENSATTON. ILUE Ick HFI G ' RT OFFSET f"AGE; 9bl. WTOC*L DATA. FORMAT UHT FI'SION TEST DURATIONIURS - 12 aPRIGHT SAVING TIME BLED. TART DATE WEEK :SUN RT TIME 61,00 AM DATE Z7WEEK :6. SUN1'' TIME; 00 :m' DIRECT LOCAL PRINTOUT 0: PROTOCOL PREFIX. I SYSTEM SECURITY CODE : QQQ000 MAI NTENANCE HISTORY, DISABLED TANK, CHARTART SEC UR ITY DI . 6 . ABUD 2TbH ALARMA J:SABLFT) MASS::.: P ZMMUNICATLONS SETUP PORT COMI!t BOARD (ED I'M RS" SECUPI.T' * CODE' - " YY ob' D-I.SABLED COMM, BOARD f 2 (RS-232)- BAUD, RATE 1200 PARITY ODDSTOPMtISTEP DAT' A L-ENGTIi," 7 DATA RR23 E0,091TY LEYDE COMM ; 113AUb" RATE 2400 ODD E;-T6P: '8 1 T' I "STOP. DATA LEI ' H 7 DATA PS- 232 $LCURI'lly CODE' ': DISABLED,' DIAL- TYPE* :70NE ANSWER ON; 'I "R I NG MODEM: skTuv, STRING DIAL TONE INTERVAL 32 1.1 AUTO. TRANSMIT lSET ALARM Ll KL DISABLED AUTO :HT- ' PH' WATER ,tl' DISABLED AUTO. `OVERF,J LL LIMITP11. D I SABLED. AUT6,lbw DISABLED AUTO, THEFT LIMIT DISABLED' AUTO :DEL IVM;START DISABLED .- AUTO J.)ELI,VtkY.8ND AUTO EXTERNAL, I NPUT ON 6UT6 `EXTERNAL I NPUT- OFF AUTO: SENSOR %'VUEL,-, LARH DISABLED AUTO SENSOR WAR ALARMnwnkmtr-m- - . 1 11, 1 1.1, . AUTO ;SENSOR, :OUT :ALARM. DISABLED ALfro D.f!AL 1`1171r, NONE: R.Sf2'32 END OF MESSAGEDjsABLED AUTO DIAL ALARM I.P TANK SETUP 1,; UNL PRODUC"r, CCDE-, THERMAL, COEFF TANK VIAME-T ER - TA1VK PROF.I LE; g. . plfs' 26, 0. 1 hac H: A)4 : 46.,. U INCH Vm-- 4864 fACH FLOAT WATER WARN-'I NciHIGH L`.. CJ W6TERI,,jHjT: MAX, OR LABEL, VOI.,- 97,e-80VEpv`I,LL IA r IIT s92 ' HIGH PRODUCT 97 o DELIVERY j:jmj.T 1 rl.: LOW. PRlOrllWt LEAK 'ALAPN, L- Ip.1 ITSUDDEN16,Si,. timl' 20,0 TANK TILT 0.00PROBEOFFSE7, 0.00.., S1 PHON 11AN'IFOLDED TANKS NONE LINE MANIFOLDED,TANkS T#: NONE., LJ~AK MIN PER I OD I,C 1.0% 972 LEAK MIN, 1'0 PER OD( RjO_-;C.TESLT, TVI E STANDARD' ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PER I. M;"C, TEST FAJ L ALARM DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL , ALARM D; tABLED ANNN TbSf,AVERAG I NG.- 017, PER. TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK. TEST NOT =IFY': : OFF VkN, T8tS '.kPNlip BREAK ':OFF DEL=IVERY DELAY 1'5 MIN PUMP THRESHOLD 10:.00% 7 : PREM T 3 D IESEL yPRODUCTCODE.. 2 PRODUCT CODE LEAK _TEST'METHOD THERMAL "COEFF :.000700 THERMAL`cOt~FF 600450 ALL. TANKTANKDIAMETER : 92.00` TANK DIAMETER 92.00 TEST ON L1ATE TANK PROFILE 4:pTS TANK PROFILE:, 7 FULL VOL 972.D FULL VOL 9728 START T I,ME :: DISABLED: 69..0 INCH :VOL.: 79f 69.0 I; NCH' 'V,OL :: 7,910 TEST RATE : "0.20 GAL/.HR' G INCH VOL 4864 46 0-INCH VOL 4$6a D.URATI:ON 7 2 HOURS 23.0 I tVCH. °; VOL 1ela : " 23.0' .TNCH VOL .: 1,8;1 t1. STQP:D.ISABLEDFTST`BAkLY FLOAT •S I 2E" q , 0 pN : FLOAT ST 2E: 4 , 0 1 N„ L.EAK' TEST'REP.ORT FORMAT' NORMAL. DATER; "WARNING 2 "0 WATER WARNING H1:GH WATER L :I "MIT,: 3 , .0: H 'GH WATER L I'M;I T i AX' QR'* LABEL, VOL : 9728: , MAX 'OR LABEL VOLT : 9728QVERFILL' L'I M I T 92%; OVERFILL 'LIMIT " 92r I!_' IGH °PRODl1CT 89,49 97 %, HIGH PRODUCT 8949 9;7 PEL I VERY LIMIT DEL EVERY LIM'I`.T 1.099729.72 LOW..PROD.UCT; 500 LOW,PRODUCT 500 PRESSURE •LINE LEAK SETUPAKLEALARM;LIMIT: 9g.. LEAK,ALARM LIM1:T :• 99` SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 220.. - SUDDEN LOSS LIM.IT;: 200TANKTILT0:.00 `. TANK TILT R.,06PROBEOFFSETq,p0 PROBE OFFSET 0.00_ Q .1.. :87 STP TYP 2;.0 /3.,GIN FIBERGLASS SIPHON.'MANI;FOLDEID TANKS` NONE:: SIPHON,MANIFOLDED.TANKS 2.01N DIA LEN 1.50 FEET T4-: T #: NONE LINE MANIFOLDEI) TANKS LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS 3..otk 'DIA LEN. 0 FEET NONE Ttt:.NONE; SHUTDOWN ,RATE . 3;. 0 GP,H EAK MIN PERIOD:I;C.: > 1,0 ' ' ` LEAK 'M I N PEP 101 I C :" 1: 0% LOW PRESSURE SHUTOFF.NO Ltt PRESSURE : 0 PS I 972 97p EAK MIN ANNUAL LEAK MIN ANNUAL :: I0% T 1 UNL DISPENSE MOD£ 9 ? 972 STANDA:: RD. SENSOR NON- VENTED.. PRESSURE OFFSET:.O.0PSI ERIOD:IC TEST`TYPE PERIOD.IC;TEST TYPE;. STANDARD`t' STANDARD JNNUAL"I'm FAIL ANNUAL TEST FAII; j ALARM D.I SABLED ALARM, DI SABLED DER IOD1 C- TEST. FAIL PER 10D i "C .TEST FA I;L ALARM DISABLED ALARM Dl SABL7ED; CROSS TEST FAIL GROSS TEST FAIL. ALARM DISABLED ALARM 'D`ISABLED' NN TEST flVERAGING:. OFF ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF W 2;91 STP TEST AVERAGING::; OF'F PER-TEST. AVERAGING: OFF TYP:2 0/3a01N FIBERGLASS' ANK TEST NOTIfY :: OFF TANK TEST" NOTI F.,Y : OFF 2.0I -N D.I4 L" EN : " 150 FEET" IVK TST S 1 PNON` BREAk OFF : TNK''TT- S`UPHON' BREAK;'OFF 3.O I;N D 1A LEN:: 0 FEET JtLd VERY DELAY :. 15: M ItV DEL I VERiI' DELAY. ' 15 MIN: SHUTDOWN. kATE . - 3 ,,0 GPH SIP THRESHOLD. 'P 0.OGi PUMP' THRESHOLD L0.00% LOW' ,PRESSURE' SHUTOFF : NO0PSILOW .PRESSURE; ; T 2:: PREM DI$P£MSE MODE: SENSQR NON- RENTED 1 PRES$URE OFFSET': O..OPSI a y 3: D, I ESEL STP YP:2.0/3 bIN PII BE'RGLASS OIN DI'A LEN. 0 FEETT iHUTDOWN :RAM. 3,.0 :GPHmtso -: NOI ,URE SHUTOFF 1'W PRESSURE 0 'Psi 3:.D:I.ESEL SPENSt MOrjE: STANDARD, SENSOR:: N6N`rVENTEIJ PRESSURE OFFSET: 6.0PSIT j NE LEAK LOdYiO'[Jt SETUP 0CXOUT SCHtDULE- ART TIME: DISABLEDPPT105 : DI SABLED I Lf,QuiDi SENSOR: SETUP 7 TR17ST I ATE 03-11* U FLOAT) CATEGORY I' PIPING SUMPe- L 2:1VENT, T.Rl,--sTATt (8,1\hG.LE FLOAT.) CATEGORY OTHER- 1:SENSORS 1-2 TR I -STATE. (.'S' CATEGORY :DISPENSER. ' I NPLEI FLOAT.) PAN L ',4:'DIS 3-4 T0f;r9TATE (S UNGLE FLOAT ) CATEGORY `bismqNstiz. PAN L 5:DIS .5-6 1. RI-STATt 4 'SJ-NGLI E, FLOAT) CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAN TR U-S ' TATE { ,;SINCLE FLOAT) CATEGORY sppoSERI "PAN L 7•:DIS 9-10 TRI-= STATE ( SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY :, bll,, ENSE PAN L '91:`87 STP TRI -STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP , sump - L10 B.7 ANN DUAL POINT HYDR6STATMCAtEGbRY. .- ANNULAR11SPACE LI 1 :87- YIL, 1P,I-STATE' (j'UNG'Et FLOAT) CATEGORY : .P,lPI,NG.SUMP' L12: 9,1. STP TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP sump , L_13:9.1f ANN DUAL POPIT HYDROSTATIC: CATEGORY: 114: 51 F I LztR,I-STATE (SINGLE' FLOAT) CATEGORY " PIPING SUMP- TR I' -STATE _'(S 1. NGLE - FLOATCATEGO.RY, ;:'Stp Su" L16*8L ANN DUAL POINT':HYDROSTATfC. PLLD Ll NE:.,Dl SABLE SETUP LIGUH),PENSOR-ALMS, L. b , 1. FUEL. ALARK 1, % 4: 208L 'ALARM' L 5' . UEL ALARM: FUEL. L 40EL 1 1.- . 'ALARM' L,' 9:FUEL ALARM 115-" I FUEL.. ALARM lj3:SENSOR OUT ALARM: L C SENSOR OUT 'ALARM: 4, 5:81ZNSOR OUT :ALARM' L'E'-:4ENSOR OUT ALARM 1 '9.: :SENSOR OUT ALARM, L15:8ENOOR OUT Ai:ARhl I SD' S I TE, ALARMS. ilsD' GROSS. PRIES FAIL 11W DEQRD PRES, FA I L. IzSD,;VAPORf LEAK FAIL I8D'Vf> ',PkES FAIL, VSD HOSEALARMS ALL !GROSS cotUct,;FAIL ALL.:: ALL,: FLOW COLLECT FAIL Q::2:91- STP Lf'QUID'SENSOR ALMS L 'b--FUEL ALARM L A:: FUEL ALARM 5:-FUEL ALARM 4L= FUEL ALARM 7 'FUEL ALARM L1;2 - ::FUEL ALARM L j:SENSOR OUT ALARM L ;4:'SENSOR OUT ALARM 5:SENS69 OUT ALARM L 6,:,SENSOR OUT ALARM L T: SENSOR OUT',ALARM ISD SITE ALARMS JSb GROSS PREcj FAILL TSI? VEGRD PRES PA I L TSD VAPOR 'LEAK FA' I:L. 19 D. -HOSE AtAktb ALL:GROSO -COLLECT FAIL ALL': DEGRD C'OLL-EC.T :FA IL ALL :'FLOW 'COLLECT ;FA I't Q, 3:DI.ESEL `STP LId. I I MID SENSOR ALMS, L 64FUEL ALARM L T-FUEL-ALARM, L 6-:-SENSOR 0`07,ALARKI L 7'1:SEN80R .OUT ALARM. L , 15:8ENSok OUT -ALARM SMARTSENSOR SETUP t I :'D I S I- 2 AFM: CATEGORY Al:k. FLAW METER 2,:DJb 3-4 AF , Mv.CATEGORY 'AIR FLOW METER 3:DI3,:5-6 AFH All,)?, FLOW METER s 4; bl, S 7-8 AFKCATEGORYAIR .1 FLOW METER s- 5:DIS 9 -10' AFMCATEGORYAl:R-FLOW :METER . tS SENStA.TEG0'_R'/ VAPO-R.;PRESSURE 8 "ATH CATEGORY ATM.P SENSOR 3VR,'ISD- SETUP VR TYPE,:. VAdUuH ASSI'STACUOHAS618TTY - ' - 6N VAC. I I YPE IOZZLE, AL RANGE APORPPOCESSOR TYPE0VAPORPpocESSOR' NALYSIS q; TIH88 10-0'O Am LAY MINUTES: CEPT HIGH 09VR; SABLED j. 0 l9b. HOSE I-Akj 28228, 25744 DIS ID VP 01 D 18 3-4: AF 4 02 01, 02 0`3 02 02 bI 01 UU_ do0:1 04 03. 0'4 04 012' 02 02 02 bu 000 0. 05 06 0'2 02 dal oj UU UU, bi 00 97. baI 08, 0 2, 62 04 04 tjbl UU09' IQ: 09 ; 16' 09 10, 02 b2• 05 bt 00 00 I SD 4iRFLOW ID SERIAL -_ _ME jMETER. MAP, NUM 'LABEL 1 9' 28228, 25744 DIS 1,-2 AF SENSOR ALARM 24bir D 18 3-4: AF 4 7009 D7S P'l S 5 -6 AF i e AF62b1.1 -7 , A ISD FUEL -. GRADE HOSE ;MAPt , 2 4FPMHHMHHMHHtIHH AA' 701. 201 901 tol 10.002202102,902 U U, 0'3 *03 90'3 1 '60 U - YQ U 2910420404005265',`965 I 06- 206 1,0 'U U 35 90,6 :I'd U-5 307, 20-7 3 lie 208 U 907 W7 4. b qo 90A. U 908- 3: U 209`. f05162.101, 9w:;3 U, i;w 5 LABEL TABLE I: UNASBIGNED^ 2,: BLEND33: 9EGUL.AR4: MID GRADE PREk I Um GOLD 7: BRONZE: 8:: SILVER BLEND2 PLEN64 ALARM H I,S,t REPORT 2ENSOR ALARM PlviNn Sump S I ENtbR OUT ALA' PH, L. AG6 Oi, 26 i I , 2,: SENPQR '0 , UT,A , I,ARM, • AUG 31:: .2011 2:492;PM. I FUEL ALARMRH RUG 31 ;." 2011 2:16 q1 ". J., ALARM" Ki STORY REPO 5ENSOR-ALARM OTHER SjtNSORS SENSOR OUT ALARM AUG 'qi,. .201 I 4.9 4. TUEL ALARM' AUG 31l 2011 Z* 41 i;m ALARM 91 STORY' REPOW, ALARM'. L 3 A,L.SP 172 1) 1 SPENSEP MN SENSOR OUt.ALARM AUG 31, 201A .2149 '1 FUEL ALARM AUG' `31. 2011 2 -`34 M ALARM H!St.ORY REPO SENSOR ALARM. L 4:DIS 37-^4 DISPENSER PAN SENSOR 00 ALARM AUG 3I- 2011 2:49 FUEL ALARM AUG 81, 201.4 ?i:37` 37 PMC,.SETUP CONTROL13VEL,: 1 Hi-AL_ STORY 'REPO NONEONE SENSOR ALARML6;-b'lb 5 -6. PANSEOUTALARMSENSOR0 _ARAUG20il2 :4 . 9 . FUEL ALARMAUG342011. 2:,39 AL'A'RM HISTOR 11_. REPOR, 7SElSALAkt DISPENSER PAN FUEL, ALARM AUG 31. M. 2 . SENSOR OUT ALARM AW 3 1., 20 t 1 2:49 '?' FUEL ALARM AUG 31, 2011 2:26 LAM HISTORYTORY REPO, SENSOR ALARM ifl6kkSER PAN IEKSOR' OUT. ALARM AUG 31, 20.1`1 UEL ALARM AUC; 31 2:2Z %1 M tRM H18TbkY REPO PE111SOR, 'ALAR, b:87 STP P SUMP NSOR OUT ALARMG31, ie al, 2011 '1 :43- CL -ALARM 20:1`1 1,31 Rm H:fSTQRY REPO........ SENSOR: ALARM." ANN ANNULAR SPACE err A01SOP GUT 'ALARM iii, AUG 311. 201,1 2.49' mLOW L'IQU I'D ALARAUG3I. 20111 -2: 2 HlS;TOR1 SENSOR ALARM I RF"O' R ALARM 117G FIL , P, ARMoRAL 2- 45AUG 9 FUEL, AL, ARM AUG 2011' 2, hT ARM. EijiW s , N , OESP97 AUu 31` 2p11SEfVSOR' OUT AL F, U ALARM H11 STORY 'W'Opli SENSOR ALARM- ----- STP SUMP SENSOR Q;UT ALARM A • Aud,31*. 2,0,14, 21,49"om, FUEL AILAPM, AUG 31:- 2b.il:l 1:36 FM FUEL, ALARM, AUG 51 1 f:`32 P ALARWRISTOWREP SENSORALAR tla:9l ANN ANNULAR ' SPACE, SENSOR OUT 'A ' LARM: AUG 31. 2011 , 2,.4 LOW LIQUID ALARM AUG 3'1,' 2011: 2:1 ALr. HISTORY REPO StNsOR ALRMA EPC ALARMM L1,4.:.91, F I L SENSOR OUT ALARMAUG31. 2011 2:49 FUEL ALARM AUG 31.. 2011 2:13 ALARM- 02TORY, REPO SENSOR 'ALARM; 11 b "NSL STP"'" STPTP dLiT ALARM AUG 31 26-1,1 2-:49 FUEL ALARM AUG 31 2011 , 2:zb7';PM 7UEL,ALARM AUG :.31, '2'01'1 1 :59 PM ALARM Kli,.Stbw. REPORT W.OR ALARM L,l6:,D,Sl-, ANN A.0ULAR. SPACE' SENSOR 'b_UT AUG 3:1 20I"I Hj'GH.LIQU4D ALARMAUG31.: 2011 2:11 P.M LOW LIQUID, ALARM AUG 31-- 211 2,1'1; Imm ALARM HISTORY' RF_pQRT' sItNSOR, A.001 PLLD ,SHUTDOWN ALAPM AUG ` 07:,PM R - ISS Lj NE FAIL. O- .1. 1 3:,o7AUG51201 PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM2011T" pLLD SHUTDOWN. ALARI AUG 31, PLLD :SHUtt)6wNl ALARM AUG 20'11 ?*'37, PIV j>,LLD.:qH6TDOWN ALAR11 AUG 31 2011 2:34 PLLD.,8HUTDO0w, ALARM AUG a.1 20A .1 PLLD. SHUTDOWN ALARM 2011 2-22'PM, PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM AUG 31 '2041 1:43 PM PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM AUG 31. 2011' 1':32 PM prim 9 k ALARM H I ETOkV RtPOR7' SENSUR ALAP31 ALARM HISTORY REPORTQ2 :91 STP PLL,D SHUTDOWN ALARMAUG3120113:03 FM =- StNSOR; ALARM - -_ -- 9 3:DIESEL $TP PLLD SHUTDOWN,ALARM. GRt7SS L1NE;'FA31 AUG 31. 2011 2.56: PM: tAUG 31. i21 1`l '3" 03 GROSS. LIh1E, FAIL PLLD SHUTDOW ALARM 'AUG "31.. 201.1 2:58 .PM AUG 31, :201.1 PLLD SHU'I;DOWN - ALARM tLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM- AUG 31.,. 201:1, 2',' 3O PM. AUG 31` %. 20 I1 2::49 PMa r. PLLD, SHUTDOWN ALARM` PLLD SHUTDOWN) ALARM AUG• :3 -: 201.1: Z:149 P11', AUI 31 • 2t71 1 2:39 PM PLLD SHUTDOWN ALAR1N.,. PLLD SHUT66WN .ALARM' AUG 31, 201.1' 'Z:-25 ,P..M AUG 31.. 4111 2:37 PH, PLED, SHUTDOWN ALARM PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM AUG; 3T. 2011 '2.:22 PM AUG 31 2011 '2::34 PM PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM kLD SHUTDOWN ALARM AUG:.3I: 201'1 2:>U7 PR AUG 31, 201 1 2: 2 6 PM' PLLD;SHUTDOWN.ALARM PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM JUL 11 `20:1 1 I : 4E PM AUG- 3:1, 20.1. I 2.:22 P1J` PLLD SHUTDOWN ALARM,.:., PLLD 5FIUTD01iIN :ALARM JUL 8, 2041 2:5.1 PH 31. 20.11 1:36 PM PILL6 SHUTbbW' ,ALARM JUL 8, 2711 2:41 PM F. F E a