HomeMy WebLinkAbout3601 STOCKDALE HWY (11)04- 14- 11;19,28 ; 16618522171 # 1/ 5 Facsimile Transmittal Sheet To: Craig Perkins Date: 4/14/11 Company: City Of Bakersfield From: Stephanie Birch Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Email: Stephanle c rs.com Phone: 661 - 326 -3911 Pages: RE: ELD Testing — 7 -11 #17721 Reference M URGENT FOR REVIEW PLEASE COMMENT PLLASL REPLY PLEASE RECYCLE 04 -14- 11;19:28 ; 15618522171 # 2/ 5 Stephanie Birch From: Stephanie Birch Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:44 PM To: 'OTTL OTTL' Cc: ' hazmatprogram @co.kem.ca.us';'Stephen Coulter; Jared Beavers; Mark Lindsey; Chris Murphy Subject: Well Proximity ELL Testing - 7 -11 #17721 in Bakersfield, CA Hello Everyone, The following site is scheduled for its final ELD test at Sam Wednesday, April 20, 2011, Please let me know if z should forward this information onto anyone else- Thank you. Stephanie Birch CA Service Coordinator CGRS, Inc, 916. 991.1100 Fax: 916.991,1 177 www_ cars. Gom steahanle@c_grs,_c Please note that my o>iroe hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8arrr - 5prn CGRS is opcn Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm 7 11 #17721 l lA 3501 Stockdale Hwy 9akersfield CA Kern 193309 Thank you. Stephanie Birch CA Service Coordinator CGRS, Inc, 916. 991.1100 Fax: 916.991,1 177 www_ cars. Gom steahanle@c_grs,_c Please note that my o>iroe hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8arrr - 5prn CGRS is opcn Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm 04 -14- 11;19:28 ; 16618522171 # 3/ 5 Dare: REV - Dcc=bcr 17, 2007 Rcviu:d t y; Randy Colding Approved by, Randy Golding Site Name 7 -11 #1.7721 Work Plan Owner 7 -11 #17721 Pramir Services, Inc. QA Tracer Tight® Version 6 Address 3601 Stockdale Hwy 3601 Stoekdale Hwy City and State Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 In Service Enhanced Leak Detection Protocol (IS -ELD) The IS-ELD Method Utilizes an Onsitc Site Laboratory for Real -Time Results) Introduction In Service Enhanced Leak Detection (IS -BLD) means a test method which is approved by the California Water Resources Control Board that ascertains the physical integrity of an underground tank system by introduction, and external detection, of a substance that is not a component of the fuel formulation that is stored in the tank system while the system is in service. The test method is third party certified for the capability of detecting both vapor and liquid phase releases from the underground storage tank system. The Enhanced Leak Detection test method is capable of detecting a leak rate of at least 0.005 gph or less, with a probability of detection of at least 95% and a probability of false alarm no greater than 5 %. Concept Tracer TightQo is a unique method of testing underground storage systems for tightness. A unique chemical called a tracer is added to the product stored in the tank. The tracer is an inert chemical that evaporates readily from the fuel. After tracer is added to the system, it is distributed between the vapor and liquid inside the tank. Use of the system carries the tracer throughout the piping. Ifany small leak exists in the system, the tracer is allowed to escape from the system, either as a vapor or as a dissolved component of the liquid. Once: outside the system, the dissolved tracer evaporates from the liquid and the tracer vapors begin to migrate away from the location of the leak in all directions. After an appropriate waiting period, the tracer vapors are detectable at least ten beet or more away from the leak in all directions. Samples of air collected from the soil within the radius of detection of the tracer reveal the leak as a presence of the tracer chemical. Because the tracer chemical is not normally found in the environment or in fuel products, the Tracer Tights method is able to discriminate between previous contamination and current leakage. Contractor It is important that before Praxalr arrives on site that the tanks receive enough fuel to avoid deliveries until the test is completed. If a fuel drop becomes necessary in order to keep the station open then contact Praxair's site project manager and schedule the drop while the crew is onsite. A clean fuel drop reduces the possibility of having to retest the site. A contractor capable of repairing any exposed component in the system including having spare parts mast be onsitc to expedite repairs. The contractor skills must include the ability to operate and make adjustments to the settings of the electronics controlling the fueling system. The contractor must he capable and committed to working longer hours and extended days outside of normal work week. The owner's contractor will be in complete Control of the fueling system and it is the contractor's responsibility to operate the fueling system properly and to reassemble the system back into a pretest configuration. Praxatr Service, Inc, is only responsible for testing the t`,,teling system and is not responsible for its operation. 77u3WF0RW T7ON rS THEPROPERTY ur PrW QR SERMNS, 1NG. 1 of3 04 -14- 11;19:28 ; 16618522171 # 4/ 5 Date: Deoamber 17, 2007 Revised by: Randy Golding AMoved by: Randy Golding Description The process is described in the following steps: Preparation Probe Array Installation Confirmation Test Inoculation Leak Simulation Sample Cullcetion Analysis SpiH Bucket Test Reporting Preparation Pramir Services, Inc_ QA Tracer 77ghtS Ven:ion 6 All necessary permits must be acquired and appropriate notices to local regulators must be given prior to anrivul at the site, Upon arrival, the crew reviews the tank information that has been made available and uses this information to plan the installation of the sampling probe array. if "as built" plans or site plans have not been made available, the crew inspects all accessible portions of the system to learn as much as possible about the location of all UST system components. If the site is tinder remediation, soil vapor extraction systems, air- sparging systems and bio- venting systems mast he turned off during the test. Crroundwater measurements are to be taken within the tank excavation zone. Probe Array Installation The following ELD probe installation was approved by the Water Resources Control Board. Vertical PVC sampling probes are installed within eight horizontal feet of all possible leak locations (a maximum of 15 feet apart). In situations where tank pits and piping trenches do not contain engineered backfill (sand or pea - gravel), the sampling probes are installed with a maximum 10 -foot spacing. Tank probes are installed along the side of each tank, generally at a depth centered on the tanks. Maximum probe depth is 15 feet (or just above the water table if applicable). Additional probes are installed near any appurtenances along the tank ridge where a eontainmunt sump is not present. Piping probes are placed along the product distribution, vapor recovery and vent piping trenches, to one half the depth of the piping or until the end of the probe is within engineered backfill. Probes are generally installed at a depth of 1 to 1.5 feet below made. Probes are installed by coring a hole in the pavement and inserting a sampling probe into the excavation zone of the tank or pipe. The top of each probe is fitted with a PVC sampling cap that will allow access for the collection ofsamples. Confirmation Test Confirmation Test (Pre - certification tightness test) is completed before the system is inoculated. The test is used to confirm the tightness of all the accessible fittings. This is done to ensure that the facility is tight before adding the tracer. A repair technician should be on site with all tools and parts to complete repairs to any and all components that arc accessible. The technician should be qualified/certified to program and operate the electronics controlling the fueling system. Inoculation Inoculation is the process of adding chemical tracer to the product in the system to be tested. Product is inoculated with a prcdctcrmined amount of tracer, though the fill riser. Tracer is mixed with the product by using the system, once sufficient amount oftracer labeled product has been moved through each dispenser, the product is tested at each dispenser to confirm that tracer is present. By keeping the dispenser nozzle inside a receiving container, additional product is pumped into the container to push tracer labeled vapors through the vapor return piping back to the tank. The tracer /vapor mixture is then pushed from the UST out to the vent riser into a container of sufficient size that the tracer /vapor mixture THIS INFORMATION IS THE PROPERTY OFPRAXAIRSERVICES. INC.. 2 of 3 04 -14- 11;19:28 ; 16618522171 # 5/ 5 Date: December 17, 2007 I'raxair Srrviccs, Inc, QA Revised by: Randy Golding Truusr right® Approved by: Randy Golding Version 6 has displaced the entire volume of the vent piping. The concentration of the tracer in the receiving container is then measured. Leak Simulation Injecting a tracer into the backfill performs a leak simulation. The leak simulation tracer is not one of the tracers used in testing the systcm. The migration Period of the leak simulation tracer is monitored through the sampling probes. The minimum migration time required for the test is equal to the time required for the leak simulation tracer to move an acceptable distance. The minimal acceptable distance is the longest distance that the test tracer would have to travel from any leak location to the location of a sampling probe. Sample Collection Once the leak simulation migration period is determined, the inoculation and waiting period is completed and sampling can begin. Vapor samples are collected from all sampling probes. Additional vapor samples may be collected from sumps containing UST components, under dispenser containers (UDCs) and from the interstitial spaces of double walled components. Sample Analysis Samples are analyzed using an on site laboratory Bade gas chromatograph (M), The GC is calibrated using an external gas standard. Samples are analyzed by direct injection into the GC. nc results are evaluated by comparison to the analytical standard. Whenever tracer is detected in the subsurface samples, blanks arc run to validate the tracer detection. Spill- Bucket Testing Over - spill- buckets are tested hydro- statically. A decrease in water level indicates a leak, If leaks occur, spill bucket seals should be repaired or replaced_ Reporting The findings of the Tracer Tighto ELD test and site evaluation will be summarized in a written report and sent to the client within two weeks of the completion of the fieldwork. All data acquired from probe and sump samples will be reported along with spill bucket hydra -test results. mis 7NFoRue oiv IsTHErwpmiy of I'1L1XdlH SL1tVIG'1 S, mc.. 3 of 3