HomeMy WebLinkAbout3101 PACHECO RD HMBP 12.10.14UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST'' Haz -Mat Business Plan and Inventory Program r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services rE;I;XF I n2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 rAUILt I Y NAME MGT" G,rl "A 4— INSP TIQN DATE 12 )1i a INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS -3 10I ?OkilCCC) IZL7 PHONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER onsent to Inspect Name /Title Section 1: Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Inventory Program __ ___ ROUTINE ❑ COMBINED ❑ JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI - AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ RE INSPECTION J1 C V ( C =Compliance OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS 153) ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BMC: 15.52.020) 4 ❑ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND (BMC: 15.65.080) ❑ M CERS UPDATED FOR THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR 1 v " tA P OAi la ❑ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE (CCR: 2729.1) t L ❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS (CCR: 2729.3) (� ❑ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES (CCR: 2729.4) ❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION (CCR: 2729.2) ❑ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL (CFC: 5004.1) `�' �9 ❑ SAFETY DATA SHEET AVAILABILITY (CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) ov I NG ❑ 5jb VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING (CCR: 2732) ❑ VERIFICATION OFA13ATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES (CCR:2731(c)) Lie-- ❑ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE (CCR: 2731) Q. ❑ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34 (f); CFC: 5003.5) 1% ❑ HOUSEKEEPING (CFC: 304.1) ❑ �' FIRE PROTECTION (CFC: 903 & 906) ❑ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND (CCR: 2729.2 (3)) C-1 .� ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? lYES ❑ NO Expl ai q: POST TNSPF(•TVININRTV1tP` nntc i natureof Recei t: • Correct the violation(s) noted above by , ' 1 \ S • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 White- eusioea Copy Yellow - 6osinese Copy to 4 Sent in uMr room to Compteeee ` Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Pink Prevemiov Services Copy M2155 (Rev 1/14) J\ D I I` A� HAZARDOUS WASTE Class HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS N/A Violation Recordkee in documentation BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services e. nasrh n 2101HStreet L.Q.G INSPECTION REPORT FIRE ARTM T Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contineencv Plan current and con a ns all re u'ved elements and available for review (66265.52,66265.53(a), 66265.54 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name ) `ACl 1 c_ L. I I y PA Date I Z j // / � y Site Address 31 U i 7 I flG Yt E [ G Time In Time Out Owner /Operator Phone Misc. Tvae of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID -# ❑ Routine ❑ Re- inspection/Follow -up J Combined Routine Inspection ❑ Joint Inspection J Complaint ❑ Focused ❑ Other ❑ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. 1- Class I Violation. 11- Class 11 Violation. M - Minor Violation Pave of Y N Class HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS N/A Violation Recordkee in documentation Biennial Report submitted every even yew and maintained onsite (66262.40(b) Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes G Analysis G Generator Knowledge (66262.11) r Contineencv Plan current and con a ns all re u'ved elements and available for review (66265.52,66265.53(a), 66265.54 PA Training Plan is onsite and complete (66265.16(d), 66265.16(a)(3)) Nu Documentation of training annual! y and new employees within six months. 66265.161c).66265.16(b)) 10 Manifests complete 66262.23(a)(1) Generator Copy submitted to DTSC (66262.21(f)) TSDF signed copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment (66262.42(a)) Bills of Lading/receipts for transportation of used oil on a consolidated manifest available (HSC 25160 LDRs available and complete 66268.7a)(5)(c)) tC Written Daily Inspection logs for tanks (66265.195(c)) Onsite recycling is reported every two yews using UPCF (HSC 25143.10 Tank Integrity/containment assessment is completed in past five years. (66265.192(e)(1), 66265.192(h)(1)) Container Management Containers are in good condition, closed except for addine waste and compatible with waste 66265.17, 66265.172, 66265.173 Containers are inspected week! 66265.174) I - V - Empty containers are empty labeled and dated. (66261.7(b), 66261.7(f)) Satellite accumulation containers are at or near point of generation and under the control of an operator. 66265.34 e 1) A Jo Satellite accumulation areas contain only one container per waste stream (66262.34(e)(2)) Al Containers >26 gallons & holds VOC containing waste w/>500 ppm is DOT approved and closed. 66265.1087 Excluded recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance /hazardous materials code (H WC 25143.9(c)) Facility is equipped with emergency equipment and alanns/communication system 66265.32) Tank Management n Tanks are equipped with overflow prevention and secondary containment with detection devices. 66265.194, 66265.1920)(3)) je M Tanks are inspected daily 66265.195) -� Tanks< 19000 gal, holds VOC >500 ppm has fixed roof (66265.1083(b), 66265.1085(c)) Accumulation Time Limits b Waste is accumulated not more than 90 days (66262.34(a)) Satellite wastes accumulated for less than 1 year from first drop. 66262.34 e 1 B p Satellite Waste is accumulated for not more than 90 days from fill date. (66262.34(e)(1)(B)) X, Empty containers managed within one year. (66261.7(1)) Used oil filters are accumulated for less than 1 year ( limited tol80 days if <1 ton) . (66266.130(c)(4)) Spent Pb -acid batteries are accumulated for less than ] yea (limit: 180 days if < I ton). 66266.81 (a) (6)) Labeling/Marking Containers are properly labeled. (66262.34(a)(2)(3), 66262.34 Satellite containers are marked with initial start date. (66262.34 e 1 C )( Filled Satellite containers are marked with date filled. (66262.34(e)(3)) Lead acid batteries labeled and dated when taken out of service. 66266.81 a 6 D rr a Containers holding Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters ". (66266.130(c)(3) Tanks and containers holding used oil are marked "Used Oil" (HSC 25143.9 a , 66279.21 6 Jo Tanks are marked with Hazardous Waste are labeled and dated. (66262.34(f)(2)(3) Universal Waste b M Universal Waste is properly labeled and dated and managed off site within 1 yew. 66273.14, 6627 .34, 66273.13, 66273.33, 66273.15 >e Records of each shipment of universal waste for past 3 ears available. 66273.19 66273.39) 6 Treatment, Transport and Disposal k Hasa ermit/authorization to conduct waste treatment. (HSC 25201 a h( Disposal of waste only to authorized points/ parties using authorized transporter. (HSC 25201 a Emergency equipment is tested and maintained in working order. 66265.33 PRINT AND SIGN: POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violations) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 KBF -8474 White- P..fion Services Copy Signature: - (that all violations have been corrrreect d as noted) Date. ��' /(17 FD2179 (R� 85/13) Yellow- Basiaeu Copy UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Program FACILITY NAME ADDRESS ^ FACILITY CONTACT G I i7fk aRTMBAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 SECTION 1: Records Review: California Health & Safety Code: 25270 TIME NO, NO OF EMPLOYEES DESCRIPTION YJ NJ N/A I COMMENTS Prepare an SPCC plan [CFR 1 12.3 )0 Review or amend SPCC plan [CFR 112.5 (a)(d)] *4 - SPCC plan available on site [CFR 112.3(e)] ^ c . Conduct inspections and test in accordance with written procedures [CFR 112.7(e)] 7( ON o Maintain records of inspections, tests and/or procedures [CFR 112.7(e 1( c Records of inspections or tests signed by inspector fCFR 112.7(e) SECTION 2: SPCC Plan Elements: California Health & Safety Code: 25270.4.5. 25270.12 DESCRIPTION Y N N/A COMMENTS Self-certification for Tier 1 or B facility 112.6(a)(1 ), b (1 )] )0 Professional engineer certification CFR112.3(d) and 112.6(b)(4)1 *4 - Documentation of 5 yew review and evaluation of SPCC Ian CFR 112.5(b) ^ c . Amendments required within 6 months of changes/certifications fCFR 112.5(x) and 112.6 a 2), (b)(4)] 7( -•' I e " e -E Management authorization of resource commitment to implement the SPCC CFR 112.7 & 112.6(a)] 1( c Dia ram with location and contents of containers, transfer stations, connecting piping 1 12.7 a (3 Type of oil and storage capacity for each container CFR I I2.7(a)(3) Discharge prevention measures and procedures for routine handling CFR 112.7(a)(3 Countermeasures for discovery, response and clean-up CFR112.7(a)(3) Required contact list and hone numbers CFR I I2.7(a)(3) �( V0 SECTION 3- Gn_neral SPCC Renuirements: California Health & Safety COOe: Z5Z7U.4.5. ZOZIU.S. ZOZIU.7Z DESCRIPTION Y N N/A COMMENTS Provide corrosion protection CFR 112.9(c)(4)(5), (d)(I )) Containers compatible with materials stored CFR 112.8(c)(1)] - Implement SPCC plan review changes or amendments within 6 months CPR 112.5 (a) d ^ c . Prepare an oil contingency Ian or written control /removal commitments CFR 112.7(d) 4FCTlnld A- SPCC Plan Traininn• Califnrnia Health R Safety Cndec 2527n A_5 DESCRIPTION Y N N/A COMMENTS Training program [CFR 112.7( Train personnel in operation and maintenance of CC ui ment [CFR 112.7(f)] - Conductannuals ill prevention briefings [CFR 112.7(1)(3) ^ c . CFCTIn NI 9- Farility Inanaetinn- Calrtnmla manirn R Xarery Gnna- 2b2 /11 A.Y DESCRIPTION Y N N/A COMMENTS Meet rovisiom of conditional exemption [H &S 25270.4.5(b) Facility security adequate [CFR 112.7( Clem-up materials readily available CFA 112.7(c Overfill protection procedures or devices in place and operative [CFR I I2.8(c)(8) Portable /mobile containers positioned to prevent discharge [CFR II2.8(c)(II Loading / unloading rack drains into containment area [CFR 112.7(h)] Provide appropriate containment /diversionary structures to prevent discharge [CFR 112.8(a), 11 ?.7(c) Secondary containment adequate to contain capacity of largest container+ precipitation [CFR 112.8(c) Remove accumulation of oil in secondary containment [CFR 112.8(c)(10) Secondary containment valve(s) closed [CFR 112.8 Implement SPCC plan elements rCFR 112.3 N O .cY ,NY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? RYES ❑ NO i nature of Recei t xplain: DIST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: / • Refer to the back of this inspection report fj ncintlatr citations and corrective actions - - - • Correct the violation(s) noted above I 1 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and rettun a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 /. 1//' i Date White - Business Copy Yellow - Business Copy to N Sent in after onam to Compliance Pink- PrcventionSmices Copy PD2156b (Rav9 /10) L