HomeMy WebLinkAbout2700 OSWELL FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION 6.8.15. ,: BAKERSFI;ELD. FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION INSPECTION. .FI.RE �II PreventAOn Services B E R S F MEE 21.01 H Street t _ aRrw�l►► r Bakersfield; CA 93301 k Phone: 661: 32.6 3979 a Fax: 661 852 2171 DISTRICT . :. BIOGK NO: DATE EE FACILITY,ADDRESS ,.. CITY, STATE ZIf' FACILITY NAME MANAGER'S NAME.,, PH NO. BUSINESS OWNER'S.NAME. AND,AD.DRES$ CITY, STATE; 'ZIP ' PH NO. BILL To: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)'NAME, ADDRESS.. CITY, STATE, ZIP,; PH NO.: OCC TYPE OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG ` RISER DATE . YES NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS VIOLATION " ;. ' REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW. NO., _. 1 Remove and safely dispos.e Of al.l hazardous refuse and :dry': vegetation, on the above premises . :(CFC .: COMBUSTIBLE WASTE / DRY . ' 304.1.1). VEGETATION 2 Provide non- :corribustif7le. containers with tight fitting Lids for t "he Storage '.of''c'ombustible. waste and rubbish pend :in,g."its safe disposal'.., (CFC 304..3.2) 'Note: applies to containers over 40 gallons. . COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate, combustible storage to. provide' at least '3 feet clearance around m.oto.r fuse box /fire door (CFC 605.3) 4 `: Relocate fire extinguish•er(s) 'so ' that. t,h,ey will be in a conspicuous 1ocati:on; hanging on brackets with the ,top to the extingu,ish'er not more than 5- feet above the floor. ; (.CFC 9'06:5 & 906.9) ExTINGUISNERS. 5:.: Provide and install amount __ approved t.: a &size C ) . _` . P P (Y P ) ----------- - - - - -- - portable ..fire . extinguisher.to be immediately accessible for.us.e in .(ar:ea) ___ __ (:CFC --- — - - - - -- ---- - - -- T.A B L E 90 6.3 (1)) ".. 6 Re- charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once: each year; and /or after each use, by ;a person having a valid license or certificat.e... (GFC 9:06:2) - Provide and= maintain "EXIT ".s'ign(s) with letters 6 or more inches in height over each required exit SIGNS :' d.00r /window to fire esca. e. GFC .1011 g Provide and .maintain appropriate numb'ers...on'-.a contrasting b'ackgroun.d.and visible from the stre:etto indicate the correct address of the': building:, (CFC` 50.5.1) - 9 Repair all (cracks. /holes. /openings:)' :in plaster in (lo :cation) _______________________ ____ ____ — FIREDOO.RS /. FIRE SEPARATIONS Plasterin shall r.etur "n:the surface:to its. on final fire res;istiVe- condition: 9 9 (CFC 7.03 ;1) 10 .Remove /repai:r,(item 8& location) — = -- = -- ---- -- — — - --- . Self - closing doors shall, be. designed to close gravi.t,y, or by;the." action of a ±mecha:nical device, or by an approved smoke and `heat s.ensi.tive device.. Self - closing doors. shall have no attachments capable' of preventing the operation of the, closing device. (CFC. 7.0.3:2). EXITS Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all. means of. egress free..of a:n.y storage. (C.FC 1028.3) 12 .: Provide a contrasting ,colored and permanently installed electric light Over or near: required .exit . (lo'cation) ____ -- to .clearly indicate .'it as an exit. (C.FC 1:006.3)` STORAGE. 13 .. Remove allatorage and /or other. obstru :ctions,fro`m fire escape land ngs and stair.wa.ys stair shafts;.. (Fire escapes /stair shafts are'. to be mai'nta.i.ne :d free from obstructio.ns'at,all times.),, (CFC 1003..6`) ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, ' 14 Extension cords sh.all' not be used )n Ii.e:u of permanent approved wiring.. Install additional approved- '- el.ectrical� outlets` where needed. ('CFC 605.5). ,)(#� l 1..5 .Remove .m.ultiple attachment' cords from specific electrical convenience o.utle.t'(o.ne plug per, outlet) (CFC 6'05..4) OUTDOOR: BURNING 16: Recreat.io.naI fires or open burnin . CFC 307.1 FIREWORKS 17 Violat'ioris of Section (CFC 56.08.1) : &.8.44.040 .(B.M.C:). OTHER i8: �.: ...- CORRECTION DATE Correct the violations noted above by; LEGEND: "FIRE C.F.C. CALIFORNIA CODE C.B.C. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE.. CUSTOMER:: 4 (Sig.nature) (Please Print Name legibly, Title) B.M.C. • BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE N:F.P A. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ` INSPECTOR: N Y.O :; , ASSOCIATION N.E.C. - . '_NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE