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Any additional comments may also be provided here. 9, &(57,),&$7,21%<8676(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1&21'8&7,1*7+,6,163(&7,21 ,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWZDVLQVSHFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&DOLIRUQLD&RGHRI5HJXODWLRQV7LWOH 'LYLVLRQ&KDSWHU6HFWLRQDQGDOOWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQLVDFFXUDWH 8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ6LJQDWXUH If the facility has more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of this page may be attached. 10023619 5/17/2019 Plaza Towers 3015 Wilson Rd Bakersfield 93309 Justin Williams (800) 339-9930 804904 8819073 9/8/2020 OPW 0176184 PEI-1200 2 T1: DSL 300 gal. 45” OPW 36.5” 88% Tank Calibration Chart Horizontal Orientation Diameter: 45 inches Length: 50 inches Total Volume: 344 gallons Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 0.000 0 0.125 0 0.250 0 0.375 0 0.500 1 0.625 1 0.750 1 0.875 2 1.000 2 1.125 2 1.250 3 1.375 3 1.500 4 1.625 4 1.750 4 1.875 5 2.000 5 2.125 6 2.250 6 2.375 7 2.500 8 2.625 8 2.750 9 2.875 9 3.000 10 3.125 10 3.250 11 3.375 12 3.500 12 3.625 13 3.750 14 3.875 14 4.000 15 4.125 16 4.250 16 4.375 17 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 4.500 18 4.625 19 4.750 19 4.875 20 5.000 21 5.125 22 5.250 22 5.375 23 5.500 24 5.625 25 5.750 26 5.875 26 6.000 27 6.125 28 6.250 29 6.375 30 6.500 31 6.625 32 6.750 32 6.875 33 7.000 34 7.125 35 7.250 36 7.375 37 7.500 38 7.625 39 7.750 40 7.875 40 8.000 41 8.125 42 8.250 43 8.375 44 8.500 45 8.625 46 8.750 47 8.875 48 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 9.000 49 9.125 50 9.250 51 9.375 52 9.500 53 9.625 54 9.750 55 9.875 56 10.000 57 10.125 58 10.250 59 10.375 60 10.500 61 10.625 62 10.750 63 10.875 64 11.000 65 11.125 66 11.250 67 11.375 68 11.500 69 11.625 70 11.750 72 11.875 73 12.000 74 12.125 75 12.250 76 12.375 77 12.500 78 12.625 79 12.750 80 12.875 81 13.000 82 13.125 84 13.250 85 13.375 86 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 13.500 87 13.625 88 13.750 89 13.875 90 14.000 91 14.125 92 14.250 94 14.375 95 14.500 96 14.625 97 14.750 98 14.875 99 15.000 100 15.125 102 15.250 103 15.375 104 15.500 105 15.625 106 15.750 107 15.875 109 16.000 110 16.125 111 16.250 112 16.375 113 16.500 114 16.625 116 16.750 117 16.875 118 17.000 119 17.125 120 17.250 121 17.375 123 17.500 124 17.625 125 17.750 126 17.875 127 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 18.000 129 18.125 130 18.250 131 18.375 132 18.500 133 18.625 135 18.750 136 18.875 137 19.000 138 19.125 139 19.250 141 19.375 142 19.500 143 19.625 144 19.750 145 19.875 147 20.000 148 20.125 149 20.250 150 20.375 151 20.500 153 20.625 154 20.750 155 20.875 156 21.000 158 21.125 159 21.250 160 21.375 161 21.500 162 21.625 164 21.750 165 21.875 166 22.000 167 22.125 168 22.250 170 22.375 171 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 22.500 172 22.625 173 22.750 175 22.875 176 23.000 177 23.125 178 23.250 179 23.375 181 23.500 182 23.625 183 23.750 184 23.875 186 24.000 187 24.125 188 24.250 189 24.375 190 24.500 192 24.625 193 24.750 194 24.875 195 25.000 196 25.125 198 25.250 199 25.375 200 25.500 201 25.625 202 25.750 204 25.875 205 26.000 206 26.125 207 26.250 208 26.375 210 26.500 211 26.625 212 26.750 213 26.875 214 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 27.000 216 27.125 217 27.250 218 27.375 219 27.500 220 27.625 222 27.750 223 27.875 224 28.000 225 28.125 226 28.250 228 28.375 229 28.500 230 28.625 231 28.750 232 28.875 233 29.000 235 29.125 236 29.250 237 29.375 238 29.500 239 29.625 240 29.750 241 29.875 243 30.000 244 30.125 245 30.250 246 30.375 247 30.500 248 30.625 250 30.750 251 30.875 252 31.000 253 31.125 254 31.250 255 31.375 256 Page 1 of 2 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 31.500 257 31.625 259 31.750 260 31.875 261 32.000 262 32.125 263 32.250 264 32.375 265 32.500 266 32.625 267 32.750 268 32.875 269 33.000 271 33.125 272 33.250 273 33.375 274 33.500 275 33.625 276 33.750 277 33.875 278 34.000 279 34.125 280 34.250 281 34.375 282 34.500 283 34.625 284 34.750 285 34.875 286 35.000 287 35.125 288 35.250 289 35.375 290 35.500 291 35.625 292 35.750 293 35.875 294 36.000 295 36.125 296 36.250 297 36.375 298 36.500 299 36.625 300 36.750 301 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 36.875 302 37.000 303 37.125 304 37.250 305 37.375 306 37.500 307 37.625 307 37.750 308 37.875 309 38.000 310 38.125 311 38.250 312 38.375 313 38.500 314 38.625 314 38.750 315 38.875 316 39.000 317 39.125 318 39.250 319 39.375 319 39.500 320 39.625 321 39.750 322 39.875 323 40.000 323 40.125 324 40.250 325 40.375 326 40.500 326 40.625 327 40.750 328 40.875 328 41.000 329 41.125 330 41.250 331 41.375 331 41.500 332 41.625 333 41.750 333 41.875 334 42.000 334 42.125 335 Depth (inches) Volume (gallons) 42.250 336 42.375 336 42.500 337 42.625 337 42.750 338 42.875 338 43.000 339 43.125 339 43.250 340 43.375 340 43.500 341 43.625 341 43.750 342 43.875 342 44.000 342 44.125 343 44.250 343 44.375 343 44.500 344 44.625 344 44.750 344 44.875 344 45.000 344