HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/14/19 CC MINUTES3345 4 Bag BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9" MEETING OF AUGUST 14, 2019 to o Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Special Meeting- 4:00 p.m. Regular Meeting- 5:15 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING 4:00 PM 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Parlier, Councilmembers Rivera (seated at 4:07 p.m.), Gonzales, Weir, Smith, Freeman, Sullivan (seated at 4:13 p.m.) Absent: None 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 3. WORKSHOPS None. 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d) (2),(e) (1) (One matter) Motion by Vice -Mayor Pariier to adjourn to Closed Session at 4:01 p.m. Motion passed with Councilmembers Rivera and Sullivan absent. The Closed Session meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 5:15 p.m. 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (One matter) Staff was given direction. L 3346 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 2 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the 4:00 p.m. meeting at 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING- 5:20 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Parlier, Councilmembers Rivera, Gonzales, Weir, Smith, Freeman, Sullivan Absent: None. 2. INVOCATION by Aleyna Young, Senior at Centennial High School. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Ishaan Singh Brar, Junior at Stockdole High School. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation to Russell Judd, CEO of Kern Medical, Rob Purdie, Patient/Program Development Coordinator for the Valley Fever Institute at Kern Medical, and Aidee Cardenas, Community Engagement Coordinator at Kern Medical, declaring Valley Fever Awareness Month on August 2019. Mr. Purdie accepted the proclamation and made comments. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Curtis Bingham, Sr. expressed appreciation and gave blessings to the City and law enforcement. b. William Bailey made comments regarding proposed wage increases for employees of the City of Bakersfield. C. Jim Wheeler, Executive Director of Flood Bakersfield Ministries, made comments regarding homelessness and expressed appreciation to the Mayor, Councilmembers, and staff for their efforts to deal with this matter. d. Adeyinka Glover, Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, and Wendell Wesley, Jr. made comments regarding the 2018 Annual Housing Progress Report. e. Michael Turnipseed, Kern County Taxpayers Association, made comments regarding the City Council goals and expressed concern with the timelines listed under each goal. 3347 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 3 6. WORKSHOPS a. Adoption of the 2019-2020 City Council Goals with accompanying Action Items. (Staff recommends adoption of the goals.) A staff memorandum was received providing an updated City Council goals document with additional Councilmember feedback that was received following the agenda deadline. Administrative Analyst Carrier made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Police Chief Martin made additional staff comments. Councilmember Gonzales requested staff include the metrics used in his monthly report regarding vandalism in the downtown area. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to adopt the 2019-2020 Council goals. Motion passed. APPOINTMENTS a. One appointment to the Bakersfield Youth Commission due to a current vacancy in Ward 2 )term expired on July 20, 2019. (Staff recommends Council determination) City Clerk Drimakis announced an application for appointment was received from Kevin Dewey. Motion by Councilmember Gonzales to appoint Kevin Dewey to the Bakersfield Youth Commission, term to expire July 20, 2021. Motion passed. b. One appointment (handicapped representative) to the Handicapped Access Appeals Board due to a longstanding vacancy. (Staff recommends appointment.) City Clerk Drimakis announced an application for appointment was received from Edward Robinson. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to appoint Edward Robinson to the Handicapped Access Appeals Board. Motion passed. A 3348 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 4 B. CONSENT CALENDAR (Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar items.) Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the July 10, 2019, Special City Council Meeting and July 17, 2019, Regular City Council Meeting. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from July 5, 2019 to August 1, 2019 in the amount of $66,403,837.26, Self Insurance payments from July 5, 2019 to August 1, 2019, in the amount of $4,214,212.79, totaling $70,618,050.05. Ordinances: Adoption of an ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from R-2 Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 0.66 acres located generally on the northwest corner of the Cottonwood Road/East Planz Road intersection. (FR 7/ 17/2019) ORD 4981 Adoption of an ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from A (Agriculture) to M-1 Light Manufacturing) on 8.53 acres located on the southwest corner of the Renfro Road/Santa Fe Way intersection. (FR 7/17/2019) ORD 4982 e. Adoption of an ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from R-1 One Family Dwelling) to C-2/PCD Regional Commercial/Planned Commercial Development) on 12.97 acres located generally on the southeast corner of the Hosking Avenue and South H Street intersection. (FR 7/17/2019) ORD 4983 Adoption of an ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from R -S (Residential Suburban), R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling), R-4 (High Density Multiple Family Dwelling) and C-2 Regional Commercial) on 0.64 acres to all C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 0.64 acres located at 1720 Planz Road, northwest of the South H Street and Planz Road intersection. (FR 7/17/2019) ORD 4984 3349 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 5 8, CONSENT CALENDAR continued g. Adoption of an Ordinance amending Chapter 16.24 Subsection 16.24.090 of the Municipal Code relating to Vesting Tentative Maps. (FR 7/17/2019) ORD 4985 h. Adoption of the following ordinances amending various sections of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and resolution (FR 7/17/2019): 1. Amending Section 2.84.020 relating to Salary Plan ORD 4986 2. Amending Section 12.60.030 relating to Creation of Easements by Recorded Covenants ORD 4987 3. Amending Section 14.12.415 relating to Sewer Violation Appeals ORD 4988 4. ( a ) Amending Section 16.32.060 relating to Tract Improvements; (b) Resolution repealing Resolution No. 053-09 related to the Morning Drive - College Avenue planned major thoroughfare area ORD 4989, RES 114-49 5. Amending Section 16.32.100 relating to Survey Requirements—Monuments ORD 4990 6. Amending Section 17.06.050 relating to Designation of Zones ORD 4991 Resolutions: I. Resolution dispensing with bidding under section 3.20.060.D.5 of the Bakersfield municipal code relating to design/build construction procurement process for the SCADA system which will provide real- time monitoring of river water flows and allows for the data to be archived. LRES 115-19 3350 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019— Page 6 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued j. Resolution confirming approval by the City Manager designee of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer's report regarding assessments of certain properties in the City for which structures have been secured against entry or for the abatement of certain weeds, debris and waste matter and authorizing collection of the assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. RES 116-19 Resolution ordering judicial foreclosure of delinquent assessments within Assessment District No. 05-1 pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and ordering that the tax collector be credited with those assessments. RES 117-19 I. Resolution approving an application to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission to annex inhabited territory into the City identified as Annexation No. 669, located at the southwest corner of the Panama Lane and Progress Road intersection. A finding that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15061 (b) (3) will also be considered. RES 118-19 M. Resolution approving an application to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission to annex inhabited territory into the City identified as Annexation No. 670, located southwest of the corner of the Rosedale Highway and Mohawk Street intersection. A finding that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15061(b)(3) will also be considered. RES 119-19 n. Resolution approving an application to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission to annex inhabited territory into the City identified as Annexation No. 690 (Union No. 16), located on the eastside of South Union Avenue about 600 feet south of East Hosking Avenue. Use of a Notice of Exemption will also be considered. RES 120-19 o. Bakersfield Police Department Shooting Range 1. Reject bid 111 2. Approve resolution to dispense with bidding procedures ■ RES 121-19 J 3351 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 7 8, CONSENT CALENDAR continued P. Repair and Maintenance Services for five Turblex blowers located at Wastewater Treatment No. 3: 1. Resolution determining that parts and services required for the Turblex blowers located at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 cannot be obtained through the usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exceed $120,000. RES 122-19 2. Agreement with Howden Roots, LLC., to provide parts and services for the Turblex blowers located at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3, three-year term, not to exceed $120,000. AGR 19-128 q. Resolutions of Intention (ROI) to add the following areas to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report for each: 1 . ROI No. 2004 adding Area 2-73 (6901 Ming Avenue) -Ward 5 ROI 2004 2. ROI No. 2005 adding Area 2-74 (4012 White Lane) -Ward 6 R012005 3. ROI No. 2006 adding Area 2-75 Tract 7354 w/o Highgate Park Boulevard s/o Ming Avenue) - Ward 5 R012006 4. ROI No. 2007 adding Area 4-195 (424 24th Street) -Ward 2 R012007 5. ROI No. 2008 adding Area 4-196 (1206 Oregon Street) -Ward 2 R012008 6. ROI No. 2009 adding Area 4-197 (329 S. King Street)- Ward 1 R012009 3352 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 8 S. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ITEM 8.q. CONTINUED 7. ROI No. 2010 adding Area 1-122 (Tract 6419 Phase 4 southwest corner of Etchort Road and Quail Creek Road) - Ward 3 ROI 2010 Agreements: r. Final Map, Improvement Agreement, and Landscape Agreement with Old River & Panama, LLC (Developer) for Tract 6536, Phase 1 located South of Panama Lane and West of old River Road. AGR 19-129, AGR 19-130 S. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Old River & Panama, LLC (Developer) for Tract 6536, Phase 2 located South of Panama Lane and West of old River Rood. AGR 19-131 t. Final Map, Improvement Agreement, and Landscape Agreement with Summit Capital Ventures, Inc. and John Balfanz Homes, Inc.(Developer) for Tract 6578, Unit 9 located South of Pensinger Road and East of South Allen Road. AGR 19-132, AGR 19-133 J. Final Map and Maintenance Agreement with Auburn Oak Developers, LLC (Developer) for Tract 7141, Phase 1 located East of Morning Drive, along Morning Star Drive. AGR 19-127 V. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke for Tract 7299, Unit 7located West of Allen Rd. and Ming Ave. AGR 19-134 W. Final Map, Private Improvement Agreement, and Deferral Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. (Developer) for Tract 7300, Unit 3located East of Highgate Park Boulevard and South of Ming Avenue. AGR 19-135. AGR 19-136 Final map and improvement agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. (Developer) for Tract 7302, Unit 4located south of Ming Avenue and west of Allen Road. AGR 19-137 3353 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 9 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Y. Final Map and Improvement Agreement and Landscape Agreement with Woodside 06N LP. (Developer) for Tract Map 7317, Phase 2located South of Stockdale Highway and East of Heath Road. AGR 19-138, AGR 19-139 Z. Final Map, Private Improvement Agreement and Landscape Agreement with WPG Bakersfield, LLC (Developer) for Tract 7347, Unit 1 located South of White Lane and West of Windermere Drive. AGR 19-140, AGR 19-141 aa. Authorization to terminate the Taring Homes Naming Rights Agreement. ab. Contribution Agreements Agreement with Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra ($50,000) to support core activities. AGR 19-142 2. Agreement with Bakersfield Art Foundation ($50,000) for cultural and recreational activities at City owned facilities AGR 19-143 ac. Agreement with MalwareBytes ($22,000) to provide virus/malware device security for City systems. AGR 19-144 ad. Agreement with Nearmap US, Inc. (not to exceed $115,500) for Aerial Imagery Subscription. AGR 19-145 ae. Median Fee Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Woodside 06N, LP knot to exceed $74,545.60) for median construction on Stockdale Highway along the frontage of Tentative Tract Map 7240. AGR 19-146 at. Hold Harmless Agreement between the Bakersfield Police Department and Ulrich Barns of California. AGR 19-147 3354 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019— Page 10 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ag. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 18-017 with ShotSpotter, Inc., to comply with CalOES Subaward #US17016203, Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant, terms and regulations. AGR 18-017(1) ah. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 18-019 with California State University Bakersfield, Auxiliary for Sponsored Programs Administration, to comply with CaIOES Subaward #US17016203, Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant, terms and regulations. AGR 18-019(1) ai. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 18-109 with Bakersfield City School District to continue to provide school resource officers to the District for the 2019-20 school year. AGR I8-109(1) aj. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 16-165 with Abacus IMT, Inc. (extend term by one year), to provide internal combustion engine repair and maintenance for the Wastewater Division. AGR 16-165(3) ak. Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 15-071 with Seven Oaks West Master Homeowners Association relating to the addition of Phase 2 involving the Maintenance of Park Facilities. AGR 15-071(1) al. Amendment No. 1 to Transportation Impact Fee Credit Agreement No. 19-064 with Sierra Oaks Partners, LLC, for construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of White Lane and Windermere Drive. AGR 19-064(1) am. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 16-156 with Keith Barnes DBA The Garden Spot extend term for one additional year) for concession services at the Mesa Marin Sports Complex. AGR I6-156(1) an. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 16-181 with Western Refining Company, LP (extend the term one year), to continue the supply of CSS -1 H asphaltic emulsion. AGR 16-181(3) J 3355 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 11 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ao. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 16-164 with Centrisys Corporation (extend term one years to provide dewatering centrifuge repair and maintenance services for the Wastewater Division. AGR I6-164(3) op. Contract Change Order No. 3 to Agreement No. 18-181 with Cen- Cal Construction ($53,528.03; revised not to exceed $1,313,728.50) for the construction of the Sidewalk Improvements Downtown Pedestrian Connectivity Project. AGR 18-181 CCO 3 aq. Contract Change Order Nos. 6, 9, and 23 to Agreement No. 18-154 with Griffith Company ($122,792.00; revised not to exceed $28,740.297.25) for 24th Street Operational Improvement Project. AGR 18-154 CCO 6, CCO 9, CCO 23 Bids or, Reject bids for the compost automation project for the Public Works, Solid Waste Division. as. Extend Bid from Golden State Peterbilt, Bakersfield ($438,525.24) for two four -axle super dump trucks for the Public Works Department, Streets Division. at. Purchase of Animal Control Truck Extend bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bakersfield, ($87,364.34) for one animal control pickup for the Police Department. 2. Appropriate $88,000 Equipment Fund balance to the Public Works Department's Operating Budget to fund the purchase. au. Accept bid and approve contract with J.L. Plank dba Cen-Cal Construction, Inc. ($54,300),far the ADA Improvements at Lowell Park. AGR 19-148 ay. Accept bid and approve contract with J.L. Plank dba CENCAL Construction, Inc. ($132,225), for the ADA Improvements at Stiern Park. AGR 19-149 3356 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019— Page 12 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued aw. Accept bid and approve contract with S&B Sons, Inc. ($57,700), for the shade structures at Lowell Park Picnic Area. AGR 19-150 ax. Accept bid and approve contract with Granite Construction Company ($2,892,172) for the 2019-20 Senate Bill 1 funded Pavement Rehabilitation project: Buena Vista Road from San Joaquin Valley Railroad Crossing to White Lane. AGR 19-151 ay. Purchase of a super duty truck with a 10' service bed for the Recreation and Parks Department: Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bakersfield ($61,217.88) for a super duty truck. 2. Appropriate $62,000 Equipment Management Fund balance to the Public Works Department's Operating Budget to fund the purchase. Miscellaneous: 1 oz. Response to Grand Jury Findings and Recommendations regarding ■ SB 1383 Rules and Regulations. J ba. Transfer $1,523,133 currently budgeted federal Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) funds and $406,875 currently budgeted Gas Tax Funds from the Pavement Rehabilitation Brundage Lane project to the new Pavement Rehabilitation F Street project. bb. Letter of Support for the Assignment, Assumption, and Extension of the Loan Terms of Redevelopment Agreement (RA) 09-005 for the Rehabilitation of Madison Place Apartments from Mercy -Housing California -XI L.P., to Self -Help Enterprises. Direct staff to issue a letter of support stating the City of Bakersfield's willingness to assign and extend the terms of RA 09-005 from Mercy -Housing California —XI L.P. (Mercy) to Self -Help Enterprises (SHE); 2. Upon SHE's proceeding with acquiring the property, direct staff to work with Self -Help Enterprises to negotiate new loan terms, develop conditions for the assignment and assumption of the loan, and prepare all documents as needed to bring back to your Council for approval. 3357 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 13 8, CONSENT CALENDAR continued loc. Request to convert the Associate Attorney position to that of a Deputy City Attorney 1/II. Successor Agency Business: bd. Receive and file Successor Agency payments from July 5, 2019, to August 5, 2019, in the amount of $964,014.92. Public Safety/Vital Services Measure: be. Accept bid and approve contract with S & B Sons, Inc. ($350,932.40), for the Tarina Homes Sports Complex at Mesa Marin Pickleball & Basketball Courts. AGR 19-152 City Clerk Drimakis announced a staff memorandum was received regarding item 8.ob., correcting the title of the subject and transmitting exhibit A of the agreement with Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra; additional staff memorandums were received for items 8.og., 8.aI 8.0n., 8.ao., 8.ax., and 8.1be. transmitting copies of the agreements with contractor signatures. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to adopt Consent Calendar items 8.a. through 8.be. Mofion passed. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. HEARINGS a. The vacation of Massey Drive, a street dedicated with Parcel Map 11473, located on the north side of E. Pacheco Road, approximately 1230' west of Cottonwood Road. (Staff recommends adoption of the Resoluffonj RES 123-19 Public Works Director Fidler made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Hearing item 10.a. opened at 6:19 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing item 10.a. closed at 6:20 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Rivera to adopt the resolution. Motion passed. 3358 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019— Page 14 11. REPORTS a. City in the Hills Assessment District 05-01 Delinquency Status Report. (Staff recommends acceptance of the report.) Finance Director McKeegan made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Motion by Councitmember Weir to approve the staff recommendation. Motion passed. Mayor Goh recessed the meeting at 6:31 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 6:38 p.m. 12. DEFERRED BUSINESS None. 13. NEW BUSINESS a. First reading of an ordinance amending Sections 17.04.539 and 17.58.110, and Chapter 17.65 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Second Dwelling Units. (Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance.) A staff memorandum was received stating the Planning and Development Committee's request to exempt Accessory Dwelling Units from paying park fees was not carried forward within staff's proposed ordinance modifications, and transmitting the revised proposed ordinance including the exemption for paying park fees. Interim Development Services Director Burns made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Motion by Vice -Mayor Fortier to give first reading of the ordinance. Motion passed. b. 2018 Annual Housing Progress Report. (Staff Recommends Council receive and file.) Interim Development Services Director Burns made staff comments. Planning Director Coyle made additional staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Wendell Wesley, Jr., and Adeyinka Glover, Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, made comments regarding the 2018 Annual Housing Progress Report. i 3359 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 15 13. NEW BUSINESS continued ITEM 13.b. CONTINUED Councilmember freeman and Councilmember Rivera requested staff provide a presentation at a future Council meeting workshop to further discuss affordable housing projects. Motion by Vice -Mayor Parlier to receive and file the report. Motion passed. 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Mayor Goh made comments regarding unacceptable acts of violence and hatred other cities have experienced recently and urged everyone to unite and work together towards peace. 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the meeting in memory of those who have been impacted by violence at 7:05 p.m. KARE GOH MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield ATTTE^,SI^T::^ JULIE DRIMAKIS, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 3360 Bakersfield, California, August 14, 2019- Page 16 %a THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ---- i i