HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.4-6419 PH 41 BENCHMARK 10 TOP OF CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE INTERSECTION OF SNOW ROAD AND QUAIL CREEK ROAD, ALSO THE NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 8 29/27 ELEVATION = 401.06' U.S.G.S. DATUM PER K.C.SFB. 1152, PG. 22 AND TR. 5909 STREET EVANS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL OF LOTS 21, 22, 23, AND 24 IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE & MERIDIAN, UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THF fOUN(Y OF KERN, STATT GP CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE SALES MAP OF LANDS OF KERN COUNTY LAN.:, COMPANY, FILED 2, yny} IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUCO­ -BASIS OF BEARING THE BEARING OF NO0'5225.7"E SHOWN FOR THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECIX N 5, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 FAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE & MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALRGHAAA AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY fNVESGGATON ACIP 7-1, BOOK 6, PAGE 50, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. — ENGINEER'S STATEMENT THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WERE PRFPARED BY ME ON UNDER MY DIRECTION AND, TO VIE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEV, COMPLI, WITH THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ORDINANCES, STANDARDS AND DESIGN CRITERIA AND THEY INCLUDE ALL IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE ADVISORY AGENCY OR OTHER REVIEW BOARD. ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR UIOLA,TIONS QF THOSE ORDINANCES, STANDARDS, AND DESIGN CRITERIA ENCOLINTERFQ DURIN'C CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CORRECTED AND SUCH CORRECTIONS REFLECTED ON CORRECTED PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FAfCWFJFR. - NOTE TO OWNER AND CONTRACTOR THIS PUNT HAS BEEN PREPARED RUTH THE INTENT ('HAT QUAD KNOPF WILL BE I'LRFORMING THE CONSTRUCTION STAKING FOR THE COMPIffF PROJECT IF, HOWEVER ,ANOTHER ENGINEERING AND/OR SURVEYING FIRM SHOULD BE ITUPLOYE-0 TO USE THESE PLANS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION STAKING, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Fi.RM OF QUAD KNOPF, INC. WILL NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR WXISSiONE IF ANY, WHICH MIGHT OCCUR ANSI WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN AVO'DFD, CORRECTED OR MITIG'AIED' IF QUAD KNOPF HAD PERFORMED FHE SHOOING WORK. PRIVATEINOTICE THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF AN'K UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLAINS ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE ,RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE ' NO k'LEDGE, THERE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS CT THE CONTRAOR IS Rh QUIRrD IO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTLCP) LIKES SHOWN At, ANY OTHER LINES NGT OF RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THE > GTEE DRAWINGS. EN 'NEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACO OR COMER FIENESS OF ANY SUCH TNFORMATON OR DATA UNDERGROUND SER JCE ALERT SHALL BE CONTACTED TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 7-800-227-2600 TRACT 6419 PHASE 4 1 SCALE 1"=200' SHEET INDEX PUBLIC WALLS: 1,999 LF 1 -CO`vE�R SHEET CHAINI NK FENCE. 2 -- GEINFRAt.. N'OTFS 3 - ETCHART ROAD NOTE ALL FOOTINGS ENCROACHING ONTO PRIY.ATE 4 - EFCIi?RT ROAD PROPERTY WILL BE INCLUDED IN A WALL FOOTING to SEMENT DEDICATED TO THE CITYOF BAKERSFIELD AS 5 - LA CALLA WAY VECORDED ON i,HE FINAL MAP. 6 - QUAIL CREEK ROAD 7 - STRUCTURAL DETAh S LITS FF BAKER-.FFELD 7/3}ltq..- TRAF IC EfGINEEP. DA?E '5 -/*Z � ASSIS AN PUBLIC WCRdS DIRECTOR DATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD S-UAFI (A.i ;ON, R.C.E. 44898 APPRO ED BY: rl► PUBLIC RCDDIRER T GIN CF SAKERSFIELG GA E NICOLA DJE C,R, R CE. 510E5 NOS Rt SCALL .... ..... .... WALL — — — — SHEET LAYOUT PHASE LINE ------- LANDSCAPE GRACE ----------- ACCF,SS ROAD GRADE -�- -- FLOWLINE — — — — — — —PILASIER — - - CHAIN LINK FENCE" CIL CENTERUNE PfL PROPERTY LINE FG FINISH GRADE BE HINGE POINT 7W TOP OF WALL BCR BEGIN CURB RETURN LOW SEND CURB RL'U,RN PRC POINT OF' REVERSE CURVE TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOWUN'E BC BROAD --CURVE LC PND CURVE LS I,ANDSLA.PE FNC FENCE BIG RIGHT OF WAY AC E GA - damiem Card R &n�¢eaaq 2 Calif[tnin ON CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAI IN ACCORDANCE WITH ]HE G. NERALLY ACCEPTED CONSMUCTION PRACTICES_ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL. BE RI iO,ARED TO ASSUME THE SOLE AND COMP -TE RESP0NSIALITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING ;HE COURSE OF CONSRt UC10N OF THE PROJECT, IN"UDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APTLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL 'WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRU311CIN CO%TRAGTCR FLIRT -TER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMN1 Y AND HOD DESIGN PRO. FSQONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DABILITY REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTED WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE CF DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. UNAUTHORIZED C'IANGES AND USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING TRESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE POR, 'JNAU TIORIZEQ CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS, ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN AN TING, AE'D MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARED pF THESE PLANS, ■' I o iI I a LU a w ...... i f ., a m ■' iI a LU a w ...... i f ., a PI-eT n?r: July 31, 2018 JOE, 'J:, ----. .---,-...... 140238 PLE NATE ._.- 140238 -01 -COV -WALL A5 SHOWN SFEE N^.: N11 I OF 7 GENERAL NOTES BLOCK TYPE: MORTARED 8'X87X16" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL: HEIGHT VARIES (SEE PLANS) COLOR: TO BE DETERMINED PATTERN: RUNNING BOND CAP: GROUTED DESIGN WIND: 85 MPH 1. PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION THE CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DEPARTMENT AND PARKS DEPARTMENT SHALL BE GIVEN 24 HOURS NOTICE. CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DEPARTMENT: 326-3049 PARKS DEPARTMENT: 326-3117 2. COMPACTION TESTING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER/SUBDIVIDER/CONTRACTOR. THE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF REQUIRED TEST SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. J. AN OPEN STREET PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN EXISTING ACCEPTED STREET RIGHT OF WAY. UNLESS SECURED BY A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, A DEPOSIT BASED ON AN APPROVED ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY AND INSURANCE SHALL BE POSTED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. A CITY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY. 5, THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND UNDERGROUND PIPELINES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE LIMITED TO INFORMATION AVAILABLE AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND UNDERGROUND PIPELINES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE, PRESERVE, AND PROTECT ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND PIPELINES. 6. ANY TRENCHING CONDUCTED WITHIN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY STANDARDS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY, THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE OWNER, ENGINEER, AND THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING THE LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER/ENGINEER/CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. 9. ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THE PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT BY KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2019 (PROJECT No. 022-13166) AS WELL AS APPENDIX J OF THE CURRENT CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, AND AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE REMOVED, DAMAGED, OR UNDERCUT SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. I L THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL MATERIAL. 12. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE SOILS ENGINEER 14. ALL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE MOISTURE CONDITIONED TO AT LEAST 2% ABOVE OPTIMUM MOISTURE AND COMPACTED TO 907 RELATIVE DENSITY, AS DETERMINED BY TEST METHODS REFERENCED IN THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE APPENDIX J, AND SO CERTIFIED BY TESTS AND REPORT FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER. 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE SJVAPCD AIR QUALITY STANDARDS AND MITIGATION MEASURES. 16. ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY AND ROUTINELY MAINTAINED, AS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER MANUALS, TO CONTROL EXHAUST EMISSIONS. 17. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SHUT DOWN WHEN NOT IN USE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME TO REDUCE EMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH IDLING ENGINES. 18. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE USED WHENEVER POSSIBLE IN LIEU OF FOSSIL FUEL -FIRED EQUIPMENT. 19, DUST CONTROL: IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PREVENT A DUST NUISANCE ORIGINATING FROM THE SITE OF WORK AS A RESULT OF HIS OPERATIONS DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS CONTRACT. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO BE TAKEN BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING, A) OBTAIN AN APPROVED DUST CONTROL PLAN FROM THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. B) WATER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL UNPAVED AREAS AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT THE SURFACES FROM BECOMING DRY ENOUGH TO PERMIT DUST FORMATION. C) PAVED SURFACES OVER WHICH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PERMITTED TO TRAVEL SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF DIRT. D) WHEN MATERIALS ARE TRANSPORTED OFF SITE, ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE COVERED OR EFFECTIVELY WETTED TO LIMIT VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS, AND AT LEAST SIX INCHES OF FREEBOARD SPACE FROM THE TOP OF THE CONTAINER SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 17. ALL OPERATIONS SHALL LIMIT OR EXPEDITIOUSLY REMOVE THE ACCUMULATION OF MUD OR DIRT FROM ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY (THE USE OF DRY ROTARY BRUSHES IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT WHERE PRECEDED OR ACCOMPANIED BY SUFFICIENT WETTING TO LIMIT THE VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS. USE OF BLOWER DEVICES IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN). 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. 19, ALL CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL SHALL BE TRAINED IN SENSITIVE SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND AVOIDANCE TECHNIQUES AND BE INSTRUCTED TO BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR KIT FOX SIGNS DURING EARTH DISTURBANCE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY EVIDENCE OF SUCH SIGNS SHOULD BE AVOIDED AND REPORTED TO THE REVIEWING AGENCIES FOR RESOLUTION. COMPLETE BIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE SURVEY SHALL BE PERFORMED AS REQUIRED BY CITY ORDINANCE. 20. THIS PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES), A "NOTICE OF INTENT' (N01) TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (ORDER NO. 2009-009-DWQ, AND AMENDED BY 2010-0014-DWQ) MUST BE FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD IN SACRAMENTO BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PERMIT REQUIRES THAT A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) BE PREPARED, CONTINUOUSLY CARRIED OUT, AND ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION DURING NORMAL CONSTRUCTION HOURS. 21. AT THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO GRADING ACTIVITIES, ALL CONSTRUCTION WORKERS MUST BE INFORMED OF THE SYMPTOMS OF VALLEY FEVER. 22. ALL STATIONING IS BASED ON STREET CENTERLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL WALL OFFSETS ARE TO THE LOT FACE OF WALL, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 23. HEIGHT OF WALL SHALL BE 6'-0" MIN. MEASURED FROM THE HIGH GRADE SIDE OF THE WALL. 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEARING AND GRADING THE AREA ALONG THE WALL LINE. 25. SITE PREPARATION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS AS WELL AS THE GRADES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN STRIPPED, AND PRIOR TO PLACING ENGINEERED FILL, THE EXPOSED EXISTING GROUND SHOULD BE COMPACTED. THE DEPTH OF COMPACTION SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO(2) FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE IN THE FIELD AND SHALL HEBASEDON HIS REVIEW OF SOILS EXPOSED AT THE EXCAVATION BOTTOMS. IN AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE CUTS EXCEED TWO (2) FEET BELOW EXISTING GROUND, COMPACTION OF THE NEAR SURFACE SOILS SHALL CONSIST OF THE TOP ONE (1) FOOT OF EXPOSED SOIL. 26. WATER PROOF SURFACE SHALL BE APPLIED PER C.B.C. CURRENT EDITION. COAT ONLY THAT PORTION BELOW GRADE DOWN TO FOOTING. ALL OTHER SURFACES ABOVE THE FOOTING SHALL BE SEALED WITH A CLEAR WATER SEAL SUCH AS "AQUA -SEAL", OR APPROVED EQUAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SEALANT TO BE USED TO ENGINEER ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION UNTIL SUBMITTAL IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. z a� 1-10 27. BLOCKS AND BRICKS SHALL BE SET ON GRADE, TRUE, PLUMB, AND STRAIGHT. CURVES SHALL BE LAID OUT ON NO GREATER THAN 8 FOOT CHORDS. HORIZONTAL MORTAR COURSES ON BLOCK SHALL BE 1/2 INCH, +/-1/8 INCH. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE TIED FIRMLY IN PLACE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BLOCK. OPEN END BLOCK WILL BE ALLOWED IN GROUTED CELLS ONLY. NO BROKEN BLOCK WILL BE ALLOWED. ALL CONSTRUCTION OF NON -MODULAR PIECES SHALL BE DONE WITH SAWCUTS. REINFORCING STEEL SPLICES SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH C.B.0 CURRENT EDITION AND THESE PLANS. 28. BLOCK COLOR SHALL BE UNIFORM IN TEXTURE AND COLOR PER LAYOUT ON THESE PLANS, 29. ALL PROPER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, INCLUDING SHORING AND BRACING OF WALL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR, ESPECIALLY IN THE EVENT THAT FULL HEIGHT GROUTING METHOD IS USED. 30. FOOTINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE WIDTH SHOWN ON THE PLANS BY MORE THAN 2 INCHES. ANY FORM WORK NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THIS FOOTING WIDTH SHALL EXTEND BELOW THE FINISHED TOP OF GRADE AT LEAST 16 INCHES OR THE DEPTH OF THE FOOTING, WHICHEVER IS LESS. 31. QUAD KNOPF, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO, OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THESE PLANS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY QUAD KNOPF, INC. . 32. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY QUAD KNOPF, INC. , OF ANY AND ALL CONFLICTS BETWEEN CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK IN QUESTION. 33. RETAINING WALLS SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH FREE -DRAINING SOIL CONSISTING OF CLEAN SAND OR SILTY SAND WITH LESS THAN 107 PASSING THE JJ200 US STANDARD SIEVE. ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90% OF THE DENSITY STANDARD REFERENCED ABOVE. 34. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEY STAKES AND PROPERTY LINE MARKERS WHEN REASONABLY POSSIBLE. ANY STAKES OR MARKERS REQUIRING REPLACEMENT BY THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER SHALL BE DONE AS "EXTRA WORK". 35. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY QUAD KNOPF, INC. , A MINIMUM OF 3 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK REQUIRING STAKING FOR PROPER SCHEDULING. 36. NO PUBLIC WORKS INSPEC77ONS WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE WORK IN THE UNDEDICATED ROADWAYS IN THIS PROPERTY UNTIL A SUBDIVISION PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED. 37. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT SHALL BE CONTACTED TWO (2) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (811) 38. ANY ITEMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT ARE DAMAGED OR DO NOT MEET CURRENT STANDARDS SET BY PUBLIC WORKS WILL REQUIRE REPAIRING AND/OR UPGRADING AS PER CITY ENGINEER. 39. MAXIMUM SLOPE RATIO FROM BACK OF SIDEWALK TO FACE OF WALL OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE 4:1, EXCEPT FOR TWO FEET BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE SHALL BE 2%. ALTERNATIVELY, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY APPROVE CURBING BEHIND THE SIDEWALK OR OTHER METHOD TO PREVENT EROSION ONTO THE SIDEWALK. 40. BLOCK WALL COLORS MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECREATION AND PARKS (FIDEL GONZALEZ) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES 1, DESIGN IS PER C.B.C. CURRENT EDITION AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REQUIREMENTS. MASONRY f'm=1,500 PSI (SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED). 2. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, GRADE 60. A. REINFORCEMENT SPLICES SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AND SHALL BE 72 BAR DIAMETERS MINIMUM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. STAGGER ALL ADJACENT HORIZONTAL SPLICE POINTS 6 FEET MINIMUM. ALL LAP SPLICES SHALL BE WIRE TIED BOTH ENDS. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE SECURELY HELD IN THE PROPER PLACE, BEFORE AND DURING GROUTING. J. FOUNDATION CONCRETE SHALL ATTAIN A 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2,500 P.S.I. ® 28 DAYS. DESIGN BASED ON 2,500 P.S.I. (SPECIAL INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED) 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OVEREXCAVATE A MINIMUM OF 1 -FOOT BELOW THE FOOTING AND BACKFILL AND COMPACT TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION OR PER THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT, DATED MAY 16, 2014 BY CTL -SEES, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. ALL SOILS TESTING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT POUR THE FOOTING UNTIL ALL COMPACTION TESTING HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING INSPECTORS. 5. CLEAR SPACING FOR REINFORCING SHALL BE 3" UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ON THESE PLANS. 6. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. A. GROUT SHALL ATTAIN A MIN. 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 P.S.I. AND COMPLY WITH ASTM C476. B. MORTAR SHALL CONFORM TO C.B.C. AND ASTM C270 TYPE S. MIN. 28 DAY COMP. STRENGTH SHALL BE 1,800 P.S.I., MIN. C. ALL MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE ASTM C90 GRADE N (1 OR 11), AND SHALL BE MADE WITH LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE. MASONRY f'm=1,500 PSI MIN. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. D. TYPE 11 MASONRY UNITS, IF USED, SHALL NOT BE MOIST, AND SHALL BE AGED SUFFICIENTLY TO ACHIEVE CLIMATIC BALANCE. E. SET ALL MASONRY UNITS PLUMB, TRUE TO LINE, AND LEVEL. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. LAY UNITS IN FULL HEAD AND BED JOINTS OF 3/a'" THICKNESS. STRIKE OFF EXCESS MORTAR FLUSH WITH FACE. FOR ALL EXPOSED JOINTS, WHEN THUMBPRINT HARD, TOOL TO OBTAIN A DENSE, UNIFORM CONCAVE JOINT. CLEAN MORTAR FINS PROJECTING MORE THAN ONE-HALF INCH FROM INSIDE CORES, AND REMOVE DROPPINGS FROM BOTTOM OF CELLS PRIOR TO GROUTING. F. GROUT WALLS ONLY AFTER MORTAR HAS CURED 24 HOURS. WALLS SHALL BE GROUTED IN 4'-0" MAXIMUM VERTICAL LIFTS. ALL WALLS SHALL BE GROUTED. SOLID (FILL ALL CELLS SOLIDLY) U.N.O. ON DRAWINGS. G. ALL GROUT SHALL BE VIBRATED INTO PLACE WITH A PENCIL TIP VIBRATOR. H. KEY GROUT POURS BY HOLDING TOP OF GROUT 1Y2" BELOW TOP OF BLOCK. DO NOT STOP GROUT LIFT AT REINFORCED BOND BEAMS. 7. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN EACH PILASTER IN ALL WALLS AND MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS OF 60' IN WALLS WITHOUT PILASTER. :EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE FREE OF ALL MORTAR AND GROUT FROM TOP OF FOOTING TO TOP OF WALL. 8. COMPACT BACKFILL TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION OR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. HAND COMPACT BACKFILL IN MAX. 1' LIFTS A DISTANCE EQUAL TO RETAINED HEIGHT BACK FROM FACE OF WALL. RETAINED UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILS NEED NOT BE COMPACTED. 9. WHERE RETAINED GRADE IS 2 -FEET OR GREATER, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 12" WIDE DRAIN ROCK WRAPPED IN A WOVEN FILTER FABRIC FOR WEEP HOLES AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS. TOP OF DRAIN ROCK SHALL BE A MIN. OF 12 -INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 10. ANY AND ALL TESTING REQUIRED SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK AND NOTIFY ENGINEER IF CONFLICT WITH UTILITIES EXISTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRS TO DAMAGED UTILITIES CAUSED BY HIS FORCES, BUT NOT COSTS TO RELOCATE IN THE EVENT OF PROPER NOTIFICATION AHEAD OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 12. ALL PROPER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, INCLUDING SHORING AND BRACING OF WALL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR, ESPECIALLY IN THE EVENT THAT FULL HEIGHT GROUTING METHOD IS USED. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE FREE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE AND MAKE EVERY EFFORT POSSIBLE TO PREVENT SUBGRADE SATURATION BY SUCH MEASURES AS CONTAINING ALL LANDSCAPING IN SEALED PLANTER, SEALING ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS WITH AN ELASTOMERIC COMPOUND; PROVIDING THE BUILDING WITH EAVE GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS, AND ROUTING IMPINGING UPON THE SITE FROM OFF-SITE SOURCES AS WELL AS DRAINAGE GENERATED ON THE SITE AWAY FROM THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. BEFORE EXCAVATING CALL • USA 811 a v J W N �Z 0 0 a'g� s p z a� 1-10 z y goo �JaZ m�J OLu oz apZ nE3 �m LU PLOT DATE: July 15, 2019 JOB NO.: 140238 FILE NAME: 140238 -01 -COV -WALL SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEEP NO.: 2 OF SECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE WALL LEGEND — - - LANDSCAPE GRADE N Z STA. FLOWLINE - — — - PILASTER 2 (L CHAIN LINK FENCE CIL kFLL (L PROPERTY LINE FG FINISH GRADE HP HINGE POINT W TOP OF WALL BCR BEGIN CURB RETURN ECR UO PRC EC TC W a FL v BC WALL LEGEND — - - LANDSCAPE GRADE - - - - - - - ACCESS ROAD GRADE STA. FLOWLINE - — — - PILASTER 0 0- CHAIN LINK FENCE CIL CENTERLINE P/L PROPERTY LINE FG FINISH GRADE HP HINGE POINT TW TOP OF WALL BCR BEGIN CURB RETURN ECR END CURB RETURN PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOWLINE BC BEGIN CURVE EC END CURVE LS LANDSCAPE FNC FENCE R/W RIGHT OF WAY Il 650' LINE OF SIGHT AT G 13+98.51 RT - - - - - - - - w _ _ _ _ _ _ A STA. 17 -60.25" - w w NON -HABITABLE 404.53 SETBACK s � a DRILL ISLAND d � NOTE: WALL SECTION DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. N +77.48 IT - - _ _ 650' LINE OF SIGHT AT FG LA CALA WAY PER - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STD, DETAIL T-7 s 23 24 PAD: 403.53 PAD: 403.34 410 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SII — _ — — -650' LINE OF SIGHT AT QUAIL CREEK ROAD- - - - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STD. DETAIL T-7 25 26 PAD: 403.74 PAD: 402.97 ETCHART ROAD, STA. 13+97.84 - 23+50.00 (� STA. 22+45.98 EfC ART ROAD= LA CALA WAY PER 1 v Z 2 m ti STA. 6+29.00 LA GALA WAY ' INSTAm5mt8m' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0 15+00 N J J STD. DETAIL T-7 - - 1 _ 97.84 ETCHART ROAD= _ 76 00 - _T_ - 77+p0 -T - 18+00 S88'54.23 -E '- + -i 19+00 _ 1 _ _ 20 f00 27 00 00 OUNDARY _ o _ - _ v�v + - t QL p 3400' J ~ 7.84 34 00' R 1� STA 17+77.48 34.00' R CE ETCHART ROAD � N 21+95.98 34.00' R BC STA TC 2 +30.562 R 402 56 W Lu 2 — — A TC 400.41 6 BC R ITA o I FL 4E06 I - — °_. '. ., FL 389 97 02 NOo� OnN 7 ECR STA 22+95 1 0) C .::,.. G ME e .:. ... ;.._,..' ...., --------------- --- --.fig N . .. ... TC - -FL 36 01. � W O R1W— - - - OZ' - ------------ --- '— -�— wtid -- -'' �5---� u' _ - _ 5, 6 � G 13+98.51 RT - - - - - - - - w _ _ _ _ _ _ A STA. 17 -60.25" - w w NON -HABITABLE 404.53 SETBACK s � a DRILL ISLAND d � NOTE: WALL SECTION DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. N +77.48 IT - - _ _ 650' LINE OF SIGHT AT FG LA CALA WAY PER - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STD, DETAIL T-7 s 23 24 PAD: 403.53 PAD: 403.34 410 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SII — _ — — -650' LINE OF SIGHT AT QUAIL CREEK ROAD- - - - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STD. DETAIL T-7 25 26 PAD: 403.74 PAD: 402.97 ETCHART ROAD, STA. 13+97.84 - 23+50.00 Z ! N ° 27 ao� ` W m 28 1 PAD: 402.80 I PAD: 402.97 1 LA CALA WAY SEE SHEET 5 N 22+00 BEFORE EXCAVATING CALL • USA 811 40' HORIZ. SCALE: 1°=40' VERT. SCALE: 1"= 2' z Z 2 m ti ' INSTAm5mt8m' 0 J`\ ' J J � O o O v�v QL J Z LINKC.O.B. N �+ M 2 n 6 o U 3 NtlO- 02 NOo� OnN 7 O CN N , N ~ N w N uj O W wtid wZ add w(AJ cddZ¢ mew 0Q www u)(Aw Iw-(o to w v,w A/ * 84' a o SEE SECTION B3, 0 7 23+00 o 1 — 405 > ZGRADE I LANDSCAPE GRADE o n — m XX><l WIN a J 3 _ & TOP OF i 400 FOOTING G M J 3 Q z x W J CL e lL J PZ O W IL vl ti ti N F- 1- N z tp K JN JN W N K � K � K N N. O 3 V1 W N N N N N N 395 a J z� m J w Q pN Q Q w �'p—W m Z ^w Q 3 , p Mid- co^p W W Vr� NOJ OI 2 f�coN +00 ?� Z^» 00^-O m� WO +o a0 -O OpR OON ZP z ?N Zrn a J OON M� h-�`I--1-h7_ ^» a w�dd 3 ��v o,v oi.( a^� n.^j a� O �� oro ti mro wrn �o wo m In WW ^ ^ I-.^ W QW W ¢ W W QWW �.- .- �., ti.- J N F -N wdw-w¢w 'n �J ti cnw v:�w �J Z In¢ JJJ www gd wd� 3d gd ' m 'a0 'a V)ww (n(nw (n(,nnw dU) cohw aco 0-vl'i VV)i 380' SEE SECTI N C3 SHEET 7 447' a SEE SECTION B3, SHEET 7 J 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 Z ! N ° 27 ao� ` W m 28 1 PAD: 402.80 I PAD: 402.97 1 LA CALA WAY SEE SHEET 5 N 22+00 BEFORE EXCAVATING CALL • USA 811 40' HORIZ. SCALE: 1°=40' VERT. SCALE: 1"= 2' 4108 w yj M O F Q m m m p m I W X09 W o 0 QOM Lu O �Q I IcoM Cz rn z N d + Q I- 405 m "O cu 3 Q l 1� \1\ IM I t l l l l l 400 z Z 2 m ti 0 J J J � O o O v�v QL J Z N �+ M 2 n 6 o U 3 NtlO- 02 NOo� OnN 7 O CN N , N ~ N w N uj O W wtid wZ add w(AJ cddZ¢ mew 0Q www u)(Aw Iw-(o to w v,w A/ * 84' a o SEE SECTION B3, 0 7 23+00 4108 w yj M O F Q m m m p m I W X09 W o 0 QOM Lu O �Q I IcoM Cz rn z N d + Q I- 405 m "O cu 3 Q l 1� \1\ IM I t l l l l l 400 W Z 2 m ti Z J J J O o O v�v QL J Z N �+ M 2 n 6 o 3 NtlO- 02 NOo� OnN 7 O CN N , N ~ N w N uj W wtid wZ add w(AJ cddZ¢ mew 0Q www u)(Aw Iw-(o to w v,w A/ * 84' a o 4108 w yj M O F Q m m m p m I W X09 W o 0 QOM Lu O �Q I IcoM Cz rn z N d + Q I- 405 m "O cu 3 Q l 1� \1\ IM I t l l l l l 400 1 -LLA CITY RECORDS NO.: a a J �! �Wp y 26 Z 0 aaa 3 Q a- OQ0 V5 9`0DOT 395 O Z n� HmW W Z 2 Z J J J O O O v�v QL J Z N �+ M 2 n 6 3 NtlO- 02 NOo� OnN 7 O CN N W W N ~ N w N uj W wtid wZ add w(AJ cddZ¢ mew 0Q www u)(Aw Iw-(o to w v,w * 84' SEE SECTION B3, SHEET 7 23+00 1 -LLA CITY RECORDS NO.: a a J �! �Wp y 26 Z 0 aaa 3 Q a- OQ0 V5 9`0DOT 395 O Z n� HmW d / q * LI � d / q SECTION A -A NOT TO SCALE NOTE WAi _ SECTOR DIMENSIONS .ARE APPRG)RMWE OL. CONIRAC COR SHALL FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 43 PAD: 404_64 FG LJ 48 Ay \fir I STA 16+20,44 34.00 1 TC 403.28 A FL 402.76 DEL PALMA DRIVE i I �) Fn NC�i �s ka`i, LT STA. 1 STA 17-25.5,7. 34.1 TO 402.94 FL 402.44 410 V �a�. AJ<3 E - + I I I I { -- f (I CC f� a� I. )i GRADE I ( h W 405 I --- R I..4MDSCP.PE--� g, GRADE I ! co.U!----. -. I ' ,TOR OF -r l FOOTING i 400 q w W -, z — ---- --- ----. W,CiI --... p ftI 4Lq PC C9 V. Q of uj �� ., .. _ .: F, -' V�Cr 1- u') q ^ rn W d ar 4 o rn ! ---\ tet' �, 4I\ 2. W O 4� r, CJ T6 CN ttD G_ i 4 � } --_ `C .Z (.J --!L "C LJL �.- r2 '-!il .' L- fly fid `t _J -� F F-- J F- 4-- F- JI F� h L.w gJC9 L.J sii.9 W! v;tVt U; U;W 67 IqW WNW �Gu 395 x 137, (SEE SECTION 53, SHEET 7 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 a4.5o' 8.50, 3.50' ( 5.00' 42 RAr- 4p,—],6C IG x r 6.00' SIDEWALK 7.5% -MAT SECTION B -B NOT T{;-._SCAL!r.--. l 33 4C4.32 � >3 � � '�.. 2 : 3 �.f I RAD' 4;74 3W STA. 22+43.60,7 ' 405.07 FG N1 3.5' L1fILSJAt `'^ �� STH ^2* -22 Jo 4-'3'T`r"01 �'Vj PW }9+305t :] J,SEN,:111T 40 94 fG 4� -' Irr SIA Cut8b.5i "11850 ' L'. _. i� R,/1Y 48 5OT, B 404:69 f"G_ �T I STA 18+25,57, 34.00' 1_ BCRL TC 403.01 A AFL X257 - -19,06 --� •-�.�.k�—ate. � GUkL CREEK ROAD = 1 - r QUAIL CREEK ROAD DEL PAI M4 DRIVE irr 650' LINF OF SIGHT AT DEL PALMA DRIVE PER CITY OF PPK�2SFlEL D SID, DETAIL I 7 ETCNARTROAD SF,F.SAFFT 4 ' 9 23+04.30 QUAIL C" 27+44.55 EIGH'ART rE. R f T 1;i I, LANDSCAPE GRADE -------------- ACCESS ROAD GRADE z FLOWLINE LCI — PILASTER CHAIN NOR FENCE C/t.. CFAITERONE FA PROPERTY liNE FG FINISH GRADE ui HINGE POINT a r BCR BEGIN CURB RE -)URN cc END CURB RETURN PRC PLANT OF REVERSE CUR'✓E TC TOP OF CURB CL FLOVILiNE BC Lu FC FAD CURVE LS LANDSCAPE R/W cc Jui L ,1 --- Iy {- 65G I WE_ (O SICHT AT DEL PALMA LAPk PER CITY OF BAKE,RSFIELD STD. DETAIL T-7 NOTE WAi _ SECTOR DIMENSIONS .ARE APPRG)RMWE OL. CONIRAC COR SHALL FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 43 PAD: 404_64 FG LJ 48 Ay \fir I STA 16+20,44 34.00 1 TC 403.28 A FL 402.76 DEL PALMA DRIVE i I �) Fn NC�i �s ka`i, LT STA. 1 STA 17-25.5,7. 34.1 TO 402.94 FL 402.44 410 V �a�. AJ<3 E - + I I I I { -- f (I CC f� a� I. )i GRADE I ( h W 405 I --- R I..4MDSCP.PE--� g, GRADE I ! co.U!----. -. I ' ,TOR OF -r l FOOTING i 400 q w W -, z — ---- --- ----. W,CiI --... p ftI 4Lq PC C9 V. Q of uj �� ., .. _ .: F, -' V�Cr 1- u') q ^ rn W d ar 4 o rn ! ---\ tet' �, 4I\ 2. W O 4� r, CJ T6 CN ttD G_ i 4 � } --_ `C .Z (.J --!L "C LJL �.- r2 '-!il .' L- fly fid `t _J -� F F-- J F- 4-- F- JI F� h L.w gJC9 L.J sii.9 W! v;tVt U; U;W 67 IqW WNW �Gu 395 x 137, (SEE SECTION 53, SHEET 7 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 a4.5o' 8.50, 3.50' ( 5.00' 42 RAr- 4p,—],6C IG x r 6.00' SIDEWALK 7.5% -MAT SECTION B -B NOT T{;-._SCAL!r.--. l 33 4C4.32 � >3 � � '�.. 2 : 3 �.f I RAD' 4;74 3W STA. 22+43.60,7 ' 405.07 FG N1 3.5' L1fILSJAt `'^ �� STH ^2* -22 Jo 4-'3'T`r"01 �'Vj PW }9+305t :] J,SEN,:111T 40 94 fG 4� -' Irr SIA Cut8b.5i "11850 ' L'. _. i� R,/1Y 48 5OT, B 404:69 f"G_ �T I STA 18+25,57, 34.00' 1_ BCRL TC 403.01 A AFL X257 - -19,06 --� •-�.�.k�—ate. � GUkL CREEK ROAD = 1 - r QUAIL CREEK ROAD DEL PAI M4 DRIVE irr 650' LINF OF SIGHT AT DEL PALMA DRIVE PER CITY OF PPK�2SFlEL D SID, DETAIL I 7 ETCNARTROAD SF,F.SAFFT 4 ' 9 23+04.30 QUAIL C" 27+44.55 EIGH'ART rE. R f T WALL LEGEND 1;i I, LANDSCAPE GRADE -------------- ACCESS ROAD GRADE FLOWLINE — — — — — — — PILASTER CHAIN NOR FENCE C/t.. CFAITERONE FA PROPERTY liNE FG FINISH GRADE HP HINGE POINT 71Y TOP OF WALL BCR BEGIN CURB RE -)URN ECR END CURB RETURN PRC PLANT OF REVERSE CUR'✓E TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOVILiNE BC BEGIN CURVE FC FAD CURVE LS LANDSCAPE R/W RIGHT OF WAY I I I II l V I LanfvsCAPE n {-..—= -- -- I-- -- --?---- GRADE I ,I opo Ml,c- I LOT GRABE-� 1 ADDS PF L. rfi L I) { ( ( LOT GRADE--_ ---- I - L_ ` ICY Or: it f00PNG — ,-. _._.._ 1 % `\ i t \ w I n � P F w � 9'..` 0; Cd 06 PJ 0 m 00 a)CA i cti o o c i V 2 o `'`, ilG rn '=� cS d- C, > c". uJ IK1 d ci { V- to V) 1.. h � l C G f- rn tC� 6) ED F- Li r," _. W x V' N C >J 4 �' fY' `G --. i0 r C C d- - d- d- `- r^} �"1 C . ,._--ii 'F ^='r-..-.0 CG ._pj _J :SJ -.-_-J ` N�-.U.•+."JM +- -I P• ----. : .�_ '--..N 3- _O uJ f^SV jP...i 1 --.�t.tV MI -FOC t_.N -' -- I�h_.a --. -F Nf.j -F f ---.0 J d 7'-.--. -F ---- = O G tl- W+ co O+ W tl- V C O !:J a; G C rn d• : G T '�; p C, O O+ G C d' G i+ !y C: ( G .` d. d' (fs a' p q G ry 7 N a. C N C: 7 •-- q .- W .- l .- L_ ^- W F-- N W F- N !,4 N F-�N L.. N W N W h-fN F- ry W f- N fr, fn W a _2 G . • In fn 4 . > `, n z1 5 u1R, W J - � LL: CL . � } WL ., W' q L� J -J l F -_J G7 S. 'a 41 n W 4 q L7 L7 W W 0_ :n V, q (,'� Gi !,7 vJ LJ 0_ `✓'� 4 v} Va CO W W f1.; VS C,-�(t) W liJ d- ✓� C��� Y) `n 4 C'1 W uJ f/3 � I SEE SECTION B3, SNEL SEE SECTION' E31, SHEET 7 SLE OLCICJN 82, I SnttT 7 — 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+0 WALL LEGEND 1;i I, LANDSCAPE GRADE -------------- ACCESS ROAD GRADE FLOWLINE — — — — — — — PILASTER CHAIN NOR FENCE C/t.. CFAITERONE FA PROPERTY liNE FG FINISH GRADE HP HINGE POINT 71Y TOP OF WALL BCR BEGIN CURB RE -)URN ECR END CURB RETURN PRC PLANT OF REVERSE CUR'✓E TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOVILiNE BC BEGIN CURVE FC FAD CURVE LS LANDSCAPE R/W RIGHT OF WAY BEFORE EXCAVAnNG CALL USA IT 1;i I, ; I i I N i I Ito I c I tUI n� a J� t SZ Vi (p z" - w 40' 0' 40' I�4' HQRIZ. SCALE: 1"=40' ©! VERT. SCALE; 1'= 2' w, j 0 �) a � Iw RT a «.title r - N V i AO G �}) 5 d 3 n w 7 a - — n Cc m m E I > z G O 1!,7 S CITY RECORDS NO.: m m W r r, r rt; FEMMEi i Ar 1 51 1111111111141 It. 0 w= "A 111NIZAarle g}� rt r fiA, ,_ 11�iu' w Armonk ( 'R R part u �'rssr�=3'in'ar+ *r P r r r *'T�' R r �.. r N: 14u_illr��lr�l�f��' T i{ifil! a Yl III �. I I WAN 017;aam r-ilr0i 1 MjiflKlr - ' art ..lie ar r r rr 1"= ii -n" �— tZ. a TOP BACKER b KALL T GAuOF �K rip. EA. THRU Pr 5117E Exp, .OT, ALL EXII. JM TO BE 3/0' CLEAR OEF-51TE CLEAN OF AW MORTARFILL EA. PAGE OF JOINT IN/ SACKER d 1/4' OF GAULr, TO EXTEND b" w PILASTERDETAIL rR r 0 Illai kyr r- ♦ r r r z -rr r-„ - r . - r x r Malr r. - ar r _ _ t4? 04 CIONT.-- G " z —a..,"ttMz r ttU Do = BAR DIAMETER Db q u `C.. 4DORTC, D = FINISHED INSIDE BEND DIA. OqP— -r 2 112' MI D = 6DaFOR #3 THROUGH #If .. D= 8D6FOR#9,#10,AND#l1 180 -DEG D- 10DbFORWWAND#16 90 -DEG BAR DIMENSION OF STANDARD 180 -DEG HOOKS, ALL GRADES DIMENSION OF STANDARD 90 -DEG HOOKS, ALL GRADES SIZE ...... AORG J D ADDS D #3 5' 3" 2 114" 6" 2 114" #4 6' 4" 3' 8' 3- #5 7- S" 3 314' 10" 3 3/4" #6 a" 6" 4 112 114Y" 4 112" #7 10" 7" 51141 T-2" 5114" #8 11" 8" 6" 1'4° 6" #9 1'-3"' 11314" 9112" 1'-7" 9112" #10 1'-5" V-1 N4" 10 34' 1'-10' 10 314' #11 V-7' 1'-2314" 12" 7-0" 12" #14 Z'ty" V-9314" 191/4• Z-7" 16114" #18 3'-0" 2'4 I/2" 24" 3'-5' 24' #3 TO 95 6DKOR 2112" MIN. D = BEND DIAMETER BAR" SIZE D SEISMIC HOOK 135" A OR G A OR G APPROX. H #3 1112" 4" 4" 2112" #4 2" 4112" 412' 3' 45 21/2" 6" 5V2" 3314' #6 4112' 11-T 8" 4112' 47 51/4" V-2' 9" 5114" Division 3.1 - Casho-Placa Generous 3.1.1 All concrete construction shall become in AGI 316-11,'Buiiding Code Requirements for Reinforced CAnama". 3.1.2Cament shall conform to ASTM C-150 T h. Yre 3.1.3Aggregatebfor nortnai-weight concrete enoll be hard rock and shah conform to ASTM -C33. Maximum aggregate size shall be %" for elements that are 12 inches or smaller in the least direction and 1-112 inches for all other elements. 3.1.4Ready-mix concrete shall be delivered and mixed in accordance with ASTM C-94. Maximum slump for all separate at the point of placemen# shall be 4 inches, or the design placement (as wmmbod with the trial design) plus one Inch, except where supegalladmising agents are used, as approved by the Engineer. 3.1.SAII concrete shall conform to one of the following classes, as required. Class Application 28-IAR Strength Weight A Foundations 2500 psi Normal 3A BCanerete mixes shall be designed by a qualified Testing Laboratory and reviewed by the Engineer prior to use. The Contractor may propose use of mixes successfuity incorporated on past prefects. Subunit cetlthed test data and batch proportions for such mixes. 3,1.71ir-entraining and waterroducing admixtures may be used with poor comment of the Engineer. Admixtures remaining Arcane chionde will net be approved. 3.f.BAY reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, dowels and other inserts shall be well secured in position prior to placement of promote. 3A ZZaposed comers of all beams, columns, walls, etc. shall be provided with a ya inch chamfar, U.N.O. 3.1.10Mde forms for concrete elements, shall not be removed sooner than three days after rwnaete placement, except as approved by the Engineer. Approval will not be given unless the compete has attained a compressive strength of at least 2000 psi, as demonstrated by test cylinders. 3.1.11 Bottom forms at concrete elements, including fomes for slabs and ?seam soffits, shall ran be removed until the concrete has attained at insist 75% of its specified concrete strength, as demonstrated by last cylinders. 3.1.12Upper surfaces on concrete elements and all surfaces with forms stripped banner than 7 - days following piacament of concrete shall be heated with a liquid membrane coding cornpound. Other curing methods may be used, if approved by the Engineer prior to application. 3.1.13Refor to architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings for the sizes and locations of openings in concrete slabs. All penetrations larger than 12 inches shag be formed. 3.1.140onewbe volumes may vary from those implied by these drawings or due to overaxaWdwn or form flexibility. The Contractor shall mciude coats for overfill of comate volume as appropriate. 3.1.1514on-shrink grout shall be Sika Grout 212 manufactured by Sika Corporation, or approved equal. Division 3.2 - Reinforcement for Concrete and Masonry 3.2.1 Remfamement shall be deformed bars computing to ASTM A-515, Grade 60, or ASTM A-706, Grade 60, for reinforcing bars to be welded. 32.21zetaking, bending, and placing of rama ong shall conform to the Concrete Remearang Steel Institute "Manual of Standard Practice" and ACI Detailing manual 315. 3.2.38uioble devices shall be used to hold all reinforcing and concentrate in their proper positions during comate placement. 3.2.4Reinforoing steel shalt be provided with the following amounts of concrete cover. Conaete DeecdRbon Cover Democrat Locatable Against Earth W Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather #6 Bar and Larger. 2" #5 Bar and Smaller: 1 VT Concrete Not Extended to Earth or Weather Slabs, Walls and Joists - #11 Bar and Smatter, War' Column Vertkats, Ties, SGnu rs, Sooner 1 112" 3 2.6Any runfirming bars may be spliced wall mechanical whether. Coupiere shall conform to the requirements for 2 r UBC 19212.61.2. Donations shall be of uniewai . Sees specifications q type per pi type P for data and approval requirements. 3,2.6"O a minimum lap length for contact lap splices in past -in -plana concrete shall be per detail AA-. 3.27A minimum clearance of 2 -bar Mated' was shall be maintained between adjacent bars, except at contact lap splices. Division 4.0 - Masonry 4.0.1 Design Pan = 1500 psi for this project. Pan shall be verified in accordance with Section 1705A of the 2016 Bottoms Building Code using either the unit strength method or prism test method as required. 4.0.2 Concretemason units shalt woman to ASTM C-90 T i units. Net Area Compressive strengthof units Y Type qre shalt be 1900 psi as tasted in accordance with ASTM C 149. 4.0.3 Mortar shalt be Type S and be proportioned in accordance with ASTM C 270 to attain a 28 day compressive strength of 1800 psi as tested using twe-inch come in accordance with ASTM C 109. IL 4AA Grant shall be proportioned to attain a 28 -day commander strength of 2000 psi as tested in accordance With ASTM C 1010. file a minimum of 1 part Portland comers to 3 parts sand. Add 1 pound of Sika _.-.-,.,_._.......,., Grout Aide Type 11, or equal per 100 me. of cementifious material. One to we parts of pea gravel shall be used where the least clear dimension exceeds 2 Inches. Not Inca than sta, of fibs pea gravel shall pass the No. 8 soave and 1001 shall pass the 3/8 inch clear, 4.05Romforcing steel shah conform to ASTM A-616, Grade 60. 4ASLap all bars 72 -bar diameters. 4.0.71stmimum recomposed clearance to face shell shall be one bar diameter or 'A inch, whichever is greater. 4.0.1a s€ tie back is placed on concrete, thoroughly dean connate of all Workrs and loose material. Roughen as in a message construction joint. •- - r r s r r r AP 135' SEISMIC HOOK SIZE D A OR G APPROX. H #3 1 112" 5" 3 TO" #4 2" 61/2" 4112" #5 2 92' a" 51/2' #6 4112' 11' 6112' #7 5114" V-0 112" 7 314" #8 6" i'-2 f12'. 9" Division 3.1 - Casho-Placa Generous 3.1.1 All concrete construction shall become in AGI 316-11,'Buiiding Code Requirements for Reinforced CAnama". 3.1.2Cament shall conform to ASTM C-150 T h. Yre 3.1.3Aggregatebfor nortnai-weight concrete enoll be hard rock and shah conform to ASTM -C33. Maximum aggregate size shall be %" for elements that are 12 inches or smaller in the least direction and 1-112 inches for all other elements. 3.1.4Ready-mix concrete shall be delivered and mixed in accordance with ASTM C-94. Maximum slump for all separate at the point of placemen# shall be 4 inches, or the design placement (as wmmbod with the trial design) plus one Inch, except where supegalladmising agents are used, as approved by the Engineer. 3.1.SAII concrete shall conform to one of the following classes, as required. Class Application 28-IAR Strength Weight A Foundations 2500 psi Normal 3A BCanerete mixes shall be designed by a qualified Testing Laboratory and reviewed by the Engineer prior to use. The Contractor may propose use of mixes successfuity incorporated on past prefects. Subunit cetlthed test data and batch proportions for such mixes. 3,1.71ir-entraining and waterroducing admixtures may be used with poor comment of the Engineer. Admixtures remaining Arcane chionde will net be approved. 3.f.BAY reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, dowels and other inserts shall be well secured in position prior to placement of promote. 3A ZZaposed comers of all beams, columns, walls, etc. shall be provided with a ya inch chamfar, U.N.O. 3.1.10Mde forms for concrete elements, shall not be removed sooner than three days after rwnaete placement, except as approved by the Engineer. Approval will not be given unless the compete has attained a compressive strength of at least 2000 psi, as demonstrated by test cylinders. 3.1.11 Bottom forms at concrete elements, including fomes for slabs and ?seam soffits, shall ran be removed until the concrete has attained at insist 75% of its specified concrete strength, as demonstrated by last cylinders. 3.1.12Upper surfaces on concrete elements and all surfaces with forms stripped banner than 7 - days following piacament of concrete shall be heated with a liquid membrane coding cornpound. Other curing methods may be used, if approved by the Engineer prior to application. 3.1.13Refor to architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings for the sizes and locations of openings in concrete slabs. All penetrations larger than 12 inches shag be formed. 3.1.140onewbe volumes may vary from those implied by these drawings or due to overaxaWdwn or form flexibility. The Contractor shall mciude coats for overfill of comate volume as appropriate. 3.1.1514on-shrink grout shall be Sika Grout 212 manufactured by Sika Corporation, or approved equal. Division 3.2 - Reinforcement for Concrete and Masonry 3.2.1 Remfamement shall be deformed bars computing to ASTM A-515, Grade 60, or ASTM A-706, Grade 60, for reinforcing bars to be welded. 32.21zetaking, bending, and placing of rama ong shall conform to the Concrete Remearang Steel Institute "Manual of Standard Practice" and ACI Detailing manual 315. 3.2.38uioble devices shall be used to hold all reinforcing and concentrate in their proper positions during comate placement. 3.2.4Reinforoing steel shalt be provided with the following amounts of concrete cover. Conaete DeecdRbon Cover Democrat Locatable Against Earth W Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather #6 Bar and Larger. 2" #5 Bar and Smaller: 1 VT Concrete Not Extended to Earth or Weather Slabs, Walls and Joists - #11 Bar and Smatter, War' Column Vertkats, Ties, SGnu rs, Sooner 1 112" 3 2.6Any runfirming bars may be spliced wall mechanical whether. Coupiere shall conform to the requirements for 2 r UBC 19212.61.2. Donations shall be of uniewai . Sees specifications q type per pi type P for data and approval requirements. 3,2.6"O a minimum lap length for contact lap splices in past -in -plana concrete shall be per detail AA-. 3.27A minimum clearance of 2 -bar Mated' was shall be maintained between adjacent bars, except at contact lap splices. Division 4.0 - Masonry 4.0.1 Design Pan = 1500 psi for this project. Pan shall be verified in accordance with Section 1705A of the 2016 Bottoms Building Code using either the unit strength method or prism test method as required. 4.0.2 Concretemason units shalt woman to ASTM C-90 T i units. Net Area Compressive strengthof units Y Type qre shalt be 1900 psi as tasted in accordance with ASTM C 149. 4.0.3 Mortar shalt be Type S and be proportioned in accordance with ASTM C 270 to attain a 28 day compressive strength of 1800 psi as tested using twe-inch come in accordance with ASTM C 109. IL 4AA Grant shall be proportioned to attain a 28 -day commander strength of 2000 psi as tested in accordance With ASTM C 1010. file a minimum of 1 part Portland comers to 3 parts sand. Add 1 pound of Sika _.-.-,.,_._.......,., Grout Aide Type 11, or equal per 100 me. of cementifious material. One to we parts of pea gravel shall be used where the least clear dimension exceeds 2 Inches. Not Inca than sta, of fibs pea gravel shall pass the No. 8 soave and 1001 shall pass the 3/8 inch clear, 4.05Romforcing steel shah conform to ASTM A-616, Grade 60. 4ASLap all bars 72 -bar diameters. 4.0.71stmimum recomposed clearance to face shell shall be one bar diameter or 'A inch, whichever is greater. 4.0.1a s€ tie back is placed on concrete, thoroughly dean connate of all Workrs and loose material. Roughen as in a message construction joint. •- - r r s r r r AP FTG BOiT. BARS- o - 1 195 MIN,} 4.0.9Coriande black masonry shall be built to preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of cells. AN tread and end joints shall be WIND filled with mortar for a distance from the face of the wall (or unit) inward not less than the thickness of the face shelf. Bond shall be provided by Dapping successes courses or by equivalent mechanical anchorage. 4,0,10 Both low-fift andlor hub4lft grouted construction shall conform to CBC Section 2104. Closeout openings hall be provided at the bottom of all reinforced calls where grout lift exceeds 4' 0". Any overhanging mortar or other partrucbon or debits shall be removed from the inside of such nils. The ceanouts shall be sealed after Replanning and before grouting. Mechanically vibrate all grout poom. 4.0.11 Vertical reinforcing shall be held in postism at top and bottom and at Intervals not exceeding 192 -bar diameters. 4e.12 All cells shall be filled salldly with grout. All grouting shall be done under the continuous possrvation of a qualified Inspector as indicated. on plans. 4.0.13 Waren grouting is sapped for one hour or longer, horizontal expsWction joints shall be formed by stopping the pour of grout % inch below the op of the uppermost unit. 4.0.14Every vertical bar in walls shall lap 48 -bar Generators with a dowal of the same size and spacing extending Pram the foundation. Locate vertical minforchm at cemedme of web unless shown or noted otherwise. Carry each dowel to within Xaches of the bottom of the foundation and terminate with a standard hook. Altemateoria wahm of dowels. Dowels shall be straight and plumb. 4.0.15 Place all horizontal heroin bond beam units. When two bars are used, stagger laps a minimum of S'-0'. 4.0.161pmvidt (2) #6 bars with matching footing dowels (full -height of the wail at jambs and extending a minimum of 2',0" past edges of openings at head and sill) each side of all openings and each and of all walls, unless noted otherwise on plans. 4.0.17 All embedded items (bolts, straps, etc.) shall be secured in place prior to grouting. Cut a hole in the face shall to attain a minimum of ona-inch grout around all embedded Items. 4.0.18All bolts in masonry shall be ASTM A307 handed (or bent) anchor bolts. 4.0.19Use open-end block for all stock bond Deformation. WALL OR FTG. z t n. FER 18" MAX. tT. TABLE 63 S_ m sc FTG BOiT. BARS- o - 1 195 MIN,} 4.0.9Coriande black masonry shall be built to preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of cells. AN tread and end joints shall be WIND filled with mortar for a distance from the face of the wall (or unit) inward not less than the thickness of the face shelf. Bond shall be provided by Dapping successes courses or by equivalent mechanical anchorage. 4,0,10 Both low-fift andlor hub4lft grouted construction shall conform to CBC Section 2104. Closeout openings hall be provided at the bottom of all reinforced calls where grout lift exceeds 4' 0". Any overhanging mortar or other partrucbon or debits shall be removed from the inside of such nils. The ceanouts shall be sealed after Replanning and before grouting. Mechanically vibrate all grout poom. 4.0.11 Vertical reinforcing shall be held in postism at top and bottom and at Intervals not exceeding 192 -bar diameters. 4e.12 All cells shall be filled salldly with grout. All grouting shall be done under the continuous possrvation of a qualified Inspector as indicated. on plans. 4.0.13 Waren grouting is sapped for one hour or longer, horizontal expsWction joints shall be formed by stopping the pour of grout % inch below the op of the uppermost unit. 4.0.14Every vertical bar in walls shall lap 48 -bar Generators with a dowal of the same size and spacing extending Pram the foundation. Locate vertical minforchm at cemedme of web unless shown or noted otherwise. Carry each dowel to within Xaches of the bottom of the foundation and terminate with a standard hook. Altemateoria wahm of dowels. Dowels shall be straight and plumb. 4.0.15 Place all horizontal heroin bond beam units. When two bars are used, stagger laps a minimum of S'-0'. 4.0.161pmvidt (2) #6 bars with matching footing dowels (full -height of the wail at jambs and extending a minimum of 2',0" past edges of openings at head and sill) each side of all openings and each and of all walls, unless noted otherwise on plans. 4.0.17 All embedded items (bolts, straps, etc.) shall be secured in place prior to grouting. Cut a hole in the face shall to attain a minimum of ona-inch grout around all embedded Items. 4.0.18All bolts in masonry shall be ASTM A307 handed (or bent) anchor bolts. 4.0.19Use open-end block for all stock bond Deformation. WALL OR FTG. V JIN /'-'- CONTROL (1 DIM"S' 18" MAX. General Notes: Division 1.0 - General 3.0.1 All construcien shall conform to theulrements of the 2016 California Building Code, fee g 3.02 The design is based on the falipwing five Eoad inforcnation:. Roof Loads: N.A. Floor Loads: N.A. 1.0.3 The foundation design is based on a geotechnical investigation prepared by Salem Engineering Group, Report #2-219,0050, dated Febmary 20, 2019. Earth Design Pressures: Burning: DL Only = 1,75D par, DL + ST = 3,575 par (including anathema loads) Activo Prassura= 34 GVft Passive Pressure = 300 psfdt + 113 increase for short-term mads 1.0.4 Wind Design is based on the fallowing criteria: Basic Wind Speed, Veq = 110 mph Exposure = B. 1.0.5 Seismic design is based on the fallowing criteria; Soil Site Class = So Be = 01.009g: Sae = 0.737 1.0.6 All omissions and conflicts between the various elements of the drawings aradlor specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer before proceeding with any work so involved. 1.Pir The contractor shall verify all dimensions and cardigans prior to The start of any construction or fabrication. Any discrepancies between conditions found and those shown on the plans shall be brought to the Mountain of the Engineer for cladfication before work proceeds. 1,0A Wham a e mstrulmon detail is not shown W noted, the detail shall be the same as for similar work. 1.09 Details labeled as "typical' along with notes and details an the savaural drawings indicate the method m work, and aro to be used where they apply. Unless the condition is specifically detailed or parterre, use Broad details whether or not they are emssreferanced elsewhere. 1 K.10 All simaturai member and Generator shown on the drawings are new, unions noted '(Ey'for existing work. 1.0.11 Dimensions, unless noted otherwise, are to protective of steel framing, to the face of concrete surfaces, to the face of masonry surfaces, to the faro of wood framing, or to [tie top of slab. 1.0.12The structure is dtsrgned to be saifsupporting when w mplete. Temporary bracing of structural members may be, required during construction when support of slash common in the final configuration will be provided by elements that are to be penetration later in the project schedule, It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to design and prevails adequate shoring, bracing and formwork, etc, as required for the protection of life and property during construction. Division 1 4- Quality Control, inspections, Tests, and Reports 1.4.1 All required inspections and test shall be performed by a Testing and Inspection Agency. All inspectors shall be ICC certified for the type of inspection being performed. A list of inspacom to be assigned to the project shall be provided to the presiding betiding department for approval poor to issue of permit. 1.4.2 Special Inspections in accordance with 2016 California Building Code Section 1704 are required for the following, unless specifically noted chamber Soils - Reference Section 1704.7 to be performed under the direction of Soils Report Design Professional. A, See Solis Report listed above for extent of Tieod inspections to be provided by soils engineer. Concrete Consumption -Refervoae Secdon 1705.3 A. Reinforcing steel placement - Parodic Inspection G Verify Use of Approved Mix Design - Periodic Inspection C. Preparation of concrete test specimens & testing of stump for fo = 3000psi or greater - Continuous trap. MmWES Construction- Branches Spoken 1705.4 A,. Proportions of sits -mixed molter prior to construction • Periodic inspection B, Reinforcing steel placement, size & grade - Periodic inspection D. Verify grant spates are dean prior to Bonding - Periodic Inspection E. Verify Use of Approved Grout Mx Design - Parfodic Inspection F. Placement of grout- Continuous inspection G. Preparation of grout specimens, mortar specimens, andlw prisms - Continuous Inspection 1.4.3 Copies of ail inspection and test reports shall be furnished to the Engineer and the presiding building department. 1.4.4 Contractor shall be responsible for removing and replacing all work the', is determined by testing and Inspection not to comply with specified standards, at as cost to the Owner. Structural Testing 1.4.5 Ali concrete with a specified compressive strength of 3000 prior greater shall be tested in accordance with the 2010 Califomia Building Code, Section 1905.6 as follows: A. Testing agent shall prepare a set of three test cylinders for each class of separate placed each day for each 50 cubic yards of concrete placed or portion there of, net less than one set for each 1600 sq. ft. of wag or stab surface area. B.. From each set toot one cylinder at "von days & two cylinders at twenty-eight days. 1.4.6 All masonry materials shall be heated in accordarxs with the 2016 Outcome a Building Code, Section 2100.1 as f hIo xu: A. Testing agent shall prepare a set of four test specimens for grout placed each day, for each 35 tabic yards of grout placed or portion more of, nor less then less than ora sat for each 1$00 sq. ft of well granted, S. Testing agent shall prepare a set of four test specimens of mortar placed each day odor each 1500 sq, ft. of wall constructed. C. From each set of grout and mortar specimens, test one specimen at seven days & three consumers at twenty eight days. 1.4.7 Test reports shall be submitted to fa, Engineer of Record and the pro ut ing Building Department far review. All deficiencies in work indicated by the test reports to not compty with the contract documents shall be corrected at the contractors expense. SubnmW% 1.4.8 Prior to proceeding with the work, the Contract -or shall submit the following to the Engineer for review: A.Mix designs for all grades of concretes and masonry grout, including context test data on strength of camera batches. B. Masonry mataraw data. C.Piacement and shop drawings for all reinforcing. D. Manufacturers' catalog data and JCC - certified test data bar any proprietary product proposed as a .substitute for spectfied materials. 1.4.9 Submit the following to the Engineer for record: A.Rec ults of concrete specimen compressive strength test reports. B. Results of grout and mortar specimen campressive strength test reports. 1.4.10 Review of submittals by the Engineer is only for general compliance with design intent Review of the drawings does not relieve the Coritmaor of responsibility for completing work in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Contractor will allow a minimum of 10 working days for review of all submittals, following receipt by the Engineer. Division 2.0 - Foundations 2.0.1 All foundation work shall be done in accordance with the previsions of Lha 2016 California Building Code, 2.0.2 Foundations shall bear a minimum of 12" below lowest adjacent grade on compacted native soil. 2.0.3 All filling, bacMIling, and compaction shall be den under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer and must be compacted to a minimum density of 90% in accordance with ASTM D1557-02. 2.0.4 Prior to placement of fill beneath foundations, setts engineer shall inspect subgmde to confirm that suitable native soils Have been imperial Geoteschnical enginoor shall also inspect prepared grades for footings and foundations, prior to placement of reinforcing or forms. 2.015 Tops and bottoms of all foundations shall be parallel to maintain the footing thickness detailed and slope no more than 0.6%, as required to conform to top of fooling situations shown on the plans. 2.0.6 Foundations shad be cast in neat excavations of minimum dimensions shown and shalt be increased 2 inches in width where exnwafion am tome. Use 2x12 plank or other suitable form at edge to period against sloughing, as required. 2.0.7 Notify the Structural Engineer 48 boom before casting foundations wittio1g WE4 late PROJECT NBd 140838 DRAWN BY, DA/OC Ex: seALEI SHEET Nod s Iuli PROJECT NBd 140838 DRAWN BY, DA/OC Ex: seALEI SHEET Nod s