HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC PAPERWORK AND NOV AND INSPECTIONS 8.14.19BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST a e a s r t o Prevention Services Division �I11 R s F 2101 H Street FjRjr ARTM T Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 NOTICE TO COMPLY / SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS MINOR VIOLATIONS Owner/Operator: Facility: Address: _ ❑ There were NO violations observed during this inspection. -is— AIrw7 ❑ Notice to Comply. Minor Violations were found during this inspection as noted in the following Summary of Violations. The violations indicated in this inspection report must be corrected within 30 days, unless otherwise noted. Formal enforcement may be initiated for any violations noted, and for those not corrected in a timely manner. This report does not represent that there are no other violations at this facility. A re-inspection may occur to determine compliance status. SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS Item g VIOLATION REQUIREMENT FOR CORRECTION OF VIOLATION DATE FOR CORRECTION Inspectors Signature: Received by: Phone: Print Name: Date: Date: CERTIFICATION OF RETURN TO COMPLIANCE I certify that the violations noted above on this Notice to Comply /Summary of Violations have been corrected. I have personally examined any documentation attached to the certification to establish that the violations have been corrected. Si nature: Title: Print Name: Date: mmao — R—ina.e Cnnv Yellow — Business Copy to be sent in after Return-to-Compliance Pink — Prevenfion Sennoes Copy BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST r r r r n Prevention Services Division �tR r 2101 H Street Aff/ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 NOTICE OF VIOLATION SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS CLASS II AND CLASS I VIOLATIONS ❑ Notice Of Violation: Class 11 and /or Class 1 Violations were found during this inspection as noted in the following Summary of Violations. The violations indicated in this inspection report must be corrected within 30 days, unless otherwise noted. Formal enforcement will be initiated for all Class I Violations, and for any Class II violations not corrected within the required timeframe. This report does not represent that there are no other violations at this facility. A re-inspection may occur to determine compliance status. SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS Item VIOLATION REQUIREMENT FOR CORRECTION DATE FOR # OF VIOLATION CORRECTION i i Inspectors Received by Si nature: Phone: Print Name: Date: Date: White — Business Copy Yellow — Business Copy to be sent in after Relum -to- Compliance Pink — Prevention Services Copy FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION I �� BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street AM Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 fACRRY ADDRESS DATE f �(eii I, vo IC, FACILITY xAME CITY, erATe, ITS y 3 S c 6 WSZMW OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FEAyA® NAME, _ /1 FAR xO. fJ pIlL TO: (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVEI NAME. ADDRESS CITY, STATE. LP x0. OCC TYPE c `sc C NO.OF FLOORS O I n� DDi�,�I= 0.[eE0. DME WEE/D,, SPx•RLr R'Rem map, Mf Alarm sy CONBTRU.N TYPE aLee [s�17 So/ FT OF BID 13 YES NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS WOUTLIM ON ecxeD AELOw .nl RERACuleENTS COMBUSTOHE WASTE DRY Remove and safely dispose Of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (CFC 304.1.1) 2 Provide non - combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending Its safe disposal. (CFC 304.3.2) Note: applies to containers over 40 gallons. rnruus[nIE sTORACe 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box /fire door (CFC 605.3) 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(S) so that they will be In a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the floor. (CFC 906.5 ® 906.9) Exr[xaDD:xeps 5 Provide and install (amount) _ _ approved (type 8 size) _ __ portable fire extinguisher to be Immediately accessible for use In (area) ------ - -- (CFC TABLE 906.3) 6 Re- charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once each year, and /or after each use, by a person having a valid license or certificate. (CFC 906.2) s[DRE T Provide and maintain 'EXIT' sign(s) with letters 6 or more Inches In height over each required exit (door /window) to fire escape. (CFC 1011) a Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to Indicate the correct address of the building. (CFC 505.1) Me, bee RS/ 9 Repair all (cracks /holes /openings) in plaster In (location) - Plastering shall return the surface to Its original fire resistive condition. (CFC ]03.1) FEE: SePARAraERs In Remove /repair (item 8 location) Self-closing doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self -closi n9 doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the closing device. (CFC 703.2) 1I Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (CFC 1031.1) nn 3 ix Provide a contrasting colored and permanently Ito clean electric a it over or near (CFC 1008 exit (location) _______ t0 clearly Indicate it as an exit. (CFC 1008) arORADe 13 Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire escapes /Stair shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (CFC 1003.6) eLacramA4 APM.OG 14 Extension cords shall not be used In lieu of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets where needed. (CFC 605.5) IS Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical Convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (CFC 605.4) op mBURNING 16 Recreational FIRE or open burnina. fCFC 307.1 Violations of Section (CFC 5608.1) 8 8.44.040 (B.M.C.). FmewoRES 17 OTHER ie (iN % ^ /r/ U� CORRECTION DATE Gorr t the violations noted above by: LEGEND: CUSTOMER: C.F.C. CALIFORNIA FIRE LODE C F.C. L.B.C. CALIFORNIA AEVLD BUILDING MUNICIPAL CODE CO •.N.C. MUNICIPAL CODE ($ignaNf¢) (PoeaSC PNnI Name LEglEIy, P[Ie) NQ INSPECTOR: J RATIONAL N.P. P.A NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION SSOCIATION N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE White – Prevention Services Yellow – Station Copy Pink – Business Copy N hill I.. EW.0 1 1, UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1: Hazardous Materials Business Plan Inspection , BA FIRE DEPT. A llftN Preventio n Se rvices 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 3263979 Pax (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME ar INSPECTION DATE S- "ft- / . NSPECTION TIME LL ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT 4.11 3USINESS 10 NUMBER ,orsent to Inspect Name /Title Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program her ROUTINE ❑ COMBINED ❑ JOINTAGENOY ❑ MULTI AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ RE- INSPECTION C V C-karrpflampa OPERATION V_Violation: 1,11 Minor CERS Violation COMMENT APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ISMI 15.65.080 MIND' CERS INFORMATION ENTERED B UPDATED ANNUALLY (OCR 928.1) 3210043 VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BUD: 15.52.020) CORRECTOCCUPANCY (CBC: 401) VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS (MR: 2]28.3) 11110604 VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES (MR:2M..4) 1610008 / VERIFICATION OF LOCATION (CCR:2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL (CFO: 2700.1) / VERIFICATION OF SDS AVAItASIL1TY (OCR: 2T20.2(3)(b)) VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING (CCR: 932) 1020062 VERIFICATIONOFABATEMEMSUPPLIES &PROCEDURES (CCR:2731(c)) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE (MR: Mill 1610010 CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (MR: 66282.Slft CFO: 2]03.5) 3030007 j HOUSEKEEPING (CFC: 304.1) FIRE PROTECTION (CF13:903 & 9011) 9000032 / SITEOIAGRAMADEQUATE &ON HAND (CCR:21292) 101000$ M•S �N un�m Al N .Y' ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES ❑ NO 51 11"1 K � plain: Inspeflur. - .t- i AA 1 3 POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Comer dsc violewept noted above by `�"'µF' • Within 5 days of cortectini of the violations, sign and plum a wpy of this page to: Bakersfield Fare Dept, Prevention Services, 2101 H Stmet. California 93301 Signawa (that all violations have been amrected as noted) White - Business Copy Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Prevention Scrvics, FD2155 Hi 92017) HAZARDOUS WASOTonreo � ^N BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED lcPms CERS Violation# Prevention Services SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS i It 2101 H Street t Bakersfield, 99701 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Phone: 661 - 326 26-3979 •Fax: 661- 852 -2171 Facility Name: i Date: 57 - ' If - I S zm lmo waste determination made IOn Idl wastes lAnal sis 144'ienerator Knowled a ICCR 401 Site Address: AL I r: r.... r ' b Time In: Time Can: Owner /Operaam _ II Phone: I C I - E 91- 1-100 EPA In # C /IC 01 14 C08 Routine - Be- inspcetion/Follow -rip Routine Insp hpn O�] nt InsOarion - Complaint - Focused n other S'EONSENT TOINSPECr GRANTED BV (Same /Title): Y !`a�.p1, -2 Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying ofrecords, and determination of compliarse with harardous waste handling requirements. C HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERS Violation# COMMENTS Raordion in /dacnmentarnn t nerator has an EPA ID number HSC' 25143.13 3010002 I M zm lmo waste determination made IOn Idl wastes lAnal sis 144'ienerator Knowled a ICCR 401 3030005 1 nde rte also mfirm stion osted near hone CC 'R 66262.34 d 2 $011mite 3010022 Futility nnel&man ... am"aamin awareness CCR 662b2.34(d)(2 3020001 nifests /C'.anmlidated Mani test receipts Iqe CUR 66262.23(a) 3010008 eeo (s) efaamifast mailed m FvI CCR 66262.23(.)(41 3010011 ls oflsdin /recei «available CCR 66262.40 a) 3010010 Rs available and mm lee C(8662683. 3030006 rec clip re aced min UPCF H HSC 25143, 101 3030001 Container /tankmana amen Container, am in good condition CCR66262.34d)(2 )l 1 3030013 Containers arc closed except when adding/romming jCCR66262.3I 3030017 Satellite containers at or near point at eoustion CCR 66262.34e)(1 )(A) Enarraveman.e. are em CCR 66262,34T01 3030007 Containers ins acted week) CCR 66262.34h[)(2 3030019 Tanks insameted dais CCR 6626234 d 2 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One e.umintt me, waste stream at satellite area ICCR 66262.34 d 2 3030022 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordivanee/haesrdous materials codes HSC 25143,10 3010016 Accumulation Time LbWh Waste is aecumulated not more than 901270 ICCR 6626234 d 3030010 Ear containers mama ed within one o CCR 6626234 d 3030010 II Universal waste accumulated less than rate e CCR fi62]315 a ]030011 Used oil filters ofCsite within 180 (1 ar Q tan CCR 66266.130(c)(4 3030004 Pb -acid banenes offnd within 1801 .IImn CCR66266.81(a)3) 3030002 LabeloWMarkiag Containers are properly labeled [6626234(1)] 3030007 Excluded rt clable materials marked drapery IFNC 25143.9. 3050005 Universal waste container woperly labeled FCCR 6627334 3030008 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters' -C'R 66266.1301 1 1 30311 Date written on amud lead-and banner- CCR 66266.81(a)(6 B 3030003 "Usod Oil" marked on all used oil tarlke/vontainen CCR 66279.21 bdl 1 3030007 Tank marked with "hat waste , convents, start daze 166261 3030007 Treatment, Tram ort aad Dis mal/Ofier Have ermit /authormtion to do treatment rIISC 2513621 3040003 Waste sent withadhorzed tram ort n. eligible) CCR 66263.41 3050MI Waste dismedofm authorized am/ rt , [HSC 2511 1 3050002 Failed to m erl handle appliance wastes HSC 25212(. Fve Proration 6626234 d 2 3030032 Print and than in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings only receipt of report. k INSPECTOR :L r � ' 3 POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violation(sl noted above by - �� Q Sipaatu j[b qtt✓ y��•••"'lI WWW vi I�Xam,han�-s he�ave been comcted as rated) • Within 5&1ofcorrecting all ofthe violations, sego and rtum.copy of Ibis page to: 'O / (1 - Ba .field Fire Dept, Prevation Services, 2101 H Se Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date rmnt L..ner Whine- Business Copy Yellow -Station Copy Pink - Prevention Services Copy M INSPECTION RECORD BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street UST JOB CARD Bakersfield, CA 93301 fVS Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (6611852 -2171 Post this Card at the Job Site and DO NOT Remove for Duration of Work LIST NEW IN 3TALL OCCUPANCY TYPE: AQU= STALL DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE TANKINSTALL PRIMARY PIPE- 50PSIAHR SECONDARY PIPE-5PSI-lHR PRE-El D SECONDARY CONTAINIVIFNT OR FUEL. TANK TES ING MODIFICATIONS MINOR I MAJOR DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE �L TO PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF ANY SYSTEM, ALL UST AND /OR AST SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTALLED, COMPLETED, AND ACCEPTED BY THE BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE DEPARTMENT WINALI /r BUILDING ADDRESS- Z2 OO JOB DESCRIPTION: S-i-E OCCUPANCY TYPE: OWNER: PERMIT NO.: O CONTRACTOR: IJ A N FD 2165 (Rev. 3/2018) BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT A A rv4en on 2101 H Street PERMIT # asia r Bakersfield, CA 93301 e - e LOCATION OF PROJECT PROPERtt OWNER ! OSWELL CHEVRON ' SrA0.11NG DATE COMPLETION OAiE NAME P0.0JECr NAME AD0RE55 PNONE# 1 1 1 PROJECTAORRess 2700 OSWELL ST Cm, PftKEASFIELP NcATE ['A zIPCOnE � CONIRAROR NAME CA OCENEEA -TYPE OF LICENSE E %PIRATIDN nATE PHONE L Bruce W. Hinsley 971259 ;_ C61 /D40 3/31/2020 661-706- 4.321_ _ — _ COMRACTOR COMPANY NAME _ _ FAN 9 Advanced Compliance 661 - 589 -9329 laooRESS L 3704L!ttlefal]sCt.---.-----,--,--I Bakersfield 93312 Please make checks payable to CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. NO CASH Please. Thank you. ❑ Alarm - New & Modification (minimum charge) FA $ 288 ❑ Over 10,000 sq it $ 0 .028 x sq R ❑ !arm -Minor Modification (Add 1 tlevke /Relocadon of 2device51 $ 98 /hr (2 hrs minimum) _ $196 84 ❑ Sprinkler�New& Modification (minimum charge) FIRE $ 288 ❑ Over 10,000 sq ft — - - -- $ 0 .028 x sq ft ❑ Sprinkler - Minor Modification (<30 heads) $ 98 1hr (2 him minimum) _ $196 84 • Commercial Hood (New & UL 300 Upgrade Modification) END $ 241 Additional Hood $ 59 /hood _ P• Commercial Hood - Minor Modification (add /move nozzle) $ 981 (2 hrs minimum) _ $196 84 ❑ Spray Booth (New & Modification) SB $ 241 ❑ Aboveground Storage Tank (1 Inspection per installation) AST $ 185 /tank Additional Tank ATE $ 98 /tank _ ❑ _ —_ Aboveground Storage Tank (Removal, Mod, or Inspection) ATR $ 112 /tank _ ❑ I Underground Storage Tank (installation /Inspection)_ NI $_900 /tank ❑ Underground Storage Tank (Modification) MOD $ 900 /site ❑ I Underground Storage Tank (Minor Modification) MTM 171 /site —_— Uerground -storage (Removal) TR nd $ 587 /tank $ K _— 'Mandated UST Testing: Fuel Mont Cert/SB989 /Cath. Prot. $ 98 /hr (2 bra minimum) _ $196 NOTE: $98 /hr for each type of test/per site /per UST system even if scheduled at the same time TT _ ❑ _ _ Oil well pnstallation, Inspection, or re- inspection) X $ 98 1hr 84 • Tent TENT$ 98 /hr • After -hours jiLspiection fee _ —i #� 124/hr C2 hrs minimum)_ = -- 48 • Pyrotechnic (1 permit per event, plus an inspection fee of T $ 98 /hr+ (5 firs min standby fee /insp) _ $58 $98 /hr during business hours) RYRO I NOTE: After hours Pyrotechnic event inspection is'`a $124 1hr _j j5 hrs min standby FelnML- 3620 ❑ Re- inspection /Follow -up Inspection $ 98 /hr 84 ❑ Portable LPG (Propane)_# of Cages? _ 98 1hr B4 —$ — 1 11_ Ex losive Storage �_..— $ 241 .__ _ 84 r p __ _ Copying File Research Research fee $51/hr) 1$ 0.02/page __ 84 Ii—❑ ❑ evie Miscellaneous Site Plan Review (Carnival & FalrsNehlde a I $ 98 /hr 84 rnFn1-1M„n,,,, mrtn�) I FOIlI21 I.e 1 11,51 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS PERMIT NO, 4- ^BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. J,188 Prevention Services ---- -- uxtun Ave., 1- Floor %TION leld, CA 93301 ELDILINFTESTING 561) 326-3979 NDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING 361) 852-2171 TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM MONITORING CERTIFICATION ❑ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ❑ LIMETESTING ❑SB-969 SECONDARY CONTAINMENTTESTING ❑ TANKTIGHTNESSTEST X TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION ❑ Cathodic Protection Testing ED 2095 (Rev. 09/05) ITE INFORMATION FACILITY OSVVELL CHEVRON UMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS 2700 OSWELL ST Bakersfield, Ca. OWNERS NAME Same OPERATORS NAME Same PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. '', [SPIPING 01 GTOBETESTE 0 YES NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED—: �_N_ D, — 0 NO --TANK-# 91 UL 2 Diesel 3 87 UL TANK TESTING cOmPMy NAME OF TESTING COMPANY Advanced Compliance Bruce W. Horsley 661-706-4321 I MAILING ADDRESS 3704 Littlefalls Ct. Bakersfield, Ca. 93312 Bruce W. Hinsley 661-706-4321 CERTIFICATION#: A25212 DATE & TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED 8032668 1 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 51311-2019-- APPROVED BY DATE ED 2095 (Rev. 09/05) PREPARED 5/31/19, 12:10:14 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROGRAM BP820L _______________ ______________________ ___ ______ APPLICATION NUMBER: 19- 10000315 2700 OSWELL ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE PLAN CHECK FEES 98.00 MANDATED LEAK DETECT TEST 98.00 TOTAL DUE 196.00 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment.