HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE INSPECTION 8.22.19BAKERon er FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION Prevention Services 2101 H Street INS? Phone: CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 •Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 FACRE71 aooRSSS ..7r_ N rz zK_-- -____� F.Knm NAME - CITY, STATE, ZIP [` BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS AILAGER S NAME BRLTO: DF DIFFERENT FROM ABUSE)NAM6 ADDRESS Er,. STAiq ZIP PM NO. Tres acSLO_ xi Mocas occ USE EBSek DA>� )occ CE" - w.yD.r sPrmki AtEm T.. c TTe I.. RISE BLOO .11FT Dr BID A Va. YES N O CHECKED AU VSqunoxE n Re9UIREMeX18 xecxe0 snow Nei Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (CFC vas ELSONSu .foar 304.1.1) Provide non - combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and 7 rubbish pending Its safe disposal, (CFC 301 Note: applies to Containers over 40 gallons. to at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box /fire door (CFC EmxausrmLE sr. 3 Relocate combustible storage provide 605.3) 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the floor. (CFC 906.5 & 906.9) Exr GU HM 5 Provide and Install (amount) __ approved (type & size) portable fire extinguisher to be Immediately ece.ssfble for use In (area) - -- — (CFC TABLE 906.3) 6 Re- charge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at least once each year, and/or after each use, by A person having a valid license or certificate. (CFC 906.2) Provide and maintain -EXIT- sign(s) with letters 6 or more Inches In height over each required exit an;ro 7 (door/window) to fire escape. (CFC 1011) Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to a Indicate the correct address of the building. (CFC 505.1) 9 Repair all (cracks /holes /openings) In plaster In (location) nREDoDks/ Plastering shall return the surface to Its original fire resistive Condition. (CFC ]03.1J ,I.. DR... 10 RemHVe /repair (Item & location) -------- be designed to close by gravity, or by the action of a mechanical device, or by an Self - closing doors shall approved smoke and heat sans itive device. Self - closing tloors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation Of the closing device. (CFC ]03.2) 11 Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any storage. (CFC 1031.1) Sol 12 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently Installed electric light over or near required exit (location) ____ — to clearly indicate It as an exit (CFC 1008) — --- — ____ Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire BroRAw 13 escapes /stalr shafts are to be maintained free from obstructions at all times.) (CFC 1003.6) of permanent approved wiring. Install add itional up proved shall u05) eLernucuoFwnos 14 i outlets where needed. (CFC 6 electrcal out 1s Remove multiple attachment cords from specific electrical convenience outlet (one plug per outlet) (CFC 605.4) WT ..U.W 16 Recreational fire r gpon burnina. CFC 307.11 naewORxs 17 Violations of Section (CFC 5608.1) & 8.44.040 (B.M.C.). ..R 16 CORRECTION DATE Correct the violations noted above by EOENo: C.F.C. GLLPO0.MIR FIRE CODE L.B.C. CALIxpxU EUILDINO CODE CUSTOMER: (SlgnaNre) (PI¢aSe Ptln[Name Leglay, Title) B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE NO.: N.F.P.A. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTOR: ASSOCIATION X.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE White - Prevention Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy m ago, (Re". 03..