HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-9-19 SQGHAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION BA FIRE DEPARTMENT liePrevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 x Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Facility Name: gl1L MG _ Date: /�9�/q Site Address: -77Sl'1 L Gr, BIT I) Ga 93301 Time in: Time Out: Owner/Opemtar: !eCX eF s -M —U 1-11I_PIh+E. Phone: (a(,/ -32_7'43C)0', EPA ID kt�' j_J97 f ens c Non R tine Re mspedmNFollowap IT Combined Ronll��'��jj I spr/ata n I i 1 P ctiona - Camplvim - Focused n Other CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name /Title). [I/ Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and ccpyingot 9:. and dm nofeompbanea wiM hazardous waste Formal, requirements. mialmn C V HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERS ViotoHonN COMMENTS Reverdhee in documevtatm. Genemror has an EPA ID number HSC 25143.13 3010002 Ha`ardmus waste determinalina made for all wastes 3030005 Paalysis [Cenemmr Knowled e CCR 66262.40] Cantata enc len inforrretiou osted near hone CCR 66262.34 d 2 3010022 FacilLt onnel demonstrate tminin awareness CCR6626234(d)(2) 3020001 Maoifests/Consohdated Manifestmeei tseom lere CCR 6626223(e) 1 31110008 Blue eo {s o[maaif§s[ mailed to DTSC CCR 66262.23(a)(4)j 3010011 Bills of ladircom,ei mavailable CCR 66262.40a 3010010 LDRs available and comicte CCR662689a 3030OW Onsite ma'alm, rented mar, UPCF HSC25143 101 3030001 Coamtnerhank mana amen' el Comvin .. .. iv o0d canditioa CCR 66262.34(4)(2 3030013 Containers are closed oxct twhenaddin /removing CCR6626234(d 2 3030017 Satellite containers at arrear pmmtof enemlion CCR 6626234(1) I)IAEJ Imply containers arc Tapty JCCR 6626234( 3030007 cmasaera ins ctedweekl CCR 66262.34(d)(2)1 3030019 Tanks ins ectal dials CCR 6626234(d) 2 , 40CPR 265,2011 3030027 One amnminer per waste stream at satellite area CCR 66262.34(4)2) 3030022 Exclude Teryelable materials stored in accordance with Local 3010016 / ordinance1e,,m I ma materials Bides I NC 25143.10 Accumulation Tlme Limits Warm is aceumalated not mmrethan 90/180/270 CCR 66262.34(d) 3030010 Empty containers managed within one yacq I CCR 66262 34(dfl 1 1 3030010 Universal waste accumulated less than one year C'CR 661/.j 5Faoj 1 1 303001 I Used oil filters offsite within 180 1 VacT<1too) CCR66266.130(c 4 1.111 4 Pb-aoid banedu offsite within 1801 yr.<Iton) C(T6 66,91(a)(3)111 3030002 LabuUmI Nlarhing Containers are properly labeled I662b234(f)] 3030007 Excluded rev elable mmermia marked p.ere HS(' 25143 9(a) 3050005 Universal waste crammer ro ed labeled (CC'R 60273,341 3030008 IIriIfilm,markcd"drainal used oil filter" CCR 02W 1301 3030004 Date writtar on s 'nt lead -amid bananas CCR 66266.81 a 61 B 3030003 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers CCR 66274216 3030007 Tank marked with -h. waste" . corals, start date 166262.34(121 3030007 Treatment, Trans ort and Dis mal/Other Heve emriVaWhorizalonmdblrcatment HSC 25136.2 3040003 Waste sent with authonred t.csmH(en eliibm CC R 66263 411 3050001 Waste disposed ofto atnhonzed mind art IIS(25189.5.) 3050002 Failed to Property hendleappliance wastes JIG,'25212 .) Fire Prommton [M262 3 4(d)2) 3030032 Print a.d at'. i box far receipt or this report. Signature dace net imply agreement pith prattle only receipt of report. INSP;CTOR a0.a.4AL05 POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Wik.fidays ofco� ., Proentimihevielati¢101HLBdaaaaa¢py oC 3ispag¢to: Bnketsfie{d Fim Depe, Preva tion Servie s, 210{ H SY Bakersfj eld, CA 93301 8ignatare (that ala viotetionsheve been cmmcced es noted) FO2t9 lair Prue, White - Business CAR, Yellow -Start. Copy Pink- Prevention Services Copy