HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-20RPSOJJJTION. O117T-'TP,1,fLI!' Tu" P'2 Ai. 'SRED _0 7 LJ7 'INISKINIG OF VU_ '�L I�L�J�1�_; i." T) L pp n I , - ­� -,. I. � r " Sq '71";T V 'r C F .Ll - 11 T. - 'U L -H -T 7`1 T) L 1171 K-�- STIR -11 -FT IN "Y, Cj�]Mf as follows : BE IT EFSOLIT"D BY TT `4T`ij" /IT,, F BP-1�,,""RS FI EL 1), f he G it"Y U00mcil of tne U o did, on the 19th day of April, 1920, -,pass its 7esol,�itJcn f Ttentionn tuo orC---r cert_i- street Fork to be e and i.ni-oroven - ' s to 1i'v, under a-_­� iri -oursu-mice of an-kct of the LeCis- e marle in saic' lature of tu�,e State of CalifOrnia. �ntitled "An -act to -0rovide for the layir,p-, cut, onenizi e�_-tendinn­., straiF­nteniii­1, or closin- wo ii i,%rhole or in -part, any street, lane squ.a_re, --liev court, or place 7!ithin liurlicina-lilies, F,,nd- to andl acq'lilire all lands a.nd -oro- 7,prt-y necessary or convenient -L"o-.,- -that -pur-oose, " an -proved Llarc' 6, 1889, 8-nd t-I'lle several Acts amenelator,, tu.-isreof or Sur)-olemental thereto, the na1.ies, of the streets an('' qi�*rvays -)ronosed, to be iirroroved. and tfle loc,,--..tion and character of said nronosed. work beh-vcip-scril-ed in said. J r' hesolLition of Intention, w-riich is hereb-v ex-pressly referred to loo.- further particutlars, AND certain m;rners of --)roT.)ertv iialble to be assessed* for said, work ma -de rritten protest or objections in v!rit1.Y1`7' and 0elivpred -',!-I.e same to t -'Fie Clerk not later t-,,,cntnf4e hour -_.eu for hear;l-v7 such objections 777777i1S, at 'U?ip tine, set for nearm. , -0rotests or obiections the Citv Council -o,,ocee(.6d to hear tne same, and .11 of S 1 -04 �-Iests or objecticns navirj° 'hee41 heard am daly considered, ard said Council bein7 lem.iiced to, —ass trie sF.x-ie, it is ?1ereby R7XL7`T), by tine City Council of tt,ie Citi of B_alker`-_-fiej.d, at a.1 I o f t r r- S� =�,ests S.',Id obje-otions a- -inst said. oro-oosed __L 1 - J u 7+-ork or be, and, ii i`, sane are fiere4b7, overruled denied,. I I! E'H01 Y 0 FT ff! FY 11B.L'i t.?:C- f ore'To i!:e so 1 --tt ion 7i2.5 -I uly and re7ularly passed by the City Cot,,incil of t -,-Ip City of Bakersfield at a regular "ening of said Council held on t, -,e 7--4-clay of Jmne, 192,0,, loy the follovK7 vote: w, Wik;on. Ayeo-R— ........... ........ .. ------------- - off -nc.�, ex offMio 71er7of T, T, e 1 v x Co, Ci 1 of the City of Brakersfield. APPRUT'ID this _day of jqne, 1920. yor;7h,f -77he7HEY Ti 07 -7:17 -2-