HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 574RE307-UTION OF TXT_7ABTiON NO. S Y jOT;L?Tlnlj fly. TT'n- T_10 TO CLOSE .._ _ :l �.:li i'. .... vL.: iJu CERTAIN ,. ti_._!_Ou OF HUMBOLDT O=L=„ _ FROLT h,v:•r.N TO VIRGINIA STRE*- 1Y - THE v111 OF D.ii _._Jli i=, V :J _l: v :1.It.e BE IT RESOL'VE'D 31 THE COU':•^,1L 0- `AH.. CITY OF B ; :EZSFIE.LD.9 as follows: That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, to order the closing of the follolrin_ described portions of Humboldt Street; and that the lands included ^,ithin the boundaries of such portions as described, be abandon:;d; That Humboldt Street from the Easterly lire of Brocin Street to the Vesterl_y line of Virginia Street be closed and the lands in - eluded within the boundaries of such portions as described be abandoned; A strip of land 80 feet in width and 40 feet on either side of I the center lire of Humboldt Street, and extending from the Easter•lq line of Brown Street to the ';desterly line of Tiiliams Street; also a strip of land 80 feet in width and 40 feet on either side of the center line of H-,niboldt Street and extending from the Easterly line of Villiams Street to the :?esterly line of Virginia Street, according to that cer- tain ':fap of the "City of Bakersfield, Kern County, "alit ornia" showing East Bakersfield, formerly Sumner, filed in the office of the County Recorder, January 12, 1889. All of the herein proposed work and. improvement shall be j done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Calif- ornia, entitled "AIT A^,T TO PROVIDE FOR THE T_�YIi'G OUT, OPEIT7 G, EXTE-ND- ING, ' i_TDENIN•_7, STRAIGHT ,KING OR CLOSING Trp, IN (,'HOLE OR IN PART AITY STREET, SQUARE, L11_1TE, ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE171THlY ?A TIJ,ICIPALITIEj, AND i TO CO'vDEI:iTT ARID ACQUIRE APTY APTD ALL LAPID iTECESSAI-I OR CONV7!\TIE1,TT FOR THAT PURPOSE," approved taarch 6th, 1889 and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. The The Daily Report is hereby designated as the daily news- paper printed, published and circulated in said City in which the Street Superi_ltendent t s notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be pub- lished. - s R E3 Y CERTIFY t1a t the forvao1^ ri�--, D P Jv1U .1 l'i� -; a$ Passed a.ric._ adopted b- the Council of the City of Ba'keI'si geld �� a -, g'gular meeting of said ^ouncil '_geld on tha day of Febry-,ry, 1928, by 'He _'ollo-aing vote-. Carlisle, Car-ladc Je?lsson, T ai°` :, Cha cr City Clerk and Ex -officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. A PPROV-D t'_:i s j7f�da y of February, 1928. r✓'�. ': or vae City of BR-Ae s ' ela. RESOLUTION A RE SOLUTIO-? ORDERING THE CLOSINCT OF a CERTAIN PORTION OF HUMBOLDT STREET IN `M E CITY OF BAKFRSFIE-LD, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: 11FHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did on the 27th day of February, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 574, declaring its intention to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said Cita, to -wit: That the following described por- tion of Humboldt Street be closed and the lands included within the boundaries of such portion as de- scribed be abandoned: That Humboldt Street from the Easterly line of Brown Street to the Westerly line of Virginia Street be closed and the lands included within the boundaries of such portion as de- scribed be abandoned: A strip of land 80 feet in width and 40 feet on either side of the center line of Humboldt Street, and extend- ing from the Easterly line of Brown Street to the Westerly line of Wil- liams Street; also a strip of land 80 feet in width and 40 feet on either side of the center line of Humboldt Street and extending from the East- erly line of Williams Street to the Westerly line of Virginia Street, ac- cording to that certain Map of the "City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California," showing East Bakersfield, formerly Sumner, filed in the office of the County Recorder, January 12, 1889. All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legisla- ture of the State of California, en- titled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT, OPENING, EX- TENDING, WIDENING, STRAIGHT. ENING OR CLOSING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN PART ANY STREET, SQUARE, LANE, ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE WITHIN MUNICIPALI- TIES AND TO CONDEMN AND AC- QUIRE ANY AND ALL LAND NEG ESSARY OR CONVENIENT F 0 R THAT PURPOSE," approved March 6th, 1889 and the several acts amend- atory thereof or supplemental thereto. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Resolution of Inten- tion No. 574, for the above described work -on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. IMEREAS, the Council hereby finds and determines that no assessment is necessary, the owners of the property within said district having paid to the Superintendent of Streets the necessary money to cover all damages, costs and expenses incurred in the closing of said portion of Humboldt Street; and NHEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of Bakersfield did thereupon cause notices of the passage of said Resolution to be posted along said work and published for ten (10) days in the manner and form as required by law; and MEREAS, all objections filed against said work and improvement have been overruled and denied by said Council, and more than ten days have elapsed after the expiration of the time of the publication of said notice of the passage of said Resolu- tion, and the Council of the City of Bakersfield has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said Resolution of Intention to be done; NOW THEREFORE .IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in said Resolution of Intention No. 574, and said portion of Humboldt Street be and the same is hereby declared closed to the public. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the //'6�'-day of February, 1929, by the following vote: Ayeo: , Carlisle, Carlock, Corbett, Johnson, A. tiro, Stoner City Clerk and Rx -officio Clerk o he Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 1pt'day of February, 1929.