HomeMy WebLinkAbout02160029_Sec03-00 Project DescriptionWest Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-1 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc SECTION 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this Project Description is to describe the proposed project in a manner that will be meaningful to the public, reviewing agencies and decision-makers. CEQA Guidelines Section 15124 requires that a complete Project Description contain the following information: (1) a detailed map showing the precise location and boundaries of the proposed project and a regional map showing the location of the project; (2) a statement of objectives sought by the proposed project, which should include the underlying purpose of the project; (3) a general description of the project’s technical, economic, and environmental characteristics; and (4) a statement briefly describing the intended uses of the EIR, including a list of agencies that are expected to use the EIR in their decision-making, a list of permits and other approvals required to implement the project, and a list of related environmental review and consultation requirements required by federal, state, and local laws, regulations or policies. An adequate project description need not be exhaustive, but should supply the detail necessary for project evaluation. 3.1 - Project Location The project site is located in and adjacent to the southwestern portion of the City of Bakersfield (see Exhibit 3-1). It encompasses approximately 2,182 acres generally located west of Buena Vista Road, north of Pacheco Road, south of Ming Avenue, and east of the proposed West Beltway alignment (see Exhibit 3-2). Approximately 640 acres of the project site are located within the Bakersfield city limits and the remainder of the project site (1,542 acres) is located in unincorporated Kern County. The project site includes portions of Sections 10 and 15 east of the proposed West Beltway alignment and all of Sections 11, 13, and 14, Township 30 South, Range 26 East of the United States Geologic Service 7.5’ series Stevens topographic quadrangle. 3.2 - Project Site Background The project site is currently used for agricultural and oil production activities. Agricultural activities have occurred onsite since the early 1970’s and oil production activities have occurred onsite since the 1930’s. The project site is not under a Williamson Act Land Use Contract or within an Agricultural Preserve (McIntosh & Associates 2005). The oil production activities have included the drilling and operation of oil well and associated facilities such as sumps to contain drilling fluids. 3.3 - Site Development Constraints The project site encompasses approximately 2,182 acres and includes various existing site development constraints. These constraints include the following. • Kern River. The Kern River is located north of the project site. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), the entire northern portion of the project site, north of the Kern River Canal, is currently within a FEMA Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-2 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Zone “A” flood zone which is defined as areas subjected to flooding from 100-year frequency storms. A portion of the site to the south of the Kern River Canal and a small area of the southwestern portion of the site are also within FEMA Zone “A” flood zone. • Kern River Canal. This is a man-made water feature which enters the site near the northeast corner of the site and flows southwesterly, exiting the site approximately 4,000 feet south of the extension of Ming Avenue. The canal is a surface-level, concrete-lined, trapezoidal channel that conveys water across the site within a 100-foot wide easement. • Oil Wells. The site currently includes 44 abandoned oil wells, 14 idle oil wells, and 18 active oil wells. The oil exploration holes are likely to have had drilling and/or oil production sumps which may contain oily drilling fluids mixed with loosely compacted soils; thus potential hazardous materials could be present within the onsite soils. In addition, the dry holes and abandoned oil wells may not have been properly abandoned in accordance with current California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources regulations. • Petroleum Pipelines. Two major Shell Oil petroleum pipelines cross the project site from the northeast corner to the southwest corner. Additional smaller petroleum pipelines that currently or previously connected to oil wells are also on the site. • Natural Gas Pipelines. Two major Pacific Gas and Electric natural gas pipelines cross the project site. Both cross in a northwest to southeast direction and are approximately 2,000 feet apart. In addition, Southern California Gas Company (SCGC) high pressure gas pipelines extend north and south from the SCGC natural gas substation. • Natural Gas Substations. The Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Tevis gas substation is located along the northeastern PG&E natural gas pipeline immediately west of Buena Vista Road. A SCGC gas substation is located along the SCGC gas pipelines and adjacent to the southwestern PG&E natural gas pipeline that extends through the site. The SCGC substation is located just south of the Kern River Canal. • Railroad Line. The Asphalto Branch Railroad is adjacent to the southern boundary of the project site. The railroad line crosses Buena Vista Road as an at-grade intersection. 3.4 - Project Characteristics The CEQA Guidelines require an EIR to provide “[a] general description of the project’s technical, economic, and environmental characteristics, considering the principal engineering proposals if any and supporting public service facilities.” (CEQA Guidelines Section 15124(c).) 3.4.1 - Technical Characteristics The proposed project is the development of a new community on approximately 2,182 acres. The new community will be developed in accordance with the West Ming Specific Plan which includes provisions and regulations for orderly development within the Specific Plan area. 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-1_regional.mxd Exhibit 3-1 Regional Location MapN OR T H Michael Brandman Associates Source: Census 2000 Data. WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Unincorporated Ventura County Unincorporated Kern County §¨¦5 |ÿ14 |ÿ126 Lancaster Palmdale Santa Clarita RosamondLebecPine Mountain Club §¨¦5 |ÿ155 |ÿ178 |ÿ223 |ÿ166 |ÿ119 |ÿ166 |ÿ33 |ÿ46 |ÿ43 |ÿ99 |ÿ58 Unincorporated Santa Barbara County Unincorporated San Luis Obispo County Unincorporated Kern County Bear Valley Springs Stallion Springs Keene Bakersfield Shafter Arvin Oildale Lake Isabella Wofford Heights Bodfish Wasco Lost Hills Buttonwillow Taft Derby Acres McKittrick Valley Acres |ÿ99 |ÿ184 §¨¦5 Unincorporated Kings County Unincorporated Tulare County Unincorporated Los Angeles County |ÿ190 |ÿ138 |ÿ65 |ÿ33 |ÿ154 Project Site 100105 Miles R E N F R O R D Project Site SO UTH ALLEN RD MING AV PACHECO RD City of Bakersfield Unincorporated Kern County Michael Brandman Associates 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-2_vicinity_location_map.cdr N ORTH WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Exhibit 3-2 Vicinity Location Map Source: Thomas Guide Digital Edition, 2004. SCALE IN FEET 3,3331,666.5 0 3,333 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-7 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Land Use The proposed project includes the development of a new community with residential, commercial, recreational, schools, and light industrial uses. The project includes a maximum of 7,450 residential units, 478,880 square feet of commercial (including office, service, and retail), 331,200 square feet of town center commercial and mixed use (including office, service, and retail), 1,135,000 square feet of special uses (light industrial, mineral and petroleum, public facilities, open space, parks, public transportation, and office). The proposed schools will be located within the residential neighborhoods of the project site. Table 3-1 provides a statistical summary of the proposed land uses. Table 3-1: Statistical Summary Land Use Acres Maximum Dwelling Units/Square Feet Residential 1,511 7,450 DUs Commercial 50 478,880 sf Town Center Commercial and Mixed Use 63 331,200 sf Schools 4 Elementary 1 Junior High School 69 4,838 students Public Parks 56 NA Roadways/Canal 213 NA Special Uses 220 1,135,000 sf Total 2,182 7,450 du 1,945,080 sf du = dwelling unit sf = square feet NA = Not Applicable Source: West Ming Specific Plan 2006. General Plan Land Uses The implementation of the proposed Specific Plan will require an amendment to the existing Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from R-1A (Intensive Agriculture, 20- acre minimum), R-MP (Resource - Mineral Petroleum), and OS (Open Space) to West Ming Specific Plan. The Specific Plan provides for the General Plan land use designations that are identified in Table 3-2 and shown in Exhibit 3-3. Following is a discussion of each designation. WM-LR - West Ming Low Density Residential. Density in this designation is less than or equal to 7.26 dwelling units per net acre and includes single-family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, typical of tract developments and may include parks, water elements, and churches.); WM-LMR - West Ming Low Medium Density Residential. Density in this designation is less than or equal to 10.0 dwelling units per net acre and includes single-family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-8 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc multiple-family structures, such as triplexes, which require a full array of urban services and may include parks, water elements, and churches. WM-HMR - West Ming High-Medium Density Residential. Density in this designation is less than or equal to 17.42 dwelling units/net acre and include single-family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small to large multiple-family structures, which require a full array of urban services and may include parks, water elements, and churches.); WM-HR - High Density Residential. Density in this designation is less than or equal to 72.6 dwelling units per net acre and includes single-family detached and attached housing, including townhomes, duplexes, zero lot line developments, and small to large multiple- family structures. It is primarily composed of large multiple-family structures, such as apartment, apartment hotels, and condominiums and may include parks, water elements, and churches. WM-GC - West Ming General Commercial. This designation allows for a maximum 1.0 floor area ratio and 4 stories. Retail and service facilities providing a broad range of goods and services which serve the day-to-day needs of nearby residents are also included in this designation. WM-OC - West Ming Office Commercial. This designation allows for a maximum 1.0 floor area ratio and 4 stories. Business and professional office uses, and specialty retail are also included in this designation. WM-MU - West Ming Mixed Use. This designation allows for a maximum 3.0 floor area ratio. Major commercial centers combining professional office, major retail, and commercial support services are included in this designation. This designation provides for intensive development, characteristic of a commercial center within the City. It also provides the opportunity for integration of medium and high density residential uses in conjunction with commercial activities in order to create an active street life, enhance personal safety by ensuring the presence of people in the street at different times, and promote the viability of businesses. It may include parks and water elements. WM-SU - West Ming Special Use. This is a combing land use designation that combines the following land use designations as described in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan: Light Industrial, Mineral and Petroleum, Public Facilities, Open Space, Open Space Parks, Public Transportation, and Office. Michael Brandman Associates 02160029 • 08/2006 | 3-3_land_use_desig.cdr N ORTH Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Exhibit 3-3 West Ming Specific Plan General Plan Land Use Designations Feet 136401364682 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-11 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Table 3-2: West Ming Specific Plan General Plan Land Use Designation Acreages General Plan Land Use Designation Acreage WM - LR 448 WM - LMR 980 WM - HMR 378 WM - HR 43 WM - OC 41 WM - GC 9 WM - MU 63 WM - SU 220 Source: West Ming Specific Plan, 2006. Zoning Districts The implementation of the proposed Specific Plan will require an amendment to the existing Bakersfield Zoning for approximately 640 acres on the project site from A-20-A (Agriculture Zone, 20-acre minimum) to West Ming Specific Plan. The project will also require the removal of the existing County of Kern Zoning Districts from the project site and re-zone the 1,542 acres as West Ming Specific Plan. The existing County of Kern Zoning Districts include A (Exclusive Agriculture District), FPP (Floodplain Primary District); A-GH (Exclusive Agriculture-Geologic Hazard Combining District). The West Ming Specific Plan includes the zoning districts that are identified in Table 3-3 and shown in Exhibit 3-4. Following is a discussion of each of the proposed zoning districts. West Ming-One Family Dwelling Zone (WM-R1). This zone provides for low density one- family dwellings and townhomes. Parks, schools and other public uses are also allowed in this zone. West Ming-Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone (WM-R2). This zone provides for lower to medium density detached and attached housing as well as one-family dwellings, townhomes, and multiple family dwellings. Parks, schools, and other public uses are also allowed in this zone. West Ming-Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zone (WM-R3). This zone provides for medium to higher density housing, primarily attached. Parks, schools, and other public uses are allowed. West Ming-Professional and Administrative Office Zone (WM-CO). This zone allows a wide array of business and professional office uses, as well as a number of specialty retail uses. West Ming-General Commercial Zone (WM-GC). This zone allows office, retail, and service facilities providing a broad range of goods and services to serve the day to day needs of nearby residents. Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-12 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc West Ming-Town Center Zone (WM-TC). This zone allows for a mix of commercial, office and residential uses, both vertically and horizontally, that will allow for the creation of an active community core with an active street life and a vibrant business center. Live/work developments are also allowed in this zone. West Ming-Special Use Zone (WM-SU). This zone provides for industrial, office, and special uses as outlines in the zoning regulations in the West Ming Specific Plan. Mineral and petroleum extraction, agriculture, and agricultural support uses are also allowed in this zone. Table 3-3: West Ming Specific Plan Zoning District Acreages Zoning District Acreage WM - R1 448 WM - R2 1,358 WM - R3 43 WM - CO 41 WM - GC 9 WM - TC 63 WM - SU 220 Source: West Ming Specific Plan 2006. Villages Villages are proposed to be established within the West Ming Specific Plan area (see Exhibit 3-3). There are six residential villages (A through F) surrounding the Village Center. The residential villages vary in density and are supported and provided services by the Village Center. The Village Center District will function as the activity center of the Specific Plan containing retail commercial, offices, and higher residential uses. The Town Center area of the Village Center will function as the core of the activity area and will be a mixed use zone with higher density residential uses intermixed with or above commercial uses. Live/work opportunities are also provided for in this area. A Special Use District located adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad in the southeastern portion of the Specific Plan will provide for more intense commercial and light industrial uses along with the existing oil drilling and pumping sites. No residential development is planned for the Special Use District. Dwelling Unit Limitations As shown in Table 3-1, a maximum of 7,450 dwelling units will be developed on the project site. The West Ming Specific Plan has identified a minimum and maximum number of dwelling units that are permitted to be constructed within each of the proposed villages (see Table 3-4). The maximum number of dwelling units can not be developed in each of the villages because the entire project site can not exceed the provision of 7,450 dwelling units. A minimum number of dwelling units is identified to allow flexibility in developing residential units within the villages while preserving the village concept. Michael Brandman Associates 02160029 • 08/2006 | 3-4_zoning.cdr N ORTH Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Exhibit 3-4 Zoning DistrictsFeet 1364 01364682 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-15 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Table 3-4: Dwelling Unit Range Dwelling Unit Range Village Minimum Maximum A 800 1,403 B 300 598 C 300 740 D 400 995 E 250 652 F 700 1,995 Village Center 700 2,323 Total Total Dwelling Units Not to Exceed 7,450 Source: West Ming Specific Plan, 2006. Building Heights The Specific Plan has identified the maximum height of buildings located within each zoning district. The maximum heights will range from 35 to 75 feet throughout the project site. Table 3-5 identifies the maximum height allowed in each zoning district. Table 3-5: West Ming Specific Plan Maximum Building Height Zoning District Maximum Building Height (feet) WM - R1 35 WM - R2 55 WM - R3 55 WM - CO 60 WM - GC 60 WM - TC 65 WM - SU 75 Source: West Ming Specific Plan, 2006. Annexation Implementation of the proposed project will require annexation of the majority of the project site into the City of Bakersfield. Approximately 640 acres of the project site are within the City of Bakersfield city limits. This area is bounded by Buena Vista Road on the east, White Lane on the north, the future extension of South Allen Road to the west, and Union Pacific Railroad on the south. The remaining 1,542 acres of the project site are located west of the existing City limits within unincorporated Kern County as shown in Exhibit 3-5. This unincorporated area will require annexation approval by the City of Bakersfield as well as the County of Kern Local Agency Formation Commission. Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-16 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Circulation The proposed circulation system within the Specific Plan area includes roadways, trails, and pedestrian accesses. Following is a discussion of each mode of circulation. Roadways The roadway system for the proposed project includes both offsite and onsite public streets. The roadway system is shown on Exhibit 3-6 and consists of arterials, collectors, city collectors, local collectors, town center streets, and roundabouts. The project includes the preservation of right-of- way for the West Beltway through the project site. The project will require approval of various General Plan Circulation Element amendments. These amendments include a deletion, realignment, and extension of arterials, and deletions and a realignment of collectors. The specific amendments are described in Section 3.6.1. Trail System and Pedestrian Access Bicycle and pedestrian access is proposed throughout the project site. Both modes of transportation are provided within the multi-purpose trail system identified in Exhibit 3-7. A key trail segment will be provided through a major open space element that traverses the project site. All project trails will be 10-feet wide and constructed with concrete or asphalt. Two trail under-crossings will be constructed; one at White Lane west of South Allen Road and the second along South Allen Road south of White Lane. Additional neighborhood trails providing bicycle and pedestrian connection to parks, schools, water elements, and commercial areas will also be provided. Infrastructure Improvements The proposed project will include a public facilities system that will serve the land uses within the West Ming Specific Plan. Following is a discussion of the various systems. Water System Potable water for the proposed land uses will be provided by the City of Bakersfield. Water is proposed to be obtained from existing water lines as well as proposed water wells (see Exhibit 3-8). Existing water lines within and adjacent to the project site are located along Buena Vista Road, South Allen Road, Kern River Canal, and Ming Avenue. There are eight proposed well sites that are conceptually proposed within the project site. Sewer System Sewer service is provided by the City of Bakersfield. Sewer is proposed to be provided by new lines within the project area and existing lines adjacent to the project site (see Exhibit 3-9). The existing sewer lines are located along South Allen Road, White Lane, and Buena Vista Road. The project site also includes an existing sewer lift station along White Lane west of Buena Vista Road. Wastewater generated by the project would be conveyed to the City of Bakersfield Treatment Plant No. 3. 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-5_annexation_area.cdr Exhibit 3-5 Annexation Area Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-6_circulation_plan.cdr Exhibit 3-6 Circulation Plan Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-7_trails_plan.cdr Exhibit 3-7 Trails Plan Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-8_utility_concept.cdr Exhibit 3-8 Utility Concept Plan - Water Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-9_utility_concept_sewer.cdr Exhibit 3-9 Utility Concept Plan - Sewer Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-27 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Storm Drain System A storm drain system is proposed to protect structures and facilities within the project site and downstream receptors (see Exhibit 3-10). Interim construction of temporary retention and detention facilities will be provided within the project site. The ultimate storm drain collection system will include retention and detention basins, storm drain lines, and an outfall/pump station facility to convey storm water to the Kern River Canal. Other Utility Services The project will also include the provision of electrical power by Pacific Gas & Electric, natural gas by Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas, and telephone, internet, and cable television. The utilities will be underground and incorporated within the street rights-of-way or within the utility easements on private property. Schools The project site is within the Panama-Buena Vista Union School District for elementary schools (K- 6) and junior high schools (grades 7-8) and the Kern High School District for high schools (9-12). The project includes a provision for five schools to be located within the residential neighborhoods of the Specific Plan and will be approximately 13 to 14 acres in size. Approximately 69 acres are allocated for future school sites within the Specific Plan. However, offsite school sites and facilities may be utilized in lieu of onsite school sites and facilities where available and appropriate. The exact school site locations and exact sizes are not yet determined and will be located in consultation with the School District. High school students from the project site will attend Kern High School District schools outside of the Specific Plan area. Parks The Specific Plan includes the provisions for public and private parks and open space. A minimum of 56 acres of public park area will be provided within the Specific Plan area. Exhibit 3-11 illustrates the location of the public parks within Villages A, C, D, E, and F. The parks will be a minimum of 6 acres in size and include typical amenities such as bathrooms, tot lots, courts with no lighting, water elements, trails, shade structures, landscaped areas, and/or other park or open space elements, or combinations thereof. An Active park will be provided in Village B and will include a minimum of 15 acres in size. The Active Park is part of the minimum 56 acres of public parks. Private parks and other open space areas will also be provided within the Specific Plan area. The major private parks include West Central Park, recreation centers, and a lake (see Exhibit 3-12). Five two-acre recreation centers will be provided within Villages A, C, D, F, and the Village Center. The recreation centers may contain swimming pools, spas, tennis courts, community buildings, picnic areas, tot lots, and other similar community and neighborhood facilities. One five-acre lake with public access will be provided. The lake will be located in the Village Center District and although it will be private, it will be accessible to the public by means of the trail system. The West Ming Central Park will be approximately 20 acres in size and developed generally within the Village Center District over the existing 50-foot wide gas line easement that traverses diagonally across the project Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-28 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc site. The West Ming Central Park will accommodate a wide variety of community events such as art shows, bazaars, and unstructured activities such as picnic and fitness par courses. Other open space areas will be provided within the various villages. These open space areas will include mini parks, pocket parks, and other similar elements. The details of these other type of open spaces will be provided within individual subdivision maps. Phasing The various areas of the Specific Plan will be developed in phases over an approximate 20-year period. The anticipated phasing of the project is illustrated in Exhibit 3-13. There are 11 phases; Phases 1-8 include the development of residential areas and supporting uses such as schools and parks, while Phases 9-11 include the development of the commercial, office, industrial, and recreational uses. Grading within the Specific Plan area is expected to occur as development is proposed and implemented. Therefore, the existing agriculture and oil production activities will continue and be located adjacent to new developed areas of the Specific Plan until each area of the project site is developed. Development Agreement A Development Agreement is proposed as part of the West Ming Specific Plan. A Development Agreement is a contract between a local government such as the City of Bakersfield and a developer. The proposed Development Agreement specifies the responsibilities of the City and the developer of the project. It provides that the developer shall be permitted to develop the project site in accordance with the West Ming Specific Plan. For the term of the Development Agreement, the rules, regulations and official policies governing permitted uses, governing density, and governing design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to development of the project site shall be those rules, regulations and official policies in force at the time of the effective date of the Development Agreement. In addition, the Development Agreement proposes that the City shall only charge and impose those fees and exactions, including, without limitation, dedications and any other fee or tax (including excise, construction or any other tax) relating to development or the privilege of developing, which are in effect on a City-wide basis or otherwise specified in the Development Agreement. A copy of the proposed Development Agreement is available for review at the City of Bakersfield Planning Department at 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. 3.4.2 - Economic Characteristics The proposed project includes a mix of residential, commercial, recreational, schools, and light industrial uses within the Specific Plan area. DETENTION BASIN* OUTFALL/PUMP STATION TO KERN RIVER CANAL RETENTION BASIN STORM DRAIN CONDUIT/ DIRECTION OF FLOW SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY *Detention Basins may be used within the project area. These detention facilities may be incorporated within the water features of the project. STORM DRAIN This plan is conceptual in nature - The final drainage systems will be based on actual design parameters and calculations to be prepared at the time of development. The storm drain facilities will be constructed per "City of Bakersfield Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual," Division Two. Drainage shall be provided through a series of drainage detention and retention basins, inlets, concrete conduits, and outfall stations. Project water features may serve as "detention basins" for peak flows, with outfall to ultimate "retention basins" and/or the Kern River Canal. WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN 02160029 • 08/2006 | 3-10_storm_drain_plan.cdr Exhibit 3-10 Storm Drain Plan Michael Brandman Associates NORTH WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-11_public_open_space_plan.cdr Exhibit 3-11 Public Open Space Plan Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-12_private_open_space_plan.cdr Exhibit 3-12 Private Open Space Plan Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 02160029 • 05/2006 | 3-13_project_phasing.cdr Exhibit 3-13 Project Phasing Michael Brandman Associates H NORT WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIR Source: West Ming Specific Plan, April 2006. Feet 2000020001000 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-37 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc Based on the average household size as provided by the Year 2000 Federal Census for like adjacent development, the proposed project would result in a direct population increase of approximately 19,020 persons. This is based on a persons per household size of 3.01 for the 4,748 single family dwelling units (4,748 households x 3.01 persons per household = 14,291 persons) and 1.75 for the 2,702 multiple family dwelling units (2,702 households x 1.75 persons per household = 4,729 persons). The proposed project will include employment generating uses that will provide a substantial amount of employment opportunities. General employment factors were obtained by Kern COG. These factors included 17 employees per acre for commercial uses, 13 employees per acre for industrial uses, and 2 employees per acre for schools. Based on the proposed land uses and the employment factors approximately 4,226 employment opportunities would be generated within the implementation of the West Ming Specific Plan. 3.4.3 - Environmental Characteristics Environmental characteristics associated with the project and the site are discussed in Section 4 - Environmental Setting, and Section 5 - Project Impacts, and Section 6 - Cumulative Impacts. 3.5 - Project Objectives The project sponsor has identified the following objectives for the proposed project: 1. Provide a master planned community with residential, commercial, and industrial development of sufficient scale to permit master-planning of infrastructure, parks, open space, and public services to achieve the greatest possible efficiencies and synergies. 2. Establish a new mixed use center as defined in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan 3. Provide a development in southwest Bakersfield that is a focal point of activity and includes a mix of land uses as identified in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. 4. Provide a full mix of land uses to support the project’s population. 5. Provide employment opportunities to assist in meet the Kern COG employment growth projections for the City. 6. Provide residential uses to meet the housing demand specified in the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Element. 7. Provide development similar to and consistent with existing or approved development in southwest Bakersfield to maintain and enhance property values and enhance compatibility of neighborhood character. 8. Provide a range of housing types on the project site. Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-38 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc 9. Provide a master plan development so that land uses are phased in a programmed manner coordinated with the provision of infrastructure and public improvements necessary to accommodate such growth. 10. Locate development to meet anticipated growth in areas of relatively lesser environmental sensitivity, accommodating growth while balancing environmental considerations. 11. Provide parks which satisfy park dedication requirements and meet recreational needs of local residents including both active and passive recreational facilities. 12. Locate a master planned community adjacent to a major highway arterials to better promote efficient traffic flows and minimize traffic demands on local and collective streets. 13. Cluster as much housing as possible near major traffic arterials to minimize congestion, air quality, noise, and safety impact on collector and neighborhood streets. 14. Promote growth in areas as directed by the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. 3.6 - Intended Uses of the Draft EIR This EIR is being prepared by the City of Bakersfield to assess the potential environmental impacts that may arise in connection with actions related to implementation of the proposed West Ming Specific Plan. The City is the lead agency for the project and has discretionary authority over the project and project approvals. It is the intent of the City to regulate the installation of all public infrastructure improvements and all future development associated with the West Ming Specific Plan. 3.6.1 - Primary Discretionary Actions The following are the primary discretionary actions addressed as part of this Program EIR. City of Bakersfield Annexation The project will require approval of annexation of 1,542 acres. General Plan Land Use Element Amendment The project will require an amendment to the existing Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from R-IA (Intensive Agriculture, 20-acre minimum), R-MP (Resource - Mineral Petroleum), and OS (Open Space) to West Ming Specific Plan. General Plan Circulation Element Amendment The project will require various Circulation Element amendments that include a deletion, realignment, and extension of arterials, and deletions and a realignment of collectors. Following is a list of principal amendments required to implement the project. • Extension of Ming Avenue as an arterial east of Renfro Road to the proposed West Beltway • Realignment of White Lane (arterial) within Section 14 West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Project Description Michael Brandman Associates 3-39 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc • Deletion of a portion of White Lane (arterial) within Section 15 • Deletion of an east-west collector street along the mid-section line of Section 10 • Deletion of a portion of an east-west collector along the mid-section line of Section 11 • Realignment of an east-west collector along the mid-section lines of Section 13 and 14 • Deletion of an east-west collector along the mid-section line of Section 14 • Deletion of a portion of a north-south collector along the mid-section line of Section 13 • Deletion of a majority of the north-south collector along the mid-section line of Section 11 • Deletion of the north-south collector along the mid-section line of Section 14 General Plan Kern River Plan Element Amendment The project will require an amendment to the existing Kern River Plan Element land use designation for the portion of the project site north of the Kern River Canal from 8.1 (Intensive Agriculture) to 5.3 (maximum 10 units per net acre). West Ming Specific Plan The project will require approval of the West Ming Specific Plan which includes the guidelines and regulations to develop within the project site. Development will occur in accordance with the General Plan land use designations and Zoning Districts depicted on Exhibits 3-3 and 3-4, respectively. Zone Change The project will require approval of a re-zone of approximately 640 acres from A-20A (Intensive Agriculture, 20-acre minimum) to West Ming Specific Plan. In addition, the project will require the remaining 1,542 acres of the site to be removed from County of Kern Zoning Districts which include A (Exclusive Agriculture District), FPP (Floodplain Primary District); A-GH (Exclusive Agriculture- Geologic Hazard Combining District) and establish this area as West Ming Specific Plan. Development Agreement The project includes a Development Agreement that will need to be approved by the City and the applicant. County of Kern Local Agency Formation Commission Annexation The project will require approval of annexation of 1,542 acres into the City of Bakersfield from the County of Kern Local Agency Formation Commission. Federal Emergency Management Agency Conditional and Final Letters of Map Revisions The project will require conditional and final letters of map revisions for the proposed extension of the existing levee along the Kern River to remove a portion of the project site from the 100-year floodplain. Project Description West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 3-40 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec03-00 Project Description.doc 3.6.2 - Subsequent Discretionary Approvals In addition to the discretionary approvals identified above, the EIR could be used for the following subsequent discretionary approvals if determined appropriate by the approving agency. City of Bakersfield Parcel Maps Individual parcel maps will be subject to review and approval by the City. Vesting Tentative and Final Tract Maps Individual tract maps will be subject to review and approval by the City. Conditional Use Permits Approval of future uses which are conditionally permitted under the West Ming Specific Plan is subject to review and approval by the City. California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Oil Well Abandonment Permit Existing abandoned wells and future well that are abandoned will require a permit. Oil Well Drilling Permit Future wells that are proposed to be drilled on the project site will require a permit. Remedial Operations of Oil Wells Permit Significant changes to existing well bores will require a permit. Panama-Buena Vista Union School District The school district will be required to review and approve the location and development of future public schools for kindergarten through 8th grades on the project site.