HomeMy WebLinkAbout02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-1 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc 5.11 - Transportation and Traffic 5.11.1 - Introduction This section provides information regarding the existing and future operations of intersections and roadway segments on and in the vicinity of the project site. An evaluation of the project’s potential impacts on these intersections and roadway segments is provided as well as recommended improvements to these facilities. Information in this section is based on the following. • Traffic Impact Study, McIntosh and Associates, March 2006. The complete report is contained in Appendix L of the Technical Appendices of the DEIR. 5.11.2 - Environmental Setting This section includes a description of the transportation facilities in the vicinity of the project site that would be affected by the proposed project. These facilities include the roadways, intersections, traffic volumes, and project site access. Roadway Network The following is a discussion of the study area for the existing and future planned circulation system. Exhibit 5.11-1 shows the existing and future circulation network within the study area and the analyzed intersections and roadway segments. Rosedale Highway - Rosedale Highway (State Route 58) is a designated east-west arterial. Between 0.20-mile east of Calloway Drive to Coffee Road, it is three (3) lanes westbound; the remaining 0.20-mile of westbound is only two (2) lanes. The entire eastbound mile between Calloway Drive and Coffee Road is only two (2) lanes. Rosedale Highway provides direct access to State Route (SR) 99 Freeway and is a major thoroughfare to downtown Bakersfield. Brimhall Road - Brimhall is a four (4)-lane divided arterial between Allen Road and Jewetta (capable of expansion to a six[6]-lane divided arterial); a four (4)-lane undivided arterial between Jewetta and Calloway Drive; and a four (4)-lane undivided collector between Calloway Drive and Coffee Road. Stockdale Highway - Stockdale Highway is a designated east-west arterial with four (4) lane divided and six (6) lane divided between Renfro Road to east of New Stine Road. West of Renfro Road, Stockdale Highway exists as a two (2) lane undivided roadway. Stockdale Highway provides direct access to the SR 99 Freeway and is a major thoroughfare to downtown Bakersfield. Ming Avenue - Ming Avenue is a designated east-west arterial with six (6) lanes divided from Wible Road to west of Buena Vista Road. The proposed project will access Ming Avenue directly along its northern frontage. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-2 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc White Lane - White Lane is a designated east-west arterial with six (6) lanes from east of New Stine Road to west of Buena Vista Road. The proposed project will access White lane directly from both the north and the south. Panama Lane - Panama Lane is a designated east-west arterial in various stages of widening from Gosford Road east to SR 99. West of Gosford Road, Panama Lane exists as a two-lane undivided roadway. Taft Highway - Taft Highway (State Highway 119) is a designated east-west arterial that currently exists as a two (2) lane undivided roadway between SR 99 to east of Enos Lane. Enos Lane (SR 43) - Enos Lane is a designated north-south arterial that currently exists as a two (2) lane undivided roadway between Rosedale Highway and Taft Highway. Nord Road - Nord Road is a designated north-south arterial providing two (2) lanes between Rosedale Highway and Stockdale Highway. Heath Road - Heath Road is a designated north-south arterial providing two (2) lanes between Rosedale Highway and Stockdale Highway. Renfro Road - Renfro Road is a designated north-south arterial, except for the ¼- mile portion south of Stockdale Highway, which has been changed to a collector designation. Renfro Road begins approximately ¼ mile south of Stockdale Highway and continues to the north and intersects with Santa Fe Way. Jenkins Road - Jenkins Road, a designated north-south collector, intersects Stockdale Highway and extends from roughly ½ mile south of Stockdale Highway to ½ mile north of Stockdale Highway. To the north, it runs from Brimhall Road and extends to the north past Rosedale Highway. Allen Road - Allen Road is a designated north-south arterial with two (2) lanes, undivided from North of Hageman to south of Stockdale Highway. The proposed project will access South Allen Road directly from both the east and the west. The following is the laneage is that which would be required at construction of the project by future year 2015 and not necessarily dictated by project impacts: • Harris/Pensinger Road and South Allen Road - To provide a signalized intersection and the construction of two eastbound left turn lanes, one eastbound shared through lane and right turn lane, one westbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound shared through and right turn lane, one southbound shared left turn and through lane, and one southbound right turn lane. X X X X X X X X X X X XX X XX X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X XXXX X X XX XX X X X X X X XXXXXXXX XX X X X X X X X XX X X X XX X XXXX X X X X X XXX X X Enos Ln Superior Rd Greely Rd Driver Rd Nord Ave Wegis Ave Rosedale Hwy Stockdale Hwy Meacham Rd Rosedale Hwy Heat h Rd Palm Ave R enf ro R d Alle n Rd Johnson Rd Stockdale Hwy Jewetta Ave C offe e R d Brimhall Rd Buena Vista Rd Old River Rd Palm Ave Meacham Rd Fruitvale Ave Tr u xt u n A v e Stockdale Hwy 99 Golden State Ave 34th St Rosedale Hwy California Ave Truxtun Ave P St Chester Ave H St Ming Ave Planz Rd White Ln Pacheco Rd District Blvd Wible Rd H StStine Rd Harris Rd Wilson Rd Panama Ln Ashe Rd Hosking Rd Berkshire Rd Mckee Rd 119 Mccutchen Rd Progress Rd Pacheco Rd Green Rd Gosford Rd Buena Vista Rd 119 Barlow Rd Pensinger Rd Panama Ln Kern River Canal Access Rd Enos Ln 119 Panama Ln W e s t B e lt w a y Westside Parkway 02160029 • 08/2006 | 5.11-1_traffic_study.mxd Exhibit 5.11-1Traffic Study Area Source: The CaSIL, and MBA GIS (2006). WEST MING SPECIFIC PLAN EIRMichael Brandman AssociatesN OR T H 1010.5 Miles Legend Project Boundary X Intersections Roadway Segments Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-5 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Buena Vista Road - Buena Vista Road is a designated north-south arterial with two (2) lanes undivided south of White Lane and four (4) lanes divided north of White Lane, connecting Taft and Stockdale Highways. The proposed project will access Buena Vista Road directly along its eastern frontage. Old River Road - Old River Road is a designated north-south arterial with six (6) lanes between Stockdale Highway to south of White Lane with two (2) lanes provided between Pacheco Road and Taft Highway. Old River Road connects to the extension of Calloway Drive at Stockdale Highway. Calloway Drive - Calloway Drive, a designated north-south arterial, is a two (2) lane roadway from Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road and four (4) lanes between Brimhall Road and Stockdale Highway. The southern terminus of Calloway Drive is at the Old River Road alignment. Coffee Road - Coffee Road is a designated north-south arterial with six (6) lanes from North of Rosedale to Stockdale Highway. Coffee road is aligned with Gosford Road at Stockdale Highway. Gosford Road - Gosford Road is a designated north-south arterial with six (6) lanes, divided between Stockdale Highway to north of Panama Lane. Gosford Road continues south of Panama Lane, as a two (2) lane undivided roadway. Gosford Road is aligned with Coffee Road at Stockdale Highway. Ashe Road - Ashe Road is a designated north-south arterial with four (4) lanes, divided from Stockdale Highway to Panama Lane. South of Panama Lane it exists as a two (2) lane undivided roadway. New Stine/Stine Road - New Stine Road is a designated north-south arterial and is currently six (6) lane divided roadway between Stockdale Highway and White Lane. It continues to Panama Lane as Stine Road and is a two (2) lane roadway from Panama Lane to Taft Highway. McCutchen Road/ Hosking Avenue - Hosking Avenue currently exists as a two (2) lane, undivided, designated east-west arterial from Stine Road, continuing eastward past State Highway 99. It will align with the future McCutchen Road that will continue west from Ashe Road to Buena Vista Road. Campus Park Drive - Campus Park Drive exists as a two (2) lane, undivided, designated collector from Buena Vista Road to east of Old River Road. It will run through the project site and will intersect with the future alignment of White Lane. Chamber Boulevard - Chamber Boulevard exists as a two (2) lane divided collector designation from South Allen Road to Grand Lakes Avenue. It will run through the project site and will provide access to South Allen Road. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-6 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Harris Road - Harris Road exists as a two (2) lane, undivided, designated collector from Wible Road to Buena Vista Road. It is aligned with Pensinger Road, continuing west of Buena Vista Road. Mountain Vista Drive - Mountain Vista Drive is a designated collector that currently exists as a two (2) lane, undivided roadway from North of White Lane to south of Campus Park Drive. Windermere Street - Windermere Street is a designated north-south collector that currently exists as a two (2) lane, undivided roadway north of White Lane. In the future, Windermere Street will continue south of White Lane into the project site, providing access to White Lane. Westside Parkway - The Westside Parkway will be a multilane, divided east-west local freeway from Stockdale Highway to State Route 178. It will align with the former Kern River Freeway and will run for approximately 10 miles, cutting through central Bakersfield. It is assumed for this study that the Westside Parkway will be constructed by the year 2015. The following laneage is that which would be required to comply with City Ordinance at construction of the off-ramps by future year 2015 and not necessarily dictated by project impacts: • Allen Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound shared left turn and right turn lane, one northbound shared through and right turn lane, two southbound left turn lanes, one northbound through lane, and two southbound through lanes. • Allen Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound shared left turn and through lane, and one southbound shared through lane and right turn lane. • Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of two westbound left turns, one westbound right turn, one northbound shared left turn and through lane, one northbound through lane, one southbound through lane, and one southbound shared through lane and right turn lane. • Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound shared left and right turn lane, one northbound through lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, and two southbound through lanes. Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-7 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of two westbound left turn lanes, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, three northbound through lanes, two southbound through lanes, and one southbound shared through lane and right turn lane. • Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound left turn lane, one eastbound right turn lane, three northbound through lanes, one northbound right turn lane, two southbound left turn lanes, and two southbound through lanes. West Beltway - The West Beltway will be a multilane, divided north-south local freeway from Brimhall Road to Taft Highway. It will align with the current Rudd Avenue north of Brimhall Road and Jenkins Road south of White Lane. The West Beltway will run through the proposed West Ming Specific Plan site along its western edge with on and off ramps at both Ming Avenue and White Lane. It is assumed for this study that the West Beltway will be constructed by the year 2015. Performance Criteria A level of service category is the generally accepted measure used to describe the quality of operation of roadways and intersections. There are six Levels of Service (LOS) categories - LOS A through LOS F - where LOS A represents free-flowing traffic conditions and LOS F represents constricted or bumper-to-bumper traffic conditions. The City of Bakersfield has established a performance criteria of LOS C for intersections and roadway segments. Traffic service levels are also described in terms of an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU). The ICU methodology expresses intersection performance in terms of the degree of capacity utilization for critical lane groups of an intersection. Capacity utilization is expressed as a volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio for each lane group, expressed in a decimal percent. The ICU of an intersection is based on the following variables: the number of vehicles using all legs of the intersection; the manner in which the vehicles use the intersection (left-turns, right-turns, etc.); and the capacity of each lane of the intersection. The sum of V/C ratios for the critical lane groups constitutes the ICU value for the intersection. Table 5.11-1 describes the conditions associated with each LOS category, ICU value, and expected delays for both signalized and unsignalized intersections. Table 5.11-2 identifies the LOS criteria for highways and arterials. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-8 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Table 5.11-1: LOS Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections LOS Category ICU Range Description Signalized Intersection Delay (seconds per vehicle) Unsignalized Intersection Delay (seconds per vehicle) LOS A 0-0.60 Excellent operation. All approaches to the intersection appear quite open, turning movements are easily made, and nearly all drivers find freedom of operation. < 10 <10 LOS B 0.61 to 0.70 Very good operation. Many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within platoons of vehicles. This represents stable flow. An approach to an intersection may occasionally be fully utilized and traffic queues start to form. > 10 and ≤ 20 > 10 and <15 LOS C 0.71 to 0.80 Good operation. Occasionally drivers may have to wait more than 60 seconds, and back-ups may develop behind turning vehicles. Most drivers feel somewhat restricted. > 20 and ≤ 35 > 15 and <25 LOS D 0.81 to 0.90 Fair operation. Cars are sometimes required to wait more than 60 seconds during short peaks. There are no long- standing traffic queues. > 35 and ≤ 55 >25 and <35 LOS E 0.91 to 1.00 Poor operation. Some long-standing vehicular queues develop on critical approaches to intersections. Delays may be up to several minutes. > 55 and ≤ 80 > 35 and <50 LOS F > 1.01 Forced flow. Represents jammed conditions. Backups form locations downstream or on the cross street may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the intersection approach lanes; therefore, volumes carried are not predictable. Potential for stop and go type traffic flow. > 80 > 50 < = less than ≤ = less than or equal to > = greater than Source: Traffic Impact Study, McIntosh and Associates, March 2006 Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-9 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Table 5.11-2: LOS Criteria for Roadway Segments Level of Service Description V/C Ratio A Free flow conditions, unimpeded ability to maneuver and pass, very little delay, no platoons, highest average travel speeds. 0.00-0.60 B Mostly free flow conditions, presence of other vehicles begins to be noticeable. Passing is required to maintain speeds, slightly less average travel speeds than Level of Service “A.” 0.61-0.70 C Traffic density clearly affects the ability to pass and maneuver within the stream. Speeds are reduced to about 50 mph on highways and to about 50% of the average on urban arterials. 0.71-0.80 D Unstable flow. Speeds are reduced from 40% to 60% of normal. Passing demand is high although mostly impossible on 2-Lane Highways. Traffic disruptions usually cause extensive queues. 0.81-0.90 E Very unstable flow at or near capacity. Passing and maneuvering virtually impossible. Extensive platooning on highways and queuing on arterials. Speeds range from 20 mph or less on arterials and 2-Lane Highways, and up to 50 mph on Multi-lane Highways. 0.91-1.0 F Forced or breakdown flow. Demand exceeds capacity. Vehicles experience short spurts of movement followed by stoppages. Intersection congestion, long queues, and delays are common. Above 1.0 Source: Traffic Impact Study, McIntosh and Associates, March 2006 Traffic Volumes and Traffic Counts Traffic counts were taken at major intersections within the study area as required by the City of Bakersfield. Counts were used to determine the local peak hour, directional distribution, and existing operational level of service. A portion of the existing traffic counts were taken from the approved traffic study prepared by Ruettgers & Schuler Civil Engineers, dated June 2005, for the nearby Old River Ranch project site, per public record. Existing traffic counts were taken at the evening (PM) peak hour for all intersections within the study area and at the morning (AM) peak hour for all intersections under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Transportation as required by Caltrans, because Caltrans requires AM peak hour analyses of their intersections. AM peak hour counts were also taken at all of the intersections requiring analysis beyond existing conditions. This requirement is based on those intersections that have greater than 50 vehicles per hour (vph) and operate better than LOS C and for facilities that operate at LOS C or worse, a sliding scale is applied as follows: LOS C- 40 vehicles per hour (vph); LOS D-30 vph; LOS E-20 vph; LOS F-10 vph. A total of 74 intersections were analyzed to determine the existing levels of service during the peak periods. Currently 19 of the 79 existing study area intersections operate at an unacceptable level of service for morning or evening peak hours or both. Following is a list of the intersections. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-10 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Rosedale Highway and Allen Road (AM and PM peak hours); • Rosedale Highway and Calloway Drive (PM peak hour); • Rosedale Highway and Coffee Road (AM and PM peak hours); • Truxton Avenue and Coffee Road (AM and PM peak hours); • Stockdale Highway and Gosford Road (AM and PM peak hours); • Stockdale Highway and New Stine Road (AM and PM peak hours); • Ming Avenue and New Stine Road (PM peak hour); • Ming Avenue and Old Stine Road (PM peak hour); • Ming Avenue and Real Road (PM peak hour); • Ming Avenue and Wible Road (PM peak hour); • Buena Vista Road and Chamber Boulevard (PM peak hour); • White Lane and Ashe Road (PM peak hour); • White Lane and Wible Road (AM and PM peak hours) • White Lane and Southbound (SB) SR 99 Ramps (PM peak hour); • White Lane and South H Street (PM peak hour); • Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road (AM peak hour); • Panama Lane and Reliance Road (AM peak hour); • Panama Lane and Ashe Road (PM peak hour); • Panama Lane and Wible Road (AM and PM peak hour) Additionally, a total of 127 roadway segments were analyzed to determine the existing level of service. All of the analyzed roadway segments currently operate at acceptable levels of service (i.e., LOS A, B, or C). 5.11.3 - Thresholds of Significance Criteria used to determine the significance of traffic impacts are based on Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Bakersfield standards. A project would normally have a significant impact if it would: • Cause an increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections); • Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the city. • Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks; • Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment); • Result in inadequate emergency access; Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-11 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Result in inadequate parking capacity; or • Conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks). The City of Bakersfield considers a project to have a significant impact related to level of service on intersections and roadways if it will: • Results in one or more study area intersections and/or roadway segments that currently operates at LOS C or better operating below LOS C; or • Results in the LOS degradation of any study area intersection and/or roadway segments that currently operates at LOS D or worse. 5.11.4 - Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures Roadways and Intersections Impact 5.11.A: The proposed project will increase traffic substantially in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system including intersections and roadways. This increase will individually exceed the City’s level of service standard for intersections and roadways. Implementation of the proposed project will substantially increase traffic in the project vicinity. The average daily traffic (ADT) volumes generated from the proposed land uses were estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 7th edition (2003). Table 5.11-3 identifies the anticipated project-related average daily trips and AM and PM peak hour trips. Table 5.11-3: Project Trip Generation Land Use Net Acres Density D.U.’s / AC D.U.’s / GLFA Daily Trip Average AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Single Family Residential 1208.80 2.87 3475 du 30229 2524 3061 Single Family Residential 310.20 4.10 1273 du 11491 928 1172 Multi-Family Residential 87.20 7.90 689 du 4461 346 412 Multi-Family Residential 130.10 13.39 1742 du 11163 873 1028 Multi-Family Residential 12.80 21.17 271 du 1800 137 167 Office Commercial 36.35 N/A 395,852 sf 4103 589 556 General Commercial 38.06 N/A 414,473 sf 13964 318 1262 Special Use 217.18 N/A 1,135,000 sf 10341 1631 1246 Total 87552 7346 8904 Source: McIntosh and Associates, March 2006. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-12 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc As shown in Table 5.11-3, the proposed project will result in an average daily traffic of 87,552, AM peak hour traffic of 7,346 trips, and PM peak hour traffic of 8,904 trips. The project generated traffic was assigned to the existing and future roadway network based on KernCOG’s regional traffic model. The traffic analysis was conducted for the years 2015 and 2030. Year 2015 and Year 2030 traffic volumes were determined using data from the regional cumulative projects traffic model prepared by KernCOG. The KernCOG model uses traffic software, which bases traffic projections on Traffic Analysis Zone (T.A.Z.) Socio-Economic data projected for future year scenarios. A traffic model run was requested from KernCOG for the Year 2030 with projected background traffic, traffic attributable to the proposed project, along with traffic from all other future proposed projects that add traffic to the surrounding roadway network. Future traffic volumes are based on socio-economic data for all the proposed projects and predicted growth for future years. This model accounts for cumulative impacts of all proposed projects when performing impact analysis on the existing and proposed street network. The data from this cumulative projects model run was used to derive the traffic volumes for analysis of the “Future Year 2015 Projected Volumes with Project” and the “Future Year 2030 Projected Volumes with Project” scenario. An additional model run was requested from KernCOG that removed socio-economic data related to the proposed project which was used to derive the projections for the “Future Year 2015 Projected Volumes without Project” and the “Future Year 2030 Projected Volumes without Project”. The data from this model run was compared to the data from the cumulative model run to approximate traffic volumes attributable to the proposed project. Project Design Features The following are project design features and the laneage is that which would be required at construction of the project by future year 2015 and not necessarily dictated by project impacts: • Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound shared through and right turn lane, one westbound shared left turn and through lane, and one northbound shared left turn and right turn lane. • Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound left turn lane, one eastbound right turn lane, two westbound left turn lanes, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, and one eastbound, one westbound, two northbound, and two southbound through lanes. • White Lane and Campus Park Drive - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one westbound and one northbound through lanes, one eastbound shared through and right turn lane, and one southbound shared through and right turn lane. Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-13 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • White Lane and South Allen Road - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound left turn lane, one eastbound shared through lane and right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one westbound through lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one northbound right lane, one southbound left turn lane, and one southbound shared through lane and right turn lane. • White Lane and Windermere Street - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two westbound shared through and right turn lanes, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, and one southbound through and right turn lane. • South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, one westbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, one northbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, and one southbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane. • South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 - To provide an unsignalized intersection and the construction of one eastbound shared left turn and right turn lane, one northbound shared left turn and through lane, and one southbound through and right turn lane. • South Allen Road and South Allen Entrance - To provide an unsignalized intersection and construct one eastbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, one westbound shared left turn, through, and right turn lane, one northbound shared left turn and through lane, one northbound shared through and right turn lane, one southbound shared left turn and through lane, and one southbound shared through and right turn lane. • Buena Vista Road and South Project Entrance - To provide an unsignalized intersection and construct one eastbound shared left turn and right turn lane, one northbound shared left turn and through lane, one southbound shared through and right turn lane, and one northbound through lane. Following is an analysis of the project’s impacts on intersections and roadways in the years 2015 and 2030. Year 2015 Year 2015 traffic volume projections were used to analyze project generated traffic impacts at the time of the anticipated half buildout of the project. Intersection Analysis Of the 189 intersection scenarios (AM and PM) analyzed for existing and/or future LOS, 41 intersection scenarios were not analyzed beyond existing conditions because these intersections did not meet the sliding scale criteria for further analysis (see Table 7 of Appendix L of this EIR). Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-14 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc The analysis for the Year 2015 with project assumes that the improvements required for the Year 2015 without project are implemented prior to the addition of project related traffic. With the addition of project-related traffic, a total of 18 intersections will exceed the established thresholds during either the AM, PM, or both AM and PM peak hours even with the improvements that are required for the Year 2015 without project. Impacts at the intersections identified below are considered significant and are attributed to the proposed project. • Allen Road and WB Westside Parkway (PM Peak) • Allen Road and EB Westside Parkway (PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 (PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and South Allen Park (AM and PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and Ashe Road (PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard (AM and PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Campus Park Drive(Am and PM Peak) • White Lane and South Allen Road (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Windermere Street (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Buena Vista Road (AM Peak) • South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive (AM and PM Peak) • Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive (AM and PM Peak) • Panama Lane and NB Westside Beltway (PM Peak) • Panama Lane and South Allen Road (AM and PM Peak) • Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road (PM Peak) • Panama Lane and Mountain Vista Drive (AM Peak) • Panama Lane and Ashe Road (PM Peak) Roadway Segment Analysis Of the 127 roadway segments analyzed under existing conditions, 69 segments did not warrant further analysis under future project-related conditions based upon the sliding scale criteria discussed previously in this section. A total of 10 roadway segments will require mitigation beyond the improvements that are required for the Year 2015 without project. • Stockdale Highway - Gosford Road to Ashe Road • Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue • South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard • South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane • South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-15 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco • South Allen Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane • Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive • Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance • Buena Vista Road - South Project Entrance to Panama Lane Year 2030 Year 2030 traffic volumes were used to analyze project generated traffic impacts at the time of full buildout of the project. Intersection Analysis Similar to the Year 2015 scenario, Year 2030 assumes that the improvements required for the Year 2030 without project are implemented prior to the addition of project related traffic. With the addition of project-related traffic, a total of 26 intersections will exceed the established thresholds during either the AM, PM, or both AM and PM peak hours even with the improvements that are required for the Year 2015 without project. Impacts at the intersections identified below are considered significant and are attributed to the proposed project. • Allen Road and EB Westside Parkway (AM Peak) • Calloway Drive and WB Westside Parkway (PM Peak) • Calloway Drive and EB Westside Parkway (PM Peak) • Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road (AM and PM Peak) • Stockdale Highway and Old River (PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 (AM and PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and South Allen Road (AM and PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and Buena Vista Road (AM and PM Peak) • Ming Avenue and Gosford Road (PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard (AM and PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 (Am and PM Peak) • White Lane and Campus Park Drive (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and South Allen Road (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Windermere Street (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Buena Vista Road (AM and PM Peak) • White Lane and Gosford Road (PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive (AM and PM Peak) • Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive (AM and PM Peak) • South Allen Road and South Allen Entrance (AM and PM Peak) • Buena Vista Road and Harris Road/Pensinger (AM Peak) • Old River Road and Harris Road (AM Peak) Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-16 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Buena Vista Road and South Project Entrance (AM and PM Peak) • South Allen Road and Harris Road/Pensinger (AM Peak) • Harris Road and Gosford Road (AM Peak) • Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road (PM Peak) • Panama Lane and Gosford Road (AM Peak) Roadway Segment Analysis A total of 25 roadway segments will require mitigation beyond the improvements that are required for the Year 2030 without project. • Stockdale Highway - Buena Vista Road to Old River Road • Ming Avenue - Ming Avenue Project Entrance to South Allen Road • Ming Avenue - South Allen Road to Buena Vista Road • Ming Avenue - Gosford Road to Ashe Road • Ming Avenue - Ashe Road to New Stine Road • Ming Avenue - Old Stine Road to Real • White Lane - West Beltway to Allen Road • White Lane - Wible Road to SB 99 Ramps • Allen Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road • Allen Road - Brimhall Road to WB Westside Parkway Ramps • Allen Road - WB Westside Parkway Ramps to EB Westside Parkway Ramps • Allen Road - EB Westside Parkway Ramps to Stockdale Highway • Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue • South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard • South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane • South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive • South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco • Buena Vista Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard • Buena Vista Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane • Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive • Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance • Buena Vista Road - South Project Entrance to Panama Lane • Calloway Drive - Westside Parkway EB Ramps to Stockdale Highway • Coffee Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road • Gosford Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane Mitigation Measures 5.11.A.1 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program as well as paying the Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-17 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc proportional share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF). The intersection and roadway improvements that are required with the proposed project are as follows. The timing of these improvements are estimated below; however, shall be completed as the significance thresholds are reached. Year 2015 Intersection • Allen Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one southbound through lane. • Allen Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Install signal. • Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 - Provide all-way-stop. • Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - Install signal. • Ming Avenue and Ashe Road - Construct one southbound right turn lane. • South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard - Install signal. • South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 - Install signal. • White Lane and Campus Park Drive - Install signal. • White Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, two westbound through lanes, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for westbound and northbound right turn lane. • White Lane and Windermere Street - Install signal. • White Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct two eastbound though lanes and one northbound left turn lane. • South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive - Install signal. • Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct one southbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. • Panama Lane and Northbound Ramps West Beltway - Construct one eastbound through lane and one northbound left turn lane. • Panama Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane and one southbound right turn lane. • Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane. • Panama Lane and Ashe Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-18 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Roadway Segment • Stockdale Highway - Gosford Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes. • Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - South Project Entrance to Panama Lane - Add two lanes. 2030 Intersection • Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one southbound right turn lane. • Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Construct one northbound right turn lane. • Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane. • Stockdale Highway and Old River - Provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. • Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 - Install signal and construct one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. • Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one eastbound through lane, one westbound through lane, one northbound through lane, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for northbound right turn lane and eastbound right turn lane. • Ming Avenue and Buena Vista Road - Construct one eastbound through lane. • Ming Avenue and Gosford Road - Provide overlapping phase for eastbound right turn lane. Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-19 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two northbound left turn lanes, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. • South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. • White Lane and Campus Park Drive - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, two westbound through lanes, and one southbound through lane. • White Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one eastbound through lane, one southbound through lane, one northbound through lanes, and provide overlapping phase for southbound right turn lane. • White Lane and Windermere Street - Construct one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, and one westbound through lane. • White Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. • White Lane and Gosford Road - Construct one westbound through lane. • South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct two eastbound left turn lanes, one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, and one northbound through lane. • Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, and one southbound right turn lane. • South Allen Road and South Allen Entrance - Install signal. • Old River Road and Harris Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane and one westbound left turn lane. • Buena Vista Road and South Project Entrance - Install signal. • South Allen Road and Harris/Pensinger Road - Construct one northbound through lane. • Gosford Road and Harris Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-20 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane and one southbound through lane. Roadway Segment • Stockdale Highway - Buena Vista Road to Old River Road - Add two lanes. • Ming Avenue - Ming Avenue Project Entrance to South Allen Road - Add two lanes. • Ming Avenue - South Allen Road to Buena Vista Road - Add two lanes. • Ming Avenue - Old River Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes. • Ming Avenue - New Stine Road to Old Stine Road - Add two lanes. • White Lane - West Beltway to Allen Road - Add two lanes. • Allen Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Provide for divided roadway. • Allen Road - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Add two lanes. • Allen Road - Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Add two lanes. • Allen Road - Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway - Add two lanes. • Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue - Provide for divided roadway. • South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Provide for divided roadway. • South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes and provide for divided roadway. • South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. • South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes. • Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes and provide for divided roadway. • Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance - Provide for divided roadway. Project Impacts West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR Transportation and Traffic Michael Brandman Associates 5.11-21 H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc • Buena Vista Road - South Project Entrance to Panama Lane - Provide for divided roadway. • Coffee Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Add two lanes. • Gosford Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Add two lanes. Level of Significance after Mitigation Significant and unavoidable. After the implementation of the required mitigation measures, the proposed project would result in the degradation of a level of service that began at or below LOS C without the project for the following facilities. Impacts to intersections would be less than significant after implementation of the required mitigation measures. • Ming Avenue - Ashe Road to New Stine (LOS D); • White Lane - Wible Road to SB 99 Ramps (LOS D); and • Calloway Drive - Westside Parkway EB Ramps to Stockdale Highway (LOS E). Air Traffic Impact 5.11.B: The proposed project would not cause changes in air traffic patterns. The nearest airport to the project site is Kern County Air Terminal, located approximately 10 miles to the northeast. Due to this distance, the project would not change air traffic patterns. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are required. Level of Significance After Mitigation No impact. Emergency Access Impact 5.11.C: The proposed project would not result in inadequate emergency access. The proposed project includes a roadway network that provides a backbone circulation system to access all areas of the project site. Implementation of the proposed project would not impact public safety due to emergency access. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are required. Level of Significance after Mitigation No impact. Project Impacts Transportation and Traffic West Ming Specific Plan - Draft EIR 5.11-22 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\0216\02160029\DEIR 9-1\02160029_Sec05-11 Transportation.doc Parking Impact 5.11.D: The proposed project would not provide inadequate parking facilities. As specific development is proposed within the West Ming Specific Plan, existing City parking requirements will be required to be met. At this time, it is anticipated that all future proposed uses on the site would provide adequate parking. The project would result in no impacts on future parking facilities. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are required. Level of Significance after Mitigation No impact. Alternative Transportation Impact 5.11.E: The proposed project would not conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation. The Metropolitan Bakersfield Bikeway Master Plan identifies future Class 2 bike lanes along Buena Vista Road, South Allen Road, Ming Avenue, White Lane, and Pacheco Road in the direct vicinity of the project site. The closest existing bike path is designated Class I, and it is located along the south side of the Kern River. The proposed project includes 6-foot wide bike lanes in each direction along Buena Vista, South Allen Road, Ming Avenue, and White Lane. The project does not include bike lanes along Pacheco Road because the roadway is located south of the existing railroad tracks and is located off the project site. As a result, the proposed project would not conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative transportations such as bike lanes/paths. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are required. Level of Significance after Mitigation No impact.