HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.7-7354 Ph 1 & 2GRADING NOTES GRADING NOTES CONTINUED POPULATIONS SENSTV£ RECEPTORS SHALL NOT BE GRADING NOTES CONTINUED 1. ALL GRADING SHALL CONFORM WITH APPENDIX J - CALIFORNIA BUILDING 29. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE GUIDE FOR ASSESSING AND APPROVED APPROVED WITHIN ZONES CANCER RISK IDENTIFIED BY A HEALTH C) PREPARE IDENTIFY, AND CURATE ALL RECOVERED FOSSILS FOR CODE AND STANDARDS PERTAINING THEREOF AND PRELIMINARY SOILS MITIGATING AIR QUALITY IMPACTS (GAMA01), JANUARY 10 2002 AT R/SX ASSESSMENT OF GREATER THAN 70 /N 1,000,000. DOCUMENTA BON IN THE SUMMARY REPORT AND 7RANSER TO AN REPORT BY SOILS ENGINEERING, INC• PROJECT NO. 18-16962 DATED REVISION, GUIDANCE DOCUMENT WHICH LISTS THE FOLLOWING MEASURES THE PRESENCE OF ANY PREVIOUSLY UNIDEN77RED PRO7ECTED SPECIES APPROPRIATE DEPOSITORY MARCH 14, 2019 AS APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTVITES 48. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF THE D) SUBMIT A SUMMARY REPORT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. LINES THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR BURIED WITHIN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AS FOLLOWS: PROJECT SITE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO BE /N CONFORMANCE WIN 7RANSFER COLLECTED SPECIMENS WITH A COPY OF REPORT 70 LINES NOT IND/GATED ON THE PLAN OR FOR INFORMATION OBTAINED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 500 FEET OF A SECTION 9.22.050 OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE THE REPOSITORY. 2 THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT SUPERVISOR CONTROL A. MAINTAIN ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AS RECOMMENDED BY WH/CH UM/TS CONSTRUCTION TO THE HOURS OF 6 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ON PALEONTOLOGICAL MONITORING DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT DURING GRADING AND CONS7RUC77ON TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER MANUALS WEEKDAYS AND BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 9 P.M. ON WEEKENDS WHERE INVOLVE EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES OF SIX FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE PLANS, SOILS REPORT, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CODE WITHIN THEIR PURVIEW. B. SHUT DOWN EQUIPMENT WHEN NOT IN USE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS CON57RUCTION OCCURS LESS THAN 1000 FEET FROM RESIDENCES OR GREATER ON THE PROJECT SITE WOULD REDUCE THE P07EN77AL GRADING OPERA ROWS TO PREVENT THE OCCURRENCE OF A DUST OF TIME. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (CDFG) SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMPACTS ON PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES TO LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT. 3 CIVIL ENGINEER, GE07ECHNICAL ENGINEER, AND BUILDING OFFICIAL C USE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION WHENEVER POSSIBLE 45. MAXIMUM SLOPE RATIO FROM THE BACK OF SIDEWALK TO FACE OF WALL WILL BE NOTIFIED FORTY EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO PLACING ANY FILL IN LIEU OF DIESEL OR GASOLINE POWERED EQUIPMENT. OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE 4: 1, EXCEPT FOR TWO FEET BEHIND THE MATERIAL. D. CURTAIL USE OF HIGH-EMIT77NO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DURING UNANTICIPATED TAKE OF PROTECTED WILDLIFE SHALL BE REPORTED SIDEWALK WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE SHALL BE 2X ALTERNATIVELY, THE EFFECTIVE COMPACTION AND SOIL STABILITY, AND COMPACTED TO 90X OF PERIODS OF HIGH OR EXCESSIVE AMBIENT POLLUTANT EXCAVATION - EXCAVATION SHALL CONSIST OF ALL EXCAVATION CITY ENGINEER MAY APPROVE CURBING BEHIND THE SIDEWALK OR OTHER 4. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE CONCENTRATIONS SUCH AS SPARE-THE-AlR' DAYS AS DECLARED METHOD TO PREVENT EROSION ONTO THE SIDEWALK. RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB S17F CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF BY THE SJVAPCO. IF ARCHEOLOGICAL OR PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED 39. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL E. ENCOURAGE CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYEES TO CARPOOL OR USE 46. ALL WORK WILL S70P IMMEDIATELY IF ANY UNKNOWN ODOROUS OR PERSONS AND ROPERTY THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY SHUTTLE TO RETAIL ESTABUSHMENTS AT LUNCH. DISCOLORED SOIL OR OTHER POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARISE CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP ALL WORK AND THE DEVELOPER SHALL ON THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN DURING ANY PART OF THE 7ES77NG GRADING OR CONSIRUCBON ON THAT THE CONTRACTOR SMALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE 30. PRIOR TO SITE GRADING, SUBDIVIDER SHALL HAVE A PRECONS7RUC77ON THE PROJECT SITE OWNER, ARCHITECT, AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY SURVEY CONDUCTED TO SEARCH FOR NATIVE KIT FOX DENS SURVEY 47. THE HANDLING AND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS AND ACUTELY LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE TOHE IN DIRE FORSPEREVIEW PRIOR SHALL BESUBMITTEDP RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDATIONS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE R£S7RIC7ED TO LESS THAN PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING NG FOR LIABILITY TO LA T E ADPL CA MAY SUBJECT TO INCORPORATE A 1X SWALE THAT WILL DIRECT DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITIWI ES THIN 1,000 FEET OF SENSITIVE ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER, ARCHITECT, OR OBFlCATIGN RETO AGENCIES PRIOR TO GRADING LAND RECEPTORS INCH INCLUDE RESIDEN77AL AREAS SCHOOLS, DAYCARE THE ENGINEER CONTAINING DENS LIMITS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. CENTERS HOSPITAL, CONVALESCENT HOMES AND OTHER LARD' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD KERN COUNTY CALIFORNIA GRADING PLAN FOR VESTING TENT. TRACT 7354 19. FILL MATERIAL• REFER TO SPECIFIC EARTHWORK RECOMMENDA BON FOR POPULATIONS SENSTV£ RECEPTORS SHALL NOT BE The GRADING PLAN as shown on this drawing is hereby approved, 5. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL COMPANIES WITH 31. PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF A GRADING PLAN, SUBDIVIDER IS SUBJECT APPROVED APPROVED WITHIN ZONES CANCER RISK IDENTIFIED BY A HEALTH subject toany indica ted Albythe Public UNDERGROUND FACIU77ES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND TO THE MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT. INCLUDING THE SWANSON HAW AT R/SX ASSESSMENT OF GREATER THAN 70 /N 1,000,000. Building Department t indicates approval only Works Department and Band VERIFY TIHE LOCA BON AND DEPTH OF ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES DURING THE RAPTOR NESTING SEASON (FEBRUARY THROUGH THE PRESENCE OF ANY PREVIOUSLY UNIDEN77RED PRO7ECTED SPECIES 49. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH MUFFLERS AND MAINTAINED INVBuapartmem INCLUDING TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, WATER, SEWER, OIL AND GAS SEP7EMBER). IF CONSMUC77ON IS TO OCCUR DURING RAPTOR 48. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF THE as to resign criteria used and conformance to City Standards. Codes co forma ce t City St LINES THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR BURIED NESTNG/BREEDING SEASON (FEBRUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER) NO PROJECT SITE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO BE /N CONFORMANCE WIN and Ordinances, En Inoer to, the subdivider dr develd G per shall he LINES NOT IND/GATED ON THE PLAN OR FOR INFORMATION OBTAINED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 500 FEET OF A SECTION 9.22.050 OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE resp msrble tm accuracy of calculations for this plan and shall submit FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES CALL 811. ACTIVE NEST. TREES TO BE REMOVED THAT CONTAIN NESTS SHALL BE WH/CH UM/TS CONSTRUCTION TO THE HOURS OF 6 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ON a Painted -as-grad,cr plan aftercompletion of the grading. REMOVED ONLY DURING NON -BREEDING SEASON (OCTOBER THROUGH WEEKDAYS AND BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 9 P.M. ON WEEKENDS WHERE 6 THE GRACING CON7RACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GRADING ALL CON57RUCTION OCCURS LESS THAN 1000 FEET FROM RESIDENCES gppgOVED BV: 19. FILL MATERIAL• REFER TO SPECIFIC EARTHWORK RECOMMENDA BON FOR 1- JANUARY) W. 1 2 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 26 UNIT 6 - AREAS TO + OR - 0.10 FOOT. IF AN AREA SHOULD BE FOUND TO BE / 1 PUBLIC INSPECTION DURING NORMAL HOURS WASTE x � �- MORE THAN 0.10 FOOT OUT OF LEVEL AFTER COMPACTING AND 32. THE PRESENCE OF ANY PREVIOUSLY UNIDEN77RED PRO7ECTED SPECIES 49. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH MUFFLERS AND MAINTAINED INVBuapartmem ALL FILL 70 BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF NINETY (90X) PERCENT ACCEPTANCE OF GRADING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETURN AND BY THE WATER R SOURCES BOARD FOR W}I/CH qRE NOT ADDRESSED IN TIE MBHCP, INCLUDING (HOSE ACCORDANCE WITH THE EQUIPMENTS' FACTORY SPII BONS DURING MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY APPROVAL METHOD PER APPENDIX CORRECT THE GRADING AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. PROTECTED UNDER THE FEDERAL MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT, CONSTRUCTION ACTVITES THE CONSYRUC77ON EQUIPMENT MUFFLER ent 3& AN OPEN STREET PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF SHOULD BE AVOIDED AND EVALUATED BY A QUALIFIED BIOLOGIST PRIOR AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS SHALL BE ONSITE 7. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL WATER AS REWIRED DURING THE 70 CONS7RUCRON THE FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE (US"WS) AND WITHIN EXISTING ACCEPTED STREET RIGHT OF WAY. UNLESS SECURED GRADING OPERA ROWS TO PREVENT THE OCCURRENCE OF A DUST ENGINEERED FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING SIX (6) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (CDFG) SHOULD BE NOTIFIED 50 PHASES 1 AND 2 ARE OWNED BY THE SAME OWNER AND ARE NUISANCE AND SHALL PROTECT CURBS AND 07HER OBJECTS WHICH ARE OF PREVIOUSLY UNREPORTED PROTECTED SPECIES ANY TO BE GRADED SIMULTANEOUSLY. MOISTURE CONTENT OR TO A MOISTURE CONTENT COMMENSURATE WTH TO REMAIN. WAY AND INSURANCE AS REQUIRED SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO UNANTICIPATED TAKE OF PROTECTED WILDLIFE SHALL BE REPORTED EFFECTIVE COMPACTION AND SOIL STABILITY, AND COMPACTED TO 90X OF F EXCAVATION - EXCAVATION SHALL CONSIST OF ALL EXCAVATION IMMEDIATELY TO 774E CDFG AND USFWS. THE MAXIMUM DENSITY PER AS7M 01557-78, UNLESS SPECIFIED INVOLVED IN GRADING THE PROJECT AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN$ EXCEPT 33 IF ARCHEOLOGICAL OR PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED 39. ALL ONSITE UNPAVED ROADS AND OFF5/7E UNPAVED ACCESS ROADS ANY EXCAVATION SEPARATELY DESIGNATED AND PAID FOR AS A FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER. DURING EXCAVATION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES ON-SITE, THE NOTE: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, INCLUDING STAGING, SHALL BE WITHIN THE LIMITS SHOWN SEPARATE/IEM. CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP ALL WORK AND THE DEVELOPER SHALL ON THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE 9. THE WORK EMBRACED HEREIN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RETAIN A QUALIFIED ARCHEOLOGIST TO EVALUATE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SURVEY FOR THIS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY LIABLE AND GROUND COVER INDIGENOUS TO THE AREA AND MAINTAINED AGAINST STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT PAD IS GRADED FLAT AT ROUGH GRAD/NG FINISHED GRADES WILL THE RNOING AND APPROPRIATE COURSE OF ACTION. SALVAGE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLEARANCE EROSION OF TRANSPORTATION DATED JULY 1999, INSOFAR AS 774£ SAME MAY INCORPORATE A 1X SWALE THAT WILL DIRECT DRAINAGE AWAY FROM OPERATION REQUIREMENTS C APPENDIX K OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT GUIDELINES SHALL BE FOLLOWED AND SURVEY. NO STAGING, GRADING, OR OTHER DISTURBANCE SHALL OCCUR OUTSIDE THE APPLY IN ACCORDANCE WIA THE HEREON. /N CASE OF THE 7REATMENT OF DISCOVERED NAIVE AMERICAN REMAINS SHALL LIMITS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 0 T. 30 S, CIRCA CONFLICT WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND ANY NOTES COMPLY NTH STATE CODES RECULA77ONS OF THE AMERICAN HERITAGE EARTHWORK OUANTTES ARE BASED ON THE FREE FLOATING CONCRETE SEE TYPICAL LOT SWALE GRADING ON SHEET 2. HEREON, THE NOTES HEREON SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER AND BE SLAB IN GRADE PER THE SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1). USED IN LIEU of SUCH coNalcnNc PORTIONSCOMMISSION . SAID rc 2. ANY ITEMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT ARE DAMAGED OR DO NOT MEET CURRENT SPECIflCARONS SHALL APPLY BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE 34. SHOULD HUMAN REMAINS BE DISCOVERED AT ANY TIME ON ANY STANDARDS SET BY PUBLIC WORKS WILL REQUIRE REPAIRING AND/OR UPGRADING AS WASH OFF CONSTRUCTION AND HAUL TRUCKS TO MINIMIZE THE FOLLOWING PORTION OF THE PROJECT WORK SHALL HALT AND THE CORONER BE PER CITY ENGINEER. A) ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS B" AS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTIFIED IMAHEDIA7EGY (SECTION 7050.5 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY o 2 P OE/ECT SIT SECTION 90 AND STALL HAVE AT LEAST 2500 PS COMPRESSIVE CODE). IN THE ABSENCE OF AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL MCN/TOR A 3. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT SHALL BE CONTACTED TWO 2 WORKING DAYS PRIOR ( ) CUT - CU. VD. 90,913 STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS. QUALIFIED ARCHAEOLOGIST AND THE LOCAL NAIVE AMERICAN TO CONSTRUCTION. 811. B) ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SHALL BE TYPE 6, MEDIUM GRADED, COMMUNITY SHALL ALSO BE NOTIFIED. FILL - CU. M. 24,740 42 DUST CONTROL 1/2" MAXIMUM AGGREGATE AND INTIMATELY MIXED WITH 5-7X 35. THE CONTRACTOR STALL COMPLY WITH SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR 4. 24 HOUR NOTICE: PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CITY ASPHALT SHRINKAGE FACTOR OF 25X WAS USED POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (SJVAPCD) REGULATION VIll, DUST CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SECTION SHALL BE GIVEN AT LEAST 24 HOUR NOTICE. 10. IN THE EVENT CONSTRUCTION STAKING BASED ON & CONTROL MEASURES TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE SPECIFICALLY DURING THE SECTION MAY BE NOTIFIED AT (661) 326-3049 ASSOCIATES' PLAN DOCUMENTS IS OR OCHER DOCUMENTS lS PERFORMED GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION PHASES THE MITIGATION MEASURES 70 TAKEN ARE AS FOLLOWS BY ANOTHER FIRM, M & AY SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS BY AN 7 cWTOS A. WATER A. SURFACES (SOIL) THREE -T 5. COMPACTION TEST NOTE -COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE QUANTITIES ARE FOR GRADING PERMIT ONLY. THE ENGINEER MAKES NO AND RELEASED FROM ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE USE OF SAID ALL ARISING COPY ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR THE DURATION OF CONTRACTOR'S TM Am TM me g PLAN$ DRAWING$ OR OTHER DOCUMENTS ALLEXPOSEDHAUL THREE 7 B. WE UC ALL HAUL ROADS AT A MINIMUM OF THREE TIMES PER DAY. O REDUCE SPEED ON UNPAVED ROADS TO LESS THAN 15 MILES PER DEVELOPER/SUBDIVIDER/CONTRACTOR. THE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF REQUIRED OCCUPANCY OF THE SITE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH QU € HOUR. TESTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 11. MdNTOSH & ASSOCIATES SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR THE PROVISIONS OF SAID PLAN. 11 k 2 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO, OR USES OF, THESE PLANS ALL D. STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS, INCLUDING STORAGE PILES, WHICH SE of i,, SHALL NOT USE THESE QUANTITIES TO BASE HIS BID ON SHALL N 43. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIO/J CHANCES 70 THESE PLANS MUST BE APPROVED, IN WRITING BY z ARE NOT BE/NG ACTIVELY URUZED FOR CONS7RUC77ON PURPOSES USING WATER OR BY COVERING WITH A TRAP, OTHER SUITABLE BENCHMARK USED: OWNER &SUBDIVIDER: McINTOSIH &ASSOCIATES COVER OR VEGETATIVE GROUND COVER. 12. ALL GRADING SHALL CONFORM WITH APPENDIX J - CALIFORNIA BUILDING E. CONTROL FUGITIVE DUST EMISSIONS DURING LAND CLEARING, TOP OF CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. PREVENTION PLAN (SNPPP) FOR THIS PROJECT FROM THE DEVELOPER, CODE AND STANDARDS PERTAINING THERE OF AND TO THE GRUBBING SCRAPING EXCAVA BOA; LEVELING GRADING, OR CUT & LAMPHOLE AT THE INTERSECTION OF 10000 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED lR AND MAGE PART HEREOF, THE SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1) FILL OPERA BONS WITH APPLICATION OF WATER OR BY PRESOAKING. F. MAINTAIN A FREEBOARD TRANOF MATCHES MING AVENUE AND ALLEN RD., ALSO BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT NOTE 1), AND ALL ADDENDUMS THERETO. IN ( ) L LANE A41THEN LOTTING D COV LIMIT OU AT LEAST SIX INCHES AND COVER OR EFFECTIVELY NET TO BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CONTACT PERSON -SCOTT THAYER CASE OF ASTI CONFLICT BETWEEN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS THE LIMIT VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS SECTION 12, T.30S., R.26E., (661) 664-6500 MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. 4 G LIMIT AND REMOVE THE ACCUMULATION OF MUD AND/OR DIRT 25. 13 UPON COMPLETION GRADING AND BEFORE THE START OF TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SAID PLAN. FROM ADJACENT PUBLIC ROADWAYS AT THE END OF EACH ELEV 367.96 (NAND 88 DATUM) G1VIL ENGINEER: I CONSTRUCTION FINAL NAL SOILS REPORT SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE SGL WORKDAY. (USE OF DRY ROTARY BRUSHES EXCEPT SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1) ENGINEER. CI NTPROHIBITED WHEN PRECEDED OR ACCOMPANIED BY SUFFICIENT NETTING TO MCINTWH & ASSOCIATES m LIMIT VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS AND USE OF BLOWERS IS EXPRESSLY 2001 WHEELAN COURT fA THE SOIL ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW ALL PRIOR 10 14 FORBIDDEN) BASIS OF BEARINGS: SFI BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 F ANY 17 M BACKFILLING AND SHALL NOTIFIED ANY ITEM ENCOUNTERED 26. N STABILIZE THE SURFACE OF STORAGE FOLLOWING THE CONTACT PERSON - ROGER MCINTOSH R T MIGHT AFFECT FOUNDATION DURING THE GRADING OPERATIONS UPILESSING ADDITION REMOVAL OF MATERIALS USING WATER. THE BEARING OF N STABILITY SO RECOMMENDATIONS CAN BE MADE BY THE SGL N B OR EXCAVATION FIVE (5) FEET OR DEEPER. 1. REMOVE TIRACKOUT WEN IT EXTENDS 50 OR MORE FEET FROM THE A OF SIX FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE OR GREATER WITHIN THE ENGINEER. SITE AT END OF EACH WORKDAY. 01'02'20" E SHOWN FOR THE PROJECT SITE. FOLLOWING ARE THE SPECIFIC MEASURES: RTHEAD J. CEASE GRADING ACTIVITIES DURING PERIODS OF HIGH WINOS EAST LINE SECTION 10, T. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: 15. CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2.1. (GREATER THAN 20 MPH OVER A ONE-HOUR PERIOD). SUFFICIENT ACCESS TO THE EATSTING AND ABANDONED WELLS SHALL BE A) ASSIGN A PALEONTOLOGICAL MONITOR, TRAINED AND EQUIPPED OUTHERN PACIFIC K. ASPHALT -CONCRETE PAVING SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SJVAPCD 30 S., R. 26 E. AS SHOWN SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 16. ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN THREE (3) FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL MAINTAINED IN ORDER FOR THE D114901V OF GAS OILS AND RULE 4641 AND RESTRICT USE OF OF CU78AM SLOW -CURE AND ON RECORD OF SURVEY, 4400 YEAGER WAY BE PREPARED AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT EROSION. EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PAVING MATERIALS BOOK 25, PAGE 49 WAS BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES (DIVISION) TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION OF CONSTRUCTION DELAY, TO THE SITE FULL -DME DURING THE USED AS THE BASIS OF CONTACT PERSON - TONY M. FRANGIE THE WELL HEADS AND CHECK FOR LEAKAGE IF ANY REABANDONMENTS IMPORTED FILL MATERIAL REFER TO SPECIFIC EARTHWORK 36. GRADING WORK WILL BE SUPERVISED AS ENGINEERED GRADING IN BEARING SHOWN HEREON. ARE REQUIRED, THE DIVISION SHALL FURNISH THE NECESSARY RECOMMENDATION FOR IMPORTED FILL MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS PER SHOULD FOSSILS BE FOUND WITHIN AN AREA BEING GEARED OR ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX J OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. SPECiRCA BONS 70 THE PROPERTY OWNER. SOILS REPORT. (NOTE 1) 37 /F THE PROJECT IS SUBJECT 70 THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT: 17. REFER TO SPECIFIC EARTHWORK CLEARING AND GIRUOR 28. POLLUTANT DISCHARGE EL/MINA77ON SYSTEM NPDES A NOTICE OF 1N7ENT ( )• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FILE N0. 18-16962 CL FOR GEARING AND GRUBBING REQUIREMENTS PER ALL CONSTRUCTION WORKERS MUST BE INFORMED AS TO THE SYMPTOMS TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS THE GENERAL PERMIT 7C DISCHARGE (NiSTORM SHOULD IMMEDIATELY DIVERT CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE DATED: MARCH 14, 2019 (N SOILS REPO/Rr. (NOTE f) SOILS REPORT. STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITl CONSTRUCTION Acnwrr (sNRce ORDER N BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. NO. 2009-009-DWO AS AMENDED BY ORDER 2010-0014-DWO AND ORDER LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. 17-0353 PER CERTIFICATE 4400 YEAGER WAY I& AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL (EXCEPT BUILDING PADS): REFER TO SPECIFIC 2012-0006-DNO) MUST BE FILLED W17H STATE WATER RESOURCES OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED FEBRUARY 21, 2018 AS BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATION FOR AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL CONTROL BOARD IN SACRAMENTO BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF ANY REQUIREMENTS PER SOILS REPORT. (NOTE 1) CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PERMIT DOCUMENT N0. 218019657 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; ALSO CONTACT PERSON -TONY M. FRANGIE REQUIRES THAT A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SIll BE BEING A PORTION OF THE E 1/2 OF SECTION 10 AND (661) 831-5100 19. FILL MATERIAL• REFER TO SPECIFIC EARTHWORK RECOMMENDA BON FOR 1- PREPARED CONTINUOUSLY CARRIED OUT AND ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE FOR W. 1 2 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 26 UNIT 6 - FILL MATERIALS LAYERING AND REQUIREMENTS PER SOILS REPORT. (NOTE f) / 1 PUBLIC INSPECTION DURING NORMAL HOURS WASTE x � �- DISCHARGENUMBER 55"503 STHIS 7PROECT. 505 HAS �N ISSUED EAST, M.D.M. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF 20. ALL FILL 70 BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF NINETY (90X) PERCENT BY THE WATER R SOURCES BOARD FOR KERN, STATE OF BAKERSFIELD. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY APPROVAL METHOD PER APPENDIX J OF THE CURRENT CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND CERTIFIED BY TESTS 3& AN OPEN STREET PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF AND REPORT FROM SOILS ENGINEER. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN EXISTING ACCEPTED STREET RIGHT OF WAY. UNLESS SECURED 21. ENGINEERED FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING SIX (6) BY A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, SECURITY BASED ON AN APPROVED INCHES IN COMPACTED THICKNESS BROUGHT TO NEAR THE OPTIMUM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK PERFORMED WITHIN 774E RIGHT OF MOISTURE CONTENT OR TO A MOISTURE CONTENT COMMENSURATE WTH WAY AND INSURANCE AS REQUIRED SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO EFFECTIVE COMPACTION AND SOIL STABILITY, AND COMPACTED TO 90X OF ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. THE MAXIMUM DENSITY PER AS7M 01557-78, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE COMPACTION SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY TESTS AND REPORT 39. ALL ONSITE UNPAVED ROADS AND OFF5/7E UNPAVED ACCESS ROADS FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER. SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY STABILIZED OF DUST EMISSIONS USING WATER OR CHEMICAL STABIUZER/SUPPRESANT. 22 FACES OF ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE PLANTED WI7H A GROUND COVER INDIGENOUS TO THE AREA AND MAINTAINED AGAINST 40. PAD IS GRADED FLAT AT ROUGH GRAD/NG FINISHED GRADES WILL EROSION INCORPORATE A 1X SWALE THAT WILL DIRECT DRAINAGE AWAY FROM STOCKDALE THE STRUCTURE AND TO THE STREET. 0 T. 30 S, R. 26 E. 23 EARTHWORK OUANTTES ARE BASED ON THE FREE FLOATING CONCRETE SEE TYPICAL LOT SWALE GRADING ON SHEET 2. a SLAB IN GRADE PER THE SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1). rc S 41. WASH OFF CONSTRUCTION AND HAUL TRUCKS TO MINIMIZE THE QUANTITIES FOR EARTHWORK REMOVAL OF MUD AND DIRT FROM THE PROJECT SITE. o 2 P OE/ECT SIT CUT - CU. VD. 90,913 ♦ti FILL - CU. M. 24,740 42 DUST CONTROL z' SHRINKAGE FACTOR OF 25X WAS USED CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN COPY OF THE DUST CONTROL PLAN MING AVENUE (DCP) FOR THIS PROJECT FROM THE DEVELOPER, AND SHALL KEEP A QUANTITIES ARE FOR GRADING PERMIT ONLY. THE ENGINEER MAKES NO COPY ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR THE DURATION OF CONTRACTOR'S TM Am TM me g OF THE ANTICIPATED SHRINKAGE FACTOR. IN CASE OF WARRANTY RI A OCCUPANCY OF THE SITE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH QU € g b A Y B SHALL CONTACT THE EXCESS OR SITHATAA THE ADJUSTMENTS MAYBE MADE. THE CONTRACTOR SO THAT THE PROVISIONS OF SAID PLAN. 11 k 2 o SE of i,, SHALL NOT USE THESE QUANTITIES TO BASE HIS BID ON SHALL N 43. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIO/J z CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE STORM WATER POLLUTION 24. BUILDING PAD REPARATION - REFER SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATION PER PREVENTION PLAN (SNPPP) FOR THIS PROJECT FROM THE DEVELOPER, i b SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1) AND SHALL KEEP A COPY ON 97E AT ALL TIMES. FOR THE DURATIONWITE LANE OF CONTRACTORS OCCUPANCY OF THE SIE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED 4 25. PAVEMENT PREPARA TON - REFER SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATION ON TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SAID PLAN. SOILS REPORT (NOTE 1) € m 44. PALEONTOLOGICAL MONITORING SHALL TAKE PLACE DURING 14 13 26. AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED WHEN WORKERS MUST ENTER TRENCHES CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES THAT RESULT IN EXCAVATIONS 3 OR EXCAVATION FIVE (5) FEET OR DEEPER. OF SIX FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE OR GREATER WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE. FOLLOWING ARE THE SPECIFIC MEASURES: 27. SUFFICIENT ACCESS TO THE EATSTING AND ABANDONED WELLS SHALL BE A) ASSIGN A PALEONTOLOGICAL MONITOR, TRAINED AND EQUIPPED OUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD MAINTAINED IN ORDER FOR THE D114901V OF GAS OILS AND TO ALLOW THE RAPID REMOVAL OF FOSSILS WITH MINIMAL GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES (DIVISION) TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION OF CONSTRUCTION DELAY, TO THE SITE FULL -DME DURING THE THE WELL HEADS AND CHECK FOR LEAKAGE IF ANY REABANDONMENTS INTERVAL OF EAR774-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ARE REQUIRED, THE DIVISION SHALL FURNISH THE NECESSARY B) SHOULD FOSSILS BE FOUND WITHIN AN AREA BEING GEARED OR SPECiRCA BONS 70 THE PROPERTY OWNER. GRADED, DIVERT EARTH -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ELSEWHERE UNTIL VICINITY MAP THE MONITOR HAS COMPLETED SALVAGE. IF CONS7RUC77ON NO SCALE 28. AT THE INITAL CONS7RUC770N MEETING PRIOR TO GRADING ACRVITES PERSONNEL MAKE THE DISCOVERY, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR ALL CONSTRUCTION WORKERS MUST BE INFORMED AS TO THE SYMPTOMS SHOULD IMMEDIATELY DIVERT CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OF VALLEY FEVER. MONITOR OF THE FIND. UNIT 1 AND 2 ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 523- 540- 38 GRADING PERMIT # 19- 40000044 WDID NUMBER: 5F15C377505 PHASES SHALL BE GR DED SIMULTANEOUSLY M.B.H.C.P. FEES PAID PATH GRADING PERMIT a sks-uN' Sir AGRICULTURE LAND NUMBER 19-40000039 SSEY s maas N x caaaY _ A.T. ,.x7.0 ' a 5 m a +�MIR ➢a 1 tt u n 14 u u n la to EO I _ _ U N I T 3 1 iAPAwrs--F a m a a _ n 54 0401 A P.!iiT)'a - - - m at lm lm ly lml yl® r is I 1 I I I I SHEET 2 _ xrsl'z/'a .,L -- m 117 1 / \ a ETIT p■ / SS I G A, N 13 1Y' 11 5hIA: 14 SWil 'E - . IREi -, 1e V40 EASTWG AGRN:ULTURE LAND t \ ; INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET TITLE 1. COVER SHEET'n, 2. GRADING PLAN 3. GRADING PLAN MtGP. E EASEMENT 4. SOILS REPORT SHEET 5. EROSION CONTROL PLAN \ i \ ;NAA Ati , PROJECT AREA: 27.70 GR. ACRES H.C.P. AREA: 27.70 ACRES TOTAL NO. OF LOTS = 65 HCP FEES PAID WITH GRADING PERMIT 19-40000039 NOTE: NO ADDITIONAL AREA WILL BE DISTURBED FOR GRADING OPERATIONS OR STAGING N_", W'4SU.T Caz 1p^ 5 16// 1 b / a -- ., / 's2arza4YE IRSY 7 I I • / ➢ ,_� Ni IP! , } S / / N OSam' S sas4D' E \ ➢ Mt S eln4ar F 11 VI•N I A P / a IN.T• �� / � •LW -- 1a I .p N 3a14ia• E / to a //4 M"4 / / it u m . (NOTA I P P -� a \ Iz /lam/ SP mV II 34 1 sn i II 4 77 II a z IT I I; � I M.B.H.C.P. FEES PAID WITH TRACT 7300 SCALE: 1" = 200' 200' 100' O' 200' 400' FLOOD ZONE: DOSING SUMP TO REMAIN �- ; A ` >r' , ; ; \ ; THIS ENTIRE TRACT IS UNDER FLOOD ZONE X (SHADED) DESIGNATION PER FIRM MAP No. 06029C227SE, DATED SEPTEMBER 26, 2008. AREAS OF 0.27 ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 17 ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 17 ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD. FEMA'S LOMR CASE NO. 13-09-2248P WHICH AFFECTS THIS MAP BECAME EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2016. I \ I T I � 1 Ill r- r� I � TRACT 7300/ I UNIT 1 f.._. I I �^ I I - V n L[ n Ta _ _... _ r� I III .TRACT 7300 r'I UNIT 3 IA I 1 �I 1- �TRAG7 7299 - UNIT 6 - / 1 ; x � �- I \ I T I � 1 Ill r- r� I � TRACT 7300/ I UNIT 1 f.._. I I �^ I I - V n L[ n Ta _ _... _ r� I III .TRACT 7300 r'I UNIT 3 IA I 1 �I =I <I 4 Sr,,, ak_ J-n351i4 ; I ; I ; S ; A ; a ; �- TRACT 7300 iI f UNIT 8 =I <I 4 Sr,,, ak_ J-n351i4 ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND / / EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT FS FINISH SURFACE. TC TOP OF CONCRETE OE OVER-IXCAVANON / G S u ' FL RONUNE FF FINISH FLOOR j 9`EG CL CENTERLINE FC FlNIGi CONCRETE p ryry p I U s ELEV CENTERLINE GB GRADE CONCRBREAK � ��� ���� AGRICULTURE LAND �/ 4 ,P - PRIVATE �i` R7 2 � .n`0 �P ar ) PARK AREA 'yr r 51. _0 be EXISTING GROUND CONTOURJSQ3 5 / �r �, ,.� 64 FP, 367.9 PROPOSED PAD ELEV. DAYLIGHT N Q. ( PROPOSED WTBR FLOWUNE ELEV. ti9 ,1. 9�� p p G \ EG , tC TO EXISTING M V,G ,5y"� 3+ - wI IN 9 � r T rr C'�4 "1ih6 t C ) H ] h M EAST, TOP OF CURB ELEV •.. �.. .. �.. - ,.(. . PURARY F A E ..�.. i & C. No. (I 2161Mf EMSL GUTTER Fl_OWUNE S.D. I _ _--♦� _'_.. _, _._._.. .o ��, m .e. a+ , -i, } \ 1 -ns ` j S tis• dei gf �'S'- a �,;r `G'-- _ -- `G N J- .� +� i L70C. No. 0007 6"'7�'r PROPOSED LANDSCAPE BEV. I I O -.� I H � I I .i 6G �� � � .g $�' P � i" ' ��81 . 5� DIRECTION AND PERCENT OF SLOPE K K N N I 1 f ' 2 y5p^,� 3S 1 'f" > PP / k♦ >S�d� rn b 2 ENSIIN MEDIAIy $ SNaTE� FOR DRAINAGE x'S..j CURB AND GUTTER ; ; 7 r 6 I 5 4 3 I 2 I I' _ n 'L -.3s ..;, F B 1g �.1e' ' �^,' I I I FP 359.9�.t,;55' 9,s - EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER FP 3532 1 - - - CBITERUNE OF STREET l FP 951.0 FP 3510 FP 3515 FP 952.1 �.y a PP 3516 I I i �" 0 53 �� , �, ° , �j•�•,� � �.� ----------PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY _-�_-__-_Jr✓` �O 8 -- --- 1------ I-----� I----_ I _-__ r' �/ /Ff '�'�� ' N= °6 �� I II, ----------- PAD COMPACTION LIMITS _ ,--_ _- = 1 G\ 1 v 8' BLOCK WALL PER SEPARATE PERMIT _. ! r EXISTING CURB o STORM DRAIN --------------------------- r- PEMBEREY PASSAGE AVENUE TYPE •A• CATCH BASIN WITH 3.5' WIDE na` 0 OPENING UNLESS OTHERWSE NOTED RE R & TR & GUTTER r EAST. STORM DRAIN--- --------- -�____ L._ -' ._.-_ TRACT BOUNDARY ce X M =PHASE BOUNDARY 16 I �- �' \ \ `t• ( u z OF GRADING OUTSIDE��� / A\ r OF THE TRACT BOUNDARY I i I I..I '2 /y- - ---- - ------ - --\ IBJ �'. \ �y 7r, .. ' C� m MATCH LINE 2 /'J I QN I I I / ♦ W O T� I PIP 35W 1 / ♦ r� 1� _.� - - 'i SECTION LINE i i I o I W 99LD I FP 3515 I FP 3521 I FP 3527 I F' 3533 I FP 95i..9 Q \♦ / I _ i FP X4.1 U FUTURE I 8 3- R U N I T 3' �� I� 33 34 35 I 36 I 37 I 38 ;�d� Fp 3m (NOT APART) ------ I-9 ---- EG- - � E F �--_-�--- as%D � .ur.0 'Z' -I----- -- ' -'-----� _ -", - +T----�-•y? TWE - B �I FP3S3A ---- FG 'S� I I M FINI9TED PAD 2, - _- f , I Y ', z .� --- UNIT 2 \bSa�.. / FINISHED PAD r C7 N --- ... / I is < --- -- .�- �1 SECTION I I 1 e 2 SIDE OF LOTS ROUGH GRADING/ R I I rb I I ' I N , !351 M FL / ¢ ' BACK OF LOTS ROUGH GRADIN& > I P 9 I I C 1 'Z WHEN DIFFERENCE IS > 0.3' a I `I I 1 I Ev j� ' m SCALE 1•.10' 0z'b I FP 351.9 l 0 3 2 1 I 2 I 3 4 R I I , 2 ' PP 35617/ (I I 75 6 I - ( 1 FP 3519 PP 3521 i FP 352.3 I FP 952A FP 3525 FP 3527 FP 3529 FP 353.1 99 I� ro EXISTING GROUND_ 5 I FINISHED PAG_W I ♦ �I`----- ----- -------------_. �;_-- I \1 WALL WATEER R I BLOCK WALL L- -� - _ T ----- m_ ; . ,. ----------------------------- WELL-- _ - ,p� I ��,' SITE 1 RA ____ R 0.255 ^y I !�' I PERMIIT AYE -- - - FUTURE CURB & GUTTER c,h, 0 :� m '-- © .---- ---'-•---'----'-'-' '-0�-6-0%x._._� PPS Sao i _ 1 SECTION ---� - _ - P- - D- '- - - - - - _=BROMSHIRE STREET _ 13 2 BACK OF LOT TO UNIT BOUNDARY ROUGH GRADING- - T I WHEN DEFERENCE IS > Q3' ___ _____ __a�' S1 __ _______ -'_ J�52 R _ _._._._. 1--t? - , (PRIVATE STREEn_ _ _. _� 0 I ALL PERSEPARATE '0 . I W MIN. GUB'BLOCK P�T 6 1 0 I SCALE 1•.10' -- T--%------- \ Q' .H2 R 31A15 R R .. ` ._._._ _._._ .. _ _._._ u 8 I 9 h -----\. r♦ ------------------ -J------ ---- --- ------ ------ ♦ I�1-I i jA ii III ��zm I ♦, �x.TBF 1 2' , - I ,± ¢� FINISHED PAO I Q 04 I I I , wti a- N N v�`1 IF.NNECO WEST. INC. T -10 FP3521 FP3529 I PP9524 I i FP3�.e 3 --- ..a } -- a j crn.� FP 951.9 e I I I FP 3525 I PP 352.7 I Fpam I FP 959,1 I �1 SECTION v, (Pw-- ASANGGN ) I I I2T5 EIEL q 1GN, 1 I 1 BACK OF LOT WHEN TRACT BOUNDARY ROUGH GRADING r� 10 18, 18' ( 3 I r �7 x' h� 26 25 I �4 I 2 Z 1 r0� I ------___'T'` BFC r� WHEN DIFFERENCE IS > 0.3' _ A - - - - - zo I Gao G N I I J L c I� 1 SCALE 1"=10' f ams -R36L9- -♦ ---- - i ---- k --� ET' E G 21 2 ' - 51 m oa ' o I 1'� 1 I e s r ✓ I , "-w-I'm ,y�cI ---- h`N-♦ - -♦F ---- -�E ----� 1 FpmuI5 �L� , ,L 4 MIN. 6• WALL __ �� -: y n PER SEPARATE PLAN I't1\ m�r _ \���-mm\mm� '����� ��� .0ra ---- -- ......_- 1 MATCH LINE- SHEET 3 - - - jr- X WATER WELL SITE/ I 0.5% MIN. SLOPE PIPE AT POSITIVE MATCH LINE -SHEET 3 FINISHED PAD FINISHED PAD GRADE TO DRAINAGE EMITTER. ANGLE PIPE TO 10'-15' 80' RIGHT-OF-WAY 10'-15' ^�K, ; .< , I 3• SMOOTH WALL f COMPACTION LIMITS I PVC PIPE (TYP.) mIU SURFACE F 12. 12, COMPACTION LIMITS MIN. 6" WALL �__-__-__-_ -__-_ __-__ is I 5' T 18' 18' 7' 5 g SECTION PER SEPARATE PLAN I _ / \ OVEREXCAVATION 2 )WATER WELL SITE AND FINISHED PAD ROUGH GRADING ) ° OVEREXCAVATION �._._._._._._._ ._.------------ ._._._._.(._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.._._._._._._._._._._._._._. (SEE GRADING NOTES z LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE S / m\ I / z fpps� SIS' AREA AREA SDE- I i (SEE GRADING NOTES) SCALE 1•=10' FINISHED PAD I / 1 oBWx FINISHED PAD IySX j• z I WALK °" �' WALK z 10%40• LANDSCAPE/PRIVATE ��' 20' I 20' 12' 12' 20' I - 0.5R MIN• FINISHED PAD PARK I w N 3.4% MAX 3.4% MAX. I 2.0' IlS z w 1.SS MIN 1.SR MIN �P 2% PROPOSED PROPOSED w o SIDEWALK (2% MqX) PROPOSED 6•CURB A.C. PANNG PROPOSED 6•CURB PROPOSED PROPED SECTION'' PROPOSED - - a aSEE� STREET PLANS 0.7 BELOW OPPARKING AREA GH MADEOFNCURB SEE STREET PROPOSED PLANS KING AREA SIDEWALK (296 MAX) 2 LANDSCAPE AND FINISHED PAD ROUGH GRADING 1� f SCALE 1•'10' I1 i 5' MIN. HOUSE c SECTION W 2 FRONT TO FRONT LOCAL STREET ROUGH GRADING TYPICAL FINISH LOT GRADING i z 2% �ALE0M- w le AND DRAINCONFIGURATION xT�sECTIDN-419 O ALL HOMES TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 1" III SUBSURFACE LOT DRAINAGE SYSTEM AS \ ' A° Rut/ \ COMPACTION UMITS R 10, ND 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY R SHOWN ABOVE. SYSTEM SHALL BE I -- _ COMPACTION UMIT8� 3' DRAIN GRATE INSPECTED BY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD /� \ / z LANDSCAPE LOT 12 T 18' 18' Y 5 12' LANDSCAPE LOT SCALE: 1 " = 50' DETAIL "A" NO SCALE BUILDING DEPARTMENT.------- -------------- �/fr- a r a 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' 0.5% MIN. SLOPE PIPE AT POSITIVE J ANGLE PIPE TO I" 3" DRAIN GRATE GRADE TO DRAINAGE EMITTER. SURFACE z a LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE i5 3• PVC PIPE PVC MITERED DRAIN OUTLET DETAIL •B" NO SCALE SEE DETAIL INLET WITH 3•GRADE I (") DRAIN GRATE FINISH 3• SMOOTH WALL SLOPE 7O DRi 3' SMOOTH PVC PIPE a OVIG XCAVATION z SIDE- AREA AREA SIDEK I x OVEREXGAVATION (SEE GRADING OT z WALT( 20' w WALK z (SEE GRADING NOTES) w N 2% I I 3.4% MAX 12 3.4% �2.0 H 1 1 - 2U'27 MIN.2A' x 1.516 MIN MAX 1. 5x MIN 0 L% 0 w MIN. FINISHED PAD 77-7, PROPOSED o 0 am m It z o PROPOSED SIDEWALK (2% MAX) PROPOSED 6 -CURB A.C. PAVING PROPOSED 6•CURB PROPOSED q PROPOSED PARKING AREA ROUGH GRADE LINE AT PROPOSED PARKING AREA SIDEWALK (2% MAX) 9 SEE STREET PLANS 0.Y BELOW TOP OF CURB SEE STREET PLANS t� m B SECTION N K 2 SIDE TO SIDE LOCAL STREET ROUGH GRADING m SCALE 1•.10' Know below. WNSP SECTION - 4.19 what's Call before you dig. 7 p VI - -L 3 � e k a _ CITY RECORDS NOS w N Ow H s U Z� V a 0 0 w � o 0 am m It z o 2 I q W U GO 9 t� m N K m p' G pgyj- 0 r m 0 N W a 0 U 0 ^ Z J � � 0 sys � � F Q 0 6O C!1 C� C W N n MATCH LINE -SHEET 2 _ __ _ --- - \ -- -MY— _ — — — I— — — — MATO NE-SFEET Z � J'7 F7 3l % I I waw PP 9aaA o ♦ i O i �o I �.-.,.�f / l /i� / 35L69fLVi7 'zo 30 m 29 28 L (1 �s afo 1, �gti� - I f 'S ti ♦u ,y. I `3 8 I I 1. l / - w to 16 1 I I o�`� x 13 � 12 � f � I I / , , I ' Awa N \ I 111. 1I /zs> ,w i ♦ ,� FP 99La I FP 30Th I FP 3513 ,� i � � • � �� •��.... K /� /� ♦ M �" FP9E20 s- FP FP 35L5 9016 3 ` 0 ro 3 / / ♦ _ - _ _ I 1 9019 N - :n --' L FL ----- hv(,n�.v—,•T,._�_�� _ \ \ 2 6 2 \� [�W _ - - ♦ FP 3543 1 S'' ."FP36L7 ! !! -.._.-.�i._.g. ._{ FP9�1 as[arc \ 19 / ♦ /usafc T 5 �' y� �,..' _ 0 3 1 ' l �� FVD SHIRE STREET y > yam/i�.v, _ �� UPPER PARI( FUTURE --� I `' / •_._._._ _._. 0 .._ _ _._._. _ _ _ _ 1PPoW11E SiRFET%�. 035X _ _ _ _ \ '� \ � T ��� FP 954.4 aq / A_ i III UNIT 4 '�6 1 , ;,w� - 31A ��� MIN. 6' BLOCK (NOT A PART )=' -i 35 ���� PRIVATE PARK , , 8 -lG� 7 I / i WALL PER SEPARATE }� y I FP 30&.9 �, / PERMIT -.. 25 I �� ♦♦ PRIVATE 13 %��' 6 ? <', st ; i ` Q `_ e I _ rREsmKxxl BL�IRNc 1 --- ,� 3� \ --� N 41 Fc ti n PARK AREA s� 1A FL 5 J4961f1 ¢.Ev. 3sz3------- J s ? f n i 0 PIPE END d - It Y� jFF6- >_ 6 h _ RAIL -1 3 2- 6\�3/ 10"0 PIPE ( - ) X ..._ l J '� �0� 9 /J 1 9- 5`SCfS- -I x .9c -r- [ ..� - o � � � [.IFC -) _r _ "`r-_�OVE__VATION LIMTSS ) �S O44R HIGHGATE (PENN AVENUE ..-`*oJ -r-3� s hs-y:h• _�-` �5 L k ' ` � ,!,T. FUTURE CURE&OUTIER _�----�-,E �__ ') .Sys '� ___tEAncl-Ruuurolc ___�`'�(1 '�'� ___________�-".__-<____--- tt_ s, ?a I6y SE -- -,. --- - 7H AVENUE IV - - --.r_i...:-....a w n�Mc_ � �y� , r• "` � C�A.�RLiAL DRIVE - I 7 4 � i �'.� o -i --s- I L RB HIGHGA H _ APPROACH PER�...73 lE p f R r ....n . I 3 3 5`>y }., ;_��? , C Ln • SEPARATE STREET PLANS> t Y �..P'L - --�( 63 �- ( G44% J _ i = - .IJ I _ .� A�INCT 1y :2 * ffiy ;n, ..�-orJC .i/961 iZ .�` }---.-.._ .-OYER EXCAVATION-LINRS-.-'1 �' _ i� o n�\ _-350.09 ------- •Xf o 4,i EX ELEC �. �TtlPtlrar� �2Ny i �� ON coN P �353of--- - — - G --__- 4 Y✓� 3p3 Ac tt, \ _ Ex. ELEc_ cgou t I - - _ "b t r N $ ♦ 53.� / -•yam Ex VIArE� n . :3.k F ~ -a G.o e i' 1 _& - -.� K ? €L" 7 p' ti� I� '� o) _ _ F 35 ) �'-- - __ I1 FC 353T- H II, Lh5 01 t ♦ I F 53 � 1 y MN S' HIGH �I IBRIG. 5 ra�It_� I . Q : g yg-- -•-__� -� --) - .'i'V' I - -- I 'S SEPARATE OCK BAIT 2 G' PRIVATE g�RlsEa I A 5 �. _ % a �3 s�� O ----------- - ------ -- 59 4 I FP 3023 M M PARK AREA 351' ap, z a 3 -. ._._._._ P _ 0.35% .1_._ _ 3 n h I A LOWER PARKSHIRE STREET _—D �' ._._�� I _. /��\ ;1 �y�I �� t o --� n m ♦-(PRIVATE SRiFEQ _ a25X .. ...... Q35% A �� r-'Ti.B` // ��.ua1-, o ` - - _ _ ._._. -�� -----_ 31dS5K �d ��� FP 3521 _� 7 �'S �t M1�OA ����� YnmY li� Ex. UTIL ---- ---- — i Imo'-- ♦� 23 yRr�' uGs TVP. 1�J / FUTURE z5+16 Is - ' a,x '�U N I T 63x PP361A'' 1'so. .y 'FP 3017\ �1 J_ o I___ i GEO �FP351$. i FPSlt.9 FP ;,`' I FP 3620 ..�.� x"sy�V (NOTA PART) ytiy/'� wi� M�;: !- 16 17 1 I 19 b 1 F SM 2 2 k �' 9 f y 1 -LJ 21 ' I 5, ?*d �\ 2 / fG �� I i F9 --_-________ i w q o FO fig, -o / 1• �� I 1 i� t 'I 1 1' �' 2.Ey N v FUTURE _ Ysi�l Oil P EV --_- I I EG G i525FG t\ II 4Pi fes_ - Al '3�c 3/860 fL 19 I ---- I��♦1 �� /UN/ITS (NOT A PART) ,�o�``� � M ; � E`� & ♦ �" � � � �� � � I o> o 0 ^ Li l r x 3 m 7/7 - FUTURE 1 I n cw Call (SEE GRADING NOTES ) AREA WALK % "w� \... �� 20' �' PROPOSED �� �I I before OU dig. �/ I 1"I 20 2' 17 20' I s p5 MN• FINISHED PAD 20' . AG PAVING 0.7 ! PROPOSED `. II _ /% PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ELEV. a4MAX.N34$ MAX. 5$ NIN � I % 20' .�qL N,�N 2% MIN. I NAY- 4:1 M w 1�5 MIN 14%MAX. `� 1 3:4R AIAX. R rn R i 5 WALK I 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY (SEE GRADING NOTES) 15' '` 2.0' 90' RIGHT-OF-WAY N AC. PAVING 0.7' ® �- COMPACTION LIMITS --_€WTINP cR4UNP>� �Ax z I FC;FNn 20' COMPACTION LIMYTS -► c� 45' 45' <"� 10' LANDSCAPE MEDIAN 12' = 12' SDEWN.K (2$ MATO PROPOSED 8'CURB A.C. PANNG PROPOSED 6'CURB PROPOSED ���� PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED dB�EWAIl9YS FINISHED PAD 7 16 ROUGH GRADE UNE AT 18' 7' S' 5 SIDEWALK (2$ MAX) CURB A GUTTER 12' ROU(91 GRADE UNE CURB & GUTTER 5' SIDEWALK (2% MAX) 20' 20' FS FINISH SURFACE 5' 5' 20' d7 BELOW TOP OF CURB 20' 20' COMPACTION LIMITS 4:1 MAX. TO TOP OF CONCRETE OE OVER -EXCAVATION r r a MIN. 6' WALL LANDSCAPE AREA WITH 5' w FF FINISH FLOOR :1� w SECTION LANDSCAPE AREA WITH 5' 1, Know what's below. OVEREXCAVATION SDE_ LANDSCAPE FC FINISH CONCRETE w Gl i LANDSCAPE I SIDE- I z g SCALE 1'=10' OVEREPER (SEE GRADINGANOTES) SEPARATE PLAN MEANDERING SIDEWALK �+ 5 w i 9 MEANDERING SIDEWALK PER IN.BLOCK PLANS Call (SEE GRADING NOTES ) AREA WALK q r` AREA WALK s 20' �' PROPOSED w PROPOSED 20' before OU dig. �/ g 20 2' 17 20' I s p5 MN• FINISHED PAD 20' 0.Y AG PAVING AG PAVING 0.7 2C PROPOSED FINISHED PAD PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ELEV. a4MAX.N34$ MAX. 5$ NIN � I % 20' .�qL N,�N 2% MIN. I NAY- 4:1 M w 1�5 MIN 14%MAX. `� 1 3:4R AIAX. 2X MIN. ?X 4: MAX. ?.• 1 IN. rn AREA WALK I N FUTURE (SEE GRADING NOTES) '` 2.0' 0.7' AC PAVING N AC. PAVING 0.7' 20' --_€WTINP cR4UNP>� �Ax z I FC;FNn 20' PROPOSm c� PROPOSE <"� 10' LANDSCAPE MEDIAN = SDEWN.K (2$ MATO PROPOSED 8'CURB A.C. PANNG PROPOSED 6'CURB PROPOSED ���� PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED dB�EWAIl9YS FINISHED PAD PROPOSED PARKING AREA ROUGH GRADE UNE AT PROPOSED PARKING AREA SIDEWALK (2X MAX) 5 SIDEWALK (2$ MAX) CURB A GUTTER 12' ROU(91 GRADE UNE CURB & GUTTER 5' SIDEWALK (2% MAX) EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT FS FINISH SURFACE I I SEE STREET PLANS d7 BELOW TOP OF CURB SEE STREET PLANS 4:1 MAX. TO TOP OF CONCRETE OE OVER -EXCAVATION '•5g LHON 3.4R MAl(. S.OyOS. DRECTION AND FOR DRAINAGE B BOWLINE FF FINISH FLOOR :1� C SECTION 3�4 T PEMBERLEY PASSAGE AVENUE CL CENTERUNE FC FINISH CONCRETE 3 SDE To FRONT LOCAL STREET ROUGH GRADING 20• SCALE 1'=10' 1'=10' VAAS° SECTION - 4.111 EIEV ELEVATION Ce GRADE BREAKSCALE WMSP SECTION - 4.19 ;bg EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR PROPOSED IL FP 367.9 PROPOSED PAD EIEV.90' CURB AND CUTTER SIDEWALK PROPOSED (2R MAX) PROPOSED 6'CURB PROPOSED A.C. PAYING PROPOSED 6'CURB RIGHT-OF-WAY 5' SIDEWALK (2% MAX) PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER 10-15 80' RIGHT-OF-WAY -- - -- EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER 48 PROPOSED PARKING AREA 45 PROPOSED PARKING AREA PROPOSED GUTTER FLOVAINE ELEV.f COMPACTION UMITS 5 I 20' 5' S' 2tl 20, 1 5 ,$e5,q��F1,, lc SEE STREET PLANS 0.Y BELOW TOP OF CURB 12' SEE STREET PUNS COMPACTION LIMITS 7t6 EXIST.TOP OF CUES ELEV. a 5' 7' 1 18' i!E7' 5' LANDSCAPE AREA WITH 5' w LANDSCAPE A WITH 5' ( r Y SECTION = I iSIDEWALK EXIST. GUTIEft BOWLINE ElEV. OVFREXN (SEE GRADINGING NOTES) a s a I SIDE- LANDSCAPE ~ LANDSCAPE SDE- I w OVERIXCAVATION � d r. PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ELEV. 10%MCI%, w I WALK AREA rn AREA WALK I N FUTURE (SEE GRADING NOTES) '` 2.0' 0.7' AC PAVING N AC. PAVING 0.7' 20' z 20' c� 20' z 2% MIN = 2R MIN. y PERCENT OF SLOPE FINISHED PAD 05%NIN, �� x 20' I I 2$ MI ,IN. 12' 12' [40-11AX. I I i p;1 MA%• RECREATION FACILITY 20' r�-=�- FlNISIiD PAD 4:1 MAX. 1. I 3.4� '•5g LHON 3.4R MAl(. S.OyOS. DRECTION AND FOR DRAINAGE :1� 3�4 -=-1- 20• PROPOSED 10' LANDSCAPE MEDIAN CURB AND CUTTER SIDEWALK PROPOSED (2R MAX) PROPOSED 6'CURB PROPOSED A.C. PAYING PROPOSED 6'CURB 5' SIDEWALK (2% MAX) PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED CURB & OUT -- - -- EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED PARKING AREA ROUGH GRADE UNE AT PROPOSED PARKING AREA PROPOSED SIDEWALK (29 MAX) ROUGH GRADE LINE SEE STREET PLANS 0.Y BELOW TOP OF CURB SEE STREET PUNS ( r Y SECTION CENTERLINE OF STREET /� 3 HIGHGATE HEATH AVENUE T1 SOE YARD ROUGH GRADING r u ` ACTION SCALE 1N ---------- PROPERTY UNE /SIGHT -OF -WAY 3 FRONT TO PARK LOCAL STREET ROUGH GRADING WASP SECTION - 4.19.1 SCALE R R/W PAD COMPACTION UNITS WMSP SECTION - 4.19 1 R R R --- o STHXd DRAIN EASTING TYPE 'A' CATCH BASIN MITH 3S' VIDE al al a MIN. 6" WALL PRIVATE PAW LOT �(r OPENING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED it it 1 MIN. 6' WALL PER SEPARATE PLAN PER SEPARATE PLAN o: z1 LANDSCAPE LOT WITH ------- EXIST. SRXAI DRAIN .I S v 6' MIN. BLOCK WALL 10' MEANDERING TRAIL mI � PER SEPARATE PLANS I — - - — - - - TRACT BOUNDARY �I Wl Tl M M M= PHASE BOUNDARY 5' 12' OF GRADING OUTSIDE FUTURE FINISHED PAD OFF THE TRACT BOUNDARY m I♦ ililim illim I♦ MATCH LINE SCALE: 1" = 50'---EXLSTIFIG-SR011NQ_. FINISHED PAD9� 50' 25' O' 50' 100' -- sEcnaN UNE %K1 SECTION SECTION 4 BACK OF LOT TO UNIT BOUNDARY ROUGH GRADING BACK OF LOT TO UNIT BOUNDARY ROUGH GRADING 3 LANDSCAPE AND LIFTFT STATION ROUGH GRADING SCALE 1'=1C 3 SCALE 1'-1d SCALE 1'-10' PROPOSED 5 SIDEWALK (2R j� TRAIL (2%MA%) EASTING� A.C. / ry 1 SECTION CURB & GUTTER 3 IGHGATE PARK AVENUE NORTH OF HIGHGATE HEATH AVE SCALE P-10' WMSP SECTION - 4.11.5 COMPACTION UNITS — - OVEREXCAVATION (SEE GRADING NOTES) i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR HIGHGATE WEST TRACT DEVELOPMENT HIGHGATE DEVELOPMENT, OFF MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY, CA Prepared for: Castle and Cooke Commercial California 10000 Stockdale Highway Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93311 By: SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SEI File 1846962 March 14, 2019 ,kafEFB59p 46F' xo. saso, w NII Tony M. Frerrgle, P.E. CAL Vice President 4400YEAGERWAY BAKERSFIELOCAUPORNIAM313 PH0NE(EXH)BEIZI00 • FAK(9riHir 2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL BYVESRGARON SEI Jer Na I&IM62 insider War Tmel orease mml time 14 "int, MN 5z3-540-2511Ha*PkDarr6axre eoffM gAmitte, Baker.elldd, Sem Ceab, Cl Pogo 12 MODULUS OF SU13GRADE REACTION Modulus of subgrade reackmn for use In design of foundations is based on ranges of values for sell types provided by Foundation Analysis and Design by Joseph E Bowles. Equation 1 should be used for footings on sandy soils. Foundations on clay soils should employ Equation 2. Equation 3 is M rectangular fohaags having dimensions 8 and me. Ker ie the modulus of subgrale reaction from the source Miami BE. based on a 1 fact x 1 foot square plan. For general guldanceK,r of 125 std may W used forthe subsurface sandy soils. Equation (1) 1,41,=.f X(se Equation (2) ken= Ke1/0 EgMbn (3) to = Kar x T" Values given above should m used for guidance. Local values may be higher or lower and should be based on results of In-situ plate bearing tests performed in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1195, LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Lateral earth pressures and (notion inflation for demnninilg the passive aferal resistance of foundations against lateral movement and he active lateral forces against retaining walls and subsurface wails, expressed as ec elvall fluid pressures, are given below In Table C. Lateral earth pressures were computed assuming that backfill materials are essentially free draining and level; and that no surcharge loads or sloping lax illa are present within a distance from the wall equal to or I... than the height (H)" of the wall. (H)• = the height of backfill above the lowest adjacent ground surface. TABLE C LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Case Lateral Earth Pmmm Act" 35 P.C.F. Passive 350 P.C.F. At -Rest 48 P.C.F. Acgve Co.: Active lalurel earth pressures should be ped when computing forces ag llwt free standing Stalking walls, unrestrained at the tope. Active pressures should nol be used where tMrg oldward of the walls Is greater than Mlif would not be desimble. Bowles,JosephE;FOUNDATIONANALYSISANDDESIGN;MC row-HillMok Company(HA);rable9-1M269 omusose 9AmIN66awc,mc SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ®`-'•--- -1 Jut, 15, 2019 BE File N. 19-16862 Castle and Cooke Commercial California 10000 Moderate Highway, Suit. 300 Bakemfied, CA 83311 Attention: Mr. Ben Woodman Settled: Addendum #1 to the Geatenhnlcal investgmbn Projed; Nghgate Tract 7354 Location: All 523.540.251 Hghgke Development BE of Ming Avenue and S. Allen Road Bakarefled, CA Gear Mr. Wagemum Soils Engineering Inc. (SEI) has prepared this Addendum to the Daiquirml Investigation for he Hghgete Tract 7354 Units 1-7, [emted at APN: 523540-25 at the 1.1191 Development Southeast of Ming Avenue and S Allen Road, BakeMleid, CA. The fdlowing section nae been modgbd: C. GROUND SURFACE PREPARATION Pmp.dS/mck#e Areas: After the Gearing Iranian h the exia(ing trees on the wrthem potion of the Belding, ground surfaces in the proposed balding meas shall be empacted Be acwrtlame with the following procedures: 1. Exevax, earth maternal to a mimmum cloth of two (2) feet below bottom of proposed foundations. 2. The bottom dthe excavation shall be mvawed by the Boll muni or his represanmrw prior to any bactfill operations. After the review, the exposed surface shall be proof- rdhd with a minimum of ewe complex, coverages by a heavy mrstory rollm. The vbretary roller should consist of a Caterpillar OW4 roper or one wish equal drummoller weight and dpm-roller dimensions. One complain coverage k defined herein As munfiple palms by a vibratory rdW where each Paas.,]ups the preceding pass a distance of oae31aff the mllm-dpmwddh. Mum muslpie-coverages are sodium. the eimmon of each eummses document should be parpentlicularo the puslow wvemge. 3. After Me proefitiling operation is completed, the earthwork opeSron Mall consist of makers kg me engineered NI layer to the finished pad own. Moisten excavated and ten Parted wile to near the optimum m*Wm oro a moisture content conkdem with 44wYEAGER wAY BAKERSFlELD, CALIFORNIA 993Y9 • PHONE (861)89b5aM FA%: (661)1p1 -girt SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTECHNIGLIWESTIGATION SEI she Ne. 1846964 H7gkgaeWert 2FHNDerdapmrre Maw* 14, 2019 AM Of-Ehi I HIBhign, Dever arenryMrxg paster, Bakoylemi S Canry,Or Page) EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS "Earthwork Speciicaticns," In Appendix A are proMed for general guidance in preparing site grading plana In addition, the following specific recommeM ion are provided and supersede the Eadhwork Specifkatices InAppIxAwhereverdiscrepancies may exist. Unless otherwise speeNled herein, sdl and other similar materials placed on this site Mail be Compacted No not etas man 90 percent of the laboaory maximum density for each material as determined in a=rdenw with ASTM Test Method Df 557, Soils and similar materials should be compaded at or near the •optimum moisture for each maternal, as determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. Potentially expansive manuals should be compacted At a moisture content which Is one to three percent higher men the laboratory detarmimd •optimum moisture°. B STRIPPING Prior to site gradini existing ground surfaces should be stripped of surface vegetation and high volume neat masses. A stripping depth of can to three inches is generally adequate. Stripped matedal shall net be used in engineered NII or blended with or incorporated into any materials which will underlie any Muctures or other improvements on the project. Removal of trees or other large places shall include all roots larger than W diameter. If monetary, root remnants ere to he removed by hand-picking. Remove exiting structures and Improvements, including within the limits of grading or as depicted In the project documents. - C GROUND SURFACE PREPARATION Proposed SMmlure Ames,. Ground aurfaces In the proposed buiNing areas shall be compacted in accomanm with the following procedures: 1. Excavate earth material to a minimum depth of two (2) feet below the Impact existing grade in each of the pommel strudi re areae. 2. The bottom of the ercavetlon and be reviewed by me soil engineer or his representative poor to any backfill operations. The op twelve Inches of materials exposed at the her= of the excavation shall he emrif ed and Compacted to a minimum of ePercent of ASTM D1657. 3. Moisten excavated and imported soils to nearthe optimum moisture our to a moisture content con Mentwith effective wmpachon and soli stability. Compact moistened ails to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density outland by ASTM Test Method 01557. 4. Work o lines at least five (5) fest beyond me outside edges of wilder foiling. and two feet beyond pavement edges. O Nl9 6aa3 anGMeEegG. NC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. GFOTECNNfGL INVFSTfGATION SEIF#eNo. l&16W I5fgk8ale Wart TrauDevdgunenr March 14; DIP APN 5114se ateDevelx menr ffMingAvenue, Berefirseld, deo Calx ,G 8 Review: Prior to any compaction or backfill activities, the bottom of the excave on Mall be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer or his represerdative. If Indications, of previous ill, discoloration, loose or oxmpreabble, material, buried Improvements, structures, plpalhres, debits, rubble, trash, or any other disturbance are observed by the wntrador, the geotechnical engineer shall be notified immediately. Excavation of nab" soils shall continue in cracker Increments of one foot until compaction teats at me Whom of the excavation equal or exceed 80%. FIII enrichment in expectations shall rwt proceed until me geotechnical engineer or his representative on the site has reviewed, tested as described above and accepted materials exposed at the bottom of the excavation. Pavement Areas: Ground surfaces to revive concrete driveway and bituminous pavements should be sclu ied and compacted to a minimum depth of 12 inches below me grading plains in not areas or to 12 Inches In areas to receive fill. Engineered ill placed in proposed pavement areas should conform to the requirements of elf ion 5.4. 'Placing, Spreading and Compacting FIII Materials,' of Appendix A. Compaction in proposed pavement areas should be a minimum of 00 percent of the maximum density as obtained to ASTM Test Method 0107, and should extend to a minimum of farm feet beyond the outside edges of pawmemn, UNlffy Lines: Backfill for utility [Inns traversing areas proposed for facilities, pavements, concrete slabs -on -grade, or areas to racer" engineered fill for future consiWdlDn should be compacted In accomance with the same requirements for adjacent ander overlying fill materials. Compaction should include haunch area, spring line and from top of pipe to finished subgrade. The haunch area up to one foot some the op of the pipe Mould he b Obd with °whesionle a material. ComsioRles, native materials may be used for trench and pipe or conduit badefi9. The term "cahaslonless" as used herein, is defined as material which, when dry, wIN Sow readily In the haunch areas rethe pipe trench. Pipe backfill materials should no contain rocks larger than two inches in maximum dimension. Whom adjocent native materials exposed on the trench bottoms contain prompting rock fragments larger than two Inches in madmum dimewlon, weduita and pipelines should be lad on a bedding consisting of clean, uneasiness sand (SP), in the Unlfied $OIh Classification System. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTECHNIGL INVESTIGATION SEf FBeles MAW Hlgggen, wed Trod Devd9mont Maw* 14, M19 MM 525-54&251 meh¢afe DowevrxextbMlxeAeart, Bake0fe,, Sem L %G Page 13 Pensive Can Passive lateral earth pressures should be used when computing the lateral resistance provided by undisturbed or compacted native soils against the move M of oottno. When computing passive resistance, the upper one foot of embedment depth Mould b r discounted. Af-Rek Case: At -rest pressures should be used for subsurface wane restrelaed at their tape by Noor diaphragms or tie -backs and for retaining walla where tilling re tweM greater than .002 H would net be desirable. Frichwal Rek.orlw: A friction meffdent of OAS may be used when computing the frictional msislance to eliding of footings, grade beams, and slabs O"Mde. Fictional resistance and passive lateral soil resistance may be combined without reduction. SOIL CORROSNITY Soluble SUHatae (30.) The highest Sulfate (804) concen[ratlan measured .1 450 Generally, sulfate Cordentratons greeter than 1,500 ppm am considered IN be conoswe to foundation elamrnm. (Ref: ACI 318, Section 4.3, Table 4.3.1) The highest Chloride (Cg concentration measured was 53 ppm. Generally, chloride wnmntrhions greater than 500 ppm are considered to be corroom to foundation element. (Ref: Caltrans Corrosion Guidelines / Venuon 1.0) RH The soil pH ranged from 7.80 to 8.04. Generally, a pH level lass then 5.5 are Constriated to be corrosive to foundation elements. (Ref: Caltrans Corrosion Guidelines/Version Th. Preliminary east results indicate met existing sump tells at the locations and depths tested are comwive based on the pH nivel test reMlm. We anticipate that site grading operations Nil result In a bland of twelve aM/or Impeded matedal. at finished subgrade elevations. Accordingly, additional teats should has performed after tough grading has bean Completed and prior to concrete design. SLABS -ON -GROUND Slabs -on -ground may be supported an earth materials prepared in accordance with the recommendations of this report. If expansive soils are present, the stab and foundations may require special design in order o rectum potential damage from soil volume changes. We recommend that motature protection be provided for Manor coxrete soba-ongrouM that will race'we molsum-semirve Now coverings, or where modoresensltive equipment, products, car environmenm may be present. For exceptions to stab moisture protection, Stier to the 2016 California Building Code, Section 1907.1, 0.11souwarouser mr. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 1QMatlwnf1ro1he(. ca.lml1a awa#aa file Nw Mowrocks le T..173M da(p15'"19 AIN 523-50 25 1 Ar"BanDevninfaver, 5'E effaMve compaction and atoll stability. Compact mobomd with to a minimum of 90 parent of the maximum density obtained by ASTM Test Method D1557. 4. Wore o Innes al least fare (5) oat beyond the outside edges of exterior footings and Iwo het beyoM pavement edger. We hope nth provlde the IrdormMon you require. If you have any questions regamhg the connote of our meant or if we can be of fWhm assistance, please vented us, ReaRotwpmareq, + o�1k. nNw'y4• SOIL//S''E""NG1 EIRING, INC. 3w oin �4'G'a2a �` alta. 39549 a Fronalk. v Torryounde, P.E. ''T'OFCat6o Vim Presldenl Attachments: Boring Location Map CSC Trod 7354 Unlit 1-7 Gmnsousswer aam"o. O Nl9 apdx ENGm6tffitG, 6VC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. GE0TEC2INfGGINVESI'IGAR0N SEIMBNe.18-16963 mgpgMe Wet 21#dDerdeyn/mt Mmah 14, 2019 APN: 521-540-25 1 MghplBAerero em WAirr, Awous, Ba dA Jim Cards, Cal pant, Compaction Requirements - where not othenrvbe opacified In arc plans or in than becommendwons, the following compaction nob emends are applicable to all electrical, gasorwatercondulta: D. ENGINEERED FILL Earth materials obtained on site are acceptable for use As engineered NII provided that all grasses, weeds and otter deleterious debris are first removed. Engineered fill materials Mould be placed in thin layers (mss than ten inches uncompacled thickness), brought to war the .optimum moisture content or to a moisture content commensurate with effective compaction and soil stability, and Compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum denkty obtainable by ASTM Test Method D1557,'Placing, Spreading and Computing Fill Materials; In Appendix A. E. IMPORTED FILL The table shown below provides general guidelines for acceptance of Import engineered fill. Materials of equal of better quality man orEsfie material could be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer on a can by case basis. No soil materials shall be imported ono the project site without prior approval by the Geotechnical Engineer. Any deviation from the specifications given below Mall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer priorto Import operations. Maximum Percent Passing #200 Sieve .............. .... ................................ ............ 4D Maximum Pat ..t Retained 3" Sieve ........... _......_ -. 0 Maximum Percent Retained 1'h" Sleve for building areas ....................................... 15 Maximum Percent Retained Is" Sieve for lands epee._.... _.... ..- 5 cape .. . Maximum Percent Retained W' Sieve forplay fields .... ..............1..11.1..... ..... ......... .. 0 MaximumLiquid Umtt.._........................ --......_.............................................40 Maximum Plasticity Index .................................... _. ....... ........... .......... ............. 14 Minimum R -Value erpametamea.... .......................... .................... .......... 60 Minimum R -Value orbuddtnp amaa................................................................... 35 Maximum Exception Index (per 2016 CBC)..... .................... .................... .......... 20 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTEY'HNICAL INVESTIGATION SEIFfli MANN Russians, Wal Twit De rlopmmt Moes, 14, wig "Al 52311 Seekers Derdopmml kAtoward,doCooke, Pog14o The projed designer should provide specific Malls mounting construction of the concrete stab - on -ground, Including a moisture barrier or vapor retamer/banier, capillary break fif included), and blotter material (r Included). The American Concrete Institute m x mmends a minimum measure vapor retarder of 10 mil thick polyethylene, The vapor retarder should be prompted from damage. Procures and more should be repaired prior to concrete placement. N a blofter layer between the unilateral vapor retarnilllearrier and me concrete Is to be used, it should ponkd of crasher finite or sand with predominantly angular, Interlocking grains that could be compacted with 100% of the material Rnfing the N sieve screen. For slabs which are for be watermark, the blotter layer, which would act as a reservoir, Is net recommended. The mateoal should, at the time of concrete placement, be dry to damp, compact, and smooth. Concrete should not be placed if the blotter layer is wet, or may become wet due to weather condition, as It will ad as a water reservoir beneath the cameo and all apparent advantages h its use will be nullified. For further consideration, refer to the American Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Pmelfce 302.1R and 380 PrRwriaed water Innes should not be placed beneath slabs. Gravity flow sewer linea may undedae slabs, but they should be muted to edt by the shortest feasible path. PAVEMENT Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement shall be designed based on the Resistant (R) Value oat results shown on Table i and Table 2. The results ranged from 43 through 78 according to our testing program. The laboratory test reports are provided as Figures D-1 through D -I& HMA design should meet the requirements of the 2010 or newer, Sake of California, Blended Specifications Manuel (SSM), Section 39, Aggregate Rase should also meet the Class 2 requirements of the SSM, Section 26. PCC design should meet the requirements of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 33DR, Gude for me Design and Construction of Concrete. Ground surfaces to receive HMA or Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements should be smrthed and compacted te a minimum depth of 12 Inches balm the grading plane in rat areas or to 12 Inches in areae to receive fill. Engineered fill placed In proposed Pavement areas should conform to the requirement. of section 5A, "Placing, Spreading and Corroding Fill Materials," of Appendix A, Compaction In proposed pavement areas should be a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density as obtained to ASTM Test Method 01557, and should extend to a minimum of two feat beyond the outside edges of pavement. These recomme amtons are valid only K the pavement Is propedy drained and shoulder areas are greded to prevent water ponding at pavement edges. All construction should be subject to adequate testa and observations to verify co manor with these recommenddone. 0musorrawclxmawgmc. eb199at18¢NGm¢aRMG, WC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GE0 %CHMC4LINVESTIGATI0N SEIPNe Na.lB-16962 now. Wit TmeDeralopawt Maw* 14, ding APN.-J13-54A]S IWants Areae, Batas ell, dem Cam , G Paints Furthermore, the soils propped for imbed shall be generally homogenous and shall not contain cemented or clayey and/or silty lumps largerthan one Inch. When such lumps are Present, they shall net represent more men ren parent (10%) of the mafeial by dry weight. whom -a proposed import source worries obviously variable wlis, such as clay and/or sift layere, the sells which do not meet the above requirements shall be segregated and not used or this project or the various layers shall be thoroughly mixed prior to acceptance taking by the Geetachnical Engineer. The contractor shall provide sufficient advance maim, prior o impart operations, to aitow testing and evaluation of the potpourri import materials. Because of the time needed to perform the above teats, the contractor shall provide a means by which the Geoochniml Engineer or draw can verify that the soil($) which was sampled and tested is the same soils) which Is being Imported to the project. F. DRAINAGE Finished ground grades adjacent to the proposed structures should be sloped to provide posBive free drainage may from the founder... No areas should be constructed that would allow drainage generated on the site, orwater impinging upon the site from outside sources, o pond mar footings and stabs or behind curbs. Where ground surfaces adjacent o subsurface walls we to be landscaped, wails should be walerproomd. Installation of gravel -filled drum fo route subsurface drainage away from walls will reduce the thickness of domPproofrg resulting in a Considerable savings. O. SLOPES Both fill and out slopes should be Conducted at 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) in accordanm with the 2013 Uniform Building Code. Finished slopes nearer than five feet from building foundations should be gredetl no steeper than five horizontal to one vertical (Ss,). A elope ratio of two horizontal b one veNaal (2:1) should provide adequate stability for slopes farther than five feet from fooling lines. The fill slopes shall becompacted to a minimum of 90% of ASTM D1557 and In accordance with the Guide Smit dorm s for Earthwork, Appendix A. This may W achieved by overfilling fire denstmdetl slope and trimming to a compacted finished surface, rolling the elope face with ashes foot as the level of the fill is raised or an method that achieves the desired raced. ps Y P The cul Radion of the slope should be constructed Mat Poor to conkmetlon of the fill slope, Neempeont surface soils should be removed from the op of the cut. Areas to receive fill or to support structures, slabs or pavements should be removed of all vegetation, debts and disturbed sells. All existing uncedifned fill soils Mould be mounted to expose compelent native soils, Existing underground pipelines, private sewage disposal systems and any water or oil wells, If encountered during grading, should be removed or capped in accordance with procedures considered acceptable by the appropriate incoming agency. ® ar4smLit.NmxamBm wc. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SES FisAl, I&/6962 Hishire,Was TawDeefopmeu burrs 14, 2019 0NFS23-SI&AS I HIghoMbevel Yxmll ASflxg9xxae, Bak®slldA, dem Ca ,,G Raga is LIMITATIONS, OBSERVATION AND TESTING Conclusions and recommendations in this report am given for the Highgate West Tract Development, located on APN: 623540-26, Highgate Development off Ming Avenue, Bakersfield. Kem County CA and are based on the ollowmg: it. The Information retrieved from twenty-seven (27) exploratory borings drilled at the subject site to a maximum depth of 165 feet below the existing ground surface; n Our laboratory testing program results; c. Our engineering analysis based on the Information defined in this report d. Our experience in the Kam County area. Variations In soil type, strength and consistency may exist between specific boring locations. These variations may not become evident until after the stmt of construction. If such variations appear, a ri-evaluagan of the soils last data and recommendations may he necessary. Unless a Geotechnical Engineer of this firm is afforded the opportunity to review plans and specifications, we accept no reswnkbildy for compliance with design concepts or interpretations made by others with regard to foundation support, fill selection, fill placement or other recommendations presented in this report Chargee In wnditiws of the subject property can occur with time because of natural processes or me works elf man on the subject site or on adjacent properties. Changes In applicable engineering and construction standards can also occur as the result of legislation or from the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the finding of this repod may be Invalidated wholly or In part, by changes beyond our control. Therefore, pis repod is subject to review and should not be failed upon without review after a period of We years or after any modricationsto the site. :I�IIiS`L]at�1:11:1`PC•I3'3YlUAiti[1F: Reveal of earthwork pinwheel reining o site deanng, ground stabilization, placement and Compaction of fill materials, and finished grading is critical to the structural integrity of building foundation and floor systems. While me preliminary Geotechnical Investigator and report Provide guldefnes which are used by the design team, i.e., ani itacte, grading engineers, structural engineers, landscape engineers, etc., to completing their respective leaks, review of plains and are review and testing during earthwork operations are vital adjuncts to the Completion of the Gelachniml engineer's tasks. The most prevalent muse of failure of a structure foundation system is lack of adequate review and testing during the earthwork phase of the project Projects will reach completion without some alteration being required such in may result from a change In eubsurface Conditions, an amendment In the size and amps of the project, a revision of the grading plans or a vibration in atmdurat derails. Occasionally, even minor changes can significantly affect me performance of foundations. ouemlrswcweawc,rnc SOILS ENGINEERING, INC OEOTECHN(CAL fNVESNGATfON SBI FYI Na 18-1696¢ HfgAgee Nat TvetDerdepnenr Maw* l4, 2019 APN,•S23-X0351 H§A¢areDew(o0mexeapMingArexug Bakeak/kM, Rerr, Coxxb, G Pusan Tree note o 2 inches in diameter should be removed. Both fill and cut slopes will he subject to erodon immediately after Spring, and should be designed to reduce suction sloughing by mrsa a minting a permanent slope maintenance dm9ram As soon as practical atter completion of elope Conatrudion. Slope mal d nanm should include proper care of erosion and drainage control devims, rodent owed, and immediate planting with deep -mating, lightweight, drmght-resestant vegetation An Broobn contmi Reforms, may also be used in combination with vegetation to comml erosion. Experience has shown that slope performance Is largely dependent upon proper slope maintenance (i.e., planting, proper watering, clearing of drainage devices, etc,). Slopes property placed and conscientiously maintained are not expected to display excessive resent, or sloughing, 1i7T18i7if r[P# 1SdCbLI61R:ItLi1[7y1: Spread Footings -The proposed foundation could be supported on continuous spread footings in accordance with the following Table B: TABLES TABLE A Minimum Depth COMPACTION DEPTH Footing Type Mlnimumwwm Below Lowest Haunch to t ft. 1 S Above Top.f T'6" Below Area Above Top Pips, Set. ow Flnhhetl Grade Bit Or Pipe Fintehatl Gretle FlnIMad Subgmtle Sirudural 90% 90% 90% Pavements 90% 8D% 90% Nonlmrudurw 90% 90% 90% D. ENGINEERED FILL Earth materials obtained on site are acceptable for use As engineered NII provided that all grasses, weeds and otter deleterious debris are first removed. Engineered fill materials Mould be placed in thin layers (mss than ten inches uncompacled thickness), brought to war the .optimum moisture content or to a moisture content commensurate with effective compaction and soil stability, and Compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum denkty obtainable by ASTM Test Method D1557,'Placing, Spreading and Computing Fill Materials; In Appendix A. E. IMPORTED FILL The table shown below provides general guidelines for acceptance of Import engineered fill. Materials of equal of better quality man orEsfie material could be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer on a can by case basis. No soil materials shall be imported ono the project site without prior approval by the Geotechnical Engineer. Any deviation from the specifications given below Mall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer priorto Import operations. Maximum Percent Passing #200 Sieve .............. .... ................................ ............ 4D Maximum Pat ..t Retained 3" Sieve ........... _......_ -. 0 Maximum Percent Retained 1'h" Sleve for building areas ....................................... 15 Maximum Percent Retained Is" Sieve for lands epee._.... _.... ..- 5 cape .. . Maximum Percent Retained W' Sieve forplay fields .... ..............1..11.1..... ..... ......... .. 0 MaximumLiquid Umtt.._........................ --......_.............................................40 Maximum Plasticity Index .................................... _. ....... ........... .......... ............. 14 Minimum R -Value erpametamea.... .......................... .................... .......... 60 Minimum R -Value orbuddtnp amaa................................................................... 35 Maximum Exception Index (per 2016 CBC)..... .................... .................... .......... 20 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTEY'HNICAL INVESTIGATION SEIFfli MANN Russians, Wal Twit De rlopmmt Moes, 14, wig "Al 52311 Seekers Derdopmml kAtoward,doCooke, Pog14o The projed designer should provide specific Malls mounting construction of the concrete stab - on -ground, Including a moisture barrier or vapor retamer/banier, capillary break fif included), and blotter material (r Included). The American Concrete Institute m x mmends a minimum measure vapor retarder of 10 mil thick polyethylene, The vapor retarder should be prompted from damage. Procures and more should be repaired prior to concrete placement. N a blofter layer between the unilateral vapor retarnilllearrier and me concrete Is to be used, it should ponkd of crasher finite or sand with predominantly angular, Interlocking grains that could be compacted with 100% of the material Rnfing the N sieve screen. For slabs which are for be watermark, the blotter layer, which would act as a reservoir, Is net recommended. The mateoal should, at the time of concrete placement, be dry to damp, compact, and smooth. Concrete should not be placed if the blotter layer is wet, or may become wet due to weather condition, as It will ad as a water reservoir beneath the cameo and all apparent advantages h its use will be nullified. For further consideration, refer to the American Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Pmelfce 302.1R and 380 PrRwriaed water Innes should not be placed beneath slabs. Gravity flow sewer linea may undedae slabs, but they should be muted to edt by the shortest feasible path. PAVEMENT Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement shall be designed based on the Resistant (R) Value oat results shown on Table i and Table 2. The results ranged from 43 through 78 according to our testing program. The laboratory test reports are provided as Figures D-1 through D -I& HMA design should meet the requirements of the 2010 or newer, Sake of California, Blended Specifications Manuel (SSM), Section 39, Aggregate Rase should also meet the Class 2 requirements of the SSM, Section 26. PCC design should meet the requirements of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 33DR, Gude for me Design and Construction of Concrete. Ground surfaces to receive HMA or Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements should be smrthed and compacted te a minimum depth of 12 Inches balm the grading plane in rat areas or to 12 Inches in areae to receive fill. Engineered fill placed In proposed Pavement areas should conform to the requirement. of section 5A, "Placing, Spreading and Corroding Fill Materials," of Appendix A, Compaction In proposed pavement areas should be a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density as obtained to ASTM Test Method 01557, and should extend to a minimum of two feat beyond the outside edges of pavement. These recomme amtons are valid only K the pavement Is propedy drained and shoulder areas are greded to prevent water ponding at pavement edges. All construction should be subject to adequate testa and observations to verify co manor with these recommenddone. 0musorrawclxmawgmc. eb199at18¢NGm¢aRMG, WC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GE0 %CHMC4LINVESTIGATI0N SEIPNe Na.lB-16962 now. Wit TmeDeralopawt Maw* 14, ding APN.-J13-54A]S IWants Areae, Batas ell, dem Cam , G Paints Furthermore, the soils propped for imbed shall be generally homogenous and shall not contain cemented or clayey and/or silty lumps largerthan one Inch. When such lumps are Present, they shall net represent more men ren parent (10%) of the mafeial by dry weight. whom -a proposed import source worries obviously variable wlis, such as clay and/or sift layere, the sells which do not meet the above requirements shall be segregated and not used or this project or the various layers shall be thoroughly mixed prior to acceptance taking by the Geetachnical Engineer. The contractor shall provide sufficient advance maim, prior o impart operations, to aitow testing and evaluation of the potpourri import materials. Because of the time needed to perform the above teats, the contractor shall provide a means by which the Geoochniml Engineer or draw can verify that the soil($) which was sampled and tested is the same soils) which Is being Imported to the project. F. DRAINAGE Finished ground grades adjacent to the proposed structures should be sloped to provide posBive free drainage may from the founder... No areas should be constructed that would allow drainage generated on the site, orwater impinging upon the site from outside sources, o pond mar footings and stabs or behind curbs. Where ground surfaces adjacent o subsurface walls we to be landscaped, wails should be walerproomd. Installation of gravel -filled drum fo route subsurface drainage away from walls will reduce the thickness of domPproofrg resulting in a Considerable savings. O. SLOPES Both fill and out slopes should be Conducted at 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) in accordanm with the 2013 Uniform Building Code. Finished slopes nearer than five feet from building foundations should be gredetl no steeper than five horizontal to one vertical (Ss,). A elope ratio of two horizontal b one veNaal (2:1) should provide adequate stability for slopes farther than five feet from fooling lines. The fill slopes shall becompacted to a minimum of 90% of ASTM D1557 and In accordance with the Guide Smit dorm s for Earthwork, Appendix A. This may W achieved by overfilling fire denstmdetl slope and trimming to a compacted finished surface, rolling the elope face with ashes foot as the level of the fill is raised or an method that achieves the desired raced. ps Y P The cul Radion of the slope should be constructed Mat Poor to conkmetlon of the fill slope, Neempeont surface soils should be removed from the op of the cut. Areas to receive fill or to support structures, slabs or pavements should be removed of all vegetation, debts and disturbed sells. All existing uncedifned fill soils Mould be mounted to expose compelent native soils, Existing underground pipelines, private sewage disposal systems and any water or oil wells, If encountered during grading, should be removed or capped in accordance with procedures considered acceptable by the appropriate incoming agency. ® ar4smLit.NmxamBm wc. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SES FisAl, I&/6962 Hishire,Was TawDeefopmeu burrs 14, 2019 0NFS23-SI&AS I HIghoMbevel Yxmll ASflxg9xxae, Bak®slldA, dem Ca ,,G Raga is LIMITATIONS, OBSERVATION AND TESTING Conclusions and recommendations in this report am given for the Highgate West Tract Development, located on APN: 623540-26, Highgate Development off Ming Avenue, Bakersfield. Kem County CA and are based on the ollowmg: it. The Information retrieved from twenty-seven (27) exploratory borings drilled at the subject site to a maximum depth of 165 feet below the existing ground surface; n Our laboratory testing program results; c. Our engineering analysis based on the Information defined in this report d. Our experience in the Kam County area. Variations In soil type, strength and consistency may exist between specific boring locations. These variations may not become evident until after the stmt of construction. If such variations appear, a ri-evaluagan of the soils last data and recommendations may he necessary. Unless a Geotechnical Engineer of this firm is afforded the opportunity to review plans and specifications, we accept no reswnkbildy for compliance with design concepts or interpretations made by others with regard to foundation support, fill selection, fill placement or other recommendations presented in this report Chargee In wnditiws of the subject property can occur with time because of natural processes or me works elf man on the subject site or on adjacent properties. Changes In applicable engineering and construction standards can also occur as the result of legislation or from the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the finding of this repod may be Invalidated wholly or In part, by changes beyond our control. Therefore, pis repod is subject to review and should not be failed upon without review after a period of We years or after any modricationsto the site. :I�IIiS`L]at�1:11:1`PC•I3'3YlUAiti[1F: Reveal of earthwork pinwheel reining o site deanng, ground stabilization, placement and Compaction of fill materials, and finished grading is critical to the structural integrity of building foundation and floor systems. While me preliminary Geotechnical Investigator and report Provide guldefnes which are used by the design team, i.e., ani itacte, grading engineers, structural engineers, landscape engineers, etc., to completing their respective leaks, review of plains and are review and testing during earthwork operations are vital adjuncts to the Completion of the Gelachniml engineer's tasks. The most prevalent muse of failure of a structure foundation system is lack of adequate review and testing during the earthwork phase of the project Projects will reach completion without some alteration being required such in may result from a change In eubsurface Conditions, an amendment In the size and amps of the project, a revision of the grading plans or a vibration in atmdurat derails. Occasionally, even minor changes can significantly affect me performance of foundations. ouemlrswcweawc,rnc SOILS ENGINEERING, INC OEOTECHN(CAL fNVESNGATfON SBI FYI Na 18-1696¢ HfgAgee Nat TvetDerdepnenr Maw* l4, 2019 APN,•S23-X0351 H§A¢areDew(o0mexeapMingArexug Bakeak/kM, Rerr, Coxxb, G Pusan Tree note o 2 inches in diameter should be removed. Both fill and cut slopes will he subject to erodon immediately after Spring, and should be designed to reduce suction sloughing by mrsa a minting a permanent slope maintenance dm9ram As soon as practical atter completion of elope Conatrudion. Slope mal d nanm should include proper care of erosion and drainage control devims, rodent owed, and immediate planting with deep -mating, lightweight, drmght-resestant vegetation An Broobn contmi Reforms, may also be used in combination with vegetation to comml erosion. Experience has shown that slope performance Is largely dependent upon proper slope maintenance (i.e., planting, proper watering, clearing of drainage devices, etc,). Slopes property placed and conscientiously maintained are not expected to display excessive resent, or sloughing, 1i7T18i7if r[P# 1SdCbLI61R:ItLi1[7y1: Spread Footings -The proposed foundation could be supported on continuous spread footings in accordance with the following Table B: TABLES FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA Minimum Depth Maximum Allowable Footing Type Mlnimumwwm Below Lowest Soil Bearing (h.) Adjacent Subgnde res Psure balat.ft. Continuous I 1 1 24w Isolated i 1 220D Bearing pressures given are for the minimum widths and depge shown above. Bearing preeur" given on Table B are for dead and sustained (leads acing most d the time) live loads; they may be increased by ona-ihlm forwind andfor seismic loading mndwons. The proposed foundations shall the releforced in accomance with the structural engineers recommendations, sato ent Provided maximum allovrable soil bearing pressures given above are not exceeded, total w9lement should net exceed one inch. A major portion .,. two-thirds to one-half ... of total settlement Mould occur before the end of cordmdicn. Differential settlements should occur before the end of cmnstructen. Differential settlements should, accordingly, be less man ons, half of an Inch for a horizontal span of twenty feel ONr9ba1L9 L\"GmEERLYG, mC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC GEOTECHNICIL INVES17"H0W SE MNe.18-16962 e Wwt2b W March lA AbNik S14I&2 519 40,ce DevdapnwueyMM¢Avenue BekeyeHdm m(,, 04 Pji The most prevalent secondary cause for foundation failure Is madequao Implemenofon of Geotechnical recommendation. during the formulation of ouWd n designs and grading plane. The error in a foundation design or an omission of a key element from a grading plan oecum meal often as a result of Inadequate communimtion between the various projed consultants and - when a charge In consultants occurs - impropertrender of authority, and maponsibluty.s It is Interstate, therefore, that any revisions to the projed scope, any change in structural detail, or charge In consultant, be brought to the attention of Soils Engineering, Inc. to allow for timely review and revision of mcommeW&Uons and for an omeny transfer of responsibility and approval, It is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that a representative of our firm is present at all times during earthwork operations relating to site preparation and grading, so that relative Compaction team can be performed, earthwork operations can be observed and compliance with the recommendations provided herein can be established. This engineoong report has been prepared within the limits prescohed to us by the client or his representative, in accordance with the Summary accepted principles and pmMces of Geotechnical engineering. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included car mended in this report. Respectfully submitted SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 2 If the civil engineer, the soils engineer, the engineerin88eole8lst or the testing Wr icy of rewh hdlansed during the course of the work the work shall be stopped umr the rep epowel has agreed bacross the carendblliw wltho the area of his intrust..bete.¢ mrappmaral upon ..pled. of the work. ' ®rw9seas wome[ard. n g [•:: �1"L�1d:1•��nll �.")♦r. a�1 =:1I XI11::1513:L 1. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN MAY BE REMOVED WIZEN APPROVED BY THE QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER (QSD) OR THE QUAJRED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP). 2. GRADED AREAS ADJACENT TO FILL SLOPES LOCATED AT THE SITE PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE TOP OF SLOPE AT THE COMPLETION OF EACH WORKING DAY OR EROSION CONTROL BMP'S MUST BE IN PLACE (ECT-EC13) 3. THE USE OF A GRAVEL BLANKET AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WITH PUBUC ROADS IS REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. (TC -1) 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRICT TRAFFIC AND POST 15 MPH SPEED LIMITS ON THE SITE TO REDUCE DUST. (WE -1) 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WATER THE SITE AS NEEDED TO EUMINATE DUST. (MINIMUM OF 650 GALLONS/AG AND ONCE DAILY, WI S. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PARKED, WHEN NOT IN USE AND FOR MAINTENANCE, IN DESIGNATED AREA (NS -8,10) . 7. SILT FENCING, STRAW BALES AND SANDBAGS WILL BE INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE QSD/QSP, AS NEEDED. (SE-1,SE-5,SE-6,SE-8,SE-9) & EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE QSD/QSP, ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHOW SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY OR ON WEEKENDS WHEN THE 48-HOUR RAIN PROBABIIJTY FORECAST EXCEEDS 50X 9. ALL LOOSE SOIL AND DEBRIS, WHICH MAY CREATE A POTENTIAL HAZARD TO OFFSITE PROPERTY, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AS DIRECTED BY THE QSP. 10. THE PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL DEVICES TO REDUCE EROSION DAMAGE WASHOUT WITHIN THE SITE IS AT THE DISCREIION OF THE QSP. 11. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WILL BE MODIFIED AS NEEDED AS THE 10 MIL PROJECT PROGRESSES AND PLANS OF THESE CHANGES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL AS REWIRED. 12. ALL SILT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL DEVICES WITHIN 24 LINING HOURS AFTER EACH RAINSTORM. 13. THIS PLAN HAS BEEN CREATED AS A BEGINNING CONCEPT ONLY. IF NOT TO BMP'S SHOWN ARE DEEMED INEFFECTIVE OR UNNECESSARY, QSP IS TO REMOVE OR SELECT ALTERNATIVE BMP'S FROM CASQA'S HANDBOOK AND REDUNE THIS PLAN AS NEEDED. 14. WILE NOT ALL THE LISTED BMP'S ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE SPECIFIC 1. CONCRETE TEXT OF THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN, MANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE STILL BY 10' NECESSARY TO ADDRESS SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES THE CONTRACTOR PLANS TO IMPLEMENT. THESE ITEMS SUCH AS REFUELING 2. CONCRETE STATIONS, BATCH PLANTS, WASTE FACILITIES AND THE LIKE ARE NOT INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY SITED ON THE PLAN BUT STILL ARE REWIRED TO BE THE ADDRESSED BY THE CONTRACTOR BASED ON THE CONTRACTORS PLANNED WASHOUT. LOCATIONS 3. TO BE CONSTRUCTED BELOW GRADE. 15. ALL BMP'S MAY NOT BE LISTED ON THIS EROSION CONTROL PLAN. THE 10 MIL CONTRACTOR IS REFERRED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SWPPP DOCUMENT FOR USED THIS SITE, AS IT MAY INCLUDE ADDITIONAL NECESSARY BMP'S. APPROVAL. DUET CONTROL NOTE& CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT REQUIRES THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTROL MEASURES RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN JOAWIN VALLEY AIR a POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT THAT CAN REDUCE FUGITIVE DUST � EMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT: A. ALL DISTURBED AREAS, INCLUDING STORAGE PILES, WHICH ARE NOT BEING ACTIVELY UTIUZED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES, SHALL BE a EFFECTIVELY STABILIZED OF DUST EMISSIONS USING WATER, COVERED M a0 WITH A TARP OR OTHER SUITABLE COVER, OR VEGETATIVE GROUND COVED. B. ALL ONSITE UNPAVED ROADS AND OFFSITE UNPAVED ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY STABILIZED OF DUST EMISSIONS USING WATER. C. ALL LAND CLEARING, GRUBBING, SCRAPING, EXCAVATION, LAND LEVELING, GRADING, WT & FILL, AND DEMOTION ACTIVITIES SHALL W BE EFFECTIVELY CONTROLLED OF FUGITIVE DUST EMISSIONS UTIUZING APPLICATION OF WATER OR BY PRESOAKING. D. WHEN MATERIALS ARE TRANSPORTED OFFSTE, ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE COVERED, OR EFFECTIVELY WETTED TO UNIT VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS, AND AT LEAST SIX INCHES OF FREEBOARD SPACE FROM TOP OF THE CONTAINER SHALL BE MAINTAINED. E ALL OPERATIONS SHALL LIMIT OR EXPEDITIOUSLY REMOVE THE ACCUMULATION OF MUD OR TRAC OUT FROM ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. (USING A PMIO-EFFICIENT METHOD, SE -7). F. FOLLOWING THE ADDITION OF MATERIALS TO, OR THE REMOVAL OF MATERIALS FROM, THE SURFACE OF OUTDOOR STORAGE PILES, SAID PILES SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY STABILIZED OF FUGITIVE DUST EMISSIONS U71UZING SUFFICIENT WATER AND COVERING. G. ASPHALT -CONCRETE PAVING SHALL COMPLY WITH BMP THAT PREVENT INFILTRATION OF PAVING MATERIALS AND RUNOFF INTO STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS (NS -3). H. CEASE GRADING ACTIVITIES DURING PERIODS OF HIGH WINDS (GREATER THAN 20 MPH OVER A ONE-HOUR PERIOD). 1. LIMIT CONSTRUCTION RELATED VEHICLE SPEEDS TO 15 MPH ON ALL UNPAVED AREAS AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE J. ALL DUST CONTROL MEASURES ARE NOT NECESSARILY LISTED HERE ON THIS PLAN, THE CONTRACTOR IS REFERRED TO THE DUST CONTROL PLAN FOR THIS PROJECT AND/OR SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULES TO CHECK COMPUANCE. e MTUFtBED AREA: AREA DISTURBED — 27.07 ACRES OWNER: CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. L 10000 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 (NI CONTACT PERSON - SCOTT THAYER TEL.: (661) 664-6500 QSD/QSP: BLAINE S. NEPTUNE, PE, QSD/P QSD CERT.: 20178 MCINTOSH & ASSOCIATES 2001 WHEELAN COURT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 TEL.: (661) 834-4814 ENGINEER: MCINTOSH AND ASSOCIATES 2001 WHEELAN COURT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 TEL.: (661) 834-4814 e CONTACT PERSON: BLAINE S. NEPTUNE GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SCALE: 1" = 100' 100' 50' O' 100' 200' EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR VESTING TENT. TRACT 7354 PHASE 1 AND 2 EASTING AGRJCULrURE LAN ----T--1---F--1---F- 15 16 j 17 18 1 i 20 19 UNIT31 O (NO A IAF3TY 26 25 1 24 1 23 22 21 16 10j i 9 � \ / 6 i INIT5/�7j ?T. A PAF:&) 6 / �17 108 1 � 2 WDID NUMBER: 5F15C377505 2 1� 1 Or'35 /V//3 %� 36 �038 00 O ji T, � 1 / /2 I ,3 �/ 0/5 /6T,�7/.� 31/ i / /% A /j / 3 27 26 25 /, 24 23 22 21 / - O 20/ 30' 29 28 '27 91111111' . 02 i 17, f.' TRACT 7299 UNIT 6 i a u i I I i II i I I�i II, I�I II tiYCCI"i �I 'II �f TRACT 7300 ;cel UNIT 1 i ti i I I I I Y I I, u I(Illi O 19 /1/ zo I i 1 v i,TRACT 7300 22 / 13 MIN 12" MIN FIBER ROLLS 8" MIN X3/4" x 3/4" WOOD STAKES (MAX 4' SPACING) SECTION A -A DETAL C STOCICPILE WITH FIBER ROLLS NOT TO SCALE 'CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE CASQA DETAIL NM -3 & SE -5 u 16 I I' UNIT 3 12 \ 17 �I"-- SIDEWALK O CURB CURB INLET CURB E GUTTER LEGEND GRAVEL BAG DETAIL D CURB INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 'CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE CASOA DETAIL SE -10 p . •1 1 { 1 k' 013111101%wl, Awl' %W1, CAN, Rot W act 1 DETAL A GRAVEL APRON AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE 'CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE CASQA DETAIL TC -1 IN SITE SWPPP & DUST CONTROL PLAN FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS LATH & FLAGGING 10' 0 SIDS MIN SANDBAG SANDBAG u a q> L U 0 A 0 10 MIL PLASTIC `HOLE FOR CONCRETE WASH. SECTION A-1 NOT TO SCALE PLYW001 48'X2 yPyyA�INTED BETTERS HEIGHT 5" LAG SCREWS 3' WOOD POST 3" 3 X3"X 8' CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL OR EQUIVALENT m N CONCRETE WASHOUT 10 MIL PLASTIC LINING PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE NOTES 1. CONCRETE WASH MUST BE 10' BY 10' MINIMUM 2. CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN MUST BE INSTALLED WITHIN 30 FEET OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT. 3. TO BE CONSTRUCTED BELOW GRADE. 4. A ROLL -OFF DUMPSTER WITH 10 MIL (MIN) PLASTIC LINING MAY BE USED UPON QSP APPROVAL. 10 MIL PLASTIC `HOLE FOR CONCRETE WASH. SECTION A-1 NOT TO SCALE PLYW001 48'X2 yPyyA�INTED BETTERS HEIGHT 5" LAG SCREWS 3' WOOD POST 3" 3 X3"X 8' CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL OR EQUIVALENT DETAL B CONCRETE WASHOUT NOT TO SCALE 'CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE CASOA DETAIL WM-8 LEGEND MATERIAL LAY -DOWN AND STOCKPILE AREA & EQUIPMENT PARKING WIN PROTECTIVE OIL PANS UNDER EQUIPMENT. (SEE DETAIL C & WM-3) GRATE INLET (SEE DETAIL D & SE -10) Y 50 LONG GRAVEL PAD AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL A & TC -1) CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WASHOUT (PER DETAIL E & WM-8) ® GRIZZLY/RUMBLE PLATE -�--� SITE BOUNDARY PHASE BOUNDARY m — FIBER ROLLS (SE -5) OR EARTH DIKES (EC -9) o PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE ��350�� FINISHED GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR CONSTRUCTION NOTES: O POST "NO TRESPASSING" SIGN AT PROJECT ENTRANCE(S) O POST "CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC 15 MPH" SIGN AT PROJECT ENTRANCE(S) O MATERIAL LAY—DOWN AND STOCKPILE AREA (NIM -1, YAM -3) O EQUIPMENT PARKING WITH PROTECTIVE CIL PANS UNDER EQUIPMENT. (NS -9, NS -10) O GRAVEL PAD AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MIN. 50' LONG (SEE DETAIL A & TC -1) OINLET PROTECTION WITH GRAVEL BAGS. (SEE DETAIL D & SE -10) O STOCKPILE FOR ALL PHASES [PLACE FIBER ROLLS AT TOE OF SLOPE ALL THE WAY AROUND THE STOCKPILE] (SEE DETAIL C & WM-3) O8 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WASHOUT (PER DETAIL 8 & WM-8) NOTE: MOVE STAGING AREA AND GRAVEL ENTRANCE AS NEEDED TO ACCOMODATE CONSTRUCTION PHASING. ONLY ONE GRAVEL ® APRON IS REQUIRED AT A TIME DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRICT VEHICLE TRAFFIC TO USING DESIGNATED ENTRANCE WITH GRAVEL APRON. Know what's below. I �3 Call before you dig. 1 41 CITY RECORDS NO: m N CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAL B CONCRETE WASHOUT NOT TO SCALE 'CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE CASOA DETAIL WM-8 LEGEND MATERIAL LAY -DOWN AND STOCKPILE AREA & EQUIPMENT PARKING WIN PROTECTIVE OIL PANS UNDER EQUIPMENT. (SEE DETAIL C & WM-3) GRATE INLET (SEE DETAIL D & SE -10) Y 50 LONG GRAVEL PAD AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL A & TC -1) CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WASHOUT (PER DETAIL E & WM-8) ® GRIZZLY/RUMBLE PLATE -�--� SITE BOUNDARY PHASE BOUNDARY m — FIBER ROLLS (SE -5) OR EARTH DIKES (EC -9) o PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE ��350�� FINISHED GROUND CONTOUR EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR CONSTRUCTION NOTES: O POST "NO TRESPASSING" SIGN AT PROJECT ENTRANCE(S) O POST "CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC 15 MPH" SIGN AT PROJECT ENTRANCE(S) O MATERIAL LAY—DOWN AND STOCKPILE AREA (NIM -1, YAM -3) O EQUIPMENT PARKING WITH PROTECTIVE CIL PANS UNDER EQUIPMENT. (NS -9, NS -10) O GRAVEL PAD AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MIN. 50' LONG (SEE DETAIL A & TC -1) OINLET PROTECTION WITH GRAVEL BAGS. (SEE DETAIL D & SE -10) O STOCKPILE FOR ALL PHASES [PLACE FIBER ROLLS AT TOE OF SLOPE ALL THE WAY AROUND THE STOCKPILE] (SEE DETAIL C & WM-3) O8 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WASHOUT (PER DETAIL 8 & WM-8) NOTE: MOVE STAGING AREA AND GRAVEL ENTRANCE AS NEEDED TO ACCOMODATE CONSTRUCTION PHASING. ONLY ONE GRAVEL ® APRON IS REQUIRED AT A TIME DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRICT VEHICLE TRAFFIC TO USING DESIGNATED ENTRANCE WITH GRAVEL APRON. Know what's below. I �3 Call before you dig. 1 41 CITY RECORDS NO: m N Rmm V M M � 1- 7 Q m � o a � Izi II a W U M a0 'a C) (A N W m m �s7 �P e r N a N W e U Z 1-4a =W J O DL F W z 0 ,SEG U ��Z Qi GC W CC$ 4 W W Lf) B1 � w 0