HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.10.2018 WB Minutes Regular Mtg/ L 0 BA K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Smith, Member Sullivan (seated at 2:09 p.m.), Member Weir Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 13, 2018 for approval. Motion by Member Weir to approve the Minutes of June 13, 2018. APPROVED ALL AYES, SULLIVAN ABSENT. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Dennis Fox spoke regarding American Society of Civil Engineers Infrastructure Report Card regarding drinking water infrastructure. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - None 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information John Ryan, Superintendent, presented various graphs of Kern River natural flow, regulated flow, and Isabella reservoir storage. Mr. Ryan stated the current storage as of October 1st is at 71,400 acre feet for the Kern River interest group. Currently, inflow to Isabella is at 185 cubic feet per second and outflow is at 255 cubic feet per second. Current storage as of midnight October 9th is 69,834 acre feet. The April -July runoff for 2018 is 49% of average which yields a volume of 226,648 acre feet. Board information only, no action taken. Bakersfield, California, October 10, 2018 - Page 2 6. REPORTS continued B. Update on Isabella Dam Repairs Cost Sharing. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, gave a brief slide presentation regarding storage rights and construction cost sharing for Army Corps Lake Isabella dam remediation project. The construction completion date is 2022. Mr. Chianello provided the June 2018 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding The Contract for Repayment of Funds Expended for Federally Performed Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project to the Water Board, The MOU is an agreement of intent to share costs and does not change any existing agreements. Staff recommends forwarding the MOU to the full City Council for review and approval. Motion by Member Sullivan to forward the June 2018 Memorandum of Understanding to the full City Council for review and approval. APPROVED ALL AYES. C. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area from August 2017 through August 2018, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, compared water usage levels from August 2017 through August 2018 as compared to the 2013 water use levels. Even though there is no longer a conservation target for the City's Domestic Water Service Area, the City is still recommending that conservation efforts by our residents continue due to historically low groundwater levels, From August 2017 through August 2018 the City's Domestic Water Service Area saved 4,040 acre feet compared to 2013 quantities. The cumulative water savings over this time period is about 81% reduction from 2013 quantities. Also, the population increased from 135,535 in 2013 to approximately 150,000 in the City's domestic water service area. Accounting for population growth, the cumulative savings per capita is approximately 17%. Information only, no action taken. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Update on the TCP Mitigation Project. Sam Blue, Civil Engineer III, gave a brief update, Mr. Blue stated the State Water Board has adopted a new maximum contaminant level (MCL) for the groundwater contaminant 123 - Trichloropropane (TCP). The City has identified and is working towards retrofitting 35 wells in the system that need TCP treatment. Currently 19 of the wells equipped with TCP treatment and are on-line and are providing water to the City's system, Cal Water has provided well -site startup services for the first 27 of the 35 wells. The remaining 8 wells to receive TCP treatment are under construction. As a result, an amendment to that agreement extending the term and compensation ($75,000) is now required for Cal Water to perform startup services for the final group of wells. Bakersfield, California, October 10, 2018 - Page 3 7. NEW BUSINESS continued A. Motion by Weir to forward Amendment 1 to Agreement No. 17-194 with Cal Water for an additional amount of $75, 000, to the full City Council for review and approval. 8. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS - None 9. CLOSED SESSION At the request of City Attorney Gennaro, Closed Session Items A and C have been pulled from the Agenda. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956 9(d)(1). (Three matters) A. North Kern Water Storage District v. City of Bakersfield; Ventura County Superior Court Case No. 56-2011-00408712-CU-CO-VTA B. State Water Resources Control Board Application No. A031673 et. al. C. State Water Resources Control Board Consolidation Order No. 03-12-18R-002(Order), and Consolidation Order No. 03-12-18R-003(Order) Chairman Smith recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:37 p.m. Chairman Smith adjourned Closed Session and reconvened to the regular meeting at 2:47 p.m. 10. CLOSED SESSION ACTION City Attorney Gennaro stated there is no reportable action regarding Closed Session Item B. 11, ADJOURNMENT Chairman Smith adjourned theyneetjng at 2:48 p.m. Bob Smith, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Z ragoza) C 0, Secretary City of Baker3fi'eld Water Board