HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 2002Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Sprague, Tkac, Tragish None Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Dennis Fidler Staff: Marc Gauthier, Jim Eggert, Jennie Eng, Pam Townsend 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meetings of July 29 and August 1, 2002. 4.1b Approval of minutes for Joint City/County Planning Commission meeting of August 12, 2002. 4.1c Approval of Wall and Landscape Master Concept Plan for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6077 - P02-0743 (Coleman Homes) and corner entry treatments generally located on the north and south sides of Olive Drive, west of the Friant- Kern Canal and the east and west sides of Verdugo Lane and the north side of Riena Road. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) 4.1d Approval of General Plan Consistency finding for the sale of property at 515 Truxtun Avenue (City of Bakersfield). (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 2) There were no Commission comments. Items will be voted on Thursday night. 4.2 Public Hearing Items Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 2 None PUBLIC HEARING - Site Plan Review P02-0751 appeal by Bob and John Stevens (Ward 2 Staff Report given recommending the Commission deny the appeal. There were no Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. Commissioner Tkac arrived. Commissioner Sprague requested the Secretary correct some errors in the minutes that are to be approved on Thursday. PUBLIC HEARING -Tentative Parcel Map 10902 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 4) Staff Report given recommending approval with conditions, and request that it be put on the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Blockley asked for a clarification on the location of the property. Commissioner Gay asked if there is something in the document that will guarantee age restricted tenants so that there won't be a problem with the reduced parking? Mr. Grady stated that the financing is based upon building a senior project. Commissioner Sprague asked if the project is paying traffic mitigation fees? Ms. Shaw said that a senior complex is not exempt from traffic mitigation fees. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ASSOCIATED REZONINGS, AND CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENT: 7.la&b) GPA/ZC No. P02-0659 (Maximus III Company & Neighborhood Empowerment & Economic Development) (Ward 3) Staff report given recommending approval of the project. Commissioner Sprague asked how access will be handled from Columbus Street to the property to the north of the project and how secondary access will be attained? Mr. Gauthier said that he will find out for Thursday night. Commissioner Tragish asked if a PUD could apply to the project? Mr. Gauthier said that staff is not suggesting it and the applicant is not asking for it. The lack of public controversy would not lead the Commission to request it. The site plan will go through a site plan review process with staff. Commissioner Blockley asked if a block wall would be required to separate the R-2 from the mobile home park? Mr. Grady said that it depends upon where the parking is located. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 3 7.2a&b) GPA/ZC No. P01-0756 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 7) Staff report given recommending denial of the request. The denial is based on general plan policy requiring % mile separation between commercial projects. Commissioner Sprague noted that the Commission has received a request from the applicant requesting a continuance of the project to October 3, 2002 and asked if staff supported this request. Mr. Gauthier said yes. Commissioner Gay asked if it isn't good planning principals to limit two corners of an intersection to commercial? Mr. Gauthier said yes. Commissioner Tragish asked if the new shopping center on Panama and 99 has anything to do with the recommendation for denial. Mr. Gauthier said no that that is a completely different type of commercial shopping center. Commissioner Sprague asked if there is an alternative to a commercial use as it would be very difficult to develop the property R-1 on less than 9 acres? Mr. Gauthier stated that there are ways that single family could be developed on the site. Commissioner Sprague asked if there aren't other corners in town where commercial is built on all four corners that we have approved in the past? Mr. Gauthier said yes and Mr. Grady said that is what precipitated the policy in the 2010 Plan. The places where you find commercial on all four corners is along Ming Avenue, Oak and Wible - some of the older parts of the city. If you look at the newly developed parts of the city, it is very rare that the Commission has approved loading up four corners, especially where the other corners are undeveloped and there is no plan for what this project would be. Commissioner Sprague asked Mr. Gauthier to provide the total acreage of all four corners for commercial for Thursday night. Mr. Gauthier said yes. Commissioner Sprague stated that he thought the area was too small for R-1 development and didn't see a problem with a commercial project on the corner. Mr. Grady said that the entire block is vacant and zoned R-land the residential subdivision adjacent to it already has streets stubbed out to provide access to that property to develop between Panama Lane and the canal as residential. Commissioner Sprague said that was what he was going to study and thanked Mr. Grady for bringing that up. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.3a.b&c) GPA/ZC & Circulation Element No. P02-0609 (Soper Homes, Inc.) (Ward 4) Staff report given recommending approval. Commissioner Sprague asked if it would be appropriate for staff to support this project being continued for six weeks so that they could see the traffic plan? Mr. Gauthier said staff is having a meeting that afternoon to try to work out the traffic issues. Commissioner Tragish asked if it isn't correct that Appaloosa is located in the county and the city has no control over it? Mr. Gauthier said whatever the answer is for the traffic issue it has to be totally self contained on Mr. Soper's property. Commissioner Tragish asked if there is a proposed street on the property on the west side of the proposed project? Mr. Gauthier said that there is building going on the west side. There will be Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 4 a north south street out to Brimhall between the two developments. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.4a&b) GPA/ZC No. P02-0616 (Gregory W. Davis) (Ward 4) Staff report given recommending approval. Commissioner McGinnis asked if the parcels surrounding this project are in the city or the county? Mr. Gauthier said that the north and west are county. But the property owner to the north is talking to us about annexation. Commissioner Gay asked why the city is not asking for Allen Road to be an arterial with the proposed high school site out there? Ms. Shaw said that the circulation element shows this portion of Allen Road as a collector not an arterial. Commissioner Gay asked if this could be changed and asked staff to reply by Thursday's meeting. Ms. Shaw asked Commissioner Gay if he were asking for a change in the circulation element now because there are a number of tracts that already have approvals along Allen Road with it being a collector and that can't be changed. Commissioner Gay said that answered his question and thank you to Ms. Shaw. Commissioner Sprague asked if there are any applications for industrial or residential on the 20 acre parcels to the north and south? Mr. Gauthier said there are residential - no industrial. Commissioner Sprague asked if this plan will just be a site plan in front of the director and if so would a block wall be required to separate the adjacent properties? Mr. Gauthier said that if they design their parking to be adjacent to the adjoining property, a block wall would be required. Mr. Grady said that a committee is now looking at the ordinance and there may be changes prior to this property being developed. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.5) Text Amendment to RiverLakes Ranch Specific Plan No. P02-0620 (RiverLakes Ranch Master Association) (Ward 4) Staff report given recommending approving the Coffee Road access but denying the request to prohibit access to Northshore and Southshore Drives. Commissioner Sprague said he agrees with staff's recommendation. He feels it would relieve traffic congestion on Southshore and Northshore if the traffic access was left open. Commissioner Tragish asked if Mr. Callagy has presented any type of statistics or information to support closing access to Southshore and Northshore Drives? Mr. Gauthier said they have not. They have entered nothing into the record from which to make a basis of the inadequacy of the Negative Declaration for traffic impacts. Commissioner Gay asked if the access on Coffee will be a left-in worm or a right-out only or are they going to be free flowing intersections? Mr. Gauthier said it would be right-out only with no median breaks. Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 5 Commissioner Ellison asked if there are any traffic studies that support access to Coffee Road? Mr. Gauthier said what they could have for Thursday is existing and proposed ADT on Coffee Road and see what this would add to it and then show it as a level of service. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.6a&b) GPA/ZC No. P02-0626 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 1) Staff report given recommending approval. Commissioner Sprague asked if the Commission didn't just approve an R-1 use east of this across Oswell? Mr. Gauthier said yes, that there is 100 acres of single family dwellings and right on the corner of the interchange is an 18 acre site for neighborhood commercial. Commissioner Sprague asked if this doesn't fit with the Housing Element of the general plan? Mr. Gauthier said yes that we should have that mix of housing types. Commissioner Sprague said his only concern is having industrial so close to residential is that the industrial be properly fenced and buffered. Mr, Gauthier said the HR just to the north is a mini-storage facility which is a good neighbor. The applicant has asked for R-3 and staff is recommending R-2 as the R-3 is not appropriate for HMR. Commissioner Tragish asked what the purpose is for the ¼ mile setback that Kern Sanitation would like? Mr. Gauthier said so that you don't have people living right next door to something that can produce smell. It is not a policy of the Kern County Board of Supervisors. Commissioner Tragish asked if there has been any analysis for any type of odor contamination? Mr. Gauthier said he did not ask the applicant to do that kind of study as there was no evidence in the record that there was an issue. Commissioner Tragish asked if it was possible that someone from Kern Sanitation could be there Thursday night so that the Commission can hear from them? Mr. Gauthier said he will ask but is not sure they would come. Commissioner McGinnis asked if Mr. Mclntosh was requesting a continuance for Thursday night since he won't be here? Mr. Gauthier said it is on consent at the moment but Mr. Mclntosh is not requesting a continuance. Commissioner McGinnis asked if Workman Street is the access to the M-1 parcel and which roads are on the western boundary? Mr. Gauthier said one is Workman and one is the extension of Belle Terrace. There shouldn't be any access allowed through the R-3 to the M-1. Commissioner Sprague asked where the closest park is to this area? Mr. Gauthier said he would have that answer on Thursday. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.7) General Plan Amendment No. P02-0629 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 5) Staff report given recommending approval and stating this project is recommended to be on consent. Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 6 Commissioner Tragish asked if someone should contact Mr. Mclntosh's office to see if he wanted to continue any of these consent matters. Commissioner Tragish said that he has some questions on Thursday night regarding the previous project and Mr. Mclntosh may want to be here for them. Mr. Gauthier said he would find out. Commissioner Sprague asked Commissioner Tragish if he would like this pulled off of consent for Thursday night? Commissioner Tragish said yes. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.8) General Plan Amendment No. P02-0623 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 3) Staff reported that the traffic study was not received in time so this project is being continued until October 3, 2002. Commissioner Sprague asked if it is mandatory that the continuance be allowed and could it be put off until the next cycle? Mr. Gauthier said he did not feel it was necessary but that staff would be recommending denial. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Grady told the Commission the draft EIR for the Panama 99 project was given them today. Ms. Gennaro mentioned to the Commission that if they know of any projects they would like to be removed from the Consent Calendar for Thursday to please let Pam or herself know. 10. ~COMMISSION COMMENTS: None DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING: 11. ADJOURNMEMT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:41 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director Minutes, PC, September 16, 2002 Page 7 October 7, 2002