HomeMy WebLinkAbout3101 cattle dr_lqg_2.27.20HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS L.Q.G INSPECTION REPORT Facility Nome Site Address Date '�7 - 2 Z G Time In Time Out Ownoeopemmr Phone Mise. Tvmeofloopied n Inspection Consofdetinn EPAIDB' :1 - J Routine LI Reoirupneion/Follow-ap tTCombined Routine Inspection J Joint Inspection ❑ Complaint J Focused J Other U-MNSENT TO LNSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): H L. i x I Inspection may involve obmhdng photogaphs, review and copying ofoe ocds, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requhvnenis. _. ....... .. — —.-— Pace of . - Y BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT v wmu,.x...-..a,�...,.,,o Class N/A Violation Prevention Services 1 2101 H Street ifNe Bakersfield, CA 93301 ARiM Phone: 661-326-3979 a Fax: 661-852-2171 Date '�7 - 2 Z G Time In Time Out Ownoeopemmr Phone Mise. Tvmeofloopied n Inspection Consofdetinn EPAIDB' :1 - J Routine LI Reoirupneion/Follow-ap tTCombined Routine Inspection J Joint Inspection ❑ Complaint J Focused J Other U-MNSENT TO LNSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): H L. i x I Inspection may involve obmhdng photogaphs, review and copying ofoe ocds, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requhvnenis. _. ....... .. — —.-— Pace of . - Y ants, N v wmu,.x...-..a,�...,.,,o Class N/A Violation ................................. HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS in tl mdom Lewand maintainedon Biemiel ortsubmomuj eve even em and maintained onsite 6622ADer HamNous waste detecminatlon made for all wastes CAnaysix HGevemmr Knowl dge (6268.11) Conouocy Plan current and contains all Inquired elements and available fm review 66265.52, 66265.53 a), 6265.54 Tmmin Planisonsiteandcom Iwe 1662651 UN.662W Ib(aK3)I Docmmentation oftounion, notaill and new em pt,., within six months. (66265.16(0,66265.16(b)) Maniksts complete 6626223(al l ` Generator CoM submitted to OTSC 166262.21(f)I i ed co Of manifest available wlin 35 da s of wash shi ..t 6622.42 a TSDF 'EL Bills of Lad racer is fm trans .Dun ofuwd oil on a eumofidmed innuftst available HSC 25160 Y MRA available and complete 662683 a 5 d Written Daily Ins .tion Ins for meths 166265,195(c)) y 0.9 di ire noted evet, two yvmS Ming UPCP(HSC 25143.10) Tack tete /commmount assessment is completed in mo five yews, (66265.192(00L 662 65.19 h 1 ll Container Masa a ant Contaivem are at goexi ounditiom closed eace t for Wdial waste and com atibk with ..to (66265.17,66265.172. 66265.173 Containers are ins ted week) 66265.174 Eumov conminen are Prouty labeled and dated. (66261.7(b). 66261.7(Q4 Smetlim mcumuletion containers ere at m nem mt of enemtion end under Nc control of an o emtor. 166215.34 a (1 A) Satellite accumulation meas eootaw.1 one euutomm pa, waste stra® 66262.34 e) 211 CoWemers>26 cellons &holds VQC conminm waste wh500 m is DOT a roved and closed. 66265.1087 .K Endured roc dabie mnterialc stomd m acrordance with local ordhmncedmzmdous materials code H WC 25143.9 e ) Fannin, ietntinquedwith emcc em a ui ment and elarms/commuvicetions Item 66265.32 Task Mance Renumt Tanks em e W vii overflow revemion and aeunada,comaiwrent with detection devices. 66265.194, 66265.192' 3 ) Tarr ere ins ted daily 66265.195) TwI 19000 pl, holds VOC>500 ppm has Food roof 66265.1083(6), 66265.1085 cD AeeumulaHom Time Limits Waste is m:cmnWated not more than 90 d,,S 66262.34 al Satellite wastes acemoWated for less then 1 ear from first dro . 66262.34 c 1 1Bp h- Satellite Waste m aecton lined for net more Nan W days Bon fill data (66262.34(e)(I KB)) Empty couminers managed within one year. (66261.9(0) Used oil fillers one accmnulamd to, less than 1 yam (limited to 180 days if<I too) . (66266.130(.94)) y Saeut Pb -acid based,, we am umuiated for less than 1 year (R.A:180 des if- 1 ton) 66266.81 100 6)) Labetim ekia Containers we pope,ly labeled. 066262.34(a)(2)(3), (16262.34 Satellite wnminers aremarked with initial start date. 66262.34(e)1IHCp Filled Satellite containers are marked with date ftlletl (66262.34(.X3)) Lead acid lamorine labeled and doled vi eu taken out of service. 166266.811.)(6)1 DI) Containers halms Used it filters marked "drained used ,it filters". 66266.130(013)) Tanlm and containers holdin used oil are marked "UsW011' I HSC 25143.91a1, 1627921161) Tarda are mmf o l with Hazmdoua Wwtc are laboled end dated (626234 293)1 Universal Waste Universal Waste is Dooperly labeled and dated and mans ed off site within I ear. 166273.14, 66273.34, 66273 13, 66273.33, 662]3.15) � - Records ofwch shi ant of lmiversW wazre For est 3 ears available 662]3.19, fi62]3.397 Treatment, Trans ort and Dillionil Hes a cmiCauthorizatim to wound waste tream ent. (IINC 25201 a Disosal of waste only to vuthorizcd .inta/arties.,in,authorized trans rttt. SC 25201 a) Emm em a 'went is tested cert) maimaincd in workin urder.162651311 PRINT AND SIGN: POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 d.ysof..6img all oflhe violations, sign and now. a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept, Prevention Services, 2101 H SL Bakersfield CA 93301 Sigeaty 6: (that all violations have been corrected na noted) xer-ear4 WM1iu-erevmaw lerviaa Copy Y<Oox-Buawv Copy