HomeMy WebLinkAbout3321 coffee_lqg_2.20.20BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS L.Q.G INSPECTION REPORT Facility Name = Site Address Ownedoperatne Plane Mise. Tvvc of hismctinn In.neci nn Comol tlarion PPA TO is J Routine J Re-fmpeetlonTORDw-up J Combined Routine Inspection J Joint Inspection J Complaint JFormed ❑Other ❑ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name I Title): --' Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, mew and copying ofrecoun. aad dc0:rminm ma of compBaace with bamrdous waste handling natuhements. _. ...... .. ,.._. 1. . I- ...: . .. ..:--- ..:.:..:.. Paee of Y N Services ll-2101HStreet JANPrevention Biemial Re rt submitted eve evm ear and maintained onsite 66262.40 b0 eBakersfield,CA93301 Contin er Plan cmmnl and contains all aruhed elements and an liable for review 166265.52.66265.53 a 66265.54 TM 7 phone: 661-326-3979 •Fax: 661-852-2171 Manifest complete(6626223(a)(1) Genemmr Co ,submittedw DTSC(66262.21( 1 TSDF s ed co ofmaNfest available w/m 35 da s ofwaste std en[ 66262.42 a Bills of Laidi recei mfor trans ortationofused oil on aconsolidated maaHest available HSC 25160 LDRs available and complete 66268.7 a 5 c ) Date Onsite roc clin isrc oded ev two ars umn IJPCF(FISC 25143.10) Time In Time Out Y N Class HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS NIA Vielati9n Recordkee iu documentation Biemial Re rt submitted eve evm ear and maintained onsite 66262.40 b0 Estimation, waste dchadanded. made for all wastes G Analysis a GTeraCut Knowledge (66262.1 D Contin er Plan cmmnl and contains all aruhed elements and an liable for review 166265.52.66265.53 a 66265.54 TrainingPlan is onsite and complete (66265,16(d), 66265.16(a)(3)) Documentation of Vaivi awuell and new em to ees within six months. (66265.16(c),66265.1 b) Manifest complete(6626223(a)(1) Genemmr Co ,submittedw DTSC(66262.21( 1 TSDF s ed co ofmaNfest available w/m 35 da s ofwaste std en[ 66262.42 a Bills of Laidi recei mfor trans ortationofused oil on aconsolidated maaHest available HSC 25160 LDRs available and complete 66268.7 a 5 c ) Written Dail hu mionto cfor masks 66265.IY5(c Onsite roc clin isrc oded ev two ars umn IJPCF(FISC 25143.10) Took Irate i /conmhvneon asussment isamm feted in st five ears. G6265.192 e . 66265.192 h 1 Cadmium-Mava emcut Containers are in good condition, closed except for addi waste and compatible with waste (66265.1], 66265.1]2 66265.173) Canada. are inspected week 66265.1]4 Evacontainers are em labeled and dated. (66261.76 66261.] Satellite accumulation conn emers are at or near Dion of ameniort and ander the control of Not o ever.,. (66265.34 e t A Satellite accumulation areas commit o one container r waste stream(66262.34(c)(2)) Coaminers>2fi Ions & holds VDT containin waste w/>500 is DOT approved and closed. 66265.1087 Exchrded rec clabl. materials stared in accordance with local ordinumphmerdous materials code (H WC 25143.9(eB Facilityi d with momMeme, e ui ment and alerms/co.icafien s Rem 66265.32 TankManagement Tanks are d with overflow mvention and second conWi nt with detection devices. 66265.194 66265.192' 3)1 mected Tasks are i dal 66265.195 Tavks< 19000 holds VOC>500 m has t,.d mof 66265.1083(b), 66265.1085 c Accuumm floe Time Limits umulated not more than 90 days 66262.341aU stes accumulated for las than) ear fremf t dro.66262.34e11 B ste is aecumulated for not mom Man 90 days from fill date. (b,262.34(e)(1 XB)) ainers managed wi0dn Doe Your. 166'261.7(0) =2b- ers are accumulated for less Man I year (limited to 180 days if q ton) . (66266.130(c)(4)) id batteries are accumulated for less Man 1 ear firma 180 days w< I ton). 66266N I Lelia)) Lebefiu arki Containers arepump,l labeled.(66262.34(a)(2)(3).66262.3") Satellite containers are marked with initial s'tan date. (66262.34(¢ 1 C) Filled Satellite containers arc marked with date filled. 66262.341¢ 3) Leatl and batteries labeled and dated when taken out ofservice. 66266.81 e(6 D) Covmivem hot Used oil flltas marked "drained used ail Biters". 66266.13 c 3 Tmlks and wntainers holdin used oil are marked "Used Oil" (HST 15143.9mL 66279.21(b)) Tanks are waked with Homrdous Waste are labeled and dated 66262.3410 21(3) Universal Waste Universal Waste is import, labeled and dated and managed offsite within I sear, (662]3.14 6627334, 66273.13, 66273.33, 66273.15 Records ofeanh shipment of universal waste for post 3 ears available. (66273.19, 66273.39 TreatmeuL Trans ort add M oral Hasa euniVauthmirstion to conduct waste Vearesent. HSC 25201(a Ois sal ofodap onlyW authorized mints/ artier usingauthorized trans ner. HSC 25201 t Emergency mentis tested and maintained in wmkin order. (66265.33 PRENT AND SIGN: POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct Me violations) noted above by • Within 5 days ofcoueetieng all afthe violations, sign and rerun a copy of" page to: Ba mefield Fire Dept, Prevention Services, 2101 H SL Bakersfield, CA 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected es voted) Dare: Fn t"IRae'o5/ul NeFaa7a Whib-PmmWn senie'ev Caps Yellor Bwueev Copy