HomeMy WebLinkAbout1520 brundage_SQG_3.11.20_2-2HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PFOOMM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility Name: Site Address: Inspection BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services e .—R $ PI p 2101 H Street I/RR Bakersfield, CA 93301 ARTY Phone: 661-326-3979 a Fax: 661-852-2171 Date: Time In: Time Out: Pon.: - EPA 01 111— Combined Routine Inspection 0 Joint inspection D Complains 0 Focused 0 Other- (Name/Tide): review and copying of records, and determiadon of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements s;=mom tram saa C V HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERS Violation # COMh1ENTS Recor e W doeumenwflon Generator has an EPA W number SC 25143.13111 3010002 Haz dous waste determined. made for a0 wasrcs DAnal sis OGeneratm Knowled a CCR 66262.40 3030005 Contin len information oared nem ..no Facility tunnel demormvate amnio awareness CCR 66262.34 d 2 CCR 66262.34 d (2 3010022 3020001 Maoresta/Consoifdatesd Manifest receipts complete CCR 66262.23 e)] 3010008 Blue co (s)of manifest mailetl to DISC JOCR 66262.13(a)(4)j 3010011 Bills oFladin rami rs avvlable CCR Isom' -,)(-)1 010010 IDRs available and comkre CCR 66268.7a 3030006 Onsimme clin m oned um UPCP IMn14JAUN3030001 Cmdalms"Atink ttaasu emevl Conminere are in Doti cmdidon CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030013 Conuiners ere closed ex t when addin reemnin CCR66262. d 2 3030017 Satellite containers m or our int of eredm CCR 66262.34 < 1 A arms,contain, ere moply CCR 66262.34 3030007 Containers ins and weak! CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030019 Tanks ins ed Bail CCR 66262.34 d 2 40CFR 265.201 3030027 Care: er waste stream m Not sten CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030022 6xdude recyclable nomas stored in accordance with locel mdinm .Atamrdms no -sen -Is codes SC 25143.10 3010016 Acementation Time Limits Waste is amumulan d not more dim 90/1 W270 CCR 66262. d 1 3030010 Em t comunera mune al within one you Univmel wrote accumulemd less Than one year JCCR 66262.34(d LuuK 66273.15 a 3030010 3030011 Used di filters offsite widdn 180 (1 em <I tan) CCR 662116.130 c 4 3030004 III batteries offsite within 180 (1 . < 1 in CCR66266.81 a (7 3030002 Lahedng/Marldng Contain. me propmiy labeledI66262.34(f)] 3030007 Excluded rec table materials mmked roI HSC 25143.9(a 3050005 Univerolwastecontainto roml labeled CCR M273.341 3030008 Used oil filt. marked "drained used oil filters" ICCR 66266.1301 3030004 Dem written on Spent lead -acid hattmim CCR 66266.81 0 (6 (B) 3030003 "Used Oil" mmked oa zll used oil tanks4mtmons CCR 66279.21 6 3030067 Tank marked uUb "hes, waste". cmtents, not data 66262.34( 3030007 Treatment Trapani and DV r Have emdVauthonzatiun to do beamnent HSC 25136.2 7040003 Waste sent with authoriond transport Inner. e0ude) ICCR66263.411 3050007 Waste disposed of to authorized inV HSC 23 1 K9.3(.)j 3050002 _ Failed to property handle a Dance wastes HSC 25212 a Fire Proocron 1 3030032 Print and sign In this box for receipt of this report Signature does not imply agreement wllh dedinge only receipt of report. INSPECTOR POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violedonlsl meed above by Signarure(that all violation have bean commad as noted) • Within 5 days of connecting all of the violations, sip and mum a copy of due page to: Bakersfield IN. Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Data M171 M171 (Revartn White - Business Coot Yellow -Statim Copy Pink- Prevention Services COPY