HomeMy WebLinkAboutABRAHAM PREELEC02(1) eetl~nt Canmitl~ Tyle o~' prier la ink. from Jan ~E r~'rnucm:~s ~ ~nsE through 1. TYl~ of Recipient ~: ~.co.men~,~ -c~,~.~e ~m C Stale C~cd~date Eteclio~ ~cm.m,~tee © s'po~,~eu ~ Sm~l) Cocmb~ C~e,e ~ Po~ P~-ty/C~a) C.~mmi~ee 0 0 s~ patncia (Pat) Abraham for City Council 636 Lakeview Bakemfield CAm 93307 (6617 322-7730 Date Of election if af4)flea,bl~,; November 5, 2002 ? OCT - 8 F?i I: (661)832-5153 Tre~su~n:s) Cotati LO:hae Thomas-Crompton 5009 Corrine Street Bakersfield CA. s:~ z~ N^ _ _ Ootob~ 7, 2002 ~tob~ 7, 2002 Octo~r 7, 2002 Csmp~d~ ~ 124798,: 1248189 Cover Pmje -- Part 2 5. Offmehotder or CamJidate Conb*dled Committee Pathcia (Pat Abraham For City Council Related Committees N~t included in th~ StMement:. mt any co~*~w, 6, Ballot Measure Committee SOUGHT O1~ Hl~[ STf:I~C h 7. Primarily Formed CommJttae L,M ~ ~ ~o~r(*) or ~(*) ~r Patncm (P}~j~A~raham City Council Pat:icia ~Pal) Abraham 6OO 9OO 353.00 0 125.00 0 353.0Q ~ January 1,2002 September 30, 2002 0 2875.00 C~umn B 353 O0 __ 0 -125.0) 0 353.00 __ ,0 9R7~ (113 __ 0 $ 28_'75.00 __ 1247982 Cal~nda~ Y~ar ~ry f~f C~t~ Running ~ Both ~ ~ P~ ~ ~M E~s $_30000 Expenditure Limit Summa~ for State 125.00 0 224.00 $ 0 co~re~ndlr~ amourd~ from Co!u~ B oQfa.~ I~s* Colum~ A ~Oy ~ Pa~ Schedul~ A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contribuflon~ I:~meiv~ Eoc~ EOT~ E ~T¥ ESCC SUBTOTALS ~,.m_JanuaW 1, 2002 u.~ B~tember 30, 2_0( SCJ4EDULE A ~co~ E}P~"Y E3scc Schedule B - Part 1 I.~ns Received Schedule B Summary 1. Loa~,s receh~ lhis period ........................................................... [Total Cotum~ :b) plus urd~ernized ~o~ns tess th~ $100.) SUS%"OTA L$ s s $ _~anu~n7 t, ¢002 _ September 30, 20 2, Loans pa~d or forgive~ this period ...................................................................................................... $ 0 (TO~I Cotumn ;c) plus Io~s unde~ $1 ,~0 Pe~ or f0~ven.) (InclLtde loans 3akl by a ~ird par t~j Itat a~ also itemized oa Schedule A.) 3. Netchangethtspefiod, ($~tra~llme2froml.me 1~1 ........................................................... NET $ 0 Enter the net ~-e and onthe Summary Page, Cottm3n A. Uae 2. SCH~3U~E B. p.,~RT 1 12 FPPC Fo~tm 4~0 Schedule E (Contt~ ,Sheet) Payments Made Patticia (Pat) Abrahan January 1, 2002 r,~eptember 30, 20 COt~.S: t! or~ of the fo~ow~g codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter Ihe <:ode. Otherwise, describe the paymenL t 1247982 $ USTOT/~,L ~ FPPC Form Schedule F Accrued Expenees (Unpaid Bills) Patrieia (Pat) Abraham J ftaaTanlmty 1.2OI32 L ~lAl~mbet 30, 2002 CODES: If one 0! the follo~ng cooes accurateh, describes IBe paymanl, you tray enter the coae, Olhetwise, ~escribe the payment FIL r.a~qc~e ~ bes LEG legal cle~e~se Salvador Gar¢ia ~ Greg Scoggms cns .c,K)O.O0 600.00 1247982 900.03 600.00 400.00 300.00 900.00 0 600.00 0 ~amartml~e~'mluleo. SUBTOTAl. SS 1900.00_ ~U~ F ~m~ 1, Total a~m~ ex~s ~J~r~ this pe~, (l~ ~1S~3ule F, ~lunm (b) subtota~ f~ a~ e~ d S 1~ or mm, pus l~ai mr~z~ ~ ex~ns~ u~m S1~ ) ........................................... ~CUFRED TOTALS S ] 9~.00 2. Total ~m~ e~es ~U ~is ~d~ II~u~ a~ ~ F. ~n (c] ~ot~s for o~ymnls ~m~ e~e~ of S1~ or ~e. plus total uni;e~z~ pw~nts ~ ac~d e:penses u~er $100.) .............................. aAID TOTALS $ 3~.00 3. ~t ~ ~is ~. (S~ct Li~ 2 kom L~e 1. E~e~ tim ~ffer~ ~m ~ ~ ~ ~mm~ Page, ~bm A. Lin~ 9 ........................................................................................................................................ NET ~ ~ ] 600.00 Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Patri¢ia (Pat) Abraham OOI)i~: If one of the folk:wing codes accurat~¥ (le$cffi3o~ the payr'~, you may enter ~he code. Othemtise, dG~ribe the paymert. E. Y Taylor cns SAL 1200.00 t 200.00 0 1200.00 Campa~gn Sechedulcrs Ins LIT 75.00 75.00 0 75.00 SUBTOtAl. SS 1275 s 1275 a 0 s 1275