HomeMy WebLinkAboutMikuls Business Plan file!¶im matthew constantine m KERN COUN1Y DIRECTOR ·m Public Health Services L DEPARTMENT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301-2370 VOICE: 661-862-8740 FAX:661-862-8701 WWW.CO.KERN.CA.US/EH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INSPECTION CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTIFICATION Facility Name: M\>ju> "rYLdck. tera wvll Inspection Date:"3- 2.1 - i't Facility ID:e7a Dc=7e> i 62—Cross Reference No.do c>' b"t Consent: By signing this document, you are consenting to an inspection of the above-referenced facility by the Kern County Public Health Services Department, Environmental Health Division, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) for the County of Kern. The State of California has authorized the CUPA to conduct business facility inspections for compliance with the programs listed below. These inspections may include the inspection of all business areas on the property, the review and copying of records, the taking of photographs, and the taking of samples to evaluate compliance with CU PA requirements. The following Health & Safety Code (HSC) sections give the CUPA the authority to inspect: ·Hazardous Waste (Health & Safety Code [HSC § 25185, subd. (a)]); ·California Accidental Release Prevention (HSC § 25534.5); ·Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans [HSC § 25508, subd. (a)]; ·Underground Storage Tanks (HSC § 25289); and ·Aboveground Storage Tanks [HSC § 25270.5, subd. (a)]. ,/ I ,C- /Sjgcr.cjk¥bL( Signature of FaCili . Reprekntative Print Name and Title Date Signed D Declined to sign, verbal consent to inspect given.Q Inspection Refused Acknowledgement of Method to Receive Inspection Report: WE-mailto:avr"\%@ Q+Lne4 O Fax tO: O Mail to: JA m Signature of Inspector Gm30cl hetq µjM zr 3T Print Name and Title 3 - 21 - 1¶ Date Signed DEPARTMENT COPY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Nu'CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY (CUPA) KERN COUNTY m Public Health Services L — DEPARTMENT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301-2370 VOICE: 661-862-8740 FAX: 661-862-8701 WWW.CO.KERN.CA.US/EH MATTHEW CONSTANTINE DIRECTOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN (HMBP) INSPECTION REPORT Facility Name:MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Facility ID: FA00001 82 Site Address:2201 TAFT HWY CERS ID: 10230814 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Phone: (661) 832-5390 Consent Granted By:Martin Salazar Inspection Date: 06/24/2015 Inspection Type:NI Routine R Reinspection Reinspection required:[j Yes NI No Inspection Element:BUS PLAN MED LOW RISK 1 UNIT File/CERS Review Violations V Viol #Summary Code H335 Failure to adequately complete and submit a HMBP into the California HSC 6-95 2550S, 25508(a)(1), 25508(d) Environmental Reporting System (CERS) H344 Failure to complete and submit the Business Activities Page and/or HSC 6.95 25508(a)(1); 19 CCR 4 2729.2(a) (I);Business Owner Operator Identification Page in CERS H342 Failure to complete and submit hazardous material inventory information for HSC 6.95 25505(a)(1). 25506, 25508(a)(1) all reportable hazardous materials on site in CERS H341 Failure to annually review and dectronically certify that the business plan is HSC 6.95 25508(C), 25508.2 complete, accurate, and up-to-date in CERS l-1346 Failure to complete and submit a site map with all required content in CERS HSC 6.95 25505(a)(2), 25508(a)(1) l-1347 Failure to submit an adequate emergency response plan and procedures in HSC 6.95 25505(a)(3), 25508(a)(1) CERS H353 Failure to submit an adequate training program in CERS HSC 6.95 25505(a)(4), 25508(a)(1) H340 Failure to notify property owner in writing that a HMBP is required HSC 6.95 25505.1 H336 Failure to provide property owner a copy of the HMBP upon request HSC 6.95 25505.1 Onsite Inspection Violations V Viol #Summary Code H334 Failure to adequately establish and implement a HMBP HSC 6.95 25507 H343 Failure to revise HMBP in CERS within 30 days upon a substantial change in HSC 6.95 25508.1(f) the handler's operation H345 Failure to update Facility Information and/or Hazardous Materials Inventory in HSC 6.95 25508.1(a)-(e) CERS within 30 days upon a significant change H348 Failure to provide initial and annual safety training to all employees and/or HSC 6-95 25505(a)(4) failure to document and maintain training records for 3 years H338 Failure to report a release or threatened release of a hazardous material to HSC 6.95 25510{a) the CUPA and to California Office of Emergency Services Inspector:GABRIEL RUBIO Printed: 06/26/2015 Inspection Date:06/24/2015 Page 1of2 Facility Name: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Facility ID: FA0000182 CERS ID: 10230814 CONDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS FROM REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Agricultural handlers are conditionally exempt from electronicaUy submitting Emergency Response and Employee Training Plans in CERS if the following requirements are met: ·Owner/Operator annually submits the Facility Information and Hazardous Materials Inventory eIectronically into CERS ·Each Iocation/building, where hazardous materials (Le. pesticides, petroleum products, fertilizers, etc.) are stored, is posted with warning signs that meet the following requirements: o Shall be conspicuous and visible from any direction of probable approach o Shall be of such size that it is readable from 25 feet and shall be labeled as follows: DANGER HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE AREA (the hazardous materials stored within shall be noted by category [i.e. pesticides, petroleum products, fertilizers, etc-]) ALL UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS-KEEP OUT- IN AN EMERGENCY, CONTACT: (list the name and phone number of an emergency contact person(s)) o Shall be repeated in an appropriate language other than English when persons who do not understand the English language may enter the posted location/building ·Owner/Operator provides training for all new employees and annual training, including refresher courses, for all employees in safety procedures in the event of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material, including, but not limited to, familiarity with the emergency plans and procedures Exempt Facility Violations V Viol #Summary Code t-1760 Failure to submit Emergency Response/Contingency Plan in CERS when not HSC 6.95 25507.1, 25508(a)(1); 19 CCR 4 meeting agricultural handler exemption requirements 2733, 2734 l-1758 Failure to submit Employee Training Plan in CERS when not meeting HSC 6.95 25507.1, 25508(a)(1); 19 CCR 4 agricultural handler exemption requirements 2733, 2734 H759 Failure to establish and submit a HMBP in CERS when not meeting remote HSC 6.95 25505, 25506, 25507, 25507.2, unstaffed facility exemption requirements 25508(a)(1) SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSNIOLATIONS ®No violations of hazardous materials business plan Iaws/regulations were discovered. KERN CUPA greatly appreciates your efforts to comply with all the laws and regulations applicable to your facility. [J Violations were observed/discovered as listed below. ALL VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR AS SPECIFIED. CUPA must be informed in writing with a certification that compliance has been achieved. A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $25,000 for each violation. Your facility may be reinspected any time during normal business hours. If a second reinspection becomes necessary due to non compliance, a reinspection charge of $100.00 per hour may be charged to the facility. You may request a meeting with the Program Manager to discuss the inspection findings and/or the proposed corrective actions. The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude the CUPA from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action. INSPECTION COMMENTS: COMMENTS:Go to http://www.co.kern.ca.us/eh/ (Hazardous Materials) for forms and information. rm Q Inspector: GABRIEL RUBIO Inspection Date: 06/24/201 5 Signature of Facility Representative: Printed: 06/26/2015 Page2of2 ~·^ "a .P wKm MA CO=ANTINE, DIRECTOR PUBI.IC HEALTH SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 27O0 M STREET, SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, CA 933O1-2370 VOICE: (661) 862-874O FAX: (661) 862-8701 Web: www.co.kern.ca.us/eh Email: eh@co.kern.ca.us "ONE VOICE" — ':= Lp .1 . W CIAUDIAJONW m PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY (CUPA) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INSPECTION FORM Report Date: O3/O8/2O12 Facility ID: FAOOOO182 File #: QOO182 Facility Name: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Inspection Type Site Address: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ®Routine [j Reinspection [j Complaint Phone: (661)832-5390 PROGRAMS INSPECTED:N Business Plan [j HW Generator N UST [j APSA REINSPECTION REQUIRED:El Business Plan [j HW Generator [j UST [j APSA VIOLATION VIOLATION NUMBER BUSINESS PLAN REQUIREMENTS BP01 Inventory of hazardous materials is accurate, up to date, and complete [HSC 6.95, 25504, Title 19 CCR 2729]. BP02 Site layout/facility maps are accurate [HSC 6.95,25504; Title 19 CCR 2729]. BP03 Hazardous materials are stored in properly labeled and non-deteriorated containers [HSC 25124(b)(3)(A & B)]. BPO4 The hazardous materials inventory shall be submitted annually on or before March 1 [Title 19 CCR 2729.4(b)]. ER01 Contingency Plan is complete, updated, and maintained on site [HSC 6.95, 25504:Title 19 CCR 2731 Title 22 CCR 66265.53-54]. ER02 Facility is operated and maintained to prevent/mitigate fire, explosion, or release of hazardous material or waste which could threaten human health or the environment [Title 22 CCR 66265.31; Title 19 CCR 2731]. ER03 Business has equipment required to, or appropriate for, safe handling of hazardous materials [Title 22 CCR 66265.32 & .34]. TR01 Facility has a training program appropriate for the size and complexity of business and nature of hazardous materials handled [Title 19 CCR 2732; Title 22 CCR 66265.16]. TR02 Training documentation is maintained on site for current personnel [Title 19 CCR 2732; Title 22 CCR 66265.16]. INSPECTOR:LYDIA VON SYDOW INSPECTION DATE: O3/O1/2O12 Page 1 of4 FACILITY NAME:MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS:22O1 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FAOOOO182 FILEID: QOO182 VIOLATION VIOLATION NUMBER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REQUIREMENTS UT01 Facility has a site certificate of financial responsibility for underground storage tanks on file with regulatory agency [HSC 25292.2(a)]. UTO2 Facility has an approved designated operator and that operator is performing the required inspections and training [Title 23, CCR 2715]. UT03 Facility has a written monitoring and response plan for LISTS on site and on file with regulatory agency [Title 23, CCR 2632(d)(1) & 2641(h)]. UT05 Facility completed an annual monitoring system certification for an underground storage tank system and submitted it to the regulatory agency [Title 23, CCR 2630(d) 2641(j)]. UTO6 Cathodic protection systems for underground storage tank systems (where appropriate) certified every three years. Facility provided certification results to regulatory agency [Title 23, CCR 2635(a) 2662(b)]. UTO7 Secondary containment systems for undeground storage tank systems tested every three years. Facility provided results to the agency [Title 23, CCR 2637(a)]. UT08 Underground storage tank systems (with single walled components) within 100O' of a drinking well must be tested with enhanced leak detection methods (ELD) every three years. Facility provided results to regulatory agency [Title 23, CCR 2640(e) & 2644.1]. UT11 Facility's underground storage tank monitoring system is functioning as designed [Title 23, CCR 2632]. UT12 The underground storage system at the facility is monitored according to site's monitoring plan or permit [HSC 25293]. UT13 Monitoring records for the undeground storage tank system are available upon request [Title 23, CCR 2712(b)]. UT14 Overspill and overfill equipment for underground storage tank(s) is present, properly installed, and functioning [Title 23, CCR 2635]. UT16 Change of ownership or monitoring method reported to the permitting agency within 3O days of change [HSC 25284(C); Title 23, CCR 2712]. UT22 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) installed [HSC 25284.1 (a)(5)(c)]. UT23 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) has approved and functional monitoring equipment [Title 23, CCR 2636(f)(1) and (g)]. UT24 Leak detection sensors are properly secured at lowest point in sumps and annular spaces [Title 23, CRR 2641(a)]. UT25 Monitoring system shuts down the pump if a release is detected or the monitor fails or is disconnected [Positive Shut Down (PSD)]. Annual line integrity testing completed if no PSD [Title 23, CCR 2636(f)] . J"UT26 Automatic line leak detectors installed on pressurized piping that detects a 3.0 gph leak [Title 23, CCR 2636(f)(2)]. UT27 Secondary containment and overspill containers are liquid/debris free [Title 23, CCR 2631(d)(4) & 2635(b)(1)]. INSPECTOR:LYDIA VON SYDOW INSPECTION DATE: O3/O1/2O12 Page2of4 VIOLATION VIOLATION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REQUIREMENTS NUMBER (Continued) UT28 No liquid leaks visible [Title 23, CCR 2632]. UT29 Fuel filters managed properly [HSC 25189(a)]. UT30 Documentation of hazardous and designated waste disposal [Title 22, CCR 66262.23]. FACILITY NAME:MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS:22O1 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FAOOOO182 FILE ID: OQO182 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSNIOLATIONS [J No violations of underground storage tank, hazardous materials, or hazardous waste laws/regulations were discovered. KERN CUPA greatly appreciates your efforts to comply with all the laws and regulations applicable to your facility. ®Violations were observed/discovered as listed below. All violations must be corrected by implementing the corrective action listed by each violation. If you disagree with any of the violations or corrective actions required, please inform the CUPA in writing. ALL VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR AS SPECIFIED. CUPA must be informed in writing with a certification that compliance has been achieved. A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,O00 or more than $25,0O0 for each violation. Your facility may be reinspected any time during normal business hours. If a second reinspection becomes necessary due to non compliance, a reinspection charge of $1O0.00 per hour may be charged to the facility. You may request a meeting with the Program Manager to discuss the inspection findings and/or the proposed corrective actions. The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude the CUPA from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action. VIOLATIONS VIOLATION DEGREE OF #VIOLATION UT26 CLASS ll VIOLATION CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED Install automatic line leak detectors that detect a 3.0 gph leak. Line leak detector failed testing. It was replaced and retested by Kern Construction. INSPECTION COMMENTS: COMMENTS:Go to http://www.co.kern.ca.us/eh/cupaprogram.asp for forms and information. INSPECTOR: LYDIA VON SYDOW INSPECTION DATE: O3/O1/2O12 SIGNATURE OF FACILITY REP: Page3of4 FA ID: FAOOOO182 FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL FILE ID: OOQ182 Certification: I certify under penalty of perjury that this facility has complied with the corrective actions listed on this inspection form. Printed Name of Owner/Operator Title Signature of Owner/Operator Date Page4of4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT MATTHEW CONSTANTINE, R.E.H.S., Director 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Voice: (661) 862-8700 ~zzam, Fax: (661) 862-8701 m= TTY Relay: (BOO) 735-2929 Web: www.co.kem.ca.us/eh E-mail: eh@co.kern.ca.us RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, RMA DIRECTOR Animal Control Department Community and Economic Development Department Engineering and Survey Services Department Environmental Health Services Department Planning Department Roads Department January 16, 2009 CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY (CUPA) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INSPECTION FORM Date:01/12/2009 Facility ID: FA0000182 File #: 000182 Facility Name: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Inspection TVpe Site Address: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ®Routine Cl Reinspection [j Complaint Phone: (661)832-5390 PROGRAMS INSPECTED:® Business Plan Cl HW Generator ® UST Ll AGT Ll CalARP REINSPECTION REQUIRED:Cl Business Plan El HW Generator [j UST El AGT El CalARP VIOLATION YES NO/NA VIOL. #BUSINESS PLAN REQUIREMENTS [j ®BP01 Inventory of hazardous materials is accurate, up to date, and complete [HSC 6.95, 25504, Title 19 CCR 2729]. D ®BP02 Site Iayout/facility maps are accurate [HSC 6.95,25504; Title 19 CCR 2729]. Cl ®BP03 C]®ER01 [J ®ER02 [I m ER03 Cl ®TR01 [J ®TR02 Hazardous materials are stored in properly labeled and non-detoriated containers [HSC 25124(b)(3)(A & B)]. Contingency Plan is complete, updated, and maintained on site [HSC 6.95, 25504:Title 19 CCR 2731 Title 22 CCR 66265.53-54]. Facility is operated and maintained to prevent/mitigate fire, explosion, or releases of hazardous material or waste which could threaten human health or the environment [Title 22 CCR 66265.31; Title 19 CCR 2731]. Business has equipment required to, or appropriate for, safely handling hazardous materials [Title 22 CCR 66265.32 & .34]. Facility has a training program appropriate for the size and complexity of business and nature of hazardous materials handled [Title 19 CCR 2732; Title 22 CCR 66265.16]. Training documentation is maintained on site for current personnel. [Title 19 CCR 2732;22 CCR 66265.16]. COMMENTS:Go to http://www.co.kern.ca.us/eh/cupaprogram.asp for forms and information. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 35.2662686433 Lonqtitude: -119.0270748946 INSPECTOR:LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 01/12/2009 Page1of3 FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 VIOLATION YES NO/NA VIOL. # UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Cl ®UT01 Facility has a site certificate of financial responsibility for Underground Storage Tanks on file with regulatory agency [HSC 25292.2(a)] I]NI UT02 Facility has an approved designated operator and that is performing the required inspections and training [CCR 2715]. [I NI UT03 Facility has a written monitoring and response plan for LISTS on site and on file with regulatory agency [CCR 2632(d)(1) & 2641(h)]. n NI UT05 Facility completed an annual monitoring system certification for an underground storage tank system and submitted it to the regulatory agency [CCR 2630(d) 2641(j)]· Cl NI UT06 Cathodic Protection systems for underground storage tank systems (where appropriate) certified every three years. Facility provided certification results to regulatory agency [CCR 2635(a) 2662(b)]. ®[j UT07 Secondary containment systems for undeground storage tank systems tested every three years. Facility provided results to the agency [CCR 2637(a)]. El ®UT08 Underground storage tank systems (with single walled components) within 1000' of a drinking well must be tested with enhanced leak detection methods (ELD) every three years. Facility provided results to regulatory agency [CCR 2635(a) & 2662(a)]. [I NI UT11 Facility's underground storage tank monitoring system is functioning as designed [CCR 2632]. [j ®UT12 The underground storage system at the facility is monitored according to site's monitoring plan or permit [HSC 25293]. [j ®UT13 Monitoring records for the undeground storage tank system are available upon request [CCR 2712(b)]. [I NI UT14 Overspill and overfill equipment for underground storage tank(s) is present, properly installed, and functioning [CCR 2635]. [j ®UT16 Change of ownership or monitoring method reported to the permitting agency within 30 days of change (HSC 25284(C); CCR 2712). [j NI UT22 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) installed. [HSC 25284.1 (a)(5)(c)]. Cl NI UT23 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) has approved and functional monitoring equipment. [CCR 2636(f)(1) and (g)]. n NI UT24 Leak detection sensors are properly secured at lowest point in sumps and annular spaces. [CRR 2641(a)]. n NI UT25 Monitoring system shuts down the pump if a release is detected or the monitor fails or is disconnected (Positive Shut Down (PSD)). Annual line integrity testing completed if no PSD. [CCR 2636(f)] . n NI UT26 Automatic line leak detectors installed on pressurized piping that detects a 3.0 gph leak. [CCR 2636(f)(2)]. El NI UT27 Secondary containment & overspill containers are Iiquid/debris free. [CCR 2631(d)(4) & 2635(b)(1)] Cl m UT28 No liquid leaks visible. [CCR 2632] El m UT29 Fuel filters managed properly. [HSC 25189 (a)] Cl NI UT30 Documentation of hazardous and designated waste disposal. [Title 22 CCR 66262.23] INSPECTOR: LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 01/12/2009 Page2of3 FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSNIOLATIONS D ® No violations of underground storage tank, hazardous materials, or hazardous waste Iaws/regulations were discovered. KERN CUPA greatly appreciates your efforts to comply with all the laws and regulations Violations were observed/discovered as listed below. All violations must be corrected by implementing the corrective action listed by each violation. If you disagree with any of the violations or corrective actions required, please inform the CUPA in writing. ALL VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR AS SPECIFIED. CUPA must be informed in writing with a certification that compliance has been achieved. A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $25,000 for each violation. Your facility may be reinspected any time during normal business hours. If a second reinspection becomes necessary due to non compliance, a reinspection charge of $85.00 per hour may be charged to the facility. You may request a meeting with the Program Manager to discuss the inspection findings and/or the proposed corrective actions. The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude the CUPA from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action. FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 VIOLATIONS VIOL. NO UT07 VIOL. TYPE CLASS ll VIOLATION CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED Test secondary containment system or if recently tested provide written results to regulatory agency. secondary containment testing was due 7/21/2008 INSPECTION COMMENTS: INSPECTOR: LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 01/12/2009 SIGNATURE OF FACILITY REP: Certification: I certify under penalty of perjury that this facility has complied with the corrective actions listed on this inspection form. Signature of Owner/Operator:Title:Date: Page3of3 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT MATTHEW CONSTANTINE, R.E.H.S., Director 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Voice: (661) 862-8700 —mmFax: (661) 862-8701 .m -, TTY Relay: (BOO) 735-2929 'I qe-mail: eh@co.kern.ca.us RESOURCE MANAGEMENTAGENCY DAVID PRICE Ill, RMA DIRECTOR Community and Economic Development Department Engineering & Survey Services Department Environmental Health Services Department Planning Department Roads Department August lO, 2006 CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY (CUPA) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INSPECTION FORM Date:08/10/2006 Facility ID: FA0000182 File #: 000182 Facility Name: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Inspection T'ype Site Address: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 N Routine [j Reinspection [j ComplaintPhone: (661)832-5390 PROGRAMS INSPECTED:® Business Plan [j HW Generator IEI UST [j AGT [j CalARP REINSPECTION REQUIRED:[j Business Plan Cl HW Generator [j UST [j AGT [j CalARP VIOLATION YES NO/NA VIOL. #BUSINESS PLAN REQUIREMENTS n NI BP01 Inventory of hazardous materials is accurate, up to date, and complete [HSC 6.95, 25504, Title 19 CCR 2729]. [J NI BP02 Site Iayout/facility maps are accurate [HSC 6.95,25504; Title 19 CCR 2729]. D NI BP03 lj NI ER01 Cl ®ER02 D NI ER03 CI NI TR01 [J NI TR02 Hazardous materials are stored in properly labeled and non-detoriated containers [HSC 25124(b)(3)(A & B)]. Contingency Plan is complete, updated, and maintained on site [HSC 6.95, 25504:Title 19 CCR 2731 Title 22 CCR 66265.53-54]. Facility is operated and maintained to prevent/mitigate fire, explosion, or releases of hazardous material or waste which could threaten human health or the environment [Title 22 CCR 66265.31; Title 19 CCR 2731]. Business has equipment required to, or appropriate for, safely handling hazardous materials [Title 22 CCR 66265.32 & .34]. Facility has a training program appropriate for the size and complexity of business and nature of hazardous materials handled [Title 19 CCR 2732; Title 22 CCR 66265.16]. Training documentation is maintained on site for current personnel. [Title 19 CCR 2732;22 CCR 66265.16]. COMMENTS: Go to http://www.co.kern.ca.us/eh/cupaprogram.asp for forms and information. GPS Coordinates: Latitude:Longtitude: INSPECTOR:LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 08/10/2006 Page1of3 FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 VIOLATION YES NO/NA VIOL. #UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS [j ®UT01 Facility has a site certificate of financial responsibility for Underground Storage Tanks on file with regulatory agency [HSC 25292.2(a)] [j M UT02 Facility has an approved designated operator and that is performing the required inspections and training [CCR 2715]. [j ®UT03 Facility has a written monitoring and response plan for LISTS on site and on file with regulatory agency [CCR 2632(d)(1) & 2641(h)]. ®[I UT05 Facility completed an annual monitoring system certification for an underground storage tank system and submitted it to the regulatory agency [CCR 2630(d) 2641(j)]· [j M UT06 Cathodic Protection systems for underground storage tank systems (where appropriate) certified every three years. Facility provided certification results to regulatory agency [CCR 2635(a) 2662(b)]. [j ®UT07 Secondary containment systems for undeground storage tank systems tested every three years. Facility provided results to the agency [CCR 2637(a)]. Cl NI UT08 Underground storage tank systems (with single walled components) within 1000' of a drinking well must be tested with enhanced leak detection methods (ELD) every three years. Facility provided results to regulatory agency [CCR 2635(a) & 2662(a)]. El ®UT11 Facility's underground storage tank monitoring system is functioning as designed [CCR 2632]. [j ®UT12 The underground storage system at the facility is monitored according to site's monitoring plan or permit [HSC 25293]. [j [El UT13 Monitoring records for the undeground storage tank system are available upon request [CCR 2712(b)]. ®Cl UT14 Overspill and overfill equipment for underground storage tank(s) is present, properly installed, and functioning [CCR 2635]. [j NI UT16 Change of ownership or monitoring method reported to the permitting agency within 30 days of change (HSC 25284(C); CCR 2712). [j M UT22 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) installed. [HSC 25284.1 (a)(5)(c)]. Cl N UT23 Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) has approved and functional monitoring equipment. [CCR 2636(f)(1) and (g)]. [j [El UT24 Leak detection sensors are properly secured at lowest point in sumps and annular spaces. [CRR 2641(a)]. [j [Fl UT25 Monitoring system shuts down the pump if a release is detected or the monitor fails or is disconnected (Positive Shut Down (PSD)). Annual line integrity testing completed if no PSD. [CCR 2636(f)] · [j ®UT26 Automatic line leak detectors installed on pressurized piping that detects a 3.0 gph leak. [CCR 2636(0(2)1. [j ®UT27 Secondary containment & overspill containers are liquid/debris free. [CCR 2631(d)(4) & 2635(b)(1)] Cl NI UT28 No liquid leaks visible. [CCR 2632] [j M UT29 Fuel filters managed properly. [HSC 25189 (a)] Cl N UT30 Documentation of hazardous and designated waste disposal. [Title 22 CCR 66262.23] INSPECTOR: LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 08/10/2006 Page2of3 FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSNIOLATIONS Cl ® No violations of underground storage tank, hazardous materials, or hazardous waste Iaws/regulations were discovered. KERN CUPA greatly appreciates your efforts to comply with all the laws and regulations Violations were observed/discovered as listed below. All violations must be corrected by implementing the corrective action listed by each violation. If you disagree with any of the violations or corrective actions required, please inform the CUPA in writing. ALL VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR AS SPECIFIED. CUPA must be informed in writing with a certification that compliance has been achieved. A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $25,000 for each violation. Your facility may be reinspected any time during normal business hours. If a second reinspection becomes necessary due to non compliance, a reinspection charge of $85.00 per hour may be charged to the facility. You may request a meeting with the Program Manager to discuss the inspection findings and/or the proposed corrective actions. The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude the CUPA from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action. FACILITY NAME: MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL ADDRESS: 2201 TAFT HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 FA ID: FA0000182 FILE ID: 000182 VIOLATIONS VIOL. NO UT05 VIOL. TYPE MINOR UT14 MINOR CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED Complete annual monitoring system certification and provide written results to regulatory agency. Complete the annual monitoring certification Either install or repair missing or improperly functioning spilVoverfill equipment. INSPECTION COMMENTS: Designated operator inspections need to be completed monthly. INSPECTOR: LAUREL D FUNK DATE: 08/10/2006 SIGNATURE OF FACILITY REP: Certification: I certify under penalty of perjury that this facility has complied with the corrective actions listed on this inspection form. Signature of Owner/Operator:Title:Date: Page3of3 ¶ui KERN COUNTYPublicHealth ServicesLDEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY (CUPA) MATTHEW CONSTANTINE DIRECTOR 2700 M STREET,SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA 93301-2370 VOICE:661-862-8740 FAX:661-862-8701 KERNPUBLICHEALTH.COM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN (HMBP)INSPECTION REPORT Facility Name:MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Facility ID:FA0000182 Site Address:2201 TAFT HWY CERS ID:10230814 BAKERSFIELD,CA 93313 Phone:(661)832-5390 Consent Granted By:Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Inspection Type:®Routine D Reinspection Reinspection required:[j Yes ®No Inspection Element:BUS PLAN MED LOW RISK 1 UNIT File/CERS Review Violations V Viol #Summary Code j H335 Failure to adequately submit a complete HMBP intothe California HSC 6.95 25505,25508(a)(1) Environmental Reporting System (CERS) J H344 Failure to complete and submit the Business Activities page and/or HSC 6.95 25508(a)(1);19 CCR 4 2729.2(a) Business Owner/Operator Identification page in CERS (I); j H342 Failure to complete and submit Hazardous Materials Inventory information for HSC 6.95 25505(a)(1),25506,25508(a)(1) all hazardous materials at or above reportaue quantities in CERS J H341 Failure to annually review and electronically certify thatthe HMBP is HSC 6.95 25508(C),25508.2 complete and accurate on or before the annual due date J H346 Failure to complete and submit Site Map with all required content in CERS HSC 6.95 25505(a)(2),25508(a)(1) J H347 Failure to submit an adequate Emergency Response/Contingency plan in HSC 6.95 25505(a)(3),25508(a)(1) CERS J H353 Failure to submit an adequate Employee Training Plan in CERS HSC 6.95 25505(a)(4),25508(a)(1) H340 Failure to notify property owner in writing that a HMBP is required HSC 6.95 25505.1 H336 Failure to provide property owner a copy ofthe HMBP upon request HSC 6.95 25505.1 Onsite Inspection Violations V Viol #Summary Code J H334 Failure to adequately establish and implementa HMBP HSC 6.95 25507 J H345 Failure to revise HMBP in CERS within 30 days upon a change of information,HSC 6.95 25508.1(a)-(f) inventory,address,ownership,or operation. H348 Failure to provide initial and annual safety training to all employees and/or HSC 6.95 25505(a)(4) failure to document and maintain training records for 3 years H338 Failure to report a release or threatened release of a hazardous material to HSC 6.95 25510(a) the CUPA and to California Office of Emergency Services H761 Failure to have the HMBP readily available to personnel of the HSC 6.95 25505(C) business/facility Inspector:LYDIA VON SYDOW Printed:06/14/2017 Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Page 1 of 4 Facility Name:MIKULS TRUCK TERMINAL Facility ID:FA0000182 CERS ID:10230814 CONDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS FROM REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Agricultural handlers are conditionally exempt from electronically submitting Emergency Response and Employee Training Plans in CERS ifthe following requirements are met: ·Owner/Operator annually submits the Facility Information and Hazardous Materials Inventory electronically into CERS ·Each Iocation/building,where hazardous materials (Le.pesticides,petroleum products,fertilizers,etc.)are stored,is posted with warning signs that meet the following requirements: o Shall be conspicuous and visible from any direction of probable approach o Shall be ofsuch size that it is readable from 25 feet and shall be labeled as follows: DANGER HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE AREA (the hazardous materials stored within shall be noted by category [Le.pesticides,petroleum products,fertilizers,etc.]) ALL UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS-KEEP OUT -IN AN EMERGENCY,CONTACT: (list the name and phone number of an emergency contact person(s)) o Shall be repeated in an appropriate language other than English when persons who do not understand the English language may enter the posted Iocation/building ·Owner/Operator provides training for all new employees and annual training,including refresher courses,for all employees in safety Exempt Facility Violations V Viol #Summary Code H760 Failure to submit Emergency Response/Contingency Plan in CERS when not HSC 6.95 25507.1,25508(a)(1);19 CCR 4 meeting agricultural handler exemption requirements 2733,2734 H758 Failure to submit Employee Training Plan in CERS when not meeting HSC 6.95 25507.1,25508(a)(1);19 CCR 4 agricultural handler exemption requirements 2733,2734 H759 Failure to establish and submit a HMBP in CERS when not meeting remote HSC 6.95 2550S,25506,25507,25507.2, unstaffed facility exemption requirements 25508(a)(1) SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSNIOLATIONS [J No violations of hazardous materials business plan laws/regulations were discovered.KERN CUPA greatly appreciates your efforts to comply with all the laws and regulations applicable to your facility. ®Violations were observed/discovered as listed below.ALL VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR AS SPECIFIED.CUPA must be informed in writing with a certification that compliance has been achieved.A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $25,000 for each violation.Your facility may be reinspected any time during normal business hours.If a second reinspection becomes necessary due to non compliance,a reinspection charge of $115.00 per hour may be charged to the facility. You may request a meeting with the Program Manager to discuss the inspection findings and/or the proposed corrective actions.The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude the CUPA from taking administrative,civil,or criminal action. Violation Number H334 VIOLATIONS Violation Text Violation Degree Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Failure to adequately establish and implement a Hazardous Materials CUPA MINOR Business Plan (HMBP)when storing/handling a hazardous material at or VIOLATION above reportable quantities.HSC 6.95 25507 Bakersfield 119 LLC has not established and implemented a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)forthe storage and handling of the diesel and UST at 2201 Taft Hwy,Bakersfield,CA. Comply by 07/14/2017 Inspector:LYDIA VON SYDOW Printed:06/14/2017 Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Page 2 of 4 Facility Name:MIKULS TRUCK terminal l-1335 Failure to electronically submit a complete Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)when storing and/or handling hazardous materials or a mixture containing a hazardous material at or above reportable quantities: (l)equal to or greater than 500 pounds for a solid,55 gallons for a liquid, or 200 cubic feet for a compressed gas,or (2)equal to or greater than the applicable federal threshold planning quantity (TPQ)for an extremely hazardous substance (EHS)listed in Appendix A,Part 355,Title 40,of the Code of Federal Regulations. (3)radioactive materials that are handled in quantities for which an emergency plan is required to be adopted pursuant to Part 30 (commencing with Section 30.1),Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1),or Part 70 (commencing with Section 70.1),of Chapter 10 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (54 Federal Register 14051),or pursuant to any regulations adopted by the state in accordance with those regulations.HSC 6.95 25505,25508(a)(1) Facility ID:FA0000182 CERS ID:10230814 CUPA MINOR 07/14/2017 VIOLATION Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LLC purchased the property and underground storage tank (LIST)system on February 26,2016 and is currently operating the LISTsystem. H341 Failure to annually review and electronically certify that the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)is complete and accurate on or before the annual due date.HSC 6.95 25508(a)(1),25508.2 CUPA MINOR VIOLATION 07/14/2017 Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LLC has not submitted a 2016/2017 annual review of the hazardous materia/s/business plan and underground storage tank information in the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). H342 Failure to complete and electronically submit Hazardous Materials Inventory information for all hazardous materials on site at or above reportable quantities.HSC 6.95 25506,25505(a)(1),25508(a)(1) CUPA MINOR VIOLATION 07/14/2017 Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LLC has not submitted the hazardous materials inventory information to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). H344 Failure to complete and electronically submit the Business Activities page and/or Business Owner/Operator Identification page.HSC 6.95 25508(a)(1),19 CCR 4 2729.2(a)(1) CUPA MINOR VIOLATION 07/14/2017 Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LL-C has not submitted the Business Activities and Owner/Operator Pages information to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). H345 Failure to electronically update the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)within 30 days of any one of the following events: (a)A 100 percent or more increase in the quantity of a previously disclosed material (b)Any handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material at or above reportable quantities. (C)Change of business address. (d)Change of business ownership. (e)Change of business name. (f)A substantial change in the handler's operations that requires modification to any portion of the HMBP.HSC 6.95 25508.1(a)-(f) CUPA MINOR VIOLATION 07/14/2017 Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LLC did not submit the hazardous materia/s/business plan and underground storage tank change ofownership information to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)within 30 days ofthe purchase. Inspector:LYDIA VON SYDOW Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Printed:06/14/2017 Page 3 of4 Facility Name:MIKULS TRUCK terminal H346 Failure to complete and electronically submit a Site Map with all required content (ie.north orientation,loading areas,internal roads,adjacent streets,storm and sewer drains,access and exit points,emergency shutoffs,evacuation staging areas,hazardous material handling and storage areas,and emergency response equipment).HSC 6.95 25505(a) (2),25508(a)(1) Facility ID:FA0000182 CERS ID:10230814 CUPA MINOR 07/14/2017 VIOLATION Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LL-C has not submitted a Site Map with all required content to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). H347 Failure to establish and electronically submit an adequate Emergency Response/Contingency Plan and procedures for use in the event of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material,including,but not limited to,all of the following: (A)Immediate notification contacts to the apprgpriate local emergency response personnel and to the unified program agency. (B)Procedures for the mitigation of a release or threatened release to minimize any potential harm or damage to persons,property,or the environment. (C)Evacuation plans and procedures,including immediate notice,for the business site.HSC 6.95 25505(a)(3),25508(a)(1) CUPA MINOR VIOLATION 07/14/2017 Violatbn Details & Corrective Action Required: Bakersfield 119 LL-C has not submitted the an Emergency Response/Contingency Plan to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). H353 Failure to establish and electronically submit an Employee Training Plan CUPA MINOR which includes safety procedures in the event of a release or threatened VIOLATION release of a hazardous material.HSC 6.95 25505(a)(4),25508(a)(1) Bakersfield 119 LL-C has not submitted an Emp/yee Training Plan to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). 07/14/2017 Violation Details & Corrective Action Required: INSPECTION COMMENTS: COMMENTS:Go to http://www.kernpublichealth.com/hazardous-materials for forms and information. ,='"~—~<:~— Inspector:LYDIA VON SYDOW Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Signature of Facility Representative: Certification:I certify under penalty of perjury that this facility has complied with the corrective actions listed on this inspection form. Printed Name of Owner/Operator Title Signature of Owner/Operator Date Inspector:LYDIA VON SYDOW Inspection Date:06/14/2017 Printed:06/14/2017 Page 4 of4